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抗击武汉新冠肺炎疫情作文中英翻译3 抗击武汉新冠肺炎疫情作文中英翻译 3 我曾无数次地幻想过,2020 年度的春天会是怎样一个春天?国泰民安,每个人的脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑;鸟语花香,生态和谐,笼罩天际的雾霾消弭殆尽;纵横捭阖间,中国屹立于世界之巅,尽显文化与政治自信。 I have fantasized countless times about what spring will be in 2020? The country is peaceful and the people are safe, everyones face is full of happy smile; birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, the ecology is harmonious, and the haze that covers the sky is eliminated; China stands on the top of the world, showing cultural and political self-confidence in all directions. 然而,在进入 2020 的第一个月就遭到当头一棒武汉肺炎。一时间,往日热闹温馨的春节街头变得清清冷冷,行人寥寥;火红的商家店铺纷纷闭市歇业;千千万万的游子身处异地,不能回家团聚。这一切的始作俑者就是新型冠状病毒引起的武汉肺炎!这个病魔如鬼魅般,沿着2019的尾巴将它的魔爪伸向2020的春天,将它恐怖焦虑的披风掩盖与九州之上,它贪欲地将一个个无辜者抓住,妄想将他们拖入死亡的深渊,妄想让这个春天布满着腐败的恶气。 However, in the first month of 2020, it was hit by Wuhan pneumonia. For a time, the busy and warm streets of the spring festival became clear and cold, with few pedestrians; the hot shops were closed; thousands of tourists were in different places, unable to go home for reunion. The initiator of evil is Wuhan pneumonia ronavirus. This disease is like a ghost. It stretches its claw to the spring of 2020 along the tvering its fear and an*iety cloak with Kyushu. It greedily grabs innocent people and tries to drag them into the abyss of death. This spring is filled with corruption. 但是,有这样一批人,让它的阴谋不会这样轻易得逞!白色是他们的标志,防护服是他们的盾牌,他们怀着一腔热血,英勇地向着这个面目可憎的病魔宣战他们就是医务人员。 However, there are such a group of people, so that its plot will not be so easy to succeed! White is their symbol, protective clothing is their shield. With a cavity of blood, they bravely declare war on this disgusting disease - they are medical personnel. 面对来势汹汹的病魔,他们临危不惧,加班加点地与之对抗,仅仅一个月,他们就钻研出新型冠状病毒的结构!在武汉一线,无数医护人员在坚守阵地,竭尽全力将一个个不幸患病的可怜人从病魔手中夺回!于此同时,火神山、雷神山两座医院拔地而起,赋予大家更多的期望之光!无数的医疗物资从世界各地涌入武汉,无数的心通过网络,牵挂着武汉,全国人民众志成城,一如 17 年前对抗非典时,向着武汉肺炎发起同样的宣战! Faced wironavirus, they faced danger and worked overtime to fight against it. Only a month later, they studied the structure of the new coronavirus. In the front luntless medical staff are holding their positions, trying their best to take back the poor people who are suffering from the disease! At the same time, two hospitals, huoshenshan and leishenshan, have sprung up to give uuntless medical materials have poured into Wuhan from all over the world, and countless people are worried about Wuhan through the network. The people of the whole country are united as one, just like when fighting against SARS 17 years ago, they launched the same declaration of war against Wuhan pneumonia! 有人说,这个春天是最灰暗的一个春天,有人说,好想重启 2020。但,我要说 2020 的春天不会只是一个焦虑、恐怖和愤慨的春天,这个春天还有坚守、热血和期望!不光前线的医护人员在努力奋战,我们医学生作为医护人员的后备军,愿在疫情危急之际,献出自己的一分微力:服从管理,自觉隔离,通过渠道量力参与物资捐赠。虽然疫情带来的种种怪象乱象,让我们愤慨或难过,但我们心中已将希波克拉底的誓言铭记。今日前线医生护我们免于病痛,他日我们定将誓死守护大家的健康! Some people say that this spring is the darkest one. Some people say that they want to restart 2020. However, I would like to say that the spring of 2020 will not be just a spring of an*iety, fear and anger, this spring still has perseverance, blood and hope! Not only the medical staff on the front line are fighting hard, but our medical students, as the reserve force of medical staff, are willing to give their own little effort when the epidemic is critical: obnsciously isolate, and participate in material donation through channels. Although we are angry or sad by all the strange phenomena brought about by the epidemic, we have remembered the Hippocratic oath in our hearts. Today, the doctors at the front line protect us from the pain, and we will definitely protect everyones health in the future!查看更多