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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 1 - 邯郸市高考英语(单项选择)考前训练(9)及答案解析 第一节:单项选择(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. The house has many interesting . The one I like best is a large Victorian fireplace. A. aspects B. appearances C. features D. preferences 22. Tom received a promotion to the role of assistant manager and is the youngest person to that post in this international company. A. adopt B. occupy C. acquire D. seek 23. Lectures were , so students could focus attention on their study for the finals. A. called off B. set off C. taken off D. turned off 24. The newcomer was annoyed that the natives couldn’t his meaning because of his strong accent. A. get down to B. make sense of C. look down upon D. go in for 25. Teachers prefer to measure our performances the efforts we made rather than the intelligence we have. A. as a consequence of B. regardless of C. for the sake of D. in terms of 26. The plane was damaged in the crash. Unfortunately, only five of the passengers survived the disaster. A. deliberately B. substantially C. thoroughly D. systematically 27. Being removed from his post during operations is the regret for a ship’s captain. A. ultimate B. valid C. outspoken D. superior 28. I have no idea of what is in fashion nowadays, so my choice might be quite . A. abundant B. arbitrary C. considerate D. aggressive 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 2 - 29. In manufacturing, cheaper materials are constantly being for the better, more expensive kind. A. maintained B. cancelled C. substituted D. deposited 30. If you want to be admitted into a university abroad for your further education, a signed letter from your current advisor is required . A. sponsor B. conscience C. immigration D. scheme 单项选择 21—25 CBABD 26---30 BABCA ***********************************************************结束 16. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to__________. A. put up B. give in C. be turned on D. go out 17. Besides Tom, ________ Crosettes have two other sons, __________ of whom are all interested in making model planes. A. 不填; two B. 不填; the two C. the, three D. the, the three 18. Mr. Zhang gaVeall textbooks to all the pupils, except___________ who had already taken tem. A. these B. dnes C. the ones D. the others 19. ____________professional violinist practices for several hours a day, but____________ violinist has his own way of playing the Beethoven concert. A. Each, every B. Every, each C. One, a D. All, each 20.—Who has taken my pen away? —__________. He was here a moment ago. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 3 - A. It must be Li Ping B. It is Li Ping take C. Li Ping is D. Li Ping must take 21. My dictionary__________. I have looked for it everywhere but still A. has lost;do not find B. is missing;do not find C. has lost;have not found D. is missing;have not found 22. Shortly after the accident, two___________ police were sent to the spot to keep order. A. dozens of B. dozens C. dozen of D. dozen 23. —May I have another chocolate? —Yes, of course.___________. A. Take it yourself B. Eat it, please C. Help yourself D. Have it yourself 24. We will take________ wants to go there for a sight - seeing. A. whoever B. who C. anybody D. all that 25. I caught the last bus from town, but Harry came home___________ that night. A. very late B. even later C. the same late D. the last one 26. --What was the party like? --Wonderful. It is years_____________ I enjoyed myself so much. 27. Isn't it very kind __________ your parents to do that for us? A. for B to C. about D. of 28. There is a _________ of 1000 dollars for the return A. reward B. prize C. thank D. prsise 29. A man does not know the difficulty of anything_________ he does it personally. A. although B. if C. because D. unless 30. I don't remember___________ to the airport that year. A. to be taken B. being taken C. having D. to take 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 4 - ******************************************************* 参考答案 16—20 DDCBA 21—25 DDCAB 26—30 DDADB ***************************************************** 16.D 本题的关键是理解题干的意思。句子的含义是:“没有人注意到小偷进屋,因为那 时灯熄了。”符合题意的只有 D 项。 17.D 在英语的姓氏前使用定冠词,表示的是这个姓氏的一家人或这个姓氏的夫妇:“the+ 数词+0f+代词”这一结构表示该代词的总数是前面的数词表示的数量, 而“数词+.of+代 词”结构中的代词表示的量肯定大于前面数词表示的数量。 18.C one 本来是数词,但也可用作不定代词,代替前面刚提到的一个东西或人,避免重 复前面刚提到的名词,有时 one 可以有自己的定语或冠词,甚至可以有复数形式。 19.B every 与 each 都是指“每一个”,但内涵不一样。every 与 all 含义很接近。英 文中常用 every 进行概括,强调事物或人的总体性,而 each 则表示个别概念,当我们说 each violinist 时,我们想到的是每个不同的人做着不同的事。 20.A 本题是对情态动词的考查。句意表示肯定的推测用 must,而 it 指问句中提到的 who。 21.D lose 是个及物动词,如果要表示某物丢失了,只能用被动语态。A 项与 C 项 使 用的都是其主动形式。missing 是形容词,其词义是:lost;not to be found(丢失了), 据 此,第一空缺处应填人 is missing。根据语境,第二个空缺处应填使用现在完成时的否定形 式,因为它可以表示目前还未发生的动作。 22.D 英语中一些表示数字的名词的前面如果用了数词,这些名词必须是单数形式,如 dozen(一打),score(二十)和 head(头)等,例如:另外两打鸡蛋 another two dozen eggs。 但是如果这些名词用来虚指某些可数名词时,这些名词呈复数形式,其后要加上介词 of,例 如:dozens of pencils(几十支铅笔)。 23.C 本题是口语中习惯用法。help yourself 表示“请自便”。考生只要理解了题意便 能比较容易找出答案。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 - 5 - 24.A whoever 具备两个意思,其一是 no matter who,引导让步状语从句;其二是 anyone who,引导名词性从句,在本题中,whoever 引导的是一个宾语从句,whoever 在这个宾语从 句中用作主语。 25.B 形容词或副词的比较级有时可以使用在暗示比较句中。暗示比较现象往往出现在带 有 but 的并列句里,或带有让步状语从句的主句里。第一分句交代的是暗示某种程度的被比 对象,在第二分句里以比较级的形式出现。 26.D 英语中“It is+时间”有三种不同的用法。其一是:“It is+时间+that…”,这 是强调结构的句型;其二是:“It is+一段时间 before…”,这一句型的意思是:“完这个 从句所表示的事所需的时间量”;其三是:“It is+一段时间+since...”这一句型表示的 是从从句中动词的动作起所延续的时间。 27.D 本题是固定用法的考查。It is+形容词+of/for+sb.+t0 do 是固定的句型。但两 个句型用法不同,如果形容词表示人的性质,如 kind,nice 等必须用 of。 28.A 本题是词语辨析题。只要理解 the return of the gold ring,考生就能知道 1000 dollars 是作为答谢,故用 reward。 29.D 连词 unless 本身具有否定意义:i£..not,引导的是否定的条件句,这种否定的 条件句从反面来强调的语气,一些语法学家称它为“反面的惟一条件句”,如: One cannot master a foreign language well unless he studies it hard. 30.B 本题是非谓语动词的考查。remember 后可接动词不定式或动词-ing 形式,但含义不同。 不定式表示‘‘记得要干还没干”,动词-ing 形式表示“记得干了某事” 。

