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‎2019-2020学年山东省济南市章丘五中高三(上)入学英语试卷 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节)第一节(满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1.     Manhausen (Manshausen》 Norway)     Adventure﹣seeking people needn't look further than Manhausen,  a 55﹣acre island escape in Norway's Grotoya strait. Not to be missed:  the saltwater hot tub overlooking the sea and family﹣style meals enjoyed fireside at the main house. The baby sitting service also available.     Get more information here.     2.Cedar Lakes Estate (Port Jervis,  New York)     Occupying 500 bucolic acres,  this turn﹣of﹣the﹣century summer camp now houses a host of luxury,  lodge﹣style cabins. Bike the grounds,  paddle the lakes,  swim in the outdoor heated pool or head to a nearby mountain for a day of skiing. Then lie down with a great book beneath a fur blanket,  turn on your fireplace and get your snuggle on.     Get more information here.     3.Soho Farmhouse (.Oxfordshire,  England)     This Oxfordshire countryside members﹣only club offers up a British version of hygge. Among the splendid property,  s coziest offerings:  the community farmyard and the Studio Cabin guest room,  which boasts views of the lake.     Get more information here.     4. Salt House Inn (.Provincetown,  Massachusetts)     This charming coastal town now boasts a 19th﹣century﹣shingled cottage turned hotel. Book your visit during the quiet,  windswept off﹣season (January through March) for some salty fresh air on the beach.     Get more information here. ‎ ‎(1)If you are taking a baby, which one may suit you best?________‎ A. Manhausen. B. Cedar Lakes Estate. C. Soho Farmhouse. D. Salt House Inn.. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(2)What is special about Soho Farmhouse?________‎ A. Water scenery. B. Limited access. C. Outdoor activities. D. Family﹣style meals.. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(3)Where is this text most probably taken from?________‎ A. A magazine. B. A brochure. C. A textbook. D. A website.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2.     Bob Dylan, the 75﹣year﹣old rock legend received the Nobel Prize for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.Sara Danius, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, said Dylan had been chosen because he was a great poet in the English speaking tradition.     Dylan, born on May 24, 1941 is an American songwriter, singer, artist, and writer.He has been influential in popular music and culture for more than five decades.Much of his most celebrated work dates from the 1960s.Early songs such as Tangled up in Blue, Blowing in theWind and The Times Are a﹣Changing became anthems for the American civil fights and anti﹣war movements.Leaving behind his initial base in the American folk music reviva1(复兴), his six﹣minute single Like a Rolling Stone, recorded in 1965, enlarged the range of popular music.     Dylan's lyrics ________ a wide range of political, social, philosophical, and literary features.His recording career, spanning more than 50 years, has explored the traditions in American song﹣from folk, blues, and country to rock and roll, and rockabilly to English, Scottish, and Irish folk music, embracing even jazz and the Great American Songbook. Dylan performs with guitar,  keyboards, and harmonica.Backed by a changing lineup of musicians, he has toured steadily since the late 1980s on what has been called the Never Ending Tour.His accomplishments as a recording artist and performer have been central to his career, but songwriting is considered his greatest contribution.     Since 1994, Dylan has published six books of drawings and paintings, and his work has been exhibited in major art galleries.As a musician, Dylan has sold more than 100 million records, making him one of the best﹣selling artists of all time.He has also received numerous awards including eleven Grammy Awards, a Golden Globe Award, and an Academy Award.In May 2012, Dylan received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Obama. ‎ ‎(1)Why was Bob Dylan awarded the Nobel Prize?________‎ A.He invented many music expressions.‎ B.His lyrics in his songs rhyme like poems.‎ C.His works the characteristics of Rock.‎ D.He changed the English speaking tradition..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(2)Which of Dylan's works expanded the area of popular music?________‎ A.Like a Rolling Stone. B.Blowing in the Wind. C.Tangled up in Blue. D.The Times Are a﹣Changing.. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(3)What does the underlined word"incorporate"in Paragraph 3 probably mean?________‎ A.destroy B.analyze C.cover D.describe.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(4)What contributes most to Dylan's career?________‎ A.Composing Poems. B.Giving performances. C.Making records. D.Writing songs. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎3.     An 18﹣year﹣old girl Anna Meier from Austria is taking her parents to court for posting over 500 photos of her on Facebook since 2009, without her permission. ‎ 第17页 共18页 ◎ 第18页 共18页 ‎    Anna has apparently become fed up with her parents' refusal to take down the embarrassing photos of her at an early age, and is now seeking justice in court.She told the magazine that evil though she was 11 years old when her parents started sharing her photos with several hundreds of Facebook friends, they went as far as to post pictures of her as a baby, without ever asking if it was alright with her."They knew no shame and no limit﹣and didn't care whether it was a picture of me sitting on the toilet or lying naked in my bed﹣every stage was photographed and then made public, "the girl said.     The girl added that she was only able to see the photos posted on Facebook by her parents when she was 14, after setting up her own account on it.Again and again, Anna asked her parents to remove the photos of her immediately, but they refused.Angry and upset, she felt that she had no other way but to take them to court, which she did as soon as she turned 18, this year."I'm tired of not being taken seriously by my parents, "she said.     Anna's lawyer claims they have a good chance of winning the case in court, if it can be proven that the images have violated her rights to a personal life.But, based on similar cases and according to Austrian privacy laws, if the parents lose, they may be forced to pay their daughter a fine of € 3, 000 to €10, 000.     But Anna's parents, however, see nothing wrong with posting baby photos of her."I consider it my right to publish these photos, "her father said."We have posted no more photos of our daughter since she stopped allowing us to photograph her.We also have baby photos of her that can only be seen by a limited group of 700 Facebook friends."     It's reported that Anna has moved out of her parents' home and is living with some girl Mends in a rented apartment. ‎ ‎(1)Which of the following is true according to the passage?________‎ A.Anna started to ask her parents to remove 500 photos at 11.‎ B.Around 700 of her parents'Facebook friends shared the pictures.‎ C.Alma's parents felt shameless for what they had done on Facebook.‎ D.Anna's parents started to post her pictures on Facebook when she was 14..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(2)What made Anna decide to take her parents to court?________‎ A.The pictures of her sitting on the toilet.‎ B.Her parents' attitude towards her request.‎ C.The hate for her parents since early childhood.‎ D.The comments﹣of her parents' Facebook friends..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(3)If Anna's lose in the case,they will have to pay a fine of at least________.‎ A.€ 3000 B.€ 4000 C.€ 8000 D.€ 1 0000.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(4)What can we infer from the passage?________‎ A.The girl will surely win the case in court.‎ B.The girl and her parents have made peace.‎ C.The girl has a tense relationship with her parents.‎ D.The author supports the girl accusing her parents.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎4.     Inside a secured room in a beautiful castle near Paris,  a small metal cylinder (圆柱体) rests on a shelf beneath a double set of bell jars. It has lain there for more than a century,  its rest only occasionally disturbed when the room's three key holders perform a coordinated opening ceremony to let technicians enter and clean this precious piece of metal.     First,  the cylinder is rubbed with a piece of soft,  alcohol﹣soaked cloth. Then it is steamed with pure water. Finally,  the 1kg cylinder is returned,  carefully,  to its resting place.     Such attention to a lump of metal is unusual,  but has a purpose. The castle houses the International Bureau of Weights and Measures and that piece of shining,  circular metal is its holiest relic. It is the defining mass (质量) against which all other kilograms are measured. This is the international prototype,  or standard,  of the kilogram. The IPK,  in short.     Dozens of carefully weighted copies of the original have been made. They are stored around the world and used to standardize individual nations' weights and measures systems.     But the days of the IPK,  in its current form,  are numbered. The International Bureau of Weights and Measures has decided to replace this single physical specimen with a more fundamental measurement ﹣ based on electric current ﹣ in order to define the mass of an object. The king of kilograms is about to be ________.     "One key reason for doing this work is to provide international security, " says Bureau spokesman Paul Robinson. "If the castle burned down tomorrow and the kilogram was destroyed,  we would have no reference left for the world's metric weights system. There would be chaos. The current definition of the kilogram is the weight of that cylinder in Paris,  after all."     Another major motivation for the replacement of the IPK is the growing need to be able to carry out more and more precise measurements. "Drug companies will soon be wanting to use ingredients that will have to be measured in terms of a few millionths or even billionths of a gram, " says Robinson. "We need to be prepared to weigh substances with that kind of accuracy." ‎ ‎(1)What do we know about the IPK from the first two paragraphs?________‎ A. It's the most valuable metal in the world.‎ B. It's cared for with great devotion.‎ C. It's used in religious ceremonies.‎ D. It's beautifully designed and decorated..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(2)Which of the following best explains "dethroned" underlined in paragraph 5?________‎ A. rebuilt B. destroyed C. upgraded D. removed.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(3)What is a reason for replacing the current IPK?________‎ A. To satisfy the increasing demand for exactness.‎ B. To protect the metal cylinder from damage.‎ C. To make taking measurements more economical.‎ 第17页 共18页 ◎ 第18页 共18页 D. To provide all countries with the same standard..‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(4)What can be a suitable title for the text?________‎ A. No more kilos B. A heavy technology C. The future of the kilo D. The history of measures. ‎ 第二节(满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ We know that choosing a college major can be very hard. But have no fear! Your choice of major will not lock you into a specific career for the rest of your life. Here's what you need to know about college majors before you commit. What is a major? (1)_______ Beyond general college requirements, you'll also take a group of courses in a subject of your choosing such as Chemistry, Literature, or Political Science. How important is my major? The major you choose will neither predict nor guarantee your future. Many graduates find jobs that have nothing to do with what they studied in college. If you intend to earn a professional degree after college, you will probably need certain courses.(2)_______ When do I declare a major? This varies widely across schools and programs.(3)_______Others require that you declare upon a major by the time that you set foot inside your first class. (4)_______ Definitely. One of the most exciting aspects of college life is that it introduces you to new subjects and arouses new passions. However, keep this in mind: every major has necessary course work. If you change your major late in the game, it may take more than the traditional four years to earn a degree. What are minors and double majors? If one field of study doesn't satisfy your intellectual appetite, consider a minor. A minor is similar to a major in that it's an area of academic concentration.(5)_______A double major provides you with an understanding of two academic fields. It allows you to become familiar with two sets of values and views while it also requires you to fulfill two sets of requirements. A.Can I change my mind? B.Is my major time﹣consuming? C.It's your specialized area of study in college. D.Most students find one major is more than enough. E.Some schools may give you one year or more to decide. F.But many future doctors major in non﹣science related fields. G.The only difference is that it doesn't require as many classes. ‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节)第一节完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎     Years after graduation,  I tried to maintain the little bit of French I learned in school,  but eventually I was(1)_______that new languages are best learned when young and our ability to learn (2)_______with age.     However,  before my 50th birthday,  I signed up for French classes and was (3)_______in the class for basic level. Contrary to my(4)_______that learning a new language was tough,  I was (5)_______ by the number of students learning French as a third,  or even fourth language when I first (6)_______my class.     Still,  I found it was really(7)_______that certain linguistic(语言学的)abilities decline with age.(8)_______I'd always regarded myself as a quick learner,  that was no longer the (9)_______.     I absorbed new vocabulary very (10)_______. What I learned one week before seemed to(11)_______away as soon as I learned the next skill. I(12)_______the same words and language structures in the dictionary again and again.     Despite the (13)_______,  I make it and can listen to the news in French and catch 90 percent of it on the first(14)_______. I can catch up a conversation that doesn't go too fast.     Who knows what I might still(15)_______?  I've learned so much beyond grammar and vocabulary. I meet people from around the world and all walks of lifewho have the (16)_______to make fools of themselves to learn something new. I've been taught by inspirational teachers from many corners of the world.     Listening to the news as it is (17)_______to the people of France,  I have a newer understanding of how something can look(18)_______different from another perspective. I've learned a language is not just a set of (19)_______,  but a way of thinking. But above all,  I've learned it is never too (20)_______ to learn something. ‎ ‎(1)‎ A.afraid B.aware C.annoyed D.amazed ‎ ‎ ‎(2)‎ A.declines B.improves C.disappears D.expands ‎ ‎ ‎(3)‎ A.invited B.praised C.placed D.appointed ‎ ‎ ‎(4)‎ A.doubt B.thought C.demand D.experience ‎ ‎ ‎(5)‎ A.inspired B.attracted C.frightened D.surprised ‎ ‎ ‎(6)‎ A.enjoyed B.left C.missed D.attended ‎ ‎ ‎(7)‎ 第17页 共18页 ◎ 第18页 共18页 A.true B.easy C.impossible D.reasonable ‎ ‎ ‎(8)‎ A.If B.As C.While D.When ‎ ‎ ‎(9)‎ A.reason B.choice C.challenge D.case ‎ ‎ ‎(10)‎ A.deliberately B.slowly C.quickly D.unwillingly ‎ ‎ ‎(11)‎ A.slip B.took C.put D.melt ‎ ‎ ‎(12)‎ A.turned to B.referred to C.took up D.looked up ‎ ‎ ‎(13)‎ A.failure B.effort C.difficulty D.progress ‎ ‎ ‎(14)‎ A.try B.point C.term D.glance ‎ ‎ ‎(15)‎ A.need B.wonder C.lose D.accomplish ‎ ‎ ‎(16)‎ A.patience B.choice C.courage D.right ‎ ‎ ‎(17)‎ A.found B.chosen C.presented D.understood ‎ ‎ ‎(18)‎ A.slightly B.completely C.hardly D.merely ‎ ‎ ‎(19)‎ A.words B.sentences C.principles D.concepts ‎ ‎ ‎(20)‎ A.weak B.late C.busy D.awkward 第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ The development of the Internet has made it possible (1)________(purchase)clothes online.The websites offer varieties of dresses for us to suit all the occasions.Dresses(2)________(arrange)neatly according to the category, (3)________ would make your selection easier.Apart (4)________ the category,the sorting of the dresses can be by price,model or the date (5)________(add)to the website.When you click on a particular dress,there also would be (6)________ option to view the dress in various angles. The(7)________(1ate)section of these websites would feature the new arrivals on display.(8)________ (visit)this section would keep you updated about the fashion.For a particular dress,information such as the material,(9)________ (comment)about the style or the price of the dress is clearly mentioned. You can also be a VIP to these websites to (10)________ (regular)enjoy discounts.In case you are looking at a bulk(批量)purchase,these websites also offer wholesale dresses at great prices. ‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节)第一节短文改错(满分10分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共有10处语言错误,每旬中最多有两处.错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词. 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉. 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词. 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分. I had been dreaming of get my law degree from the London School of Economics.So,I move to London from my home in India.I was excited to live in London because I had heard such many good things about it.Just like as me,people from all over the world were coming to London to study and work.Similar to many other student,I had to get a job while I was in school so that I could pay for my books.I ended up work at McDonalds,which I met some customers who didn't like Indians and treated me bad.So when I finally became lawyer,I chose to help immigrants with his problems. ‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 假定你是学校广播站记者李华,打算本周五下午3点与外教Mr.Brown在他办公室录制一期访谈节目,交流如何选择阅读材料来促进英语学习.请给外教写一封电子邮件,确认他能否接受访谈并说明相关事项. 注意: 1.词数100左右; ‎ 第17页 共18页 ◎ 第18页 共18页 ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯. ‎ 第17页 共18页 ◎ 第18页 共18页 参考答案与试题解析 ‎2019-2020学年山东省济南市章丘五中高三(上)入学英语试卷 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节)第一节(满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.‎ ‎1.‎ ‎【答案】‎ A B D ‎【考点】‎ 广告布告类阅读 说明文阅读 ‎【解析】‎ 本文主要讲述丹麦的生活方式概念为许多人提供了许多难以形容的舒适感.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)A.细节题. 根据文章第二段The baby sitting service also available.可知婴儿托管服务也可提供.故选A.‎ ‎(2)B.细节题. 根据文章第四 段This Oxfordshire countryside members﹣only club offers up a British version of hygge. 可知这家牛津郡乡村会员专用俱乐部提供英国版的舒服方式.这是Soho农舍的独特方式,故选B.‎ ‎(3)D.细节题. 根据文章每段的Get more information here 可知在这里获取更多信息,说明这篇文章应该来自网站,故选D.‎ ‎2.‎ ‎【答案】‎ B A C D ‎【考点】‎ 人物故事 故事类阅读 记叙文阅读 ‎【解析】‎ ‎75岁的摇滚乐传奇人物,Bob Dylan获得了2016年诺贝尔文学奖,他诗一样的歌词寓意深刻,激动人心,真正赋予了音乐以灵魂.Boh Dylan直接影响了一大批同时代和后来的音乐人.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)B.细节理解题.第一段⋅⋅⋅new poetic expressions⋅⋅⋅a great poet⋅⋅⋅迪伦颁奖理由是在伟大的美国歌曲传统内创造了新的诗歌表达.故选B.‎ ‎(2)A.细节理解题.第二段最后一句"Like a Rolling Stone⋅⋅⋅ enlarged the range of popular music."Bob Dylan 1965年录制的Like a Rolling Stone扩大了流行音乐的范围.故选A.‎ ‎(3)C.词义猜测题.根据上下文意可知:鲍勃•迪伦的歌词涉猎面广,具有政治、社会和文学特征,充满了哲理性.由此可推断出该词的含义.故选C.‎ ‎(4)D.细节理解题.根据第三段最后一句His accomplishments as a recording artist and performer have been central to his career, but songwriting is considered his greatest contribution.可得出答案.在他的职业生涯成就中,舞台演出是核心,但是歌曲创作占最大的分量.故选D.‎ ‎3.‎ ‎【答案】‎ A B A C ‎【考点】‎ 日常生活类阅读 记叙文阅读 ‎【解析】‎ 文章谈到一个18岁女孩因为父母将她的幼年隐私照片上传朋友圈而引起矛盾,进而引发诉讼的故事.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1) A.细节理解题. 根据文章第二段She told the magazine that evil though she was 11 years old when her parents started sharing her photos with several hundreds of Facebook friends,当她的父母开始和数百个Facebook好友分享她的照片时,她告诉杂志尽管她只有11岁,可知安娜11岁时开始要求父母删除500张照片.正确选项为A.‎ ‎(2) B. 细节理解题.根据第三段Again and again,Anna asked her parents to remove the photos of her immediately,but they refused.Angry and upset,she felt that she had no other way but to take them to court,which she did as soon as she turned 18,this year. 从14岁起,Anna就发现了父母往脸书上传她的照片,因此她要求父母删除,但父母始终对她的要求置之不理,以至于她忍无可忍决定诉诸法律.可知她的父母对她的要求的态度让安娜决定把她的父母送上法庭,正确答案为B.‎ ‎(3) A.细节理解题. 文章第四段But,based on similar cases and according to Austrian privacy laws,if the parents lose,they may be forced to pay their daughter a fine of € 3,000 to €10,000.提到,假如他父母败诉,将受到3000至10000欧元的罚款,因此"至少"(at least)3000欧元.因此正确答案为A.‎ ‎(4)C.推理判断题. 根据最后一段 It's reported that Anna has moved out of her parents' home and is living with some girl Mends in a rented apartment;可知就目前尚未开庭的情况看,Anna已经从家里搬出来和朋友租房子住,因此她和父母之间关系紧张,因此选C.‎ ‎4.‎ ‎【答案】‎ A B A C ‎【考点】‎ 说明文阅读 科教类阅读 第17页 共18页 ◎ 第18页 共18页 ‎【解析】‎ 本文属于说明文,介绍国际公斤原器以及将要被电子类型替代.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1).A.推理判断题.根据第一段It has lain there for more than a century, its rest only occasionally disturbed when theroom's three key holders perform a coordinated opening ceremony to let technicians enter and clean this precious piece of metal.可知,圆柱体被放置在那里差不多一个世纪了,只有当举行开幕式需要技术人员进入清扫的时候,才受到影响,可知这个圆柱体受到极大的保护,故选A.‎ ‎(2).B.词义猜测题.根据第五段The International Bureau of Weights and Measures has decided to replace this singlephysical specimen with a more fundamental measurement一based on electric current ﹣ in order to define the mass of an object.可知,国际度量衡局决定将用一个更基础的测量方式来替代这个单一的物理模型,新的测量方式以电流为基础,这可以更好定义一个物体的质量,因而可知,这个仪器将要退役,故选B.‎ ‎(3).A.细节理解题.根据最后一段Another major motivation for the replacement of the IPK is the growing need to be ableto carry out more and more precise measurements.可知,替换现有的IPK是因为越来越精确测量的需求,故选A.‎ ‎(4).C.主旨大意题.本文主要讲述现有的IPK将要被新的模型替代,以及替代的原因,故选C.‎ 第二节(满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.‎ ‎【答案】‎ C,F,E,A,G ‎【考点】‎ 说明文七选五 ‎【解析】‎ 我们知道选择一个大学专业是非常困难的.你可以选择基于以下任何一个因素做出决定,例如梦想中的工作,要有雄心壮志以及喜欢你所学的东西等等.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)C.推理判断题.句意:这是你在大学学习的专业领域.根据上文What is a major?可知,什么是专业?故选C. (2)F.推理判断题.句意:但许多未来的医生主修非科学相关领域.根据上文If you intend to earn a professional degree after college, you will probably need certain courses.可知,如果您打算在大学毕业后获得专业学位,您可能需要某些课程.故选F. (3)E.推理判断题.句意:有些学校可能会给你一年或一年以上的时间来决定.根据下文Others require that you declare upon a major by the time that you set foot inside your first class.可知,其他人则要求您在进入学校时申请专业.故选E. (4)A.推理判断题.句意:我可以改变主意吗?根据下文 Definitely. One of the most exciting aspects of college life is that it introduces you to new subjects and arouses new passions.可知,当然. 大学生活中最激动人心的一个方面是它向你介绍新的主题并唤起新的激情.故选A. (5)G.推理判断题.句意:唯一的区别是它不需要那么多的课程.根据上文A minor is similar to a major in that it's an area of academic concentration.可知,辅修类似于专业,因为它是学术专注的领域.故选G.‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节)第一节完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.‎ ‎【答案】‎ B A C B D D A C D B A D C A D C C B A B ‎【考点】‎ 阅读理解综合 说明文语法填空 完形综合 ‎【解析】‎ 本文是一篇记叙文.文章讲述了作者自己学习法语的经历,并建议读者鼓起勇气学习新事物.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎(1)B.考查形容词辨析.根据下文"new languages are best learned when young"可知,我意识到年轻时是学习语言的最好时机.aware意为"意识到的",符合语境.故选B.‎ ‎(2)A.考查动词辨析.根据下文"certain linguistic abilities decline with age"可知,我们学习的能力会随着年龄衰退.decline意为"衰退",符合语境.故选A.‎ ‎(3)C.考查动词辨析.根据上文"in the class for basic level"可知,我被安排在基础班.placed意为"安排",符合语境.故选C.‎ ‎(4)B.考查名词辨析.根据上文"I was aware that new language …"可知,我曾认为学新语言很难,但现实与我的想法相反.thought意为"想法",符合语境.故选B.‎ ‎(5)D.考查动词辨析.根据下文"the number of students learning French as a third …"可知,将法语作为第三甚至是第四外语学习的人数让我震惊.surprised意为"使震惊",符合语境.故选D.‎ ‎(6)D.考查动词辨析.根据上文"the number of students learning French as a third 第17页 共18页 ◎ 第18页 共18页 ‎ …"可知,当我第一次去上课的时候.attended意为"参加",符合语境.故选D.‎ ‎(7)A.考查形容词辨析.根据下文"certain linguistic abilities decline with age"可知,我发现某些语言能力真的会随着年龄衰退.true意为"真的",符合语境.故选A.‎ ‎(8)C.考查连词辨析.根据下文"that was no longer…"可知,虽然我觉得自己学得很快,但事情已经不是那样了.While意为"虽然",符合语境.故选C.‎ ‎(9)D.考查名词辨析.根据上文"I'd always regarded myself as a quick learner"可知,虽然我觉得自己学得很快,但事情已经不是那样了.case意为"事情",符合语境.故选D.‎ ‎(10)B.考查副词辨析.根据上文"certain linguistic abilities decline with age"可知,我学习新单词很慢.slowly意为"缓慢地",符合语境.故选B.‎ ‎(11)A.考查动词辨析.根据下文"away as soon as I learned the next skill"可知,我一周前学的东西好像会在我学习下个技能时立刻溜走.slip意为"溜走",符合语境.故选A.‎ ‎(12)D.考查动词词组辨析.根据下文"the same words and language structures in the dictionary"可知,我一次次在字典里查询同样的词和语言结构.looked up意为"查询",符合语境.故选D.‎ ‎(13)C.考查名词辨析.根据上文"I absorbed new vocabulary very slowly"可知,尽管面对着困难,但我还是设法学习、并能第一次就听出法语新闻里90%的内容.difficulty意为"困难",符合语境.故选C.‎ ‎(14)A.考查名词辨析.根据上文"catch 90 percent of it"可知,尽管面对着困难,但我还是设法学习、并能第一次就听出法语新闻里90%的内容.try意为"尝试",符合语境.故选A.‎ ‎(15)D.考查动词辨析.根据下文"I've learned so much beyond grammar and vocabulary"可知,谁知道我还能达成什么目标呢.accomplish意为"达成",符合语境.故选D.‎ ‎(16)C.考查名词辨析.根据下文"inspirational teachers from many corners of the world"可知,我见到了世界各地、各行各业的人,他们有勇气学习新的东西.courage意为"勇气",符合语境.故选C.‎ ‎(17)C.考查动词辨析.根据下文"the people of France"可知,听面向法国人的新闻给了我对于不同视角的新的认识.presented意为"展示",符合语境.故选C.‎ ‎(18)B.考查副词辨析.根据下文"different from another perspective"可知,不同视角看见的事情可能完全不同.意completely为"完全地",符合语境.故选B.‎ ‎(19)A.考查名词辨析.根据上文"I've learned a language …"可知,我明白了语言不仅仅是一套单词,更是一种思考方式.words意为"单词",符合语境.故选A.‎ ‎(20)B.考查形容词辨析.根据上文"I've learned it is never too"可知,最重要的是,我明白了想要学习永远不会太迟.late意为"迟的",符合语境.故选B.‎ 第二节(每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式.‎ ‎【答案】‎ to purchase,are arranged,which,from,added,an,latest,Visiting,comments,regularly ‎【考点】‎ 说明文语法填空 ‎【解析】‎ 文章讲述了网上购买服装的发展,购买形式以及优势等等.‎ ‎【解答】‎ ‎1. to purchase.考查不定式,it做形式宾语,真正的宾语是to do不定式,故填to purchase. 2. are arranged.考查被动,主语是名词复数,被整齐地安排,结合上下文使用一般现在时,故填are arranged. 3. which.考查连词,引导非限定性定语从句,指代前面的事情,在定语从句中做主语,故填which. 4. from.考查介词,apart from:除…之外,故填from. 5. added.考查非谓语,add与date是动宾关系,使用过去分词做后置定语,故填added. 6. an.考查冠词,表示泛指,option是元音发音开头,故填an. 7. 1atest.考查最高级,最新的部分,故填latest. 8. Visiting.考查非谓语,访问这一部分,动名词做主语,故填visiting. 9. comments.考查名词,关于款式的评论,不止一个,故填comments. 10. regularly.考查副词,修饰动词enjoy,故填regularly.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节)第一节短文改错(满分10分)‎ ‎【答案】‎ I had been dreaming of get my law degree from the London School of Economics.So,I move to London from my home in India.I was excited to live in London because I had heard such many good things about it.Just like as me,people from all over the world were coming to London to study and work.Similar to many other student,I had to get a job while I was in school so that I could pay for my books.I ended up work at McDonalds,which I met some customers who didn't like Indians and treated me bad.So when I finally became∧ lawyer,I chose to help immigrants with his problems. 详1. get改为 getting,考查动名词,介词后跟动名词. 2. move改为 moved,考查时态,描述过去的事情,所以用一般过去时态. 3. such 改为 so,考查固定搭配,so many很多,后跟复数名词. 4. as 去掉,考查固定搭配,like"像",为介词,后跟名词,as多余. 5. student改为 students,考查名词的数,student为可数名词,前面有many,所以用复数名词. 6. work改为working,考查固定搭配,end up doing最终做某事. 7. which改为 where,考查定语从句,先行词为地点名词,在非限制性定语从句中作地点状语,所以用where引导. 8. bad改为 badly ,考查副词,修饰动词,所以用副词. 9. became 后加a,考查冠词,泛指一个,所以用不定冠词. 10. his改为 their,考查形容词性物主代词,指代immigrants,所以用their放在名词前面.‎ ‎【考点】‎ 记叙文短文改错 ‎【解析】‎ 我一直梦想着从伦敦经济学院获得法学学位.所以,我从印度的家搬到伦敦.我很高兴住在伦敦,因为我听到了很多关于伦敦的好消息.就像我一样,世界各地的人都来伦敦学习和工作..和其他许多学生一样,我在学校时也得找份工作,这样才能付学费.最后我在麦当劳工作,遇到了一些不喜欢印第安人、对我不好的顾客.所以当我最终成为律师时,我选择帮助移民解决他的问题.‎ ‎【解答】‎ I had been dreaming of get my law degree from the London School of Economics.So,I move to London from my home in India.I was excited to live in London because I had heard such many good things about it.Just like as me,people from all over the world were coming to London to study and work.Similar to many other student,I had to get a job while I was in school so that I could pay for my books.I ended up work at McDonalds,which I met some customers who didn't like Indians and treated me bad.So when I finally became∧ lawyer,I chose to help immigrants with his problems. 详1. get改为 getting,考查动名词,介词后跟动名词. 2. move改为 moved,考查时态,描述过去的事情,所以用一般过去时态. ‎ 第17页 共18页 ◎ 第18页 共18页 ‎3. such 改为 so,考查固定搭配,so many很多,后跟复数名词. 4. as 去掉,考查固定搭配,like"像",为介词,后跟名词,as多余. 5. student改为 students,考查名词的数,student为可数名词,前面有many,所以用复数名词. 6. work改为working,考查固定搭配,end up doing最终做某事. 7. which改为 where,考查定语从句,先行词为地点名词,在非限制性定语从句中作地点状语,所以用where引导. 8. bad改为 badly ,考查副词,修饰动词,所以用副词. 9. became 后加a,考查冠词,泛指一个,所以用不定冠词. 10. his改为 their,考查形容词性物主代词,指代immigrants,所以用their放在名词前面.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ ‎【答案】‎ Dear Mr. Brown, How is everything going? I'm a reporter for our school radio station. I'm writing to know whether you'll have time to accept my interview at 3:00 on Friday afternoon in your office.【高分句型一】 During the interview, I mainly want to listen to your opinion about how we students should select kinds of reading materials to improve our English learning. I'd appreciate it if you could accept my interview.【高分句型二】 Don't hesitate to contact with me any time if you have some suggestions about the interview. I am looking forward to your coming.(感谢和期盼) Best wishes! Yours, Lihua ‎【考点】‎ 提纲类 ‎【解析】‎ 高分句型一: I'm writing to know whether you'll have time to accept my interview at 3:00 on Friday afternoon in your office. 译文:我写信是想知道你是否有时间接受我周五下午3点在你办公室的面试. 分析:whether引导宾语从句. 高分句型二: I'd appreciate it if you could accept my interview. 译文:如果你能接受我的采访,我将不胜感激. 分析:这句话使用it作形式宾语,if引导真正的宾语从句.‎ ‎【解答】‎ Dear Mr. Brown, How is everything going? I'm a reporter for our school radio station. I'm writing to know whether you'll have time to accept my interview at 3:00 on Friday afternoon in your office.【高分句型一】 During the interview, I mainly want to listen to your opinion about how we students should select kinds of reading materials to improve our English learning. I'd appreciate it if you could accept my interview.【高分句型二】 Don't hesitate to contact with me any time if you have some suggestions about the interview. I am looking forward to your coming.(感谢和期盼) Best wishes! Yours, Lihua 第17页 共18页 ◎ 第18页 共18页

