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appearence 人物外貌 Writing 写作 简要描述人物外貌 … height build hair Stage 1 ( 第一关 :词汇 ) Stage 2 ( 第二关 :连词成句 ) Stage 3 ( 第三关 :连句成文 ) Stage 4 ( 第 四 关 :实践 ) 写作通关 Stage 1: 词汇 Ready? Go Height 身 高 tall medium height short 高的 中等身高 矮的 heavy thin medium build Build 体形 重的 中等体形 瘦的 Hair 头发 short hair 短发 long hair 长发 curly hair 卷发 straight hair 直发 Hair 头发 short straight blonde hair 长短 + 卷直 + 颜色 short /long 长短 straight/curly 直卷 black /blonde… 颜色 hair build thin heavy medium build height tall medium height short 词汇小结 Ready to Stage 2 ? Congratulation s to pass Stage 1! 祝贺你通过第一关 ! Stage 2: 连词成句 Ready? Go tall short of medium height A: What does he/she look like? B: He/She is … Height 身高 heavy A: What does he/she look like? B: He/She is ... of medium build thin Build 体形 A: What does he/she look like? B: He/She has... 长有 , 留有 Hair 头发 short straight black hair long curly blonde hair has short hair has long hair has straight hair has curly hair has black hair has blonde hair is tall is short is of medium height is thin is heavy is of medium build 句子汇总 He/She have/has 长有 , 留有 眼睛大 / 小 have big/small eyes Congratulations to pass Stage 2! 祝贺你通过第 2 关 Ready to Stage 3? Stage 3: 连句成文 Ready? Go Wang Yaping is an astronaut. She is ___(tall / short / of medium height ). She _______( is thin / is of medium build /is heavy). She has _____(long / short ), (brown / black / blonde ) hair . 范文 This is my friend. His name is Mike. He is tall and thin. He has short straight brown hair. 范文 Name Height (身高) Build (体形) Hair Eyes Jay Chou medium height medium build short straight black hair Small eyes My favorite singer is Jay Chou. He is of medium height and of medium build He has short straight black hair. He has two small eyes. 根据表格内容完成作文 Congratulations to pass Stage 3 ! 祝贺你通过第 3 关! Ready to Stage 4 ? Stage 4: Ready? Go Have a try by yourselves! 自己试一试! Name Height (身高) Build (体形) Hair Eyes 描述你的好朋友 / 你的家人 / 最喜欢的老师 / 最喜欢的演员 …. ( 先填写表格再完成作文 ) 参考词汇 :favorite 最喜欢的 温馨提示:可以添加表格之外的内容 Show Time Who is the best writer? 谁是最好的作家? Goodbye!

