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www.ks5u.com ‎2015届高考高三英语二轮专题练习:完形填空(4)‎ ‎【英语卷(解析)·2016届云南省玉溪一中高一下学期期末考试(201407)】‎ B1第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ There was a store a half hour’s walk from my apartment, and it was the cheapest place to buy food for us students studying abroad in France, 41 there was always a long checkout line. On a cold March day, I spent my time shopping, got what I needed and 42 the checkout.‎ ‎ 43 , the lines that day were long. There were people everywhere. I was standing 44 . in line because I just wasn’t that 45 my French yet. Any time that I had to 46 with the natives, I got a little nervous.‎ When my 47 came, I began to put my things on the cashier desk, hoping that the cashier wouldn’t 48 me. With nervous energy, I was shaking back and forth, but I didn’t even notice I was continually ‎49 a security alarm! ‎ The entire store was watching me now. To my 50 , the store manager came to me a few moments later. She started to 51 me in French. Then she realized that I spoke no French. The next five minutes were spent 52 me: my backpack, my coat pockets, my jean pockets. And there were hands 53 . Everyone was looking, pointing, and 54 .‎ I stood embarrassedly all the while; the 55 was still ringing out.‎ Then I 56 this had happened to me before in the States. New 57 always equal alarms. The clothes contain small sensors (传感器) that you are supposed to 58 before wearing. So I grabbed my shirt and turned it 59 . There was a “Remove Before Washing” tag in it. 60 I could say anything, the manager brought a pair of scissors and then cut off the tag.‎ I packed up my backpack, and marched out of the store with a strange mixture of embarrassment and pride.‎ ‎41. A. when B. because C. so D. or ‎42. A. headed for B. looked for C. asked D. turned to ‎43. A. In fact B. Unexpectedly C. As usual D. Unluckily ‎44. A. hopefully B. thoughtfully C. fearfully D. nervously ‎45. A. interested in B. confident about C. afraid of D. strict with ‎46. A. stay B. play C. study D. communicate ‎47. A. turn B. time C. bill D. wait ‎48. A. find B. recognize C. speak to D. look at ‎49. A. setting up B. setting off C. making up D. making out ‎50. A. excitement B. surprise C. happiness D. sorrow ‎51. A. answer B. help C. question D. understand ‎52. A. searching B. catching C. watching D. greeting ‎53. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere ‎54. A. smiling B. whispering C. worrying D. upsetting ‎55. A. phone B. bell C. alarm D. toy ‎56. A. explained B. complained C. remembered D. thought ‎57. A. trousers B. clothes C. backpacks D. pockets ‎58. A. remove B. check C. buy D. use ‎59. A. down B. inside C. off D. outward ‎60. A. After B. Before C. As D. When 解析:‎ ‎41.选C,上下句是因果关系。便宜所以买的人多。‎ ‎42.选A,我买了所需要的东西,向收银台走去。‎ ‎43.选C,as usual :和平时一样,上文always表明总是有很多顾客。‎ ‎44.选D,因为不会说法语,而害怕和收银员对话,所以感到紧张。‎ ‎45.选B,作者因为对自己的法语不详细所以才会害怕。‎ ‎46.选D,我因为法语不好,所以无论什么时候和当地人交流的时候,都会感到紧张。交流才会用语言吗。‎ ‎47.选A,轮到我的顺序了,该我交钱了。‎ ‎48.选C,因为自己不会说英语,所以希望收银员不要和自己说话。‎ ‎49.选B,set off 触发报警装置;‎ ‎50.选B,整个商店的人都看我,并且商店的经理也向我走了过来,因为自己没有意识到发生了什么事,所以看到这一切的时候,就只能惊讶了。‎ ‎51.选C,经理认为我偷了东西,所以开始询问我问题。Question :询问;审问。‎ ‎52.选A,用五分钟时间来搜身,包括我的背包,口袋等。‎ ‎53.选D,处处都有手,此处的意思是把我给搜遍了。‎ ‎54.选B,周围的人看着,用手指着,小声议论着。‎ ‎55.选C,报警器依然在响,根据上文可知。‎ ‎56.选C,作者突然记起自己在美国的时候也发生过类似的事。‎ ‎57.选B,通过下文可知是新衣服。‎ ‎58.选A,新衣服在穿之前应当除掉,否则就会报警。下文“Remove Before Washing” tag in it也暗示了答案。‎ ‎59.选D,turn sth outward 把……向外翻;指的是把衣服的标签翻出来,让人们看看。‎ ‎60.选B,经理也知道了怎么一回事,所以我还没有来得及说什么,他就拿起剪刀把我的标签剪掉了。‎ ‎【由2013界上海市宝山区质量监测改编】‎ 完形填空。 ‎ Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.‎ Reading‎ involves looking at illustrative symbols and expressing mentally the sounds and ideas they represent. Concepts of reading have changed 1 over the centuries. During the 1950’s and 1960’s especially, increased attention has been devoted to 2 the reading process. Although experts agree that reading 3 a complex organization of higher mental 4 , they disagree about the exact nature of the process. Some experts, who regard language primarily as a code using symbols to represent sounds, 5 reading as simply the decoding(解码)of symbols into the sounds they stand for.‎ These authorities 6 that meaning, being concerned with thinking, must be taught independently of the decoding process. Others maintain that reading is inexplainably related to thinking, and that a child who pronounces sounds without 7 their meaning is not truly reading. The reader, 8 some, is not just a person with a theoretical ability to read but one ‎ who 9 reads.‎ Many adults, although they have the ability to read, have never read a book in its 10 . By some experts they would not be 11 as readers. Clearly, the philosophy, objectives, methods and materials of reading will depend on the definition one use. By the most 12 and satisfactory definition, reading is the ability to 13 the sound-symbols code of the language, to interpret meaning for various 14 , at various rates, and at various levels of difficulty, and to do so widely and enthusiastically. 15 , reading is the interpretation of ideas through the use of symbols representing sounds and ideas.‎ ‎1. A. specifically B. dramatically C. abstractly D. ridiculously ‎2. A. understanding B. translating C. defining D. substituting ‎3. A. involves B. concentrates C. specializes D. analyzes ‎4. A. opinions B. effects C. manners D. functions ‎5. A. view B. look C. reassure D. agree ‎6. A. support B. argue C. attempt D. compete ‎7. A. interpreting B. saying C. reciting D. reading ‎8. A. in addition to B. for example C. according to D. such as ‎9. A. completely B. carefully C. publically D. actually ‎10. A. part B. whole C. standard D. straight ‎11. A. applied B. granted C. classified D. graded ‎12. A. instructive B. doubtful C. certain D. complicated ‎13. A. strike B. illustrate C. define D. unlock ‎14. A. purposes B. degrees C. stages D. steps ‎15. A. On the other hand B. In short C. By the way D. So far ‎【参考答案】1—5、BCADA 6—10、BACDB 11—15、CCDAB 完形填空 It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25.I didn’t think there would be any__1__,sighing about having to work on Christmas.Just then five bodies__2__at my desk,a pale woman and four children.‎ ‎“Are you all__3__?”I asked.‎ ‎“Yes,” she said weakly and lowered her head.‎ But when it came to__4__of their problems,things got a little uncertain. Two of the children had headaches,two children had earaches,__5__only one could tell me which ear was affected.The__6__complained of a cough but seemed to work to produce it.‎ I didn’t say anything but__7__that it might he a little while__8__a doctor could see her. She responded,“__9__your time;it’s warm in here.”‎ Then,I checked their chart. No address—they were__10__.The waiting room was warm.‎ I went back to the nurses station and mentioned we had a homeless__11__in the waiting room. The nurses,complaining of__12__on Christmas,turned to sympathy for a family just trying to get__13__on Christmas. The team went into action,much as we do when there’s a__14__emergency.But this was a Christmas emergency.‎ We were all__15__a free meal on Christmas Day,so we took back that meal and prepared a big dinner for our__16__.We needed presents.We__17__from different departments candies,fruits and other things__18__that could be presents. As seriously as we met the__19__needs of the patients,our team worked to meet the needs of a family who just wanted to be warm on Christmas.‎ Later,as the family walked to the door to__20__,the fouryearold boy came running back,gave me a hug and whispered,“Thanks for being our angels today.”‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。圣诞夜,当我们这些护士为还要继续工作而抱怨时,一家五口来急诊。当我们了解情况后,纷纷伸出援助之手,让无家可归的一家人度过了一个温暖的圣诞节。‎ ‎1.A.customers   B.patients C.workers   D.tourists 解析 customer意为“顾客”;patient意为“病人”;worker意为“工人”;tourist意为“游客”。根据下文内容可知,此处是医院,“我”想着圣诞节应该不会再有病人了。‎ 答案 B ‎2.A.s howed up   B.took in C.came out   D.looked on 解析 show up意为“出现”;take in意为“吸收;欺骗”;come out意为“出版;结果是”;look on意为“旁观”。根据上下文内容可知,是五个人出现在“我”的办公桌前。‎ 答案 A ‎3.A. eager   B.hungry C.sick   D.warm 解析 由语境可知,此处是在医院,因此我询问他们是不是都病了。‎ 答案 C ‎4.A. descriptions   B.comments C.instructions   D.results 解析 description意为“描述”;comment意为“评论”;instruction意为 “说明”;result意为“结果;成绩”。由语境可知,当他们开始描述他们的病情时,事情就有点让人摸不着头脑了。‎ 答案 A ‎5.A. so   B.for C.thus   D.but 解析 由语境可知,两个孩子说头疼,两个孩子说耳朵疼,但只有一个能告诉“我”是哪只耳朵疼。这里表示一种转折关系。‎ 答案 D ‎6.A. mother   B.children C.nurses   D.doctor 解析 根据上文内容可知,母子共五人来看病,其中四个孩子都说了自己的问题,只剩下母亲没有说了,因此是孩子的母亲说自己咳嗽了。‎ 答案 A ‎7.A. answered   B.imagined C.explained   D.analysed 解析 answer意为“回答”;imagine意为“想象”;explain意为“解释”;analyse意为“分析”。由语境可知,“我”也没说什么,只是解释说,过会儿医生才会来给她检查。‎ 答案 C ‎8.A. after   B.since C.before   D.when 解析 由语境可知,在医生来之前还得有一会儿。‎ 答案 C ‎9.A. Make   B.Take C.Care   D.Spend 解析 make意为“使得;形成”;take意为“拿;取”;care意为“在意”;spend意为“度过”。由语境可知,她回答说:“不着急,这里挺暖和的。”take one’s time意为“不着急”,符合语境。‎ 答案 B ‎10.A. lonely   B.greedy C.clever   D.homeless 解析 lonely意为“孤独的”;greedy意为“贪婪的”;clever意为“聪明的”;homeless意为“无家可归的”。由语境可知,“我”查了下他们的登记表,但登记表上没有写地址,因此他们是无家可归的。‎ 答案 D ‎11.A. family   B.holiday C.woman   D.Christmas 解析 由语境可知,回到护士室,“我”讲述了候诊室里这无家可归的一家子人的事。‎ 答案 A ‎12.A. operating   B.interrupting C.managing   D.working 解析 operate意为“手术;操作”;interrupt意为“中断”;manage意为“管理”;work意为“工作”。由语境可知,原本抱怨圣诞节还要上班的护士们,都转而同情起在圣诞节只祈求温暖的这家人了。‎ 答案 D ‎13.A. present   B.warm C.relief   D.comfort 解析 present,意为“礼物”;warm意为“温暖”;relief意为“救济;安慰”;comfort意为“安慰”。根据上文内容可知,这家人在圣诞节来到医院,是为了寻找温暖。‎ 答案 B ‎14.A. beneficial   B.friendly C.medical   D.different 解析 beneficial意为“有益的”;friendly意为“友好的”;medical意为“医学的”;different意为“不同的”。由语境可知,这个团队马上展开行动,就好像我们对待医疗紧急情况一样,只不过这次是“圣诞节急诊”。‎ 答案 C ‎15.A. rewarded   B.offered C.allowed   D.ordered 解析 reward意为“奖励”;offer意为“提供”;allow意为“允许”;order意为“命令”。由语境可知,圣诞节这天,医院食堂免费给我们提供一顿饭。‎ 答案 B ‎16.A. neighbors   B.relations C.brothers   D.guests 解析 neighbor意为“邻居”;relation意为“关系”;brother意为“兄弟”;guest意为“客人”。由语境可知,我们把饭领回来,为我们的圣诞客人准备了一场大的宴会。‎ 答案 D ‎17.A. borrowed   B.received C.collected   D.bought 解析 由语境可知,我们从不同的科室收集了糖和水果。collect from意为“收集”,符合语境。‎ 答案 C ‎18.A. expensive   B.fantastic C.generous   D.available 解析 expensive意为“昂贵的”;fantastic意为“奇异的;极好的”;generous意为“慷慨的”;available意为“可得的;可利用的”。由语境可知,除了糖和水果,还有一些能当做礼物的可以利用的东西。‎ 答案 D ‎19.A. healthy   B.physical C.tragic   D.mental 解析 healthy意为“健康的”;physical意为“身体的;物理的”;tragic意为“悲剧的:不幸的”;mental意为“精神的;脑力的”。由语境可知,我们的团队工作严肃,就像满足患者的身体需要一样,我们尽力满足这家人只想过一个温暖圣诞节的愿望。‎ 答案 B ‎20.A. leave   B.travel C.rest   D.relax 解析 由语境可知,当这家人走到门前要离开的时候,那个四岁的孩子跑回来,给了“我”拥抱和感谢。‎ 答案 A ‎ ‎ w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m www.ks5u.com

