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2020 年高考英语模拟试题及答案(十七) 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A The following 4 famous paintings — from Jan van Eyck's portrait to Pablo Picasso's masterpiece — have stood the test of time. The Amolfini Portrait Jan van Eyck’s Amolfini Portrait, an oil painting on wood produced in 1434, in which a man and a woman hold hands with a window behind him and a bed behind her, is undoubtedly one of the masterpieces in the National Gallery, London. This painting is as visually interesting as it is famed. It is also an informative document on fifteenth-century society, through van Eyck's heavy use of symbolism — while husbands went out to engage in business, wives concerned themselves with domestic duties. The Starry Night Vincent van Gogh painted The Starry Night, oil on canvas (帆布), a moderately abstract landscape painting of an expressive night sky over a small hillside village, during his 12-month stay at the mental hospital near Saint – Remy-de-Provence, France between 1889 and 1890. When the Museum of Modem Art in New York City purchased the painting from a private collector in 1941, it was not well known, but it has since become one of van Gogh's most famous works. The Harvesters The Harvesters is an oil painting on wood completed by Pieter Bruegel the Elder in 1565. It depicts the harvest time which most commonly occurred within the months of August and September. Nicolaes Jonghelinck, a merchant banker and art collector from Antwerp, commissioned this painting. The painting has been at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City since 1919. Guernica Guernica, a large black-and-white oil painting, was painted by the Cubist Spanish painter, Pablo Picasso in 1937. The title 'Guernica' refers to the city that was bombed by Nazi planes during the Spanish Civil War. The painting depicts the horrors of war and as a result, has come to be an anti-war symbol and a reminder of the tragedies of war. Today, the painting is housed at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid. 1. Which of the following paintings was produced earliest? A. Guernica. B. The Harvesters. C. The Starry Night. D. The Amolfini Portrait. 2. Who created the painting describing the harvest seasons? A. Pieter Bruegel the Elder. B. Vincent van Gogh. C. Jan van Eyck. D. Pablo Picasso. 3. What do we know about the painting The Starry Night? A. It was painted on wood in oils. B. It described the painter's life in hospital. C. It wasn't widely recognized before 1941. D. It was given away to the museum by a collector. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了四幅名画——从扬·凡·艾克的肖像画到巴勃罗·毕 加索的杰作。它们都经受住了时间的考验。 1. D 细节理解题。根据第二段 The Amolfini Portrait 中的 Jan van Eyck’s Amolfini Portrait, an oil painting on wood produced in 1434 第三段 The Starry Night 中的 during his 12-month stay at the mental hospital near Saint-Remy-de-Provence, France between 1889 and 1890.第四段 The Harvesters 中的 The Harvesters is an oil painting on wood completed by Pieter Bruegel the Elder in 1565.和第五段 Guernica 中的 Guernica, a large black-and-white oil painting, was painted by the Cubist Spanish painter, Pablo Picasso in 1937.由此可知,The Amolfini Portrait 是最早创作的画。故选 D。 2. A 细节理解题。根据 The Harvesters 中的 The Harvesters is an oil painting on wood completed by Pieter Bruegel the Elder in 1565.“《收获者》是一幅木刻油画,由 Pieter Bruegel the Elder 于 1565 年完成。”可知,Pieter Bruegel the Elder 画了这幅描绘丰收季 节的画。故选 A。 3.C 推理判断题。根据 The Starry Night 中的 When the Museum of Modem Art in New York City purchased the painting from a private collector in 1941, it was not well known, but it has since become one of van Gogh's most famous works.“1941 年,当 纽约现代艺术博物馆从一位私人收藏家手中买下这幅画时,它并不为人所知,但后来却成了梵 高最著名的作品之一。”可知,The Starry Night 在 1941 年之前没有被广泛认可。故选 C。 B Dogs love to get out and stretch their legs, which not only helps to keep them in shape, but enables them to keep the extra pounds off. Pet hiking has been popular recently, getting dogs off the sidewalk. Three years ago, Denver resident Brittany Redding was stressed out, working 60 hours a week while studying in graduate school full-time. The only thing that helped was taking her four dogs hiking. “That’s when it hit me that I should do that as a job.” she says. After graduating in June 2016, she founded Take a Hike. Her company, like a number of others around the country, takes dogs to explore beyond the neighborhood. Before taking on the tracks, Brittany meets with each dog and his or her owner to get a sense of the pet’s character. Then she schedules a meet-and-greet with other dogs that will join the hike to be sure to match their personalities. Each hiking is about two hours long and includes transportation to and from the track for around $70 per outing. “Hiking allows dogs lo meet new friends and explore new tracks, smells, and wildlife,” she explains. Michael Mizenko thinks sending his pet, Ajax, on weekly hikes with Take a Hike has made Ajax a happier dog. Over the past two years, hiking has taught Ajax how to stay off pavement, be more social and remain calm in the car. “It has made him a flexible easygoing guy.” Michael says. 4. Why has pet hiking been popular in these days? A. Dogs strongly desire their owners to go hiking. B. Animal health specialists recommend people to do it. C. It is beneficial for pets’ shape and health. D. The owner’s house is not big enough for dogs. 5. What is the second paragraph mainly talking about? A. Why Brittany founded Take a Hike. B. How hard the study life of Brittany was. C. Take a Hike is very popular in the neighborhood. D. Dog hiking has brought great enjoyment to Brittany. 6. What does Brittany want to make sure before taking her customers’ dogs to go hiking? A. The distance of the track. B. The character of each dog. C. The environment of the track. D. The emotions of both dogs and their owners. 7. How often does Michael Mizenko send his pet to hike with Take a Hike? A. Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week. D. Every other week. 【文章大意】本文是一篇新闻报道。宠物徒步旅行变得很流行,这对宠物的身形和健 康有好处。丹佛居民 Brittany Redding 创立了 Take a Hike 公司,专门负责带着宠物狗去 徒步旅行。 4. C 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Dogs love to get out and stretch their legs, which not only helps to keep them in shape, but enables them to keep the extra pounds off. Pet hiking has been popular recently, getting dogs off the sidewalk.”可知,狗 喜欢到外面伸展腿部,这不仅有助于保持体形,还可以减少多余的体重。因此带宠物徒步 旅行变得很流行的原因在于它对宠物的身形和健康有好处。故选 C。 5.A 段落大意题。根据第二段中的“Three years ago, Denver resident Brittany Redding was stressed out, working 60 hours a week while studying in graduate school full-time. The only thing that helped was taking her four dogs hiking. “That’s when it hit me that I should do that as a job.” she ways. After graduating in June 2016, she founded Take a Hike. Her company, like a number of others around the country, takes dogs to explore beyond the neighborhood.”可知,三年前丹佛居民 Brittany Redding 在全日制研究生院学习的同时每周还要工作 60 个小时,这使她感到压 力重重。只有一件事能够让她感到放松:带她的四只狗徒步旅行。就在那时她想到她应该 把带狗徒步旅行当作自己的工作。于是 2016 年 6 月毕业后,她创立了 Take a Hike 公司。 因此第二段主要谈论的是 Brittany Redding 创立 Take a Hike 公司的原因。故选 A。 6. B 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Before taking on the tracks, Brittany meets with each dog and his or her owner to get a sense of the pet’s character.”可知,在开 始徒步旅行之前,Brittany 与每只狗及其主人见面以了解宠物的性格。即 Brittany 要在带 上顾客的狗去远足之前了解每只狗的性格。故选 B。 7.B 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Michael Mizenko thinks sending his pet, Ajax, on weekly hikes with Take a Hike has made Ajax a happier dog.”可知,Michael Mizenko 认为,每周一次的徒步旅行使他的宠物 Ajax 变得更快乐。因此 Michael Mizenko 每周将 宠物送到 Take a Hike 公司参加一次徒步旅行。故选 B。 C In India, most of the women wear a red dot between their eyebrows. While it is generally taken as an indicator of their marital(婚姻的)status, the practice is primarily related to the Hindu(印度教的)religion. The dot goes by different names in different Hindi dialects, and“bindi”is the one that is most commonly known.Traditionally, the dot carries no gender restriction Men as well as women wear it. However, the tradition of men wearing it has faded in recent times, so nowadays we see a lot more women than men wearing one. The position of the bindi is standard center of the forehead, close to the eyebrows. It represents a third, or inner eye. Hindu tradition holds that all people have three eyes The two outer ones are used for seeing the outside world, and the third one is there to focus inward toward God. As such, the dot means piety(虔诚)and serves as a constant reminder to keep God in the front of a believer’s thou ghts. Red is the traditional color of the dot. It is said that in ancient times a man would place a drop of blood between his wife’s eyes to seal their marriage. According to Hindu beliefs, the color red is believed to bring good fortune to the married couple. Today, people go with different colors depending upon their preferences. Women often wear dots that match the color of their clothes. Decorative of sticker bindis come in all sizes, colors and variations, and can be worn by young and old, married and unmarried people alike. Wearing a bindi has become more of a fashion statement than a religious custom. 8. Why did people in India start wearing a red dot on their forehead? A. To stress their family background. B. To indicate their social rank. C. To show their religious belief. D. To display their financial status. 9. What is the function of the third eye in Hindu tradition? A. To help the other eyes see better. B. To look to the distance. C. To see the outside world. D. To pay respect to God. 10. Why was red chosen as the original color of the bindi? A. The word “bindi”means “red” in some Hindi dialects. B. Red was believed to be a lucky color for husband and wife. C. The red dot represented the blood of God. D. Red stood for a wife’s love for her husband. 11. Which of the following statements is true about bindis today? A. Bindis are now used to make people look better. B. Bindis are worn anywhere on the face now. C. Most Indian women do not wear bindis anymore. D. More men than women wear bindis in India. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍大多数印度女人的眉毛中间都戴着红点,这种做 法主要与印度教有关,它代表的是第三只眼,可以时时提醒信徒要尊敬上帝。现在眉心红点更 多的是作为装饰品使用。 8.C 推理判断题。根据文章第一段中的“In India, most of the women wear a red dot between their eyebrows. While it is generally taken as an indicator of their marital(婚 姻的)status, the practice is primarily related to the Hindu(印度教的)religion.(在印度, 大多数女性的眉毛上都有一个红点。虽然这通常被认为是他们婚姻状况的一个指标,但这种做 法主要与印度教有关。)可知这种做法主要与印度教有关,所以印度人前额戴红点是展示他们 的宗教信仰。故选 C。 9. D 细节理解题。文章第二段告诉我们,印度传统上认为人有第三只眼。另外根据该段最后 一句话印度人对第三只眼所起作用的描述“As such,the dot serves as a constant reminder to keep God inthe front of a believer's thoughts. ”因此,点作为一个持续的提醒,以保 持神在信徒的思想面前。所以第三眼在印度教传统中的重要性是要尊重上帝。故选 D。 10. B 细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“According to Hindu beliefs,the color red is believed to bring good fortune to the married couple. ”可知,根据印度教的信仰,红 色被认为能为已婚的夫妇带来好运。故选 B。 11.A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后几句话“Decorative or sticker bindis come in all sizes , colorsand variations , and can be worn by young and old , married and unmarried people alike. Wearinga bindi has become more of a fashion statement than a religious custom. ( 装饰物或贴纸贴纸有各种尺寸、颜色和变化,年轻人和老年人、 已婚人士和未婚人士都可以佩戴。佩戴宾蒂帽与其说是一种宗教习俗,不如说是一种时尚宣 言。)”可知,眉心红点现在更多的被用作装饰品。故选 A。 D Whether or not to go university will probably be the biggest educational decision you ever make. After battling with student finance,deciding whether or not to take a year out can be as terrifying as deciding where to move to for the three years. Some students will have planned their year out for months,but,for others, slipped grades may force a gap year (间隔年),either to retake exams or to apply to different universities. Others might just need time to think. Thankfully,for U. K. Students,taking a gap year remains a good option and it can be one of the most productive and fulfilling years of their life. Whether you've planned and budgeted for a year abroad,or have made a last ﹣minute decision to delay your first year,the options are endless. Traveling, volunteering and so on are all there for the talking,With so many things on offer, it's important to remember that 12months won't be enough time to do all of them,so decide early and work towards making whatever you want to do a reality. Researching a gap year is exciting,and often the place to start is at home. Family and fiends can be a great source of inspiration. Your school or college might fully equipped to advise you on what to do when further education is on hold. Don't understimate(低估)the power of the Internet,either. Typing a"gap year"into a search engine might seem too obvious,but planning to travel around the world for months on your own is not appropriate. To stay at home or go abroad is likely to be the first question you consider, but in this era of budget flights, doing both is practicable. A European inter﹣rail ticket(火车票)can be as little as£159. For those loving traveling,they must be on the special watchfulness for tricks in the process. Agencies can organize your year abroad for you,and often,it is more effective to make the bookings through the agencies. But flights and other forms of transport within Asia and America are much cheaper when bought in the countries rather than bought in advance. 12.According to Paragragh 2,why do other students have to take a gap year? A. Because they are faced with financial problems B. Because they dislike what they are learning C. Because they haven't got satisfying grades D. Because they intend to hang out for a year 13.The underline words"on hold"in Paragragh 4mean" " A. taken in B. Put off C. Given up D. Turned put 14. What can we learn from the last paragragh? A. Few students can afford to go abroad B. Traveling around Europe costs nothing C. It's better to go to Asia and south America D. Travellers should make sure they aren't cheated 15.The auther's attitude towards a gap year may best described as A. Supportive B. negative C. Defensive D. Sensitive. 【文章大意】本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了有时候有些学生会 因为成绩不是很令人满意而休学一年,作者在这篇文章中讨论了关于这一年可以做的事情, 告诉我们休学一年并不是坏事. 12. C推理判断题,根据第二段 Some students will have planned their year out for months, but,for others,slipped grades may force a gap year (间隔年),either to retake exams or to apply to different universities. Others might just need time to think. 可知其他的学生休学一年是因为他们的成绩不是那么的令人满意,故选C. 13. B 词义猜测题,根据第四段 Your school or college might fully equipped to advise you on what to do when further education is on hold. 可知当你的进一步教育被推迟的 时候你的学校可能会建议你做些其他的事,由此推断出"on hold"指的是推迟,推延,故选B. 14. D 推理判断题,根据最后一段 For those loving traveling,they must be on the special watchfulness for tricks in the process. Agencies can organize your year abroad for you,and often,it is more effective to make the bookings through the agencies. 可知旅客在出行的时候应该提高警觉,确保他们没有被骗,故选D. 15. A 作者态度题,根据第四段 Researching a gap year is exciting,and often the place to start is at home. Family and fiends can be a great source of inspiration. 可 以看出作者感觉这一年是令人兴奋的, 因此可以看出作者是支持的,故选A. 第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。 Easy Ways to Give Yourself a Fresh Start It doesn't need to be complicated or challenging to turn a fresh page on each new day. Whenever we mark a new year — by turning the calendar, returning to school or celebrating a holiday — we are looking for a fresh start. 16. But how? Here are some easy ways to connect with that feeling of starting fresh, whether it’s a new year or simply a new day in our life. 17. This means you have realized what serves your life now and what can stay in your past. Or invest in a new pen and a new notebook. Having fresh supplies can stimulate even the common task of creating your to-do list. Moreover, you can learn something new by opening a book you've been expecting to read, searching a question that's been on your mind, enrolling in a class that motivates your interest. Of course you can simply ask a friend for a fresh idea about an issue. 18. Take a break from technology — for an hour, a day, or a week. 19. You should be able to put some space between yourself and digital routines. One reason we sometimes struggle to start fresh is that you get stuck reflecting on worrisome thoughts about the past, the future or even the present. 20. Allow these thoughts into your day only at a brief (30 minutes or less), specific time. The rest of the time, focus on what you are doing that's new and positive. How do you give yourself that “fresh start” feeling? A. Electronic Products might not be serving you best. B. Newness or the freshness can guide us on a positive path. C. Limit your daily “worry time” and make an appointment with yourself. D. All of us enjoy newness, but what is it that leads to a sense of freshness? E.Realizing your past mistakes, you should move forward with enthusiasm. F.Increasing your knowledge on any topic means taking your mind into a fresh area. G.First, even letting go of a single box or bag of items can give you a refreshing sense. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍给自己一个新的开始的简单方法。 16.B 根据上文提示“每当我们翻开日历、返校或庆祝节日来标记新的一年,我们都在寻找一 个新的开始。”承接上文,B 项 Newness or the freshness can guide us on a positive path.(新颖或新鲜可以引导我们走上积极的道路)切题。故选 B。 17. G 根据下文提示“这意味着你已经意识到什么可以为你的生活服务,什么可以留在你的过 去。或者买一支新笔和一个新笔记本。”承接下文,G 项 First, even letting go of a single box or bag of items can give you a refreshing sense.(首先,即使是放弃一个盒子或一袋物品也 能给你一种清新的感觉)切题。故选 G。 18.F 根据上文提示“当然,你可以简单地问一个朋友关于一个问题的新想法。”承接上文,F 项 Increasing your knowledge on any topic means taking your mind into a fresh area.(增加你对任何话题的知识意味着将你的思维带入一个新的领域)切题。故选 F。 39. A 根据下文提示“你应该能够在自己和数字生活之间留出一些空间。”承接下文,A 项 Electronic Products might not be serving you best.(电子产品可能不会给你带来最好的服 务)切题。故选 A。 20.C 上文提示“我们有时很难重新开始的一个原因是,你陷入了对过去、未来甚至现在的担 忧。”再根据下文提示“只允许这些想法在一个简短的(30 分钟或更少),具体的时间进入你 的一天。剩下的时间,专注于你正在做的那些新的、积极的事情。”承接上下文,C 项 Limit your daily“worry time”and make an appointment with yourself.(限制你每天的“烦恼时间”, 和自己约个时间)切题。故选 C。 第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。 The movie, Alita—Battle Angel, tells a story of a girl with robotic arms and fighting powers. And in 21 life 13—year—old Tilly Lockey also has the most advanced robotic arms like Alita. Tilly lost her arms 22 a rare disease when she was a 23 . As she grew, her mother tried to get her to 24 various prosthetic(假肢). At the age of three, she got her first 25 arms, which moved the fingers by picking up 26 from nerves(神经) in the skin. But these only 27 Tilly to move her fingers one at a time. Tilly recalls: “They were really heavy”. In the end she 26 wearing them and learned to do things without arms. 29 , not long ago, she got two robotic arms of which she has 30 the use! Tilly’s new arms came as a 31 . The movie makers 32 to pay for a new pair of arms called Hero Arms for an amputee(被截肢者).Robotic arms have 33 for a decade but these Hero Arms cost less. They are also lighter and more 34 than any that have come before. Moreover, these new versions are 35 proudly machine like. Tilly is 36 with her new-found skills. She has been 37 exactly what she can do now with her Hero Arms. She says: “When I go into school now, I don’t have a 38 . I feel I have something that looks super 39 .” Tilly is now working with the tech company to 40 robotic arms for other differently-able people, to help them lead better and happier lives. 21. A. natural B. dreaming C. unique D. real 22. A. due to B. instead of C. thanks to D. regardless of 23. A. teenager B. student C. baby D. mother 24. A. take B. wear C. lead D. earn 25. A. electric B. wooden C. secondhand D. common 26. A. promises B. feelings C. signals D. concerns 27. A. returned B. allowed C. mistook D. avoided 28. A. expected B. stopped C. found D. remembered 29. A. Frequently B. Normally C. Surprisingly D. Fortunately 30. A. risked B. demanded C. mastered D. noticed 31. A. tradition B. joke C. burden D. gift 32. A. ordered B. believed C. advised D. offered 33. A. existed B. disappeared C. proved D. treated 34. A. entertaining B. limited C. flexible D. expensive 35. A. trained B. designed C. discovered D. pretended 36. A. embarrassed B. annoyed C. pleased D. calm 37. A. showing offB. staying up C. coming back D. getting away 38. A. strength B. solution C. choice D. weakness 39. A. cool B. funny C. simple D. formal 40. A. relax B. develop C. control D. charge 【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了 Tilly Lockey 从小因为疾病而失去双臂,后 来得到了制片人的帮助获得了一款新式假肢,从而快乐地去上学的故事。 21.D 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在现实生活中,13 岁的 Tilly Lockey 也拥有像电影中的 Alita 一样先进的机器人手臂。A. natural 自然的;B. dreaming 做梦的;C. unique 独特的; D. real 真实的。文章的主人公 Tilly 是现实生活中的人,此处表示她像电影中的 Alita 一样有 着机器人手臂。故选 D。 22.A 考查短语辨析。句意:Tilly 在小的时候,因为一种罕见的疾病失去了双臂。A. due to 由于;B. instead of 代替;C. thanks to 多亏了;D. regardless of 不管。此处表示失去手臂 的原因是她患有一种罕见的疾病。故选 A。 23.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意: Tilly 在小的时候,因为一种罕见的疾病失去了双臂。A. teenager 青少年;B. student 学生;C. baby 婴儿,婴孩;D. mother 母亲。由“At the age of three she got her first … arms”可知,她还是一个婴孩时就没有了双臂。故选 C。 24.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:慢慢的 Tilly 长大了,她的妈妈尝试让他去穿戴各种各样的假 肢。 A. take 拿走;B. wear 穿戴;C. lead 领导;D. earn 赚钱。由“In the end I …wearing them”可知,她的妈妈让她穿戴假肢。故选 B。 25.A 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:3 岁的时候,Tilly 拥有了她的第一个电动的胳膊。A. electric 电动的;B. wooden 木制的;C. secondhand 二手的;D. common 共同的。由这副假肢能 够接收神经信号可知,选择 electric 是合适的,表示假肢是“电动的”。故选 A。 26.C 考查名词词义辨析。句意:电动的胳膊能够接收到皮肤神经传来的信号,从而移动手指。 A. promises 诺言;B. feelings 感受;C. signals 信号;D. concerns 担心。pick up signals: 接收信号。神经将信号传递到电动假肢,它开始移动手指。故选 C。 27. B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但这只能够让她一次动一根手指。A. returned 回到;B. allowed 允许;C. mistook 弄错;D. avoided 避免。allow sb to do sth:允许某人做某事。 此处指电动手臂让她移动手指。故选 B。 28.B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:最终她停止佩戴电动胳膊并学会了不用手臂去做事情。 A. expected 预期;B. stopped 停止;C. found 发现;D. remembered 记得。由 learned to do things without arms 可知,她自后停止穿戴假肢了。故选 B。 29. D 考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,不久以前她获得了两只机器人手臂而且她已经掌 握了如何使用它们。A. Frequently 经常;B. Normally 正常地;C. Surprisingly 令人惊讶地; D. Fortunately 幸运地。由下文的新假肢轻便可知,这是幸运的事情。故选 D。 30. C 考查动词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是,不久以前她获得了两只机器人手臂而且她已经掌 握了如何使用它们。A. risked 冒险;B. demanded 要求;C. mastered 掌握;D. noticed 注 意到。既然得到新假肢是幸运的事情,那她应该是掌握了它的使用。故选 C。 31.D 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的新胳膊是给她的一份礼物。A. tradition 传统;B. joke 玩笑;C. burden 负担;D. gift 礼物。由电影制片人购买了一副叫做 Hero Arms 的新胳膊可 知,这是送给她的一份礼物。故选 D。 32.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:电影制片人为被截肢者主动购买了一副叫做 HeroArms 的新 胳膊。 A. ordered 命令;B. believed 相信;C. advised 建议;D. offered 提供。Order, believe 和 advise 在主动结构中一般不能直接接 to do,offer to do:主动提议做某事,合 乎语境。故选 D。 33.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:机器人手臂已经存在 10 年了,但是这对 Hero Arms 手臂成 本更少。A. existed 存在;B. disappeared 消失;C. proved 证明;D. treated 对待。由 any that have come before 可知,机器臂以前就有了,已经存在十年了。故选 A。 34.C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意: Hero Arms 手臂比以往的任何手臂也更轻更灵活。A. entertaining 娱乐的;B. limited 有限的;C. flexible 灵活的;D. expensive 昂贵的。空格所 在句子是在比较Hero Arms和以前的机器臂的不同,由and可知,此处应填入表示Hero Arms 优点的词语,即 Hero Arms 更“灵活”。故选 C。 35. B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Hero Arms 被设计得就像机器一样。A. trained 训练;B. designed 设计;C. discovered 发现;D. pretended 假装。该句承接上文说明 Hero Arms 的优点,它被设计得像机器一样能够灵活运转,选择 designed 合乎语境。故选 B。 36. C 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Tilly 对自己的新技能很满意。A. embarrassed 尴尬的;B. annoyed 懊恼的;C. pleased 高兴的;D. calm 平静的。新手臂更轻便更灵活,因此 Tilly 应 该感到高兴。故选 C。 37.A 考查短语辨析。句意:她一直在展示她使用新手臂能够做的事情。A. showing off 展示, 炫耀;B. staying up 熬夜;C. coming back 回来;D. getting away 逃跑。Tilly 对新手臂感 到高兴,因此她愉快地展示着她使用新手臂能做的事情。故选 A。 38.D 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我现在去上学的时候没有缺点了。A. strength 强项;B. solution 解决;C. choice 选择;D. weakness 弱点。以前 Tilly 因为戴着沉重的手臂很不方便, 后来又学着不戴假肢,这对于她而言都是缺陷,现在有了新的 Hero Arms,她觉得没有了缺 点。故选 D。 39. A 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我感觉到我拥有了看起来非常棒的东西。A. cool 凉的, 出色的,极好的;B. funny 滑稽的;C. simple 简单的;D. formal 正式的。新的假肢让 Tilly 感到很愉快,因此 cool 这个词最能形容她的心情。故选 A。 40. B 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Tilly 现在和技术公司合作来开发用于不同程度残疾的人使用 的机器人手臂,来帮助他们过上更好、更快乐的生活。A. relax 放松;B. develop 开发;C. control 控制;D. charge 收费,充电,指控。此处表示为其他残疾人“开发”机器人手臂, 为了帮助他们过上更好、更快乐的生活,选用 develop 合乎语境。故选 B。 第二节 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Susan went to a boarding school. Here is one of the letters she wrote to 41. parents from the school. Dear Mom and Dad, I’m afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have been very naughty and the school principal is very angry42. me. She is going to write to you. Y ou must come and take me away from here. She does not want me in the school 43. . The trouble44. (start) last night when I was smoking a cigarette in bed. This is against the rules, of course. We are not supposed to smoke at all. As I was smoking, I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I did not want a teacher45. (catch) me smoking, so I threw the cigarette away. Unfortunately, the cigarette fell into the waste-paper basket, 46. caught fire. There was a curtain near the waste-paper basket which caught fire, too. Soon the whole room was47. (burn) .The principal phoned for the fire department. The school is a long way from the town and by the time the fire department arrived, the whole school was in 48. (flame). Many of the girls are in the hospital. The principal says that the fire was all my 49. and you must pay 50. the damage. She will send you a bill for about a million dollars. I am very sorry about this. Much love, Susan. 【答案】 41. her42. with43. any longer44. started45. to catch 46. which47. burning48. flames49. fault50. for 【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。Susan 在寄宿学校上学,这是她写给父母的一封信。她在 信中说自己因违反学校规定在宿舍吸烟而引发了一场大火,很多女生都住进了医院。校长说这 场大火都是她的错误,并要她的家长赔偿损失。Susan 告诉父母校长会给他们写信,让他们来 把 Susan 带走。 41. 考查物主代词。根据句意"这是她从学校写给父母的一封信"可知此处要用形容词性物主代 词 her。故填 her。 42. 考查介词。be angry with sb 是固定短语,意为“对某人感到很生气”。故填 with。 43. 考查固定短语。这里用 any longer 与前面的 not 构成"not…any longer"结构,意为“不 再……”。故填 any longer。 44. 考查动词的时态。句子中有时间状语 last night,所以要用一般过去时。故填 started。 45. 考查动词不定式。这是固定短语“want sb to do sth”,意为“想让某人干某事”。故填 to catch。 46. 考查关系代词。这是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词为 the waste-paper basket,指物, 在后面的非限制性定语从句中作主语,且 that 不能引导非限制性定语从句,所以关系代词要 用 which。故填 which。 47. 考查形容词。此处可理解为现在分词作形容词,在句中作系动词 was 的表语,句意为“很 快整个房间都着火了”。故填 burning。 48. 考查名词。句意:整个学校都着火了。in flames 是固定用法,意为“在火焰中”,故填 flames。 49. 考查名词。句意:这场火灾都是我的责任。结合上下文分析,所以此处用 fault 表示“错 误,责任”。故填 fault。 50. 考查介词。pay for 是固定短语,意为“赔偿,为…而付钱”。故填 for。 第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 l 分,满分 10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 There was a time that I was fond of eating instant noodles very much. The instant noodles taste deliciously, because there are artificial additives in it. When my mother was not at the home, I would buy but eat some. Unfortunately, as time goes by, I found my appetite became bad. My mother said I shouldn't have had such many instant noodles, for they are low vitamins and aren't good for my healths. After that, I developed an awareness of staying away from instant noodles and eat healthy food. 【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者很喜欢吃面条,但是却错误地爱上了方便 面。在妈妈的教导下,同时也为了自己的健康,作者决定远离不健康的方便面。 第一处:that → when 本题考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处是定语从句,先行词 time 在从句 I was fond of eating instant noodles very much 中作时间状语,应用关系副 词 when,故将 that 改为 when。 第二处:deliciously → delicious 考查形容词。taste“尝起来”是感官动词,其后应接形 容词作表语,故将 deliciously 改为 delicious。 第三处:it → them 考查代词。结合上下文可知,此处应用 them 指代复数名词 noodles, 故将 it 改为 them。 第四处:去掉 home 前的 the 考查冠词。此处考查短语 at home“在家”,故删除 home 前的 the。 第五处:but → and 考查并列连词。句意:当妈妈不在家时,我会自己买一些来吃。结合句 意可知,“买”和“吃”是并列关系,故将 but 改为 and。 第六处:goes → went 考查时态。本篇讲述过去的事情,应用一般过去时,故将 goes 改 为 went。 第七处:such → so 考查副词。此处考查 so 和 such 的用法,当名词前有 many/much/little/few 时用 so,即 so many/ much/ little/ few + n.,故将 such 改为 so。 第八处:vitamins 前加 in 考查介词。此处考查短语 be low in“……的含量低”,故在 low 后 加 in。 第九处:healths → health 考查名词的数。health“健康”是不可数名词,没有复数形式, 故将 heaths 改为 health。 第十处:eat → eating 考查动名词。分析句子结构可知,此处应用 eat 的动名词形式作为 from 的宾语,故将 eat 改为 eating。 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 假设你是高三学生李华,将于今年六月份毕业。请你给你的英语老师 Miss Wang 写一封 感谢信。要点如下:写信目的;老师对你的帮助;表达祝愿。 注意:词数 100 左右;可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词 数。 Dear Miss Wang, __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ________ Yours truly, Li Hua 【范文】 Dear Miss Wang, As our graduation is drawing near, I'm afraid that we have to say goodbye to each other soon. Here I'm writing to express my heartfelt gratitude for your support and guidance during the past three years. I still remember there was a time when I was struggling with my English learning and even thought of giving it up. However, it was you who selflessly sacrificed your spare time to guide me, cheer me up and help me with my English. Without your help, I couldn't have made such great progress. Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you and I wish you good health and a happy mood every day. Yours sincerely, Li Hua

