2019-2020学年安徽省六安市第一中学高二下学期第一次在线自测英语试题 (word版)

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2019-2020学年安徽省六安市第一中学高二下学期第一次在线自测英语试题 (word版)

六安一中2019~2020学年高二年级英语自测试卷 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A Welcome to SummerCamps.com; find and book the very best summer camps. Your children are precious so we offer the highest quality of camps that will meet each child’s needs and interests.‎ Catalina Sea Camp Sea Camp offers three one-week sessions to boys and girls aged 8-13 and two three-week sessions to teens aged 12-17. Our hand-picked instructors create an atmosphere of fun and excitement while leading campers to a host of ocean adventures, marine (海洋的) biology, and social summer camp activities.‎ Address: Toyon Way, San Bruno, California 94066‎ Phone: 800-645-1423‎ Camp Cayuga Camp Cayuga is a private summer camp for children aged 6-16. The camp is on a 350-acre land in the Pocono Mountains of Northeast Pennsylvania, just outside the village of Honesdale. It’s a 3-hour drive from New York City and Philadelphia.‎ Address: 321 Niles Pond Road-Suite ISC, Honesdale, Pennsylvania 18431‎ Phone: 908-470-1224‎ Camp Rockmont Camp Rockmont is a Christian summer camp for boys, aged 6-16, in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Rockmont’s duty of developing boys into healthy young men is accomplished through age-appropriate skills, activities, and challenges that help campers to know themselves better.‎ Address: 375 Lake Eden Road, Black Mountain, North Carolina 28711‎ Phone: 828-686-3885‎ Primitive Pursuits Overnight Camps Primitive Pursuits Overnight Camps offer week-long Summer Adventure Overnight Camps in New York’s Finger Lakes to your children aged 11-15. Campers experience a week of nature-based skills training, inspiring challenges, and fun activities under the guidance of skilled instructors.‎ Address: 611 County Rd 13, Van Etten, New York 14889‎ Phone: 607-272-2292‎ 21. Where should a girl of 7 go camping? A. Toyon Way, San Bruno.‎ B. 321 Niles Pond Road- Suite ISC, Honesdale C. 375 Lake Eden Road, Black Mountain D. 611 County Rd13, van Etten.‎ 22. What is special about Camp Rockmont?‎ A. It’s targeted at older boys. B. It is located in the mountains.‎ C. It provides skills training activities. D. It has something to do with religion.‎ 23. Who is the text most likely intended for?‎ A. Campers. B. Educators. C. Parents. D. Children.‎ B Prateek Sharma was born into a family of farmers. After 10 years of being a chief manager of Kotak Mahindra Bank, he did a good job and earned a good pay. But Prateek couldn’t continue the corporation life with ease, as his heart was always in farming So he worked as a banker on weekdays and on weekends travelled 100 km to get to his 5-acre in Dhaba Khurd.‎ By the end of 2015, Prateek had set up a house on his farm to grow offseason vegetables. Prateek thought he’d quit his job once he was able to earn enough from farming but this wasn’t an easy decision to make This was because costs to grow these vegetables were very high, along with the fact that farmers weren’t a part of the value chain and thus couldn’t decide the price of their own vegetables.‎ Fortunately, Prateek met Vinay Yadav, another educated farmer. They then decided to start their own value chain and sell their vegetables and grains, while skipping the middlemen. The variety of vegetables they grew wasn’t enough, so they decided to form a group of farmers.‎ Once the plan was ready, the group was registered by the name of Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) However, the trial failed in the first year as most of the farmers were grain growers and had limited knowledge of growing vegetables However, the largest reason was the switch to organic from chemical.‎ Luckily, once the soil was used to organic methods, the next round of crops were successful and the FPO had a good amount of produce So at the end of 2017, Prateek finally quit his job and devoted all his time to farming Now he’s successful and recently his team has started two farmer resource centers at Dhaba Khurd and Nathrula Canj.‎ 24. Why did Prateek have trouble continuing his life as a bunker? A. He felt it so boring to be a banker.‎ B. He almost never satisfied his boss.‎ C. He was enthusiastic about farming.‎ D. He found farming easier to do well.‎ 25. Why was it difficult for Prateek to decide on quitting his job?‎ A The income from farming wasn’t much B. The prices of organic products were low C. He had no money to put into farming D. He found farming produce hard to sell 26. What did Prateek and Vinay Yadav set about doing after they met? A. Adding the kinds of vegetables grown.‎ B. Raising the prices of their products.‎ C. Switching from chemical to organic.‎ D. Building their own marketing system.‎ 27. What mainly resulted in the failure of FPO’s first year trial? A Their no experience in growing vegetables. B. The soil’s not adapting to organic farming. C. Their poor management on the employees.‎ D. The wrong ways of doing organic farming.‎ C Science is finally beginning to hug animals who were, for a long time, considered second-class citizens.‎ As Annie Potts of Canterbury University has noted, chickens distinguish among one hundred chicken faces and recognize familiar individuals even after months of separation. When given problems to solve, they reason: hens trained to pick colored buttons sometimes choose to give up an immediate food reward for a slightly later (and better) one. Healthy hens may aid friends, and mourn when those friend die.‎ Pigs respond meaningfully to human symbols. When a research team led by Candace Croney at Penn State University carried wooden blocks marked with X and O symbols around pigs, only the O carriers offered food to the animals. The pigs soon ignored the X carriers in favor of the O’s. Then the team switched from real-life objects to T-shirts printed with X or O symbols. Still, the pigs walked only toward the O-shirted people: they had transferred their knowledge to a two-dimensional format, a not inconsiderable skill of reasoning.‎ I’ve been guilty of prejudiced opinions, myself At the start of my career almost four decades ago, I was firmly convinced that monkeys and apes out-think and out-feel other animals. They’re other primates (灵长目动物), after all animals from our own mammal class Fairly soon.. I came to see that along with our closest living relatives, whales too are masters of cultural learning and elephants express profound joy and mourning with their social companions. Long-term studies in the wild on these mammals helped to fuel a viewpoint shift in our society: the public no longer so easily accepts monkeys made to go through painful procedure in laboratories, elephants forced to perform in circuses, and dolphins kept in small tanks at theme parks.‎ Over time, though, as I began to broaden out even further and explore the inner lives of fish, chickens, pigs, goats, and cows, I started to wonder. Will the new science of “food animals” bring an ethical (伦理的) revolution in terms of who we eat? In other words, will our ethics start to catch up with the development of our science?‎ Animal activists are already there, of course, committed to not eating these animals. But what about the rest of us? Can paying attention to the thinking and feeling of these animals lead us to make changes in who we eat?‎ 28. According to Annie Potts, hens have the ability of ________.‎ A. abstraction B. creation C. analysis D. interaction 28. The research into pigs shows that pigs ________.‎ A. have a good eyesight B. learn letters quickly C. can apply knowledge to new situations D. can build up a good relationship 29. Paragraph 4 is mainly about ________. A. a change in people’s attitudes towards animals B. the necessity of long-term studies on mammals C. the similarities between mammals and humans D. a discovery of how animals express themselves 30. What might be the best title for the passage?‎ A. A Revolution in Food Animals. B. Science Reports on Food Animals.‎ C. The Lifestyles of Food Animals. D. The Inner Lives of Food Animals.‎ D Language learning apps are very popular now and offer opportunities to learn vocabulary and practice grammar. But there has been a discussion about just how effective such apps can be.‎ Among the most popular apps are Duolingo and Busuu. A previous research found positive results on the use of them. But it mainly concentrates on studies with learners who had signed up for language courses and these apps worked as an after-class support, so the results were not always reliable. A recent study of 4,095 Busuu users has been carried out to find out if users can actually learn a language with an app.‎ Busuu provides learning materials for 12 different languages. It offers special models where some contents are available for free while some contents are not. We find that its users are an even mix of men and women. More than half consider themselves to be at the beginner level as there is a decrease in users as their language levels go up. Most people use the app because of personal interest, or because they want to study or live abroad. Females tend to use it less often but for longer periods of time than male users.‎ Getting any feedback on Busuu depends on whether your answer is correct or not. While it is helpful, this is not the sort of feedback language teachers prefer, as it does not explain why the answer is right or wrong In spite of this, feedback in the app is very highly rated.‎ More than 92% of the people state that the app has met their expectations and 86% consider the app as very good or good. In fact, more than 80 of the users surveyed strongly agree that using the app has helped them improve their knowledge of the language they are learning.‎ Besides, language learning apps also create an environment where mistakes are only known to the users, and this can address the performance anxiety that many learners suffer from when asked to speak a foreign language So language teachers should encourage their students to use them to do the grammar work, leaving precious class time for more language communication.‎ 32. Why weren’t the results of the former research always dependable?‎ A. Because it used out-of-date methods.‎ B. Because it only considered users of a limited type.‎ C. Because it was only carried out before class.‎ D. Because it just focused on positive results.‎ 33. What can we lean about the app Busuu from the text?‎ A. Most users consider it satisfying B. It’s used by more advanced learners C. All the contents are free to use D. It’s more popular with female learners 34. Which of the following can probably replace the underlined word address?‎ A. Deal with. B. Write down. C. Turn to. D. Speak of.‎ 35. What is the main idea of the text?‎ A. Students should be required to use apps for homework after class.‎ B. Students won’t suffer anxiety in learning languages by using Busuu.‎ C. Language learning apps are very popular with most language teachers.‎ D. Language learning apps are effective and satisfactory to language learners.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为 多余选项。‎ Time is something that we all are taking for granted these days. We spend hours watching TV or playing mobile games, thinking that this is just normal. I find this a waste of time. 36 . Every second is valuable and we should rethink of ways of spending our time.‎ Firstly, spend time in doing things that really matter. Spend time with your family and friends Enjoy a nice hot meal and eat it slowly. Give yourself time to play and spend enough time in sleeping 37 . But the truth is the little things matter most in life.‎ Secondly, you have to know what is done cannot be undone Do not allow your mind to stay in the past, Every day is a new adventure. 38 . It may not be an opportunity like an immediate get-rich chance, but it may be an opportunity for new experiences.‎ ‎39 If you have only one chance to do something for someone, why not do it to the best of your ability? It should not matter whether you are being rewarded or not. You will take pride in your work because you’ve done your best Trust me, quality efforts will be rewarded in time.‎ Lastly, every moment you spend in doing things is the time taken from your life. Don’t waste your time away working day and night just for money. 40 . The value of your time is measured by how you spend it and whom you choose to spend it with. A. You will get whatever you want from working.‎ B. Do your best in every task as if the world will end tomorrow.‎ C. Spend more time on the important tasks instead of time-wasters.‎ D. That is not your life’s worth.‎ E. Little things like this may seem meaningless.‎ F. It is hours of our lives that we can never get back.‎ G. You have to keep your eyes and ears open to the new opportunity.‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空 白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ Nobody can inspire us like great teachers. They show us things about ourselves we can’t see. They see ____41____ in us that others, including ourselves can’t or won’t see. ____42____ they give us the courage to find our own way and enough ____43____ to show us that what we feel ____44____ is anything but that.‎ When Bill Gates ____45____ Seattle’s View Ridge Elementary School, he was a really unattractive and shy fourth grader. ____46____ a kindly librarian named Blanche Caffiere, he was ____47____ to come into his own in a way that would one day ____48____ the world forever. Gates sets the stage for this tale like this:‎ ‎“When I first met Mrs Caffiere, she was the elegant and engaging school ____49____, and I was a shy fourth grader. I was ____50____ trying to go unnoticed, because I had some big shortcomings, like terrible handwriting…and I was trying to hide the ____51____ that I liked to read - something that was cool for girls but not for boys… Mrs Caffiere took me under her wing.”‎ He was grateful to Mrs Caffiere for helping him become less ____52____, which resulted from the true spirit of ____53____ teaching. First she encouraged Gates’ enthusiasm for ____54____ by helping him explore it through the use of introspective (内省的) questions, ____55____ what he liked to read and why. Next, she would go out of her ____56____ to source books that were ____57____ more interesting and challenging for him. Finally, ____58____ he’d read them, she would sit down with him and ask him if he liked what he had read, and more ____59____ what he’d learned and why. “She basically ____60____ what I had to say.” Gates recalled.‎ ‎41. A. ambition B. distinction C. potential D. discrimination ‎42. A. Above all B. For instance C. In consequence D. By contrast ‎43. A. guidance B. success C. science D. intelligence ‎44. A. unconditional B. unbelievable C. incorrect D. impossible ‎45. A. built B. attended C. designed D. finished ‎46. A. Apart from B. But for C. Thanks to D. Regardless of ‎47. A. willing B. anxious C. eager D. able ‎48. A. change B. discover C. enjoy D. create ‎49. A. supporter B. librarian C. principal D. owner ‎50. A. amazedly B. desperately C. proudly D. helplessly ‎51. A. fact B. concept C. event D. conclusion ‎52. A. unattractive B. typical C. shy D. unnoticed ‎53. A. active B. significant C. fundamental D. remarkable ‎54. A. listening B. reading C. speaking D. writing ‎55. A. together with B. instead of C. such as D. as for ‎56. A. business B. house C. way D. office ‎57. A. naturally B. progressively C. frequently D. extraordinarily ‎58. A. until B. once C. although D. unless ‎59. A. honestly B. seriously C. strictly D. importantly ‎60. A. listened to B. stuck to C. referred to D. turned to 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于 3 个单词) .‎ NASA has a new job listing, and it’s no joke. The US space agency is looking for a “joker” to join their ____61____ (plan) mission to Mars.‎ A mission to Mars is no laughing matter. ____62____ is known that Mars is 225 million kilometers away from Earth. A trip there would take around eight months in a small spacecraft. “When you’re living with others in a confined (封闭的) space for a long period of time, such as on a mission to Mars, problems are likely ____63____ (happen)” Jeffrey Johnson, a scientist at the University of Florida, ____64____ (say) to the Guardian. This is probably ____65____ NASA wants an astronaut with a sense of humor. “These are people that have the ____66____ (able) to pull everyone together.” Johnson said.‎ In ____67____ (stress) situations, perhaps humor is a way to know we aren’t alone. We can share our stress by ____68____ (laugh) together. Then we can focus on our jobs instead of just worrying.‎ But if you’re hoping that your favorite TV comedian will fly to Mars, that ____69____ (possible) won’t happen. “Being funny won’t be enough to land somebody the job,” Johnson said, “They also need to be an excellent scientist and engineer.” Besides, it’s required that they _____70_____ (be) in top physical condition.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 ‎10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。(请将答案写在答题卡上)‎ A photo on my desk always takes me back to the moment that I gave a talent show for foreign friend. In the picture. I can be seen delicate performing Erhu. When I introduced myself at English, the audience applauded encourage me. I was no longer nervous. I devoted myself wholeheartedly to play. My performance was quite a success. Before the performance. An American was named Amy,‎ who was of my age, sang the song God Is a Girl to me. We even make a deal that we would teach each other my mother tongues.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华,你市将举办国际马拉松赛,请你给外教John发一封电子邮件,邀请他一起报名参加。‎ 内容主要包括: 1. 告知马拉松比赛的具体信息;‎ 2. 说明邀请理由;‎ 3. 希望对方参加。注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾己给出,但不计入总词数)‎ ‎2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考词汇:马拉松 marathon Dear John,‎ I’m pleased to tell you that an international marathon will take place in our city.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 六安一中2019~2020学年高二年级英语自测试卷参考答案 ‎1-5 CACBA 5-10 ABBCA 11-15 ACBCB 16-20 CBACB ‎21-23 BDC 24-27 CADB 28-31 CCAD 32-35 BAAD 36-40FEGBD ‎41-45CAADB 46-50. CDABB 51-55. ACDBC 56-60CBBDA ‎61. planned 62. It 63. to happen 64. said 65. why 66. ability ‎67. stressful 68. laughing 69. possibly 70. should be/be ‎71. that→when;‎ ‎72. friend→friends;‎ ‎73. delicate→delicately;‎ ‎74. at→in;‎ ‎75. applauded后加to;‎ ‎76. play→playing;‎ ‎77. Before→After;‎ ‎78. 去掉was;‎ ‎79. make-made;‎ ‎80. my→our Dear John,‎ I am pleased to tell you that an international marathon will take place in our city, I know you love sports and Id like to invite you to run with me.‎ The activity will be held on February 20 along the newly-built Zhongshan Road. It will start at 7:30 am and end at 11:30 am, lasting for four hours. Over five hundred people will take part in it. How nice! The marathon is not only an activity for exercising but also for entertaining. I’m sure that we would have great fun. Besides, it’s also a chance to make new fiends with those who have the same interests as us.‎ It would be great if you could come. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎1‎

