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‎2020届一轮复习人教版选修六Unit4Global warming单元教案 Period One: Warming up & Pre-reading Warming-up ‎ Leading in by brainstorm Put the students into groups of four and discuss the following questions: ‎ ‎1. What do we use energy for?‎ ‎2. What are the sources of energy?‎ ‎3. What sources are renewable and what are non-renewable? ‎ ‎1. (differently)Lights, heating, and all kinds of electric equipment use energy ‎2. coal, oil, solar panels, nuclear energy, natural gas, wind power, water, plant waste, tidal energy, ect.‎ ‎3. fill in a form Pre-reading ‎1.We use much energy in our daily life, what is the effect of using energy in our world?‎ The use of energy --- Give off carbon dioxide, other wasted gases and heat into the air The earth is becoming warmer and warmer. (global warming)‎ Greenhouse effect ‎2. How does a greenhouse work?‎ The greenhouse traps the heat from the sun and keeps it from escaping, which can make it heat up and so the plants can grow throughout the cold period.‎ ‎3. Under this greenhouse effect, what happens? ‎ The earth is becoming warmer and warmer.‎ Period Two: Reading Topic: short passage about global warming.‎ Leading in To stimulate Ss’ interest in reading the text. Divide the Ss into groups of four. Discuss the following three questions.‎ ‎1. What is global warming?‎ The earth is becoming warmer ‎2. How has this come about?‎ Human activity—burning of fossil fuels Greenhouse effect—greenhouse gases—we need gases Huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide ‎3. What are the effects of global warming?‎ The sea level to rise Severe storms, droughts, famines, the spread of diseases, and the ‎ destruction of species.‎ Task 1: Skimming Ask the Ss to have a quick look at the magazine article. Then encourage them to tell what they notice about how the text is organized. ‎ ‎( Answer: It has a title; a first paragraph that is in bold; the main text; diagrams; two quotes)‎ Task2: Scanning To glance at the text, and answer the following questions.‎ ‎1. Who wrote the magazine article? What is the name of the magazine?‎ ‎ Sophie Armstrong wrote the magazine article.‎ ‎ The name of the magazine is Earth Care.‎ ‎2. What are the names of the three scientists mentioned in the article?‎ ‎ They are Dr. Janice Foster, Charles Keeling and George Hambley.‎ ‎3. What do they think about global warming? Do they agree with one another?‎ ‎ They don't agree with each other. ‎ ‎ Dr. Janice Foster thinks the effects of global warming could be very serious. ‎ George Hambley thinks global warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences.‎ Charles Keeling believes it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that is resulting in a big increase in carbon dioxide.‎ ‎4. What are the two graphs about?‎ ‎ Graph I shows the temperature increase of one degree Fahrenheit between 1860 to 2000.‎ ‎ Graph 2 is about the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere, 1957--1997.‎ ‎5. What is the main topic of the article?‎ ‎ Global warming/ the warming of the earth.‎ Task 3: Intensive reading Ask Ss to read the text carefully and sum up the main idea of each part.‎ Part one ( para1 )‎ Introduce a debate over the issue of global warming.‎ Skills : Raising a question ‎ Part two ( para2-3 )‎ Illustrate(explain) how global warming comes about. ‎ Skills : giving examples, using graphs, explanation ‎ Part three ( para4-8 )‎ List two different attitudes among scientists towards global warming. ‎ Skills : giving examples, making contrast (comparison)‎ Part four ( para9 )‎ It’s up to readers to think and decide whether people should do something about global warming or not. ‎ Skills : using a question, leaving readers to think over the issue.‎ Task4: Listening Listen to the tape. After it, to get Ss to finish Ex2 on page 27.‎ Task 5: Discussion The earth is becoming warmer, in your opinion, does it matter? If it does, as a student, what can you do about it?‎ Period Three:Using language StepI: Reading“ What can we do about global warming.”‎ Leading in:‎ Ask students to tell what can cause global warming.‎ Present their ideas to the whole class in groups.‎ Task1: Ask students to read the two letters and try to answer the following questions:‎ ‎1. What are Ouyang Guang’s two concerns?‎ ‎ Getting some suggestions for what he can do about global warming.‎ ‎ As an individual, he can have no effect on environmental problems.‎ ‎2. Does the Earth Care agree with Ouyang Guang’s opinion that individuals can have no effect?‎ ‎ No.‎ Task2: Ask students to read the letters again and list Earth Care’s suggestions.‎ Turn electrical appliances off when not using them.‎ Don’t turn up the heat, put on more clothes.‎ Walk or ride a bike, don’t drive.‎ Recycle.‎ Buy things made from recycled materials.‎ Buy products that use less energy.‎ Plant trees.‎ Talk with family and friends about global warming.‎ Task3: Ask students to discuss these questions:‎ In what ways would you talk with your family and friends about global warming?‎ StepII: Writing Collect information according to the students’ discussion.‎ Get the students to organize their ideas into several sentences. Then shorten the sentences so they become phrases.‎ Ask students to write a poster with an eye-catching heading according to the example of how to present a poster.‎ Sample writing for a poster:‎ Show the students some posters StepIII: Listening Language points: ( Reading )‎ ‎1.What do you think green house gases do?‎ ‎ 本句中think后接了一个由what引导的宾语从句。但应注意的 是:特殊宾语从句即当一般疑问句主句的谓语动词是 think, believe,suppose,consider, imagine,guess 和 suggest 等时,表疑问的词要放在主句前即句首。‎ ‎[正] Who do you think will win in the game?‎ ‎[误] Do you think who will win in the game?‎ 当然一般情况下宾语从句的疑问词应放在主句之后。‎ ‎[误] Why do you know we can't cut down the big tree?‎ ‎[正] Do you know why we can't cut down the big tree?‎ ‎2.compare to/ with Compared to/with many women, she was indeed very fortunate.‎ compare A with B If you compare her work with his, you will find hers is much better.‎ compare A to B Poets have compared sleep to death.‎ ‎3. There is no doubt that….‎ There is some doubt whether….‎ 主句为肯定句时,doubt 后使用连词whether。主句为否定句时,doubt后则使用连词that。 ‎ eg:‎ There's no doubt that one day a cure will be found. ‎ There is little doubt that he was the killer.‎ ‎4. amount of an amount of 相当数量的; 一些 any amount (of) 任何数量(的); 大量(的)‎ be of little amount 不重要; 无价值 n. 数量 large amounts of money 大量的金钱 ‎ eg: The amount of money should be written both in words and in figures.‎ ‎ 钱数要用字和数码写出来。‎ ‎5. Without the ‘green house effect’,the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.‎ ‎ 如果没有温室效应,地球会比现在冷33℃。‎ ‎ 这是一个含蓄虚拟条件句应该注意有时假设的情况并不以条件从句形式表示出来,而是通过一个介词短语或其他方式表示。常用的词或短语有:without, but for,but that,otherwise,or,but等。‎ ‎ eg: Without your help ( = If we had not had your help),we could not have succeeded.‎ 要是没有你的帮助,我们是不会成功的。 ‎ ‎ But for electricity (= If there were no electricity),there would be no modem industry. ‎ 要是没有电,就不会有现代工业。‎ ‎ He was having a meeting with his students;otherwise, he would have come. ‎ 他当时正与他的学生进行讨论,否则的话他就来帮我们了。 ‎ ‎ He felt very tired yesterday, or he would have attended the ‎ party.‎ 他昨天很累, 不然他就参加那个聚会了。‎ ‎6. result in 导致, 造成 =lead to ‎ The accident resulted in three people being killed.‎ ‎ 这一事故导致他的死亡。‎ The accident resulted in his death.‎ result from由…产生,发生 ‎ ‎ injuries resulting from a fall.‎ The accident ______ the death of two passengers.(B)‎ ‎ A. resulted from B. resulted in ‎ C. resulted of D. resulted with ‎7. on the other hand: 另一方面 ‎ on the one hand, on the other hand ‎ I'd like to eat out, but on the other hand I should be trying to save money.‎ I want to go to the party, but on the other hand I ought to be studying. ‎ ‎ 我想去参加聚会,但从另一方面来说,我应该留下来学习。‎ ‎8. concern n.有厉害关系;所关切的事 ‎ It’s no concern of mine. 这事与我无关。‎ n. worry, anxiety 担心;担忧 ‎ She showed great concern about you.‎ ‎ 她很为你担心。‎ ‎ v. to have to do with or relate to 涉及;与……有关或相关 ‎ Attend to what concerns you. 注意与你有关的事物。‎ v. To be of interest or importance to (常与with, about, in 连用) 关心;关照 ‎ We’re rather concerned about father’s health.‎ 我们相当担心父亲的健康。‎ ‎9. consequence in consequence 因此 as a consequence 结果 as a consequence of 由于…的结 ‎10. range in /within range 在射程之内 out of / beyond range 在射程之外 ‎11. build up Build up the business Sediment (沉淀物)builds up on the ocean floor.‎ This built up my hope after the interview.‎ ‎12. even if /though I wouldn't tell you even if I knew. ‎ Even if she survives, she'll never fully recover.‎ Even though he's 24 now, he's still like a little child.‎ I can still remember, even though it was so long ago.‎ Language points ( Using language )‎ ‎1. put up with :忍受,容忍 ‎ eg. I don’t know how she put up with him.‎ ‎ I’m not going to put up with their smoking any longer.‎ ‎2. It’s OK to leave an electrical applicance on leave 后接宾语和宾语补足语,表示让…保持某种状态或做某事 ‎ Why did you leave the boy crying over there?‎ ‎ The bomb blast left 5 people dead.‎ ‎ Leave the rice to cook 5 minutes.‎ ‎3. so long as= as long as 只要 We will go so long as the weather is good.‎ ‎4. electrical 用电的;与电有关的 electrical equipment 电气设备; an electrical worker 电工 ‎5. Remember—your contribution counts.‎ count重要;计算总数 ‎ Every point in this game counts. ( 重要)‎ ‎ She began to count up how many guests they had to invite. (计算)‎

