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上海高考英语选词填空专练提升 含答案 直接下载使用

A. environment B. necessarily C. allowed D. cheated E. international   F. admitted ‎ G. hardly   H. necessary I. joy   J. excitement   K. difficulty L. communication 高考英语选词填空专练一 ‎  ‎ A relative of mine once asked me:" Why should a Chinese take time to learn a language that is not his own?" Obviously he has ___1____in learning a foreign language. He is not the only one who is mentally against English learning. One reason, as I suspect, is the way English is taught. The emphasis on memorization is such that no ___2____is left in the process, only endless irritation. What students are presented in the classroom is not the language in real-world ___3____. A Chinese student with extremely high scores for American standardized tests was ___4____ into one of the most famous universities. But his professors soon found out that he could___5____ understand the lesson. Suspecting that he___6____in the tests, the school demanded he repeat them. Again, he passed with high scores. Not till then did they realize that the student had mastered the techniques for dealing with the tests, not___7____the skills of using the language.‎ ‎  Many people take TOFEL, IELTS, GRE, annual Band 4 and Band 6 exams not because they work in areas where English is a____8____tool,but because they have to do it for job promotion or enrollment in certain programme.‎ ‎  Must English learning be such a pain in the neck?‎ ‎  Create a(n)___9____ where learning English is natural land painless. Don't make it compulsory for people whose work or major does not require it. China will not become more___10___ by adding millions of people who can only say a simple "Hello."‎ A. fulfill B. assume C. demands D. particularly E. personal F. represent G. possibly H. welfare I. presence J. symbolic ‎ ‎ When Michelle Obama became first lady of the United States on January 20, she began to join her husband in a partnership to transform the public face America presents to the world. In the process, she is expected to ___41____ a new role that offers exciting opportunities and challenges.‎ Although the position of first lady is unelected and unpaid, a president’s spouse has many official duties, some practical and some ceremonial or ___42____. As first lady, Michelle Obama will ___43___ her country when traveling overseas, and she will preside(担任) as hostess at White House state dinners and other important functions. In addition, she will ___44___ continue meeting with citizens across the United States, much as she did during the 2008 presidential campaign.‎ Modern U.S. first ladies often devote part of their time to a public-service agenda of their own choosing. Michelle Obama already has indicated she is ___45___ interested in the ___46___ of military families, and her efforts on their behalf almost certainly will ensure that those families’ needs receive high-level attention.‎ On a more ___47___ level, the first lady has told reporters she intends to ___48___ her obligations as “mom-in-chief” to the Obamas’ two young daughters, Malia and Sasha, as the girls adjust to their new home at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Her balancing act should be familiar to working mothers everywhere as she strives to meets the ___49___ of a fast-paced job while carving out time with her husband and children.‎ A.avoiding B.regard C.correct D.properly AB.custom AC.anyone AD.feature BC.those BD. notice CD.polite Foreigners often fail to appreciate the formal code of greeting in France. The French shake hands with everyone(family, children, strangers), at home, on the way to work, at work, on leaving work, on the way home from work, etc. Thus, in an office , perhaps a dozen people, no work will be done for the first half hour while 41 who have not met since the day before, remind each other who they are.‎ However, it is important to remember with whom one has shaken hands on any one day. The French 42 it as extremely bad manners to shake hands twice, as though one had not taken enough 43 for the first time.‎ It is still the 44 to say “Bonjour” and “Au revoir” to others when entering or leaving a shop or bar. This is not because the French are too 45 . It is because they see acknowledging(注意) the existence of others as a way of 46 being rude. This may seem unbearably slight to others, but to the French it is most important. Manners mean civilization to them. ‎ Kissing is not so much of a(n) 47 of French life as others supposed. But when it does take place, it must be done 48 , according to the rules. The 49 order is left cheek, right cheek, left cheek---very formal, very stylized. In Paris four kisses are sometimes permitted: left, right, left, right.‎ A. major B. determined C. promotion D. prosperous E. stressed F. surprisingly G. impressed H. questions I. cooperation J. increasingly ‎ ‎ Barack Obama has been a hit in China. Apart from holding talks with Chinese leaders, the president ___41___ the Chinese with a lively question-and-answer session with college students. In fact, he is the first U.S. president to visit China inside his first year in office.‎ ‎“The United States insists we do not seek to contain China’s rise,” he told Chinese students in Shanghai. “On the contrary, we welcome China as a strong and ___42___ and successful member of the community of nations.”‎ The U.S.-China relationship has opened the door to partnerships on ___43 ___ global concerns including economic recovery, clean energy, climate change, and the ___44___ of peace and beyond, he added.‎ Indeed, given these pressing issues, China and the United States have ___45___ found their future linked together. They discovered that the largest developing nation and the most powerful industrialized country have to work in concert.‎ Obama’s visit to China on November 15-18 highlighted the complexity of arguably the most important bilateral (双边) relationship in the world. Moreover, for all their differences and disagreements, Beijing and Washington are ___46___ to manage their relations in a way that will contribute to world peace and development.‎ Obama kicked off his first state visit to China in the country’s financial and economic centre, Shanghai, where he held a “town hall” meeting with more than 500 Chinese students. The one-hour discussion, during which Obama took ___47___ ranging from antiterrorism to recipes for success with his signature charisma (领袖魅力), was broadcast live on the websites.‎ He ___48___ that young people could help build bridges in U.S.-China ___49___ — a process that he said must grow beyond the two countries’ governments to take root in the people.‎ 第一空,是在动词has后缺宾语名词,虽然有四个名词,但只有difficulty,有句型have difficulty in doing,故选difficulty。然后在difficulty的K处用铅笔作个很小的记号,表示已用过了(以后都是这样,把用过的词作个很小的记号)。第二空,在no后面只可能用名词,在余下的三个名词中,从意思上判断只可能是joy,意思是在这个过程中没有设么快乐可言。第三空,是在复合形容词real-world(真实世界的)后,所以还是选名词,只有两个名词,二选一,那当然是communication(交流)。第四空,与介词搭配的应是动词,有了was,那应该是动词的过去分词,从意思上判断是“被录取”,故选admitted。第五空,是在could understand之间,那只能填副词,两选一,当然是hardly,意思是“几乎不能理解”。第六空,句子中缺动词谓语,二选一应该是cheated,意思是“在测试中作弊”。第七空,再把整句念了一遍,发现语法正确,不填词也通,那就可断定在这空格中只能填副词了,也只余下只有一个necessarily副词了,后半句的意思是“而并非一定是使用语言的技能了。”第八空,是在名词前,需要形容词,那只有necessary意思是“英语是必要的工具”。第九空,在冠词后肯定是填名词,故选environment(环境),意思是“创造一个学英语很自然而又没有痛苦的环境”。第十孔,在系动词become后,通常接形容词,故选international,意思是“增加了数百万中国人会说简单的‘你好’,中国就并非会变得更加国际化。”‎ 高考英语选词填空专练二 A. equally B. recycle C. portion D. dissolve E. threaten F. countless G. capable H. convenient I. approximately J. comforts The pollution of the earth’s soil and water has become an issue of great concern. Until recently, most of that concern has focused on the land 41 of the planet, where pollution directly affects people in their daily lives. Now, however, we have begun to realize that marine (海洋的) pollution is 42 important. According to S.A. Patin, marine pollution is the condition that results when people introduce into the seas substances harmful to life, health, resources, activities, or 43 . ‎ Marine pollution is far from new. For over a million years, people have thought of the sea as a 44 place to throw their garbage. And it is true that the sea has a great capacity for absorbing organic wastes. Some of these wastes are eaten directly by the larger fishes. Others quickly 45 into a kind of organic soup that provides food to 46 species of single-celled plant and animal life. ‎ As civilizations grew, more different pollutants were dumped into the seas. Still, this pollution did not really threaten the marine environment. The seas seemed 47 of coping with anything that people could throw at them. This situation changed, however, when suddenly factories began dumping enormous quantities of materials into the seas. Especially in some coastal areas near large cities, ocean pollution began to 48 marine life. For the first time, the oceans began to fail in their ability to 49 humanity’s waste. ‎ A. influence B. devoted C. physically D. circumstance E. affected ‎ F. overall G. financially H. decision I. positive J. strive Happiness, according to the Oxford English dictionary, is based on luck or good fortune. Joy on the other hand, is described as a vivid emotion of pleasure. Thus, happiness depends on __41__; joy, on our emotional well-being.‎ If you know joyful people, you will probably notice common traits among them. Joyful people are often healthy, both __42__ and mentally; they value strong __43__ relationships, and they don’t allow the extremes of life -- sudden highs or sudden lows -- to __44__ them too much. Joyful people lead a more stable life. But these abilities do not just arrive; they have to be worked at.‎ Teaching ourselves to be joyful may be one of the greatest things we can do to enhance our __45__ health. However, it is important to understand that joy is an emotion that arises from within us and is not __46__ by the things that happen to us. Instead of looking for external things to provide happiness in our lives, we must __47__ to find the joy within. We must educate ourselves about joy and work to enhance it in our lives. One way to start is to make a __48__ to wake up every morning and find joy in our lives. Think about a special person or a __49__ pet. It is our choice to be joyful or fearful. Let’s take the time to train ourselves to be joyful -- our lives will be both happier and healthier for it.‎ A. hands B. qualities ‎ C. down D. curiosity E. pretty F. looks G. ashamed ‎ H. applied ‎ I. ruined ‎ J. information ‎ ‎ ‎ When I succeeded in becoming a part-time employee of Nokia China last summer, many friends asked me how I survived the interview. ‎ ‎ I once asked myself the same questions. Many of my peers also __41__ for the job, including some very competitive and intelligent students from famous universities. ‎ ‎ But why did the interviewer pick me instead of them? ‎ ‎ Finally, __42 __ pushed me to ask the interviewers after we became colleagues. The answer was that I appeared confident but humble, responsible and communicative. They evaluated people not just on their academic certificates, but on the base of their __43__ and abilities. I happened to be the right person. ‎ ‎ To be frank, I once felt __44__ of being a student from an unknown college, and I think this may apply to some of you. I thought my future was ruined. It was only at the time of my successful interview that I finally understood the famous saying --- “You decide where you go.” ‎ ‎ A wide range of skills is important these days. I used to work for Master Kong. My job was to cook instant noodles for customers. I had regarded it as a piece of cake, but I failed constantly. I had to cook the noodles for the right amount of time to make them taste good. Moreover, the noodles could only remain in a plastic cup of five minutes, or the taste would be __45__. ‎ ‎ This experience taught me never to look __46__ on anything, and always remain humble. ‎ ‎ I also worked as a volunteer for a beach volleyball event. My job was to help foreign visitors experience the beach. I thought it would be very easy because my oral English was __47__ good. But when I went to talk with a group of foreign guests, I suddenly realized that I did not know a single beach volleyball term. I was embarrassed. ‎ ‎ After this, I read brochures in both Chinese and English every day to learn the terms for facilities and related words. This allowed me to deliver accurate __48__ to foreigners, and I was happy to work responsibly. ‎ ‎ After these experience, I’m more confident and I strongly believe that my fate is in my __49__. It has certainly helped me make a giant step closer to my dream of graduating with prospects for the future. I hope my advice will benefit you as well. ‎ ‎ ‎ 高考英语选词填空专练 ‎41-49 B J F G D H E A C ‎41.BC 42.B 43.BD 44.AB 45.CD 46.A 47.AD ‎ ‎48.D 49.C ‎41—45 GDACJ 46—49 BHEI Section B 41. C 42. A 43. J 44. H 45. D 46. F 47. G 48. E 49. B Vocabulary 41-49 D C I A F E J H B ‎41-45 HDBGI 46-49 CEJA

