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module 5 ( 三年级起点 ) 外研版四年级英语下册单元全套课件 外研版 · 英语 · 四年级 下册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 5 Unit 2 They were young. then now It was ugly . It was short . It was yellow. It is beautiful. It is tall . It is white. 看图说 一说 。 第一课时 Then Now They were eggs. They are chicks. Then Now They were babies. They are boys . Then Now I was 2. I was short. I was fat. My hair was short . I am 26. I am tall. I am thin. My hair is long . Look and say. 蝴蝶小时候和长大后的样子 发生了什么变化呢? Look and guess. 图 中对应的是蝴蝶的哪个阶段? 猜一猜他们会说什么。 Listen, point and say. Oh, it’s very beautiful. But it wasn’t beautiful then. Try to answer. ( ) 1. Is the butterfly beautiful? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. ( ) 2. Was the butterfly beautiful then? A. Yes, it was. B. No, it wasn’t. ( ) 3. Is it easy( 容易的 ) to be beautiful? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. A B B Oh, it’s very beautiful. But it ______ beautiful then. Look and fill. wasn’t wasn’t= was not 它那时漂亮。 It was beautiful then . 它那时 不 漂亮。 It was n’t beautiful then . 他昨天在家。 He was at home yesterday . 他昨天 不 在家。 He was n’t at home yesterday . Listen and say. They are old. They weren’t old then. They were young. She is tall. She wasn’t tall then. She was short. It is clean. It wasn’t clean then. It was dirty. Listen and answer. 1. Are they young now? _______________________ 2. Is she tall? _______________________ 3. Was she tall then? _______________________ 4. Is it clean? _______________________ 5. Was it clean then? _______________________ No, they aren’t. Yes, she is. No, she wasn’t. Yes, it is. No, it wasn’t. 1 2 3 4 A B C D It wasn’t tall . It wasn’t new . They weren’t young. They weren’t fat. They were old . It was short . They were thin . It was old . Look and match. clean: 干净的 The room is clean. dirty: 脏的 Your room is dirty. weren’t= were not 他们那时老。 They were old then . 他们那时 不 老。 They were n’t old then . 他们那时是老师。 They were teachers then . 他们那时 不 是老师。 They were n’t teachers then . Practise. 四人一 组,自由编对话。 Tips: This is… They are…now. They weren’t…then. They were… She is…now. She wasn’t…then. She was… It is…now. It wasn’t…then. It was… Read and circle. Then Now Then Then Then Now Now Now They were / weren’t old then. They are / aren’t young now. It was/ wasn’t thin then. It is/ isn’t fat now. He was / wasn’t short then. He is / isn’t tall now. It was / wasn’t clean then. It is / isn’t dirty now. Try to do. 句型转换 。 1. I was young then. ( 变为否定句 ) I _____ young then. 2. They were old then. ( 变为否定句 ) They ______ old then. 3. Is she short now? ( 用 then 来改写句子 ) _____ she short then? 4. Were Daming and Tim fat then? ( 做否定回答 ) _________________ wasn’t weren’t Was No, they weren’t. 选一选。 Try to do. ( ) 1. It is very ______. A. beautiful B. ugly ( ) 2. It _____ clean then. A. wasn’t B. was ( ) 3. They were ____. A. young B. old ( ) 4. The girl ____ tall then. A. was B. wasn’t ( ) 5. The classroom is ____. A. clean B. dirty A A A B A 重点单词 : clean, dirty 重点 句型 : It wasn’t beautiful then. They weren’t old then. Summing up. 1. 熟记本节课所学 的单词、短语和 句型 , 必须会听、说、读、写。 2. 用一般过去时的肯定、否定各造两个句子。 Homework 第 二 课时 一条龙的顺序描述同桌现在与过去的变化。 E. g. He/ She was _____. Now he/she is _____. His/ Her _____ was _____. Now his/ her _____ is _____. Listen and say. Then chant. A little chick. It was very young. It was very cute. Cheep, cheep, cheep. A little chick. A big red hen. It is very old. It is very fat. Cluck, cluck, cluck. A big red hen. Listen again and choose. ( ) 1. A little chick was _____. A. young B. old ( ) 2. A little chick was very _____. A. big B. cute ( ) 3. A big red hen is very _____. A. old B. young ( ) 4. A big red hen is very _____. A. fat B. thin A B A A Look and describe. 观察图片,描述图片。 The chick was…then. The hen is … now. Guess and say. She was short. Now she’s tall. Her hair was long. Now her hair is short… Is she Tingting ? No, she isn’t. Is she Fangfang? Yes, she is. Do and say. Talk about yourself. I was five. I was in Beijing. My hair was long then. My hair is short now. Try to do. 选一选。 A. was B. wasn’t C. were D. weren’t ( ) 1. –You _____ naughty then. Now you are naughty. –Yes, I have changed a lot. ( ) 2. Now I am a teacher. But I _____ a teacher five years ago. I was a doctor. ( ) 3. –Who are the shy girls? –Oh, this one is Lucy. That one is Lily. They ______ naughty then. ( ) 4. –Which one is you in this picture? –That boy. I _____ short and shy then. C A D B Try to do. She is a girl in our class. She was short then. Now she is tall. Her hair was long then, but now her hair is s hort. Is she Tingting? No, she isn’t. Is she Fangfang? Yes, she is. 1. Is the girl in our class? ___________ 2. Is she tall now? _____________ 3. Was her hair long then? ______________ 4. Is her hair long now? ____________ 5. Who is she? ______________________ 阅读短文,回答问题。 Yes, she is. Yes, she is. Yes, it was. No, it isn’t. She is Fangfang. 一般 过去时的否定 Summary 主语 + wasn’t + 其他。 He wasn’t tall then. 例 句 主语 + weren’t + 其他。 They weren’t old then. 例 句 找出一张过去的全家福,用 wasn’t/ weren’t 描述一下家人过去的样子 。 再用 am/is/are 描述一下家人现在的样子。 Homework 外研版 · 英语 · 四年级 下册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 5 Unit 1 I was two then. 第一课时 https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzEyNjk5MjYw.html Let’s chant. Tall, tall. I am tall. Short, short. You are short. Fat, fat. He is fat. Thin, thin. She is thin. Naughty, naughty. It is naughty . Old, old. They are old. Young, young. We are young. This is me. then now one year old ten years old I was one year old then . I am ten years old now . This is Zhao Liying. then now Her hair was short then . Her hair is long now . This is Yaoming. then now He was short then . He is tall now . He was fat then . He is thin now . now then am/is was I am … now . I was … then . She is … now . She was … then . H e is … now . He was … then . grandma grandpa grandparents These are my grandparents. then now They were young then . They are old now . now then are were They are … now . They were … then . Listen, point and say. This is me. I was one. I was short. Now I’m tall. Try to answer. How old was he? He was one. How was he then? He was short. How is he now? He is tall. This ___ me. I ____ one. I was ______. Now I’m _____. Try to fill. is was short tall Listen, point and find “was, were”. Who are they, Lingling? They are my grandparents. They were young then. Yes, now they are old. Who is that little girl? It’s me! I was two then. Your hair was so short. Yes, now my hair is long. Aah. You were so cute! Yes, but I was very naughty too. Ha ha… Listen and answer. 1. Are lingling’s grandparents young now? A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. 2. Was Lingling’s hair short then? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. 3. Was Lingling cute and naughty then? A. Yes, she was. B. No, she wasn’t. 4. Is Lingling’s hair long now? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. Read and fill. Who are they? They are Lingling’s ___________. grandparents They were __________ then. young Now they are _____. old Read and fill. Who is this little girl? It’s ___________. Lingling Then she was ____. Her _____ was so short. She was so ______, but very _______ too. two hair cute naughty They were young then. Your hair was so short. You were so cute. I was very naughty. 描述某人过去 情况 的句型: 主语 + was/were + 其他 + then . He was short then. You were naughty then. were was was was Practise. 1. Lingling’s grandparents _______ young then. 2. In the photo, Lingling ______two. 3. Lingling’s hair ______ short. 4. Lingling ______ cute and naughty. was were Who are they, Lingling? They are my grandparents. They were young then. Yes, now they are old. Who is that little girl? It’s me! I was two then. Your hair was so short. Yes, now my hair is long. Aah. You were so cute! Yes, but I was very naughty too. Ha ha… Role play. Practise. 四人一组,拿着照片互相谈论照片中过去的自己和现在的自己。 This is… I was…then. Now I am… You were…then. Now you are… 连一连 I can do it! Try to do. 1. young 2. small 3. tall 4. fat 5. short 6. was 7. were A . short B . are C . long D . am/is E . thin F . old G . big 选一选。 I can do it! Try to do. ( ) 1. Then he _____ my best friend. A. is B. was C. are ( ) 2. –Who is that little boy? - It’s _____. A. I B. me C. my ( ) 3. They were so tall ______. A. then B. next week C. tomorrow ( ) 4. Your hair is short, but my hair is _____. A. short B. old C. long B B A C 重点单词 : was, were, then, short, tall, long, hair grandparents, young, cute, naughty 重点 句型 : They were young then. You were so cute. I was short. Your hair was so short. Summing up. 1. 熟记本节课所学 的单词、短语和 句型 , 必须会听、说、读、写。 2. 将 Listen, point and find “was, were” 朗读流利。 3. 结合本课内容,创编新的对话,并表演出来。 Homework Play a game 跟 我唱反调。 small long young thin tall big old fat short 第 二 课时 am/is are then now It was ugly . It was short . It was yellow. It is beautiful. It is tall . It is white. 看图说 一说 。 Look and guess. 猜一猜他们会说什么。 Listen and say. I was two then. You were so cute! Look and fill. He was _____ then. Now he is _____. short tall Her hair was _____ then. Now her hair is _____. short long 看 图填一填。 Look and fill. I ____ ____ then. was ten were young They ______ _____ then. They ______ _____ now. were small are big 看 图填一填。 They _____ _____ then. Practise. A: Her hair was short then. B: Now her hair is long. 选一选。 Try to do. A. hair B. old C. Who D. were ( ) 1. – I have long ____ now. But it was short then. - I know. You were in Class One then. ( ) 2. -____ are they? -My friends. They are very nice. ( ) 3. – Are your parents _____? - Yes, they are 80 years old. ( ) 4. – Do you know Lucy and Lily? - Yes. Look at the picture. They ____ short then. A C B D 填一填 。 Try to do. was were is are 1. They ____ young then. Now they ____ old. 2. Her hair _____ short then. Now her hair ____ long. 3. He _____ thin then. Now he ____ fat. 4. She _____ short then. Now she _____ tall. 5. They _____ naughty then. Now they ____ cute. were are was is was is was is were are 译一译。 Try to do. 1. She was a bit shy then. ____________________ 2. They were four then. ____________________ 3. They are old now. ____________________ 4. 我的弟弟那时有点胖。 _____________________ 她那时有点儿害羞。 他们那时四岁。 他们现在老了。 My brother was a bit fat then 。 一般 过去时的 肯定 Summary 主语 + was + 其他 . He was tall then. 例 句 主语 + weren’t + 其他 . They were old then. 例 句 1. 向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的 情况 。 2. 向 家人介绍自己好朋友小时候的特征。 Homework

