2019届人教版九年级英语下册:Unit 11综合能力测试

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2019届人教版九年级英语下册:Unit 11综合能力测试

Unit 11 综合能力测试 ‎(满分100分,测试时间100分钟)‎ 一、单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)‎ 请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎                                      ‎ ‎( B )1.—Is it true that some colors can make us feel relaxed?‎ ‎—Yes. Colors do have the ________ to change our feelings and moods.‎ A.secret B.power C.idea ‎( B )2.—The noise from the railway really drove me ________.‎ ‎—Oh, it's your fault to live near there.‎ A.relaxed B.crazy C.comfortable ‎( A )3.The boy doesn't want to ________ his parents ________,so he studies harder than before.‎ A.let; down B.take; down C.cut; down ‎( C )4.David felt ________ because he was not able to get a ticket to the concert.‎ A.moved B.excited C.disappointed ‎( C )5.________ my friends ________ I like playing computer games because we think it wastes time.‎ A.Both; and B.Not only; but also C.Neither; nor ‎( A )6.(2018·湖北黄冈)—How hard you are working, Helen!‎ ‎—We must! President Xi said that ________ we are, ________ we will be.‎ A.the more hardworking; the luckier B.the hardworking; the lucky C.more hardworking; luckier ‎( C )7.Many volunteers will help to ________ the city parks next Friday.‎ A.give up B.pick up C.clean up ‎( B )8.She lived ________ in a small village, but she didn't feel ________.(易混题)‎ A.lonely; alone B.alone; lonely C.lonely; alone ‎( B )9.(2018·黑龙江绥化)Nowadays, most people prefer to play computer games ________ read books.‎ A.except for B.rather than C.as for ‎( B )10.The child is crying. Please do something to ________ him stop crying.‎ A.tell B.make C.warn 二、补全对话。(每小题1分,共5分)‎ 根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。‎ ‎2 persons Hello, Ben. 11.__B__ ‎ ‎ Oh, hello, Tom. I am going to watch a volleyball game between Chinese team and American team.[来源:学_科_网]‎ Oh, that's such an important game. I don't want to miss it. 12.__E__ ‎ ‎ Of course. Let's go.‎ It seems that you like volleyball very much. Do you like P.E.? ‎ ‎(续表)‎ ‎ No, I don't like it.‎ Why not? ‎ ‎ 13.__D__ What about you?‎ I like P.E. lessons very much. Our teacher is very friendly. 14.__F__ ‎ ‎ You are lucky.‎ Do you like doing sports? ‎ ‎ 15.__C__‎ I agree with you.‎ A.I would like you to go there with us.‎ B.Where are you going?[来源:Z,xx,k.Com]‎ C.Yes, doing sports can make us healthy.‎ D.Because the teacher is too strict with us.‎ E.Shall we go together?‎ F.In her classes we have many interesting activities.‎ G.What are you doing?‎ 三、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)(2018·黑龙江哈尔滨)‎ 阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ No matter who you are and where you live, the most important thing is what kind of person you are. There are many good qualities that can benefit you a lot in your life. Among them, the following __16__ qualities are the most helpful ones.‎ Have a __17__ attitude. Life is not always a bed of roses. When facing difficulties, don't lose heart. Do you know what can help you overcome difficulties? It's your attitude. Cheer up! Life is like a __18__. When you smile in front of it, it will also smile at you.‎ Keep learning. Maybe you __19__ your present life. Every day you have __20__ much work to do that you can't find any time to learn. However, the world around you is changing all the time. Never be satisfied with yourself, __21__ you will fall behind others. __22__ learning can help you get success in the future.‎ Be creative. In modern society, the students who have creative thinking are needed most. Being creative means __23__ new ideas and having creative imagination. Those who are creative have more choices in their life.‎ Be honest and keep your promise. Honesty is the best policy(原则). __24__ likes a person who tells lies. The one who keeps his word is popular everywhere.‎ As long as you have these qualities __25__ above, you will be excellent and make a difference to the world. Albert Einstein once said, “Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.”‎ ‎( B )16.A.three B.four C.five ‎( B )17.A.negative B.positive C.sad ‎( C )18.A.board B.stone C.mirror ‎( A )19.A.are used to B.are used for C.used to ‎( B )20.A.too B.so C.such ‎( C )21.A.and B.but C.or ‎( B )22.A.Keep B.Keeping C.Keeps ‎( A )23.A.coming up with B.catching up with C.calling up ‎( B )24.A.Everybody B.Nobody C.Somebody ‎( C )25.A.that is mentioned B.mentioning C.mentioned 四、阅读理解。(这一部分共五篇短文,每篇短文后有五个小题,每小题2分,共50分)‎ A(2018年山西最新中考模拟题)‎ 阅读下列五个成语故事,将其与上面的成语漫画相匹配,其中有一项为多余选项。‎ ‎,A)    ,B)     ,C)‎ ‎,D)    ,E)     ,F)‎ ‎26.The old man, helped by his son and grandson who could carry things, began to break rocks and dig earth, which they carried in baskets and ‎ dustbins to sea. The sevenyearold boy named Jingcheng, one of the old man's neighbors, came running up to offer his help. One trip to the sea took them a long time, and they left in winter and came back in summer.‎ ‎27.One day, he hit upon a good idea. He went to the field secretly and pulled each plant up a little bit from the soil. Seeing that all these plants in the field were taller than before, he felt very pleased with himself. He went home. Though very tired, he told the members of his family happily, “I worked for a whole day today. How tired I am! But the seedlings in the field have grown a lot taller.”‎ ‎28.“You shouldn't agree! The State of Guo is our neighbor. Its relation with us is just like that of the lips with the teeth. If the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold. If we agree to let the State of Jin start a war on the State of Guo, when the latter is defeated, will our state still be safe? That is impossible!”‎ ‎29.Someone on the boat asked him, “Why don't you jump into the water at once to look for your sword(剑)? What's the use of making this mark on the side of the boat?” He pointed to the mark on the side of the boat, saying slowly, “There is no need to worry. My sword fell into the river at this marked place. As soon as the boat arrives, I will jump down from here to find my sword.”‎ ‎30.He thought this over and said to himself, “Why will there be trouble when a bell rings? This is because our ears can hear it. If I cover my ears, I won't be able to hear it. This way I won't be caught.” Then he came up with an idea. He first covered his own ears, and then went on to pick up the bell. However, in the end he was still discovered and caught at once.‎ ‎26.__E__ 27.__A__ 28.__B__ 29.__F__ 30.__C__‎ B(2018·云南昆明中考改编)‎ 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。‎ Working as a vet(兽医), I met a family who taught me an unforgettable lesson. They came to my clinic(诊所) with their dying dog, Coco. I examined Coco and found she was old and had a serious illness. I told the family we couldn't do anything for Coco, and euthanasia(安乐死) would be best for the dog. ‎ On that day, their little boy Eric seemed so calm(冷静), patting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if Eric understood what was going on. ‎ The little boy seemed to accept Coco's death without any difficulty. We sat together for a while after Coco's death, explaining that animal lives are shorter than human lives. ‎ Eric, who had been listening quietly, said, “I know why.”‎ He said, “People need a lifetime to learn how to live a good life—like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?” The 6yearold continued, “Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don't have to stay as long.”‎ I'd never heard a more softhearted explanation as to why animal lives are so short. It has changed the way I live. I see every day as the day that my life could be easily taken away, so I try to live my life to the fullest. ‎ ‎( C )31.What was the matter with Coco?‎ A.She had a stomachache. B.She had a headache.‎ C.She was old and dying.‎ ‎( B )32.Which of the following would be best for Coco in the clinic?‎ A.Some delicious food. B.Euthanasia. C.A good friend. ‎ ‎( C )33.Why was Eric so calm while patting the dog for the last time?‎ A.Because he didn't know what was going on. ‎ B.Because he didn't know how to face Coco's death. ‎ C.Because he accepted Coco's death. ‎ ‎( B )34.How can we understand Eric's words?‎ A.He thought people already knew how to love others all the time and be nice. ‎ B.He thought dogs already know how to love others all the time and be nice. ‎ C.He didn't think people knew how to love dogs. ‎ ‎( B )35.According to the passage, we can infer(推断) that ________. ‎ A.the vet didn't do anything for Coco B.the vet makes an effort to live a full life C.the vet has lived a fullest life ‎ C(山西省2018届九年级中考考前适应性训练)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺。选项中有一项为多余项。‎ It's a familiar feeling. Your friend has made the team for Saturday's big game, and you tell him you can't be there to watch him play. 36.__F__‎ In fact, that is envy(嫉妒). It appears when we focus on something that we don't have but others do. 37.__D__ Feelings of unfairness are part of men, but when you focus on them, you can never get out of your dark emotions(情绪). And that makes you feel bad.‎ ‎38.__B__ Well, why not stop it, and make it the encouragement you need for selfimprovement? The best method against envy is not to compete where you can't shine, but to do your best where you can.‎ Start by making peace with yourself, and accept the gifts which make you special. Make an agreement with yourself to be the best you can be. 39.__C__ Is it someone's singing voice or their new car? Envy shows us the things we'd like to have—so make up a plan to get them. Start a training program. Give up a treat or two, and start saving for what you want.‎ ‎40.__E__ Cheer on your friend when he scores that goal. Enjoy your best friend's wedding day. Then go out and do something special, and make yourself really proud of you.‎ A.What is envy?‎ B.So is there a solution?‎ C.Then find out what starts your envy.‎ D.Or we may even wish someone to lose it.‎ E.Pay attention to real pleasure in the achievements of others.‎ F.You smile, but that voice in you asks, why him and not you?‎ D 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在下面的表格中填入与文章意思最符合的单词。每空一词。 ‎ We live in a world full of many different kinds of people. We want to get along well with others. We also want to be liked by others. The following ways will make others like you.‎ Do This and You'll Be Welcome Anywhere Become really interested in other people. A show of interest must be true. It must bring good results to the person showing the interest, but also to the person receiving the attention. It is a twoway street—both of you get an advantage.‎ A Simple Way to Make a Good First Impression(印象)‎ Smile as often as possible. Your smile is a sign of kindness. When someone feels stressed from his or her teachers or parents, your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds; your smile can help him or her realize that all is hopeful—that there is still joy in the world.‎ If You Don't Do This, You Are Getting into Trouble Remember a person's name. A person's name is the sweetest and the most important sound in any language. We should realize the magic in a name. The name makes the person different from others; it makes him or her special among all others. If you remember a person's name, the relationship between both of you will become much closer.‎ An Easy Way to Become a Good Talker Be a careful listener first. Ask questions that other persons will like to answer. Encourage them to talk about themselves and their achievements. What you need to do is just to listen, because people are much more interested in themselves.‎ Ways to make people like you ‎[来源:学.科.网]‎ Become really interested in others ‎•Your show of interest must be true.‎ ‎•It must 41.bring good results to both of you.‎ Smile as often as possible ‎•Your smile is a sign of 42.kindness.‎ ‎•Your smile makes others realize that all is hopeful.‎ Remember a person's name ‎•A person's name makes him or her 43.different from others.‎ ‎•A person's name is the sweetest and the most important sound in any 44.language.‎ Listen carefully first ‎•You ask questions that others enjoy 45.answering.‎ ‎•They are encouraged to talk about themselves and their achievements.‎ E(2018吕梁孝义市中考模拟题)‎ 阅读下面图文,简要回答所给问题。‎ Most mothers in China feel they are happier after having a second child, according to a ‎ survey report released(发布) a year after the country relaxed its family planning policy.‎ The report, released on Sunday, was based on an online survey of about 4,200 mothers with two children. The survey found that most of the mothers said they were happier after the birth of their second child, and did not regret having another baby.‎ The main reasons given for the increase in happiness after a second child included seeing their children play together and the fact that some couples now had both a boy and a girl. Nearly half of the mothers also said their husbands were more willing to help take care of the children after the second child, according to the report.‎ The survey also found some factors(因素) that caused unhappiness after a second child, such as the economic burden(经济负担) and the life pressure resulting from taking care of the children as it takes more time and energy.‎ ‎“It was generally believed that many people would not choose to have another baby due to the economic burden,” said Zhu Yuzi, who worked on the survey for Muruai. “But the result of the survey shows that the spiritual(精神的) joy brought by having a second child can greatly offset(抵消) the increased economic burdens for many Chinese,” she said. “That is why so many people feel happier after having a second child, even with more economic burdens.”‎ ‎46.According to the passage, how many mothers regretted having a second child among the respondents(受访者)?‎ About_168_mothers.‎ ‎47.The chart shows most of the mothers feel happier after having a second child. What is probably the reason?‎ They_are_happy_to_see_their_children_play_together./_They_have_a_boy_and_a_girl./_Their_husbands_are_more_willing_to_help_take_care_of_the_children.‎ ‎48.According to the chart, what percent of mothers feel less happy after having a second child?‎ ‎12.2%.‎ ‎49.What are the main factors that caused unhappiness after a second child?‎ The_economic_burden_and_the_life_pressure_resulting_from_taking_care_of_the_children.‎ ‎50.Do you have a younger brother or sister? What do you think of having a brother or sister?‎ Yes,_I_have./_No,_I_don't_have._It_is_wonderful._He/She_can_play_with_me._It_is_interesting_to_play_with_a_younger_brother/sister._It's_boring/noisy./...(开放性试题,答案合理即可)‎ 五、词语运用。(每小题1分,共10分)‎ 根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。‎ happy sad everything what but park nothing to why walk how put There was a time when I had some difficulties in my life. I felt 51.sad all day long.‎ Nobody could make me cheerful. One thing that happened made me change.‎ One day, I went to the 52.park for a rest. There was an empty bench and I sat down. Suddenly, a young boy came around. “Did you see 53.what I found?” he asked in excitement. I looked down and saw a small withered(枯萎的) flower lying in his hands. Seeing this, I felt even more depressed(沮丧的). I wanted him to go away, so I smiled to him and then turned my back.‎ However, instead of 54.walking away, the boy sat next to me. “It smells good and it's ‎ beautiful, too. That's 55.why I picked it up,”he said. “Here, it's for you.”I knew I had to take it, or he might never leave, so I reached for the flower and said, “ Thank you!” I waited, but the boy didn't 56.put the flower in my hand. He just held the flower and didn't move. It was not until then that I noticed the boy could see 57.nothing.‎ I took the flower with tears and said, “Thanks a lot! You have picked up the best one.” “My pleasure,”the boy replied 58.happily,_and then ran away. The boy couldn't see, 59.but in his imagination(想象), the world was beautiful. I saw a withered flower, while he “saw” a beautiful flower. ‎ I held the flower up 60.to my nose and took a deep breath. I smelt the fragrance(香味) of it. It was indeed(的确) the most beautiful flower.‎ 六、书面表达。(共15分)‎ 上周,你校对学生做了一项调查。下列表格是你根据自己的实际情况填写的内容。‎ 项目 美食 读书 网络游戏 你的感受 食欲大增 废寝忘食 浪费时间,由喜爱变为厌恶 你的希望 尝遍天下美食 多读好书、不读坏书 远离网络游戏 请根据你所填写的内容,写一篇不少于80词的英语日记。日记的格式与开头已给出,不计入总词数。‎ November 6th, 2018  Tuesday  Sunny In order to learn our attitudes towards some things, our school did a survey on us last week. The following is what I wrote in the form.‎ Delicious_food_makes_me_want_to_eat_more._I_hope_to_taste_all_delicious_food_in_the_world.Reading_a_good_book_always_makes_me_forget_time._But_there_are_still_bad_books_around_us._So,_we_should_read_as_many_good_books_as_possible_and_we_are_not_supposed_to_read_bad_books.I_used_to_love_the_Internet_games,_but_now_I_hate_playing_them_because_it'll_waste_much_time._I_hope_all_students_will_keep_away_from_the_Internet_games.‎

