四年级上册英语课件- Module4 Unit1 Chinese people invented paper

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四年级上册英语课件- Module4 Unit1 Chinese people invented paper

Chinese people invented paper . 动词过去式的规则变化 play- clean- phone- listen- stay- watch- finish- wash- dance- play ed clean ed phone d listen ed stay ed watch ed finish ed wash ed dance d 〔d〕 〔t〕 Let's play a game. invent print printing paper newspaper bicycle telephone important Let’s make friends with these words. What’s this? Who invented paper? 东汉 蔡伦 Chinese Chinese people invent ed paper. Learn and answer: What did Chinese people invent? invent 发明 invent ed  北宋 毕昇 Chinese Chinese people invent ed printing. four great inventions (四大发明) paper printing compass (指南针) powder (火药) Chinese people are very clever! Chinese people invented important things. paper 纸 printing 印刷术 walked didn’t walk played didn’t play cleaned didn’t clean Discussion: 1 Chinese people have invented such great things, are you proud of being a Chinese? 2 Do you want to be an inventor like Cai Lun and Bi Sheng? 3 What do you want to invent? Thank you!

