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‎【助力2019】高考英语任务型阅读专项特训(5)‎ ‎ (1) ‎ ‎ Zebras have their own bug repellent(驱虫剂)?‎ ‎ Eww bugs! They are so annoying! We humans are lucky that we can apply repellents to avoid nasty bites. But what’s an animal to do? They have no choice but to spend their days shooing them off with their tails, unless, of course, they are zebras, who apparently have their own automatic repellent--- their striped skin!‎ Scientists had originally thought that the reason why the animal had developed the black and white lines was to help protect itself from predators in the African savannah, because the stripes make it difficult to single out one zebra that is traveling with a herd.While that may be true, the theory has never been tested or proven. Now the experts have another---that the stripes have evolved to repel the annoying horse flies that not only feed off their blood, but also, transmit dangerous germs into the bodies of these innocent animals.‎ The study was performed by a team of Swedish scientists. One of the clues that got them thinking along these lines was the fact that darker horses got bitten more often than light-colored or white ones.‎ The fact that zebras are born black and only develop strips as they grow older made the scientists theorize that the stripes may be something the animals have developed to make themselves less attractive to flies.‎ To test if this may be the case, they painted some boards at a horse-infested horse farm in Budapest with pattens of black and white stripes of varying widths and applied a layer of glue on them. What they noticed was that the places where the black and white stripes were at their narrowest (similar to what zebras have) attracted the fewest flies. They achieved similar results when they painted horses with black and white zebra-like stripes.‎ While the research are not sure why this may be the case, they believe it may be something to do with the way insects operate---horseflies are attracted to horizontally polarized light(偏振光); since white does not reflect it, white horses are luckier than black ones. But zebras seem to be the luckiest of all. When the researchers measured the polarized light reflected from real zebra skins, they found that it matched light pattens that were the least attractive to horseflies.‎ While this theory does make logical sense, nobody is 100 percent sure that it is really true, given that it has never been tested on a real zebra. If it is true, it does raise the question of why a horse, a close relative of the zebra has failed to develop stripes. The researchers believe that this could be because there are more horseflies in Africa, where zebras reside, then anywhere else in the world.‎ ‎ Title ‎ Zebras have their own bug repellent?‎ Reasons for zebras developing their strips Original belief[来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K][来源:1][来源:Z,xx,k.Com]‎ With the black and white lines, one zebra is difficult to single out while traveling with a herd, thus ___1___ it from its enemies.[来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K][来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K]‎ New theory Zebras, residing in Africa where there are most horseflies in the world ,have developed strips to avoid being___2____ .‎ Researchers A team of scientists from ___3____‎ A study ‎____4____‎ To test if strips are developed to make zebras less attractive to flies.‎ Clues ‎*White or light-colored horses are less __5___ to get bitten than dark ones.‎ ‎*Zebras develop strips as they grow older though born black .‎ Method ‎*Some boards at a horse farm are painted with pattens of black and white stripes ___6___ wide, a layer of glue applied on them ‎*Measured the polarized light reflected from real zebra skins ‎_____7____‎ ‎*The places where the black and white stripes were similar to the ___8___zebras have attracted the fewest flies ‎*Strips of zebras matched light pattens that were the least attractive to horseflies Principle of zebras’ black and white strips repelling the flies Horizontally polarized light, which white does not reflect, ____9___ to horseflies.‎ Conclusion ‎____10___tested on real zebras, the theory isn’t definitely true.‎ Possible answers:‎ 1. protecting 2. attacked 3.Sweden 4.Purpose 5.likely l variously 7.Findings 8.ones 9.appeals 10.Unless ‎ (2)‎ The new year's just begun and already you're finding it hard to keep those resolutions to junk the junk food, get off the couch or kick smoking. There's a biological reason a lot of our bad habits are so hard to break – they get deep-rooted in our brains.‎ That's not an excuse to give up. Understanding how unhealthy behaviors become deep-rooted has scientists learning some tricks that may help good habits replace the bad. "Why are bad habits stronger? You're fighting against the power of an immediate reward, We all as creatures are hard-wired that way, to give greater value to an immediate reward than something that’s delayed. " says Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse.‎ Just how that bit of happiness turns into a habit involves a pleasure-sensing chemical named dopamine(多巴胺). It conditions the brain to want that reward again and again – increasing the connection each time – especially when it gets the right cue(暗示) from your environment.‎ People tend to overestimate their ability to resist temptations around them, thus destroying attempts to get rid of bad habits, Even scientists who recognize it find it hard to resist. "I don't like popcorn. But every time I go to the cinema, I have to eat it," Volkow says. "It's fascinating."‎ A movement to pay people for behavior changes may exploit that connection, as some companies offer employees outright payments or insurance rebates for adopting better habits.However paying for behavior plays out, researchers say there are some steps that may help counter your brain's hold on bad habits :repeat, repeat, repeat the new behavior – the same routine at the same time of day. Determined to exercise? Doing it at the same time of the morning, rather than fitting it in haphazardly, makes the brain recognize the habit so eventually. If you don't do it, you feel awful, Exercise itself raises dopamine levels, so eventually your brain will get a feel-good hit even if your muscles protest. Reward yourself with something you really desire, Volkow stresses. You exercised all week? Stuck to your diet? Buy a book, a great pair of jeans, or try a fancy restaurant - safer perhaps than a box of cookies because the price inhibits the quantity.‎ ‎ Topic ‎____1___speaking, bad habits are hard to break as they are rooted deeply in our brains.‎ How unhealthy All creatures ,including humans,have a ___2____ for an immediate reward rather than what is delayed.‎ ‎ behaviors become deep-rooted Dopamine conditions the brain to want that reward ____3____, turning that bit of happiness into a habit.‎ People are usually unlikely to be ___4____ to temptations, thus failing to get rid of bad habits.‎ How is the connection taken ____5_____of The knowledge motivates scientists to create some tricks getting bad habits to make ___6____ for the good ones.‎ A movement ‎ Companies reward employees for ____7___up better habits ‎ Steps to help ____8____bad habits ‎*Repeat the new behaviour at a ___9___ time daily ,making the brain recognize the habit eventually.‎ ‎*Reward yourself with what you are really __10___ for Possible answers:‎ 1. Biologically 2.preference 3.repeatedly 4.resistant 5. advantage ‎ ‎6. way 7.picking 8.kick/break/drop 9. fixed 10.desperate/eager/dying ‎ ‎  (3)‎ An Event of Imagination The year is 2094. It has been announced that a comet is heading towards the Earth. Most of it will miss our planet, but two pieces will probably hit the southern half of the Earth.‎ On 17 July, a piece four kilometers wide enters the Earth's atmosphere with a massive explosion. About half of the piece is destroyed, but the remaining part hits the South Atlantic at 200 times the speed of sound. The sea boils and a huge hole is made in the seabed. Huge waves are created and spread outwards from the hole. The wall of water, a kilometer high, rushes towards southern Africa at 800 kilometers an hour. Cities on the African coast are totally destroyed and millions of people are drowned.Before the waves reach South America, the second piece of the comet lands in Argentina. ‎ Earthquakes and volcanoes are set off in the Andes‎ ‎Mountains. The shock waves move north into California and all around the Pacific Ocean. The cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Tokyo are completely destroyed by earthquakes. Millions of people in the southern half of the earth are already dead, but the north won't escape for long. Because of the explosions, the sun is hidden by clouds of dust, and temperature around the world falls to almost zero. Crops are ruined. The sun won't be seen again for many years. Wars break out as countries fight for food. A year later, no more than 10 million remain alive.‎ Could it really happen? In fact, it has already happened more than once in the history of the Earth. The dinosaurs (恐龙) were on the Earth for over 160 million years. Then 65 million years ‎ ago they suddenly disappeared. Many scientists believe that the Earth was hit by a piece of object in space. The dinosaurs couldn't live through the cold climate that followed and they died out. Will we meet the same end?‎ 请根据以上文章,完成下列表格:‎ ‎____1_____‎ Results The remaining part hits the South Atlantic 200 times as__2___ as sound.‎ The sea boils and a huge hole is made in the seabed, from __3____ huge waves are created and spread outwards,.A tsunami(海啸) hits southern Africa,cities on the African cities ___4___ and millions of people__5____.‎ ‎ One piece of comet four kilometers in __6__enters the Earth's atmosphere, __7___in a massive explosion. ‎ Clouds of dust ___8___ the sun and the temperature falls to almost zero, ___9__crops. Wars break out for food and only 10 million people remain. The dinosaurs couldn't live through the__10____ cold climate and they died out. ‎ ‎1. Reasons 2. fast 3. which 4. destroyed 5.drowned ‎6. width 7.resulting 8. hide 9. ruining 10.following ‎(4)‎ Events such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and tornadoes are all natural disasters. They are mostly related to the weather. Some are predictable ----like a hurricane. Some, like an earthquake, surprise us. It is necessary for us to learn about them, so we can be prepared! ‎ Flooding happens during heavy rains, when rivers overflow, when ocean waves come onshore, when snow melts too fast or when dams or banks break. Flooding is the most common of all natural disasters. ‎ Hurricanes are severe tropical storms that form in the southern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and in the Pacific Ocean. Hurricanes gather heat and energy through contact with warm ocean waters. Evaporation from the seawater increases their power.‎ Hurricanes have winds at least 74 miles per hour. When they come onto land, the heavy rain, strong winds and heavy waves can damage buildings, trees and cars. ‎ Tornadoes are nature’s most violent storms. Tornadoes must always be taken seriously. Tornadoes can be very dangerous ---- sometimes even deadly. They come from powerful thunderstorms and appear as moving. Tornado winds can reach 300 miles per hour. They cause damage when they land the ground. ‎ They can damage an area one mile wide and 50 miles long. ‎ While thunder won't hurt you ----lightning will! So it's important to pay attention when you hear thunder. Thunderstorms happen mostly in summer and every thunderstorm has lightning. Lightning can strike people and buildings, which is very dangerous. ‎ Thunderstorms affect small areas when compared with hurricanes and winter storms. The typical thunderstorm is 15 miles in diameter and lasts an average of 30 minutes. ‎ A volcano is a mountain with a large opening at the top through which melting rock, steam, gases escape from time to time with violent force from inside the earth. When pressure increases, eruptions occur. Gases and rock shoot up through the opening fill the air with small pieces. Eruptions can cause lava flows, hot ash flows, mudslides, falling ash and floods, which is likely to knock down entire forests, cause floods and earthquakes. Fresh volcanic ash can cause damage to the lungs of older people, babies and people with respiratory problems.‎ Terrible Natural Disasters ‎1. Natural disasters Reasons Basic____1_______‎ Possible damage to Flooding Heavy rains The most ____2___‎ Ocean waves Snow melts Dams or banks breaks Hurricanes Hurricanes gather heat and energy in _3__ with warm ocean waters. ‎ ‎_____5_____from the sea water increases their power.‎ Heavy rain Buildings Strong wind not___4____than 74 miles per hour trees and cars Heavy waves Tornadoes Wind 300 miles per hour an area of 50 _____6____miles .‎ Dangerous,‎ even deadly Thunder ‎ Thunderstorms Lightning ‎ People and buildings Small areas in _7__with hurricanes and winter storms.‎ ‎. _____8_____eruptions Pressure inside Earth Gases and rock shoot up ‎ ___9____ are entire forests are knocked down.‎ Cause floods and earthquakes The people’s__10___‎ ‎1.features 2.common 3. connection 4. less 5. Evaporation ‎ 6.square 7.comparison 8. Volcanic 9. Chances 10.health ‎ ‎ (5)‎ Many Americans concerned about air pollution are demanding cleaner and cheaper supplies of energy. The demand has resulted in increased research about ethanol fuel. Ethanol is an alcohol that can be mixed with gas. It burns up most of the pollutants in gas. It replaced some of the chemicals that are known to cause cancer.‎ ‎ Some experts say that in the future ethanol will replace some of the oil imported into America. Today ethanol is less than one percent of the total American fuel supply. The head of the National Corn Growers Association, Kieve Hars, says ethanol will provide twenty five percent of the fuel supply by 2019. The organization is involved in the production of ethanol because it can be made form corn.‎ ‎ One company in American Midwest says it is starting to produce ethanol because of demands form people and from the government. The Congress approved the Clean Air Act in 1990. The company says this means the market for ethanol will expand. The company is a major producer of corn starch (淀粉) that can be used to make ethanol.‎ ‎ At Texas‎ ‎University, Professor Mark Holzapple produces ethanol from materials found in solid waste. He has developed a way to turn materials like paper into simple sugar. He then uses yeast (酵母) to turn the sugar into ethanol. Professor Holzappple says two hundred liters of ethanol fuel can be produced from one ton of solid waste.‎ ‎ A professor at the University‎ of ‎Arkansas, John Geddie, is exploring another way to make ethanol. He is using acids on paper material. He says a large factory could produce ethanol from waste paper about the same cost of that of gasoline. ‎ ‎ Environmentalists support the use of ethanol because it turns waste into a useful product. Professor Holzapple says law makers in industrial nations need to support the development of this renewable fuel of the future.‎ Title: Ethanol: clean and (1)__________ Fuel Definition and uses A kind of(2) ____________‎ It can be mixed with gas.‎ It helps (3) ________ some harmful pollutants from gas.‎ It replaces some chemicals (4)__________ to cause cancer..‎ It will take the (5)__________ of oil.‎ Production Ethanol From starch From material found in solid (6) ______like paper The public Demand the (9)____________ and use of ethanol Opinions The (7) __________‎ Approve the Clean Air Act The (8) _________‎ Meet the expanding market Environmentalists in (10) __________ of the development of it Conclusion Ethanol, as a renewable fuel, will be produced and used more widely in the world, and it needs the suport of law maker.‎ ‎1. cheap 2. alcohol 3 .remove. 4. known 5.place 6. waste ‎ ‎7.Congress 8. producers 9.production 10 place ‎ (6)‎ Dear Seth,‎ You’re only three years old, and at this point in your life you can’t read, much less understand what I’m going to try to tell you in this letter.‎ You won’t be able to understand this letter today, but someday, when you’re ready, I hope you will find some wisdom and value in what I share with you.‎ You are at a wonderful stage of life. You have many wonderful stages of life still to come, but they are not without their costs and risks.‎ I hope to help you along your path by sharing some of the best of what I’ve learned. As with any advice, pay little attention to it. What works for me might not work for you.‎ Life Can Be Cruel There will be people in your life that won’t be very nice. They’ll tease you because you’re different, or for no good reason. They might try to hurt you.‎ There’s not much you can do about these people except to learn to deal with them, and learn to choose friends who are kind to you, who actually care about you, who make you feel good about yourself. When you find friends like this, hold on to them, treasure them, spend time with them, be kind to them, and love them. ‎ There will be times when you are met with disappointment instead of success. Life won’t always turn out the way you want. This is just another thing you’ll have to learn to deal with. But instead of letting theses things get you down, push on. Accept disappointment and learn to persevere, to purser your dreams despite traps. Learn to turn negatives into positives, and you’ll do much better in life. ‎ Life Isn’t a Competition You will meet many people who will try to surpass you ,in school, in college, or at work. They’ll try to have nicer cars, bigger houses, and nicer clothes. To them, life is a competition- they have to do better than their peers to be happy.‎ Here‘s a secret: Life isn’t a competition. It’s a journey. If you spend that journey always trying to impress others, you’re wasting your journey. Instead, learn to enjoy the journey. Make it a journey of Happiness, of constant learning, of continual improvement, and of love.‎ Love Should Be Your Rule If there is a single word you should live your life by, it should be this: love . It might sound tiresome, I know…but trust me, there’s no better rule in life.‎ Love your lover, your children, your parents, and your friends, with all of your heart. Give to them what they need, and show them not cruelty nor disapproval nor coldness nor disappointment, but only love. Open your soul to them.‎ Love not only neighbors and strangers… but your enemy. The person who is cruelest to you, who ‎ has been unkind to you … love him. He is a tortured soul, and most in need of your love.‎ And most of all, love yourself. While others may criticize you, learn not to be so hard on yourself, to think that you’re ugly or unworthy of love…but to think instead that you are a wonderful human being, worthy of happiness and love… and learn to love yourself for who you are. ‎ Finally, know that I love you and always will. You are starting out on a scary, but finally incredibly wonderful journey, and I will be there for you when I can. A good luck!‎ ‎ Love, Your Dad A (1)__________ to A Three-year-old Son It is certain that Seth, you will understand what is referred to in it, (2)________ sense after you become an adult in the future.‎ Life can be cruel How to deal with persons To those who (3)______ you, don’t give in while you must make friends with whoever cares about you.‎ ‎(4)_______ to do with things ‎ On the way to success, you may meet with many failures, in face of which you must learn to (5)_______, pursue your dreams and turn negatives into positives, for failure is a stepping stone to success.‎ Life isn’t a (6)______‎ To some ‎ They are always taking a (7)_____ in everything, treating life as a competition, so they burden themselves with life. ‎ To you ‎ Life is a happy journey, which you can learn to enjoy but can not (8)______.‎ Love should be your rule No love , no life Remember to love yourself. Meanwhile, don’t forget when you are good to others, you are best to yourself.‎ Devote love to your parents, your lover, your children, and even your friends heart and (9)______.‎ Dedicate love to your unkind enemy as well as neighbors and strangers for ever.‎ Father’s love is essential to your wonderful but (10)______ journey.‎ 参考答案:‎ ‎1. Letter 2. make 3. tease 4. What 5. persevere ‎6.competition 7. lead 8. waste 9. soul 10. scary ‎ (7)‎ While planning a pet-friendly trip ,you probably have lists of remember and steps to follow . There are, however, a few things that are best left at home. Here are a few things to forget when you’re traveling with pets. Forgetting them will make your trip run more smoothly and more effectively.‎ Time ‎ Traveling with pets will take longer and will have unexpected turns. In reality, forgetting about time means leaving impatience behind. Don’t be in a rush. Your pets will require more extra stops than you will, and they’ll often surprise you with unpredictable delays. Plan on leaving early and arriving later and you’ll be right on time.‎ Anger Getting angry at the delay will only make matters worse. Your feelings can add unnecessary stresses to you and your pets’ travel experience. If you feel yourself becoming out of control, stop and take a deep breath. Your pets have little control over their emotions, bowel movements, or motion sickness when traveling. Remember to be kind and understanding at all times, especially when under pressure.‎ Work Attitude This may seem like a no-brainer, but when you are traveling, leave your work attitude behind. Traveling is not a task to be accomplished; it can be an enjoyable and memorable experience for both you and your pets as long as you have the right attitude.‎ Control ‎ Part of the joy of traveling with pets is dealing with the unexpected. You can’t control everything and trying to do so will only end in frustration and anger. Knowing that things will happen beyond your control will bring great relief to you and your pets. Messes happen; accidents happen. Once you accept that, traveling with your pets will be far easier to manage.‎ Selfishness Traveling with pets often requires an extreme amount of selflessness. Your pets rely on you to take care of their needs, and sometimes you will need to put their needs before your own. Leave your selfish ambitions behind when traveling with your pets. They need your attention and care more than anything else because of the stresses and strains of traveling.‎ Traveling with pets can and will be a joy if you remember to leave these five items behind. It can be difficult at times to handle, but the traveling will go well if you can manage to do so.‎ ‎ 71 ‎ You’ll have a smoother and more 72 trip by following the tips.‎ Five things to forget Time ‎* Traveling with pets will take longer and have unexpected turns.‎ ‎* Plan on leaving early to be 73 .‎ Anger ‎* Anger will only make matters worse when you are 74 .‎ ‎* Your pets can 75 control themselves during the trip.‎ Work Attitude ‎* 76 your work attitude behind.‎ ‎* Right attitude can bring you an enjoyable and memorable traveling experience. ‎ Control ‎* 77 the unexpected can be joyful.‎ ‎* Once you accept that, you will find traveling is not that 78 to manage. ‎ Selfishness ‎* Traveling with pets often requires you to be 79 .‎ ‎* Your pets rely on you to take care of their needs.‎ ‎* At times you should put your needs behind theirs. ‎ ‎ 80 ‎ Traveling with pets can be a joy and your trip will be successful.‎ ‎1. Benefit 2. effective 3. punctual 4. delayed 5. hardly ‎6. Leave 7. Handling 8. difficult 9. selfless 10. Conclusion ‎ (8)‎ For the year 2019,there is one top that must be mentioned, and that’s Weibo, or micro-blogs, the Chinese version of Twitter, has become a way of life in China, especially for the young.‎ Our train bumped into something. Our carriage has fallen onto its side. Children are screaming. Come to help us please! Come fast!‎ This is the first message sent from a high-speed train that crashed on July 23rd, ‎2011 in China's Zhejiang province.‎ Not only was it a cry for help, which saved tens of lives, but it also contributed to a wave of unprecedented(史无前例的) “citizen journalism” on China's micro-blogs. Within ten hours, the message was reposted over one-hundred-thousand times, which was something the girl, Xiao Yang, who wrote it had never imagined. She said,“I just wanted to survive at that moment, so I posted a message on Weibo. I didn't know it would help us to be rescued so quickly.”‎ After the crash, China's twenty million strong micro-bloggers demonstrated tremendous(巨大的) and unfamiliar power. They joined rescue efforts, helped survivors and monitored the officials investigating the accident.‎ As with traditional media, Weibo functions as a mirror on society, sparking debates and enlightening discussions. But what's different about the micro-blogging site is that anyone—not just journalists—can take a photo, record a video clip or write a quick note about what is happening around them.‎ I can fully accept this new Weibo lifestyle. Almost everyone has Weibo now. I read news on Weibo and it helps me with my life. I also write or repost news sometimes.‎ Clearly, Weibo enables millions of Chinese to become“citizen journalists”, opening them up to fresh news and views on their community, country and world.‎ This has led to many micro-bloggers keeping a closer eye on the authorities. In response, the government is also using Weibo as a tool to respond to citizens' queries(质询). And in Beijing, micro-bloggers have already left thousands of messages, urging the government to solve problems they consider urgent.‎ Wang Hui, general director of Beijing Information Office, said,“Weibo has created a platform for government officials to better understand what the citizens are thinking about and what they really need. This bottom-to-top information transmission channel is innovative and will become a new trend for government officials to provide better services for the people.”‎ But, however compelling(引人注目的) Weibo may be, much information it provides turns out to be rumors. Weibo, as a platform, not only helps the Chinese people express their views, but also trains the government in facing public opinion.‎ Meanwhile, for Xiao Yang, a simple message saved her life. And for millions of others, Weibo means much more than just a simple touch on a smart phone.‎ Title: Weibo helps Chinese voice views Passage (71)________‎ Supporting details The Chinese version of Twitter Weibo has become a new (72)________ , especially for young people in ‎China One example (73)________‎ Process of ‎ A message from a crashed train for the tremendous power of Weibo ‎ ‎ the event ‎ (74)________ appeared on Weibo The message was immediately reposted over one-hundred-thousand times Rescue efforts were joined by millions of micro-bloggers Effects and (75)_______ of the event Tens of lives were saved A wave of“citizen journalism” was caused.‎ How officials responded to and dealt with the accident was also (76)________.‎ Comparisons between traditional media and Weibo ‎(77)________‎ They both function as a mirror on society Difference Any micro-blogger can be a journalist, who can report what is happening Discussion of further functions of Weibo in ‎China It (78)________ millions of Chinese to become supervisors of society as well as the authorities People have new (79)________ to fresh news and views The government feels pressed to make their services more effective Something more about Weibo It sometimes provides (80)________ ‎ It means much more than just a touch on the smart phone ‎71. outline 72. lifestytle 73. showing / demonstrating 74. help/rescue 75. results ‎ ‎76. monitored 77. Similarity 78. enables 79. access 80. rumors

