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module 9 ( 三年级起点 ) 外研版四年级英语下册单元全套课件 外研版 · 英语 · 四年级下册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 9 Unit 1 Did you live in New York? 第 一 课时 https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzMzNjYyNzc0NA%3D%3D.html?refer=seo_operation.liuxiao.liux_00003308_3000_YvmIba_19042900 Free talk. I was on holiday in Beijing last Sunday. Free talk. I came by train . Free talk. Many foreigners were on holiday in Beijing. Free talk. They came by plane . Listen and chant. Welcome to China! Welcome to Beijing! Did you come by train? Did you come by plane? Welcome to China! Welcome to Beijing! 这是欢迎某人来到某地的句型。 句型 结构: W elcome to+ 地点。 Welcome to our school. by plane by train by bike by car by boat on foot Look and read. live in New York Look and read. visit Washington DC Look and read. travel by plane Look and read. go to a pop concert Look and read. play basketball Look and say. live in New York visit Washington DC travel by plane go to a pop concert play basketball A: Did you… B: Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t. Listen, point and find “Did he…?” Look. It’s a postcard from my cousin Dalong. He lives in the US. Does he live in New York? No, he lives in San Francisco now. Listen, point and find “Did he…?” Did he live in New York last year? No, he didn’t. He lived in Washington DC. Listen. “Dear Daming, I’m on holiday in New York.” Listen, point and find “Did he…?” Did he travel by plane? Yes, it says, “I came here by plane.” “I went to a pop concert and a basketball game last week.” Listen, point and find “Did he…?” We went to a concert too. Yes! The school concert! We also played basketball. At school! Ha ha… Try to choose. 1. Where does Dalong live? ________________________ 2. Did he live in New York last year? ________________________ 3. What did he do in New York? ________________________ 4. Did he travel by plane? _________________________ He lives in San Francisco. No, he didn’t. He went to a pop concert and a basketball game. Yes, he did. It’s a postcard from Daming’s cousin. p ostcard: 明信片 Dalong. Daming’s ________. cousin on holiday: 在度假 We are on holiday in Beijing. come: 来 过去式 : came -Did you come by train? -No, I didn’t. I came by plane. travel: 旅行 过去式: travelled Tom travelled all over China last summer. pop concert: 流行音乐会 We went to a pop concert last week. go to a concert: 去听演唱会 New York 美国最大的城市,自由女神像是其显著的标志。 San Francisco 最受美国人欢迎的城市,金门大桥是其显著的标志。 Washington DC 美国的首都,许多行政机构如国会大厦、白宫等都在华盛顿。 -Did he live in New York last year? -No, he didn’t. 询问某人过去是否做过某事的句型: -Did+ 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他? -Yes, 主语 + did. /No, 主语 + didn’t. Role play. 选一选。 I can do it! Try to do. ( ) 1. Did you _____ by train? A. came B. come C. coming ( ) 2. He ____ in San Francisco last year. A. lives B. lived C. to live ( ) 3. -Did you go to a pop concert last Sunday? –Yes, _____. A. I did B. I do C. I didn’t ( ) 4. Welcome _____ China. A. in B. to C. at B B A B 重点 单词和词组: postcard, travel, go to a pop concert, go to a basketball game 重点句型 : -Did he live in New York last year? -Yes, he did. Summing up. 1. 熟记本节课所学 的单词、短语和 句型 , 必须会听、说、读、写。 2. 将 Listen, point and find ” Did he…?” 朗读流利。 Homework 第二课时 Game time 每人把自己昨天干的事情画或写到一张纸上,然后请小组其他同学用 Did you…? 来猜。被猜的同学用 Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t 回答。猜中的同学和你心有灵犀,是你最好的朋友。 New York, New York, Did he live in New York ? San Francisco, San Francisco, Did he live in San Francisco ? Washington DC, Washington DC, Did he live in Washington DC ? Chant Listen and say. Did he live in New York last year? No, he didn’t. He lived in Washington DC. Did he travel by plane? Yes, he did. Practise. A: Did he live in Washington DC? B: Yes, he did. A: Did he travel by plane? B: No, he didn’t. He travelled by bus. live in Washington DC travel by plane visit New York go to a pop concert go to a football game visit San Francisco -______ Tom travel by plane? -No, he travelled by bus. -______ you born in 1978? -Yes , I was. -_______ you live in Beijing last year? Yes, I did. -_______ Lucy and Lily friends ten years ago? -No , they weren’t. Did Were Did Were Try to do. 填一填 。 5. Does he live in New York ? No, he _______. 6. Did he live in New York last year ? Yes, he _______. doesn’t did 重点 单词和词组: postcard, travel, go to a pop concert, go to a basketball game 重点句型 : -Did he live in New York last year? -Yes, he did. Summing up. 1. 向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的 情况 。 2. 询问自己的同伴上周做了什么事情。 Homework 外研版 · 英语 · 四年级下册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 9 Unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday? 第一课时 Did he, did he? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t. Did she, did she? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t. Did it, did it? Yes, it did. No, it didn’t. Did they, did they? Yes, they did. No, they didn’t. Let’s chant -Did you have a nice holiday ? -Yes , we did. We went to the earth . Listen, point and say. -Did you like the people ? -Yes , they were very nice. -But they weren’t very beautiful. -Look at these photo s . earth: 地球 o n the earth: 在地球上 We live on the earth. Role play. Did you have a nice holiday? Yes, we did. We went to the earth. Do you like the people? Yes, they were very nice. But they weren’t very beautiful! Look at these photos. Listen and say. Did you have a nice holiday? Yes, it was great! Did you go to Hangzhou? Yes. We went there by train. Did you visit the famous West Lake? Yes. Look! It’s very beautiful. Did you see your friend Lili in Hangzhou? No, she was on holiday in Shanghai. 记住下列动词的过去式 live --- live d 住,居住 travel --- travel led 旅行 visit --- visit ed 参观 am/is --- was 是 have --- had 有;度过 come --- came 来 go --- went 去 see – saw 看见,看望 Point, ask and answer. A: I went to a village last year. B: Did you travel by…? A: Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t. I went there by… 选一选。 I can do it! Try to do. ( ) 1. Did he _____ the Great Wall? A. visited B. visit C. visiting ( ) 2. They went to Beijing by _____. A. plane B. the plane C. planes ( ) 3. Look _____ these beautiful photos of our school. A. at B. to C. of B A A 将现在发生的事情转换为过去发生的事情。 I live in Beijing. I _____in Beijing last year. I go to school by bus today. I _____ to school by bus yesterday. I feel hungry now. I _____ hungry just now (刚刚) . Try to do. lived went felt 重点 单词: holiday, earth, beautiful, photo, famous 重点 短语 : have a nice holiday, go to the earth, look at, by train, the West Lake 重点句型: 一般 过去时的一般疑问句及其回答。 Summing up. 1. 熟记本节课所学 的单词、短语和 句型 , 必须会听、说、读、写。 2. 将 listen and say. 朗读流利。 3. 向你的 朋友介绍你上周末做了什么。 Homework 重点 单词: holiday, earth, beautiful, photo, famous 重点 短语 : have a nice holiday, go to the earth, look at, by train, the West Lake 重点句型: 一般 过去时的一般疑问句及其回答。 第二课时 have a nice holiday 度过 愉快的假期 visit the West Lake 参观 西湖 see my friend 看望 我的朋友 visit the Great Wall 参观 长城 go to the earth 到 地球去 Listen and say. Then sing. OH, WE LOVE HOLIDAYS! We visited England and we went to London zoo. We saw lots of people and some funny animals too. Oh, we love holidays, holidays, hooray! We want to visit China. We want to see Beijing. We’ll meet the C hinese children. We’ll talk and play and sing. Oh, we love holidays, holidays, hooray! Guess and say. Yes, I did. Did you go to Beijing last year?. No, I didn’t. I went to New York. Did you go to Hong kong last year?. Did you visit the Great Wall last year? No, I didn’t. I went to Hangzhou. Did you visit the famous West Lake ? Yes, I did. Did you see your friend Lili in Hangzhou? No, she was on holiday in Shanghai. Work in pairs Did you travel by bus? Yes, I did. I went to the village last year. Practise I went to the village last year. Did you travel by bike? No, I didn’t. I went there by bus. I went to Shanghai last year. Did you travel by bus? No, I didn’t. I went there by plane. I went to Shanghai last year . Did you travel by plane? Yes, I did. I went to Hangzhou last year. Did you travel by plane? No, I didn’t. I went there by train. I went to Hangzhou last year. Did you travel by train? Yes, I did. Ask and answer. Then write. Did you have a nice holiday? Yes, I went to Beijing. Did you go by train? No, I went by plane. Did you visit the Great Wall? Yes, I did. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 I ______(go) to Beijing last year. Tom ________(travel) to Shanghai last year. They _______ ( go) there by bus. We _______(play) games yesterday. _____(do) you watch TV yesterday ? went travelled went played Did Try to do. 本课重点句型: 1 . — Did you go there by bus? 你坐公交车去的那里吗? — Yes, I did. 是的,我坐公交车去的。 —No, I didn’t. I went there by train. 不,我没坐公交车。我坐火车去的。 2. It was great. 它很棒。 Summing up. 1. 向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的 情况 。 2. 向 家人展示本单元新学的韵句。 3. 询问自己的同伴去过哪里。 Homework

