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高三英语高考考前指导 一、听力题的解题技巧 1.浏览试题,学会预测话题。 高考英语听力测试的对话或短文的测试点一般都集中体现在一些主要信息上,在听力测试开始前,或每段对话后的十秒钟的间隔时间,我们应迅速浏览每小题的题干和选项,搜索出答题可能涉及的相关信息,并据此有意识地预测对话或短文的内容或可能隐藏的答题需的重要信息。 2.合理分配注意力。 在高考英语听力测试中,由于成篇的听力材料的信息量大且集中,中间又夹杂着大量的冗余信息,在听录音时,要养成听前抢读、听中边听边记、抓关键词等技巧,科学合理地分配注意力,可以有效地提高听力测试成绩。 3.运用归纳、分析、综合等技巧推断最佳答案。 纵观近几年高考英语听力试题,整体听力材料所提供的信息越来越大,句子长,结构复杂,所设问题综合性强。我们往往不能从材料中直接听到选项答案。不少答案需要我们能够在理解录音材料大意、掌握其中重要细节的基础上,再经过分析、判断,才能选出最佳答案。 4.了解文体特点,注意结构层次 一般情况下,整体听力材料第6-10段中都有一段独白材料,我们在听这段材料时,如果能够充分了解短文的文体特点和结构层次,将有助于我们在听的过程中分清主次,将注意力集中在关键语句(主题句)和与问题有关的内容上来。 听力题的解题陷阱 试题:How much will the woman pay if she buys two skirts? A. $18 B. $19 C. $20 错答:A 正答:B 陷阱:本题是数字陷阱。很多同学容易听成买一件就便宜1美元,导致计算时变成$18,而误选A。 附录音材料:W: Very nice skirts. How much are they? M: $10 each and $1 off if people buy two. They’re on sale. 试题:What will the speakers discuss? A. A report. B. A computer. C. A report on computer. 错答:B 正答:A 陷阱:本题是信息先后陷阱。由于正确答案处于对话的开始,很多同学没有引起注意,只听到my new computer的信息,所以导致很多同学误选B。 附录音材料: M: I know you want to talk about this report. But I’d like to talk about my new computer. W: Let’s keep to the point. We can talk about that later. All right? 试题:How did the man find the lecture? A. Good. B. Boring. C. Average 错答:B 正答:A 陷阱:本题是信息理解陷阱。“it was worth the time”表示听这个讲座的时间花得值。但有的同学由于没有理解这个信息,导致误选B。 附录音材料: W: Was the lecture as good as you had expected? M: Oh, it was worth the time. W: I thought so. The speaker is one of the greatest scientists in today’s world. 试题:What will Susan do very soon? A. Leave Beijing. B. Go to Beijing. C. Take a job in Beijing. 错答:C 正答:B 陷阱:本题是人物对象陷阱。应是Susan的丈夫“Take a job in Beijing”,而不是Susan本人。Susan应是“Go to Beijing”去陪她的丈夫。附录音材料: M: I met Mary in the street today. W: Really? Did she say anything about Susan? M: Yes. She ought to be leaving Shanghai very soon, because her husband has taken a job in Beijing. 试题:What does the woman want the man to do? A. Repair the bookshelf for her. B. Put the books on the shelf. C. Put the books on the floor. 错答:B 正答:A 陷阱:本题是字词陷阱。由于没有理解fix(=repair)的词义,导致误选B。附录音材料: W: Could you help me fix the broken bookshelf now? I have put all my books on the floor. M: Yes, of course. 记下我此时的心得: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 训练一:(2019南通三模) 第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Why is the man having trouble finding lamb? A. Many people there don’t eat lamb. B. There is no lamb at Harvard Meats. C. He doesn’t know what kind he wants. 2. What is the conversation mainly about? A. Losing weight. B. Meeting old classmates. C. Graduating from school. 3. What do the speakers have in common? A. They like to walk their dogs together. B. They own the same kind of dog. C. They have the same job. 4. What might the man buy? A. Salad. B. Vegetables. C. Bread. 5. Why did the officer stop the woman? A. She was speeding. B. He thought she was in danger. C. She was listening to music. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Who is the man inviting to the barbecue? A. His neighbors. B. His colleagues. C. His sister’s family. 7. What does the woman suggest the man do? A. Use a gas grill. B. Stay outside all day. C. Add some barbecue sauce. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What does Jill say about Bob? A. He is forgetful. B. He is important to her. C. He is good at kidding. 9. When is Bob’s birthday? A. On October 14. B. On December 2. C. On December 14. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What is Miss Smith’s job? A. She’s a lawyer. B. She’s a judge. C. She’s a secretary. 11. Why is Miss Smith so upset? A. She has lost the case. B. Someone is going to kill her. C. She can’t access the Internet. 12. Who might solve the woman’s problem? A. A network engineer. B. Judge Wapner. C. Mr. Dugger. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. What is the woman unhappy about? A. Chris’s grades. B. Bringing the list with her. C. Buying all listed things. 14. Why does Chris need five notebooks? A. They will sell out soon. B. He needs one for each subject. C. He wants to share with his friends. 15. Who might Luke be? A. Chris’s father. B. Chris’s teacher. C. Chris’s brother. 16. What is the purpose of the tax-free weekend, according to the woman? A. To help poor people. B. To raise money for the schools. C. To encourage people to shop more. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. Who is Adele? A. A popular singer. B. A famous dancer. C. A fashion designer. 18.What was most extraordinary at the Grammy Awards? A. The moving set pieces. B.The song from the album 25. C. George Michael singing “Fastlove”. 19. Why did Adele stop during one of her performances? A. The sound system had problems. B. She wanted to talk about a legend. C. She had problems with her voice. 20. Who did Adele owe her award to? A. Beyoncé. B. Rihanna. C. Drake . 二、单项选择题的解题技巧 1、抓住信息词汇,分析语境,明确考点。 单项填空题一般都有一定的语境,因此一定要细心读完整题,结合信息词所给的提示,弄清题目的意图,找出解决问题的突破口。只有这样正确判断,才可选出最佳答案。 例1 Mary kept weighing herself to see how much ______ she was getting. A. heavier B. heavy C. the heavier D. the heaviest 本题检测在特定语境中对形容词同级比较结构的掌握和运用。为了能够准确、地道的表达传递信息,必须掌握合乎规范要求的语法结构与表达方式。本句意在表达“Mary 总是在称体重,意在看体重增加了多少。”因此是在原有体重和增加体重之间有对比关系。另外,much 修饰比较级,也是个信息词,所以选择 heavier .答案为A。 例2 — Really? Who will give _______ lecture? And about what? — Professor Chen, ________ president of the Beijing University , on the environment protection. A. a ; the B. the ; a C. a ; / D. the ; / 本句考查冠词用法。解题时由信息词Really ?可知事先对方已经告诉了有关讲座的事情。因此询问“谁将作讲座”时应是第二次提到,故用定冠词the ,而第二空表示头衔和职位的名词充当同位语时前面一般不用冠词,因此选D。 2、排除种种思维定势的干扰。 语法规则定势;固定短语搭配定势;母语思维定势等都会影响学生的选择。在高考中,各题的干扰项都是经过精心设计编制而成的,所以学生要注意平时学习中常出现的错误;尤其要注意不受本族语的影响,重视语言差异。因为不同的民族的文化背景、风俗习惯、思维方式和语言表达方式,形成英汉两种语言在表达上也有很大的差异,所以绝对不可用中文的思维模式来解决英语的有关问题,尤其是在情景对话中。如: 例 3 — Waiter! — ___________. — I can’t eat this .It’s too salty A. Yes? B. What? C. Pardon? D. Why? 本题考查对别人呼唤的应答方式,英语中应用Yes? 而不是What? 或Pardon? 例 4 — Hi, haven’t seen you for ages! You look fine. — _______ . You look well, too. A. Great B. Thanks C. Oh,no D. Not at all 有的学生受中国传统文化的影响,很可能选C项。但是对于别人的赞美或表扬,英美人不像中国人那样“客气”,而是常用thank you 之类的答谢语。因此答案为B。 例 5 I agree with most of what you said , but I don’t agree with ________. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 本题考查不定代词的用法。很多学生因为受中文翻译的影响。可能错选B。因为anything 表示“任何事情”。但是anything 在否定句中与not 相连用时其实是全否定。意思是“我不同意你所说的任何事情。”因此与前句产生矛盾。原句意思应该是“并不是你说的任何一样事情(即每一样事情)我都同意。”这与I agree with most of what you said .相一致。所以应用A项。 例 6 Which do you enjoy __________ your weekend , going skating or playing video games? A. spending B. to spend C. spent D. to be spent 由于容易受语法思维定势影响,enjoy 后面往往接动名词,所以有些学生就不加思索地选A。其实本句enjoy 的宾语是which ,而to spend your weekend 是作状语成分,因此应选不定式形式。B为正确答案。 例 7 Anyway, that evening, ________ I’ll tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachel’s place. A. when B. where C. what D. which 本题考查定语从句中关系词的选择。很多学生看到that evening 一词,受思维定势影响就会选择A项。其实分析一下that evening 在非限制性定语从句中的成分可知,that evening 是tell you more about 后的宾语。因此应用关系代词which . 例 8 The home improvements have taken what little there is _______ my spare time. A. in B. from C. of D. at 学生往往会受in one’s spare time 固定搭配的影响,在没有弄清句子结构的情况下错选A。其实后面的句子可以还原为What little of my spare time there is !little 在本句中是不定代词,相当于little time ,常与of 搭配。因此选C。 3、善于改变句式,尽量化繁为简,化难为易。 解题时不妨将疑问句变成陈述句、将省略句补完整、将被动句式变成主动句式、将复合句变成简单句、强调句变成一般句式或将插入语成分剔除,抓住句子的主干成分。这样试题难度降低了,学生会迎刃而解。 例 9 Is this factory _________ you visited last year? A. to which B. the one C. that D. where 如果将本句还原成陈述句的话,即This factory is _____ you visited last year .不难看出本句中缺少的是定语从句前的被修饰词即先行词以及引导定语从句的关系词,因此,首先,排除A、C、D项。而B项中先行词后的关系词that 或which 是定语从句中的宾语,完全可以省略,故选 B。 例10 Was it _____ the product on CCTV that made the company the focus (焦点) of the country then? A. advertised B. having advertised C. to advertise D. advertising 本题考查动名词作主语和强调句型的掌握。 解本题时先将疑问句变成陈述句,不难看出这是个强调句型,判断依据是因为它由It was --- that --- 三个词构成强调句型的框架,且将这三个词去掉后句子照样成立。然后将构成强调句型的三个词It was --- that 去掉,原句变成一个一般的句子,即________ the product on CCTV made the company the focus of the country then . 再从句子的结构来看本句所缺的词与the product 构成句子的主语,所以可以排除A、B两项。最后确定用不定式还是动名词。不定式和动名词都可以作主语,而动词不定式主语是强调特定场合下发生的动作,所以C不符合题意。因此只有D项表示经常性的习惯动作或活动。 4、注重固定搭配短语的积累,并善于将肢解的短语进行整合搭配。 例11 He accidentally _______ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks. A. let out B. took care C. fell out D. made out 本题考查动词短语辨析。let out 有“遗漏;泄露”之意。take care 照料;fall out 脱落,闹翻;make out 弄清楚。根据句中的and that 可以断定两个并列的宾语从句需要的是一个谓语动词,意思是,他偶然泄露了,他和妻子吵架后,两周都没在家里住了。因此答案是A。 例12 In my opinion , it is the best use that could be _______ of the our money. A. turned up B. turned out C. spent D. made 该题考查固定短语make use of 。其被动语态为be made use of 。题中将use 作为先行词,而原有的动词与介词放于定语从句中。如果学生对此短语熟悉的话,会具有一定的敏感性。由此会选择D。因为其余选项与use 不搭配。故选D。 5、注意分析句子结构,确定选择方向 一个句子所使用的标点符号、有无连词,往往起着决定性的作用;而插入语、省略语等,在一定程度上干扰考生的思维。 例 13 My sister, an inexperienced rider, was found sitting on the bicycle ___ to balance it. A. having tried B. trying C. to try D. tried 分析句子结构,an experienced rider是插入语,同时,主语my sister与try之间为主动 关系,首先排除D项;而后考虑sit on the bicycle与try to balance it 同时发生,可知B项 为正确答案。 例14 Who do you think you’d rather _____ the tape recorder? A. have to repair B. have fixed C. get repaired D. get to repair 在确定答案之前,我们先来看看下面这个句子: I think I would rather have the man fix the tape recorder. I think I would rather get the man to fix the tape recorder. 在这两句中,假若对名词the man 提问,便可得出:Who do you think you would rather have repair the tape recorder? / Who do you think you would rather get to repair the tape recorder? 例15 The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons ___for the day. A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. were finished 由于中间有逗号, 意味着后面的部分是状语。由于该部分前面没有连词,故不能用 谓语形式。 因此要用finished构成独立主格结构。 6、弄清从句性质,缺啥补啥,健全句子结构 当考查名词性从句或定语从句时,依次优先观察从句中是否缺主语,宾语,若缺某一 成分,就得选择能够充当该成分的选项。若主语、宾语、表语或定语都不缺,就再观察句子是否缺哪类状语,选择能够充当该状语的选项,以补全句子结构。 例16 Choosing the right dictionary depends on you want to use it for. A. what B. why C how D whether what 引导的名词性从句作介词on的宾语,what在从句中又充当介词for的宾语. 例17 We shouldn’t spend our money testing so many people, most of are healthy. A that B which C what D whom 本题考察非限制性定性定语从句,介词of后面缺宾语,能够作宾语且能够引导定语从句的关系代词which 和whom, 由于非限制性定性定语从句用来说明前面指人的名词people, 故用whom充当介词of的宾语。 临阵磨枪(一) 1. Sligo is an ancient and lively enough center, overlooked by its church and _______ with pubs. A. rang B. ringing C. ringed D. rung 2. The afternoon sun provided the clouds shifting colors: pink and salmon, crimson and ivory, all _______ against a royal blue sky. A. given off B. set off C. broken off D. shown off 3. He is skinnier than when last we met but _______ is unchanged. A. meanwhile B. also C. generally D. otherwise 4. For Western readers, one of the pleasures of reading Liu Cixin, the author of “The Three Body Problem,”(三体) is that his stories _______ entirely different resources. A. draw on B. put on C. rely on D. take on 5. I was driving on the highway when the news _____ on the radio of a serious car crash in Changzhou. A. hit B. broke C. released D. described 6. Chinese traditional wisdom asks you to act like water: to be flexible _______ strong. A. as good as B. as well as C. as far as D. as long as 7. If you _______ see Mr. Lambert in Boston, please give him my respect. A. can B. must C. should D. need 8. --- You want to see me, Miss Lin? --- Yes, come in. I _______ about your exam paper with your parents. A. talk B. was talking C. have been talking D. had talked 9. Because so few adults can remember the details of their own kindergarten, it can be hard to _______ just how much early education has been transformed over the past two decades. A. discriminate B. acknowledge C. distinguish D. appreciate 10. He is rather difficult to make friends with, but the friendship of his, _______,is truer than that of anybody else’s. A. while gained B. when to gain C. after gaining D. once gained 11. It sounds like something is wrong with the car’s engine. _______, we’d better take it to the garage immediately. A. If ever B. If not C. If anything D. If so 12. I was only joking when I said Tom was silly; who _______ he took it seriously? A. thought B. had thought C. would think D. would have thought 13. --- Haven’t I told you that you should be home earlier? --- Yes, but I _____ home earlier than I usually do. A. was coming B. have come C. came D. had come 14. ---How about buying Tim a mobile phone ? After all, he isn’t a boy any more. ---I think it’s necessary, for we sometimes want to make sure if he _____ home for dinner. A. will come B. comes C. has come D. would come 15. The assailants targeted six sites Friday night in Paris, _______ a massacre at a concert hall _______ at least 80 people were killed. A. the deadliest was, that B. the deadliest was, where C. the deadliest being, where D. the deadliest being, which 16. Star Wars: The Force Awakens took 12 days to earn $1 billion worldwide, _______ the fastest movie _______ such a feat. A. became, achieving B. to become, to achieve C. becoming, to achieve D. having become, achieving 17. There’s _______ out there for everyone. You just have to wait for life to bring them into your life. A. somebody B. everybody C. anybody D. nobody 18. Remember that you cannot cancel the order _______ you’ve signed. A. once B. before C. though D. unless 19. I _______ away, but I knew I had to stay with the injured driver until the ambulance arrived. A. would have walked B. must have walked C. Shall have walked D. could have walked 20. The alumina’s speech touched the 11th-graders’ heart, _______ them to pursue their dreams. A. to inspire B. inspired C. inspiring D. having inspired 临阵磨枪(二) 1. International situation is currently undergoing great changes ________ UNESCO plays an irreplaceable role in promoting international cooperation. A. which B. what C. where D. that 2. The CCTV show Chinese Characters Dictation Competition has taken the country by storm, which is partly designed to arouse people’s _______ in the Chinese language. A. response B. enthusiasm C. significance D. consequence 3. Netizens turned the weibo account of China’s second richest man into a battlefield debating charity giving after other celebrities publicized their donations. ________ the netizens’ questions, Jack Ma said he was bothered when he owned more than 10 million yuan. A. In a gesture to B. In honor of C. In response to D. In association with 4. With the word PM 2.5 ________ appearing in media reports, people pay greater attention to it and seek health tips for smoggy days. A. immediately B. consequently C. permanently D. constantly 5. Where food programs once turned chefs into stars, The Twelve Feng Taste turns stars into chefs. Singer-actor Nicholas Tse ________ it, the reality TV show returned for a second season last month on Zhejiang Television. A. hosted B. hosting C. hosts D. is hosting 6. When it comes to the majority of the latest technologies in the next 20 years, ________ has greater potential than the technology being developed in these young people’s company, ________ in my eyes will lead to a revolution. A. nothing; which B. none; where C. nothing; where D. none; which 7. —What a pity! Their experiment is a failure. —They ________ better under more favorable conditions. A. should have done B. could have done C. must have done D. may have done 8. When the questions got personal during the talk show, the actress ________ in tears as she opened up about the wounds she suffered. A. broke up B. broke down C. broke out D. broke through 9. — I’m sorry to tell you that you made a mistake in your test. — How can that be? I did it _______ in class. A. as told B. as am told C. as telling D. as I told 10. How would you like ________ if you were watching your favorite TV program and someone came into the room and just shut it off without asking you? A. them B. one C. those D. it 11. —Professor Smith, I’d like to take a gap year to Africa to serve in a global anti-Aids campaign. —Good idea, ______ you can afford the time. A. provided that B. in case C. even if D. so that 12. --How do you think I can make up with Tom? --Put aside ________ you disagree and try to find ________ you have in common. A. what; what B. where; what C. what; where D. what; whether 13. With a view to fighting against crimes online, the authority hosted an anti-piracy concert with over 100 pop singers, _______ fans not to buy pirated music and movies. A. urging B. to urge C. having urged D. urged 14. Having a glass of water first thing in the morning helps rid your body of poisonous substances that ________ overnight. A. were stored B. had been stored C. are being stored D. have been stored 15. —Shall we make an appointment at 9 o’clock this Sunday morning? —________. I will be available the whole morning. A. It counts for nothing B. That suits me fine C. It makes no difference D. Go right ahead 16. --- I’m going to drive home. --- _______! You’ve drunk too much. A. Take your time B. Go ahead C. Keep in touch D. Come on 17. Life is ten percent _______ you make it and ninety percent how you take it. A. where B. that C. what D. which 18. The animals that are having winter sleep look as good as dead. You ____ wake them up by touching. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t 19. It wasn’t _______ the cost or the food as the thoughtfulness the man showed and the romantic mood he created _______ made the meal special. A. as much; that B. so much; that C. so much; which D. as; what 20. A heated debate was ______ by Dr. Black’s proposal at the meeting yesterday over _______it is practical in our area to apply the new method. A. let off; what B. brought about; as C. set off; whether D. taken off; if 记下我此时的心得: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 三、完形填空题的解题技巧 1.完形填空的解题步骤 (1)通读全文,了解大意。做完形填空时,要利用首句的提示,跳过空格,通过略读的方式浏览全文,了解全文的大意,在此基础上再进行解题。 (2)前后兼顾,先易后难。在理解了文章大意的基础上,先将容易的、自己有把握的题目解出来,然后再结合上下文寻找相关的提示信息去解决难题。 (3)复读全文,仔细检查。完成解题后,务必用2-3分钟的时间将文章从头至尾读一遍,查看内容是否通顺、流畅、自然、地道。对于极个别特别难的题目可以凭语感来确定。 2.完形填空解题技巧 (1)充分利用首句信息。(2)多角度的逻辑推理。(3)从上下文中寻找线索。(4)利用语法分析解题。(5)利用文化背景和生活常识解题。(6)习惯用法和词语辨析。(7)语篇标志的利用。 巩固练习: A One day, I walked into my office, and my day began at my computer screen. It was all great until I saw this _1__. Your password has expired(过期). Click “Change password” to change your password. __2__ a new code doesn’t seem like a big deal, unless you work at my computer, _ 3_ _ we have to change it__4__, using at least one upper-class character, one lower character, one symbol, and one numeral. _ 5__ , I can’t use any of the same password I have used in the past 3 months. Suddenly I was angry. What’s worse, I was deeply__6__ after my recent divorce. Disbelief in what she had done to me was all I thought about. That didn’t mean anything to the empty input field. _ 7___ me to type a password that I would have to __8__ --- many a time--- for the next 30 days. I _ 9__ a tip I’d heard from my former boss. He’d said “I am going to use a __10__ to change my life.” I couldn’t focus on getting things done in my current __11__. There were clear indications of what I needed to do to regain ___12__ of my life. But I couldn’t notice them. My password become the indicator. My password __13__ me that I should not let myself be a __14__ of my recent breakup and that I was strong enough to do something about it. I made my password “Forgive @h3r”. I had to type this password several times a day. Each time my computer would lock. Each time my screen save with my ex-wife’s photo would __15__. Each time I would come back from eating lunch alone. In my mind, I wrote “Forgive her” every day, for one month. The __16__ action change the way I looked at my ex-wife. That _17__ reminder led me to accept the way things had happened at the end of my __18___ and apply a new way of dealing with my depression. ___19__ the month wore on. I felt a slow healing began to take place. By the time my server_ 20___ me to reset my password the following month, I felt free. 1. A. news B.message C.suggestion D.notice 2. A. Putting up with B.Catching up with C.coming up with D. Ending up with 3 A.where B.what C. when D.why 4 A.yearly B.monthly C. weekly D. daily 5 A.Unexpectedly B. Hopefully C.Generally D. Unfortunately 6 A. astonished B. frightened C.depressed D. amused 7 A.Looking for B. Paying for C.Arranging for D. Waiting for 8 A. recreate B. reenter C. rewrite D. review 9 A.explained B.provided C. understood D. remembered 10 A.computer B. password C.number D. method 11 A. work B. feeling C. mood D.position 12 A.control B.power C. ability D.nerve 13 A.inspired B.reminded C. required D. promised 14 A.failure B.witness C. volunteer D.victim 15 A.circle B.hang C.hide D. appear 16 A.complex B.different C.simple D. equal 17 A.steady B.constant C. vague D.concrete 18 A.leadership B.friendship C. career D. marriage 19 A.As B. Though C. Since D. Once 20 A.forbade B. advised C.urged D.persuaded B Cleverness is a gift while kindness is a choice. Gifts are easy---they’re given 1 . Choice can be hard. I got the idea to start Amazon 16 years ago. I 2 the fact that the Internet usage was growing 3 2300 percent per year. I’d never seen or heard of anything that grew 4__ fast, and the idea of building an 5 bookstore with millions of titles was very exciting to me, I had just 6 30 years old , and I’d been married for a year, I told my wife MacKenzie that I wanted to 7 my job and go to do this crazy thing that probably wouldn’t 8 since most start-ups don’t, and I wasn’t sure what to 9 , MacKenzie told me I should 10 it. As a young boy, I’d been a garage inventor. I’d always wanted to be an inventor, and she wanted me to follow my 11 . I was working at a financial firm in New York City with a bunch of very smart people, and I had a 12 boss that I much admired. I went to my boss and told him I wanted to start a company selling books on the Internet. He took me on a long walk in Central Park, listened carefully to me, and finally said, “That sounds like a really good idea, but it would be an even better idea for 13 who didn’t already have a good job.” That logic made some 14 to me, and he 15 me to think about it for 48 hours 16 making a final decision. 17 in that light, it really was a difficult choice, but ultimately, I decided I had to give it a 18 . I didn’t think I’d regret trying and failing. And I 19 I would always be haunted by a decision to not try at all. After much consideration, I took the less safe path to follow my passion, and I’m proud of that choice. For all of us, in the end, we are our 20 . 1. A. afterwards B. after all C. anyhow D. at last 2. A. come out B. come up with C. come to D. come across 3. A. at B. in C. on D. by 4. A. very B. exactly C. that D. extraordinary 5. A. special B. online C. brand new D. comprehensive 6. A. gone B. turned C. become D. got 7. A. lose B. abandon C. dismiss D. quit 8. A. work B. run C. matter D. achieve 9. A. pursue B. do C. expect D. suppose 10. A. look for B. care for C. take for D. go for 11. A. dream B. career C. passion D. choice 12. A. brilliant B. humorous C. absurd D. considerable 13. A. anyone B. everyone C. all D. someone 14. A. sense B. mistakes C. suggestions D. effects 15. A. forced B. encouraged C. convinced D. confirmed 16. A. after B. before C. when D. while 17. A. Having seen B. To see C. Seen D. Seeing 18. A. shot B. chance C. rest D. lesson 19. A. thought B. impressed C. confused D. suspected 20. A. decision B. choice C. master D. success 记下我此时的心得: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 四、阅读理解题的解题技巧 高考考纲在阅读理解方面对考生有六大要求,即理解主旨要义、理解文中具体信息、根据上下文推断生词的词义、做出简单判断和推理、理解文章的基本结构、理解作者的意图观点态度。这六个能力要求对应我们常见的六种题型:主旨大意题、细节理解题、词义猜测题、推理判断题、文章结构题及作者观点态度题。 ●主旨要义题注意点: (1)要找到文章的关键词 (2)范围不能太大,也不能太小即只是文章部分信息 (3)主旨在文章开头(如调查或研究结果、新闻报道、部分议论文等)、主旨在文章结尾、主旨在文章第二或第三段(第一或一二段为主题的引子)或通读以后进行对各个部分概括所得,当然最后一种较难,那么就要养成对文章标段,读完每段要抓出段落大意,这种方法对文章结构题也同样适用。 ●词义猜测题注意点:一般在前句或后句中体现,通过解释、说明等方法,常用 that is, that is to say, in other words , which(who)引导的定语从句来解释, 或but, however, and 等表示与之相反或并列(同类),通过这些进行简单的分析都不难得出答案。 ●推理判断题注意点: (1)了解常用的表示推断的词:infer, imply, suggest, reveal, mean, intend, conclude等;有时提问中含有may, might, probably, most likely等表示可能的词和surely等表示肯定的词,这些细节词也要注意。 (2)了解类型:推断文章的出处、作者的态度(positive, negative, neutral, approving, opposed, objective, subjective, indifferent, cautious, worried, doubtful, suspicious等)、节选的文章上文或下文所讲内容 (3)根据作者所使用的词语的褒贬性进行判断;区分开作者的态度及作者引用的别人的态度;读文章前先读题、边读边标小结、读一段标出、划出或自己用中文或英文写出本段的main idea来帮助正确定夺文章结构图答案。 阅读理解题的干扰项的设置具有一定的迷惑性,起干扰作用。它不仅能检测出考生理解、概括、推断等逻辑思维的精确性、深刻性,而且对考生个性心理品质也是一种检验,干扰项的干扰性一般在如下五个方面:1.脱离原文;2.以偏概全;3.扩缩范围;4.偷换概念;5.正误并存。希望同学们用火眼金睛排除这些干扰项,提高阅读题的正确率。 提示:选择答案时应以文章作为依据,而不要以自己的想法或经历作为依据。 巩固练习: A Mrs. Bertha Flowers appealed to me because she was like people I had never met personally. Like women in English novels who walked the moors(旷野) with their loyal dogs racing at a respectful distance. Like the women who sat in front of roaring fireplaces, drinking tea from silver trays full of biscuits. It would be safe to say that just by being herself, she made me feel proud to be Negro. One summer afternoon, she stopped at the store to buy supplies. Another Negro woman of her health and age would have been expected to carry the paper sacks home in one hand, but Momma said, “Sister Flowers, I’ll send Bailey up to your house with these things.” “Thank you, Mrs. Henderson. I’d prefer Marguerite, though.” My name sounded so beautiful when she said it. “I’ve been meaning to talk to her, anyway.” They gave each other age group looks. There was a little path beside the rocky road, and Mrs. Flowers walked in front swinging her arms and picking her way over the stones. Without turning her head, she spoke to me, “I hear you’re working very good school work, Marguerite, but that it’s all written. The teachers report that they have trouble getting you to talk in class.” We passed the triangular farm on our left and the path widened to allow us to walk together. “Now no one is going to make you talk—possibly no one can. But bear in mind, language is man’s way of communicating with his fellow man and it is language alone which separates him from the lower animals.” That was a totally new idea to me, and I would need time to think about it. “Your grandmother says you read a lot. Every chance you get. That’s good, but not good enough. Words mean more than what is set down on paper.” She said she was going to give me some books and that I not only must read them, I must read them aloud. She suggested that I try to make a sentence sound in as many different ways as possible. “I’ll accept no excuse if you return a book to me that has been badly handled.” My imagination boggled(退缩) at the punishment I would deserve if in fact I did abuse a book of Mrs. Flowers’. The odors in the house surprised me. The sweet scent of vanilla(香草) had met us as she opened the door. “Have a seat, Marguerite. You see, I had planned to invite you for cookies and lemonade so we could have this little chat.” She carried a plate covered with a tea towel. When I finished the cookies she brought a thick, small book from the bookcase. I had read A Tale of Two Cities and found it up to my standards as a romantic novel. She opened the first page and I heard poetry for the first time in my life. “It was the best of times and worst of times...” Her voice slid in and curved down through and over the words. She was nearly singing. I wanted to look at the pages. Were they the same that I had read? Or were there notes, music, lined on the pages? Her sounds began cascading(瀑布般落下) gently. I knew that she was nearing the end of her reading. “How do you like that?” It occurred to me that she expected a response. The sweet vanilla flavor was still on my tongue and her reading was a magic to my ears. I had to speak. I said, “Yes, ma’am.” It was the least I could do, but it was the most also. “There’s one more thing. Take this book of poems and memorize one for me. Next time you pay me a visit, I want to recite.” I have often tried hard to search for the enchantment(着迷) I so easily found in those gifts. To be allowed, no, invited, into the private lives of strangers, to share their joys and fears, was a chance to exchange the Southern bitter wormwood(苦艾) for a cup of mead(蜂蜜酒) with Beowulf or a hot cup of tea and milk with Oliver Twist. When I said aloud, “It is a far, far better thing than anything I have ever done...” tears of love filled my eyes at my selflessness. I was liked, and what a difference it made, I was respected not as Mr. Henderson’s grandchild or Bailey’s sister but for just being Marguerite Johnson. 1. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Mrs. Flowers came from a white noble family. B. Marguerite didn’t have many chances to read classics. C. Marguerite eventually loved to read out her books. D. Marguerite was ashamed to be a member of her family. 2. What does Mrs. Flowers mean by saying “Words mean more than what is set down on paper” (paragraph 7)? A. Besides reading, Marguerite should talk more. B. The contents of books may have different meanings. C. Human’s voice gives written words deeper meaning. D. Spoken language is more important than written language. 3. Marguerite’s opinion of A Tale of Two Cities before and after Mrs. Flowers’ reading can be described as _______. A. poetic … musical B. satisfactory … scholarly C. romantic … dramatic D. common … extraordinary 4. It can be inferred from the passage that _______. A. The meeting between Mrs. Flowers and Marguerite was probably intentionally arranged. B. Mrs. Flowers lived a comfortable life. C. Marguerite hadn’t read poetry before her visit to Mrs. Flowers’ home. D. Mrs. Flowers would recite new poems on Marguerite’s later visits. 5. Which can be the best title for the passage? A. The Power of Language B. A Lesson in Living C. A Noble Woman D. My Initial Access to Charles Dickens B Big data, the tech story of a few years ago, is now beginning to show big results. The science of using powerful computers, ubiquitous(无处不在的) sensors and the Web to produce mountains of raw data to uncover previously invisible insights is increasingly used in businesses, universities and government agencies. It is transforming our understanding of everything from fetal development to cosmology(宇宙学). Already, thanks to big data, we have learned that babies learn language not from repetition but by hearing words used in multiple contexts. We can now identify approaching sessions of depression, even suicidal tendencies, by looking at the changing lifestyle (social media usage, diminishing movement) of potential victims. And, using Google search data, epidemiologists(流行病学家) can spot an emerging epidemic before doctors do. One of the most extraordinary features of big data is that it signals the end of the era of statistics. For 400 years, we’ve been forced to sample complex systems and estimate. Now, with big data, it is possible to measure everything, from the movement of billions of stars to every beat of the human heart. Big data is also making its way, almost silently, into everyday life. In Israel, 80% of the citizenry contribute traffic data to help each other commute via the WAZE app on smartphones, increasingly the platform of choice for big data. California is looking at using the accelerometers in smart- phones, which detect sudden motion, to create an early-warning system for earthquakes that will be much faster than government-installed devices. Farmers in the Midwest will soon have measurements taken in their fields nearly down to individual plants—and that will combine data on soil, water and weather to come up with trillions of scenarios for insurance coverage. Victims of natural disasters are now being pinpointed and given aid through real-time analysis of tweets, instant messages and phone calls. Even one of the oldest of arts, geography, is being revolutionized with maps that will change by the second. But it is in the commercial world where big data has seen its greatest inroads to date. A recent survey by consultants NewVantage Partners has found that the number of U.S. firms using big data in the past three years has jumped 58 percentage points to 63%—while 70% of firms now say that big data is of critical importance to their firms, an astounding jump from 21% in 2019. That’s one of the fastest tech-adoption rates ever. Meanwhile, the title of chief data officer—the C-Suite manager of big data—a title that until recently didn’t even exist, is now found in 54% of companies surveyed. The commercial impact of this revolution can be found everywhere from products and services that can predict the unique needs of individual customers, to improved credit precision, to stores that adapt (through special discounts and deals that pop up on your smartphone) to each customer who walks through the door. To date, much of this activity has remained hidden from sight. But soon it will burst forth much more publicly—and the experiences of daily life will be profoundly transformed into a new set of personalized, predictive and empowered experiences we can barely imagine today. 1. Big data is different from past statistics in that _______. A. it uses sample systems to analyze and estimate B. it can measure and calculate everything C. it affects every aspect of life D. it uses computers, sensors and the Web 2. Big data has not been used in _______? A. identifying potential depression B. choosing suitable routes C. insuring farmers’ plants D. meeting customers’ special needs 3. It can be inferred from the passage that _______. A. babies used to learn language from repetition B. government-installed devices are not used in detect earthquakes any more C. C-suite mangers have long existed in most companies D. the public has not been aware of the impacts of big data on life C The 2019 presidential candidates have subjected voters nationwide to a cognitive challenge: can you untangle what one candidate is saying while the others talk over him? That challenge is a test of something called the cocktail party problem, or "speech-on-speech perception." Researchers in The Netherlands recently investigated, with a group of 18 musicians and 20 nonmusicians—to see if musicians are any better at it. The scientists played the study subjects a sample of one speaker masking another—for example, try to follow what the second speaker is saying: Except they used Dutch samples. Anyway, the participants listened to this multi-voice babble(含糊不清的话)with headphones, then attempted to repeat the target sentence, to see how many words they could make out. And it turns out musicians scored significantly higher than non-musicians did in deciphering(破译) the target phrase. The study is in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. It turns out musicians might be better at something called "stream segregation"—separating out one meaningful audio stream among others. "And this is the case indeed for musicians when they want to listen to hear out one specific instrument, within a group of instruments." said Etienne Gaudrain, a hearing scientist at University Medical Center Groningen in the Netherlands. His co-author, Deniz Başkent agreed. "Anecdotally, when I speak to my musician friends, they do indeed mention situations like this, that they say they can switch their attention easily to either hear one stream, like from an orchestra piece or a band, or they can also combine patterns. So this requires quite a lot of cognitive control to be able to hear one stream or two streams together or to hear all of them together, but we think they are very well trained in this kind of skill.” It's unclear whether this ability helps the candidates much. Neither Mike Huckabee, who plays bass in the band "Capitol Offense," nor Martin O'Malley, who strums and croons in "O'Malley's March," made it far enough to really exercise their ears. 1. The underlined word “untangle ” in Paragraph 1 means ______________. A. release from entanglement of B. separate the fibers or threads of C. express an opinion or view D. oppose or support an attitude 2. According to the passage, what is Deniz Başkent’s view? A. Musicians didn’t score higher than non-musicians did B. Musicians might be better at something called "stream segregation" C. Musicians can not switch their attention easily D. Musicians have subjected voters nationwide to a cognitive challenge. 3. Which is the suitable title? A. It's unclear whether this ability helps the candidates much. B. Presidential candidates have subjected voters nationwide to a cognitive challenge. C. Musicians have subjected voters nationwide to a cognitive challenge. D. Bring a Musician to Untangle Cocktail Party Din 记下我此时的心得: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 五、任务型阅读题的解题技巧 任务型阅读(Task-based reading)要求学生在限定的时间内,根据文章提供的信息,用恰当的词语完成与文章相关的图表。该题型主要考查学生对于不同体裁和不同题材语言材料的理解能力,以及归纳、提取信息的能力。 任务型阅读侧重语篇分析和文章脉络的剖析,即文章的结构和框架。题目常按照一定的逻辑顺序展开。考生要在分析了解文章篇章结构的基础上,认真对照图表上所要完成的任务,逐一对照原文进行信息的筛选。 任务型阅读要求考生不但掌握具体事实情节,又要理解其深层含义,包括作者的态度、观点、意图等,掌握所读材料的主旨大意、中心思想;既要理解文章的含义及逻辑关系,又要根据其含义及逻辑关系进行判断和推理,运用材料中的信息去理解、分析问题。 任 务 型 阅 读 常 见 同 义 转 换 1. take advantage of = make use of 2. by accident/ chance = accidentally 3. take sth. into consideration/account = consider 4. in all/ total = totally 5. oppose sth. = be against sth. = object to sth. = disagree with sth. 6. in the beginning = at first 7. be responsible for = take/shoulder/bear responsibility for 8. take an active part in sth. = take part in sth. actively 9. approve of = in favor of = agree to = favor = subscribe to 10. have faith/ trust in = trust = believe in 11. out of breath = breathlessly 12. cope with = deal with = handle 13. in a hurry/rush = hurriedly 14. despite = in spite of 15. valuable = be of value 16. make an apology = apologize 17. encourage participation in = take part in = play a role in = participate in 18. understand clearly = have a clear understanding of 19. matter = count = be very important = be of importance = make sense = make a difference 20. explain = make an explanation 21. offer sth. to sb. = provide sb. with sth. = supply sth. to sb. 22. have access to = be accessible to = be available to 23. use up = run out of 24. stop = quit = give up 25. be accused of = be charged with 26. most of the people = the majority of the people 27. benefit = be beneficial to = be of benefit to 28. cater to one’s needs/demands/requirements = satisfy one’s needs/demands/requirements = meet one’s needs/demands/requirements [来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K] 29. starve to death = die of hunger/starvation [来源:1ZXXK] 30. all at once = all of a sudden = suddenly 31. in particular = particularly 32. deliberately = on purpose 33. out of the question = impossible = less likely 34. take the risk of doing sth. = risk doing sth. 35. respect sb.= show respect for sb. = look up to sb.= be respectful to sb. 36. prepare = make preparations for = get ready for 37. take in = absorb 38. appear = turn up = show up 39. give a description of = describe 40. lead to = cause = bring about = result in 41. be different from = differ from 42. commit suicide = kill oneself 43. succeed in doing sth. = manage to do sth. 44. be in response to sth.= respond to = react to 45. make up something new = invent 46. a person with a physical disability = a disabled person 47. go through = experience 48. varieties of = different kinds of = a variety of = various 49. make contributions to = contribute to 50. stand for = represent 51. be willing to do sth. = do sth. willingly 52. give permission to = permit 53. that is to say = in other words = namely 54. come to sb’s aid = aid 55. damage = cause damage to 56. all the year round = throughout the year 57. in any case = at any rate = at any price/cost 58. without doubt = undoubtedly 59. make an impression = impress 60. put up with = stand = bear = endure 任务型阅读技巧指导 1、了解常考三类题:筛选(查找)信息属基础题;整合(转化)信息属活用题;综合概括信息属概括题; 2、解题步骤:理解文章;分析表格;定位信息;分析整合信息;选择合适词汇表达; 3、关键:对定位到的信息进行分析加工处理(词性的转换、同义词反义词转换、结构转换、表达方式的转换); 4、熟悉及熟练拼写常用归纳总结类词(见前面已发的任务型阅读指导讲义) 巩固训练 A In a world increasingly guided by scientific explanation, there's one area where even the most sensible minds might be attracted by a little mythology (神话): pregnancy. Perhaps it's the lasting sense of mystery surrounding the creation of a new life. Or maybe excited parents-to-be have trouble waiting for (expensive) medical confirmation of details like gender, which is typically revealed by ultrasound at 20 weeks. Twenty weeks can be a long time to wait. Or maybe it's just fun to make a guess while you're sitting around watching your belly grow. No matter the cause, clearly there's something appealing about gender-predicting old wives' tales, because there are dozens of them. But perhaps the most popular of all "girl or boy" methods is the "high or low" determination. It is typically believed that if the woman is carrying high, it's a girl; if she's carrying low, it's a boy. But is it true? It absolutely is -- 50 percent of the time. But when there's always a 50/50 chance of being right, you're going to find lots of correct predictions. Therefore, of all the myths surrounding pregnancy, this approach to gender determination sounds like one of the more logical ones. On its face, the statement doesn't sound all that unscientific -- or least not as unscientific as the old swing a ring over a woman's pregnant belly trick. After all, it at least seems possible that the position or shape of the uterus(子宫)could reflect something about the baby growing inside. And it's not just "high or low." There's also the belief that "carrying wide" indicates a girl, and "carrying narrow" means it's a boy. While it's unclear why exactly the "old wives" believe the baby's gender determines the position of the bump, it is perfectly clear what actually determines that position: muscles and body type. Basically, the tighter a woman's abdominal muscles (腹肌) (either due to age or fitness level), the higher the bump rides. An older woman or one who's had her abdominal muscles loosened by prior pregnancies will usually carry lower. And shape is related to body type -- specifically, body length. A short body results in less room for the uterus to grow upward, so it ends up getting wider. A woman with a longer body has more room, so the uterus can stay narrower as it grows. The baby's position is very important, too. A baby who's stretching sideways makes a woman carry wider. And as the baby "drops" late in the pregnancy, a high bump will get lower. Now, while old wives' tales are not actually very useful in deciding a bay’s gender, that doesn't mean they're not fun to try. Lead-in Can you tell if a baby is a boy or a girl by 1_________ the mother is carrying? 2 ________ of interest in gender prediction ●The creation of a new life is 3 ____________. ●Medical confirmation costs both 4__________ and money. ● It’s fun to guess when the baby is growing in the mother’s belly. Typical 5 _________ Carrying high ——— It's a girl. Carrying low ——— It's a boy. The writer’s opinion Comparatively speaking, it sounds more logical or 6______, since it at least reveals something about the baby inside. Things actually 7 _______ the position/shape ●The tighter the mother’s muscles are , the 8 _____ she will carry ●The shorter the mother is , the wider the bump becomes ●The baby's position also 9___________. 10 _____________ The "high or low" approach isn’t useful but it's fun. B The British people are famous for their politeness, or to be more precise, their penchant for over-apologizing. Sometimes, they will even apologize for the bad weather or when someone walks into them. According to a BBC article, “a recent survey of more than 1,000 Brits found that the average person says ‘sorry’ around eight times every day, and that one in eight people apologize up to 20 times a day”. To write her book Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Behavior, British social anthropologist Kate Fox did a series of experiments. She deliberately bumped into hundreds of people in towns and cities across the UK. For comparison, Fox asked her colleagues to do the same in other countries. Although the collisions were clearly Fox’s fault, around 80 percent of those she bumped into said ‘sorry’. Compared with foreign tourists traveling in the UK, the English people were much more likely to apologize. According to the BBC article, most Brits say “sorry” casually and out of habit. They may say “sorry” more often, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are truly feeling regretful. “We use the word ‘sorry’ in different ways,” says Edwin Battistella, a linguistics expert. “We use it to express empathy -- so I might say, ‘Sorry about the rain’,’’ Battistella was quoted by the BBC as saying. “It might be that British and Canadian speakers use that kind of ‘sorry’ more often, but they wouldn’t be apologizing per se(本身). According to the BBC article, Britons see politeness as showing respect “without imposing on someone else’s personal space. And without drawing attention to oneself”. For people in the US, however, politeness is “characterized by friendliness and a desire to feel apart of a group”. For example, the British will say “sorry” when they want to sit down next to someone they don’t know. That is because not saying “sorry” is a greater invasion(侵略)of that stranger’s personal space. A study from the Harvard Business School seems to confirm this. The study shows that apologizing for circumstances beyond someone’s control can foster trust between two strangers. A male actor was recruited in the study to approach strangers at a US train station on a rainy day and ask to borrow their phone. In half the cases, the actor preceded(先于)his request with “Sorry about the rain”. When he did this, 47% of strangers gave him their cell phone, compared to only 9% when he simply made the request in a polite manner. By saying “sorry about the rain”, the apologizer “acknowledges an unfortunate circumstance”, takes the other person’s perspective, and thus demonstrates empathetic concern. This, in turn, creates a bond of trust between each other. Title: Why the UK is sorry The topic of the passage The British people are known for their politeness, as evidenced by their 1.______ use of the word “sorry”. A series of experiments 2.______ by Fox *She knocked into hundreds of people in towns and cities throughout the UK by 3.______. *The English people have a greater 4.______ to apologize compared with foreign tourists traveling in the UK. A BBC article * A Brit says sorry around eight times every day on 5.______. * Most Brits say sorry casually and 6.______, which doesn’t necessarily mean they are truly feeling sorry. * Politeness is thought of as showing respect without 7.______ someone else’s personal space. A study from the Harward Business School * A male actor was recruited in the study to approach strangers. * By preceding the request with “Sorry about the rain”, the actor was more likely to be given cell phones than a 8.______ request. * 9.______ an apology for circumstances out of someone’s control can create a bond of 10.______ trust between two strangers. 记下我此时的心得: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 六、书面表达题的解题技巧 书面表达题可以从以下几个方面进行解题: 1.审题:认真阅读试题,做到明确中心思想,判断类型和特点,了解重点内容,力求切中题意。不论书面表达是以哪种形式提供情景,都要首先搞清楚要求写的是一般记叙文,还是说明文,应用文等。只有审清题目,明确了体裁与格式,方能有的放矢。 2.打草稿:将要点在草稿纸上用英语表达出来,力争语句正确地道,尽可能地减少错误,避免出现汉字、拼音、空格等低级错误,尽量避开自己使用起来没有把握的单词和句子。要充分运用熟悉的有把握的句型和词组,不要做不必要的冒险和牺牲。同时注意时态、人称、顺序和开头结尾。其中时态和人称至关重要。 3.修改:写完后要认真通读一遍,改正错误,尤其是时态、人称、主谓一致、习惯用法、单词拼写等容易出错的地方。 4.誊答案:英语书面表达是唯一的一项主观性试题,评分过程中就会难免有很多主观因素。漂亮的字体、干净整洁的卷面会使人赏心悦目,无疑会给作文增色不少。因此,在誊答案时要注意书写规范,字母均匀大小适中,字体工整,保持卷面整洁,切忌潦草凌乱、乱涂乱改。如需改动,可用笔画斜线进行删除就可以了。 5.再复查:将答案誊到答题纸上之后,还要快速地复查一下,以防止由于粗心大意而出现的一些完全可以避免的错误,例如单复数、拼写、搭配、时态、标点符号等方面的错误。 读写作文专题(一) 81. 请阅读下列短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。 “He who bears the greatest hardship becomes the greatest man.”This idiom shows Chinese people’s traditional belief in the vital role that hardship plays a person’s life as they grow up. But today, as our lives have greatly improved, do we still need this so-called “hardship education”? “We definitely do,” said Wang Weiqiang, mother of a 15-year-old girl in Jiangxi, Many children take everything for granted, as they’ve never known how difficult it is to make money.” Wang is not alone. According to a recent survey of 2019 people done by China Youth Daily.81.8% of the interviewees supported hardship education including experiencing life in poor areas, outdoor training, take part-time jobs, and doing housework. Qiao Yu, from Tianjin Foreign Languages School, also supports the idea. “Hardship helps us grow and be prepared for the difficulties of society,” said the 18-year-old, who worked in a cake store this summer. But while it contributes to students’ development,” hardship education shouldn’t been seen as simply making students suffer,” Sun Yunxiao, deputy director of the China Youth Daily Research Center told China Youth Daily. “It should follow teenagers’ growth.” Sun said that students could also do sports to learn to face difficulties, for doing sports can greatly strengthen their bodies and minds. 【写作内容】 1.以约30个词概括文章主要内容 2.以约120个字发表你对“吃苦教育”的看法 (1)你对吃苦教育概念的理解。(2)支持或反对青少年进行“吃苦教育”,并给出2-3点理由。 Ø 审题示例 题材:____________ 分几段?____________ 时态?___________ 主题:____________________________________________________________________________________ 要点: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 表达训练 30个字概括:______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 第二段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 第三段主题句:_____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 范文欣赏 It is traditionally believed by the Chinese that hardships contribute to one’s growth. A recent survey shows that many parents and students support it while some experts have a new understanding of hardship education. As is known, hardship education refers to all kinds of activities including community services, social practice, volunteer work and various sports, which allow teenagers to experience the difficulties of life and society, thus making them grow stronger. In my eyes, with the fast development of our living standards, hardship education has become a must for the contemporary youth. For one thing, via/through hardship education, teenagers can enhance their overall quality such as courage and perseverance, and get better prepared for the future. For another, by participating in various activities, teenagers can build up their strength and develop surviving skills besides written knowledge. To sum up, our society, schools and families should attach great importance to hardship education for all students. 81.请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。 They say “Make the best of a bad situation”. But I believe the bad situation makes the best of you. Even the irritations of life can be useful. President Abraham Lincoln showed us how this is so. One of his cabinet appointees, Edwin Stanton, frequently found flaws with the president and criticized him ---- sometimes in public. Lincoln seemed to show excessive patience with him. The president was asked why he kept such a man in a high level position. Lincoln characteristically responded with a story. He told about a time he was visiting with an old farmer. He noticed a big horsefly biting the flank of the farmer’s horse. Lincoln said he reached over to brush the fly away. As he did so, the farmer stopped him and cautioned, “Don’t do that, friend. That horsefly is the only thing keeping this old horse moving.” Even life’s many irritations and problems have their place. They may cause us to change directions. Or prod us to greater achievement. Or keep us moving along when it’s easier to go nowhere. Are you simply making the best of a bad situation, or will it make the best of you? [写作内容] 1. 用约30个词概括这段短文的内容; 2. 用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括: (1) 谈谈你对逆境的看法;(2) 简要谈谈如何处理逆境。 Ø 审题示例 题材:____________ 分几段?____________ 时态:___________ 主题:________________________________________________________________________ 要点: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 表达训练 30个字概括:______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 第二段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 第三段主题句:_____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 范文欣赏 The passage illustrates a view that the bad situation can be a motivation to bring out the best in a person by telling an instructive story of Lincoln’s way of responding to bad situations. Personally, I share the same opinion as Abraham Lincoln’s. Though a bad situation may ruin/discourage us, sometimes it can also develop our potential to the full, which definitively contributes to our growth and maturity. Besides, we should accept the fact that the bad situation is unavoidable . Whether we can succeed or fail depends on how we cope with it. When facing difficult situations, we should never abandon hope or efforts. Actually, if we show great courage and overcome them by keeping working hard, we are bound to get somewhere. On no account should we take it for granted that everything in life is smooth. As we all know, life is a road with unexpected challenges. Only when we make the best of a bad situation will it make the best of us. 读写作文专题(二) 81. 阅读下面的文字,并按要求用英语写一篇150个词左右的英语短文。 Dear God, Now that I am no longer young, I have friends whose mothers or/and fathers have passed away. I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers or/and fathers until it was too late to tell them. I am blessed with my dear mother and father who are still alive. I appreciate them more each day. My mother and father do not change, but I do. As I grow older and wiser, I realize what extraordinary people they are. How sad that I am unable to speak these words in their presence, but they flow easily from my pen. How does a person begin to thank his mother or/and father for life itself? For the love, patience and just plain hard work that go into raising a child? For running after a baby, for understanding a moody teenager, for tolerating a college student who knows everything? How does a person thank a mother or/and a father for continuing to be a mother or/and a father? For being ready with advice (when asked) or remaining silent when it is most appreciated? For not saying: "I told you so", when she/he could have uttered these words dozens of times? I don't know how, dear God, except to bless her/him as richly as she/he deserves and to help me live up to the example she/he has set. I pray that I will look as good in the eyes of my children as my mother or/and father look(s) in mine. A daughter 1.以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。 2.以约120词谈谈你阅读了该故事后的感受,内容包括: (1)阅读上文之后的感想;(2)感受父或(和)母关爱的一次难忘经历;(3)如何报答父母。 Ø 审题示例 题材__________________ 分几段__________________ 时态 __________________ 主题______________________________________________________________________________________ 要点______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 表达训练 30个字概括:________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 第二段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 第三段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 第四段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 范文欣赏 A daughter writes to God recalling her unforgettable past about experiencing the love from her loving, thoughtful, patient and forgiving parents, deciding to follow her parents’ perfect example. What a touching letter! Undoubtedly, we all have experienced parents’ love countless times during the process of our growth. It is they who keep, at all times, focusing their mind and energy on raising us, ensuring our lifelong safety and happiness. We are never short of such stories as parents’ love. As a child, once I felt terribly sick at midnight. Hearing this, my parents rose immediately and took me to the nearest hospital. Accompanying me by my bed, they didn’t even sleep a second the whole night. We can never thank our parents enough. Never ever will I let them down from now on. Studying hard is the only way, in my opinion, to express my gratitude to them. Only in this way can I guarantee to live up to their expectations in the future. 81. 请阅读下列短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150间左右的文章。 Ninety-two percent of Shanghai primary school students who took a recent test of their money smarts showed an understanding of financial management and some even knew a thing or two about stocks and debts. The test was conducted at three primary schools. It was designed to measure the students' ability to handle money, their understanding of spending and saving, and their knowledge of family finances and investment. One 8-year-old student could identify six ways to make money, including investing in the stock and real estate markets, selling old toys and getting good grades. When asked about managing a New Year’s money gift, 61 percent of the students said they would deposit the money in the bank, while 31 percent said they would give it to their parents for investment. [写作内容] 1、用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容 2、用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括 1)理财意识及能力的重要性 2)如何进行理财(不少于两点)。 Ø 审题示例 题材__________________ 分几段__________________ 时态 __________________ 主题______________________________________________________________________________________ 要点______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 表达训练 30个字概括:________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 第二段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 第三段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 范文欣赏 A possible version: A test on money matters conducted at three primary schools in Shanghai showed that most of the students tested understood how to make, save and manage money very well. (30 words) It goes without saying that the ability to manage money is of great importance to everyone in the modern age. If we don’t know how to manage money, we’ll surely fall into financial difficulties sooner or later. With essential financial ability, we are more likely to live a free and independent life, which guarantees our well-being(幸福) in the future. As for how to manage money, I’d like to share with you some practical advice. First of all, you shouldn’t spend more money than you earn, nor should you spend the money before you have it. What’s more, keep in mind that you ought to buy what you need instead of what you want. Finally, it always makes good sense to put aside some money for a rainy day. 读写作文专题(三) 81. 阅渎下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Once upon a time some tiny frogs held a competition. The first to reach the top of a very high tower would be the winner. A big crowd gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer them on. The race began. No one in the crowd really believed that any of the tiny frogs would reach the top of lower. "They will never get to the top! They will never succeed!" someone said. One by one, the tiny frogs began to collapse(退下). The crowd kept shouting "lt is too difficult! No frog will make it!" More tiny frogs got tired and gave up, but one continued climbing, higher and higher. This one wouldn't give up. In the end, he was the only one left-the only one to get to the top. The other frogs naturally wanted to know: How did the frog make it? One frog stepped forward to ask the winner. It turned out that the winner was deaf. He had won because he was able to keep his own mind. He was able to keep trying. He couldn't hear criticism; neither could he hear praise. We can learn a lesson from this story; don't let others' praise or criticism to hold you back on your way to succeed. [写作内容] 1.以约30个词概括寓言故事的大意。 2.然后以120个词就”如何对待别人的批评和表扬”这个主题发表你的看法,并包括如下要点: 1)叙述这个寓言给你的启示以及你对他人的批评和表扬的态度; 2)以事例说明他人的批评或表扬给你的感受和对你的影响; 3)谈谈中学生应该如何对待老师的批评和表扬。 Ø 审题示例 题材:____________ 分几段?____________ 时态?___________ 主题:____________________________________________________________________________________ 要点: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 表达训练 30个字概括:______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 第二段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 第三段主题句:_____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 第四段主题句:_____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 范文欣赏 Defeated by the negative words around, all but a deaf frog gave up in the competition. It is his deafness that made him free from others’ comments, thus focusing on his goal and reaching the destination. Never let others’ comments influence us, which is what I have learnt from the story. As for me, I generally don’t care too much about others’ praise and criticism, which helps me focus on a clear goal. The story refreshed my memory when I was a middle school student. Every time I got praise, I was too satisfied with myself to make any further progress. Whenever I was criticized, I felt frustrated and depressed, losing confidence to move forward. When it comes to teachers’ criticism or praise, we might as well take it seriously. On one hand, faced with praise, we shouldn’t be too proud of ourselves to see our weaknesses. On the other hand, we ought to regard criticism as a motivation to work harder. 81. 阅渎下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn’t lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, “You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave scars just like these. And no matter how many times you say you're sorry, the wounds will still be there.” 写作内容: 1. 以“Anger management”为题约30个词概括上文的主要内容。 2. 谈谈你的想法(120词),内容包括: (1)分析愤怒情绪可能产生的后果(至少两点); (2)就如何控制愤怒情绪提出建议(至少两点)。 Ø 审题示例 题材:____________ 分几段?____________ 时态?___________ 主题:____________________________________________________________________________________ 要点: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 表达训练 30个字概括:______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 第二段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 第三段主题句:_____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 范文欣赏 A bad-tempered boy finally learned to properly manage his anger by following his father’s advice---hammering nails into the fence and then pulling them out. Also, he understood that angry words could do inerasable (抹不掉的) harm to others. If anger is expressed in harmful ways, it can lead you and often others around you to suffer terribly. More often than not, people with poor anger management are more likely to have problems with personal relationships. What’s worse, they can experience anxiety, depression, even problems with alcohol. In a word, it can affect the overall quality of your life. To keep your anger in check, you need to recognize what makes you angry and identify the warning signs of anger in your body, so that whenever you are about to lose it, you can control the situation by taking a walk or using other distractions. But if you feel your anger is out of control, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance from a psychologist or a doctor. 读写作文专题(四) 81.请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。(2019江苏高考) 【写作内容】 1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容; 2. 结合上述信息,简要分析导致交通问题的主要原因; 3. 根据你的分析,从社会规范(rules and regulations)和个人行为两方面谈谈你得到的启示(不少于两点)。 Ø 审题示例 题材__________________ 分几段__________________ 时态 __________________ 主题________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 要点__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 表达训练 30个字概括:________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 第二段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 第三段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 范文欣赏 What is reflected in the passages and the graph are some causes of China's traffic problems, ranging from the increasing number of private cars to uncivilized behaviors of drivers and riders. Various factors lead to today's situation while two main reasons stand out to be the most decisive. Objectively, in line with China's booming economy, the total number of private cars has been rising sharply, presenting too heavy a burden for city roads to shoulder on. Subjectively, drivers and riders aren't developing moral senses on traffic rules fast enough. They tend to act on their will, which resulted in countless conflicts and accidents that could have been avoided. Thus we can see that if we are to settle traffic problems, efforts should be made from two aspects. Socially, strict but necessary rules and regulations are supposed to be set within a short time. Personally, everyone should behave himself to become a responsible citizen. Government should advocate more people to perform well on road by illustrating the significance of obeying social rules and citizens should instinctively follow. With everyone's effort, I firmly believe that it won’t be a long time before we thoroughly settle today's traffic problems. 81. 请阅读下列文字及图表,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。 We suffer from pollution. “I can’t bear the smog in this city any more. It’s getting worse and worse.” said Wang Tao,a senior citizen in Beijing. “I’m often disturbed by loud noise during my work and sleep.” said a senior student from Shenzhen. Many of China’s waterways are largely unfit for direct human use because of industrialization. A 2019 report estimated that 1.6 million people in China die each year from heart, lung and stroke problems because of polluted air. New technologies have promoted the development of urbanization and economy. While economic growth may continue, the rewards of this growth may be opposed by the harm from the pollution unless environmental protection is increased. 【写作内容】 1. 用约30个单词概述上述信息的主要内容; 2. 请根据以上图文信息简述污染的情况及其原因; 3. 从可持续发展的角度提出你对治理城市污染的建议(不少于两点)。 Ø 审题示例 题材__________________ 分几段__________________ 时态 __________________ 主题_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 要点________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 表达训练 30个字概括:________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 第二段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 第三段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 范文欣赏 Variou kinds of pollution in Cinese cities,whose major causes come from vehicles, coal-burning, airborne dust and so on, are damaging people’s life, our environment and even our future development. Obviously, different forms of pollution, including air pollution, noise pollution, and water pollution, have increased with the fast development of Chinese cities, whose reasons are as follows. For one thing, with the development of modern industry and expansion of urbanization, pollution is becoming more and more serious. For another, people lack the sense of environmental protection, only attaching importance to the growth of economy. Therefore, measures must be taken to balance city development and environmental protection. First of all, our government should make more strict laws to limit the use of private cars. What’s more, we are supposed to raise our awareness of environmental protection and push for the use of alternative energy, such as solar energy and wind energy. Only by applying sustainable development can we have a better world to live in. 看图作文专练 81. 下面一组图片展现了现代生活方式。请根据你对这组图片的理解用英语写一篇短文。 你的短文应包含以下内容: ⑴简要描述图片的内容;⑵分析该现象的原因;⑶结合生活实际,谈谈你的感想。 Ø 审题示例 题材:____________ 分几段?____________ 时态?___________ 主题:____________________________________________________________________________________ 要点: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 表达训练 描述图片:______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 第二段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 第三段主题句:_____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 范文欣赏 As is vividly shown in the cartoon, modern life has been dominated/controlled by computers. Whether/Whenever a person is working, studying or playing, he is always staying in front of a computer. Even when he sleeps, what is in his dream is still the computer. The reasons why modern people are tied up with computers are as follows. On the one hand, there is no denying that the computer is currently the most efficient tool to meet the needs of their work or to entertain themselves. But on the other hand, many people admit that they are too much addicted to computers to maintain face-to-face contact with their friends and colleagues. Hence(Therefore), it’s necessary for us to use computers in a reasonable way. After all (毕竟), the computer is invented to connect you and me, and to bring conveniences to our life rather than set a barrier to keep people beyond reach. 81. 右面这幅图片描绘了中学生交往过程中的一种现象。请根据你对这幅图片的理解用英语写一篇短文,给某英语报社投稿。 一点小意思表达一下同学友谊。 你的短文应包括以下内容: 1. 描述图片内容,如情景、人物、动作,等等; 2. 结合漫画,谈谈你的友谊观; 3. 结合自身实际,举例谈谈你自己的做法。 注意: 1. 可参照图中的文字及下面文章开头所给提示,作必要的想象。 2. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。 Ø 审题示例 题材:____________ 分几段?____________ 时态?___________ 主题:____________________________________________________________________________________ 要点: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 表达训练 描述图片:______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 第二段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 第三段主题句:_____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. 范文欣赏 Sometimes how to make friends is not an easy task for students. From the picture we can see a boy is offering a girl one hundred yuan in an attempt to make friends with her. Apparently in his eyes, money can buy friendship. (描述图片并点题) Contrary to what the picture conveys, I firmly believe powerful as money seems, it can never buy friendship.(主题句表达你的友谊观) Undoubtedly, friendship is supposed to be based on shared interests and activities. Friendship means having someone I can rely on, with whom I can share my happiness and sorrow. Friendship also means being committed to others, which involves me supporting my friends whenever they are in trouble. Judging from my own experience, the role that friendship plays in my life can never be ignored, so I do treasure my friendship. (结合自身实际,举例谈谈你自己的做法。)For example, however occupied with my studies I am, I never fail to keep in touch with my friends. Most importantly, whenever my friends are stuck in a certain difficult situation, I will surely be the first one to give him or her my helping hand. In a word, so long as you can treat your friends with respect and care, you will enjoy a harmonious relationship with your friends even if you are the poorest person in the world. 图表作文专练 81.下图表为近几年中美两国电子商务发展比较及其将来几年的发展趋势。请根据图表信息,以 “E-commerce, an ever-increasing trend in China”为题,为某英语报写一篇稿子,内容须包括: 1、图表主要信息(用30个左右英语单词描述); 2、中国电子商务增长的原因(经济稳步增长,人民收入提高,人口大于美国,网上购物方便); 3、你的观点(可从保护和规范电子商务市场谈起)。参考词汇:cybercrime网络犯罪;phishing网络钓鱼 E-Commerce Sales and Growth 2019-2019 (China vs US) E-commerce, an ever-increasing trend in China The chart shows China’s e-commerce sales started with only 20 billion USD in 2019, and_________ __ Ø 审题示例 题材:____________ 分几段?____________ 时态?___________ 30个字图表概括注意点: 1)注意与所给句子的表达的吻合性;读懂图表数字的走向; 2)概括时提倡表达的多样性,避免短语或句型的重复; 3)适当的连接词会锦上添花; 4)一定要根据时间状语把握好时态。 Ø 表达训练 描述图表(chart):____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 第二段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ 第三段主题句:_____________________________________________________________________________ Ø 范文欣赏 E-commerce, an ever-increasing trend in China The chart shows China’s e-commerce sales started with only 20 billion USD in 2019, and they have been growing all the time. In 2019, they almost grew to the same as the USA’s and are expected to be 576 billion in 2019, double those of the US . There are several factors contributing to the rapid growth in e-commerce in China. For one thing, even though the world has experienced a serious economic decline, China has enjoyed a steady growth on a whole, leading to people’s income increasing continuously. For another, China has a much larger population than the US, possessing the largest number of consumers in the world. Last but not least, people find it more convenient to shop online, and are more willing to purchase online than ever before. From my point of view, fast as the e-commerce has been developed, there still exist some problems. What we should do is find effective ways to regulate the e-shopping market, improve the quality of e-service and prevent cybercrime like phishing, fraud and cheating, so as to enjoy a healthier and more prosperous e-commerce market in China. 81. 5月20日是“中国学生营养日”。有人对你校中学生的早餐情况作了调查,有关数据如下图表。请你用英语写篇短文,并向校报投稿。你的短文应该包括以下内容: 1. 根据图表,简要述说调查结果;2. 这份数据图表所反映的问题;3. 你对中学生的合理建议。 A survey has been made among the students in our school about their breakfast. The result shows__________________________________________________________________________ Ø 审题示例 题材:____________ 分几段?____________ 时态?___________ Ø 表达训练 描述图表(chart):____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 第二段主题句:______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 第三段主题句:_____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Ø 范文欣赏 A survey has been made among the students in our school about their breakfast. The result shows that only about half of the students eat breakfast every day, while 40% just occasionally and about 7% always go without. What’s worse, of those who have breakfast, nearly half eat snacks, and only about 10% eat eggs. Obviously, what the charts convey is that most students do not have good eating habits, which is very worrying. According to nutrition experts, breakfast cannot be skipped, as it plays a very important role keeping the body in good condition the whole day. Therefore, practical measures should be taken to change the situation. Here are my suggestions. Since missing breakfast in the long run will deeply damage health, so for no reason can we skip it. In addition, in order to stay concentrated and energetic, we students should eat more vegetables, eggs, milk and meat for breakfast instead of depending on snacks. Only in this way, can we gain enough nutrition for healthy development both physically and mentally . 答案临阵磨枪 听力训练 1—5 ABCCB 6—10 BCBBA 11—15 CACBC 16—20 CABAA (一)答案: 1-5 CBDAB 6-10 BCCDD 11-15 DDBAC 16-20 CAADC (二)1-5 CBCDB 6-10 DBBAD 11-15 ABADC 16-20 DCBBC 完形填空 答案 1-10 BCABD,CDBDB 11-20 CABDD, CBDAC 答案 1—5 BDACB 6—10 BDACD 11—15 CADAC 16—20 BCADB 阅读理解 1)CCDAB 2)BCD 3)ABD 任务型阅读 1)1. how 2. Causes 3. mysterious 4. time 5. belief 6. scientific 7 determining/deciding 8. higher 9. matters/counts 10. Conclusion 2)1. frequent2. conducted/ done/ performed 3. intention/ design 4. Tendency 5. average 6. habitually 7. invading 8. polite 9. Making 10. mutual 录音原文: Text 1 M: I’d like some lamb. I’ve tried every grocery store in town, but I couldn’t find it. Don’t Americans eat lamb? W: Not many of us. But we always have some in stock here at Harvard Meats. What kind would you like? M: Any part of the lamb will do. Text 2 M: Where did the time go? It seems like our graduation was just yesterday. And here we are, getting ready for the ten-year reunion. W: Well, the graduating class of 2019 is not going to see me unless I lose ten pounds. Text 3 M: Your dog is beautiful! We both have the same kind of dog. I can tell you know about dogs because you chose the best species. W: Um…thanks, I guess. But it’s not my dog. I’m a professional dog walker. M: What a coincidence! I am, too. Text 4 M: I’m going to pick up some steaks for tonight. Can you make a salad? W: Sure, I think we still have some lettuce in the fridge. Do you need anything else? M: Do we still have bread in the cupboard? W: We do, but just a couple of slices. You might want to pick up some more. Text 5 W: Is there a problem, officer? I’m sure I was driving at the speed limit. M: You were. But is everything OK? It looked like you were screaming. W: Oh, I’m so sorry. I was listening to this audio book, and it was so funny. I couldn’t stop laughing. Text 6 M: I’m so excited to hold the barbecue party next weekend for all the folks from my company. W: I hope you’re planning on doing your famous pork chops again. M: I might do something else, actually. I like the way the sausages taste when they’re cooked over gas. And for a big group like this, using gas is also more convenient. W: You could just add some barbecue sauce. M: I’ll think about it. Whatever I make, I’m looking forward to being outside all day tending to the grill. W: Hey, doesn’t your sister need your help moving then? Do we need to reschedule? M: No, she said it would either be this Saturday or next Sunday, so we’re good. Text 7 W: Hello, Bob. Did you get my card? M: Hello, Jill. Yes, thanks for the birthday card. W: You’re welcome. You’re one of those friends I don’t want to lose touch with. M: Aw, that’s nice of you to say. W: I mean it. That’s why I wrote your birthday on my new calendar. I’ll never forget October 14! M: Um, Jill? I’m not sure how to tell you this, but… W: Don’t worry if you forgot my birthday. You’ve done so much for me: helping me meet people at my new school, showing me how to study for my exams… M: No, I didn’t forget your birthday. It’s just that my birthday is actually in December. W: You’re kidding! December 14? M: It’s actually December 2. But thank you so much for the lovely card all the same! Text 8 M: May I help you? W: I sure hope so. My Internet isn’t working. I am working on a big court case, and I have to speak at the trial tomorrow. I’ve got to get online. M: OK, Miss Smith. When was the last time your Internet worked? W: It was working this morning, because I checked my email. But after lunch, I couldn’t access my files. Oh, no! Judge Wapner is going to kill me! M: Stay calm. Now, I’m going to ask you to check the black box that’s connected to the wire coming out of the wall. It should have some flashing lights. W: I see it. M: And is the top one green? W: No, it’s red. M: Try turning it off and then back on. W: OK, done. Oh, no! That little light is yellow now! I’ll lose the case and my client will go to jail! Poor Mr. Dugger! M: It takes about twenty seconds to reconnect. It should change from yellow to green in that time. W: Oh, yes, it’s green! I can never thank you enough! Text 9 M: Do you have the list, Mom? I have to have everything on the list. W: I brought it, Chris. But are you sure we have to buy everything today? The name of this list is “Recommended Supplies”. That doesn’t mean they’re required, does it? M: I think they’re all necessary. W: It’s a lot of money, Chris. And I need to do some grocery shopping later on. Do you really need five notebooks? M: Yes, because I have five subjects to study. They want me to organize all my work. W: I guess you’re right. Does Luke have a list, too? M: For third grade? No, he’s too young for all this. Don’t worry, Mom. It will be worth it. You’ll be so proud of me because I’m going to be the best student in fifth grade. W: Well, when you put it like that, I suppose we have to buy these things. But we don’t know if you’ll need them the first day or the last day, so is it really better to buy everything now? M: Well, this is a tax-free weekend. This is the best time to buy these things. W: Tax-free? Oh, yeah. I forgot. The city wants to help us buy school supplies, and that also gets us to buy more. It should be good for the economy. M: And it’s not just school supplies, Mom. Clothes, backpacks, shoes… Text 10 The 59th annual Grammy Awards was a night to remember, full of unforgettable performances. This year’s most memorable artist was definitely Adele, who amazed the audience with her voice and unique style. Fashion designers praised her dress that looked like it was made of glass, which she wore for her performance of “Hello”. They also loved the beautiful green gown that she wore for the rest of the night. It was her performance of “Hello” from her album 25 that was most extraordinary. In contrast to the other artists, who used moving set pieces and back-up dancers, Adele stood motionless, under a single light, and let her voice impress the audience. On a night that celebrates the best in music, and surrounded by the outstanding singers like Beyoncé, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, and Drake, this was a reminder just how talented this woman is. She was also given the honor of paying her respects to legendary pop artist George Michael — who had recently passed away — by singing his hit song “Fastlove”. At one point during the performance, she had some technical difficulties with the sound system, and she stopped the performance so she could start again, saying “I’m sorry, I can’t mess this up for him. I’m sorry.” When she accepted the award for Album of the Year, she dedicated her award to Beyoncé, her inspiration for many years — another example of professionalism from one of the world’s most beloved artists.查看更多