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民族中学七年级英语(上)合作学案(12)‎ 课题:Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. Section A (‎1a-2d)‎ 课型:新授课 执笔:张颖 审核:七年级英语备课组 学生姓名: 班级:‎ 一、知识点:‎ ‎1. favorite= like...best. adj . 最喜爱的,My favorite subject is math= I like math best.‎ ‎2. why . 为什么.引导特殊疑问句,对事情的原因进行提问。回答时常用Because + 句。‎ ‎3. who, 谁. 引导询问“人”的特殊疑问句.---Who is that boy? ---He is my cousin.‎ 二. 课前预习 英汉互译:‎ ‎⒈ 最喜欢的科目 ______________ 2. science teacher _____________ ‎ ‎3. 语文老师 ___________________ 4. favorite color ___________‎ ‎5. 地理 __________________ 6. play games _____________‎ ‎7. 体育老师 ___________ 8.the next day ____________‎ ‎9 ---Why do you like science?---Because it’s interesting.__________________‎ ‎10. What’s your favorite subject? _________________‎ 三. 课堂练习 ‎ ‎( ) 1. What’s your _______ subject? A. like B. most C. favorite D. good ‎ ( ) 2. ---What’s your favorite _________? --- Blue.‎ A. pen B. book C. sport D. color ‎ ( ) 3. --- _______ does he like red? --- Because the color makes him happy.‎ A. What B. Why C. When D. How ‎ ( ) 4. P.E is my favorite subject ___________ it is interesting.‎ ‎ A. but B. because C. and D. or ‎ ( ) 5. I don’t like history because it’s __________.‎ ‎ A. boring B. scary C. funny D. interesting ‎( ) 6. Why _________ your mother like cooking(煮饭)?‎ A. does B. do C. is D. are ‎ ‎( ) 7. I like play ________ my classmates(同班同学).‎ A. on B. at C. with D. but 四.家庭作业 ‎ 1. ---What’s __________ (she) favorite color? --- It’s red.‎ ‎ 2. My __________ __________ (最喜欢的科目) is English.‎ ‎ 3. Why __________ your friends __________ (like) P.E? --- Because it’s interesting.‎ ‎ 4. Who is your ___________ ___________ (英语老师)?‎ ‎ 5. I like P.E, because it’s _______________ (excite)‎ ‎ 6. My sister’s room ___________ (be) on the second floor(楼).‎ 民族中学七年级英语(上)合作学案(12)‎ 课题:Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. Section A (Grammar Focus‎-3c)‎ 课型:新授课 执笔:张颖 审核:七年级英语备课组 学生姓名: 班级:‎ 一、知识点:特殊疑问句 定义:是以特殊疑问词开头,提出疑问的句子,也称wh-问句。构成: 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 注意:若疑问词作主语,特殊疑问句的语序则用陈述句语序。what“什么”用来询问事物What’s his favorite food? 他最喜欢的食物是什么? who“谁”用来询问某人的身份Who is your English teacher?谁是你的英语老师? My English teacher is Ms. Li. 我的英语老师是李老师。where“哪里”用来提问地点 Where is your schoolbag? 你的书包在哪里? It’s on the desk. 在书桌上。why“为什么”用来询问原因Why do you like basketball? 你为什么喜欢打篮球? Because it’s fun.因为有趣。when“何时”用来询问时间When is your brother’s birthday? 你弟弟的生日是什么时候? It’s on September 15th. ‎9月15日。how“怎么”对某人/某情况提问How are you? 你好吗?I’m fine, thanks. 很好,谢谢。how old “多大”,用来询问年龄How old is your cousin? 你表妹多大了?how much“多少钱;多少”用来询问价格或不可数名词的数量How much are the pears? 这梨多少钱?How much rice do you want? 你想要多少米饭? how many“多少”用来询问可数名词的数量How many pens do you need? 你要几支钢笔?‎ 二.课前预习课堂练习 填入恰当的特殊疑问词(组),完成对话。‎ ‎1. — ______ is the boy’s name? — His name’s Eric. ‎ ‎2. — ___________ is your new baseball bat? — It’s fifteen dollars.‎ ‎3. — _____ do you like purple? — Because it makes (使) me relaxing. ‎ ‎4. — _____ plays soccer ball every afternoon? — Wu dong does. ‎ ‎5. — _______ is the school trip? — It’s on October 22nd.‎ ‎6. — _______ is my ping-pong bat? — It’s under your bed. ‎ ‎7. — _________ is your art teacher? — Maybe (或许) she’s forty years old. ‎ ‎8. — ______ do you spell your English name? — F-R-A-N-K.‎ 三.课堂练习 ‎1. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?_______ your ________ subject?‎ ‎2. 我最喜欢的科目是科学。My _______ _______ is _______. ‎ ‎3. 他最喜欢的科目是什么?What’s ___ _______ _______?‎ ‎4. 他最喜欢的科目是语文。His _______ ________ is ________. ‎ ‎5. 她最喜欢的科目是什么? _______ ____ favorite ________?‎ ‎6. 她最喜欢的科目是美术。_____ ________ subject is _____.‎ ‎7. 为什么鲍勃喜欢历史?_____ _____ Bob like _______?‎ ‎8. 因为很有趣。 ________ it’s ___________.‎ ‎9. 为什么鲍勃和弗兰克喜欢体育?_____ ____ Frank and Bob _____ P.E.?‎ ‎10. 因为很有乐趣。________ it’s _____. ‎ ‎11. 你的音乐老师是谁?_____ is your ______ ________?‎ ‎12. 我的音乐老师是谢女士。My _______ _________ is _____ Xie. ‎ ‎13. 你的地理课是在什么时候?______ is your ___________ class?‎ ‎14. 它是在周一和周五。It’s ____ _________ and ________. ‎ 四.课后作业:‎ ‎1. — What’s your aunt’s favorite ______? — Green. A. color B. teacher C. subject ‎2. I think history is really ______. I don’t like it. A. interesting B. boring C. exciting ‎ ‎3. This is ______ Miller. He is our English teacher. A. Mr. B. Miss. C. Ms.‎ ‎4. — ______ does Linda like dogs? — Because she thinks they are cute (可爱的). ‎ ‎ A. When B. What C. Why ‎ ‎5. — When do you have P.E., Jenny? — ______ Friday afternoon. A. At B. In C. On 民族中学七年级英语(上)合作学案(12)‎ 课题:Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. Section B (‎1a‎-2c)‎ 课型:新授课 执笔:张颖 审核:七年级英语备课组 学生姓名: 班级:‎ 一、 知识点 1、 free用作形容词,意为“空闲的”,其反义词为busy“繁忙的”。‎ 2、 useful是形容词,是由“名词use (使用)+后缀ful”构成,意为“有用的”。‎ ‎[注意] useful是虽以元音字母“u”开头,但其发音为辅音/ju:/,故其前用冠词a,而不用an。‎ 3、 from…to…意为“从……到……”。既可指时间也可指地点。‎ 4、 finish用作动词,意为“完成;结束”,其第三人称单数为finishes。‎ 5、 ‎“for+一段时间”意为“共……(多长)时间,表示持续一段时间。‎ 6、 lesson用作名词,意为“课;课程”,常用短语:have lessons 上课 do one’s lessons做功课 Lesson One = the first lesson 第一课 7、 I don’t want to be fat. 我不想变胖。want 用作动词,意为“要;想要”,其常见用法如下: ‎ ‎ want sth. 想要某物 want to do sth. 想要去做某事want sb. to do sth. 想要某人去做某事 二、课前预习 英汉互译 ‎⒈ 在星期一 ___________________ 2. be busy doing sth ____________ ‎ ‎3. 繁忙的一天___________________ 4. after lunch__________‎ ‎5. 音乐老师_____________________ 6. the last class_____________‎ ‎7. 在两点整_____________________ 8. be strict with sb_____________‎ ‎9. 上语文课_____________________ 10. good friends __________‎ ‎11.When do you have math? _____________________‎ ‎12. Why does he like science? _______________________‎ 三、课堂练习 完成句子 ‎1. 我觉得科学很难但是很有趣。 I think ______ is difficult ___ _________. ‎ ‎2. 午饭是从12点到1点。 Lunch is ____ 12:00 ___ 1:00. ‎ ‎3. 她最喜欢的日子是星期三。 Her ________ day is __________.‎ ‎4. 我们在星期四上音乐课。We _____ music _____ __ ________. ‎ ‎5. 每天早上,我爷爷看两个小时的电视。‎ Every morning, my grandfather watches TV _____ ____ ______.‎ 四、课后练习 阅读理解 Linda: Hi! Tina. What’s your favorite subject?‎ Tina: My favorite subject is music. Because it’s interesting.‎ Linda: But I like P.E. Because it’s fun. Edward, what’s your favorite subject?‎ Edward:My favorite subject is math. Because it’s interesting.‎ Roy‎: But I don’t like math. I think it’s boring. I like Chinese. Because it is pleasant(愉快的).‎ Marry: I think Chinese is interesting, too. But I think my favorite subject is science. ‎ Because it’s exciting.‎ Jeff: My favorite subject is art. Because it’s very enjoyable(令人享受的).‎ 根据对话内容选择正确答案。‎ ‎( ) 1. What subject does Linda like? A. Chinese B. English C. P.E D. math ‎( ) 2. Why does Tina like music? Because it’s ________.‎ ‎ A. funny B. interesting C. exciting D. enjoyable ‎ ‎( ) 3. How many subjects do they mention(提到)?‎ ‎ A. Five B. Four C. Three D. Six ‎( ) 4. Does Roy like math?‎ ‎ A. Yes, he does B. No, he doesn’t C. Yes, he doesn’t D. No, he does ‎( ) 5. Why does Jeff like art? Because it’s ______.‎ ‎ A. exciting B. funny C. enjoyable D. pleasant 民族中学七年级英语(上)合作学案(12)‎ 课题:Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. Section B (‎3a-Self Check)‎ 课型:新授课 执笔:张颖 审核:七年级英语备课组 学生姓名: 班级:‎ 一、 知识点 ‎1.want to do sth 是固定用法,意为“想要做某事”,do 表示动词的原形。‎ ‎2.Is that OK with you? 对你来说合适吗?be OK with sb 意为“对某人来说是合适的”‎ ‎3.应注意电子邮件的格式,应有开头的称呼,及结尾的署名。写作时可能用到的句型有:‎ ‎(1). Thanks for your e-mail. 谢谢你的邮件。‎ ‎(2). It’s Friday today. I’m really busy./I’m really busy on Friday 今天是星期五。我很忙。‎ ‎(3). I have …classes in the morning and … in the afternoon. 上午我有……节课,下午……节课。‎ ‎4. At …, I have ….Then at …, I have …. Next, … 在……点,我上……。然后在……点。接下来…。‎ ‎5. ….class is from …to …. ……课从……到……。‎ ‎6. After that, I have …for … 之后,我上……课……时间。‎ ‎7. … is my favorite subject. ……是我最喜欢的科目 ‎8. I like/don’t like it because it’s …. 我喜欢/不喜欢它,因为它是……。‎ ‎9. I think it’s … 我想它是……的。‎ ‎10. Please tell me about your school life. 请告诉我你的学校生活。‎ 二、课前预习 ‎1.在星期五 _______ 2.在九点钟 ______ 3.上科学课 _________ 4. 上历史课__________ ‎ ‎5.从……到 ___________ 6. 在那之后 ________ 7.上一节美术课__________________________ ‎ ‎8.两个小时长 _______ 9 我的课在3:30结束。_________10 老师说数学很有用。________________‎ 三、课堂练习 ‎1. English and Chinese ______ (be) my favorite _________ (subject).2. His mother is ___________ (real) busy everyday.‎ ‎3. Can you play the guitar _______ (good). 4. Lily ________ (be) busy ________ (play) basketball.‎ ‎5. I think English is very ___________ (interest). 6. Monday is the ________ (two) day of a week(星期).‎ ‎7. We have P.E ________ ________ (在星期二). 8. They play soccer ________ 3:00 _______ 5:00 (从…到).‎ ‎9. We all like ______ _____ _____ (中国历史俱乐部).10. His parents often have a rest ____ _____ (午餐后)‎ 四、课后提高 完型填空 I am Zhao Jie. I am a girl, I am ten years old. My favorite 1 is English. It’s very interesting. And I 2 speaking English. I have a nice(好的) English 3 . Her name is Jiang Hong. She loves 4 very much. She is very strict with us, but we all like5 . She plays basketball after class. She likes 6 books very much. and she often 7 us some funny stories(故事).‎ My favorite 8 are swimming and dancing. I can play chess, but I want to join the chess 9 . My favorite animal(动物) is a lovely cat. Its(它的) name is Baixue. It white. It’s often stays(呆在) 10 the chair, but now it sleeps on the chair.‎ ‎( ) 1. A. science B. subject C. food D. fruit ‎ ‎( ) 2. A. like B. have C. want D. know ‎( ) 3. A. teacher B. mother C. father D. sister ‎( ) 4. A. we B. us C. our D. her ‎( ) 5. A. her B. she C. he D. him ‎( ) 6. A. watching B. looking C. reading D. read ‎( ) 7. A. talks B. speaks C. says D. tells ‎( ) 8. A. sports B. subjects C. food D. sport ‎ ‎( ) 9. A. club B. school C. happy D. class ‎( )10. A. on B. under C. in D. at

