2020版高考英语总复习Unit5Meetingyourancestors 人教版选修8

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2020版高考英语总复习Unit5Meetingyourancestors 人教版选修8

Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Step 1 课前准备——单元考点 自查自测 ‎1.词汇分层级识记过关 2.语境活用填写过关 3.经典句式背诵仿写过关 4.类词巧积累事半功倍 ‎(一)分门别类攻单词——识形辨意·拓展应用 ‎(二)写用结合记短语——译写短语·语境活用 20‎ ‎(三)仿写活用练句式——经典句型·仿写背诵 Step 2 课堂探究——核心考点 点点突破 ‎1.重点难点考点学通练透 2.归纳总结拓展开阔视野 3.方法规律技巧权威点拨 4.面面俱到打创高效课堂 第一时段 Warming up & Reading ‎1.alternative adj. 供选择的;其他的 n. 可能的选择;选择对象 ‎[教材原句] Can you think of the alternatives we would use today?‎ 你能想到我们今天使用的替代品吗?‎ 20‎ ‎            ‎ an alternative to ……的替代物(to是介词)‎ have the alternative of A or B 要么做A,要么做B;在A或B二者中选一个 have no alternative/choice/option but to do sth.‎ 别无选择只好做某事 单句语法填空 ‎①The Internet also provides us with a cheap alternative to ________(communicate) with others.‎ ‎②In order to succeed, we have no alternative but ________(face) failure bravely and learn from it.‎ ‎③We could take the train or ________(alternative) go by car.‎ ‎④I have given the matter much thought, examining all the possible ________(alternative).‎ ‎⑤We have no alternative but ________(sell) our house to pay the debt.‎ ‎⑥My grandmother didn't do anything but ________(keep) house and serve everybody.‎ ‎[答案] ①communicating ②to face ③alternatively ④alternatives ⑤to sell ⑥keep ‎[思维发散] have no alternative but to do sth.=have no choice but to do sth.=do nothing but do...只能做某事;除……之外别无选择。‎ 注意do nothing but do...中,but后跟不带to的不定式。‎ ‎2.interrupt vt.&vi.打断……讲话;打岔;暂时中断或中止 ‎[教材原句] I'm sorry to interrupt you but how could they live here?‎ 对不起,打断了你的讲话,但他们怎么能住在这个地方呢?‎ ‎            ‎ ‎(1)interrupt...(with sth.) (因某事)打断……‎ be interrupted by 被……打断 ‎(2)interruption n. 打扰;插嘴;打岔;阻断物 without interruption 连续地;不断地 单句语法填空 ‎①He was writing a poem when he ________(interrupt) by a knock at the door.‎ 20‎ ‎②She has kept up physical training for several years without ________(interrupt).‎ ‎③It is not polite to interrupt a speaker ________ frequent questions.‎ ‎④The speaker went on talking, though continually ________(interrupt) by listeners.‎ ‎[答案] ①was interrupted ②interruption/being interrupted ③with ④interrupted ‎3.assume vt. 假定;设想 ‎[教材原句] So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves, regardless of the cold.‎ 因此,我们有理由认为他们不顾严寒,就住在这些洞穴里。‎ ‎            ‎ ‎(1)assume... to be... 假定/假设……是……‎ It is assumed that... 一般认为……‎ ‎(2)assumption n. 假定;假设 make an assumption 认为;假定 ‎(3)assuming(that)... 假设/假定……‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①If you make an ________(assume) that something is true or will happen, you accept that it is true or will happen.‎ ‎②It is assumed ________ global warming and climate change could cause even more disasters in the future.‎ ‎③She had allowed him to live beneath her roof, ________(assume) that he was a man of honour.‎ 一句多译 他们租了那个旧房子,以为在搬进来之前房东会重新粉刷。‎ ‎④They rented the old house ________________ the landlord would repaint it before they moved in.(assumev.)‎ ‎⑤They rented the old house ________________ the landlord would repaint it before they moved in.(assumption)‎ ‎[答案] ①assumption ②that ③assuming ‎④assuming that ⑤on the assumption that ‎[知识顾问] assuming that是一种悬垂分词,表示“如果,假定”,引导条件状语从 20‎ 句。类似用法的词还有:supposing(=supposed), providing(=provided), given, considering等。‎ ‎4.regardless of不管;不顾 ‎[教材原句] So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves, regardless of the cold.‎ 因此,我们有理由认为他们不顾严寒,就住在这些洞穴里。‎ ‎            ‎ ‎(1)regardless of+从句 (强调不认为……重要,从而不加以重视或考虑)‎ ‎(2)despite/in spite of 尽管……但是……(后常接名词,不接从句)‎ ‎(3)with regard to 关于;至于 单句语法填空 ‎①She is determined to do it regardless ________ all consequences.‎ ‎②Dr. Bethune continued working in spite of ________(cut) his hand during an operation.‎ ‎③With regard ________ my favorite Chinese poet, I'd like to introduce Du Fu to you.‎ ‎[答案] ①of ②cutting ③to ‎5.cut up切碎;使伤心 ‎[教材原句] It seems that they used the sharpened stone tools to cut up animals and remove their skin.‎ 看样子他们是用磨尖的石器来切割动物并剥皮。‎ ‎            ‎ cut across 走捷径 cut away 切除;砍掉 cut back 修剪;减少;削减 cut down 砍倒;削减 cut in 插嘴;打断 cut out 剪下;删掉;停止运转 cut through 穿过;开辟 cut off 切断;隔绝;中断 用cut构成短语的适当形式填空 ‎①He was badly ________ when his girlfriend gave him back his ring.‎ 20‎ ‎②We were ________ by the tide and had to be rescued by a boat.‎ ‎③In order not to be late, she ________ the field.‎ ‎④Don't try to ________ while others are talking.‎ ‎⑤The coal industry was ________ to half of its former size.‎ ‎[答案] ①cut up ②cut off ③cut across ④cut in ⑤cut down ‎6.对过去事情的推测“may have done”句式 ‎[教材原句] Make a tentative guess about what Peking Man may have done and used thousands of years ago.‎ 初步猜测一下北京人数千年前可能做的事情和使用的东西。‎ ‎(1)may have done表示对过去行为进行推测与判断,是说话人没有把握的推测与判断。‎ ‎①They are seldom late. I think they ________________________ in the jam.‎ 他们很少迟到。我想他们大概是遇到堵车了吧。‎ ‎(2)如果表示对过去的行为进行肯定的推测与判断,用must have done。‎ ‎②The ground is wet. It ______________________ last night.‎ 地面是湿的。昨天晚上一定下雨了。‎ ‎(3)如果表示对过去的行为进行否定的推测与判断,用can't/couldn't have done。‎ ‎③It ________________________ a comfortable journey because of so many people in a car.‎ 因为一辆小汽车里装了那么多的人,那不可能是一次舒适的旅行。‎ ‎[答案] ①may have been caught ②must have rained ③couldn't have been ‎[易错提醒] must表示猜测,一般只用于肯定句;may表示猜测时,用于否定和肯定句中;can表示猜测时,用于否定句和疑问句中。‎ ‎[答案] 1.round/around 2.have been excavating 3.in 4.to assume 5.of 6.where 7.made 8.preserved 9.specially 10.journeys 第二时段 Learning about Language & Using Language ‎1.significance n. 意义;意思;重要性;重要意义 20‎ ‎[教材原句] His university was aware of the significance of his work.‎ 他的大学知道他的工作的重要性。‎ ‎             ‎ ‎(1)be of significance to... 对……有重要意义 attach significance to... 认为……重要 ‎(2)significant adj. 重要的;明显的 It is significant that 很明显(从句用should do结构)‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①In my view, practicing handwriting is of great ____________(significant) to the students' growth.‎ ‎②As time goes by, I attach more great significance to ________(do) what I am doing now.‎ ‎③It is ________(significance) that nowadays fiber is still considered to be an important part of a healthy diet.‎ ‎④The Internet is a wonderful discovery, which I think is ________ great significance to people's lives.‎ ‎[答案] ①significance ②doing ③significant ④of ‎[思维发散] 常见的“be+of+抽象名词“短语 ‎(1)be of use=be useful ‎(2)be of help=be helpful ‎(3)be of value=be valuable ‎(4)be of significance=be significant ‎(5)be of importance=be important ‎2.applaud v. 鼓掌欢迎;赞赏 ‎[教材原句] She had felt so proud as the group shouted loudly to applaud his choice.‎ 当族人为他的选择大声欢呼鼓掌的时候,拉拉觉得非常自豪。‎ ‎            ‎ ‎(1)applaud sb./sth. 向某人/某事鼓掌表示欢迎或赞赏 applaud sb. for sth. 因某事赞赏某人 ‎(2)applause n. 鼓掌 20‎ win the applause of... 赢得……的掌声 单句语法填空 ‎①I applauded her ________ having the courage to refuse.‎ ‎②His speech won the applause ________ the audience.‎ ‎③We ________(applause) his decision to go on with his investigation when Cui Yongyuan announced his plan.‎ ‎[答案] ①for ②of ③applauded ‎3.arrest vt. 逮捕;吸引 n. 逮捕;拘留 ‎[教材原句] She had almost reached her destination when a delicious smell arrested her progress and she stopped.‎ 快到目的地的时候,一阵香气扑鼻,她不往前走了,停了下来。‎ ‎            ‎ ‎(1)arrest sb. for 因……而逮捕某人 get arrested 遭逮捕 arrest one's attention 引起注意 ‎(2)under arrest 被捕 make an arrest 进行拘捕 单句语法填空 ‎①He had just begun to eat with great appetite when his attention ____________(arrest) by a sudden footstep on the stairs.‎ ‎②They will have you ________(arrest) if you don't pay taxes, because it is everyone's duty to pay taxes.‎ ‎③He disguised himself as a young beautiful lady on purpose just to avoid ____________(arrest) by the police.‎ ‎④It is said that that film star has been ________ arrest.‎ 一句多译 一旦他被捕,他很可能把一切都告诉警察。‎ ‎⑤________________, he was likely to betray everything to the police.(状语从句)‎ ‎⑥________________, he was likely to betray everything to the police.(状语从句的省略)‎ ‎[答案] ①was arrested ②arrested ③being arrested ‎④under ⑤Once he was arrested ⑥Once arrested ‎4.fed up with受够了;饱受;厌烦 20‎ ‎[教材原句] Well, I'm fed up with all the attention.‎ 算了,我讨厌所有的注意力。‎ ‎            ‎ feed on       以……为食 feed...with/on... 用……喂……‎ feed...with... 供给……;提供……‎ feed+食物+to... 用某物喂养……‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Please feed some grass________the cow.‎ ‎②Pandas feed________bamboo leaves.‎ ‎③________(feed) up with his lies, she won't believe in him any longer.‎ ‎④We are fed up ________ the noise made by building houses.‎ ‎[答案] ①to ②on ③Fed ④with ‎5.look ahead向前看;为将来打算 ‎[教材原句] If only she had looked ahead and planned better this year!‎ 她今年要是早有预见,计划得更好些就好了!‎ ‎            ‎ look out 留神;注意 look into 调查 look up 查找;形势好转;看望 look through 仔细查阅 look after 照顾;照看 用look相关短语的适当形式填空 ‎①The government has set up a working party to ____________ the problem of drug abuse.‎ ‎②She has ____________ her elder parents for many years.‎ ‎③Please ____________ your desk and see if my English dictionary is there.‎ ‎④Tell the children to ____________ when they cross the main street.‎ ‎⑤The weather is ____________, so we can go for a picnic this Sunday.‎ ‎[答案] ①look into ②looked after ③look through ④look out ⑤looking up ‎6.date back(to...)追溯到;始于 ‎[教材原句] All the objects are from the same excavation site in Sanxingdui and ‎ 20‎ can be dated back to between 3,000 and 5,000 years ago.‎ 所有的这些物品都来自于三星堆发掘现场,时间可以追溯到3000至5000年前之间。‎ ‎            ‎ date from 追溯到;始于;起源于 out of date 过时的 up to date(with...) 赶上(……的)潮流 单句语法填空 ‎①The old town ________(date) back to the late seventeenth century.‎ ‎②________(date) from 1933, the South Lake Park in Changchun is located in the southwestern part of the Changchun city.‎ ‎③Everyone should keep on getting himself educated so as to be up ________ date with modern technology.‎ ‎④This is a historic building that dates ________ the 16th century.‎ ‎[答案] ①dates ②Dating ③to ④from ‎[知识顾问] (1)date back to=date from ‎(2)date back to和date from一般不用于进行时态。作后置定语时,常用现在分词。‎ ‎7.if only... “要是……就好了”‎ ‎[教材原句] If only she had looked ahead and planned better this year!‎ 她今年要是早有预见,计划得更好些就好了!‎ if only...用来表达愿望,句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气。‎ ‎(1)表示与现在事实相反的愿望时用if only sb. did/were...‎ ‎①________________ slimmer, more beautiful, richer, more clever, then I would be happier.‎ 要是我更苗条一些、更漂亮一些、更富有一些、更聪明一些就好了,那我就会更加高兴了。‎ ‎(2)表示与过去事实相反的愿望时用if only sb. had done...‎ ‎②It's too bad that I failed in the math exam. If only I ________________ at it!‎ 我数学考试不及格真是太糟糕了,要是我之前努力学习就好了。‎ ‎(3)表示与将来事实相反的愿望用if only sb. would/could/might do...‎ ‎③If only she ________________ carefully.‎ 但愿她能仔细听我讲话。‎ ‎(4)only 20‎ ‎ if表示“只有,只要”,引导条件状语从句,不用虚拟语气;若其引导的从句置于句首,且与主句之间没用逗号隔开,则主句要用倒装。‎ ‎④Only if you find a proper way to solve the problem ________________________________ efficiency.‎ 只有你找到合适的方法解决这个问题,你才能提高工作效率。‎ ‎[答案] ①If only I were ②had worked hard ③would listen to me ④can you improve your work ‎[方法规律] (1)only if中的only仅起强调作用,意为“只要”。‎ ‎(2)“only+状语”位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装。‎ ‎[答案] ‎ Step 3 课后演练——知识能力 链接高考 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)Why do we often ________(assumption) that more is more when it comes to kids and their belongings?‎ ‎[答案] assume ‎2.I am not accustomed to ________ (interrupt) when studying or working,so please remember this and don't do it again.‎ ‎[答案] being interrupted 20‎ ‎3.The river forms the____________(divide) between the old and new parts of the city.‎ ‎[答案] division ‎4.It was shocking that the mayor____________(arrest) after he took office for less than half a year.‎ ‎[答案] was arrested ‎5.Fun though all this may sound, it's still rather____________(mess) and better read about in theory than carried out in practice.‎ ‎[答案] messy ‎6.The classroom is silent except for the busy____________(scratch) of pens on paper.‎ ‎[答案] scratching ‎7.There were so many cars held up by the heavy rain on the road that we had no alternative but____________(wait).‎ ‎[答案] to wait ‎8.____________(assume) that you are chosen to be a monitor in your class,what will you do?‎ ‎[答案] Assuming ‎9.As I waved goodbye to them,I reflected on the____________(significant) of what I had seen.‎ ‎[答案] significance ‎10.The librarians actively collected the books of the world,____________(accelerate) the spread of knowledge.‎ ‎[答案] accelerating Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.I'm very sorry to interrupt with you, but I have something very important to tell you.____________‎ ‎[答案] 去掉with ‎2.The significance attaching to a national day is very different from country to country.____________‎ ‎[答案] attaching→attached ‎3.Every day a number of tourists take pictures in front of the building, which dated back to as early as 800 years ago.____________‎ ‎[答案] dated→dates 20‎ ‎4.(2018·北京西城一模)What a sunny day! How I wish I am on the beach enjoying the sunshine now!____________‎ ‎[答案] am→were ‎5.I'm fed up this weather; it's time we had some sunshine.____________‎ ‎[答案] 在up后加with ‎6.He could have finished it on schedule,but anyhow he fell behind.______________‎ ‎[答案] anyhow→somehow ‎7.Assumed that the weather is favorable,farmers will have a good harvest.______________‎ ‎[答案] Assumed→Assuming/Assume ‎8.(2018·北京朝阳一模)Peter has previous experience, but I think he's the right person for the job.______________‎ ‎[答案] but→so ‎9.The vegetables should cut up into small pieces and dropped into the boiling water.____________‎ ‎[答案] 在cut前加be ‎10.When winter comes, coldblooded animals had no choice but lie down and sleep.____________‎ ‎[答案] 在lie前加to Ⅲ.根据提示词及相关要求完成句子 ‎1.大多数中国人都喜欢牛郎和织女的神话传说,这个传说可以追溯到汉朝。(date back to)‎ Most Chinese people like the fairy tale of Cowboy and Weaving girl, ________________________ the Han Dynasty.‎ ‎[答案] dating back to/which dates back to ‎2.昨天我去看他,才知道他两天前就出国了。(only to do)‎ Yesterday I went to see him, ________________________ that he had gone abroad two days before.‎ ‎[答案] only to know ‎3.在上周举行的英语演讲比赛中,我要是有更多的信心就好了!(if only)‎ ‎________________________ more confidence in the English speech contest held last week!‎ ‎[答案] If only I had had 20‎ ‎4.像我们所期望的那样,迈克参加了会议。(as非限制性定语从句)‎ Mike, ________________, attended the meeting.‎ ‎[答案] as we expected ‎5.人们普遍认为压力是由工作太多导致的。(assume)‎ ‎________________________ stress is caused by too much work.‎ ‎[答案] It is generally assumed that ‎6.新药品的发现对患癌症的人非常重要。(significance)‎ The discovery of the new drug is ________________________ people suffering from cancer.‎ ‎[答案] of great significance to 高考题型分组训练 阅读理解板块训练——重细节,练速度 ‎(限时:25分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2018·太原二模)“Stop all the rushing and screaming: too much excitement is bad for families. Kids are missing out on an essential life—relaxed down time,” says Dr. Charlotte Reznick.‎ ‎“Parents work, and kids do scheduled activities—there's little family time without pressure,” says Reznick. “One parent is taking the son to a soccer game, and the other parent is taking the daughter to her swim meet. Then there's the art class, baseball practice, extra tutoring, and more! By the time the family meet up for dinner, everyone is exhausted.”‎ All the rushing makes for a short temper. “When parents are reduced to shouting at their children to get them to listen,they lower their own self-esteem as well as losing the respect of their children,” says Dr. Carl Pickhardt. “While parents think it shows they're serious about what they're saying,they are really just showing helpless desperation at not getting their way.”‎ These days what kids are learning at school and from the outside is a lot greater than it used to be even just a generation ago.‎ ‎“The problem is that stress relieving activities—reading,taking walks or hot baths, watching the sunset and other activities are not even part of most kids' experience any more,” says Reznick.‎ ‎“There are so many more social interaction opportunities in our computer age, ‎ 20‎ but not all of them promote meaningful connections,which is another potential outlet for stress,” she says.‎ One way to relieve stress is a simple technique called “the balloon breath”. It's a great way for everyone to become calm so that they can respond thoughtfully rather than just react.‎ Here's how to do it. Imagine a deflated(未充气的) balloon in your stomach—about two to three inches below your navel(肚脐). Slowly breathe in to a count of 1... 2... 3... and feel the lower belly expand, and flatten as you slowly breathe out to a count of 1... 2... 3...‎ 语篇解读:本文主要讲述了如何缓解孩子们的压力。‎ ‎1.What can we infer from the second paragraph?‎ A.Kids can hardly enjoy family time due to heavy burdens.‎ B.Saturday is the only leisurely day of the week for kids.‎ C.The life of kids is becoming rich due to extra classes.‎ D.Parents have no time on weekends to care for their kids.‎ ‎[解析] 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“By the time the family meet up for dinner,everyone is exhausted.”和本段的整体内容可推知,如今孩子们的负担沉重,几乎没有享受家庭时间,故选A。‎ ‎[答案] A ‎2.What does Dr. Carl Pickhardt think of parents when they yell?‎ A.They have no selfconfidence.‎ B.They take what they say seriously.‎ C.They are always behaving like children.‎ D.They are less respected and seem desperate.‎ ‎[解析] 细节理解题。根据第三段的“losing the respect of their children”和最后一句“While parents think it shows they're serious about what they're saying, they are really just showing helpless desperation at not getting their way.”可知,Dr. Carl Pickhardt认为,父母在大吼大叫时,孩子们对他们的尊重会减少,也显示出父母无助的绝望,故选D。‎ ‎[答案] D ‎3.What is the function of “the balloon breath” according to the seventh paragraph?‎ A.To make one cool down.‎ B.To test one's patience.‎ 20‎ C.To raise one's awareness.‎ D.To fill a balloon with air.‎ ‎[解析] 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的第二句“It's a great way for everyone to become calm so that they can respond thoughtfully rather than just react.”可知,这种方法的作用是使人们冷静下来,故选A。‎ ‎[答案] A ‎4.What is the purpose of the author writing this passage?‎ A.To tell educators to be patient.‎ B.To advise parents not to make life too stressful for kids.‎ C.To encourage kids to pursue creativity.‎ D.To show that kids need patience and love from their parents.‎ ‎[解析] 写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲的是如何缓解孩子们的重压,这是给父母提出的建议,故选B。‎ ‎[答案] B B What Do Australians Do For Fun?‎ Australians really know how to have a good time. Any type of hobby that you can think of can be found in Australia—although there are some that are more popular than others. The following are four top Australian pastimes(休闲活动).‎ Fishing Fishing is probably one of the most popular leisure(休闲) activities in Australia and many people love to spend their free time waiting for a fish to bite baits(鱼饵). There is free public access at almost all beaches, canals and coasts.‎ Surfing Another popular pastime of the Australians is surfing. Australia has a lot of beautiful surf spots, especially in Queensland. Queensland has some of the best surf beaches in the country such as Noosa Heads, Stradbroke Island, and Burleigh Heads, with the Gold Coast being the best known. In Australia, people of all ages love to surf, from little kids to teenagers to men and women.‎ Cricket This is a very popular sport in Australia and many people love to watch it or play it for fun. A cricket game can take a considerably long time, so if you are attending one with one of your new Australian friends' make sure to get comfortable and have a few beers to pass the time.‎ 20‎ Barbeques(烧烤野餐)‎ Australians will also typically host barbeques with their friends and family as a way of having fun in their spare time. These can be small backyard events or larger parties in the park with many people. They will barbeque meat and seafood, drink beer and often play sports such as football. Other side dishes may be served such as fried onions, potato bake, salads and much more. The standard of the meat that is cooked and the quality of the cooking are second to none. Any barbeque in Australia is expected to have upwards of 7 types of meat. From shrimps to kangaroos, an Australian barbeque is a delight that has to be experienced.‎ 语篇解读:本文介绍了澳大利亚人最喜欢的四项休闲活动:钓鱼、冲浪、板球和烧烤。‎ ‎5.About fishing, we know that ________.‎ A.it's the best activity to kill time B.it's less interesting than surfing C.Queensland is the best place to fish D.there are a lot of places to fish in Australia ‎[解析] 细节理解题。根据第二段“There is free public access at almost all beaches,canals and coasts.”可知,几乎每一个海滩、运河以及海岸都有免费的钓鱼场所。由此可知,澳大利亚有很多可以钓鱼的地方。‎ ‎[答案] D ‎6.Which of the following surf spots is the most famous in Queensland?‎ A.Noosa Heads. B.Burleigh Heads.‎ C.The Gold Coast. D.Stradbroke Island.‎ ‎[解析] 细节理解题。根据第三段“Queensland has some of the best surf beaches in the country such as Noosa Heads, Stradbroke Island, and Burleigh Heads, with the Gold Coast being the best known.”可知,昆士兰有许多最好的冲浪海滩,例如Noosa Heads,Stradbroke Island,Burleigh Heads和最著名的the Gold Coast。‎ ‎[答案] C ‎7.Cricket, a popular game, is a game that ________.‎ A.can increase friendship B.can take you a long time C.all Australians are good at D.can comfort your friends and you ‎[解析] 细节理解题。根据第四段“A cricket game can take a considerably long time”可知,板球运动耗费相当长的时间。‎ 20‎ ‎[答案] B ‎8.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ________.‎ A.Australians really know how to barbeque B.barbeques are only suitable for large parties C.barbeques only have one type of meat to be cooked D.barbeques are the best food for entertaining in Australia ‎[解析] 推理判断题。根据最后一段“The standard of the meat that is cooked and the quality of the cooking are second to none.”可知,(要做烧烤的)肉的标准和烹饪(烧烤)的质量都是首屈一指的。由此推知,澳大利亚人真的知道怎么烧烤。‎ ‎[答案] A Ⅱ.七选五阅读填空 For many people, family is the most important thing in their lives. But it can often be difficult to stay connected and manage these important relationships since life is busy. __1__‎ Schedule Family Time If we don't schedule time for things, those things will probably not happen. Therefore, make it a point to schedule a few nights a week when your family has a meal together.__2__ If you have a lot of distance between family members, arrange regular phone calls or video calls.‎ Use Technology...‎ ‎__3__ This also provides a fantastic opportunity to let some of the younger members become involved with the older members of your family. Teens are usually great at technology and can easily help older family members get connected with technology.‎ ‎...But Not Excessively(过度地)‎ Technology can be great, but it can't be the only way you connect with each other. Make sure when you and your family members are able to be face to face, that you are communicating that way. __4__ Get outside to do different activities together, or stay in and learn from each other.‎ Share Stories Families connect with stories all the time. It's how we learn about our history, learn about each other, and laugh together. Encourage younger members to tell stories about what's going on in their lives, and encourage older family members to tell their stories as well. __5__‎ 20‎ A.Plan an annual family vacation or reunion.‎ B.So what can we do to stay connected with our family?‎ C.Put phones and computers away and talk to each other.‎ D.Can it be much easier for family members to chat more often?‎ E.There are lots of programs and apps that can help people get connected.‎ F.They are a great way for different generations to discover similarities with one another.‎ G.Cooking and gardening are great ways for family members of all ages to get connected.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。在忙碌的生活中,怎样才能维持与家人之间紧密的联系呢?本文给出了四点建议。‎ ‎1.[解析] 根据上文内容可知,对于很多人来说,家庭很重要,但是在忙碌的生活中,很难维持与家人之间紧密的联系,“那么我们应该怎么做才能与家人保持联系呢?”下文给出了四点建议。‎ ‎[答案] B ‎2.[解析] 本段建议为家庭时间做好计划、安排,故A项“计划一次年度家庭度假或者重聚”符合此处语境。‎ ‎[答案] A ‎3.[解析] 本段建议借助科技手段,故E项“有很多电脑程序和手机应用程序可以帮助人们保持联系”符合此处语境。‎ ‎[答案] E ‎4.[解析] 本段建议不要过度依赖科技手段,再根据上句内容可知,与家人一起时,要面对面直接沟通,也就是说要“把手机和电脑放下,互相交谈”。‎ ‎[答案] C ‎5.[解析] 本段建议家庭成员之间分享彼此的故事,再根据上句内容可知,鼓励年轻一代和上一代都讲述自己的故事,这样可以使“不同代的人发现彼此之间的相似之处”。‎ ‎[答案] F Ⅲ.短文改错 ‎(2018·山东泰安第二次模拟考试)Last week, my friends invited me go camping to see the sunrise. I felt so thrilling and asked for my parents' permission. Luckily, he agreed. We got to the mountain top that we would stay for a whole night. We were singing together while one of my friends were playing the guitar. The next morning, we wake up at about five o'clock. We could not wait to see the sun to come up. After a while, we saw the red color light up the sky gradual. It was so amazing scenery. ‎ 20‎ The beauty in nature impressed me at that moment.‎ ‎[答案] ‎ 20‎

