新教材高中英语Unit4课件 人教版必修第二册

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新教材高中英语Unit4课件 人教版必修第二册

Unit 4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS Section D Listening and Talking , Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress 核心词汇 词汇一   eager adj. 热切的;渴望 ◆教材原句 I was eager /surprised to see/learn/hear that... 我急于 / 惊讶地看到 / 了解 / 听说 …… ◆要点必记 be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事 be eager for sth. 渴求某事物 be eager in 热衷于 ◆词语辨析 eager 与 anxious · eager 强调期望或渴望; · anxious 强调焦急、担心。 ◆单句语法填空 ( 1 ) The little girl , who is helped by the Project Hope , is eager      knowledge and eager      ( make ) progress , so she is eager      her study and is always praised by her teachers. ◆辨析填空( eager/anxious ) ( 2 ) She is      to go to college , but      about not passing the college entrance examination. for to make in eager anxious 词汇二   have an influence on/upon 对 …… 有影响 ◆教材原句 Ireland’s beautiful countryside has always had a great influence on its people and traditions. 爱尔兰美丽的乡村一直对其人民和传统有很大的影响。 ◆要点必记 have a bad influence on 对 …… 有不好的影响 influence sb. /sth. 影响某人 / 某事 ◆归纳拓展 affect sb. /sth. 影响某人 / 某事 have an effect/impact on/upon 对 …… 有影响 ◆单句语法填空   ( 1 )[词汇复现] Confucius’ philosophy has a great influence      Chinese culture. ( 2 ) You can’t imagine the influence you have      me. ( 3 ) His teaching methods still have a strong effect      young people. ◆一句多译 那本书极大地影响了她。 ( 4 ) The book                 . ( 5 ) The book                                  . on/upon on/upon on/upon has a great influence/effect/impact on/upon her influences/affects her greatly 词汇三   make up ( 1 )构成,形成 ( 2 )虚构,编造 ( 3 )和解,言归于好 ( 4 )补足,凑足 ( 5 )化妆,打扮 ◆教材原句 And down by the sea , the roar of the ocean waves and cries of the seabirds make up the music of the coast. 在大海的深处,海浪的轰鸣声和海鸟的叫声构成了海岸的音乐。 ◆要点必记 ( 1 )部分 + make up + 整体 = 整体 + be made up of + 部分 ( 2 ) make up for 补偿 make out 辨认出;明白,理解 make it 及时到达;取得成功 make the best of 充分利用 make up one’s mind 下定决心 make good / full use of 好好 / 充分利用 ◆写出下列句中 make up 的意思   ( 1 ) Different qualities make up a person’s character.           ( 2 ) The company will be forced to pay 6 million dollars to make up the difference.      ( 3 ) She spent two hours making herself up before the party.      ( 4 ) He made up a song in memory of the hero.      ( 5 ) Have you made up with Patty yet?      ◆单句写作( 6 ) We need two more volunteers to                (组成一个团队) . ( 7 ) Our class                     (由 …… 构成) fifty students. 组成,构成 补足,凑足  化妆 创作 和好  make up a team is made up of 词汇四   greet vt. ( 1 )问候 ( 2 )迎接 ( 3 )映入 …… 的眼帘;传入 …… 的耳中 / 鼻中 ◆教材原句 ...birds greet the new day with their morning song .…… 鸟儿们用它们的晨歌迎接新的 一天。 ◆要点必记 greet sb. with 用 …… 向某人打招呼 / 问候某人 ◆词语积累 greeting n. 问候,招呼,致意(常用复数形式 greetings 表示“问候语,贺词”) send greetings to sb. 向某人致意 ◆单句语法填空 ( 1 ) His appearance on the platform was greeted      a burst of applause. ( 2 ) We are      ( greet ) by an entertaining view of the sea. ( 3 ) Lily sends greetings      her teachers every Teachers’ Day. ◆单句写作 ( 4 ) Whenever I met her , which was fairly often , she           (用 …… 跟我打招呼) a sweet smile. ( 5 ) Please                     (代我问候 …… ) your parents. with greeted to greeted me with send my greetings to 词汇五   custom n. 风俗;习俗;习惯 ◆教材原句 What are the best ways to experience Chinese traditions and customs ? 体验中国传统和习俗的最好方式是什么? ◆要点必记 customs and habits 风俗习惯 an old/ancient custom 旧的 / 古老的习俗 a local custom 当地的风俗习惯 It’s the custom ( for sb. ) to do sth. (对某人来说)做某事是一种习俗。 ◆误区警示 复数 customs 还专指“海关”。 a customs officer 海关官员 ◆词语辨析: custom 与 habit · custom 多指社会的“风俗,习俗”,表示 “ 习惯”时,与 habit 同义; · habit 指个人的“习惯”。   eating habits 饮食习惯 ◆单句写作 ( 1 ) It                     (已经变成一个习俗) to hold a party to celebrate the harvest every year. ( 2 )                                    (对中国人来说 …… 是一种习俗) to set off fireworks during the Spring Festival to get rid of ill fortune. ◆ 辨析填空( custom/habit ) ( 3 ) The celebration of the Spring Festival in China is a      . ( 4 ) He has formed a bad      of smoking since an early age. ( 5 ) There is a nice      in the area. That’s to say , people have formed the      of getting together to celebrate the harvest. has become a custom It is a custom for Chinese people custom habit custom habit 词汇六   crowd ( 1 ) n. 人群;一群人;民众  ( 2 ) vt. 挤满;使 …… 拥挤 ◆教材原句 Dave could not find a seat in the room. It was very crowded . 戴夫在房间里找不到座位。那里非常拥挤。 ◆要点必记 a crowd of/crowds of 一群;许多 crowd into... 挤进 …… crowd in ( on sb. )(想法、问题等)涌上(某人心头),涌入(某人脑海) be crowded with 充满 …… ,满是 …… ◆一言助记 The crowd crowded into the stadium which was crowded with audience. 人群挤进体育馆里,里面挤满了观众。 ◆单句语法填空 ( 1 ) Hundreds of people crowded      the nearby church for the wedding. ( 2 ) Too many uncomfortable thoughts were crowding      on her. ( 3 ) In      ( crowd ) places like airports and railway stations , you must take care of your luggage (行李) . ( 4 ) The studio was      ( crowd ) with visitors. ◆单句写作 ( 5 )[词汇复现] In the courtyard of a farmhouse , there is a herd of cattle and                     (一群人) . ( 6 ) My father warned me against going to the west coast because it                (满是) tourists. into in crowded crowded a crowd of people was crowded with 重点句式 句式一 口语交际:表达兴奋、惊讶和失望( Expressing excitement , surprise and disappointment ) ◆要点必记 Wow! 哇! I had no idea... 我不知道 …… I didn’t know... 我不知道 …… I was eager/surprised to see/learn/hear that... 我急于 / 惊讶地看到 / 了解 / 听说 …… It was so much fun! 太有趣了 ! It was a little disappointing. 有点令人失望。 It wasn’t as good/interesting/fun as I’d expected. 它没有我想象得那么好 / 有趣 / 有趣。 All my effort went down the drain. 我所有的努力都白费了。 I was so looking forward to... 原来我还一直盼望 …… ◆单句写作 ( 1 ) 我兴奋得睡不着觉。 ______________________________________ ( 2 ) “你得了冠军。”“我真不敢相信!” —You won the championship. — ______________________ ( 3 ) 我简直不能相信自己的耳朵了! __________________________________________ ( 4 ) 那不可能是真的! ________________________________________ ( 5 ) 太可惜了! ___________________________________ I’m too excited to go to sleep. I can’t believe it! I could hardly believe my ears! It can’t be true!/It’s impossible! What a pity/shame! 句式二   while 连接的并列句 ◆教材原句 On a quiet morning in the mountains , feel the sun on your skin , and breathe in the sweet scent of fresh flowers while birds greet the new day with their morning song. 在一个安静的早晨,在山间感受太阳照在你的皮肤上,呼吸清新的花香,而鸟儿们用它们的晨歌迎接新的一天。 ◆要点必记 ( 1 ) while 可作并列连词,意为“而,然而”, 表前后意义上的对比或转折; ( 2 ) while 可作从属连词,引导时间状语 从句,意为“当 …… 时候”; ( 3 ) while 可作从属连词,引导让步状语 从句,意为“尽管”,常常放于句首。 ◆词语辨析 while , when 与 as · while 表示一段时间和某一过程,必须跟延续性动词; · when 既可以表示时间段,也可以表示时间点。从句动词可以是瞬间性的,也可以是持续性 的; · as 表示两个动作同时进行,有时有伴随意味,可译为“一边 …… 一边”。 ◆单句语法填空 ( 1 ) He was still studying      the others were sleeping. ( 2 ) Doing the same kind of work , some people are relaxed      others think it stressful. ( 3 )       I am willing to help , I do not have much time. ( 4 ) He fell asleep       he was doing his homework. ( 5 ) In some countries , people eat with chopsticks ,      in other countries , knives and forks. while while While/Although/Though while/when/ as while ◆辨析填空( while/when/as ) ( 6 )       I was walking down the street , I noticed a police car in front of the store. ( 7 )      John arrived , I was reading a novel. ( 8 ) I was wandering through the street      I caught sight of a shop. ◆单句写作 ( 9 ) I’m good at playing table tennis ,                (而我弟弟篮球打得好) . ( 10 )                   (虽然我承认这些问题很难), I don’t agree that they cannot be settled.   When/While/As When When while my brother plays basketball well While/Although/Though I admit the problems are difficult 句式三   it 作形式主语 ◆教材原句 With all this beauty , it is not surprising that Ireland has developed strong traditions that include music , dancing , and dining. 有了这些美景,爱尔兰发展出包括音乐、舞蹈和餐饮在内的强大传统也就不足为 奇了。 ◆句法分析 句中 it 是形式主语, that 引导的主语从句是真正的主语。 ◆要点必记 在 it 作形式主语的句子中,真正的主语可以是不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句。 · It is + adj. / n. + 从句 做某事是 …… 的。 · It is + adj. / n. + to do sth. 做某事是 …… 的。 · It is + adj. + for/of sb. to do sth. 做某事对于某人来说是 …… 的。 · It is no use/good doing sth. 做某事是没有用 / 好处的。 · It is said/reported/believed that... 据说 / 据报道 / 人们认为 …… ◆单句语法填空 ( 1 ) The doctor thought      would be good for you to have a holiday. ( 2 ) It’s impolite      ( speak ) when you’re eating. You should avoid this kind of behaviour. ( 3 ) It is no use      ( argue ) with Bill because he will never admit his mistakes. ( 4 ) It is very important for us      ( keep ) a good relationship with our teachers. ( 5 ) It is obvious to the students      they should get well prepared for their future. ( 6 )[ 2018· 浙江卷] Many westerners who come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap      can be to eat out. it to speak arguing to keep that it

