四年级上册英语课件- Module5 Unit1 We went to the Great Wall

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四年级上册英语课件- Module5 Unit1 We went to the Great Wall

Module 5 Unit 1 We went to the Great Wall. Module 5 Unit 1 We went to the Great Wall. 静雅小学 张效娥 phone Grandma ed help my mum wash my trousers clean my room play football watch TV paint a picture listen to music ed ed ed ed ed ed d What did you do yesterday ? I… Yesterday was a school trip. Where did Daming and Sam go ? They went to the Great Wall. Were they happy? Yes, they were . They had a good time. 1.What did they see yesterday ? 2.What did they eat yesterday ? 3.What did they buy yesterday ? Answer the questions : a school trip They saw lots of mountains. see They saw some beautiful plants. What did you see? They ate candies. eat e a t I ate a hamburger. I ate … They bought Dad a present. buy We bought … go went see saw eat ate have had buy bought The past tense form of irregular Verbs 不规则动词过去式 Can you help Amy and Lingling say about their trip ? zoo England Buckingham Palace Homework: copy the phrases after class. Talk about your trip with your friends.

