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Ⅰ.核心单词→识记·思考·运用 一、单词拼写 ‎1.(2017·北京,阅读A)The first thing he did was to find ________(庇护所) from the freezing wind and snow.‎ ‎2.(2017·湖南,写作)In addition,the information about each word in a pocket dictionary is generally ________(有限的).‎ ‎3.There is hardly ________(高兴的) news in the paper.‎ ‎4.(2017·安徽,阅读C)People are learning how to organize huge ________(数量)of information so that they are able to access it at a later date.‎ ‎5.(2017·天津,阅读D) Once when I was facing a decision that involved high________ (冒险),I went to a friend.‎ ‎6.*When she got on the bus,she ________(注意到) all the seats were already occupied.‎ ‎7.What is the ________(海拔) of the top of the mountain?‎ ‎8.(2017·北京,阅读A) He thought about all of the ________(生存)shows he had watched on TV.‎ ‎9.*I'm ________(不舒服的) being introduced to a new person.‎ ‎10.(2016·江西,阅读A)After the first expedition,Larry's later diving ________(探险) only got better and better.‎ 答案 1.shelter 2.limited 3.cheerful 4.quantities 5.risk 6.observed 7.altitude 8.survival 9.uncomfortable 10.adventures 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 ‎1.(2016·安徽,阅读A) Arriving there was rather tiring,but I managed to catch a taxi to my ________(accommodate) and settle in.‎ ‎2.(2016·江西,33) It is unbelievable that Mr.Lucas leads a simple life despite his great ________(wealthy).‎ ‎3.(2015·安徽,阅读D)There are an ________ (extreme)large number of ants worldwide.‎ ‎ 4.The ________(similar) between the two stories suggests Lowry wrote them both.‎ ‎5.The hotel offers its guests a wide ________(various)of amusements.‎ ‎6.My ________(prefer) is that we (should) challenge the other groups to a friendly competition.‎ ‎7.There were a few ________ moments in the basketball game.Therefore,all of us watched with ________.(anxious)‎ ‎8.The workers in the factory ________ themselves with scientific knowledge and all the ________ in the factory is very advanced.(equip)‎ ‎9.He's a good doctor.He always has ________ with his ________.He treats them ________.(patient)‎ ‎10.What ________ me was Liu Qian's ________ performance which made all the people present look at him in ________.(amaze)‎ 答案 1.accommodation 2.wealth 3.extremely 4.similarity 5.variety ‎6.preference 7.anxious;anxiety 8.equip;equipment 9.patience;patients;patiently 10.amazed;amazing;amazement ‎ 三、开心词场 The trip with heavy luggage is tiring.I was walking on my way to the port city and felt uncomfortable because I was running out of my energy.Suddenly a porter turned up.He helped me carry the luggage to my accommodation and I felt it was an excitement.I couldn't imagine if he had stood by.‎ ‎【联想·积累】‎ ‎❶“看”遍天下 ‎①glance v.(粗略地)看一下;扫视 n. 一瞥;扫视 ‎②glare v.瞪眼;怒目而视 ‎③spot v.发现;认出 ‎④watch v.看;注视 ‎⑤witness v. 目击 n.目击者 ‎⑥stare vt.& vi.凝视;盯着看 ‎⑦glimpse v.瞥见;看一眼 ‎⑧observe v.观察;注意到 ‎❷由前缀un- 想到的 ‎①unjust 不公平的→injustice 不公正 ‎②unequal 不相等的→inequality不相等 ‎③unthankful=thankless 不感激的 ‎④unfruitful=fruitless 无结果的 ‎⑤unfaithful=faithless 不诚实的 ‎❸词汇拓展 ‎①tiring adj.令人疲劳的→tired adj.疲倦的,厌倦的→tire vt.使疲倦;使疲劳 ‎②uncomfortable adj.不舒服的,不自在的→comfortable adj.舒服的→comfort n.& vt.安慰 ‎③differ vi.不同于,有区别→difference n.不同之处→different adj.不同的 ‎④confuse vt.使困惑→confused adj.困惑的→confusing adj.令人困惑的→confusion n.混乱;困惑 ‎⑤various adj.不同的,各种各样的→variety n.品种;种类;变化→vary vi.变化 ‎                                     Ⅱ.重点短语→识记·思考·运用 一、补全短语 ‎1.right ________ 就在此刻 ‎2.in order ________ 为了(某一目的)‎ ‎3.________ down 颠倒地,倒置地 ‎4.*________ turn 轮流 ‎5.put ________ prison 关进监狱 ‎6.________ one's way 在途中 答案 1.now 2.to 3.upside 4.in 5.into 6.on 二、短语填空 turn up;*back out;*break out;take off;run out of;carry on;get across;stand by ‎ ‎1.They are ____________ oil and the plane has to land on the field.‎ ‎2.If he has promised to come,he will not ____________.‎ ‎ 3.A big fire ____________ in the hotel last night,but all the people were able to escape from it.‎ ‎4.How can you ____________ and let him treat his dog like that? ‎ ‎5.This is the message that we want to ____________ to the public.‎ ‎ 6.We invited her to dinner but she hasn't ____________,which made us worried.‎ ‎7.As the plane was ____________,I remembered I hadn't turned the iron off.‎ ‎8.After he left I just tried to ____________ as usual in spite of some difficulty.‎ 答案 1.running out of 2.back out 3.broke out 4.stand by 5.get across 6.turned up 7.taking off 8.carry on ‎【联想·积累】‎ ‎❶“in+ n.”结构荟萃 ‎①in case 以防万一 ‎②in advance 事先;提前 ‎③in store 必将发生 ‎④in danger 处于危险中 ‎⑤in order 井井有条 ‎⑥in place 在正确位置 ‎⑦in sight/view 看得见 ‎⑧in reality/fact 事实上 ‎❷“动词+out”短语全接触 ‎①bring out 出版;公布 ‎②carry out 执行 ‎③check out 结账后离开 ‎④drop out 退出 ‎⑤leave out 忽略;遗漏 ‎⑥cut out 停止;剪下 ‎⑦let out 放出 ‎⑧back out 决定不履行(允诺的事)‎ ‎                                   Ⅲ.经典句式→识记·思考·运用 ‎1.Although people enjoyed reading his book,many of them thought that Marco's stories about China were too fantastic to be true.(too...to...“太……而不能……”)‎ 尽管人们喜欢读他的书,但是很多人认为马可讲的关于中国的故事太离奇了,令人难以置信。‎ ‎[仿写]I'm ________ busy enjoying my life now ________________ the future! ‎ 我现在忙于享受生活,而无暇为未来担忧!‎ ‎2.Then came the total darkness of the polar winter.(全部倒装)‎ 接下来极地冬日的黑夜时期到来了。‎ ‎[仿写]After supper,________________ that Ye Shiwen won the first prize in the competition.‎ ‎ 晚饭后,传来了叶诗文获得比赛第一名的消息。‎ ‎3.*The next to go was Captain Oates,who was having great difficulty walking.(have difficulty in doing sth“在……方面有困难”,其中in可省略)‎ 接下来离开的是奥茨上尉,他行走不便。‎ ‎[仿写]Li Na doesn't ________________ with the foreigners in English.‎ ‎ 李娜用英语和外国人交流没有任何困难。‎ 答案 1.too;to worry about 2.there came the news 3.have any difficulty (in)communicating ‎【联想·积累】‎ ‎“在……方面有困难(或麻烦);对……有困难”表达法 ‎ (1)have difficulty (in) doing sth/with sth表示“在……方面有困难(或麻烦);对……有困难”。除difficulty外,trouble,problems,fun,a hard time等也可用于该结构。‎ ‎ (2)difficulty前可用some,any,no,little等词来修饰。‎ ‎                                     Ⅳ.单元语法→识记·思考·运用 必背句法——状态动词或动态动词;定语从句(Ⅲ)‎ 选词填空 ‎1.*—I don't want this kind of cloth.It ________(feels/is felt) too thin.‎ ‎—How about that kind?It ________(is washed/washes) well and ________(lasts/lasted) long.‎ ‎2.*We will put off the outing until next week,________ (when/which) we won't be so busy.‎ ‎3.He wrote a lot of novels,none of ________(which/them) was translated into a foreign language.‎ ‎4.English online.com is a free site ________(where/that) visitors can not just learn the English language but also chat online.‎ ‎5.*________(As/Which) is often the case with the elder people,my grandma talked about my new hairstyle for at least 50 minutes nonstop.‎ 答案 1.feels;washes;lasts 2.when 3.which 4.where 5.As ‎【联想·积累】‎ ‎❶主动形式表被动意义 系动词look,feel,sound,smell,taste,seem,appear,go,prove,turn等+形容词/名词。‎ 表示主语的某种属性的词:read,write,drive,sell,wash,clean,wear,open,shut等,其主语往往是物。‎ ‎❷关系代词as,which的区别 as引导的非限制性定语从句,既可在主句前,又可在主句后,有时还可插入主句中,而which引导的非限制性定语从句只能置于主句之后。‎ ‎ 当非限制性定语从句放在主句前面时,只能用as。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ [单 词 点 睛]‎ ‎1.differ vi.不同于,有区别 ‎ ‎[教材原句]How do the tourists differ from local people? 旅游者与当地居民有什么不同呢?‎ ‎(1)differ from...与……不同 differ in...在……方面不同 differ with sb 与某人意见不同 ‎(2)different adj.不同的,有差异的 ‎(3) make a/no difference 有/无影响 tell the difference between A and B 指出A与B的不同 ‎[一言串记]They are twin sisters.It's hard to ①________(区分) between them in appearance,however,they are ②________(differ)from each other in their habits and they also differ from each other in many ways.But that ③________ (没有影响).‎ 答案 ①tell the difference  ②different ③makes no difference ‎2.risk vt.冒……的危险n.冒险;危险;风险 ‎ ‎[高考例句](2015·天津,阅读D)Once when I was facing a decision that involved high risk,I went to a friend.‎ ‎ 一次当我面对涉及高风险的决定,我向一个朋友求助。‎ ‎(1)risk (doing) sth 冒……的危险 ‎(2)at the risk of 冒着……的风险 ‎(3)at risk 处境危险;遭受危险 ‎(4)take/run the risk of doing sth 冒着……的风险做某事 ‎(5)take/run a risk/risks (to do sth) 冒险(做某事)‎ ‎①(2013·四川,阅读B)I wondered if I was putting my life ________ risk.‎ 我不知道我是否正在把自己的生命置于危险境地。‎ ‎②We've been advised not to risk ________(travel)in these conditions.‎ 我们被建议在这些条件下不要冒险出行。‎ ‎③It is not worthwhile to take the risk of ________(offend)your boss just to get such a small sum of money.‎ 仅是为拿到那一点钱就去触怒老板,不值得。‎ 答案 ①at ②travelling ③offending ‎3.confuse vt.使困惑;使迷惑;混淆 ‎ ‎[教材原句]He was also confused by the black stones people used to burn for fuel.‎ 他也对人们用来当燃料燃烧的黑色石头感到困惑。‎ ‎(1)confuse A with/and B 将A和B混淆 ‎(2)confused adj.困惑的,糊涂的;不清楚的 confusing adj.使人迷惑的 ‎(3)confusion n. 混乱;困惑 ‎①Don't confuse him ________ his brother.They are much alike. ‎ 别把他与他弟弟混淆了。他们非常相像。‎ ‎②The present situation is so ________ that I got ________.(confuse)‎ 目前的形势太令人迷惑了,以致我感到困惑。‎ 答案 ①with ②confusing;confused ‎4.quantity n.量,数量 ‎[教材原句]He went to a city where iron was produced in huge quantities.‎ 他去了一个大量生产铁的城市。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎①Quantities of food ________ (be)spread out on the table. 许多食品被摊放在桌子上。‎ ‎②A large quantity of good earth ________ (be)being washed away in this area every year.‎ 每年这个地区大量沃土被冲走。‎ ‎③It is well-known that it's cheaper to buy goods ________. 众所周知大批量购货较便宜。‎ 答案 ①were ②is ③in quantity/in large quantities ‎【名师点津】 a quantity of与quantities of意思相当,其谓语动词一般根据quantity的形式来确定单复数形式。‎ ‎5.observe vt.观察,观测;遵守;庆祝 ‎ ‎[教材原句]Air-conditioned vehicles for observing animals. 用于观察动物的带空调的车辆。‎ 写出下列句中observe的含义 ‎①Do you observe Christmas Day in your country?____________‎ ‎②The players agreed to observe the spirit of fair play in all of the games.____________‎ ‎③He made a telescope through which he could observe the stars.____________‎ 答案 ①庆祝 ②遵守 ③观察,观测 ‎(1)observe sb do/doing sth 看到某人做了/正在做某事 observe sth done 看到某事被做 ‎ (2)observer n. 观察者 ‎(3)observation n. 观察;观察力;观测 ‎[一言串记]When we attend the parade to observe National Day,we must observe the traffic regulations.If we observe someone run a red light,we should stop him.‎ 当我们参加游行庆祝国庆节的时候必须遵守交通规则。如果我们看到有人闯红灯,我们就要阻止他。‎ ‎【巧学助记】‎ ‎ ‎ ‎6.limit vt.限制;限定n.界限;边界;限度 ‎[经典例句]There is a limit to one's life,but no limit to serving the people.‎ 一个人的生命是有限的,但是为人民服务是无限的。‎ ‎(1)limit...to...把……限定在……范围内 ‎(2)set a limit to/on...对……规定限度 ‎ (3)limited adj.有限的 ‎①As soon as you set a limit ________ your endurance,you will lose.‎ 一旦你为你的忍耐力设定了极限, 你必定会输。‎ ‎②We must limit the expense ________ what we can afford. 我们必须把开销限制在不超出我们经济能力的范围内。‎ ‎③He was born in a poor family,and only received a ________(limit)education in his childhood.‎ 他出身贫寒,小时候接受的教育很有限。‎ 答案 ①to ②to ③limited ‎[短 语 点 拨]‎ ‎1.take off起飞;脱去(衣服);开始成功;休假;突然大受欢迎 ‎[高考例句](2012·安徽,任务型读写)In Korea,you should take off your shoes when entering a house.‎ 在韩国,当你要进入房间时,你应该脱掉鞋。‎ 写出下列句中take off的含义 ‎①Three planes were standing on the runway,waiting to take off.____________‎ ‎②Take off your wet clothes and put on some dry ones.____________‎ ‎③Congratulations,Paulo! Now maybe you can take a few days off.____________‎ ‎④Her singing career took off after her TV appearance.____________‎ take over 接任,接管,接收 take in 吸收,理解;受骗 take up 拿起;占据;对……有兴趣;开始从事 take on 呈现;雇用;承担 ‎⑤George is taking ________ the running of our American corporation.‎ 乔治准备接手经营我们美国的企业。‎ 答案 ①起飞 ②脱下 ③休假 ④突然大受欢迎 ⑤over ‎2.turn up 出现,到场;找出,发现;开大,调高 ‎[教材原句]When I turned up for my first jump I was so nervous that I tried to back out,but my friends persuaded me to go through with it.‎ 当我第一次跳的时候,我很紧张以致试图放弃,但在朋友们的劝说下,我终于完成了那次蹦极。‎ 写出下列黑体部分的含义 ‎①This is similar to waiting for a bus that never turns up.____________‎ ‎②Investigations have never turned up any evidence.____________‎ ‎③Bill would turn up the TV in the other room.____________‎ turn to 求助于 turn out 最后结果,最终成为;在场;出席;生产 ‎④Don't worry—I'm sure it will all ________ fine.‎ 别担心——我敢肯定一切最终会好起来的。‎ 答案 ①出现 ②找到 ③调高 ④turn out to be ‎3.get across使理解(某事);(使)被接受;横过(马路,河等)‎ ‎[教材原句]It's difficult to get across how exciting it is!‎ 要真正体会到这是多么令人兴奋的事,并不容易。‎ 写出下列黑体部分的含义 ‎①The local government took some measures to help the deer to get across the highway.____________‎ ‎②Officers felt their point of view was not getting across to ministers.____________‎ ‎③It took a long time to get across to the workers the way the system worked.____________‎ get across to (sb)/get sth across to (sb) 被传达/理解;把……讲清楚 get down to (doing) 开始认真处理/对待,开始做 get through 穿过;完成;接通电话;用完;通过 ‎④If everyone keeps in line,we'll ________ the customs soon.‎ 如果大家都遵守秩序,我们会很快通过海关。‎ 答案 ①横过 ②接受 ③理解 ④get through ‎4.break down损坏,不能运转;身体垮掉;失败;崩溃;拆毁,拆除;分解 ‎[教材原句]First,his two sledges broke down,and then the horses began to have serious difficulties with the snow and the cold.‎ 先是他的两个雪橇坏了,接着马匹开始应付不了大雪和严寒的天气。‎ 写出下列句中break down的含义 ‎①He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead,because the air-conditioning system broke down. ____________‎ ‎②The firemen broke down the wall in order to gain quick access to the building on fire.____________‎ ‎③He is showing signs that he might break down.____________‎ ‎④It's reported that peace talks have broken down in the Middle East.____________‎ ‎⑤Bacteria break down the animal waste to form methane gas (沼气).____________‎ 答案 ①损坏,不能运转 ②拆毁,拆除 ③身体垮掉 ④失败 ⑤分解 ‎[句 式 透 析]‎ ‎1.[教材原句]Although people enjoyed reading his book,many of them thought that Marco's stories about China were too fantastic to be true.‎ 尽管人们喜欢读他的书,但是很多人认为马可讲的关于中国的故事太离奇了,令人难以置信。‎ ‎(1)句中的too...to...结构,意为“太……而不能……”,too后面跟形容词/副词,但当其后接形容词修饰单数可数名词时,要把不定冠词a(n)放在形容词之后。‎ ‎①If the population continues to increase,the earth will become ________________ so many people.‎ 如果人口持续增长,地球将会变成一个太小而不能养活如此多的人的星体。‎ ‎(2)“too...to...”句式中,若too后接glad,pleased,happy,eager,anxious,willing,ready,easy等表示心理状态的形容词,不定式不再表示否定意义,too相当于very。‎ ‎②I am ________ eager ________ have a world travel.‎ 我很想进行一次环球旅行。 ‎ ‎(3)never/not too...to do...和too...not to do...这两种形式均表示肯定意义。‎ ‎③He is ________ wise ____________ this problem.‎ 他非常聪明,必能解决这个问题。‎ ‎(4) “too...to...”结构可以与“not...enough to...”或“so...that...”句式相互转换。‎ ‎④It's clear that the tree is too young to stand the storm.‎ ‎=It's clear that the tree is ________________ stand the storm.‎ ‎=It's clear that the tree is ________________ it can't stand the storm.‎ 很显然,这棵树太小了,经受不住暴风雨。‎ 答案 ①too small a planet to support ②too;to  ③too;not to solve ④not old ‎ enough to;so young that ‎【联想归纳】can't/can never...to...表示“无论怎样……也不过分”。‎ ‎2.[教材原句] Then came the total darkness of the polar winter.‎ 接下来极地冬日的黑夜时期到来了。‎ 本句使用了全部倒装。‎ ‎(1)表示地点、方向、时间的副词(here,out,in,up,down,back, off,away,now,then等)位于句首时。谓语动词多为表示运动的不及物动词(go,come,leave,move,run,rush,jump等)。‎ ‎ ①________ a telegram for you.‎ 这儿有你一封电报。‎ ‎ ②__________________ from the horse.‎ 那人从马上跳下来。‎ ‎【名师点津】 在上述情况中,主语是代词时,则不用倒装。 ‎ ‎③In ________ and the meeting began.‎ 他进来,会议就开始了。‎ ‎(2)表示地点的介词短语位于句首时。‎ ‎ ④ Between the two buildings ________.‎ 两座楼之间有棵大松树。‎ 答案 ①Here is ②Down jumped the man ③he came ④stands a tall pine ‎ ‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.You can't imagine the difficulty he had ________(pass)the exam.‎ ‎2.There's a limit ________ the amount of pain we can bear.‎ ‎3.She looked at me in ________ (confuse)and didn't answer my question.‎ ‎4.So far large quantities of information ________________ (store) in the computer.‎ ‎5.She observed a man ________ (walk) on the opposite side of the road.‎ ‎6.From what they say,these two houses differ greatly ________ sizes and structures.‎ ‎7.Large quantities of goods ________ (sell) out since they brought down the price.‎ ‎8.It's stupid to risk ________(do) anything that might lead to failure.‎ ‎9.The Olympics are like a huge stage ________ everyone makes every effort to achieve their dreams.‎ ‎10.Some students have trouble ________ grammar while others have difficulty ________ (remember) new words.‎ 答案 1.passing 2.to 3.confusion 4.have been stored 5.walking 6.in 7.have been sold 8.doing 9.where 10.with;remembering Ⅱ.单句改错 ‎1.For various reason my parents wouldn't like me to travel abroad.____________‎ ‎2.As a matter of fact,there is a limit on what one person can tolerate.____________‎ ‎3.I'll look into the matter as soon as possible.Just have a little patient.____________‎ ‎4.I'm totally confusing.Could you explain that again?____________‎ ‎5.I had the greatest difficulty with persuading him.____________‎ ‎6.In the new factory all the equipments was up to date.____________‎ ‎7.It's not easy work organize such a well-prepared exhibition.____________‎ ‎8.Dear passengers,please remain seating until the bus totally stops.____________‎ 答案 1.reason→reasons 2.on→to 3.patient→patience 4.confusing→confused 5.with→in或去掉with 6.equipments→equipment 7.organize前加to 8.seating→seated Ⅲ.完成句子 ‎1.Did your speech ____________ the crowd? ‎ 你的演说听众理解吗?‎ ‎2.He became restless when his wife failed to ____________ in the late evening.‎ 当他的妻子深夜还没回来的时候,他开始坐立不安。‎ ‎3.He had the courage to ____________ his friend when he was in trouble.‎ 当他处在困境的时候,他仍有勇气支持他的朋友。‎ ‎4.It is ____________ for him to work out.‎ 这个问题太难了,他不能解决。‎ ‎5.You can't imagine what difficulty we had ____________ in the snowstorm.‎ 你想象不到我们在暴风雪中走回家有多困难。‎ 答案 1.get across to 2.turn up 3.stand by 4.too difficult a question 5.walking home Ⅳ.单元考点作文串记 一、根据提示翻译句子 ‎1.我很想去澳大利亚,目的是经历一种与我们不同的文化, 由于各种原因父母不愿让我出国旅行。(be anxious to,in order to,differ from,various)‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2.最终我设法让他们理解了我的想法,决定乘坐周日起飞的航班飞往澳大利亚。(get...across,take off)‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.在去悉尼的路上,我们的车坏了,更糟糕的是,汽油用完了。(break down,run out of)‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4.幸好另一辆车很快出现了。(turn up)‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________‎ ‎5.是那位好心的司机给我们提供了一些燃料并帮助我们让汽车运转起来。(用强调句型)‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________‎ ‎6.我们又出发了。 (set off)‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________‎ 答案 1.I am anxious to go to Australia in order to experience a culture which differs from ours,but for various reasons my parents wouldn't like me to travel abroad.‎ ‎2.Finally I managed to get my idea across to them and decided to take the plane that took off on Sunday to Australia.‎ ‎3.On our way to Sydney,our car broke down and what's worse,it ran out of oil.‎ ‎4.Luckily,another car turned up soon.‎ ‎5.It was the warm-hearted driver that offered us some fuel and helped us get the car functioning.‎ ‎6.We set off again.‎ 二、 加入适当过渡词,连句成篇 ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎                                    ‎ ‎【参考范文】‎ I am anxious to go to Australia in order to experience a culture which differs from ours,but for various reasons my parents wouldn't like me to travel abroad.Finally I managed to get my idea across to them and decided to take the plane that took off on Sunday to Australia.However,on our way to Sydney,our car broke down and what's worse,it ran out of oil.Luckily,another car turned up soon and it was the warm-hearted driver that offered us some fuel and helped us get the car functioning.Happily,we set off again.‎ ‎ ‎ 基础训练 ‎ Ⅰ.用适当的介词或副词填空 ‎1.Our school should be equipped ________ a bigger and better sports field.‎ ‎2.He promised to come,but so far he has not turned ________.‎ ‎3.I differ ________ my classmates on that issue.‎ ‎4.The doctor said that he was ________ risk for AIDS.‎ ‎ 5.He has run ________ of food and his children are hungry.‎ ‎6.If the car should break ________ on the way,you would have to walk back.‎ ‎7.Armed conflict is likely to break ________ between the two countries.‎ ‎8.How can I get it ________ to you people how important it is?‎ ‎9.Then he took the sunglasses ________,gave a big smile and said “That is cool”.‎ ‎10.There is a limit ________ everything.‎ 答案 1.with 2.up 3.with 4.at 5.out 6.down 7.out 8.across 9.off 10.to Ⅱ.完成句子 ‎11.The virus caused the computer to ________________.‎ 病毒使得计算机出故障了。‎ ‎12.I must admit I ________________ romantic movies. ‎ 我必须承认我更喜欢浪漫电影。‎ ‎13.________________ the song of Qu Wanting.‎ 下一首是曲婉婷的歌曲。‎ ‎14.Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, she ________________ the driving test. ‎ 卧病在床接近一个月的时间,她在通过驾驶考试方面有些困难。‎ ‎15.He is ________________ attend school by himself.‎ 他太小而无法自己去上学。‎ 答案 11.break down 12.have a preference for 13.Then followed 14.has some difficulty (in) passing 15.too young to Ⅲ.课文浓缩语法填空 Adventure 2000 is an organization for adventurers to the Himalayas. __16__ can satisfy all the needs of hikers. All the guides,__17__ are very experienced,learn about all the best routes and best places __18__‎ ‎ (camp). __19__ a hiking trip,their cooks can prepare foods __20__ (taste) delicious and porters can carry luggage for hikers. Besides,at adventure 2000,they can make a detailed __21__ (arrange) for travel,__22__ (include) flights,accommodation and so on. They also provide special offers for those hikers who have different interests. For those who are interested in history,there is a trip to western China. For hikers preferring to play on the coast,Class A is __23__ (difficult). If you want to join in this adventure,you __24__(pay) £ 2,500,which includes all flights and accommodation. Keep in mind __25__ maximum group size is 15 people.‎ 答案 16.It 17.who 18.to camp 19.On 20.tasting 21.arrangement 22.including 23.the most difficult 24.will pay 25.that Ⅳ.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Obstacles(绊脚石) that lie on the way to success ‎1.Laziness Even with a great idea and the courage to pursue it, your efforts will be for naught unless you're willing to take massive action.__26__ Write down your goals and the action steps you'll take to pursue those goals.Post your vision and plan in your bedroom, bathroom, office.Share it with others, so they'll hold you accountable for delivering on your plan.‎ ‎2.Complacency(自满)‎ Without passion, even the most compelling vision will not be realised.__27__ Make your passion into an almost physical characteristic of your personality, an inexorable force that keeps you engaged every moment of every workday, bringing you one step closer to the measure of success that you desire.‎ ‎3.Distraction The modern world calls for your attention in ever-louder ways.__28__ It takes self-discipline to persevere amidst the noise and haste, to assert your willpower over casual desires and instincts.Channel your emotions, behaviors, and desires toward obtaining the reward of success.Remember:Living a life of self-discipline is less painful in the long run than regretting “what might have been.”‎ ‎4.Doubt Once you've made a decision, doubt is a worm that eats away at your ability to succeed.Life and work can be hard and even cruel.Remember, the race is not for the swift but rather those who persevere.__29__ You owe it to yourself to remain confident in your vision and your plan.‎ ‎5.Dishonesty As you begin to be successful, you'll be tempted to lie, exaggerate(夸大), and cheat in order to move your thing forward.However, taking the easy way of dishonesty has a tendency to sneak back up on you.__30__ True success comes when you are a person of your word, when you have a pure conscience, and when you have not cheated others on your way to the top.‎ A.Every path to success begins with a great idea.‎ B.You should focus on what you are doing.‎ C.Don't allow doubt to influence your process.‎ D.Diligence can make up for lack of intelligence.‎ E.It causes far more problems than telling the truth in the end.‎ F.Without passion, your energy and enthusiasm will disappear.‎ G.If you can't experience gratitude you might have stayed exactly where you started.‎ 答案 ‎ ‎26.D [本段内容说明的是“懒惰”,选项D意为“勤能补拙”,说明勤奋的重要性,与“懒惰”形成对比。故选D。]‎ ‎27.F [空格处的句子格式与空格前面的句子一致,都是说明没有激情的坏处。故选F。]‎ ‎28.B [本段主要内容为“分心”,而选项B意为“你应该专注于你正在做的事情”。与本段内容形成对比。故选B。]‎ ‎29.C [本段标题为Doubt(怀疑),选项C意为“不要让怀疑影响你的进程”‎ ‎,与标题内容相符。故选C。]‎ ‎30.E [本段标题为“不诚实”,选项E意为“最终,不诚实比说实话造成更多的问题”,符合本段内容。故选E。]‎ 能力提升 Ⅰ.完形填空 ‎                   ‎ 体裁:夹叙夹议 话题:爱与帮助 词数:274 时间:16′‎ As a young girl I remember a very special doctor name Dr.William R.Vincent.I had been to several doctors as a child, but I have a__1__ place in my heart for Dr.Vincent.I was eight years old at the time with a__2__ heart problem and I needed heart surgery.We were poor at that time and my Mom did not have the__3__ to have it done, and without the surgery there was a real good__4__ I would not live to be thirteen years old.‎ Dr.Vincent was a handsome man; he was also very gentle and__5__.I remember being in the hospital I was__6__, so the medical staff called in Dr.Vincent to__7__ me down, and he was able to__8__ me when no one else could.Then the time came for me to have heart surgery.I was absolutely__9__, and again Dr.Vincent__10__ me he would see to it.‎ I had a lot of__11__ and trust in Dr.Vincent; he was the most caring man I had__12__ known.He came to see me after the surgery, which was extremely painful but very__13__.I gave him a hug.I had no family or friends to visit me __14__I was in the hospital__15__ my Mom.I knew I had a__16__ doctor who took the time to help a scared little girl who felt__17__.This was twenty-eight years ago, so wherever you are Dr.Vincent, I want to__18__ you for not only__19__my life, but you helped me__20__ a normal productive(丰富多彩的) life, and for showing me that you truly cared, for that I will be grateful to you.‎ ‎1.A.special B.usual C.common D.ordinary 答案 A [从下文故事叙述来看,作者一直对Dr.William R.Vincent非常感激,所以尽管看过许多医生,她的心里都存有Dr.William R.Vincent的特殊位置。]‎ ‎2.A.slight B.deserted C.formal D.severe 答案 D [根据下文的and I needed heart surgery可知心脏病非常的“严重”。]‎ ‎3.A.skill B.money C.bravery D.feeling 答案 B [从上文的We were poor at that time可知妈妈没有钱为我做手术。]‎ ‎4.A.chance B.memory C.adventure D.situation 答案 A [如果不做手术,我将没有“机会”活到13岁。]‎ ‎5.A.cruel B.excited C.caring D.frightened 答案 C [四个选项中只有caring(充满关心的)能与gentle相一致。下文的he was the most caring man也提示了答案。]‎ ‎6.A.singing B.crying C.laughing D.fighting ‎ 答案 B [因为害怕做手术,作者应该是一直不停地哭泣。]‎ ‎7.A.put B.cut C.wrote D.calm ‎ 答案 D [calm down“使……安定下来”;put down“控制;制止”;cut down“砍倒”;write down“写下”;四个选项中只有D项符合句子意思。]‎ ‎8.A.comfort B.shake C.destroy D.rescue 答案 A [只有Dr.William R.Vincent能够安慰我。]‎ ‎9.A.anxious B.eager C.terrified D.interested ‎ 答案 C [根据上面的叙述可知,作者在动手术前非常“害怕”。]‎ ‎10.A.reassured B.feared ‎ C.suffered D.interrupted ‎ 答案 A [reassure“使安心;使恢复信心”;符合句子意思。]‎ ‎11.A.advice B.confidence ‎ C.information D.preparation 答案 B [Dr.William R.Vincent使我得到安慰,因此我又有了信心。]‎ ‎12.A.never B.still C.even D.ever 答案 D [ever“曾经”,Dr.William R.Vincent是我曾经认识的最富有爱心的人。]‎ ‎13.A.joyful B.professional ‎ C.successful D.unexpected ‎ 答案 C [通过下文的I gave him a hug说明手术非常成功。]‎ ‎14.A.while B.unless C.until D.though 答案 A [while表示“在……期间”。]‎ ‎15.A.instead of B.in terms of ‎ C.in favor of D.except for 答案 D [except for“除此之外”;instead of“代替”;in terms of“至于;关于;从……的观点看”;in favor of“支持”。]‎ ‎16.A.wonderful B.valuable ‎ C.traditional D.universal 答案 A [wonderful“很好的;优秀的”,用于形容Dr.William R.Vincent。]‎ ‎17.A.shy B.lonely C.satisfied D.respected ‎ 答案 B [因为上文有I had no family or friends to visit me所以我感到很孤独。]‎ ‎18.A.recognize B.invite C.thank D.conduct 答案 C [thank sb for sth“因为某事而感谢某人”。]‎ ‎19.A.charging B.saving C.controlling D.admiring 答案 B [医生救了作者的命,因此作者要感激这位医生。]‎ ‎20.A.settle B.protect C.provide D.live 答案 D [live a...life“过……样的生活”。]‎ Ⅱ.阅读理解 A 体裁:记叙文 话题:人物与事件 词数:306 时间:6′‎ Dagmar Lieblova was 14 years old when she arrived at the Auschwitz(奥斯维辛) death camp in December 1943.Everyone in her family was with her.They were from Czechoslovakia(捷克斯洛伐克).All of them but Dagmar died.But she was able to leave the camp after several months because of a mistake.That mistake saved her life.‎ The Auschwitz death camp was a frightening place.It was built for mass murder.More than one million people died there.Among them were Dagmar Lieblova's father, mother and sister.‎ Ms.Lieblova believed she would be killed at Auschwitz.Shortly after she and her family arrived, three of her relatives were killed.They died in the camp's gas chambers(毒气室).In the camp, Dagmar worked with some women to clean restrooms.They had little to eat.‎ She would soon be saved by a simple mistake.German officials made a list of workers aged 16 to 40.They wanted these workers to help Germany win the war.Dagmar Lieblova's name was on the list, although it should not have been.Her name was listed because an official noted her year of birth as 1925 instead of 1929, her true year of birth.Because of this mistake, camp officials believed she was over 16 and that she could work for them in factories.‎ ‎“This mistake saved my life.There was a train standing and when we stepped in, the train moved.We couldn't believe it that we were really leaving Auschwitz,” Dagmar Lieblova recalled.‎ Everyone in Dagmar Lieblova's family died at Auschwitz.She spent the rest of her life working in Germany.Dagmar Lieblova is now 85 years old.She has three children and six grandchildren.She says she has a feeling of victory.‎ ‎21.What do you know about Dagmar Lieblova?‎ A.She entered the Auschwitz death camp at the age of 14.‎ B.She died in the Auschwitz death camp with her family.‎ C.She left the Auschwitz death camp after the World War.‎ D.She was thrown into the camp because of a mistake.‎ 答案 A [细节理解题。根据短文第一句可知Dagmar Lieblova是14岁进入奥斯维辛死亡营的。]‎ ‎22.Dagmar Lieblova's life was saved by ________.‎ A.the help offered by a German official B.a worker in a German factory C.three of her relatives in the camp D.the mistake made by a German official ‎ 答案 D [细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句That mistake saved her life.以及Her name was listed because an official noted her year of birth as 1925 instead of 1929, her true year of birth.可知选项D正确。]‎ ‎23.What did Dagmar Lieblova do in the Auschwitz death camp?‎ A.She did some cooking. B.She guarded prisoners.‎ C.She did some cleaning. D.She worked in a factory.‎ 答案 C [细节理解题。根据第三段中的In the camp, Dagmar worked with some women to clean restrooms.可知选项C正确。]‎ ‎24.It can be known from the passage that ________.‎ A.the true year of birth of Dagmar Lieblova was 1925‎ B.Dagmar Lieblova returned to her homeland after the war C.Dagmar Lieblova helped Germany win the war D.Dagmar Lieblova lived a terrible life in the camp 答案 D [推理判断题。根据短文中提到的她的爸爸、妈妈、姐姐都死在这个死亡营,以及The Auschwitz death camp was a frightening place.和They had little to eat.可知,Dagmar Lieblova在死亡营中过着可怕的生活。]‎ B 体裁:记叙文 话题:人物与事件 词数:294 时间:6′‎ A man once telephoned Vincent Peale, a famous psychologist(心理学家).He was very sad and in low spirits and told the Vincent Peale that he had nothing left to live for.Peale invited the man over to his office.“Everything is gone, and I feel hopeless,” the man told him.“I'm living in deepest darkness.In fact, I've lost heart for my life.” ‎ Vincent Peale smiled sympathetically (同情地).“Let's take a look at your situation,” he said calmly.On a piece of paper he drew a straight line down the middle.He suggested that they list on the left side the things the man had lost, and on the right, the things he had left.“You don't need that column (栏) on the right side,” said the man sadly.“I have nothing left.” ‎ Peale asked, “When did your wife leave you?” “What do you mean?” the man asked, “She hasn't left me.My wife loves me!” “That's great!” said Peale.“Then that will be number one in the right column—Wife hasn't left.Now, when were your children put into prison?” “That's a silly question.My children aren't in prison!” “Good! That's number two in the right column—Children are not in prison,” said Peale, writing it down.‎ After a few more questions in the same column, the man finally got the point and smiled in spite of himself (不由自主地).“Things will change when you think of them in another way,” he said.‎ Change your thoughts and you will change your world.If you paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations, you will put yourself into a condition helpful to your goal.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 改变思维就会改变你的世界。心中充满美好的期待,你就会实现自己的目标。‎ ‎25.Why did the man feel he was in deepest darkness?‎ A.Because his wife had quarreled with him and left.‎ B.Because his children were put into in prison.‎ C.Because he had lost everything in his life.‎ D.Because he only thought of the dark side of his life.‎ 答案 D [细节判断题。根据第三段内容首先排除A、B; 根据文章内容可以知道,并非是这个人丢失了所有的东西才使他感到生活没有光彩,故可排除C。]‎ ‎26.What would happen to the man at last?‎ A.He went home happily and hopefully.‎ B.He didn't believe what Peale had said.‎ C.He filled the left column with bad things.‎ D.He wrote down what Peale had said.‎ 答案 A [推理判断题。根据倒数第二段以及全文可以推知,这个人在Norman Vincent Peale的教育下,不再感到悲伤,最后应该是高兴地、充满希望地回家了。]‎ ‎27.Vincent Peale drew a straight line on a piece of paper to ________.‎ A.show the man how to change his idea B.make a list of things the man needed to do C.help the man know the situation he was in D.tell the man he was now in trouble 答案 C [细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,Norman Vincent Peale在纸的中间划了一条直线,目的是为了帮助这个人分析他当前的情况。]‎ ‎28.The author suggests in the passage that we should ________.‎ A.ask for help when we are in trouble B.understand people who are in darkness C.think of the things in a positive way D.try to solve the problems by ourselves 答案 C [细节理解题。根据文章最后一段特别是Change your thoughts and you change your world.可知,作者建议我们要以积极的态度来思考问题。]‎ Ⅲ.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ There is a clear difference between a useful and a useless holiday.The holiday is useless if it is spent in stupid idleness,or in an exhausting round of exciting__29__(amuse) or any other unhealthy and useless activities.‎ The student or any other person,may come back to his work tired and __30__ (interested).In this case,the holiday instead of doing well may do __31__ (harmful) much more than steady work can do.‎ The holiday is more useful,if someone __32__ (go) out into clean and pure air of the country and lives__33__(health) enjoying games and sports and reading useful books or __34__ (learn) useful skills.‎ However,one should not be __35__ (complete) idle(空闲的).If someone has little regular work it makes his holiday not only healthier but more__36__(enjoy) and useful and he is sure to come back to his work with renewed energy and interest.‎ For that,parents have to take care of their children's holiday __37__ engage them in learning new skills.They should take them in journeys to parks in __38__ their children will have some fun and make their children's holiday more useful and fruitful.‎ 答案 ‎ ‎29.amusement [本空用名词形式与空格后面的名词activities保持一致。]‎ ‎30.uninterested [根据句意可知空格处应该用所给单词的反义词,与前面的tired相一致。]‎ ‎31.harm [do harm (to)意为“对……有害”。]‎ ‎32.goes [someone是主语,为单数,故谓语动词用单数形式。]‎ ‎33.healthily [本空应该用副词形式,用以修饰动词lives。]‎ ‎34.learning [根据空格前面的or可知,所填词应该与reading词性一致,故用learning。]‎ ‎35.completely [用副词修饰后面的形容词。]‎ ‎36.enjoyable [用所给单词的形容词形式与and后面的形容词useful保持一致。]‎ ‎37.and [and连接两个并列短语。]‎ ‎38.which [which引导定语从句,前面有介词in,故不能用that。]‎

