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高考英语常考的66个使役动词 ‎1. absorb 使全神贯注 1) The work absorbed him and continued to make him happy. ‎ 工作吸引了他的注意力并使他感到其乐无穷。‎ ‎2) Her interest in butterflies absorbs her completely.‎ 她完全被蝴蝶吸引了。‎ ‎3) She is absorbed by the book.‎ 她全神贯注的看书。‎ ‎ 2. adapt 使适应 ‎1) She tried to adapt herself to the new life. 她尽力使自己适应新的生活。‎ ‎2) They are adapted to live in the wet place. 它们适应生活在潮湿的地方。‎ ‎3. expose使曝光 1) You shouldn't expose the soldiers to unnecessary risks. 你不应该让士兵们冒不必要的危险。‎ ‎2) There's enough infrared to expose the film. 红外线足够使底片曝光。‎ ‎4. amaze使吃惊 ‎1) He made up his mind to do something to amaze the world.‎ 他立志要干一番令世人惊叹的事业。‎ ‎2) In 2008, a brand new Beijing will amaze the world.‎ ‎2008年,一个崭新的北京将让全世界都为之震惊。‎ ‎3) Mozart was amazed at his talent. 莫扎特对他的天资感到十分惊讶。‎ ‎5. amuse 使愉快 ‎1) They sang songs to amuse themselves during the break. 休息时,大家一起唱唱歌,娱乐娱乐。‎ ‎2) Just amuse yourself quietly now before going to bed. ‎ 睡觉之前就安安静静的玩会儿吧。‎ ‎3) The patient was amused at the music. 听到音乐,病人感到快乐。‎ ‎6. annoy打扰,令人讨厌 ‎ ‎1) I think I annoy them. 我认为我惹恼了他们。‎ ‎2) For a week, I was tremendously annoyed. 一周以来,我都烦死了。‎ ‎7. astonish使惊讶 ‎1) He astonishes himself as well as others by his ability. 他的能力让自己和他人都感到震惊。‎ ‎2) She was astonished to find he was drunk. 发现他喝醉了,她很吃惊。‎ ‎8. bend (bent, bent)使弯曲,使屈服 ‎1) The wheels of the car had been bent. 车的轮子被压弯了。‎ ‎2) Bend down and grab your ankles. 弯下身来,抓住脚踝。‎ ‎3) Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees. 时光会将你磨损,岁月也将压弯你的双膝。‎ ‎9. benefit 使……受益 ‎1) The sea air will benefit you. 海上的空气对你有益。‎ ‎2) A great variety of countries are benefited from this order. 众多国家在这个次序中受益。‎ ‎10. bore 使烦恼 ‎ ‎1) Don't bore me with this kind of boring jokes! 别再说这种无聊的笑话来烦我!‎ ‎2) I hope you have not been bored since you have been here. 希望你自从来到此地,不会觉得无聊。‎ ‎11. complicate使复杂 ‎1) Do not complicate a simple matter. 不要把简单的事情复杂化。‎ ‎2) These events will greatly complicate the situation. 这些事件将使局势变得极其复杂。‎ ‎12. concern 使担心 ‎ ‎1) It does concern me when we don't take our chances. 有时候我们总错过机会,这使我有些担心。‎ ‎2) Privacy issues and security were concerned by people. 很多人担忧隐私和安全问题。‎ ‎13. confuse使混乱,使困惑 ‎1) They asked so many questions that they confused me. ‎ 他们问了许多问题, 都把我弄糊涂了。 ‎ ‎2) Don’t confuse the system. ‎ 老规矩不得搅乱。 ‎ ‎14. convince使确信,使信服 ‎1) Please convince him of this. 请说服他相信这一点。‎ ‎2) You can't convince them.‎ 你不能使他们信服。‎ ‎3) Not everyone is convinced by this explanation. 不是每一个人都信服这样的解释。‎ ‎15. delight 使高兴 ‎1) This idea is hardly likely to delight new investors. 这个主意几乎无法取悦于外国投资商。‎ ‎2) Your visit last week delighted us. ‎ 你上星期的来访使我们很高兴。‎ ‎16. disappoint使失望 ‎ ‎1) I really hate to disappoint you. 我其实真不愿意让您失望。‎ ‎2) Do not disappoint us.‎ 不要让我们失望。‎ ‎3) I will not disappoint you.‎ 我不会让你失望的。‎ ‎4) We have been disappointed too often to believe in the great miracle. 我们过去失望的次数太多了,这使我们不敢真的相信会发生伟大的奇迹。‎ ‎17. discourage使气馁 ‎1) Ignore those who try to discourage you. 忽视那些试图使你气馁的人。‎ ‎2) However, this does not discourage me.‎ 然而,这并不会使我气馁 ‎3) He is greatly discouraged by her refusal. 他因为她的拒绝而非常沮丧。‎ ‎18. disgust使厌恶 ‎1) You disgust me. Get out of here. 你让我厌恶。离开这儿。‎ ‎2) I'm disgusted by his rude behaviour to his mother. 他对他母亲的粗鲁行为让我感到恶心。‎ ‎19. distinguish使显著 ‎1) He distinguished himself by winning three prizes. 他出类拔萃,获奖三次。‎ ‎2) He is distinguished for his knowledge of economics. 他在经济学知识方面出类拔萃。‎ ‎ 20. disturb使不安 ‎1) Sorry to disturb you so early. 这么早打扰你真对不起。‎ ‎2) Turn down the TV, or you'll disturb people. 把电视机开小点儿,别干扰人家。‎ ‎3) Don't disturb her, she is the apple of our boss. 你千万别得罪她,她可是咱们老板的掌上明珠。‎ ‎4) Be disturbed is a very worrisome. 被人打扰是一件很恼人的事情。‎ ‎ 21. dress使穿衣 ‎1) They dressed her in a white hospital gown. ‎ 他们给她穿上医院里的白色外袍。 ‎ ‎2) The little boy isn't old enough to dress himself. ‎ 这孩子太小, 还不能自己穿衣服。‎ ‎22. dry 使……干;弄干 ‎1) Let wind dry your tears. 让风带走你的泪水。‎ ‎2) They had washed and dried their hair. ‎ 他们洗了头并且擦干了头发。‎ ‎23. embarrass使尴尬 ‎ ‎1) I hope I didn't embarrass you. 我希望我没有给你丢人。‎ ‎2) I can't carry a tune. I don't want to embarrass myself or him. 我唱歌走调。我不想令我自己或他尴尬。‎ ‎3) I was embarrassed by his unexpected question. 他突然的发问使我不知所措。‎ ‎ 24. encourage使鼓舞 ‎1) The idea was to encourage participation. 这么做是为了鼓励参与。‎ ‎2) Encourage your children to talk about fears and concerns, and answer their questions. 鼓励您的孩子吐露他们心中的恐惧和担忧,并解答他们的疑问。‎ ‎3) I would encourage Tom to talk as much as he wanted, hoping to pick up meaning in the gibberish . 我鼓励汤姆愿意说就多说点,我希望能够在咕噜声中分辨出他想说的意思。‎ ‎4) Some ideas are good and should be encouraged. 一些创意是好的,应该鼓励。‎ ‎ 25. excite使兴奋 ‎ ‎1) Challenges excite me! 挑战让我兴奋!‎ ‎2) The smell of food excited the animals. ‎ 那些动物因闻到食物的气味而变得兴奋。‎ ‎ 26. exhaust 使疲倦 ‎1) She was exhausted by the busy life. 忙碌的生活弄得她筋疲力尽。‎ ‎2) Try your best, but don't make too many promises or you may exhaust yourself. 尽你所能,但是不要做太多的承诺,否则你可能会使自己精疲力尽。‎ ‎ 27. expose使曝光 ‎ ‎1) Don't expose it to the sunlight. 不要把它暴露在阳光下。‎ ‎2) The heavens will expose his guilt.‎ 老天会显明他的罪孽的。‎ ‎3) This is exposed to sunlight. 这是暴露于阳光下。‎ ‎ 28. focus(使)聚集 ‎1) They focus our attention on problems. 他们使我们聚焦于问题。‎ ‎2) The key is to be focused and to use your time well. 关键是有焦点、妥善使用时间。‎ ‎ 29. freeze 使结冰 ‎1) The cold was severe enough to freeze the milk. 寒冷的天气严峻到可以把牛奶变冰冻。‎ ‎2) The cold wind will freeze the sweat in his pores. 冷风将把汗水冻凝在他的毛孔里。‎ ‎3) Strawberry cannot be freezed. 草莓不能冷冻。‎ ‎ 30. frighten 使惊吓 ‎1) Even a mouse frighten a guilty man. 老鼠也能把罪犯吓一跳。‎ ‎2) He left his gun outside so as not to frighten his wife. 他把枪放在外面以免惊吓他的妻子。‎ ‎3) Don't frighten me. 别吓唬我。‎ ‎4) Can you help me not be frightened? 您能协助我不再害怕吗?‎ ‎ 31. impress 使感动 ‎1) The story impress me deeply. 这个故事深深的让我感动。‎ ‎2) She is impressed by his kindness. 她被他的仁慈感动。‎ ‎ 32. inspire使产生灵感 ‎1) We should inspire the children to think. 我们应启发儿童思考。‎ ‎2) I'm inspired by this poem.‎ 这首诗歌让我产生了灵感。‎ ‎ 33. interest使感兴趣 ‎1) I like magazines that interest me. 我只看那些我有兴趣的杂志。‎ ‎2) This is the model I was interested in. 这就是我所感兴趣的那种样式。‎ ‎ 34. liberate使获自由 ‎1) They did their best to liberate slaves. 他们尽最大能力去解放奴隶。‎ ‎2) This will liberate him from worry. 这将解除他的忧虑。‎ ‎3) The city was liberated in 1949. 这个城市是1949年解放的。‎ ‎ 35. marry(使)成婚 ‎1) Her parents married her to a wealthy landowner. ‎ 她的父母将她嫁给了一个富有的地主。‎ ‎2) The show marries poetry with art.‎ 演出把诗歌同艺术结合起来。‎ ‎36. match 使相配 ‎1) Little by little , he began to match himself to the image in his mind. 渐渐地,他开始使自己和他心目中的形象相配了。‎ ‎2) The hat is matched with the cape. 帽子与斗篷相匹配。‎ ‎ 37. mix使混合 ‎ ‎1) Mix the flour with some milk. 把面粉和一些牛奶调和。‎ ‎2) You can not mix oil with water . 你不能把油与水相混合。‎ ‎3. Meat and vegetables are mixed together. 把蔬菜和肉混合在一起。‎ ‎ 38. move使感动 ‎1) Here is a film that will move anyone. 这是一部将使任何人受感动的电影。‎ ‎2) The motive of the emotional movie is to move the removed men. 那部情感电影的动机在于感动被开除的人。‎ ‎3) One can not but be moved by his fate. 人们不能不为他的命运所感动。‎ ‎ 39. multiply 使相乘 ‎1) This will be used to multiply each term . 它被依次用来乘每一项。‎ ‎2) If they are multiplied together the result is 1. 如果这两个效果同时作用,那么结果就会是1。‎ ‎ 40. please使高兴 ‎1) She ought to be pleased.‎ 她应该感到高兴。‎ ‎2) You can’t pleased everyone.‎ 你无法取悦所有人。‎ ‎ 41. puzzle使困惑 ‎ ‎1) You will find many things that will puzzle you. 你一定会发现许多东西使你迷惑不解。‎ ‎2) I am puzzled by his failure to reply. 他不给我回信使我感到困惑。‎ ‎ 42. raise使升高 ‎ ‎1) Nothing was able to raise prices or increase agricultural income. 没有一个能提高价格或增加农业收入。‎ ‎2) Please raise the box gently. 请把箱子轻轻地搬起来.‎ ‎3) Credit limits are often raised. 信贷限额常会提高。‎ ‎ 43. redirect 使改变,使转移 ‎1) Rail subsidy should be redirected. 铁路津贴要再分配。‎ ‎2) Wishing we could redirect the traffic. 希望我们能够改变交通的航道。‎ ‎ 44. refresh 使恢复精力 ‎1) I use coffee to refresh myself. 我是用咖啡来提神的。‎ ‎2) A hot bath will refresh you. 洗个热水澡将使你精神爽快。‎ ‎3) We were refreshed by The cool water. 这凉爽的水使我们精神振作。‎ ‎ 45. relax (使)放松 ‎1) It's a good place to relax. 那是可以让人放松的好地方.‎ ‎2) Do not relax your vigilance. 我们决不可放松警惕.‎ ‎3) We can all relax a bit. 我们可以稍微放松一些。‎ ‎4) They tend to be relaxed when singing songs. 唱歌使他们很轻松。‎ ‎ 46. remind 使记起 ‎1) The song remind me of my childhood. 这首歌使我想起了我的童年。‎ ‎2) I am reminded of what she said. 我想起她说的话。‎ ‎ 47. rid (rid, rid / ridded, ridded) 使摆脱 ‎1) We are rid of these brands. 我们已经剥离了这些品牌。‎ ‎2) We try to rid the house of mice. 我们试图使房子摆脱老鼠。‎ ‎ 48. satisfy使满意 ‎1) What he said could not satisfy me. 他所说的话不能使我满意。‎ ‎2) It is impossible to satisfy all demands. 要满足一切要求是不可能的。‎ ‎3) Avarice is never satisfied. 贪欲从来不会满足。‎ ‎ 49. scare使惊吓 ‎1) A third world war is just to scare people. 要打第三次世界大战,是吓唬人的。‎ ‎2) The three little pigs are scared. 三只小猪很害怕。‎ ‎ 50. seat使坐下 ‎1) Your table is ready now. Please be seated. 您的席位已经准备好了,请入座。‎ ‎2) Owen seated his guests in the hall. ‎ ‎ 欧文安排他的客人坐在大厅里。‎ ‎ 51. separate使分离 ‎1) Another possibility is to separate the data. 另一种可能性是对数据进行分离。‎ ‎2) The land was separated into small fields. 那块地被分割为小块的田地。‎ ‎ 52. settle 使安顿 ‎1) I just might settle down. 我只是想安定下来。‎ ‎2) But his future is not settled yet. 但是他的未来还没有定论。‎ ‎ 53. shape使成型 ‎1) Can Europe and China Shape a New World Order? 中欧能塑造新的世界秩序吗?‎ ‎2) The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 经济应该适合于一种新的模式。‎ ‎ 54. sharpen(使)变锐利 ‎1) Please sharpen this pencil. 请削尖这支铅笔。‎ ‎2) This drug will sharpen your vision. 这药会提高你的视力。‎ ‎3) The knives are sharpened every week. 刀每个星期都要磨。‎ ‎ 55. shock使震惊 ‎1) She knew how much the bad news would shock me. 她知道那个坏消息会使我多么震惊。‎ ‎2) Many were shocked by his foul language. 许多人对他那下流的语言感到震惊。‎ ‎ 56. strike使震动 ‎1) It is clear that unemployment will strike far beyond America and Britain. 很明显,失业风暴将袭击到美英两国以外的地方。‎ ‎2) The door was struck rudely. 门被不客气地捶了起来。‎ ‎ 57. subject 使隶属;使服从 ‎1) He tried to subject the whole family to his will. 他试图让全家人都服从的意志。. ‎2) This country was once subjected to foreign rule. 这个国家一度曾受外国统治。‎ ‎ 58. surprise使惊奇 ‎1) Surprise your loved one with this special gift. 用这个特别的礼物给爱人一个惊喜吧。‎ ‎2) Unless he's planning to surprise you, your expectations may have been unrealistic. 除非他是想给你一个惊喜,否则你的期望是不现实的。‎ ‎3) We surprise him with a birthday present. 我们的生日礼物让他感到惊喜。‎ ‎4) We are surprised because most markets do work well. 多数市场运行良好,我们感到惊奇。‎ ‎ 59. trap使陷入困境 ‎1) He was trapped in a burning house. 他被困在正在燃烧的房屋里。‎ ‎2) Sand and leaves trap the water in the stream. 沙子和树叶堵住了小河的水流。‎ ‎ 60. terrify使害怕 ‎1) That sort of thing terrifies him.‎ 那样的事令他感到恐怖。‎ ‎2) The aim of the terrorists is to terrify people! 恐怖份子的目的就是令大众感到害怕!‎ ‎ 61. thrill使紧张 ‎ ‎1) Stories of adventure thrilled him. ‎ 冒险小说使他激动。‎ ‎2) The child were thrilled by a strange voice.‎ 奇怪的声音使孩子们感到紧张。‎ ‎ 62. tire使疲劳 ‎1) The ceremony was short so as not to tire them. 仪式很简短,以免使他们感觉疲劳 ‎2) She was tired after her long day. 经过漫长的一天她已经很累了。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎63. twist使弯曲 ‎1) If this is the case, try not to twist your body as much to take the breath. 如果是这种情况的话,试着不要弯曲身体过多来呼吸。‎ ‎2) The steel and wires are Twisted.‎ 钢筋和铁丝都弯了。‎ ‎ 64. upset使不安 ‎1) The bad news quite upset him. 坏消息使他很不安。‎ ‎2) You must have said something to upset him. 你一定说了什么让他不高兴的话。‎ ‎ 65. wind使弯曲 ‎1) Anne wound the wool into a ball. ‎ 安妮把毛线绕成一个球。‎ ‎1) He wanted to wind a towel around his midriff. ‎ 他想把毛巾裹在他的肚子上。‎ ‎ 66. worry使担心 ‎1) Don't worry me with such foolish questions. ‎ ‎ 不要用这些愚蠢的问题来烦我。‎ ‎2) What he told them doesn't worry them.‎ 他所告诉他们的并不使他们烦恼。 ‎ ‎3) I've been worrying myself sick over my mother. ‎ 我为母亲担忧成疾。‎

