四年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 My home 人教PEP版(共26张PPT)

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四年级上册英语课件-Unit 4 My home 人教PEP版(共26张PPT)

Hello! This is my h o m e . Amy moves to a new house.( 搬新家 ) Is she...? Amy's Home Welcome to my home! 说说猫的位置。 Where's the cat? She 's in/on/under/near the ___. 猜一猜: Is she in/on/under/near the ___? Yes, she is . / No, she isn’t. Where is the cat ? Where is the cat? ( 看对话并回答 ) She's in the _____. Watch and answer A B C Where is the cat? ( 看对话并回答 ) Watch and answer Where is the cat? ( 看对话并回答 ) She's in the _______. Watch and answer A B C kitchen k i tchen S he 's in the kitchen . Let’s learn Yes, she is. Is s he in the kitchen ? l i room Is she in the living room? No, she isn’t. Let’s learn v ing st u can Is she in the study? No, she isn’t. dy Let’s learn Look and read! study study in the study kitchen kitchen in the kitchen living room living room in the living room study study in the study kitchen kitchen in the kitchen living room living room in the living room 大声快速朗读! Let’s read : I have a cat. She’s cute. : Where is she? : Mmm. Is she in the living room? : No, she isn’t. : Is she in the study? : No, she isn’t. : Look! She’s in the kitchen. 注意连读和升调,配上表情动作 I have a ___. She’s cute. Try to read 补全对话,配合表情动作。 Where is she? Is she in the ______? No, ___ isn’t. Try to read 补全对话,配合表情动作。 Is she in the ______? No, ___ isn’t. Try to read 补全对话,配合表情动作。 Yes, she’s in the kitchen. Look! She’s in the____. Try to read 补全对话,配合表情动作。 Me o w,me o w! Hello, Sarah! Hello! Cat! Let’s play! OK! Try to read 补全对话,配合表情动作。 Let's act ! I have a cat . She's cute . Where is she? Is she in the living room ? No, she isn't. Is she in the study ? No, she isn't. Look! She's in the kitchen . Yes, she's in the kitchen . ...... ...... Let's act ! I have a cat . She's cute . Where is she? Is she in the living room ? No, she isn't. Is she in the study ? No, she isn't. Look! She's in the kitchen . Yes, she's in the kitchen . ...... ...... Group work 三人表演对话 表演标准: 1. 声音洪亮; 2. 语音语调正确; 3. 动作表情丰富。 h She ’s cute. She ’s in the kitchen. ( 她 ……) h She ’s cute. She ’s nice. He ’s strong. He ’s black and white. 在国外,通常把宠物(pet)作为家庭成员看待, 所以用 she /he表示。 A few days later.... ( 几天后 ) Sarah 's Home Amy goes to Sarah 's home . I have a dog. He ’s cool . Where is he ? Let's write 改写对话 1. Write a new dialogue. 三人合作完成,可以选择参考单词。 2. Read or act out the dialogue. 分角色朗读或表演。 Is he in the ______? Is he in the ______? I have a dog. He's cool! No, he isn't. No, ____ isn't. Look! She's in the _____. Hello! Dog! Write a new dialogue. 合作改写对话。 Where is he? 必做题 1. Listen read and recite the dialogue . 听 、朗读并背诵 P38对话 。 2. Act out the dialogue to your parents. 给父母表演 P3 8对话 。 3. Learn the new contents on P39 . 预习P39内容。 选做题 Act out the new dialogue. 和同学表演改编的对话。 Homework( 作业 ) Amy's Home Who is the winner? 谁获胜?

