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‎2019届一轮复习人教版必修四Unit 5 Theme Parks单元学案 ‎1. 了解主题公园的发展,懂得主题公园带给人们的不仅仅是娱乐,还有各种各样的知识和激动人心的新体验。‎ ‎2. 了解有关公园的背景知识,如修建公园的目的、公园的种类、公园提供的活动等,并熟练运用知识点。 ‎ ‎ ‎ Whichever theme park you choose to visit, you should make out its unique fantasy for amusement. There may be various explanations but these parks are attractions. Tourism advances theme parks, which are famous for their character. In theme parks children can swing or act as carpenters or get engines repaired. In athletic theme parks, people can practice playing sword in the sunlight just like in a tournament. In creature theme parks, you can get close to wild animals just like in the jungle. In a minority theme park you may need translators. You can even surf online theme parks, where cartoon characters come to life. No wonder there are more theme parks are modeled after novels. They may be set up by the freeway to attract more travelers on the shuttles and their brands will bring in more profit for them and their admission charge is always high. And their souvenirs sell well. That is why there are more and more theme parks. ‎ ‎1. brand n. 商标;牌子 ‎2. various adj. 不同的;各种各样的 ‎3. be famous for 以……而闻名 ‎ ‎4. no wonder 难怪;不足为奇 ‎5. advance vt. & vi. 前进;促进;提前 ‎ ‎6. get close to 接近 ‎7. come to life 活跃起来 ‎1. 不管你选择参观哪一种主题公园,都应该弄明白这个为娱乐而建的主题公园的背后的奇思妙想。‎ Whichever theme park you choose to visit, you should make out its unique fantasy for amusement.‎ ‎2. 这就是为什么有那么多的主题公园的原因。‎ That is why there are more and more theme parks.‎ ‎★cartoon n. 漫画;动画片 ‎★whichever pron. 无论哪一个;任何一个 ‎ ‎★fantasy n. 幻想;怪念头 ‎★swing n. 秋千;摇摆 vt. & vi. (swung, swung) 摇摆;摆动 ‎★wherever pron. 无论在什么地方;各处 ‎★unique adj. 独一无二的;仅有的 ‎★carpenter n. 木匠 ‎ ‎★engine n. 引擎;发动机 ‎ ‎★length n. 长度;长 ‎★deed n. 行动;事迹 ‎ ‎★be modeled after 根据……模仿;仿造 ‎ ‎★sword n. 剑 ‎ ‎★tournament n. 锦标赛;联赛 ‎★settler n. 移民;殖民者 ‎★cloth n. 布 ‎ ‎★jungle n. 丛林 ‎ ‎★creature n. 生物;动物 ‎★sunlight n. 阳光 ‎ ‎★theme n. 题目;主题(曲) ‎ ‎★outing n. 外出;短途旅行;远足 ‎★shuttle n. 往返汽车;航天飞机 ‎★freeway n. 高速公路 ‎★souvenir n. 纪念品 ‎ ‎★amusement n. 消遣;娱乐(活动)‎ ‎★attraction n. 有吸引力的事物;吸引 ‎★tourism n. 旅游业 ‎★athletic adj. 运动的 ‎★translator n. 译员;翻译 ‎★minority n. 少数;少数民族 ‎★admission n. 允许进入;入场费;承认 一、重点单词需牢记 ‎1. various adj. 不同的;各种各样的 There are various colours to choose from. ‎ 有各种各样的颜色可供选择。 ‎ variously adv.(情况、时间、处所等)不同地 vary v.变化;不同 variety n. (pl.) varieties变化,多样性 a considerable/great/wide variety of 各种各样的 in a variety of ways 用种种方法 a variety of + n.(复数) 各种各样的 varieties of + n. (可数或不可数) 各种各样的 ‎ ‎2. whichever pron. 无论哪一个;任何一个 ‎ Whichever dictionary you want to buy, I'll pay for it. ‎ 无论你想买哪本词典,我都愿意付款。(引导让步状语从句)‎ ‎ no matter which与whichever no matter which只能引导让步状语从句;而whichever 可引导让步状语从句和名词性从句。no matter which可以用whichever代替,但两个同时出现在选项中时,必须选whichever。 ‎ whichever与whatever whichever意为“无论哪个;无论哪些”;‎ whatever意为“无论什么;凡是……的事物”。‎ whichever可以引导名词性从句或让步状语从句;which是个疑问词;用在疑问句中,或作关系代词,引导定语从句。‎ ‎3. swing (swung, swung) vt. & vi. 摇摆;摆动 ;转身 n.[C] 摇摆;秋千 Several hairs behind swung while she was walking and jumping.‎ 她又蹦又跳,几根头发在后面荡来荡去。‎ swing around/round 突然转向相反方向 ‎ swing sb. from sth. to sth. (使某人) 突然改变观点 swing (sth.) at sb. (挥动某物)向……打去 get in/into the swing of sth. 熟悉;融入 ‎ go with a swing (把……弄得)热闹而有趣 ‎ swings and roundabouts 有得必有失 ‎ in full swing在热烈进行中;处于兴盛状态 ‎4. attraction n. 有吸引力的事物;吸引 The theme park is a great attraction to people.‎ 这个主题公园对人们有很大的吸引力。‎ City life holds little attraction for me.‎ 我对城市生活不太感兴趣。 ‎ ‎ ‎ attract vt. 吸引;引诱;引起(注意,兴趣)‎ attractive adj. 吸引人的,诱人的 ‎ attract/draw/catch one's attention 吸引某人的注意力 be attracted by 被……所吸引 ‎ attraction 意为“吸引,吸引力”时是一个不可数名词;意为“吸引人的事物”时是一个可数名词。‎ ‎5. preserve vt. 保存;保留 n. 保护(区) ‎ The society was set up to preserve the tigers from dying out. ‎ 成立这个协会是为了保护老虎不灭绝。 ‎ No hunting is allowed in the preserve. 保护区内禁止打猎。‎ preserve sb. from保护某人免受 ‎ preserve sth. for 为……而保存/保留某物 ‎ keep sth. in preserve ‎ ‎=put sth. on preserve 保存/保留某物 ‎ preservation n. 保存;储藏;维护 preserver n. 保护者;保存者 ‎ ‎6. advance vt. & vi. 前进;促进;提前 Our soldiers advanced bravely towards the enemy. ‎ 我们的战士勇敢地朝着敌人挺进。‎ The enemy's advance was stopped. 敌人的推进被阻止。 ‎ in advance=ahead of time 预先;提前 advance on/towards sb./sth. 向某人/物前进 advance in sth. 改进/改变某物 ‎ advanced adj. 高级的;先进的 ‎ advanced course 高级课程 advanced English 高级英语 advanced technology 先进的技术 ‎ 二、重点短语需精通 ‎1. be famous for 以……而闻名 ‎ New York is known for its skyscrapers.‎ 纽约以其摩天大楼驰名。‎ She is well-known because she is a singer.‎ ‎=She is famous as a singer. ‎ 她出名是因为她是一名歌手。 ‎ be famous/known as sth. 作为……而被知道,了解 ‎ be famous/known to sb. 被某人所知道 be well-known for 因……而著名 ‎ ‎2. no wonder 难怪;不足为奇 You went to bed at 4 am. No wonder you are so tired. ‎ 你早上四点才睡觉,难怪你这么疲倦。 ‎ ‎ ‎ It is a wonder that...真想不到,令人惊奇的是…… ‎ do/work wonders 创造奇迹 wonder to do sth. 惊讶(奇怪)干某事 ‎ wonder that...感到奇怪,觉得惊讶 wonder whether (if)/when/why/how...想知道是否/什么时候/为什么/怎么……‎ ‎3. get close to 接近 ‎ We should get close to nature.‎ 我们应该亲近大自然。‎ be close to 靠近 close to接近于;在……的旁边 keep a close watch on 细心地看 During the recession, the country's economy growth rate was close ‎ to zero. ‎ 萧条时期,该国的经济增长率几乎为零。‎ ‎4. come to life 活跃起来;苏醒过来,振作起来,表现生动 The quiet girl has come to life since she worked as a saleswoman. ‎ 那个少言寡语的姑娘自从当上售货员后变得活跃起来。 ‎ bring...to life 使……恢复生机 come back to life 苏醒过来 come to sth. 共计为某数;等于某数 come to sb. (that...) (指看法) 被某人想出 come to sb. (from sb.)(指钱、财产)作为遗产送给或留给某人 came to one's help 来帮某人 ‎ 三、重点句式能熟用 ‎1. It will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams come true, whether you are travelling through space, visiting a private ship or meeting your favourite fairy tale or Disney cartoon character. 无论你在太空旅游,参观海盗船,还是邂逅你最喜欢的童话故事或者迪士尼卡通里的人物,迪士尼都会把你带到一个魔幻的世界,使你梦想成真。 ‎ whether...or...表示“不管是……还是……,无论是……还是……”。‎ Whether we go to him or he comes to us, the result is the same.‎ 无论是我们去他那儿还是他来我们这里,结果都是一样的。‎ ‎2. to keep something as it is 使某物保持原样 ‎ 句中as引导方式状语从句。as 可译为“如;像;按照”。 ‎ Remember, you must do everything as I do.‎ 记住,你们都要照我这样做。‎ as 充当连词,引导状语从句。 ‎ ‎①引导时间状语从句,主句动作与从句动作同时发生,译为“当 ‎3. One day, news came that British's old king had died without a son. 一天,有消息说英国的老国王死了,没有留下子嗣。‎ 句中British's old king had died without a son为同位语从句,说明news的具体内容。‎ Word came that he died yesterday.消息传来说他昨天死了。 ‎ that引导的同位语从句与定语从句的区别 句法功能 意义 that引导的同位语从句 ‎ that只起连接作用,无意义。在从句中不充当句子成分。不可省。‎ 补充说明 that that 引导的定语从句 替代先行词在从句中不仅起连接作用,还充当句子成分。如在从句中作动词的宾语时可省略。‎ 修饰、限定 ‎4. If driving, Futuroscope is within easy reach of the freeway. 假如(你)开车的话,观测未来主题公园就在高速公路附近。 ‎ If driving, =If (you are) driving, 注意:此处if driving的用法不够规范,因为主句中的主语不是“you”,所以“you are”不能省略。‎ 状语从句的省略条件 ‎ ‎(1)当从句的主语和主句的主语一致时,从句的主语和be动词可以省略。 ‎ When (you are) crossing the street, you should be careful.‎ 当你穿过街道的时候,你应该小心。‎ ‎(2)从句的主语和主句的主语不一致,但从句的主语是it时, it和be动词可以省略。 ‎ If (it is) necessary, you can refer to a dictionary. ‎ 如果必要的话你可以查字典。 ‎ 四、话题写作多积累 训练二十:写日记 日记一般记录某一天发生的事件,或者是自己感受最深的一件事,如一节课、一次郊游活动、一场晚会、一场体育比赛等等。也可以是观看某场电影、电视剧或阅读某一篇文章后的体会等。‎ ‎1. 注意格式 日记的正文是日记的主要部分,写在星期和日期的正下方,可以顶格写,也可以内缩3至5个字母的空间。‎ ‎2. 注意时态 由于记载的内容通常已经发生,谓语动词多用一般过去时。但也可根据具体情况,用其他时态。如:记叙天气、描写景色,为了描写生动,可以使用现在时,以表现当时的情景。再如文后发表感想或评论可用现在时态或将来时态。‎ ‎3. 注意内容 记日记力求简单明了,有连贯性。若有文字提示,则应重视提示,把握要点。在句式上尽量使用简单句,以防繁杂,造成语法、句型错误。‎ ‎4. 注意方法 ‎ 日记分为记事型、议论型、描写型和抒情型。建议大家在学习写日记的过程中,可按以下步骤进行:‎ ‎①将一天所经历的主要事情和过程依次简要地记下来,不附加任何感情色彩,这是最简单的记日记的方法;‎ ‎②阅读别人的日记,并利用所学过的句型来表达个人在一天中观察到的或感受到的事情。‎ ‎【例1】用vary的适当形式填空 ‎ ‎①Geographers usually get information by comparing and ‎ contrasting__various__places on the earth. ‎ ‎②A__variety__of/__Varieties__of toys are on show in the shop. ‎ ‎③Leaves__vary__with the seasons. ‎ ‎④He was__variously__described as a hero, a genius and a fool.‎ ‎【例2】使用恰当的介词填空 ‎①不管你走哪条路,都要用三个小时。‎ It takes three hours, whichever__route you take.‎ ‎②不管你说什么,他都不会相信你。‎ ‎__No__matter__what____‎ ‎(=Whatever) you say,he won't believe you. ‎ ‎③你可以拿你喜欢的任何东西。‎ You can take__whatever__you like. ‎ ‎④你想要哪一个,就挑选哪一个。 ‎ You can choose__whichever__you want. ‎ ‎【例3】完成句子 ‎①他走路时摆动着手臂。‎ His arms__swung__ as he walked.‎ ‎=He__swung__his arms as he walked.‎ ‎②那个女孩坐在秋千上,前后摇摆。‎ The girl sat on a swing, swinging__back and forth. ‎ ‎③孩子们在公园里玩秋千。‎ The children are playing on the__swings__in the park. ‎ ‎【例4】用attract的适当形式填空 ‎ ‎①磁铁吸铁也吸钢。‎ A magnet __attracts__ both iron and steel.‎ ‎②她被这新颖的广告吸引住了。‎ She __was__attracted__ by the novel advertisement. ‎ ‎③这儿的旅游点很多。‎ The __attractions__ here are too many. ‎ ‎④她有迷人的曲线。‎ She has an __attractive__ figure.‎ ‎⑤他被她的美貌所吸引。‎ He __was__attracted__ by her beauty. ‎ ‎ 【例5】完成句子 ‎①他早期的手稿保存下来的不多。‎ Few of his early manuscripts __have__been__preserved__.‎ ‎②对于我们来说,保护视力是很重要的。‎ It is important for us to __preserve__our__eyesight__. ‎ ‎③他对保护热带雨林极有兴趣。‎ He has a burning interest in the __preservation__ of the rainforests. ‎ ‎【例6】完成句子 ‎ ‎①女房东要求预付三个月的租金。‎ The landlady wanted three months rent __in__advance__. ‎ ‎②英国是一个发达的工业化国家。‎ England is__an__advanced____industrial__ country. ‎ ‎③中国已成为世界上科技最先进的国家之一。‎ China has become one of the most__advanced__countries__in technology. ‎ ‎【例1】使用恰当的介词填空 ‎①女英雄以勇气和无畏的行为而出了名。 ‎ The heroine was famous __for__ the courage and daring action. ‎ ‎②芬兰是个著名的岛国。‎ Finland is famous __as__ an island country. ‎ ‎③对于孩子们来说,哈利波特太出名了。‎ Harry Potter is so famous __to__ children. ‎ ‎【例2】完成句子 ‎①难怪他不饿,他整天都在吃糖果。‎ ‎__No__wonder__ he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day.‎ ‎②真难怪你还能认出我。‎ It's __a__wonder__ you recognize me.‎ ‎③不知我能否给您一个礼物。 ‎ I __wonder__ if I might give you a gift.‎ ‎【例3】完成句子 ‎ ‎①当你参观展览时,最好不要离展品太近。 When you see an exhibition, you'd better not to get too __close__to__ the items.‎ ‎②她正在购买一套靠近她办公室的单元房。‎ She is buying a flat __close__to__ her office. ‎ 在短语get close to中to为介词。 ‎ ‎【例4】完成句子 ‎ ‎①You're very cool with your brother, but with your friends you really __come__to__life__ (很活跃). ‎ ‎②It suddenly __came__to__her__ (她突然想到) that she had been wrong all along. ‎ ‎【例1】完成句子 ‎①无论贵贱,我都要买一些纪念品。‎ I will buy some souvenirs, __whether__ cheap __or__ expensive.‎ ‎②在灾后,所有的人,不管是年老的还是年轻的,不管是富有的还是贫穷的,都尽他们最大的努力帮助那些需要帮助的人。‎ All people, whether__ they are old or young, rich __or__ poor, have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster. ‎ ‎【例2】完成句子 ‎①(谚语) 入乡随俗。 ‎ When in Rome do __as__ the Romans do.‎ ‎②学生们沿着湖一边走,一边高兴地唱着。 ‎ ‎__As__ the pupils walked along the lake,they sang happily.‎ ‎③因为很晚了,我们很快就回来了。‎ ‎__As__it was getting very late,we soon turned back. ‎ ‎④虽然她是个孩子,但英语却讲得很好。‎ Child __as/though__ she is,she speaks English well. ‎ ‎⑤你能跑多快就跑多快。‎ Run as fast __as__ you can. ‎ as表示“尽管”,引导让步状语从句时,as一般放在主句之前,需用倒装语序,即从句中的表语、状语或动词原形置于句首。若表语是名词,前置时要省略冠词。 ……的时候;一边……一边”。 ‎ As the students watched him quietly,he mixed the three together. ‎ 当学生们静静地看着他的时候,他把这三种液体搅和在一起。‎ ‎②引导原因状语从句,从句所表达的原因是比较明显的。‎ As he did not know much English, he got out his dictionary and looked up the word “cough”.‎ 由于他英语懂得不多,就拿出字典来查“咳嗽”这个词。‎ ‎③引导让步状语从句,多用于书面语中。‎ Poor as he was (= Though he was poor) he was honest.‎ 他虽然贫穷,但很诚实。 ‎ ‎④引导比较状语从句, as 译为“像……一样”。 ‎ It isn't as (so) cold as it was yesterday. 今天不像昨天那么冷。 ‎ ‎【例3】判断从句的类型和that是否可省 ‎①李先生将是我们的新英语老师这个消息是真的。‎ The news that Mr. Li will be our new English teacher is true. ‎ ‎__同位语__ 从句;that __不可__ 省 ‎②他昨天告诉我的消息是真的。‎ The news that he told me yesterday is true. ‎ ‎__定语__ 从句;that __可__ 省 ‎ ‎③那天一早传来德国向俄国宣战的消息。Early in the day came the news that the Germany had declared war on Russia.‎ ‎__同位语__ 从句;that __不可__ 省 ‎ ‎【例4】使用省略的形式完成句子 ‎①当被问发生了什么事,他没有回答。 ‎ When __asked__ what had happened, he made no answer. ‎ ‎②尽管他做得有点快,但是考试考得很好。‎ He did quite well in the exam, though/although __a__bit/little__fast__. ‎ ‎③在街上走的时候,她看到地上有一个钱包。 ‎ While __walking__ on the street, she saw a wallet on the ground. ‎ ‎(2018北京海淀区上学期期中考试)‎ 假设你是高三学生李华。请根据下面四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文日记,记录上周六你回到母校红星小学参加“校友日”的全过程。‎ 注意:词数不少于60。‎ 提示词:校友日 Homecoming Day ‎ Today, I had the pleasure of attending the Homecoming Day of my former school, Hongxing Primary School.‎ Early in the morning, following some other former schoolchildren of different ages, I arrived at the school. There stood several pupils welcoming us. We first went around the campus and then visited the school museum to admire all the pleasant changes in recent years. Afterwards, several representatives, including me, had a tea party with some teachers and pupils, talking about our old days and their school life today. ‎ Unknowingly, several hours passed. Before leaving, all the former pupils were invited to leave a message on a wall. I wrote slowly and seriously that I was very grateful to my school for her giving me a happy and brilliant childhood.‎ What a great Saturday!‎ ‎1. 确定要点:(1) 到达母校; (2)参观母校(校园、校史馆) ;(3)参加座谈;(4)留言祝福。 ‎ ‎2. ‎ 能运用多样的句式和丰富的词汇;能有效地使用语句间的连接成分,所写内容连贯、结构紧凑。‎ 考向一 在语法填空中设题 ‎(2016全国卷Ⅰ)Chengdu has dozens of new millionaires, Asia's biggest building, and fancy new hotels. But for tourists like me, pandas are its top ________ (attract).‎ ‎【答案】attraction 考查名词。对于我这样的旅行者,熊猫是成都最吸引人的东西。形容词top后面跟名词形式。‎ 考向二 在完形填空中设题 ‎(2016四川卷) ‎ Lainey finished third grade. She had good grades and could read__1__grade level, but she did not like to read. On a family car trip, her Aunt Dede pulled out a copy of Harry Potter, as a surprise for her__2__. But Lainey took one look at it,__3__her eyes, and said, “Boring!”‎ Aunt Dede, a teacher, had read the book to her students, and they loved it.__4__the youngest children in the class were__5__by the story. They__6__with great interest and then__7__joined in grand conversations about Harry's adventures.‎ ‎“How can you say it's__8__? Have you read it? ” asked Aunt Dede.‎ ‎“No, it's too long and it doesn't have any__9__.” complained Lainey.‎ ‎“Oh, that's where you are__10__; there are lots of pictures. Every page is full of pictures; you just have to read the words to__11__them. It's like magic.”‎ ‎“Nice try, Aunt Dede,” Lainey replied__12__from the back seat.‎ Another__13__was in order. “Well, if you don't want to read it, give it__14__. Maybe your mom would__15__hearing the story.” The book sailed through the air to Aunt Dede and she began to read it aloud. By the end of the first chapter,__16__were coming from the back seat: “Please read a little__17__.”‎ Lainey is an example of an__18__reader. As shown here, Lainey can become__19__about reading when__20__with literature on topics that interest her, and when the people around her model involvement in the reading process.‎ ‎1. A. within  B. on      C. to     D. above ‎2. A. daughter B. niece C. student D. friend ‎3. A. opened B. dried C. rolled D. shaded4. A. Even B. Still C. Just D. Yet ‎5. A. surprised B. annoyed C. puzzled D. attracted ‎ ‎6. A. read B. told C. listened D. wrote ‎7. A. suspectedly B. anxiously C. calmly D. enthusiastically ‎8. A. amazing B. boring C. ridiculous D. humorous ‎9. A. pictures B. stories C. adventures D. conversations ‎10. A. crazy B. foolish C. wrong D. different ‎11. A. see B. match C. show D. recognize ‎12. A. sourly B. patiently C. eagerly D. shyly ‎13. A. idea B. try C. belief D. behavior ‎14. A. away B. out C. in D. back ‎15. A. enjoy B. admit C. mind D. finish ‎16. A. decisions B. requests C. comments D. promises ‎17. A. more clearly B. longer ‎ C. louder D. more carefully ‎18. A. unpleasant B. innocent C. unwilling D. independent ‎ ‎19. A. astonished B. worried C. confused D. excited ‎20. A. presented B. concerned C. disturbed D. replaced ‎【语篇解读】Lainey的学习成绩很好,但是她却不喜欢阅读,像她这样的孩子还有很多,让这样的孩子喜欢上阅读并非易事,但是作者利用她做例子给我们展示了如何让孩子喜欢上阅读。 ‎ ‎1. D 根据本句话中的had good grades可知,她成绩好,能读超过她的年级水平的书,但是她不喜欢阅读,above意为“(能力、水平)高于;胜过”。 ‎ ‎2. B 根据本句中的Aunt Dede 可知,Debe是Lainey的姑姑,所以她是姑姑的侄女。姑姑拿出这本书的目的是给侄女一个惊喜。‎ ‎3. C 结合上文已知,Lainey不喜欢阅读,所以当她看到姑姑手里的书时并不以为然,roll one's eyes意为“不以为然”,而且还说这本书无聊。‎ ‎4. A 结合上句中的a teacher可知, Aunt Dede是一位老师,曾给她的学生读过这本书,他们都很喜欢它,甚至连班里最小的孩子也被故事吸引,这里用even加强语气。 ‎ ‎5. D 结合上一句话中的they loved it可知,甚至班里最小的孩子也被故事吸引,说明大家都很喜欢这本书。 ‎ ‎6. C 根据本段第一句话中的had read the book to her students和they loved可知,孩子们听这故事的时候都饶有兴趣。‎ ‎7. D 听完故事之后,孩子们充满热情地加入到关于哈利·‎ 波特的冒险的谈话中。 ‎ ‎8. B 根据第一段最后一句话中的and said, “Boring!”可知,Aunt Debe反问Lainey“你怎么能说它是令人厌烦的呢”? ‎ ‎9. A 当Lainey看到姑姑手里的书时,觉得这样的书是小说,篇幅太长,而且没有让三年级的孩子感兴趣的图画。‎ ‎10. C 结合本句中的there are lots of pictures可知, 姑姑说书中有很多图画,所以否定了Lainey的说法,说她的想法是错误的。 ‎ ‎11. A 姑姑引导Lainey说,书中有图画,但是必须读文字才能领会这些图画,本空的see意为“领会;明白”。 ‎ ‎12. A 根据句中的Nice try, Aunt Dede 可知,Lainey回答的时候有些不耐烦,没好气。sourly意为“敌对地;愠怒地”。 ‎ ‎13. B 上文中的Nice try是解题线索,姑姑准备再次尝试,以激发Lainey在阅读方面的兴趣。‎ ‎14. D 姑姑说如果Lainey不想读这本书,把它还回去。give back意为“归还”。 ‎ ‎15. A 姑姑让Lainey还书的原因是她猜测或许她的妈妈会喜欢听这本书里的故事。 ‎ ‎16. B 本句中的Please read a little是Lainey发出的请求,她请姑姑再大点声读。 ‎ ‎17. C 根据上一句话中的read it aloud可知,姑姑大声朗读,Lainey逐渐感兴趣,所以请求姑姑再大点声读,这里用loud的比较级。 ‎ ‎18. C 根据第一段第二句话中的but she did not like to read可知,Lainey是一个不喜欢阅读的孩子,这里用unwilling表示其不情愿。 ‎ ‎19. D 通过Lainey的态度变化可知,她越来越喜欢阅读,所以用excited强调阅读让她越来越激动。 ‎ ‎20. A 当提供给孩子感兴趣的话题时,他们会喜欢上阅读,并且可能会变得兴奋。present意为“提出,呈现”。‎ 计策1:所给提示词是动词时先判断本空所需词性 计策2:若需要名词且该名词是可数名词时就要考虑是否使用复数形式 计策1:抓住记叙文中的“人”和“事”‎ 计策2:学会使用原词复现帮助自己解题 计策3:巧用词汇 ‎(1)利用动词词组中的介词或副词确定正确选项 如果我们认识某一词组,可根据自己的判断毫不犹豫地选择你认为是正确的选项。如果不认识或拿不准它们的意义,我们可以根据动词后边的介词或副词进行推导。‎ ‎(2)利用固定搭配或习惯用语 完形填空涉及对各种短语、固定词组和惯用语的测试,其所占的比例相当大。测试范围包括动词短语、动词与其他词语构成的习语、介词短语、形容词短语等。这类词组主要是习惯性和固定搭配用法,不能主观臆测,也不能随意创造,只能靠死记硬背。‎ ‎(3)根据邻近原则,利用词语意义的互相联系,确定选择的依据 ‎①选项为名词时,其前后的名词为选择的依据。‎ ‎②选项为动词、动词词组(包括动名词、动词的分词形式)时,其前后的动词、名词、介词为选择依据。‎ ‎③选项为形容词时,可以其前后出现的名词、动词、副词、介词为依据。‎ ‎④选项为副词时,其前后出现的动词、形容词、副词为判断依据。‎ 一、词汇拓展 ‎ ‎1. theme n. 题目;主题(曲) → __thematic__ adj. 题目的,主旋律的,主题的 ‎ ‎2. center n. 中心 → __central__ adj. 中心的;中央的 ‎ ‎3. vary v. 改变,使多样化→ __various__ adj. 不同的;各种各样的→ __variety__ n. 变化,种种,多样性  ‎ ‎4. fantasy n. 幻想;怪念头→ __fantastic__ adj. 奇妙的,空想的 ‎ ‎5. amuse v. 使消遣;逗(某人)笑→ __amused__ adj. 感到愉快的;觉得有趣的→ __amusing__ adj. 令人愉快的;逗乐的→ __amusement__ n. 消遣;娱乐(活动)‎ ‎6.swing n. 秋千;摇摆 vt. & vi. (swung, swung) 摇摆;摆动→ __swing__music__ 摇摆舞音乐 ‎ ‎7. tour n. 旅行→ __tourism__ n. 旅游业→ __tourist__ n. 游客 ‎ ‎8. unique adj. 独一无二的;仅有的→ __uniquely__ adv. 独特地;珍奇地;唯一地→ __uniqueness__ n. 独一无二;独特性 ‎ ‎9. engine n. 引擎;发动机→ __engineer__ n. 工程师→ __engineering__ n. 工程 ‎ ‎10. long adj. 长的→ __length__ n. 长度;长 ‎ ‎11. settle v. 决定;安顿下来→ __settler__ n. 移民;殖民者 ‎12. athlete n. 运动员→ __athletic__ adj. 运动的 ‎13. translate vt. 翻译→ __translator__ n. 译员;翻译 ‎ ‎14. minor adj. 少数的→ __minority__ n. 少数;少数民族→ __majority__ n.大多数;大多数人 ‎ ‎15. cloth n. 布→ __clothes__ n. 衣服→ __clothing__ n. 服装 ‎16. create v. 创造;设计;创作→ __creation__ n. 创造;创立;万物→ __creature__ n. 生物;动物→ __creative__ adj. 创造的;有创造力的 ‎ ‎17. advance vt. & vi. 前进;促进;提前→ __advanced__ adj.高级的;先进的→ __advancement__ n.促进;推进;改进 ‎18. brand n. 商标;牌子→ __brand__name__ 商标 ‎ ‎19. admit vt.承认→ __admission__ n. 允许进入;入场费;承认 ‎20. shuttle n. 往返汽车;航天飞机→ __shuttlecock__ n. 毽子;羽毛球→ __shuttlecraft__ n. 宇宙飞船 (例如太空梭) → __shuttle__bus__ 豪华轿车 二、单句语法填空 ‎1. The shops in __central__ (center) London keep open late on Thursday evenings.‎ ‎2. __Various__ (vary) people whom we weren't expecting turned up at the meeting. ‎ ‎3. I __swung__ (swing) on the swing just now with some other friends.‎ ‎4. I play the piano just for my own __amusement__ (amuse). I never think of becoming a pianist.‎ ‎5. Either Thursday or Friday—choose __whichever__ (which) day is best for you.‎ ‎6. These beautiful old towns have remained relatively untouched by __tourism__ (tour).be famous among 在……中享有盛名 ‎7. Disneyworld is one of Florida's major tourist __attractions__ (attract).‎ ‎8. Marie Curie is __famous__ (fame) for her contribution to science.‎ ‎9. The __engineer__(engine) is coming to repair our phone tomorrow morning. ‎ ‎10. He is unable to concentrate on his work for any __length__ (long) of time. ‎ ‎11. It is said that the first __settlers__ (settle) of this country are prisoners. ‎ ‎12. The English version is boring—perhaps it has lost something in __translation__(translate). ‎ ‎13. There's a notice outside the building which says “No __admission__ (admit) before 12 noon”.  ‎ ‎14.Children with single parents at my school were very much in the __minority__ (minor).‎ 三、用短语的适当形式填空 in advance, no wonder, be famous for, a variety of, come true, get close to, more than, model oneself after/on, face to face, gain/obtain admission to ‎1. __No__wonder__ you've got a headache—you drank so much wine. ‎ ‎2. The West Lake __is__famous__for__ its beautiful scenery.‎ ‎3. I hope his dream of becoming a pianist will __come__true__. be modeled after 根据……模仿;仿造 ‎ ‎4. Jason is __more__than__ a lecturer; he is a writer, too. ‎ ‎5. Jim had always __modeled__himself__after/on__ his great hero, Martin Luther King.‎ ‎6. The couple __gained/obtained__admission__to__ the club.‎ ‎7. Luckily, the heavy luggage was sent __in__advance__. ‎ ‎8. You will find it hard to __get__close__to__ the tiger. ‎ ‎9. They discussed the problem __face__to__face__. ‎ ‎10. The girl was so happy to find __a__variety__of__flowers in the garden.‎ 四、课文回顾 There are 1.__various__(vary) kinds of theme parks. Some parks are famous 2.__for__having the biggest or longest roller coasters, 3.__others__for showing the famous sights and sounds of culture. 4.__Whichever__and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you!‎ The theme park you are 5.__probably__(probable) most familiar with is Disneyland. With all these attractions,no wonder 6.__tourism__(tour) is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland. ‎ Dollywood is one of 7.__the__most__unique__(unique) theme parks in the world. It has one of the world's largest bald eagle 8.__preserves__(preserve). ‎ In England's Camelot Park, every area of it is 9.__modeled__(model) after life in the days of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. There you can experience the ancient days and great 10.__deeds____(deed) of English knights and ladies, princes and queens.‎ a themed restaurant 以特定人、事、物为主题装饰的餐馆 theme music 主题曲 ‎ theme意为“主题;论题;题目”。演讲、文章或艺术作品的题目,主题,主题思想;乐曲的主题,主旋律。‎ to one's amusement 使某人高兴/发笑的是 swing through 摆动穿过 swing to 向……摇过去 swing towards 转向……‎ swing with 拿着……挥舞 be unique to sb./sth.(某人/物)独特的;特有的 at arm's length 远远地;一臂远的地方 at full length 极为详细地,全身平直地 ‎ at some length 相当详细(地)‎ in length 长度 be in the/a minority 占少数 cloth表示“布”“衣料”,是不可数名词。如: a piece of cloth(一块布);表示用作某种特殊用途的布(如桌布、台布、揩布等),是可数名词。如a tablecloth(桌布), a dishcloth(洗碟布),a face cloth(洗脸毛巾)‎ 等。‎ clothes复数名词,无单数形式,我们所穿衣服的常用词,一件衣服常用 a piece/an article of clothes;clothing 是服装的总称,不可数,clothing,food, shelter and transportation 指“衣、食、住、行”。‎ central city 中心城市 central figure 中心人物 be central to 对……主要的 be central to the plan 规划中最重要的部分 be central to the way of life 对生活方式极为重要 be famous as 以……著称 be famous for 因……而闻名 be famous in history 历史上有名 be famous throughout the world 世界闻名 translate as 把……解释为……‎ translate from Chinese into English 从汉语译成英语 ‎ translate into action 变成行动,落实在行动上 translate sb. to 调某人到……‎ no wonder的意思是“难怪,怪不得”。后面直接接从句,或者用于It's no wonder that...中。 ‎ No wonder you were late—you ate your breakfast so slowly. ‎ 难怪你迟到——早饭吃得这么慢。 ‎ ‎ It is no wonder that he should have succeeded. ‎ ‎ 他成功了是不足为奇的。‎ model...after/on 根据……模仿;以……作……的榜样 ‎ model...in...以/用……制作……的模型 gain/obtain admission to 获准进入/加入……‎ make an admission 承认 heart to heart 坦诚地 neck to neck 齐头并进,并驾齐驱 back to back背对背地 ‎ hand in hand 手拉手地 arm in arm 臂挽臂地 side by side 并排地 shoulder to shoulder肩并肩地 Key words:‎ various theme parks famous biggest longest culture Disneyland attractions tourism unique Camelot Park be modelled after

