四年级上册英语课件- Unit1 What happened to your head?外研社(一起)(共33张PPT)

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四年级上册英语课件- Unit1 What happened to your head?外研社(一起)(共33张PPT)

Module 9 Unit 1 What happened to your head? go, go, go to school went, went, went to school see, see, see a monkey saw, saw, saw a monkey buy, buy, buy a pen bought, bought, bought a pen Daming and Sam went for a bike ride . r i c e h i d e b i k e r i d e 2021/2/12 What can you see? 你能看到什么? Where were they? 他们在哪儿? water melon watermelon Sam took Daming and the watermelon to the hospital. And then they were hungry and thirsty . So they bought a watermelon . Sam carried the watermelon on his bike. thirsty watermelon carry fell off And Daming bumped his head. But Sam fell off his bike. bump Discuss in groups. 4 人小组讨论 Tips (温馨提示) : 1. Learn to read the new words. 学习拼读新词 2. Guess the meanings of the new words from the pictures. 看图猜词意 Guess! What happened? 猜一猜!中途发生了什么? Discuss in pairs . 两人讨论 Maybe they (也许他们) … Tip: 根据前后图片猜测故事。 Maybe they helped people, so they got a watermelon as a gift. 也许他们帮助了别人,得到了一个西瓜作为礼物。 Maybe they had a car crash. 也许他们发生了车祸。 Maybe they hit each other. 也许他们撞到了对方。 And then they were hungry and thirsty . “thirsty” means (意思是) ____? The crow was thirsty . He was thirsty . “thirsty” means (意思是) ________. 渴的 And then they were hungry and thirsty . Act it out. 演一演 So they bought a watermelon . Sam carried the watermelon on the bike. on the bike “carried” means (意思是) ____? He carried two bags. She carried a TV. He carried a chair. “carried” means (意思是) _________. 拿,搬 Sam carried the watermelon on the bike. It was hard . Sam was . Act it out. 演一演 Sam fell off the bike. fall off f e ll off “fell off” means (意思是) _____? He fell off the bike. He fell off the swing( 秋千 ). He fell off the horse. “fell off” means (意思是) _________. 从 …… 摔下来 2021/2/12 Act it out. 演一演 Sam fell off the bike. And Daming bumped his head. M um b um b um p “bumped” means (意思是) ____ ? He bumped his head. “bumped” means (意思是) __________. 碰,撞 2021/2/12 Act it out. 演一演 And Daming bumped his head. Sam fell off the bike. And Daming bumped his head. What do you think of this bike ride? Good or bad? Why? 你认为这次骑自行车的经历怎么样? 好还是不好?为什么? Be careful when you do sports. 当你们运动时,注意安全。 Think 想一想 Who's the lucky dog? 谁是幸运儿 bike ride thirsty bought carried fell off bumped Rules (规则) : Say “Yes, yes, yes” if it is true . Say “No, no, no” if it is false . answer . About the story Did Daming and Sam go for a bike ride? Did they buy some water? Did Sam fall off the bike? Did Daming carry the watermelon on the bike? Did Daming bump his head? Yes, Yes, Yes! No, No, No! Daming and Sam went for a bike ride . So they bought a watermelon . And then they were hungry and thirsty . Sam carried the watermelon on the bike. But he fell off the bike. Then Sam took Daming and the watermelon to the hospital. Enjoy the story. 欣赏故事 And Daming bumped his head. It was sunny yesterday. Oh, what a bad day! Make a little book. 制作一本小书。 By Give a title to the story. 给故事拟个题目。 A bike ride What a bad day ! Sam and a watermelon … By Choose the one you like and write it down. 选择喜欢的题目,写下来。 Show Time Rule (规则): Two children read the story, and two act it out. 两个孩子讲故事,两个孩子表演。 Work in groups. 4 人小组合作 Homework Read the story to your family. 2. Remind your friends to be careful when they do sports. 当你身边的朋友做运动时,提醒他们注意安全。

