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选修6 Module 1 Small Talk学案 基础自主回顾 Ⅰ.课标单词 1.__________非正式的(adj.) 2.__________严肃的(adj.) 3.__________缺乏;缺少(v.) 4.__________预先的;在前的(adj.) 5.__________机会(n.) 6.__________恩惠;照顾(n.) 7.__________回答;答复;回信(n.) 8.__________缺点;短处(n.) 9.__________成熟的(adj.)‎ informal serious lack advance opportunity favour reply shortcoming mature 10.__________谨慎的;慎重的;小心的(adj.) 11.__________不管怎么说;无论如何(adv.) 12.__________目的(n.) 13.__________缺乏;不存在(n.)→__________缺席的;不在的(adj.) 14.__________道歉;致歉(n.)→________________道歉(v.) 15.__________打断(v.)→__________打扰;打断(n.) 16.__________解释;给……下定义(v.)→__________定义;释放(n.)‎ cautious anyhow purpose absence absent apology apologise/ apologize interrupt interruption define definition 17.__________想象(v.)→__________想象力;幻想;空想(n.)→__________可想象的;想象得出来的(adj.)→__________想象的;虚构的(adj.)→__________想象力丰富的(adj.)‎ imagine imagination imaginable imaginary imaginative Ⅱ.常用短语 1.______________________把目光从……移开 2.___________________因此;结果 3.___________________使某人高兴/振作起来 4.__________________知道 5.____________________了解(到);找出(信息) 6._________________交朋友;建立友谊 7.___________________想起;回忆起 8.______________________除此之外;另外 9.___________________省去;删去 10._________________炫耀 look away from as a consequence cheer sb. up be aware of find out make friends think of in addition leave out show off Ⅲ.重点句型 1.________ to a man about himself, ________ he will speak to you for hours! 和一个人谈论他自己,他会和你说上几个小时。‎ 答案:Talk; and ‎2.It was an informal party so I ________ wear a suit. 那不是正式的聚会,所以我没必要穿西服。‎ 答案:didn't need to ‎ ‎3.I have a favour ________. 我想请你帮个忙。‎ 答案:to ask ‎4.________________ 80% of all conversation in English is small talk. 据估计,百分之八十的英语对话是聊天。‎ 答案:It is estimated that Ⅳ.模块语法 1.I ________ early this morning, so I stayed in bed still 830 a.m.. A. needn't have got up B. didn't need to get up C. needn't get up D. needn't to have got up 答案:B 2.(2006·济宁3月)—Is John coming by train? —He should, but he ________ not. A. must       B. has C. need D. may 答案:D 3.(2006·南通调研)—How did you do in the test? —Not so well. I ________ much better but I misread the directions for Writing. A. will have done B. could have done C. must have done D. may have done 答案:B 4.(2006·南京二模)—We need a person badly to be in charge of this design. —________ the new comer have a try? A. May B. Will C. Shall D. Need 答案:C 5.(2006·海淀4月)The public transportation is very convenient in that big city, so there ________ be any difficulty in traveling around. A. mustn't B. wouldn't C. shouldn't D. needn't 答案:C 考点探究解密 考 点 解 读  1.advance vt. & vi.(使)前进;进展 n.前进;进展;预付(款)adj.预先的,在前的 精讲拓展: ‎ ‎①advance to/towards朝……前进 ②advance sb. some money=advance some money to sb.预付某人钱 ③advance sb. to a higher position使某人提升(乔迁) ‎ ‎④in advance预先;提前 ⑤in advance of在……之前;超过 ⑥advanced adj.高级的;进步的;先进的 ⑦advancement n.改进,进步 误区警示:advance还可指“预支”,后跟双宾语结构,advance sb. sth. Will they advance you some money until you get your first paycheck? 在你拿到第一次工资以前,他们是否会预支你一些钱? 朗文在线: ①Troops advanced on the rebel stronghold. 军队向反叛者的据点推进。 ②Our understanding of human genetics has advanced considerably. 我们对人类遗传学的理解有了很大进步。 ③We received no advance warning of the storm. 我们没有收到风暴的预先警报。‎ 命题方向:advance作动词和名词的用法以及形容词形式advanced,可能以词语辨析的形式命题。 活学巧练: (1)The general ________ (使……前进)his troops at night. (2)The boss will ________ (预付)you $ 300. (3)A month has passed and the work has not ____________ (进展).‎ advanced advance advanced (4)Food prices have ________ rapidly this year. A.risen up       B.raised up C.advanced D.raised 答案与解析:C rise本身表示上升,不用再加up, raise为及物动词,应用被动。advance表示“前进,上升”,符合题意。 2.lack v.缺乏,缺少;n.没有,不足,缺乏 精讲拓展: ①lack (for) sth.缺乏某事物 ②be lacking in不足;不够 ③lack for nothing应有尽有 ④a complete/distinct/total lack of完全/明显缺乏 ⑤for/through lack of因缺少…… ‎ ‎⑥no lack of不缺少,足够 注意:lack在用作名词时常与of连用,表示“缺乏……”,作动词时常与介词连用。 朗文在线: ①I lack words to express my thanks.Without your help,I would have failed. 我难以用语言来表示感谢。没有你的帮助我就失败了。 ②She seems to be lacking in common sense. 她似乎缺乏常识。 ③Lack of Vitamin B is making him seriously ill. 缺少维生素B使他病得很严重。 词语辨析:lack与shortage ①lack是普通用词,指完全没有或部分缺少,既可指具体事物,也可指抽象概念,如智力、知识、勇气等。 His real problem is that he lacks confidence. 他的真正问题是缺乏信心。 ②shortage指“短缺”,是就需要量而言。 The main difficulty in the flooded area is a shortage of food and medicine. 遭受洪灾地区的主要困难是缺乏食物和药品。 活学巧练: (1)She is ________ (缺乏)in responsibility. (2)I didn't finish my homework ____________ (由于没有) time. (3)She does not ________ (缺乏) friends.‎ lacking for lack of lack for (4)(2009·湖南湘潭模拟)Of the 2,000 stock investors ________ last month, 90% was found ________ in financial knowledge. A. surveyed; lacking B. having been surveyed; to lack C. surveyed; lacked D. to have been surveyed; lack 答案与解析:A 由第一空后的时间状语last month可以判定第一空应使用过去时态,故排除B、D两项;第二空应为非谓语动词,且与主语间为主动关系;综合以上可知应选A项。此处surveyed作后置定语,与先行词stock investors之间为被动关系,而lacking in...作主语补足语,与主语是主谓关系。 3.purpose n.目的 vt.企图;打算 精讲拓展: ①on purpose故意地 ‎ ‎②with/for the purpose of为了 ③answer/serve the purpose适用 ④to the purpose有用的;合适的 ⑤purpose to do sth./doing sth.企图做某事 ⑥purposeful adj.有清晰目的的,坚决的 ⑦purposeless adj.无目的的,无意义的 ⑧purposely adv.故意地 朗文在线: For tax purposes you will be treated as a married couple. 出于税收的目的,你们将被当作夫妻对待。‎ 命题方向:名词purpose构成的习惯用语在考题中经常考查到。 活学巧练:汉译英 (1)我需要找到我生活的目的和意义。 ___________________________________________________ (2)这次会议的目的是选举新的委员会。 ____________________________________________________ (3)杰克一直让我很烦,我想他是故意那样干的。 ___________________________________________________‎ 答案:(1) I need to find meaning and purpose in my life. (2) The purpose of this meeting is to elect a new committee. (3) Jack's been really annoying me and I think he's doing it on purpose. 4.imagine v.想象 精讲拓展: ①imagine that/ what/ how/ why...想象…… ②imagine doing sth.想象做某事 ③imagine sb. doing sth.想象某人做某事 ④imagine sb./ sth. as把某人(物)想象成…… ⑤You can‘t imagine...你想象不到…… ⑥imagination n.想象力,创造力 朗文在线: ①Don‘t imagine that I can lend you money every time you need it! 你甭想每次你需要钱我都会借给你! ②They were, I imagine, mostly industrial workers. 我想他们绝大多数是产业工人。 ③Can you imagine Tom sleeping in class? 你能想象一下汤姆在课堂上睡觉的样子吗? 活学巧练: (1)你能想象他作为一个演员而出名吗? ‎ Can you ____________ as an actor? (2)我简直想象不出这个地方几年之后会变成什么样子。 I just can't imagine ____________ in a few years' time.‎ 答案:(1)imagine him/ his becoming famous (2)what the place is going to look like (3)(2009·黑龙江哈尔滨模拟)________ her so excited last night? A. What do you imagine making B. What do you imagine made C. Do you imagine what made D. Do you imagine what had made 答案与解析:B do you imagine为插入语,真正的句子结构为What made her so excited last night。此题易错选A项。 5.in addition(常与to连用)“此外”,在句中作状语 You'd better stay in bed for a few days. In addition, you should take more water.‎ 精讲拓展: ①in addition可单独用于句首用逗号隔开,也可用于句尾。 ②in addition to除……外,相当于besides,后接名词结构。 ③apart from除……外(相当于besides或except) ④as well as除……以外还(多放于句首) 朗文在线: ①The hotel itself can accommodate 80 guests and, in addition, there are several self-catering apartments. 旅馆本身能容纳80位客人,除此之外,还有几个可供自己做饭的套房。 ②He is now running his own research company—that‘s in addition to his job at the university. 除了他在大学的工作以外,他现在还经营自己的研究公司。‎ 命题方向:in addition与in addition to等短语的语意辨析很有可能考查到。 活学巧练:汉译英 (1)首先你要有能力。另外,你必须要通过驾驶考试。 ___________________________________________ (2)此外,我还有其他事要做。 ________________________________________________ (3)除了名单上的名字之外,还有6个申请人。 ___________________________________________________ 答案:(1)First you need have the ability. In addition, you must pass the driving test. (2)I have other things to do in addition. (3)In addition to the names on the list, there are six other applicants. ‎ ‎6.be aware of 知道,意识到 精讲拓展: ①aware adj.觉察到的,知悉的 ②be aware that/wh-clause觉察,知悉 误区警示:当aware表示“觉察到的,知悉的”之意时,为表语形容词,其用法类似于afraid, alive, awake, asleep等词,可以用well, quite修饰,但不能用very修饰。 She was not aware that she had hurt her colleague. 她没有觉察到已经伤害了她的同事。 但aware of...短语可以作后置定语或宾语补足语。 朗文在线: ①It‘s time someone made him aware of the effects of his actions. 该有人让他明白他的所作所为所造成的后果了。 ②I gradually became aware that there was someone else in the room. 我逐渐注意到房间里还有他人在场。‎ 命题方向:be aware of这一短语的用法,以及aware作为表语形容词的用法是常考点。 活学巧练:汉译英 (1)你意识到困难了吗? ___________________________________________________ (2)她不知道她丈夫挣多少钱。 __________________________________________________‎ 答案:(1)Are you aware of the difficulty? (2)She was not aware how much her husband earned. 单项填空 (3)He is quite________of the risk,but he has no choice but to go ahead. A.eager B.aware C.sensitive D.serious 答案与解析:B be aware of“意识到”。句意为:他虽然意识到有危险,但除了向前走别无选择。 7.leave out省去;遗漏;不考虑 This doesn‘t make sense. I think the typist has left out a line. 精讲拓展: ①leave for...动身去…… ②leave sb. alone不打扰某人 ③leave go of sth.放开 ④leave sth. over推迟某事 ⑤leave sth. behind忘了带某物 ‎ ‎⑥leave off停止 ⑦leave sth./ sb. behind忘了带某物;将某人抛在后面或落下 词语辨析:leave out与cross out ①leave out遗漏,漏掉 In your written work, you left out an important detail, so you couldn‘t score a high mark. 在书面表达中,你漏掉了一个重要细节,因此你不能得高分。 ②cross out划掉,除去 This word in the sentence is unnecessary. Cross it out. 这个单词在句中多余,删掉它。 活学巧练: (1)Leave go of my arm—you're hurting me.(替换)________. (2)It won't rain; you can ________ your umbrella ________ (不必带). (3)These matters will have to ________ (推迟) until the next meeting. (4)A single letter mustn't be ________ (漏掉).‎ Let leave behind left over left out (5)Leave me ________ this quarrel, please. I don‘t want to get involved. A.out from B.out in C.out of D.off over 答案与解析:C leave sb out of 让……在外面,这里指“不牵扯在内”。 8.Would you love to go to a party and talk confidently to every guest?你愿意去参加一个聚会和每位客人都自信地交谈吗? I would love...相当于I want...,但语气更委婉,显得客气些。would也可用should代之,love也可用like代替。 I‘d love to go to the village with my grandma. 我想与祖母一起去那村庄。 精讲拓展: would love+→+n./pron.想要某物 +to do想做某事 +sb.to do想要某人做某事 +sb.to have done 本来想要某人做……,但却没做成 活学巧练: I would love________to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to ‎ finish a report. A.to go B.to have gone C.going D.having gone 答案与解析:B 时间状语last night说明动作发生在过去,须用would love to have done结构。would love后不接动名词形式。 9.“祈使”条件句用法透视 在英语中,祈使句除了表示“请求、命令、叮嘱、号召”等含义外,还可以表示条件。 祈使句的该类用法在历届高考中考过多次,值得重视,该用法共有四种: (1)祈使句+and+简单句 Work hard and you will pass the examinations. (=If you work hard,you will pass the examinations.) 如果你努力学习,你会通过考试的。 (2)祈使句+or+简单句 Harry up,or you will be late for the meeting. (=If you hurry up,you will not be late for the meeting.) 如果你快点,开会就不会迟到的。 (3)名词词组+and+简单句 One more hour,and I will do it better. (=If you give me one more hour,I will do it better.) 如果你再给我一个小时,我会干得更好。 (4)祈使句+破折号(—)+简单句。该简单句中常常含有can,may,must等表示“推测”的情态动词或maybe,perhaps之类的有“推测”含义的副词。 Come and have a look at it—maybe it satisfies you. (=If you come and have a look at it,maybe you are satisfied with it.) 过来看一看,也许它会令你满意的。 注意:上述类型句子的反意疑问句要根据“就近一致”原则与简单句的主语、人称、时态一致。例如: Start off earlier,or we will not see them at the airport. 早一点走吧,否则在机场我们就见不到他们了。 One more week,and they will complete the project on time,won‘t they? 如果再给他们一周的时间,他们会按时完工,对不对? 活学巧练:汉译英 (1)得寸进尺。 _____________________________________________ (2)如果你再向前走一步,你就会从平台上掉下去的。 _________________________________________________ (3)如果你坚持自己的观点的话,也许他们会折服于你的。 ‎ ‎____________________________________________________‎ 答案:(1)Give him an inch and he will take a mile/yard. (2)One more step,and you will fall off the platform. (3)Stick to your own views—they might give in to you. 10.didn‘t need to do和needn’t have done 1.didn‘t need to do表示“没有必要做某事”,用于过去时态,也可用didn’t have to代替。若用于现在时态,可用doesn‘t (don’t) need to do(实义动词)或needn‘t do(情态动词)或don’t have to do。 He said you didn‘t need to/have to wait for him. 他说你不必等他了。 We needn’t/don‘t have to go yet; the show doesn’t start for an hour. 我们还不必出发,表演还要一个钟头才开始。 (1)在回答带有need的问句时,肯定答语用must,否定答语用needn‘t或don’t have to。 —Need I finish the work before ten? 我需要在十点前完成工作吗? —Yes, you must.是的,你必须完成。 —No, you needn‘t./No, you don’t have to. 不,你不必在十点前完成。 (2)didn‘t need to do或needn’t do, don‘t have to do都表示“不必做某事”,若表示“必须”做某事则用must do;若表示“一定不要做,不准,不应该”,则用mustn’t。 You mustn‘t drive so fast in the street. 在街上你一定不要开这么快。 We mustn’t waste any more time. 我们不能再浪费时间啦! (3)在回答带有must的问句时,否定回答常用needn‘t或don’t have to,表示“不必”,而不用mustn‘t。 —Must I come back before dark?我必须在天黑前回来吗? —Yes, you must.是的,你必须回来。 —No, you needn’t (don‘t have to).不,你不必回来。 (4)must与have to的辨析: ①must表示的是说话人的主观看法,而have to则往往强调客观。 The film is not interesting. I really must go now. 这电影没意思,我现在就走。 I have to go now, because my mother is in hospital. 我现在必须走了,因为我妈妈正在住院。 ②两者的否定意义不同,mustn‘t表示“禁止,不许”,don’t have to表示“‎ 不必”。 You mustn‘t go there.你不能去那儿。 You don’t have to go there.你不必去那儿。 2.needn‘t have done表示“本没有必要做某事而实际却做了”。 You needn’t have taken a taxi here, for it was very near to my house. 你本没有必要打出租车来的,因为那儿离我家很近。 注意:needn‘t have done表示“做了本来不必做的事”,didn’t need to do表示“没有必要做而实际上也没有做某事”。 You needn‘t have told him the news; he knew it already. 你不需要告诉他这个消息,他已经知道了。 I didn’t need to clean the windows. My brother did it. 我没有必要擦窗户,我哥哥已经擦了。 活学巧练: (1)I________early this morning,so I stayed in bed till noon. A.needn't have got up B.didn't need to get up C.needn't get up D.needn't to have got up 答案:B (2)He________you some help,for you could finish it by yourself. A.might give B.might have given C.would have given D.needn't have given 答案:D (3)Our holidays were ruined by the weather;________have stayed at home! A.it may be as well B.it was just as well we C.we might just as well D.we might do as well as we 答案:C (4)—Why didn't Tom come to the party last night? —He________not have wanted to see me. A.should B.would C.could D.might 答案:D (5)—You mustn't park your car here,sir;it's the entrance to our building. —I mustn't,________I?And what are you going to do about ‎ it? A.can't B.shouldn't C.mustn't D.needn't 答案:C 考 题 演 练1.This special school accepts all disabled students, ________ educational level and background. A. according to B. regardless of C. in addition to D. in terms of 答案与解析:B 本题考查短语意思辨析。according to“根据”;regardless of“不管,不顾”;in addition to“除……之外(还)”;in terms of“从……的观点,从……的角度”。本题选B项。句意:这所特教学校接收所有的残疾学生,不管他的受教育水平和背景如何。 2.—I‘m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have ________. —So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them. A. broken up B. finished up C. divided up D. closed up 答案与解析:A 本题考查动词短语辨析。做好此类题目,平时的积累是关键。在平时学习中要把有共同点的短语收集起来,弄明白它们的区别,集中记忆,反复记忆,直至牢牢掌握。break up“拆散;分开;(关系)破裂”;finish up“完成;吃光;杀死;毁掉”;divide up“瓜分;分配”;close up“靠近;愈合;关闭”。上句句意:听到Sue和Paul分手了,我很惊讶。 3.—It’s the office! So you ________ know eating is not allowed here. —Oh, sorry. A. must B. will C. may D. need 答案与解析:A 本题考查情态动词在具体语境中的使用。本句句意应为:——这里是办公室!你要知道,在这儿吃东西是不被允许的。——啊,对不起。句子用来责备对方且带有命令的语气,所以空格处应选择must。 4.—How about your journey to Mount Emei? —Everything was wonderful except that our car ________ twice on the way. A. slowed down B. broke down C. got down D. put down 答案与解析:B 本题考查动词短语的词义辨析。A项意为“减慢速度”;B项意为“出故障,抛锚”;C项意为“降下”;D项意为“把……放下;记下,平息”。 5.The British government often says that providing children with ________ to the information superhighway is of great importance. A. prevention B. protection C. allowance D. access 答案与解析:D 句意:英国政府经常说给孩子进入信息高速路的权利是极其重要的。access—opportunity or right to use sth. or approach sb.(使用某物或接近某人的)机会或权利。如:Students must have access to a good library.学生们要有使用好图书馆的便利条件。 6.It is often said that the joy of travelling is ________ in arriving at your destination ________ in the journey itself. A. /; but B. /; or C. not; or D. not; but 答案与解析:D 本题考查固定搭配的用法。not... but...不是……而是……,连接两个并列成分。句意:据说旅游的快乐不在于你所到达的地方而在于旅程本身。 7.—What sort of house do you want to have? Something big? —Well, it ________ be big—that‘s not important. A. mustn’t B. needn‘t C. can’t D. won‘t 答案与解析:B 本题考查情态动词。注意要依据具体的语言环境加以判断。句意:——你想要什么样的房子?要大的吗?——噢,它不需要很大,那不重要。由... that’s not important.这一语境可知,空格处应表示“不需要”,故须用needn‘t。 8.—My room gets very cold at night. —________. A.So is mine B.So mine is C.So does mine D.So mine does 答案与解析:C “so+助动词+主语”表示前面陈述的情况也适合于后者。‎ 点评:考查“so+助动词+主语”结构及意义。 ‎

