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课时训练(四) Units 5-8(七下)‎ ‎(限时:30分钟)‎ Ⅰ.语法填空 ‎1.[2019·呼和浩特改编]—Did you call Michael back?‎ ‎—I didn't need to,     I'll see him tomorrow. ‎ A.unless     B.because ‎ C.when ‎2.Larry hopes     his English, so he keeps practicing it every day. ‎ A.to solve     B.solving ‎ C.to improve ‎ ‎3.[2019·云南改编]I can't find my keys. Maybe I     them at home this morning.  ‎ A.left     B.forgot ‎ C.lost ‎4.[2019·铜仁改编]—Do you know anything about C919?‎ ‎—Of course. It's a kind of plane which     China. ‎ A.is made of     B.is made in ‎ C.is made from ‎5.[2019·宜昌改编]—     do you put a lot of snakes into the forest? ‎ ‎—To protect the ecosystem.‎ A.Why     B.Which ‎ C.How ‎6.There     a folk music concert in Xinjiang Opera Theater next month. ‎ A.is going to have     B.will have C.is going to be ‎7.[2019·铜仁改编]Mr. Wang together with his wife and children     in the countryside. ‎ A.enjoys living    ‎ B.enjoy living C.enjoys to live ‎8.—Mary, do you know if we     an MUN club(模拟联合国) in our school next year? ‎ 6‎ ‎—I'm not sure, but if     one, I will join it. ‎ A.will have; there will be ‎ B.have; there is C.will have; there is ‎9.It's     lucky to have such a     man to be our teacher. ‎ A.a kind of; kind ‎ B.kind of; kind C.a kind of; kind of ‎10.[2019·包头改编]—What are you doing on Saturday morning?‎ ‎—Well, it's going to be sunny, so I     a picnic with my friend. ‎ A.have     B.had C.am having Ⅱ.[2019·山西改编]词语填空 ‎  Grass is, of course, a plant which grows in the field; a plant which some kinds of  11  like to eat. When there has been plenty of  12 , the grass is green. When the weather has been dry, the grass is brown. Animals like to eat grass when it is  13  and fresh. And if the grass in one place is greener than the rest, animals  14  to eat that grass. An animal in a field may look over the fence(篱笆) into the next field, where perhaps there are no animals and the grass in the field  15  greener. But if the animal could get into that field, it would find that the grass is really the same. It just seems better from a distance(远处). So that's the  16  of the expression “The grass is greener on the other side of the fence”. ‎ ‎  We sometimes only say “The grass is  17  greener on the other side.” We use the expression to describe the situation—someone looks at distant things and feels they are  18  than the things around him. But  19  he could go to the distant place, he would find that life there is just as difficult. So don't always think that other people have a better situation. Just be  20  with what you have had. ‎ ‎  Enjoy and value it!‎ ‎(  )11.A.birds B.sheep C.animals ‎(  )12.A.rain B.snow C.sunlight ‎(  )13.A.green B.brown C.yellow ‎(  )14.A.refuse B.prefer C.agree ‎(  )15.A.smells B.tastes C.looks 6‎ ‎(  )16.A.form B.meaning C.advice ‎(  )17.A.seldom B.sometimes C.always ‎(  )18.A.better B.worse C.happier ‎(  )19.A.when B.because C.unless ‎(  )20.A.angry B.strict C.happy Ⅲ.[2019·雅礼模拟]图表理解 A CHINA SOUTHERN Flight CZ645  Seat 34B  Class G Date 19JUL  Gate 331GATE CLOSE 15 MINUTES BEFORE TAKE-OFF Name KATHY       Boarding time 00:30‎ To ROME  From WUHAN ‎21.Which city is Kathy going to visit? (  )‎ A.Wuhan. B.Rome. C.Tokyo.‎ ‎22.Which of the following is true? (  )‎ A.Kathy is going to fly to Rome on 19 June.‎ B.Kathy can't board (登机)the plane until 00:30a.m.‎ C.Kathy is supposed to board the plane 5 minutes before take-off.‎ B Film Price Date Time Avengers IV:‎ Endgame ‎¥70‎ May 11‎ ‎10:20a.m.‎ ‎12:50p.m.‎ ‎3:30p.m.‎ The Wandering Earth ‎¥80(20% off for students)‎ May 5‎ ‎12:50p.m.‎ ‎2:20p.m.‎ ‎4:50p.m.‎ 6‎ A Dog's Journey ‎¥60(50% off for students)‎ May 11‎ ‎12:50p.m.‎ ‎3:30p.m.‎ ‎6:30p.m.‎ Detective Pikachu ‎¥90‎ May 11‎ ‎1:30p.m.‎ ‎3:30p.m.‎ ‎6:30p.m.‎ Key tip: Show your student ID to get free popcorn.‎ ‎23.If you only have time in the morning, which movie can you watch? (  )‎ A.Avengers IV: Endgame ‎ B.A Dog's Journey C.Detective Pikachu ‎24.If Tom, a 12-year-old student, and his parents want to see The Wandering Earth, he should pay     in total. (  ) ‎ A.¥224 B.¥240 C.¥220‎ ‎25.You can get     for free if you have a student ID. (  ) ‎ A.french fries     B.popcorn C.juice Ⅳ.[2019·广安改编]语篇补全 ‎  Recently I had a trip to Sydney with my parents. We visited the Wildlife Park. ‎ ‎  26.     Some are native(当地的) to Australia and can only be found there. There are more than 500 animals there, including kangaroos, koalas and crocodiles(鳄鱼). They are kept in their natural environment. 27.    In zoos, most of the animals are in cages(笼子).  ‎ ‎  We first spent some time with the kangaroos. We could touch and feed them. It was very exciting to be so close to them. There were koalas there too. They looked very cuddly(令人想拥抱的). 28.     It is a wonderful souvenir(纪念品) of my holiday in Sydney.  ‎ ‎  The Wildlife Park has plenty of freshwater and saltwater crocodiles. Some of them are very big and scary(吓人的) with huge teeth! I did not want to get too close to them. ‎ ‎  There was also a bird show. 29.     I saw an old parrot(鹦鹉). It could “talk” and made a great impression on me.  ‎ ‎  I enjoyed the trip very much. There was so much to see. ‎ A.The keepers showed us different species(种类) of birds.‎ B.I like the Wildlife Park better than a zoo.‎ 6‎ C.The Wildlife Park has lots of different animals.‎ D.I like the animals there very much.‎ E.Although we couldn't carry koalas, I could take a photo with one.‎ Ⅴ.[2019·郴州改编]情景交际 A: Hi, Linda. Did you have a nice time during the Dragon Boat Festival?‎ B: 30.            . I visited my grandparents in a village, and it was so much fun. ‎ A: Sounds good. 31.                        ? ‎ B: It was rainy, as usual!‎ A: Well. 32.                 ? ‎ B: I made zongzi with my grandma, watched the boat races on TV and chatted with my family.‎ A: Oh, nice. 33.               ? ‎ B: I visit my grandparents once a week.‎ A: Oh, you're so kind and caring.‎ B: 34.               . ‎ A: You're welcome. See you.‎ B: See you.‎ ‎ ‎ 6‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ Ⅰ.1.B ‎2.C hope后接不定式作宾语,所以排除B;根据句意可知这里表示“提高英语水平”,所以用“improve”。故选C。‎ ‎3.A 考查动词辨析。leave专指“把某东西忘在某处”;forget忘记;lose丢失。联系上句“我找不到钥匙。”可知,此处指“也许是今天早上我把它们忘在家里了。”“把钥匙落家里了”用leave,又由this morning 可知用leave的过去式left。故选A。‎ ‎4.B ‎5.A 考查疑问词词义辨析。答语为动词不定式,表示目的,由此可知,前面问句的疑问词应为why,故选A。‎ ‎6.C  考查there be句型和动词时态。根据时间状语next month可知应用一般将来时;there be句型的一般将来时为there will be或there is/are going to be。故选C。‎ ‎7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C Ⅱ.11—15 CAABC 16—20 BCAAC Ⅲ.A 21—22 BB B 23—25 AAB Ⅳ.26—29 CBEA Ⅴ.30.Yes, I did ‎31.What was the weather like/How was the weather ‎32.What did you do then ‎33.How often do you visit your grandparents ‎34.Thank you a lot 6‎

