《同步课时卷》人教pep五年级英语(上册)unit3 第六课时

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《同步课时卷》人教pep五年级英语(上册)unit3 第六课时

第6课时Part B Read and write& Let’s check &Let’s wrap it up 随堂基础练习 一、根据图片和首字母写单词,将句子补充完整。‎ ‎1. My favourite food is i___________. ‎ ‎2. I don’t like b___________.‎ ‎3. My sister likes c___________.‎ ‎4. O___________ are my favourite vegetable.‎ 二、选出下列每组中不同类的一项。‎ ‎( ) 1. A. carrot B. hamburger C. onion ‎ ‎( ) 2. A. chicken B. salad C. beef ‎( ) 3. A. but B. sweet C. delicious ‎ ‎( ) 4. A. like B. eat C. don’t ‎ ‎( ) 5. A. potato B. pear C. tomato ‎ 三、给下列句子选择恰当的答语。 ‎ ‎( ) 1. What’s your favourite food? A. Thanks. ‎ ‎( ) 2. What’s Sarah favourite vegetables? B. No, I don’t. ‎ ‎( ) 3. Here you are. C. Her favourite vegetable is potatoes. ‎ ‎( ) 4. Do you like ice cream? D. My favourite food is chicken. ‎ 四、连词成句。‎ ‎1. is, delicious, chicken (.)‎ ‎____________________________________________‎ ‎2. like, ice cream, don’t, I (.)‎ ‎____________________________________________‎ ‎3. drink, Amy’s, what, favourite, is (?)‎ ‎____________________________________________‎ ‎4. is, food, my, favourite, beef (.)‎ ‎____________________________________________‎ 课后巩固作业 一、写出下列各词的复数形式。‎ ‎1. onion _____________ 2. potato_____________‎ ‎3. sandwich_____________ 4. dress_____________‎ ‎5. box_____________ 6. carrot_____________‎ ‎7. class_____________ 8. pear_____________‎ ‎9. noodle_____________ 10. tomato_____________‎ 二、单项选择。‎ ‎( ) 1. I like vegetables __________not carrots. ‎ A. and B. or C. but ‎ ‎( ) 2. __________are my favourite vegetable. ‎ A. Onion B. Potato C. Tomatoes ‎ ‎( ) 3. I __________like beef. ‎ A. am not B. don’t C. aren’t ‎ ‎( ) 4. Amy is my friend. __________favourite food is ice cream. ‎ A. She B. Her C. He ‎ ‎( ) 5. My favourite food is chicken. __________delicious.‎ A. It’s B. Its C. They’re ‎ 三、根据图片选择正确的单词,将短文补充完整。‎ A. onions B. beef C. milk D. potatoes E. chicken F. bananas ‎ ‎ Hi, I’m Sally. My favourite food is 1. _________ . It is delicious. But I don’t like 2. _________. I like vegetables. My favourite vegetable is 3. _________. But I don’t like 4. _________. What about fruit and drinks? Oh, my favourite fruit is 5. _________. They are sweet. And 6. _________ is my favourite drink. It is healthy. ‎ 参考答案 随堂基础练习 一、1. ice cream 2. beef 3. chicken 4. Onions 二、1-5 BBACB ‎ 三、1-4 DCAB 四、1. Chicken is delicious.‎ ‎2. I don’t like ice cream.‎ ‎3. What is Amy’s favourite drink?‎ ‎4. My favourite food is beef. ‎ 课后巩固作业 一、1. onions 2. potatoes 3. sandwiches 4. dresses 5. boxes 6. carrots 7. classes 8. pear 9. noodles 10. tomatoes ‎ 二、1-5 CCBBA ‎ 三、1-6 BEDAFC

