2010中考英语复习课本知识整理九年级Units 1314

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2010中考英语复习课本知识整理九年级Units 1314

‎2010中考英语复习课本知识整理九年级Units 13-14‎ ‎【知识梳理】 ‎ I.‎‎ 重点短语 ‎ 1. make sb sad/ tense / relaxed… 使某人伤心/紧张/放松 ‎ 2. make sb sick 使某人恶心 ‎ 3. make money 赚钱 ‎ 4. make sb do sth 使某人做某事 ‎ 5. have to 必须,不得不 ‎ 6. learn from 向…学习 ‎ 7. soft color 柔和的颜色 ‎ 8. light blue 浅蓝 ‎ 9. lead …to 导致,引领 ‎ 10. keep sb doing sth 使某人持续做某事 ‎ 11. jump out of 从…跳出来 ‎ 12. be annoyed with sb 与…生气 ‎ 13. start with 起初,开始时 ‎ 14. walk to school 步行去上学 ‎ 15. spend …doing sth 花费(时间或金钱)做某事 ‎ 16. look good 看上去不错 ‎ 17. fast food restaurant 快餐店 ‎ 18. kind of 有一点 ‎ 19. keep out (of)sth 避开…‎ ‎ 20. pros and cons 赞成和反对的意见 ‎ 21. aim at 瞄准,针对 ‎ 22. learn from 向…学习,以…为榜样 ‎ 23. for instance 例如 ‎ 24. so that 以便,为了 ‎ 25. save money 存钱、省钱 ‎ 26. at times = sometimes 有时,间或 ‎ 27. at other times 在其他时候 ‎28. some day   来日,有一天 ‎29. be off       离开,走开 ‎30. put in       放进,进入 ‎31. turn off      关闭 ‎32. clean out something 清除某物内部使之整洁 ‎33. clean up something 整洁,清理某物 ‎34. take the dog for a walk  遛狗 ‎35. chop wood     砍柴 ‎36. love doing something 喜爱做某事 ‎37. light the fire for breakfast 点火做早饭 ‎38. collect water     挑水 ‎39. go on a world tour 进行世界巡回 ‎40. in search of     寻找,寻求 ‎41. hope to do something 希望做某事 ‎42. so far        迄今为止 ‎43. be sure (not) to do 一定(不)要做某事 ‎44. spend time (in) doing 花费时间做…‎ ‎45. think of     想到,考虑 ‎46. turning point   转折点 ‎47. in one’s life   在某人的一生 ‎48. be off to    离开去(某地) ‎ ‎49. air show    音乐表演 II. 重要句型 ‎1. Rainy days make me sad.雨天使人沮丧。‎ ‎2. I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.我宁愿去蓝湖饭馆,因我喜欢边吃边听轻音乐。‎ ‎3. It’s true that some ads can be very useful.一些广告很有益是个事实。‎ ‎4.Have you watered the plants? No,I haven’t. ‎ ‎    你已经浇花了吗?不,我没有。 ‎ III. 重要语法 ‎ 现在完成时 ‎【课文解析】‎ 重点单词 ‎ I.1ight v.点燃 ‎ I saw him lighting the candle when I came in.当我进来时,我看见他正在点蜡烛。‎ ‎(1)light作动词,意为“点燃,点着”或“照亮”。light a/the fire意为“点火”。‎ Please light the fire.请点火吧。‎ The room is lighted by electricity.这个房间用电照明。‎ ‎(2)light作形容词,意为“明亮的,轻的,淡色的,浅的”。‎ This room has a lot of windows and is very light.这问屋子有很多窗户,非常明亮。‎ Blue and white make light blue.蓝色和白色合在一起就成了浅蓝色。‎ The little girl is so light that I can lift her with one hand.这个小姑娘很轻,我一只手就能把她举起来。‎ ‎(3)light用作名词,意为‘‘电灯,光,光线”。‎ Would you mind turning off the light?你介意关掉电灯吗?‎ The light in the room is poor, I can hardly see.这个房间 里的光线不佳。我几乎看小见。‎ 和lighted,作定语时常用1ighted,意为“点着的”,如:the lighted candle(点着的蜡烛)。 ‎ ‎2.hit,n.成功且轰动一时的事物 ‎ In the last twelve months,they've made three major concerts and made a hit CD.在过去的十二 个月里,他们举办了三场大型的音乐会,出版了一张很受欢迎的CD唱片。‎ 思维拓展 ‎ ‎(1)hit用作名词,意为“成功的作品、歌曲等,红极一时的人或事物”。 ‎ The song Mice Love Rice sung by Yang Chengang is a hit,I think.我认为杨臣刚唱的歌曲《老鼠爱大米》是一首红极一时的歌曲。 ‎ The Beattes had a string of number-one hits in the1960s.甲壳虫乐队在20世纪60年代出了很多排第一的歌曲。 ‎ ‎(2)hit用作动词,意为“打,击,击中”,指一次动作。在表示“击打某人时”,习惯表达方式是:hit sb.+on/in+身体的某一部位。‎ John hit him on the head.约翰打了他的头。‎ She hit Barry in the face.她打了巴里的耳光。‎ ‎(3)hit的过去式和过去分词都是hit。 ‎ ‎3.water v.浇水 ‎ Water the plants often.or they'll die.经常给这些植物浇水,否则它们会死掉。‎ 思维拓展water的用法:‎ ‎ (2)thought意为“思考;思维;思索”时,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。‎ I have given considerable thought to the matter.这件事我已经考虑得相当多了。‎ ‎(3)thought意为“想法;观点”时,为可数名词。‎ A sudden thought crossed my mind.我突然有了一个想法。‎ ‎【中考连线】‎ ‎①He felt well enough for——work.‎ A.1ight B.1ighting C .1it D.1ightly ‎②They've just released(发行)a CD of their greatest .‎ A.heat B.hit C. hitting D.hot ‎③These flowers must be every day.‎ A.water B.watering C.watered D.waters ‎ ‎④根据汉语提示完成句子 ‎ I was lost in (思索)when he came in. ‎ 答案:A点拨:本句中的谓语动词feel是个连系动词,故这里的well用作形容词,意为“身体好的”。 句意:他感觉(身体)很好,可以做点轻微的工作。可见,本题空格中应该使用一个形容词作定语;选项中lighting和lit都是动词light的变化形式,而lightly是副词,故都不能用在本空格中故选light。 light也可以用作形容词,意为“(事物)轻的;(颜色)淡的 ” 。答案:B点拨:本题空格中的词受greatest的修饰,故应该填写名词。heat用作名词时意为“热,热度”;hot是形容词,意为“热的”;hitting是动词hi的现在分词,故它们都不能用在这里。hit,在这里用作名词,意为“成功的事'物”。句意:他们把他们最成功的歌曲集在一起出了一张CD唱片。故选B。‎ 答案:C点拨:本句中主语是动作的承受者,需用被动语态。含有情态动词的被动语态,其构成为“情态动词+be+动词的过去分词”,所以应选water的过去分词watered。water在此作动词,意为“浇水”。 ‎ 答案:thought 点拨:此题考查名词thought。be lost in thought意为“陷入沉思”。句意为“当他进来时,我正陷入沉思”。 ‎ ‎④keep on doing sth.继续做某事 ‎⑤keep up with…跟上……‎ ‎3.thanks to幸亏。由于,因为 Thanks to the trees,we can get fresh air every day.幸亏这些树木,我们才能每天呼吸到新鲜空气。‎ thanks to意为“多亏;由于”,该短语用作介词短语,在句中作状语,表示原因,相当于because of…,后接名词、代词或动名词,不能接动词原形。‎ Thanks to getting ready for it。we passed the exam.多亏我们为此做好了准备,才通过了这次考试。‎ ‎(1)thanks to常带有“感谢”的感情色彩,表示由于某个人或物的存在才有了 某种好的结果,其后接名词、代词或动名词等名词性短语。‎ Thanks to the nurses.the patients were taken good care of.幸亏有护士,病人得到了细心照料。‎ ‎(2)because与because of都为普通用语,表示理由,没有感情色彩。because后跟从句,because of后跟名词、代词或名词性短语。‎ We didn't get there on time because of the heavy rain(because it rained heavily).由于大雨,我们没有按时到达那儿。‎ ‎4.so far到目前为止 How many English songs have you learned so far?到目前为止,你们已经学r多少首英文歌曲?‎ so far—up to now/until now,意为“迄今为止;到目前为止”‎ ‎,该短语常用于句首或句末,在句中作状语,句子常用现在完成时。‎ It rains every day so far this month.直到现在,这个月每天都在下雨。‎ So far I haven't got any help from him.迄今为止,我还没有得到过他的任何帮助。 ‎ So far,l have understood the lesson.到现在为止,我理解了这堂课。‎ so far as意为“就……而论,到……程度“,表示程度、距离等,后接名词、不定式或状语从句;在句中作状语,so也可用as代替。 ‎ ‎5.look forward to期待;盼望 ‎ I'm looking forward to going abroad.我盼望出国。‎ look forward to为动讨短语,意为“希望;盼望,期望”,其中to为介词,后面常接名词 、代词或动名词,不能接动词不定式。 ‎ I'm always looking forward to buying a new car.我总是盼望着买辆新车。‎ The students are looking forward to an English party.学生们正在盼望着一个英语聚会。‎ 思维拓展 expect也可表示“期待,盼望”,但其后常接名词、代词或动词不定式等作宾语,而不能接v一ing形式。‎ He is expecting to Susan's letter.=He is looking forward to Susan's letter.他正盼望着苏珊的来信。‎ I expected to work with you someday.我期待着有一天和你一起工作。 ‎ ‎6.thousands of成千上万 There are thousands of people in the park on Sundays.星期天,公园里有成千上万的人。 ‎ 思维拓展 hundred,thousand,million,billion与数字连用时,均不用复数形式,其后名词用复数形式;当它们与of连用时,必须用复数形式,而且前面不可用数词来修饰,此时它们表示一个不确切的数量。‎ millions of数以百万计的hundreds of成百上千的 thousands of成千上万的billions of数十亿的 ‎【中考连线】‎ ‎①一Look,Lily is studying hard. ‎ ‎ 一Yes:She is Beijing University. ‎ A.aiming B.aiming to C.aiming at D.going ‎② _________the bad weather,the swimming match had been put off.‎ A.Because B.Thanks to C.With the help of ③ —So far,how long you China?‎ ‎ —For one year.‎ A.have;come to B.have;been to C.have;been in D.have;gone to ‎④(2009·泰安中考)It is reported that ____people in the world are suffering from the H 1 N 1 flu.‎ A.several thousands of B.ten thousands C.thousands of D.thousands ‎⑤ What are you doing now?‎ ‎ —一I'm writing to my cousin.He moved to America two weeks ago.He must be receiving my e-mail A.1istening to B.looking forward to C.hoping to 答案:C点拨:studying hard的目的是上北京大学;故使用短语aim at。故选c。 ‎ 答案:B点拨:句意为“由于坏天气,游泳比赛被推迟了”。C项不符合句意,而because后加从句,不加短语,故选B。‎ 答案:C点拨:so far意为“到目前为止”,一般用于现在完成时中。have been in…“在某地”;have been to…“去过某地”;have gone to...“去了某地”。只有have been in能与一段时间连用,故选C。‎ 答案:C点拨:本题考查数词的用法。hundred,thousand,million,billion等词前有数词或相当于数词的词时,这些词不变复数,也不与of连用;如果其前没有数词,既要变复数,也要与of连用,故选C。‎ 答案:B点拨:本题考查短语的用法。由句意可知用“盼望做某事”最合适,并且100k forward to中to为介词,其后用动名词形式。‎ 考点句型 ‎1.Rainy days make me sad.下雨天使我难过。‎ 本句中,make用作使役动词,意为“使,让”,后面接形容词sad作宾语补足语,即“make+宾语+形容词”,表示“使……处于某种状态”。形容词通常用表示感情的happy,sad,angry等或表示状态的rich,strong,ill等充当。‎ We'll try our best to make the work easy.我们会尽全力使工作容易一些。‎ The teacher has a strange way of making his class lively and interesting.那位老师有一个奇特的方法使他的课生动、有趣。‎ What he said at the meeting made us happy.他在会上所说的话使我们很高兴。‎ 思维拓展 ‎ 常见的接形容词作宾补的动词有make,keep,get,find,leave,consider,think等。‎ I found the book interesting.我发现那本书很有趣。‎ You must keep the classroom clean.你们必须保持教室干净。‎ Please leave the door open.请开着门。‎ ‎2.She didn't say anything either.她也没说什么。‎ ‎ either为副词,意为“也”,用于否定句中,其近义词too,also和as well都有“也”的意思,但都常用于肯定句中。‎ He is also a teacher.他也是一个老师。‎ We a11 go there,too.我们也都去那儿。‎ Most boys like swimming as well.大多数男孩也喜欢游泳。‎ Jack couldn't ride a bicycle,either.杰克也不会骑自行车。‎ 思维拓展 either用法小结:‎ ‎(1)作形容词,表示“(两者中)任一的”,后接单数名词,作定语。 ‎ Sit on either side.随便坐哪一边都行。‎ ‎(2)作代词,表示“两者中 任何一个”,作主语、宾语。‎ You'll take either with you.两个中你带哪一个都行。‎ Either of the books will do.两本书中随便哪一本都可以。‎ ‎(3)作连词,either…or…表示“或者……或者……”,谓语动词要和第二个主语一致。‎ Either you or I am mad.不是你疯了,就是我疯了 。‎ ‎(4)either 用作代词时,可以单独使用,也可以和of连用 。of后接复数名词,名词前要用 一个物主代词、指示代词或定冠词。‎ He lived in Nanjing and Wuhan,but he doesn't like either of the two places.他在南京和武汉住过,但他不喜欢这两个地方中的任何一个。‎ ‎(5)either修饰名词,前面不用物主代词、指示代词或定冠词。 either pen任何一支钢笔,不可以说my either pen/the either pen。‎ ‎3.In the last twelve months-they've had three major concerts and made a hit CD.在过去的十二个月里,他们举办了三场大型的音乐会。出版了一张很受欢迎的CD唱片。‎ ‎“in the last+一段时间”常用在完成时的句子中 ,表示“在过去的……里”,last是形容词,可以用 past替换。‎ In the last three weeks there has been no rain.过去的三个星期里没有下过雨。‎ We have lived in the country in the past/last few years.过去的儿年里我们一直在乡下居住。‎ ‎【中考连线】‎ ‎①Receiving a gift from a friend makes me___________.‎ A. happiness B.happily C.happy D.Happier ‎②Time goes by so fast.We must miss the chance to show love for our parents and make them_________ how much they mean to us.‎ A.to know B.knowing C.know ‎—I haven’t seen Grace for a long time.‎ ‎--I haven't seen her________. ‎ A.other B.too C.either D.instead ‎④In the past few years there ________great changes in my hometown. ‎ A.have been B.were C .had been D.are 答案:C点拨:make后常接形容词作宾补,即“make+宾语+形容词”,意为“使……处于某种状态”。四个选项中,C、D为形容词,句子无比较之意,故选C。‎ 答案:C点拨:本题考查动词make的用法。make在此是使役动词,其后接省略to的不定式作宾补,故选C。‎ 答案:C点拨:此题考查“也”的用法。用在句末时,too用于肯定句,either用于否定句,故选C。‎ 答案:A点拨:此题考查现在完成时态。in the past few years"在过去的几年里”,用于现在完成时,故选A。‎ ‎【语法讲解】‎ 单元测试题 ‎ ‎ 一、单选 ‎1. Please go to the station to _______ when the train to Beijing starts to leave.‎ ‎ A. find for B. look for C. find out D. find ‎ ‎2. ________ have you been in China?‎ ‎ A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How far ‎ ‎3. The Cheetah runs ________ on earth.‎ ‎ A. most slowly B. fastest C. biggest D. highest ‎4. The walls are ________ old glass bottles that are glued together.‎ A. made in B. made from C. made of D. made by ‎5. The windows and doors came from old buildings that were being ______.‎ ‎ A. pulled down B. came down C. wrote down D. turned down ‎6. ---Have you gone to see the doctor? ---No, but I _____.‎ ‎ A. didn’t B. am going to C. haven’t D. am not going to ‎7. We are not sure whether we can ____ the first place in the match.‎ ‎ A. win B. hit C. beat D. fight ‎8. _____ does the tiger _____? It’s like a big cat.‎ ‎ A. How, like B. What, like C. What, look like D. How, look like ‎9. I _____ all of your readers __________ our wonderful zoo soon.‎ A. urge, to protect B. urge, protect ‎ C. urges, protect D. urged, to protect ‎10. You have probably never __________ Amy Winterbourne.‎ A. hear of B. heard from C. heard D. heard of ‎11. – Where is your father? We haven’t seen each other for a long time.‎ ‎ –__________________.‎ ‎ A. He has been to America B. He has gone to ‎England ‎ C. He is going to Australia D. He would visit my grandparents ‎12. We need friends to ________, or we will feel ________.‎ ‎ A. chat, alone B. chat with, lonely C. speak, lonely D. talk with, alone ‎13. Many students have never been to China before and _________ any Chinese.‎ A. could hardly say B. can hardly talk ‎ C. can hard speak D. can hardly speak ‎14. I won’t go to see the film tonight, because I __________ my ticket.‎ ‎ A. lost B. have lost C. will lost D. didn’t have ‎15. – Nice to see you! I ________ you for a long time. ‎ ‎ – I _________ in Shanghai. I’ve just come back.‎ ‎ A. hadn’t seen, am B. haven’t seen, was C. didn’t see, will be D. haven’t seen, shall be ‎16. – Anna, could you lend me this book, please?‎ ‎ – I’m sorry, but I _________ it for only two days. I haven’t finished it yet.‎ ‎ A. have bought B. have had C. bought D. had ‎17. – Excuse me, has the train arrived __________?‎ ‎ – Sorry, sir. I’m afraid you have to wait for another hour.‎ ‎ A. already B. either C. yet D. just ‎18. I haven’t seen you _________ last year.‎ ‎ A. for B. from C. after D. since ‎19. Loud music may make people ____ fast.‎ ‎ A. to eat B. eat C. eated D. eats ‎20. He _______ the song in the next room last night.‎ A. was heard sing B. was heard to sing ‎ C. heard sing D. heard to sing 二、完型填空 ‎ Do you like pop music? Most people 1__. One of the best bands on the music scene 2__ the New Ocean Waves. In the last twelve months, they’ve 3__ three major concerts and made a hit CD. They’re going to 4__ on CCTV next month. And then they’re going to go on a world tour in which they will perform in ten 5__ cities. Be sure not to 6___ them if they come to a city near you – if you can get tickets, that is. ‎ ‎ “ 7___ years, we played other people’s songs”, says lead singer Zhu Wen. “ But now we play 8___ our own songs. We’ve had _ 9_ _ songs in the top ten, but we really hope to have a number one hit some day.” Good luck to the New Ocean Waves. They’re _ 10___ to a great start. And they’re really nice people. Did you know that they gave half of the money they made to a charity for homeless children?‎ ‎( ) 1. A. does B. do C. did D. done ‎( ) 2. A. is B. was C. has D. had ‎( ) 3. A. has B. was C. had D. were ‎ ‎( ) 4. A. come B. go C. appear D. find ‎( ) 5. A. the same B. same C. difficult D. different ‎( ) 6. A. miss B. catch C. hold D. lose ‎( ) 7. A. With B. For C. In D. At ‎( ) 8. A. most B. less C. mostly D. little ‎( ) 9. A. a little B. a few C. little D. few ‎( ) 10. A. in B. off C. of D. without ‎ A. sell food for visitors B. sell food for peacocks ‎ C. make the square more beautiful D. have the beautiful birds ‎ ‎( ) 4. From the passage we know people should _________.‎ ‎ A. live and play with the birds B. stop the birds from eating too much C. give right food to the birds D. give more food to the birds ‎( ) 5. We can guess the writer of the letter, Sun Yan, may be a ________.‎ ‎ A. visitor B. shopkeeper C. square keeper D. student ‎(B)‎ Can dolphins talk? May be they can’t talk with words, but they talk with sounds.‎ ‎ Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish a “school”. They don’t study but they travel together. Dolphins are mammals, not fish, but they swim together in a school.‎ ‎ Dolphins talk to other dolphins in the school. They give information. They tell when they are happy or sad or afraid. They say welcome when a dolphin comes back to the school. They talk when they play.‎ ‎ They make a few sounds above water. They make many more sounds under water. People can’t hear these sounds because they are very high. Scientists make tapes of the sounds and study them.‎ ‎ Sometimes people catch a dolphin for a large aquarium. People watch the dolphins in a show. Dolphins don’t like to be away from their school. In the aquarium they are sad and lonely. There are many stories about dolphins. They can help people. Sometimes they save somebody’s life. Dolphin meat is good but people don’t like to kill them. They say that dolphins bring good luck. Many people believe this.‎ ‎( ) 6. Dolphins can talk with________.‎ ‎ A. sounds B. words C. language D. action ‎( ) 7. Dolphins _____ be in their school.‎ ‎ A. don’t like to B. like to C. liking D. likes ‎( ) 8. Dolphins always bring _____.‎ ‎ A. sadness B. wishes C. bad luck D. good luck ‎( ) 9. Dolphins make _____ sounds above water.‎ ‎ A. more B. many C. a few D. much ‎( ) 10. Which of the following is true?‎ A. Dolphin meat is good, so people like to kill them.‎ B. Sometimes dolphins save somebody’s life.‎ C. Dolphins make a few sounds under water.‎ D. People can hear these sounds from under water.‎ 四.句型转换 ‎1.After he finished his homework,he went out for a walk ‎ his homework,he went out for a walk.(改为同义句)‎ ‎2.He could hardly catch the train.(改为反意疑问句)‎ He could hardly catch the train, ?‎ ‎3.We spent twenty minutes cleaning the room yesterday.(同义句转换)‎ It twenty minutes the room yesterday.‎ ‎4.We are going to study in two months.(就画线部分提问)‎ ‎ are you going to study?‎ ‎5.My grandpa joined the Party thirty years ago.(同义句转换)‎ My grandpa the Party for thirty years.‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ 一、CABCA DACAD BBDBB BCDBB 二、BACCD ABCDB 三、BCBCD ABDCB ‎ 四、1.After finishing 2.could he 3.took us.to clean ‎4.How soon 5.has been in 五、1.Have,cleaned 2.have not fed 3.has,bought ‎4.Have,ever been to 5.How long have,been 四、One possible version:‎ In the modern world, advertising is everywhere! Some people like ads and others hate ads. I think it offers some advantages and disadvantages.‎ Some ads are very useful. They can tell people how to compare two different products so that people can buy the better one. They can also help you save money.‎ However there are also some disadvantages. Some ads can be confusing or misleading. Sometimes the words sound good but don’t tell you anything real. So you have to be careful not to be cheated. We shouldn’t believe everything.‎ ‎ ‎

