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‎ 2019届一轮复习人教版必修四Unit4Body language单元学案 一 单元基础词汇语法回顾 Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.He was c________ about everything he saw and kept asking questions.‎ 答案:curious ‎2.In some countries,a visitor will be g________with a kiss on the cheek.‎ 答案:greeted ‎3.What does X r________ in this equation (方程式)?‎ 答案:represent ‎4.G________ speaking,women cry more easily than men.‎ 答案:Generally ‎5.I prefer c________ to tragedy.‎ 答案:comedy ‎6.The ________(主要的) subjects in senior high schools are Chinese,English and mathematics.‎ 答案:major ‎7.Quarrels are usually caused because of ________________________(误解).‎ 答案:misunderstanding ‎8.As you ________(接近) the town,the first building you see is the church.‎ 答案:approach ‎9.His ________(口头的) English is pretty good.‎ 答案:spoken ‎10.Can you show me to the ________(宿舍)?‎ 答案:dormitory Ⅱ.完成句子 ‎1.High school students ________________(面对选择) between arts and science.‎ 答案:are faced with a choice ‎ ‎2.I didn't see his face clearly because he ________________(背对着我).‎ 答案:turned his back to me ‎ ‎3.I was surprised to find that the little girl ______________________(非常自由自在) among strangers as if she had known them for a long time.‎ 答案:was quite at ease ‎4.Being afraid of ____________________(丢脸),she left the party after they found that she had told lies.‎ 答案:losing face ‎5.________________________(有可能)the important meeting will be put off till next week.‎ 答案:It is likely/probable/possible that ‎ ‎6.I don't like to be left alone.________________(我也不乐意) go with them to see a film.‎ 答案:Nor am I willing to ‎ ‎7.We're trying to raise awareness about the environment ____________(整体上的) and air pollution in particular.‎ 答案:in general ‎8.She did what she could to ____________________(为她自己辩护) a false accusation(诬告).‎ 答案:defend herself against 单项填空 ‎1.—Was the proposal passed at yesterday's meeting?‎ ‎ —Yes, but some members at the committee expressed________.‎ A.associations B.authority C.corporations D.reservations 解析 考查名词词义辨析。association社团;联盟;authority权力;权威;corporation公司;法人;reservation(保留)意见;异议。‎ 答案 D ‎2.At the class meeting, some top students introduced several________to the study of English.‎ A.approaches B.means C.methods D.ways 解析  考查名词与介词的搭配。approach to sth/doing sth做某事的方法;by means of/by this means/by that means通过某种方式;with the method of...用……的方法;way to do.../of doing 做……的方式或方法。‎ 答案 A ‎3.I can ______ the house being untidy,but I hate it if it’s not clean.‎ A.come up with       B.put up with C.turn to D.stick to 解析 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我可以忍受房间乱点儿,但我讨厌它不干净。A.提出,想出;B.忍受;C.求助于,转向;D.坚持,忠于。由句意可知此处应填“忍受”,故答案为B项。‎ 答案 B ‎4.When the headmaster spoke out his plan,the_____of the students in the class_____against it.‎ A.majority; were B.most; were C.most; did D.majority; did 解析 考查固定搭配和主谓一致。the majority of“大多数的”,修饰可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用复数。故选A。‎ 答案 A ‎5.________,I can see that those terrible events shaped me into the person I am today.‎ A.Having looked back B.Looking back C.Being looking back D.To be looking back 解析 考查非谓语动词用法。look back与句子的谓语动词see同时发生,故应用现在分词的一般式作状语,表时间。looking back相当于when I look back。‎ 答案 B ‎6.These children had no idea________they should go,so they had to stop to ask the way.‎ A.how B.that C.what D.where 解析 考查名词性从句。where引导同位语从句,可根据后面的so they had to stop to ask the way判断。‎ 答案 D ‎7.A lot of countries have gained excellent achievements in space technology,China,________.‎ A.such as B.for example C.namely D.and so on 解析 句意:许多国家在太空技术方面取得了杰出的成就,比如说,中国。such as列举同类中的几个例子;for example可列举一例;namely把内容全部列举出来;and so on表示“等等”。‎ 答案 B ‎8.Don’t be too______about things you are not supposed to know.‎ A.strange B.amusing C.curious D.conscious 解析 be curious about“对……感到好奇”。strange“奇怪(特)的”;amusing“好笑的,有趣的”;conscious“注意到的,意识到的”。句意:别对你不该知道的事情过于好奇。‎ 答案 C ‎9.________in the queue for half an hour,the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.‎ A.Waiting B.To wait C.Having waited D.To have waited 解析 考查非谓语动词的用法。根据the old man与wait之间的关系,应该选择ing形式,再根据句意可知“他”是在主句谓语动词“realized”前就“等了(wait)半个小时了”,有明显的先后关系,故要用ing形式的完成式。‎ 答案 C ‎10.Running a company is not________a matter of hiring people —they also need to be trained.‎ A.simply B.partly C.seriously D.equally 解析 句意:经营一家公司不仅仅就是雇人的事情——‎ 他们还需要被培训。A项simply表示“仅仅,只不过”,符合句意。‎ 答案 A ‎11.At the meeting they discussed three different______to the study of mathematics.‎ A.approaches B.means C.methods D.ways 解析 句意:在会议上,他们讨论了三种不同的学习数学的方法。approach指从事某事的特别方法、途径,译作“(待人接物或思考问题的)方式、方法、态度”。approach与介词to 搭配,其余三个词与介词of 搭配。‎ 答案 A ‎12.—Do you know Anna's telephone number?‎ ‎—________.As a matter of fact,I don't know any Anna,either.‎ A.I think so B.I'm afraid not C.I hope so D.I'd rather not 解析 根据下文“...,I don't know any Anna,either.”可判断出应该选B,I'm afraid not我恐怕不知道。‎ 答案 B ‎13.Students are warned of not being too________about things they are not supposed to know.‎ A.strange B.curious C.conscious D.amusing 解析 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:学生们被警告不要对不应知道的事追根问底。be curious about对……好奇,符合句意。strange陌生的;conscious有知觉的,有意识的;amusing有乐趣的,好笑的。均不合句意。‎ 答案 B ‎14.As I______the house,I noticed a light on upstairs.‎ A.entered into B.attached C.appealed D.approached 解析 句意:当我接近房子时,我注意到楼上亮着灯。enter后不必加into,而attach表示粘上,appeal表示吸引、呼吁,均不合题意。‎ 答案 D ‎15.—He managed to________at the last moment.‎ ‎—You mean he has a narrow escape?‎ A.turn away B.turn up C.turn out D.turn in 解析 考查短语辨析。句意:——他在最后一刻设法避开了。——你是说他九死一生?turn away避开;解雇;不准……入内;走开;转过脸;turn up出现;开大;出现;turn out生产;结果是;turn in交上;归还。‎ 答案 A 单元综合知识检测 阅读理解 A ‎(2018·陕西省咸阳市高三二模)‎ About 6 percent of luxury hotels in three major Chinese cities have stopped serving shark fin (鱼翅),a survey has found.Although the controversial(有争议的) dish remains on the menu at most hotels,Green Beagle Environment Institute,a Beijingbased nongovernment organization that was the main sponsor of the survey,saidthe results are ‎ encouraging and reflect increased awareness.‎ The survey was carried out in Beijing,Shenzhen and Fuzhou,which were selected as representative cities to collect basic data on shark fin consumption nationwide.In Beijing,132 hotels completed the phone questionnaire between Nov.20 and Dec.12.Only 12 hotels,9 percent,said they do not serve shark fin.A similar survey of 131 Beijing hotels conducted a year ago found only one hotel that did not serve shark fin,Wang Xue,chief coordinator(协调人) of the survey,said on Saturday.In Shenzhen,four out of the 85 four and five star hotels surveyed had stopped serving shark fin, accounting for about 5 percent.In Fuzhou,only one of the 40 hotels surveyed did not serve shark fin.On average,about 6.61 percent of the hotels in the three cities did not serve the food.‎ ‎“The survey reminded us there is still a long way to go to remove shark fins from Chinese hotels and restaurants, but the improved situation in Beijing is encouraging,”said Wang.“We found more hotels and restaurants were willing to take action over the past year.”International hotels are more active in the sharkfinfree”project,she noted.China is the world's biggest importer and consumer of shark fin,which has been used in luxurious Chinese dishes for 500 years.Dishes made from shark fin are still regarded as a symbol of honor and respect,especially at business dinners,according to Wang.‎ Research has also found that shark fin contains poisonous elements,but the nutritious value is less than that of chicken or pork.“We hope hotels and restaurants remove shark fin products from their menus,”Wang added.‎ ‎【文章大意】 本文是说明文,主要介绍了一项关于中国的酒店供应鱼翅情况的调查。‎ ‎1.Why do Chinese people are fond of eating shark fin?‎ A.Shark fin stands for honor and respect in China.‎ B.Shark fin is rich in a variety of nutrition.‎ C.The living standard of Chinese is much better than before.‎ D.Shark fin can make people live longer.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后两句“China is the world's biggest importer and consumer of shark fin,which has been used in luxurious Chinese dishes for 500 years.Dishes made from shark fin are still regarded as a symbol of honor and respect....”可判断,500年来,鱼翅一直作为中国顶级食材,因为鱼翅菜肴被视作尊贵的象征,现在仍然是这样。‎ 答案:A ‎2.In which way was the survey carried out?‎ A.Interviewing on the spot.‎ B.Phone questionnaire.‎ C.Filling the forms.‎ D.Talk show.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“In Beijing,132 hotels completed the phone questionnaire....”可判断,这次调查是通过电话问卷完成的。‎ 答案:B ‎3.According to the text,which city did the best this year?‎ A.Shanghai. B.Shenzhen.‎ C.Fuzhou. D.Beijing.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一句“The survey reminded us there is still a long way to go to remove shark fins from Chinese hotels ‎ and restaurants,but the improved situation in Beijing is encouraging...”可判断,此次调查情况并不乐观,但是北京的状况已有所改善,说明北京今年做得最好。‎ 答案:D ‎4.The author wants to tell us ________.‎ A.the opinions divided on consuming shark fin B.Chinese people' taste of shark fin C.the appeal to hotels and restaurants for stopping serving shark fin D.the world's biggest importer and consumer of shark fin 解析:目的意图题。根据倒数第二段第一句“The survey reminded us there is still a long way to go to remove shark fins from Chinese hotels and restaurants....”可判断,作者是呼吁酒店停止供应鱼翅。‎ 答案:C B ‎(2018·福建省泉州市高三1月质检)‎ Too Much Happiness was written by Alice Munro,winner of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature,one of our greatest contemporary writers of fiction and the owner of the Man Booker Price for Fiction.Her stories have appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly,and other publications,and her collections have been translated into thirteen languages.‎ The main character is Sophia Kovalevsky,a great Russian mathematician,writer and advocator (拥护者) of women's rights in the late nineteenth century.After visiting her lover Maxsim Kovaevsky in Riviera,she travels m Europe,ending up in Sweden,where she teaches at the only university in Europe willing to employ a female ‎ mathematician.The book writes about her journey from Riviera to Sweden.‎ The story tells the typical struggle of an intellectual (知识分子)woman to achieve success and happiness.However,when she is going to die,Sophia says “too much happiness”.I think it's irony (讽刺的).As reading the story,she has too many mental problems.First,as a woman mathematician,she was born in a wrong time.She was married to Vladimir Kovalevsky without love,called “a white marriage”.She explained that “No young Russian woman who was unmarried could leave the country.”She satisfied her marriage to seek her career.‎ Furthermore,when she sees a man who looks like Maxsim in the station,she says to herseff,“Of course,it would not be Maxsim,what could he be doing in Paris?”She doesn't want to face the_fact_because she doesn't want to lose her hope.She believes they will marry in spring.And in her letter to Julia she says:“It is to be happiness after all,happiness after all.Happiness.”She is cheating herself,In fact,the man does not want to marry her,and the happiness she expected doesn' take place at all.‎ ‎ Finally,I conclude that the end must be a tragedy(悲剧).From the very first pages the atmosphere is gloomy (黯淡的) and threatening.“One of us will die this year.Because we have gone walking in a graveyard (墓地)on the first day of the New Year. ”Some pages further,“a black cat across their path” all reflect it will be a bad ending.Not because she had some problems with her lung,but because her life does not bring her happiness and because of these disharmonious things that happen in her life.‎ ‎【文章大意】 本文为说明文,介绍了Alice Munro的作品Too Much Happiness的人物及主要内容。‎ ‎5.We can infer from the passage that ________.‎ A.Sophia was born in a wrong time and was mentally ill B.women were not fairly treated in Europe in Sophia's time C.Sophia loved travelling around Europe to meet different people D.unmarried women were forbidden to learn mathematics at that time 解析:推理判断题。根据第三段倒数第二句She explained that “No young Russian woman who was unmarried could leave the country.”可知妇女的出行在当时是受限制的。‎ 答案:B ‎6.The underlined phrase “the fact” in Paragraph 4 most probably refers to the fact that ________.‎ A.her husband refuses to divorce B.she can't teach in university C.she falls in love with Maxsim D.Maxsim doesn't want to marry her 解析:词义推测题。根据第四段最后一句中的“the man does not want to marry her”可知,Maxsim不想同她结婚。‎ 答案:D ‎7.Why does the author name this book Too Much Happiness?‎ A.It is used to suggest that the story must be a comedy.‎ B.It's a phrase repeatedly used by Sophia herself to her friend.‎ C.It's used in an ironic way to show that Sophia isn't happy at all.‎ D.It's to show Sophia is very happy to achieve success in her ‎ career.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第三句“I think it's irony.”可知,Sophis Kovalevsky的生活并不幸福。‎ 答案:C ‎8.What can we conclude from Sophia's experience?‎ A.It's hard for an educated woman to achieve success in Europe at that time.‎ B.Russian women were not allowed to go abroad without a white marriage.‎ C.Married women could travel freely across Europe in the late nineteenth century.‎ D.Seeing a black cat across the path would bring people to death in the end.‎ 解析:推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“The story tells the typical struggle of an intellectual woman to achieve success and happiness.”可知,在当时的欧洲,知识女性要获得成功是很不容易的。‎ 答案:A ‎9.In a newspaper,this passage is most probably in the section of ________.‎ A.Entertainment B.Travel C.Career D.Culture 解析:推理判断题。文章主要介绍Alice Munro的作品Too Much Happiness,所以应该出现在报纸的文化栏目里。‎ 答案:D C ‎(2018·东北三校高三联考)‎ Some colors people see late at night could cause signs of clinical depression. That was the finding of a study that buids on earlier study findings.They show that individuals who live or work in low levels of light overnight can develop clinical depression.Doctors use the word“clinical depression”to describe severe form of depression.Signs may include loss of interest or pleasure in most activities, low energy levels and thoughts of death or suicide.‎ In the new study, American investigators designed an experiment that expused hamsters(仓鼠)to different colors. The researchers chose hamsters because they are nocturnal, which means they sleep during the day and are active at night.‎ The animals were separated into four groups. One group of hamsters was kept in the dark during their nighttime period. Another group was placed in front of a blue light, a third group slept in front of a white light,while a fourth was put in front of a red light.‎ After four weeks, the researchers noted how much sugary water the hamsters drank. They found that the most depressed animals drank the least amount of water.Randy Nelson heads the Department of Neuroseience at Ohio State University. He says animals that slept in the hlue light and white light appeared to be the most depressed.“What we saw is that these animals didn't show any sleep uneasiness at all but they did mess up biological clock genes and they did show depressive sign, while if they were in the dim red light, they did not.”‎ Randy Nelson notes that photosensitive(感光的)cells in the eyes have little to do with eyesight. He says these cells send signals to the area of the brain that controls what has been called tile natural sleepwake cycle.‎ He says there's a lot of blue in the white light. This explains why the blue light and white light hamsters appear to be more depressed than the hamsters seeing the red light or darkness.‎ ‎【文章大意】 这是一篇科普文。美国的研究人员通过动物实验发现,通宵在昏暗的光线下生活和工作的人可能会患上重度抑郁症。‎ ‎32.Researchers use hamsters in the experiment because________.‎ A. they arc similar to humans in dealing with colors B. they are easy to observe and study C. they are sensitive to colors like human beings D. they are active at night and sleep during the day 解析:细节理解题。第二段说,选择仓鼠作为实验对象是因为它们白天睡觉,夜间活动,因此选D。‎ 答案:D ‎33.What sign shows that the hamsters are depressed?‎ A. They drink less sugary water.‎ B. They don't sleep well.‎ C. Their eyesight becomes worse.‎ D. Their energy level becomes low.‎ 解析:细节理解题。第四段说,研究人员发现喝糖水最少的仓鼠最为抑郁,因此选A。‎ 答案:A ‎34.________tends to cause hamsters to be depressed.‎ A. A dim light B. A red light C. A blue light D. Darkness 解析:细节理解题。第五段说,在蓝色和白色灯光下睡觉的仓鼠表现得最为抑郁,因此选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎35.What can help people who work late at night to avoid being depressed?‎ A. Not being exposed to a dim red light when using computers.‎ B. Equipping their computer sereen to put it more in a reddish light.‎ C. Living or working in low levels of light overnight.‎ D. Going to see doctors of clinical depression regularly for help.‎ 解析:推理判断题。最后一段说,生活在蓝色和白色灯光下的仓鼠比生活在红色灯光下或黑暗中的仓鼠更抑郁,因此在红色光线中工作能防止抑郁,故B项正确。‎ 答案:B ‎ D ‎(2018·江苏省淮安市高三三模)‎ ‎ Spanish explorers called them Las Encantadas, the Enchanted Isles, and Charles Darwin used his studies of the islands as the foundation for his theory of natural selection. The Galapagos are among the world's most important scientific treasures, a group of volcanic islands surrounded by deserted beaches and inhabited by unique varieties of giant tortoise, lizards, and birds.‎ Yet life on this United Nations world heritage site has turned sour. Battles have broken out between fishermen and conservationists. Ecuador,which owns the islands, has sent a naval patrol(海军巡逻队)to put down disturbances.‎ ‎ The controversial director of the Galapagos National Park—which controls 97 percent of Galapagos land and the reserve extending to 40 miles offshore—has been fired, while an air of uneasy tension hangs over the islands, as the islanders prepare for election when they pick their representatives in Ecuador's national assembly.‎ ‎“It's a very tense situation,”said Leonor Stjepic, director of the ‎ Londonbased Galapagos Conservation Trust,which raises money to help projects on the islands.“We are watching it with concern.”‎ The violence has been triggered by an alarming growth in the islands' population. Puerto Ayora, on Santa Cruz island, housed just 45 inhabitants in the 50s. Today there are more than 10,000 while the islands' total population is more than 19,000 and growing by 6 percent a year, despite recently introduced a law to limit waves of immigrants fleeing the poor areas of Ecuador or a life“in paradise(天堂)”. On top of this,more than 100,000 tourists visit the islands every year.‎ Such numbers have put the islands' special ecology under intense pressure. Conservationists backed by the Ecuador government,have replied by exercising strict controls to protect the islands' iguanas, bluefooted boobies, and giant tortoises.‎ These moves have angered many local people, however. They want to exploit(开发利用)the islands' waters and catch its protected species of sharks, lobsters and sea cucumbers, which can fetch high prices in Japan and South Korea.‎ Angry fishermen surrounded the Charles Darwin research station on Santa Cruz last February, threatened to kill Lonesome George—the last surviving member of the Pinta Island species of the Galapagos giant tortoise.‎ The situation got improved after the Ecuador government made concessions(让步)by increasing fishing quotas(配额), which angered conservationists. “It is tragic, the shortterm gain of a few fishermen versus the longterm survival of the Galapagos,” said John McCosker of the California Academy of Sciences.“They are killing the golden goose.”‎ Then, the Ecuador government appointed Fausto Cepeda as the national park's new director, a post that has become a political football for ‎ the mainland government. There have been nine directors in the past 18 months.‎ This appointment was particularly controversial, however. Cepeda was known to have close ties with the fishing industry, and the rangers(管理员), who run the national park and reserve, rebelled.‎ More than 300 staged a sitin at the park's headquarters and prevented Cepeda from taking up his post. A battle broke out, and at least two people suffered serious injuries. Eventually, Cepeda—with the fishermen's help—entered the park. “I am in office, I am in control. And I am trying to lower the tension,” he announced.‎ The_Ecuador_government_took_no_chances,_and sent a patrol boat to maintain the peace. A few days later, Ecuador Environment Minister Fabian Valdivicso met representatives of rangers. After discussions, he told newspapers that he had decided to remove Cepeda from the post.‎ However, as the population continues to rise, the longterm pressures on the islands are serious and will not disappear that easily.‎ ‎“We have to balance its special environment with the needs of local people. In that sense,it is a microcosm(缩影)for all the other threatened parts of the world. So getting it right here is going to be a very,very important trick to pull off,” said Stjepic.‎ ‎【文章大意】 本文是说明文,报道了在加拉帕戈斯群岛发生的自然资源保护主义者和渔民因岛屿开发问题产生的冲突,政府正试图缓解岛上的紧张局势。‎ ‎29.What does the underlined word“this”in Paragraph 5 refer to?‎ ‎ A. The island's swelling population.‎ ‎ B. The law to limit waves of immigrants.‎ ‎ C. A life in paradise.‎ ‎ D. The tourists' visiting the islands every year.‎ 解析:代词指代题。根据第五段第一句“The violence has been triggered by an alarming growth in the islands' population.”可判断,本段主要介绍岛上过剩的人口,结合本段最后一句“...more than 100,000 tourists visit the islands every year.”可判断,这句话是在前文提到岛上本地人口数量很大且年年递增的前提下提出的,故this是指岛上的人口。‎ 答案:A ‎30.How significant were the islands for Charles Darwin?‎ ‎ A. He based his theory on his studies there.‎ ‎ B. He built the Charles Darwin research center there.‎ ‎ C. He advocated the balance between ecology and people there.‎ ‎ D. He found the last surviving giant tortoise there.‎ 解析:细节理解题。根据文章首句“...Charles Darwin used his studies of the islands as the foundation for his theory of natural selection.”可判断,Charles Darwin把在岛上的研究用作他的物竞天择说的理论基础。‎ 答案:A ‎31.We can learn from the passage that________.‎ A. the projects of Galapagos Conservation Trust on the islands are profitable B. conservatonists get angry when fishermen and killing a goose C. politicians from the mainland government play football on the islands D. the government is trying to ease the tension 解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第六段第一句“Then,the Ecuador government appointed Fausto Cepeda as the national park's new director, a post that has become a political football for the mainland government.”‎ 可判断,政府正努力缓解紧张局势。‎ 答案:D Ⅳ.七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Pirates are sea robbers who attack other ships and rob them of their goods and sometimes capture (夺取)the ship itself for their own purposes.As a matter of fact,piracy was a wellorganized business.‎ Why people became pirates People chose to become pirates for various reasons. __1__ These seamen often turned to piracy in order to survive.Others were in search of riches,like gold,silver and jewellery.Some simply wanted to have adventures.‎ ‎__2__‎ Most pirate ships had a captain who was in command during a battle.The most powerful person on board was the quartermaster,who divided the stolen goods among the crew (船员).__3__ Both the captain and the quartermaster were elected(选举) by the crew and they could be removed if they did not do their job well.‎ History of piracy Piracy has appeared at all times in history.Ancient Roman and Greek ships that sailed in the Mediterranean were often in danger of being attacked.__4__ During that period,a great number of ships crossed the Atlantic Ocean carrying the goods to and from the New World.But it began to decline(衰落) in the 19th and 20th centuries.‎ Famous pirates.‎ ‎__5__He terrorized the coasts of Carolina and Virginia for many years until some ships hunted him down. The Englishmen Sir John Hawkins,Sir Walter Raleigh and Sir Francis Drake were some of the most famous socalled privateers,pirates who worked for a country.They had their own ships and were paid by a government to hunt down and attack ships from other countries.‎ A. Pirate punishment B. How pirates lived C. Blackbeard was one of history's cruelest pirates.‎ D. Piracy's golden age was between the 1500s and the 1800s.‎ E. He also had the duty of punishing pirates who did something wrong.‎ F. Sometimes sailors left their ships because life on them was so terrible.‎ G. As ships were built bigger and better, piracy began to spread into the New World.‎ ‎【文章大意】 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了历史上海盗的一些相关情况。‎ ‎1.解析:由该段标题Why people became pirates可知,本段主要讲述人们成为海盗的原因,故选F项。‎ 答案:F ‎2.解析:文章第三段主要讲述了海盗们在船上的组织形式,故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎3.解析:由该空前面的The most powerful person... among the crew可知,这里是在介绍军需官的职责,故选E项。‎ 答案:E ‎4.解析:由该段标题History of piracy和空格后的a great number of ships及But it began to decline in the 19th and 20th centuries可知,这里是说它的黄金时期,故选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎5.解析:由该段标题Famous pirates和本段中的Sir John Hawkins,Sir Walter Raleigh以及Sir Francis Drake等可知,本段主要介绍几位有名的海盗,故选C项。‎ 答案:C 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎(2018·陕西省咸阳市高三二模)‎ Once again the old couple walked into the lawyer's office. The lawyer was still very__41__after having a chat with them. He had a__42__time getting to know their affairs. This couple had been__43__for 5 years. Nothing ever seemed to go right.‎ They didn't get divorced__44__they were afraid that it might__45__their children's__46__. Now all their children had already graduated and left. There was nothing to__47__. All they wanted was to lead their own life free from all these years of__48__from their marriage, so they__49__on a divorce.‎ Having__50__the papers,they had a__51__together.‎ When dishes were served, immediately the old man took__52__for the old lady.“Take this,it's your favorite.”‎ But the wife__53__,“This is always the problem. You always think ‎ so highly of yourself,__54__thinking about how I feel. Don't you know that I hate chicken?” Little did she know that,__55__forty years, her husband had been trying all ways to__56__her. Little did she know that chicken was her husband's favorite.‎ Deep into the night they couldn't sleep, knowing they still __57__each other. The old man dialed her number. However, she refused to answer it, thinking“I have asked for divorce, and now I have to keep it this way,__58__I will lose face.” Later she remembered he had a__59__problem.‎ The old man suddenly felt painful. He was about to phone the doctor when the doorbell rang. He opened the door. There stood the old lady, his former wife, holding the __60__.‎ ‎【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。一对老夫妻在四十年的婚姻中一直未能融洽相处,因为担心影响孩子的教育而没有离婚。如今孩子长大成人了,他们同意离婚,在离婚的当晚他们都久久不能入睡,原来他们还惦记着彼此,依然爱着对方。‎ ‎41.A. frightened B. painful C. sad D. puzzled 解析:由下文可知老夫妻共度了四十年,但事事都不顺心,这让律师感到“困惑(puzzled)”。‎ 答案:D ‎42.A. difficult B. happy ‎ C. busy D. good 解析:律师“好不容易(difficult)”弄清了他们的情况。‎ 答案:A ‎43.A. fighting B. quarrelling C. loving D. worrying 解析:由下段的描述可知老夫妻婚姻一直不和谐,为了孩子而没有离婚,因此B项符合语境。‎ 答案:B ‎44.A. though B. when C. as D. since 解析:as表示原因,说明他们没有离婚是因为怕影响孩子的教育。‎ 答案:C ‎45.A. ruin B. affect C. improve D. promote 解析:因为担心离婚会“影响(affect)”孩子的教育。‎ 答案:B ‎46.A. career B. childhood ‎ C. education D. knowledge 解析:由下句“孩子们毕业了”可知老夫妻担心离婚会影响孩子们的“教育”。‎ 答案:C ‎47.A. hate B. worry C. consider D. congratulate 解析:此时孩子毕业了,因此他们也就没有什么值得“担心(worry)”的了、就可以选择离婚了。‎ 答案:B ‎48.A. unhappiness B. happiness ‎ C. wounds D. understanding 解析:由上下文可知他们这些年的婚姻是“不幸福的”‎ ‎。of后面加名词,故用unhappiness。‎ 答案:A ‎49.A. concentrated B. depended ‎ C. carried D. agreed 解析:由上文可知孩子们毕业了,老夫妻想解除婚姻过各自的自由生活,因此他们“同意(agreed)”离婚。‎ 答案:D ‎50.A. signed B. read C. written D. prepared 解析:离婚需要“签(signed)”离婚协议书。‎ 答案:A ‎51.A. party B. celebration C. meeting D. dinner 解析:由下句可知他们一起“吃饭”。‎ 答案:D ‎52.A. food B. chicken C. beef D. meat 解析:由下段落中“Don't you know that I hate chicken?”可知答案。‎ 答案:B ‎53.A. requested B. laughed C. shouted D. smiled 解析:由后面的这段话可知妻子对丈夫是不满的,因此此处用shouted符合语境。‎ 答案:C ‎54.A. often B. little C. usually D. occasionally 解析:妻子在指责丈夫不考虑自己的感受,所以用little表示否定。‎ 答案:B ‎55.A. after B. because of C. during D. before 解析:由前文这对夫妻直到孩子们毕业之后才离婚和后文可推知他们的婚姻持续了四十年,故用during。‎ 答案:C ‎56.A. encourage B. dislike C. annoy D. please 解析:她的丈夫一直用各种方式让她“高兴(please)”。‎ 答案:D ‎57.A. loved B. respected ‎ C. escaped D. encouraged 解析:由下文描述可知他们彼此依然“爱着(loved)”对方。‎ 答案:A ‎58.A. and B. so C. but D. or 解析:根据前后分句的意思,此处用or,意为“否则的话”。‎ 答案:D ‎59.A. heart B. love C. leg D. eye 解析:由下句老人要立即打电话给医生求助可知应该是比较紧急的病,由此可推断是“心脏(heart)”问题。‎ 答案:A ‎60.A. book B. phone ‎ C. medicine D. money 解析:想到前夫有心脏病,此处她肯定是送“药”来了。‎ 答案:C 第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎(2018·东北三校高三联考)It was a sunny day. A little boy's father was sitting on the couch, drinking a beer while watching__61__basketball match. Seeing this, the boy rushed to his father and shouted,“Daddy, show me how,to play catch!” The father, staring__62__the television screen,replied,“Let me finish watching the match. Play outside and come back in five minutes.”‎ ‎“Okay, Daddy!” said the boy, running out of the room. Five minutes later, the boy returned,__63__(scream),“Daddy, let's play catch now!”‎ By this time, the father had opened another cold beer and another match was beginning.__64__(patient) with the boy's interruption, the dad brought a magazine to his son. On the cover of the magazine was a large picture of the world. The father, who was angry and__65__(bother), began tearing the magazine cover into small__66__.Then, the father turned to his boy and said, “Son, once you put this picture back together, we can play catch, but do not interrupt me again__67__you finish.”‎ A few minutes later, the boy returned and said,“I__68__(finish),Daddy! Can we play catch now?”Surprised, the lather glanced towards his child, and__69__lay the magazine with the world pieced perfectly ‎ together in his small hands. The dad asked his child how he put the world together so quickly. ‎ ‎“__70__was simple,” said the boy.“On the back of the world was the picture of a person, and once I put the person together, that's when the world came together.”‎ ‎61.________ 62.________ 63.________ 64.________‎ ‎65.________ 66.________ 67.________ 68.________‎ ‎69.________ 70.________‎ ‎【文章大意】 这是一个小故事,孩子不断打断父亲,要父亲陪他出去玩球,在看电视的父亲是如何支开孩子的,孩子又做了些什么呢?‎ ‎61.解析:考查冠词。语境表示父亲正在看一场篮球比赛,故应在basketball match前加冠词a,泛指“一场篮球比赛”。‎ 答案:a ‎62.解析:考查介词。stare at表示“盯着……看”。‎ 答案:at ‎63.解析:考查非谓语动词。本空所在句子的两个动词return和scream之间没有连词,又the boy与scream之间是主谓关系,因此本空用觋在分词作伴随状语。‎ 答案:screaming ‎64.解析:考查形容词。从语境的连贯看,这里应该用形容词短语impatient with...作状语,表示“对……不耐烦”。‎ 答案:Impatient ‎65.解析:考查非谓语动词。语境表示父亲很生气,很恼火,故用botherered“烦恼的”。‎ 答案:bothered ‎66.解析:考查名词搭配。这里用tear...into pieces表示“把……撕成碎片”。‎ 答案:pieces ‎67.解析:考查状语从句。语境表示“在你做完之前不要来打扰我”,故用until或before引导时间状语从句。‎ 答案:until/before ‎68.解析:考查时态。孩子说他把事情做完了,故用现在完成时表示从说话时为止已经完成了的动作。‎ 答案:have finished ‎69.解析:考查句式。这里用there lay句式表示“……就在那里放着”。‎ 答案:there ‎70.解析:考查代词。这里用代词It,That或This指代前面提到的“把这张图画粘贴到一起”这件事。‎ 答案:It/That/This 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ 修改:把错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ ‎(2018·陕西高三阶段评估检测一)‎ ‎ Li Hua and I were neighbours and we went to same school.We always went to school together.We were good friend and had a great deal to share with every day.However, one day, Li Hua copied my homework,which made me such angry that I did not want to be friends with him any long.Then on Monday morning I ran downstairs without realize it was raining,but there was no time to return home to fetch an umbrella.It happens that Li Hua was just around the corner and he offered to share her umbrella with me. He made an apology to me in a gently voice.I forgave him but gave him a hug.‎ 答案:71.第一句:same前加the ‎72.第三句:friend→friends ‎73.第三句:去掉with ‎74.第四句:such→so ‎75.第四句:long→longer ‎76.第五句:realize→realizing ‎77.第六句:happens→happened ‎78.第六句:her→his ‎79.第七句:gently→gentle ‎80.第八句:but→and 第二节 书面表达 ‎(2018·浙江)在班级活动中,当你的想法与大多数同学不一致时,你是坚持自己的观点并说服别人,还是尊重大多数同学的意见?请你以“When I Have a Different Opinion”为题,用英语写一篇100~120个词的短文。要求如下:‎ ‎1.从以上两种做法中选择一种;‎ ‎2.以具体事例阐述你选择的理由。‎ 参考范文 When I Have a Different Opinion We may have different opinions in organizing class activities.When I have a different opinion,I may choose to give it up and respect the opinion of the majority.‎ The main reason for my choice is that being brought up in a culture emphasizing collectivism,(1)I tend to sacrifice my own interest for the group benefit(我倾向于为了集体利益而牺牲自己的利益).Once we were left to (2) decide whether to have a picnic in a park or go to a museum(选择是去一个公园野餐还是去一个博物馆参观).I would love to go to a museum,but most of my classmates wanted to go for a picnic.(3)Without hesitation,I decided to follow them and we did have lots of fun that day(我毫不犹豫地决定听从他们的意见,那一天我们玩得很快乐).Sometimes giving up a little can mean getting more.‎

