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⒛13山东省日照市中考英语试卷 一、听力 略 二、单项选择 (共 15小题,计 15分 )从每小题 A、 B、 C、 D中选出一个能填入句中空白 处的最佳答案。 21. -Munb I、vantto buy______——nC、v toy car。 -But______° ld° nc is stiⅡ lunning, isn℃ it? ( ) A。 tllc; tllc B. d1c; an C. a; thc D. a: an 22, Thc Lushan Ea1tllquakc took placc~ˉ ~̄ˉˉ̄ˉ̄ about8o’ clock~____ˉ —̄—丿′phI20, l△ l1cn thc chndrcn arejust bcginning thcir± 1rst lcssons. ( 9 A.哎: in B. at; on C. lll; on D. flom; to 23 . Young chⅡ drcn can casⅡ y 1osc rcading skⅡ ls during thc sunm1cr vacation 、vithout .( ) A. practicc B. discussion C。 ho1mcworkD. cducatlon 24, Maly is so~________^shC comcsto you Ⅴ汀1encver youirc in troublc, ( ) A. uscftll B。 carc凡 l C. thankml D.hclpml 25. My小〃in brod1crs pron1iscd Iny parcnts to givc up playing computcr gamcs, but_______— °f tllcm made it。 ( ) A. nonc B。 nci曲 er C. citllcrD. bo曲 26. Thc shop Inanagcris quick to________any phonc calls or cmaⅡ s ion1hcr custoIllcrs, 、vhich brings hcr good busincss. ( ) A.makcB. rctum C。 wH∞ D.dcal 27. -Why didn’ t you ans、verrny phone cal1, Jack? -I’ lll son。/9 but I~_______thcn. ( ) A.drovcB.dlivcs C。 was dHving D.havc dHvcn 28. Claudc didn’ tdo much homcwork, ~he still passcd thc cxam, ( ) A.for B, or C. a11d D. but 29. Thcy~_______a noticc to tcll thc stt1dcnts about thc changcd1nccting tin1c。 ( ) A. put up B, put on C. putaway D. put out 30. ⒈h, guy!You~______— n̄ot park your car hcrc, Irs f。 r our customcrs on1y。 ( ) A.necd B, may C. will D. ca 31.Don℃ comc into tlac labェ ____you are askcd to.( ) A.unlcss B。 unti1C. bccausc D. since 32. Pcople、 vho cat brcak兔 st are al、vays in~ˉ _̄_____spirits than thosc、 vho don’ t。 ( ) A。 good B.nicc C. bcttcrD. bcst 33. Tccnagcrs wid1 、vorhng cxperiences kno、 v more clearly _____— ——̄ thcy will be in the futurc。 ( ) A,who B.why C.whcrc D.what 34. -The paper says Iron Man3is on this evening. Let’ s go and sec it. -ButI lt.( ) A.scc B. saw C. havc sccn D. will scc 35. -so1ncOnc is knocking atthc door, dad! -Go and scc , ( ) A.w11o is⒒ B,whoitis C.who wasit D,wllo it was 三、完形填空 (共 1小题 ,计 10分 )阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所 给的 A、 B、 C、 D四个选顼中,选择最佳选项。 TwCn″ ycars ago, I drovc a taxi for a living, One jmcin thc middlc oftllc night, an old lady in hcr80s (36) ~ˉ ˉ̄ˉ̄ˉ̄ my taXi。 shc gavc n1e an addrcss, and thcn asked: "Could you drivc drough do、vntowm? " ’ It’ s not thc shortcst、 vay, ’lI answcrcd quickly. "oh,I don℃ (37) , "she said. "I’ m lll no hurry.I’m onn1y wayto a hospice (刂 缶 终关 `怀医院 )。 I don℃ havc any兔 miˇ lcft· Tl1c doctor泷 ys I don℃ havc vcγ long." I (38)___ˉ sllut onhc m∝ cr(里程表 ). For the next tWo hours, wc droVe tlrough thc c⒒ y, She (39) ~ˉ ~̄ˉˉ̄ mc the buⅡding 、vhcrc shc had、 vorkcd, 山c ncighborhood、 vhcrc shc and hcr husband had oncc Iivcd, thc placc whcrc shc danccd as a gir1。 Asthc sun、vas rising, wc gotto d)e hospicc. "Ho、v much should I pay you? "shc askcd, rcaching into hcr pursc, " (40) , "I said. "You havc to lnake a living, "shc answercd. "Thcrc arc Othcr (41) . " "You gavc an old woman alitdc momcnt of (42) ___ˉ___, "shC said. ’】 Thank you。 ’ I drovc into thc flnc (43) ~ hght· :ehind1nc, a door shut. It was tlle sound of thc (44) ~ˉˉ̄ ˉ̄ ̄of a lifc. I drovc alllllcssly, lostin thought, For thc rcst ofthc day, I could hardly talk. VVhatifd1at、 von1an had gota(n) (45)~ˉ ˉ̄ˉ̄ˉ̄ driVcr, or onc、vho、Ⅳas illlpaticnt to elad llls shia(换 班 )?WhtifI had【 ftlⅡ d to takc tllc mn? 36. A. 允und B. took C. ca11cd D. chose 37.A.count B.k△1ow C.mLnd D.wolTy 38, A. quicdy B. glad1y C. angri1y D. usually 39. A. rcllaindcd B. introduced C. cxplaincd D. showcd 40,A。 All,tllmg B。 Sometlling C.Notlling D.Ev∝ 莎h血g 41. A. passcngcrs 42.A.p1ty 43. A。 mon1ing 44. A, opcning 45. A. carcful B. dnvcrs B。 pain B。 aRemoon B, closing B。 poljtc c, paucn‘ C.joy C. cvcning C. bcgllnling C. kind D. strangcrs D. angcr D. night D. changing D. un佥 icndly. 然后从每小题 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项四、阅读理解 (共 3小题,计 sO分 )阅读下列材料 , 中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 崴1;;⒒捧 枷 扌“ 出钅扌1弘》t盏 玄扌蔓 铲再芟篾;褒 ◇ ¢¢;¢】》旷糸攵蒈 ∷ 辘u$丁¥ 氵 舅 罨T⒂ 鑫廖魏了洒s燕 $彡⒈ '艹 ^ˇ ‘盅;亠 :恣∷:=∶ =∶ |=半 Ⅱt∴∴多∷0=享纟 '← ÷甘午 ==宁 △̌ ===; 夕 =:寺 →扌△氵:玎 △饣 =垂 扌aⅡⅡ `||∷ 帝k艹 ;艹∷ 魏粥睇 昏铮猞麴豫爵薄鼯惫f专巍念镲 lQ猡涤镑镓黎鬏箬螨 蠡 ^丬 歹舞 46. Picturc1is a (n) A.postcard B.poster C.mvitatlon D。 mcnu 47. You should reply to the Johnson腼 ly by~__ˉ __ˉ · A.l19ˇ`1fiiung an cmall B。 makhg a phone ca11 D. chatting onⅡnc witll thcmC. 48. A. B。 C. D. 49. vislting u1cm in pcrson ry。u wantt。 eat welI,you can℃ 血 ss the___' Dance as a Job Lecture bIusical Thcatrc Classcs Welght Tr缸n血gC1asscs sports Nut△扭on Classcs How long w△ 1the camp last? C.A wcck. 59 孓饣猊竹耪 乎杼;获△ 缁巍弼意馥 F|-△钅Ⅱ `=冫 (∷艹 艹叼 '>i 磙鞲凳袭 。。·△∷Ⅱ啷 舒对艹△扌枷 ¤裘奔寒镎番孱吞谚◇珞廴镎钅l嵌 扌舍 ∷$孬◇泽窈 姆讣诤妊番乍-:钅:= 呤酵氵象弘读γf畚-拜i羚臻 扛̌ 扌̌口茗玉 `守 =i铋 再畏 '|;: 蝓 讠虑,o磅 纟̌亥尽‘|∮ 衤̌J;郑 9咛扌碳i∴ 彳焖灬”兮 `‘ ●Ⅱ饣| 、岬 觯繁衤 '嗦 磉心扌钅W 宀孝钅0布 抄汾奶盯弃r¢;50个 扭础 -蚕 钅|3诳 秭艹熟甯谷手咯蚤·9各砩 篾带 矿架赞及知晶豳舔咖蚤孛晚扬拥谛铝饪|腑 u9淼蛇 各̌,ˇ磁圩 轰卿蚺 蟓糍 `;s A. s1x days. B。 Tcn daγ s. D.A mon伍 50. Ifyou are a15-ycarˉ old studcnt, what jme is your a碱 jon? A.4: 00pn1on Nov I3. B.4: 30pn1on Nov14。 C.4: 30pm on Nov18. D.⒋ 00pm on Nov19。 B For thc丘 rst ti1η c, Zhang shcngyu, a studcnt佥 o1n Laiyang Middlc schoo1in shandong, didnit ask hcr1nothcr to buy hcr a nc、 v schoo1bag or any ncw pcnsforthc bcgi1Ⅱ1ing ofthc school tern1. "My old schoolbag can still be used, so thercis no nced to buy a new one, "Zhang said, "rvc dccidcd to bc d1n鱼 y flom now on," Asthc ccntcrofthc familys a钆 cnuon,many ofthc OIlcˉ 山 ild莎 ncration(一 代 人 ) do llot kno、v about thc hardships of li】 ℃. Thcy so1nctimes have no idca of d1c value of tllings. Many stLldcnts、vould tllroⅥ /away pcns and crascrs that haven℃ bccn uscd up and buy ncw oncs。 somc Ⅱkc to con1pctc、 vith cach otllcr to scc、 vhosC Clothcs and school things arc n1orc cxpcnsivc, on its、vcbsitc in Januaγ , thc Ministry of Education callcd on studcnts to foΠ n good habits such Ⅱ working hard,bcing hclpml and山 riRy,to avoid wasting food and to pay more a仗 Cntion to stLldy and othcrs. ⒈淫any schools considcr tcaching thc valuc of rnoncy to bc an impoItant lcsson and cncouragc thcir stLldcnts to bc thrifty. smdents at No.44Middle school of Sh刂 iazhuang,Hebei planted many佥 uit订ees in tlleir schoo1. Tlrough taking carc of d1c tIccs, tllC smdcnts lcamcd ho、 vto va1uc things. At qhc Yi1√ Ⅱdd1c school in Xi’an, stLldcnts organized a group to coⅡ cct、 vaste and rcusc thcm. "What、 vc stLldcnts do arc sma1l things, but I think、 vith cvcγ oncls work, wc can1nakc a di匝crcncc, "said Li Dongdong, 16, a smdcnt fro1n thc group. 51.Thc underIllled word ηlu·mγ"in Palagraph1means_____, A, giving Fnoncy to thc poor B. spcnding lots ofmoncy C。 spending no rnoncy at all D。 using lnoney carcnllly and、 Ⅳiscly 52. Many ofthc Oneˉ chⅡd gencration usuaⅡy_______' A. 、vastc things B. lqlOw aboutthc hardships ofh允 C. don’ t kno、v the priccs ofmany things D,hkc compctition with Oach otllcr in study 53.In Januaγ ,theˇⅡnis订y ofEducadon caⅡ cd on studentsto dothe bllowings EXCEPT___ˉ ~̄. A, working hard B. bcing tllnRy C。 hclping o山 crs D。 protccting cnvironmcnt 54. 、Ve can concludc that Li Dongdong______ˉ . A. took carc oftrccs B.plantcd ntlit trccs C. coⅡ cctcd wastc D. didnt ask11is rnotllcr for a ncw school bag 55. What is thc bcst titIe ofthe passage? ~ A. School acuvitics B。 v/astc not, 、Vant not C. Makc a diffcrcncc D. Thc problc1ns ofoncˉ chⅡd gcncfation. C Having a tccnagcr at homc can be a real headachc. RIany tccnagcrs sIuokc, drink and evcn 丘ght。 Thcy oRcn do somcd1ing dangcrous, Ealliσ smd∞ havc shown that妃cnag∝ s arc mOIc Ⅱkcly (可台邕) to makc iⅡ atIOnal dccisions tllan pcoplc佥on1any other age group, including children and adults. Is it that tccnagcrs arc too young to tcll right flom、 vrong? Not rcally. so、 vhars thc rcason? According to Laurcncc, a tcachcr岔 on1a1JS univcrsity, d1c reason is thattccnagcrs carc a Iot about how tl妇 r pee“ (同龄人 ) “cw tllcmˉ that is℃ ecr innucncc". As chⅡ drcn cntcrthcirtccnagc ycars, thcy spcnd rnore tirnc wltllthcir△ icnds and classmatcs, and also thcy care n1ore about what thcy think of then1. This1nakes tecnagcrs111akc dccisions w1thout d1inking about thc costs, In a tcst, a group oftccnagcrs wcrc askcd to play a vidco driving gamc. Whcn thcy p1aycd with their friends、 vatching around them,they took rnorc chanccs and drove1nore carelessly because that、vould incrcasc thcir possibⅡ ity of、vinning。 But whcn thcy playcd a1onc, thcy drovc1norc safcly。 Why do pccrs havc such a big inⅡ ucncc On tccns】 bchavior? As Laurcncc sccs it,a tcenagcrs brain is likc a car with a good accclerator (油 门 ) but a weak brakc (刹 车 ). The"acce1eratorl is fdly dcvclopcd by teen。 ge years while tllc"brake"is stⅡ1not f辶 11y dcvclopcd. Whcn tccnagcrs arc watchcd by thcir pccrs, thcy usuaⅡ y push hard on thc accclcrator. With d1cir、 vcak brakc, itis likcly thatthcy are going to cnd up in an accidcnt. But曲 e good news is tll荻 a△Tlolcnt (暴 力的 )teenager docsn℃ neccssarily become a呐 olent adult, Abouttˇvoˉ u1irds t。 drccˉ qua1tcrs ofviolcnt youth gro、 v out ofit. ’lThcy gct rnorc sclf c̄ontrollcd. " 56. lVllat docs thc ullderhncd、vord"i1了ational"in the2nd paragraph1ncan? A.Q证 ck. B. Crazy。 C。 Care血 l。 D. CoⅡ ect. 57, Why are teenagers likcly to1nake wrong decisions according to thc tcxt? A. Thcy hkc diσ⒗ult tasks。 B. Thcy don’ t carc about costs. C, Thcy are too young to tcllright from wrong. D。 They carc a1ot about whatthc△ peers thiIJc ofthem. 58. How does IauFcnce explah thc hnuence。 fpccr press刂 c On tccnζ behavior? A,By colnp盯 ing it wi山 how a car wo1·ks. B. By comparing it with an accidcnt. C。 By sho、ving rcscarch伍 ndings. D.By giving cxalllplcs, 59. According to thc tcxt, with pccrs around them, tccnagcrs arc morc likcly to___ˉ ˉ̄ˉ ' A, use1⒒orc sclf-control B。 pcrRDΠ n bcttcr than、 vhcn thcy arc alonc C, bccon1c morc carcfu1ab。 ut、vhatthcy do D. carc about、vinning、vithout thillking about danger 60. What can、vc conC1ude⒒ om thc tcxt? A。 Tccnagcrs arc casy to havc△ a£nc accidcnts. B, Pecr innucnce is bad on tcenagcrs。 C。 Most of曲 c tcenagcrs bccomc lcss vio1cntxvhcn thcy gro、 v up. D. Tecnagcrs shouldll’ tspend aⅡ thc佥ee tirnc、 vid1their fliends. 五、词汇运用 (共两节,计 ⒛ 分)第一节单词拼写根据首字母或汉语提示,在答题卡上写 出下列句子中单词的完全形式。(共 10小题,计 10分 ) 61,Thc old man允k a bitl wi曲 his wifc gonc。 62. 斌̄ arc sccrct1y prcparing a bilthday palty to givc Mun△ as__ˉ~ˉˉ̄ , 63. My busy work rnadc iti___ˉ ˉ̄ ~ 允r rnc to visit n1y old1nothcr quitc oRcn. 64. Thc company o~ thC young1nan ajob, but hc didn℃ 切kc it. 65. Wc got up carly and c~_ˉ ˉ̄ _— 山e carly train back。 66.Doing morc cxcrcisc will~(改 善 ) your llealth。 67. Dccc1nbcr is the (嘟 clvc) month ofa ycar, 68.Thc ga沌a莎____ (短 信) on ccIl phones盯 c polluting thc tccns. ⒆ .I ncvcrllkc long walks,~(尤 其 ) mw1ntcr. 70.Thc flshcman madc a丘 rc and (悬 挂 ) his wct dothcs up to dγ . 第二节用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。(共 1小题,计 10分 ) beside, loud, soIt, think, so, get, answer, happcn, say, shout A ηisc mall was说 situlg a说 Ilage wi山 hs smden“。He found a group offamly mclubers (7D一 血anger ateach other.Hc tumedto hk smdents and asked, `Ⅶ vdo people shout h anger at each o曲 er?" His哎udcnts (72) for a whilc, and onc of山 cm s西 d, "Bccausc whcn wc losc Our calrn, 、vc shout. " "But, 、vhy should you shout when thc Other person isjust (73) ~you? You canjust as、vc11tcⅡ hi1n、 vhat you havc to say in a soft1nanncr. " StL1dcn`gavc somc Otllcr (74)_____but nonc wcle any good. "llJllcn tx△ ,o pcoplc arc angγ 狨 cⅡh othσ , 伍clr hcans bccamc distanccd (疏 远 的), "thc ′、,l`′ isC man cxplaincd. ’ To covcr thC distancc thcy must shout to bc ablc to hcar cach othcr. The angricr they are, u1e (75) ~__ˉ _̄_Jhey xvⅡ l havc to shoutto hcar cach othcr。 " "VVhat (76) ~ˉ ~ˉˉ̄ ̄whCn b△ r。 pcoplc壬 a11in lovc? Thcy don℃ shout at cach ou1cr but仅 uk (77) ~ bccausc thcir hcarts afc vcr/closC。 】’Thc v,risc man said. Hc Iookcd at his sttldcnts and said, "so when you argue, do not let your heaⅡ s (78) distant.stop (79)_words tllat distancc you fiom otllcrs, othcn△ rlsc, thCrc wi11comc a day whcn thc distancc is (80) ~ grcat d1at you、 vⅡ l not flnd the、 vay back. " 六、阅读表达 (共 1小题,计 5分 )阅读短文 ,根据要求完成下面各小题。 IfI can g卜c up co扯 c, anyonc can!I was completcly addlded (上 瘾 ).Idn汰 co伍cc aⅡ day. I dcpcndcd on it for cvclbtlllllg. 玑严ithout coilcc, I bccamc sad and aIlxious.I would Rcl ncnTOus if I couldn℃ gct so1nc coα cc bcforc an illaportant cvcnt likc giving a spccch or taking all exam。 Ittook coundcss tl△ cs bcforc I rcahzcd how± -2£卫yc up cor^fcc, Bch△ ,ccn caCh trⅠ `, IlCamcd a httlc bit n1orc. Hcrc’ s how I did it. Co壬】 `已 c Ad由 c·tion Knowlcdgc The丘 r哎 s亿p isto lcam about what you arc dcaling wi曲 。Caffcinc is a dmg.Thc human body gets addicted to it easⅡy. That’ s、vhy you feel good x△ rllen you gct your flrst cup of coIFcc in d1e mon1ing and irs、vhy you fccl bad、 vhcn you try to givC it up。 Thcrc are emotlonal addictlons to thc ca仟cmc as wcⅡ . so1nc pcoplc bchcvc d1at with thc cafcinc you、 ⅣⅡl pcr№ rn1bc仗cr and havc Inorc con丘dcncc. Gradually CuttIlc Amount and Thcn Rcp1acc (替 代 )It witll Grecn TcSa You can givc up co彐 ℃c suddcnly, but、 vhy put yoursclf through that un1css you nccd an unplcasant cxpchcncc? 又、u can follo、v thcsc小Ⅳo stcps. 1) GraduaⅡ y cut u1cam。unt ofcof壬 cc you drink according to a plan. Lcrs say, you normally drink5cups ofco岱∞a day. ovcra oncˉ wcck peHod, cut out one cup~____so tllat by tlle sixth day youie at zcro, 2)on your fl‘ t day without co熊 c rcplacc⒒ witll grccn tca。 Grccn tca has thc lowcst amount of ca苴cinc ofrnost tcas, but don’ t cXpcct any sin1ilar cofce taste. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. How wOuld曲e wnter fecl wi山out cofee beforc要 vhg it up? What is cafFeine accOE蕊 ng to tl△e passagc? ~ Put曲e mdedined sentence mto Chinese。 FiⅡ in thc blank with propcr、 vords (no1norc than5、 vords), Give a propcr titlc (题 目) to thc passagc. ~_ˉ ˉ̄ ˉ. 七、写作 (共两节,计 2θ 分)第一节根据所给汉语完成句子 (每空一词).(共 5小题 , 10分 ) 86.钓鱼岛属于中国, Thc Diaoyu Island廴__ˉ~ˉ China. 87.写这部小说你用了多长时间 ? How long docs___ˉ __you to whtc this nove1? 88.她父母太忙了,很少有时间陪她 . Hcr parcnts、vcrc~ˉˉ̄ —̄— busy~ˉ _̄___ thcy spent Ⅱtt1c tilη e、vltll hcr. 89.史密斯一家来青岛己经一年了,逐渐爱上了这座城市 . k ayc⒋____ˉ tlle⒏mtlls came to Qingdao and tIlcy arc falIing h lovc wi曲 ⒒. 90.研究表明五分之一的学生在 11岁 之前有阅读困难 . smdics show that onc fIfth ofthc pupⅡ s havc diⅢ cu⒒y~ by the agc of11. 第二节书面表达 (共 1题,计 10分 ) 假如你是 Tom,上周口下午和朋友在小区 (n0吵 bolllood)空地踢球,请根据图片提示 写一篇 ㈨ 词左右的日记。 要求:(1)根据前三幅图片所描述的情景,发挥想象,写出事情的结局 : (2)内 容合乎情理,故事完整 ; (3)文中不要出现你的真实姓名和学校名称 ; (4)文章的开头己给出,不计入总词数。 ● · Wedncsday, June12, sunny 6滂

