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‎2008年中考英语分册总复习(二)初二卷(上)‎ 一、听力部分(共30分)‎ ‎(一)听句子,选画面(每小题1分,共5分)‎ ‎ 你将听到五个句子。请你根据所听到的内容,选择与画面内容意思相符的选项,每个句子仅读一遍。‎ ‎(A ) ( B ) ( C ) ( D ) ( E )‎ ‎⒈__ __ ⒉___ _ ⒊__ __⒋_ ___ ⒌__ __‎ ‎ (二)听句子,选答语(每小题1分,共5分)‎ ‎ 你将听到五个句子。请你根据所听到的内容,选择恰当的答语 ,每个句子仅读一遍。‎ ‎( )6. A. No, you can't. B. Sure, I'd love to. C. Yes, I want. ‎ ‎( )7. A. Me too. B. Thank you. C. That's all right. ‎ ‎( )8. A. From 8 : 00 to 11: 00. B. Five hours. C. At 8 : 00. ‎ ‎( )9. A. No, she hasn't. B. Yes, he hasn't. C. Yes, never. ‎ ‎( )10. A. I hope so. B. That's true. C. The way you speak.‎ ‎(三)对话理解(每小题1分,共10分)‎ 你将听到10段小对话。请你根据所听到的每段对话内容及问题,选择正确的答案 每段对话和问题读两遍。‎ ‎( )11, A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn.‎ ‎( )12. A. At seven. B. At eleven. C. At ten. ‎ ‎( )13. A. Jeff. B. Mary. C. The boy.‎ ‎( )14. A. Green. B. Blue. C. Yellow.‎ ‎( )15. A. He is ill. B. He is fine. C. He is sad. ‎ ‎( )16. A. Apples B. Oranges C. Bananas ‎( )17. A. My teacher B. My brother C. My sister ‎( )18. A. To America B. To Australia C. To Africa ‎( )19. A. John B. Peter C. Tom ‎( )20. A. The weather B. The sweater C. The pants ‎ (四)短文理解(每小题2分,共10分)‎ ‎ 你将听到一篇短文, 请你根据所听到的短文内容,选择正确的答案,短文读两遍。‎ ‎ ( )21.Liu Ye’s home is about ______ kilometers from school .‎ ‎ A. one B. two C. three ‎( ) 22.To exercise and have breakfast takes _______ minutes .‎ ‎ A. 10 B‎.15 ‎C. 20‎ ‎( ) 23.He leaves for school at about ________‎ ‎ A. 7:20 B. 7:‎40 ‎ C 6:20‎ ‎( ) 24.He _______ in first five minutes to get his bike.‎ ‎ A. rides B. walks C. runs ‎ ‎( )25.How long does it take Liu Ye to get from home to school?‎ ‎ A. Ten minutes B. Fifteen minutes C. Twenty minutes ‎ 笔试部分(90分)‎ 二、单项选择(15分,每小题1分) 从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。‎ ‎( ) 1 . Does your sister enjoy______ the music? ‎ ‎  A. listening  B. to listen   C. listening to  D. to listen to ‎( ) 2. Reading _____ the sun is bad ____ eyes. ‎ ‎   A. under, to   B. under, for   C. in, to   D. in, for ‎ ‎( ) 3. Please give me_____. ‎ ‎   A. two piece of red paper.   B. two piece of red papers ‎ ‎   C. two pieces of red paper   D. two piece of red papers ‎ ‎( ) 4. There’s ___ tea in the cup, is there? ‎ ‎   A. a few   B. a little   C. few    D. little ‎ ‎( ) 5. Why not_____ outside the zoo? ‎ ‎   A .meet    B. to meet   C. meeting   D. met ‎ ‎( )6. Mr. Johnson _____ Tokyo yesterday morning. ‎ ‎   A. get   B. arrived   C. reached    D. reached in ‎ ‎( ) 7. Do you know the way _____ the post office? ‎ ‎   A. of   B. to   C. for   D. with ‎ ‎( ) 8. She ____ a new watch. ‎ ‎   A. needs to buy   B. needs buying   C. need buying   D. need to buy ‎ ‎( ) 9. —Don’t they come by bike? —_____. ‎ A. Yes, they don’t    B. No, they do   C. Yes, they are.   D. No, they don’t. ‎ ‎( ) 10.______ delicious food they are! ‎ ‎   A. How a   B. What a    C. How   D. What ‎ ‎( ) 11. —Shall we go to see a film tonight? — .‎ A. Thank you. B. That' s a good idea. C. It' s very kind of you. D. I have no time.‎ ‎( ) 12. —Do you know she came to Beijing? —Yes. She came by plane.‎ A. what B. why C. when D. how ‎( )13. ---This is really a wonderful party with interesting people and great food.‎ ‎---I’m glad you are _____. ‎ A. liking it  B. enjoying yourself C. at the party D. are loving ‎ ‎( )14. - ---The pen writes well though it doesn’t cost much.‎ ‎--- Let me have a try. So _____.‎ A. it is   B. it does  C. does it  D. is it ‎( ) 15. ---The smell in the room is really terrible.‎ ‎  ---You said it. Let’s keep all the windows _____ .‎ ‎  A. open  B. closed  C. opening  D. to open ‎ ‎ 三、完形填空(10分,每小题1分) ‎ 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案 ‎ Mike always loves ships. When he was older, he said, “I’m going to be a soldier(士兵). ” But his eyes were not very  1  , and he did not get in. ‎ ‎  Then he said, “I’m going to  2  a small boat and I’m going around the world. ”But boats were very expensive, and Mike did not have enough 3  . ‎ ‎  Last summer Mike found a swimming 4  near his house. The lessons did not cost very ‎  5 , and Mike began going to the school at every end of the week and having  6  . Now ‎ he is a good swimmer. ‎ ‎  Last week a little boy said to him, “You’re a very good swimmer. How do  7  learn to swim so well?”‎ ‎  “I’m not good at all, ” Mike said and he smiled. “  8  I’m in the water, I say to myself, There are  9  fishes behind me! Then I’m very afraid, and I  10  quickly. ”‎ ‎  ( )1.A. big B beautiful C. good D strong ‎  ( )2.A. buy B make C borrow D. draw ‎  ( )3.A. food B. work C time D. money ‎  ( )4.A. park B. school C. farm D. factory ‎ ( ) 5.A. much B. little C. many D any ‎  ( )6.A. meals B. lessons C. talks D. games ‎  ( )7.A. I B they C. we D you ‎  ( )8.A. If B When C. Though D Where ‎  ( ) 9.A. interesting B. nice C. dangerous D different ‎  ( )10.A. run B. jump C. swim D fly ‎ 四、阅读理解。(每小题2分小题,共30分) ‎ ‎ 阅读下列短文内容,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。 ‎ ‎(A)‎ ‎  One day, Bruce played in front of a house. A woman came up and asked Bruce, “Little boy, is your mother at home?”‎ ‎  “Yes, she is, ” answered the boy. ‎ ‎  Then the woman went over to ring the bell. The bell rang and rang, but no one came to open the door. The woman got angry and called out to him, “You told me your mother was at home, didn’t you?”‎ ‎  “Yes, ” the boy answered. “My mother is at home, but this isn’t my home. ”‎ ‎(  )1.One day, Bruce played ________. ‎ ‎   A. in a park           B. in the street ‎   C. in front of a shop        D. in front of a house ‎(  )2.The woman wanted to see ________. ‎ ‎   A. Bruce’s mother         B. Bruce’s father ‎   C. Bruce himself         D. nobody ‎(  )3.The woman went over to ________ after she talked with Bruce. ‎ ‎   A. knock at the door of the house   B. ring the bell of the house ‎   C. give a call to his mother     D. ask his mother some questions ‎(  )4.The woman got ________ because no. one came to open the door. ‎ ‎  A. pleased    B. surprised   C. angry     D. afraid ‎ (  )5.In the story the woman didn’t find Bruce’s mother because ________. ‎ ‎  A. she went to the wrong house   B. she didn’t know Bruce’s mother ‎  C. Bruce was not at home      D. Bruce didn’t have a mother ‎(B)‎ The word“day” has two meanings. When we talk about the number of days in a year, we are using “day” to mean 24 hours. But when we talk about day and night, we are using“day” to mean the time between sunrise and sunset. Since the earth looks like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at a time. Always one half of the earth is having day and the other half night. A place is moved from day into night and from night into day over and over by the spinning(旋转)of the earth. At the equator(赤道)day and night are sometimes the same length(长度). They are each twelve hours long. The sun rises at 6 o’clock in the morning and sets at 6 o’clock ‎ in the evening. For six months the North Pole is tilted(倾斜)toward the sun. In those months the Northern Hemisphere(半球)gets more hours of sunlight than the Southern Hemisphere. Days are longer than nights. South of the equator nights are longer than days. For the other six months the North Pole is tilted away from the sun. Then the Southern Hemisphere gets more sunlight. Days are longer than nights. North of the equator nights are longer than days. Winter is the season of long nights. Summer is the season of long days. ‎ ‎(  )6.When the Western Hemisphere is having day, the Eastern Hemisphere is having ________. ‎ ‎   A. both day and night       B. day ‎  C. neither day nor night      D. night ‎(  )7.A place is moved from day into night and from night into day over and over by ________ of the earth. ‎ ‎   A. the pushing  B. the pulling   C. the spinning  D. the passing ‎(  )8.At the equator day is as long as night ________. ‎ ‎   A. sometimes   B. never     C. usually    D. always ‎(  )9.When the North Pole is tilted toward the sun, the Northern Hemisphere gets ________ sunlight. ‎ ‎  A. less     B. more     C. all      D. no ‎(  )10.When it is winter in China, ________. ‎ ‎   A. the USA is tilted toward the sun ‎   B. the South Pole is tilted away from the sun ‎   C. the North Pole is tilted toward the sun ‎   D. the North Pole is tilted away from the sun ‎(C ) ‎ ‎ Women’s fashions (时装)change more quickly than men’s .In the early ‎1990’‎s, all women wore their skirts down to the ankle (脚踝).Today, some skirts are even longer than before, but some are very short .Women’s shoes have also gone through all sorts of changes in the last ninety –five years .For example, boots (靴)for women were very common at the beginning of the century .Then for years, they were not thought fashionable.Today, they’re back again in all colours, lengths (长度)and materials (材料). In fact, today’s women can wear all kinds of clothes on almost any occasion (场合). While all of these changes were taking place in women’s fashions, men’s clothing remained (保持)almost the same as it was a few years ago. And, in fact, most men are still dressed in the kinds of they used to wear.‎ ‎(  )11. Today women like to wear _____skirts.‎ A. long   B. short C. neither long nor short   D. both long and short ‎(  )12. Boots are thought _____now.‎ A. uncommon            B. fashionable ‎ C. fit for (适合) girls       D. unfashionable ‎ ‎(  )13. When today’s women attend (出席) the party, they wear_______.‎ A. any kinds of clothes they like B. long skirts and short boots ‎ C. red long boots   D. skirts down to the ankle ‎ ‎(  )14. Men’s fashions _______.‎ A. change as women’s fashions do B. have also changed ‎ C. are changing fast these years    D. remain unchanged ‎ ‎(  )15. The passage tried to tell us _____.‎ A. women’s shoes are back again in all colours, lengths, etc ‎ B. today women are dressed in the kinds of clothes they used to wear ‎ C. women’s fashions for clothes, shoes and so on always change ‎ D. boots for women have been thought fashionable since 1900.‎ 五、情景交际(5分) 在方框中选择答案完成对话,,有两个多余的选项。‎ A. Did you meet any Japanese people?‎ B. How were the stores?‎ C. I went to Tokyo with my family.‎ D. How was the food?‎ E. But they were also very crowded.‎ F. Where are you from ?‎ G. Thanks a lot .‎ A: Hi, Vera. How was your vacation?‎ B: It was great.‎ A: Where did you go?‎ B: 1 ‎ A: Really? Wow! What did you do there?‎ B: Well, we went to a lot of museums.‎ A: Oh, how were they?‎ B: They were really interesting. 2 ‎ A: Did you go shopping?‎ B: Yeah, I did.‎ A: 3 ‎ B: Oh, they were very expensive.‎ A: And how were the people? 4 ‎ B: Yeah, the people were really friendly. My parents have some Japanese friends, and we had dinner at their house.‎ A: 5 ‎ B: It was delicious. I love Japanese food!‎ ‎1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ‎ 六、词汇运用:根据所给句子的意义及首字母或中文提示写正确的单词(10分,每小题1分)。‎ ‎1. Yesterday afternoon Miss Li came here to say s to you.‎ ‎2. Miss Ling told us to stop t and listen to her.‎ ‎3. We saw the old scientist walking in the g just now.‎ ‎4. She is sure to come to your party if she is f .‎ ‎5. Look! A group of policemen are r into that room. ‎ ‎6. I find it (难)to remember these words.‎ ‎7. Many boys enjoy (玩)computer games .‎ ‎8. Don’t stand all the time. Please give me a (帮手).‎ ‎9. Wang Zheng .was born in a (教师的) family.‎ ‎10. Good (运气), all the boys. ‎ 七、完成句子:根据句子所给的汉语意思完成句子,每空一词,缩写计一词,注意大小写。(共10分,每空1分)‎ ‎1. 我妈妈现在不在家, 我能带个信给她吗?‎ ‎ My mum’s not at home now, can I ___ ___ a for her?‎ ‎2. 我们的教室十米长五米宽。‎ ‎ Our classroom is 10 metres __ _____ and 5 meters __ _____.‎ ‎3. 跑步是保持健康的好办法。‎ ‎ is a good way to healthy.  ‎ ‎4. 这个筐比那个筐重得多。‎ This basket is _____ __ ___ ____ than that one. ‎ ‎5. 昨天晚上你没看电视吗?‎ ‎_ ______ you ______ ___TV last night? ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 八、书面表达(10分)‎ 根据中文提供的情景以及图示信息和英文提示词语,写一篇短文。‎ ‎ 今年暑假,你们学校将组织你们前往澳大利亚参加友好交流活动。学校要求你们写一篇有关北京的简介,以便在交流活动期间向外国朋友介绍和宣传北京。‎ ‎ 注意:1、字数70—80 左右 ‎ 2、所提供的图示信息和英文提示词语必须涉及(可适当发挥)‎ ‎ ‎ capital of China, ‎ lie in the north, ‎ many places of interest, ‎ autumn, best season, ‎ Chinese traditional(传统的) food, . . .‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2008年中考英语分册总复习(二)初二卷(上)参考答案 一、听力部分1—5 ACDEB 6—10 BACAC 11 — 15 CABBA ‎ ‎16—20 CCBAA21—25 BCCBA 二、单项选择1 —‎5 C D C D A   6—‎10 C B A D D 11—15 DBBA 三、完形填空1—5 CADBA 6—10 BDBCC 四、阅读理解1—5 DABCA 6—10 DCABD 11—15 D B A D C 五、补全对话1—5 CEBAD 六、词汇运用1.sorry 2.talking 3.garden 4.free 5.running ‎ 6.difficult / hard7.playing 8.hand 9.teacher’s 10.luck 七、完成句子1. take message 2. long wide 3. Running keep 4. much heavier 5. Didn’t watch ‎ 八、书面表达Beijing is the capital of China with a long history.There are lots of places of interest, such as the Great Wall , the Palace Museum, and the Summer Palace and so on. Since it lies in the north of China, the winter here is long and it snows sometimes. Autumn is the best season in Beijing, for it is neither too cold nor too hot. One of the most famous traditional foods is Beijing (Roast)Duck. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. By hosting the Olympics, we’ll have the chance to let the world know more about China and Beijing. So, come to Beijing and you'll enjoy it. ‎ ‎2008年中考英语分册总复习(二)初二卷(上)听力材料 ‎ (一)听句子,选画面(每小题1分,共5分)‎ ‎ 你将听到五个句子。请你根据所听到的内容,选择与画面内容意思相符的选项,每个句子仅读一遍 ‎ ‎ 1.The sign shows that you can turn left.‎ ‎2.The sign shows that you can go straight.‎ ‎3.The sign shows that you cannot turn right. ‎ ‎4.The sign shows that you cannot turn left ‎ ‎5.The sign shows that you can turn right.‎ ‎(二)听句子。选答语(每小题1分,共5分)‎ ‎ 你将听到五个句子。请你根据所听到的内容,选择恰当的答语 ,每个句子仅读一遍。‎ ‎6. Would you like to have a game with us?‎ ‎7. I'm so happy that you could be here at Christmas time.‎ ‎8. Could you tell me what time the plane leaves?‎ ‎9. She has never been abroad, has she?‎ ‎10. How did you guess I came from Australia?‎ ‎(三)对话理解(每小题1分,共10分)‎ ‎ 你将听到10段小对话。请你根据所听到的每段对话内容及问题,选择正确的答案 每段对话和问题读两遍。‎ ‎ 11. Man: What's your favourite season, Emma? ‎ Woman: Autumn. Autumn is the best season. ‎ Question: What's Emma's favourite season?‎ ‎12. Woman: Ted, what time did you get to school this morning?‎ Man: I got to school at seven.‎ Question: What time did Ted get to school this morning?‎ ‎13. Man: Hello, this is Jeff speaking.‎ Woman: Hello, this is Susan. Can I speak to Mary, please?‎ Mail: Sure. Wait a minute. ‎ Question: Who does Susan want to speak to?‎ ‎14. Man: You look very beautiful in this blue dress. Woman: Thank you.‎ Question: What colour is the woman's dress?‎ ‎15. Woman: What's your trouble, Mr. Green? ‎ Man: I've got a bad cold, doctor. ‎ Question: How is Mr. Green?16.A: Hello, Tom. What are you cutting up?‎ ‎ B: Oh, some bananas, you see.‎ ‎ Question: What is Tom cutting up?‎ ‎17. A: Who usually helps you with your homework?‎ ‎ B: Not my brother, but my sister.‎ ‎ Question: Who helps you with your homework?‎ ‎18.A: Where are your parents going to move?‎ ‎ B: My father wants to move to the USA. But my mother disagrees. She decides on Australia.‎ ‎ Question: Where does your mother want to move?‎ ‎19.A: Who is the tallest of the three, Peter, Tom or John?‎ ‎ B: Ok. Tom is shorter than Peter. And John is taller than Peter.‎ ‎ Question: Who is the tallest?‎ ‎20. A: What a cold day. I think it’s going to rain later.‎ ‎ B: Yes, I think so.‎ ‎ Question: What are they talking about?‎ ‎(四)短文理解(每小题2分,共10分)‎ ‎ 你将听到一篇短文,请你根据所听到的短文内容,选择正确的答案, 短文读两遍。‎ ‎ Liu Ye’s home is about 2 kilometers from school. He gets up at six every morning. Then he exercises and has a quick breakfast , or has it at school. He leaves for school at about six twenty . First , he walks to get his bike for around five minutes. Then he rides his bike to school . The bike ride usually takes about five minutes . And his new day begins. ‎

