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第十五周 概要写作 概要写作实际上就是对所读过的文章简要而概括地写出文章的中心大意。写概要时,考生要把文章的具体信息用一些具有概括功能的词和句表述出来,而不是抄袭文章的句子。写概要也不是把细节性的信息作为中心,而是要通过对文章中的单词、短语和句子进行合理转换,重新组织文章的信息,再用合适的语言进行表述。这种写作形式能考查考生的阅读理解能力和对文章的大意进行归纳概括、重新构造、创新输出的能力。‎ ‎[写作技法指导]‎ 一、题型特点 要求考生进行概要写作的阅读材料原文词数一般为300词左右。文章体裁可以是记叙文、说明文或者议论文。写作要求考生在对原文阅读后根据其内容写出一篇约60词的内容概要。概要所用语句既要用词准确,结构合理,语义连贯,不得抄写原文,又要能完全概括出文章的中心大意。‎ 二、注意事项 ‎1.词数要限制在60词左右,上下限不得超过10个单词。‎ ‎2.要根据文章的体裁特点进行概要写作。‎ ‎3.人称和时态要与所给文章中的人称和时态保持一致,但必要时也可变换成第三人称。‎ ‎4.写作时尽可能地使用复合句,必要时可转换词性,不得完全照搬照抄原文。‎ 三、写作步骤 第一步:仔细审题 速读文章,确定文章的体裁和题材、人称和时态以及写作要求等。‎ 第二步:细读全文 阅读语篇时,根据文章不同的文体可采取以下方法:‎ 记叙文 圈出记叙文的六要素(who, when, where, what, how, why),如果是夹叙夹议文,还要写出故事给读者带来的启示或寓意 说明文 找出文章要说明的对象、观点或建议 议论文 提取议论文的三要素(论点、论据、结论) ‎ 第三步:初写成文 初写概要时,根据文章不同的文体可采取以下方法:‎ 记叙文 先用一两句话串联人、时、地、事等要素,再用三到五个句子简要描述事情的经过和结果 说明文 找出要说明对象的现象、原因等或解决问题的措施、建议等 议论文 把议论文的三个要素(论点、论据、结论)进行合理地排序、整合和概括,使之语义上具有逻辑性和连贯性 第四步:润色升级 初写成文后,要对概要进行润色升级,使用高级词汇和高级句式代替平庸词汇和一般句式,使之锦上添花。‎ 第五步:复查定稿 写好概要后,要从语法和语义角度进行通读。对语法错误和语义不连贯处进行修改润色。最后规范誊写在答题卷的指定位置。‎ ‎[经典案例示法]‎ ‎(一)‎ ‎(2019·浙江效实中学模拟)阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ Many years ago, when I was fresh out of school, I was driving to my parents' home in Missouri for Christmas.I stopped at a gas station about 50 miles from Oklahoma City. While I was standing in line at the cash register (收款台), I said hello to an older couple who were also paying for gas.‎ I took off, but had gone only a few miles when black smoke poured from the back of my car. I stopped and wondered what I should do.A car pulled up behind me.It was the couple. They said they would take me.We chatted and when I got out of the car, the husband gave me his business card.I wrote them a thankyou note.Soon afterward, I received a Christmas present from them.Their note that came with it said that helping me had made their holidays meaningful.‎ Years later, I drove to a meeting in the morning.In late afternoon I found that I'd left the lights on all day, and the battery was dead.Then I noticed that the Friendly Ford dealership was right next door.I walked over and found two salesmen in the showroom.‎ ‎“Just how friendly is Friendly Ford?” I asked and explained my trouble.They quickly drove a pickup truck to my car and started it.They would accept no payment, so later, I wrote them a note to say thanks.I received a letter back from one of the salesmen.No one had ever written him and say thank you, and it meant a lot, he said.‎ ‎“Thank you” — two powerful words.They're easy to say and mean so much.‎ ‎[写作步骤]‎ 第一步:仔细审题 ‎1.定体裁:记叙文。‎ ‎2.定人称:第一、三人称。‎ ‎3.定时态:以一般过去时为主。‎ 第二步:细读全文 who I,_an_older_couple,_two_salesmen when many years ago, years later where a_gas_station,_on the way to a meeting what the author accepted others' help and wrote thankyou notes to them why the author's car broke_down and had to ask others for help how the author learned a lot from sending thankyou_notes to others 第三步:初写成文 ‎①In this passage, the author told us his two experiences of being helped by the strangers. ②And during the two experiences, the author wrote thankyou notes to the strangers.③They had given him a hand when there was something wrong with his car. ④Through the two experiences, he realized that saying “thank you” was easy and meant so much.‎ 第四步:润色升级 对初写成文进行润色升级如下:‎ ‎1.把初写成文中第①句中的told us替换成“描述”。‎ told us→described ‎2.把初写成文中第①句中的of being helped by the strangers升级成定语从句。‎ In this passage, the author told us his two experiences where he was helped by the strangers.‎ ‎3.把初写成文中的第②③句合为一个定语从句。‎ And during the two experiences, the author wrote thankyou notes to the strangers who_had_given_him_a_hand when there was something wrong with his car.‎ 第五步:复查定稿 In this passage , he author described his two experiences where he was helped by the strangers (要点1)And during the two experiences, the author wrote thankyou notes to the strangers who had given him a hand when there was something wrong with his car. (要点2)Through the two experiences, he realized that saying “thank you” was easy and meant so much.(要点3)‎ ‎(二)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ The guest speaker is a person who is asked to speak at an event.The person is usually not deeply connected with the event.Instead the guest speaker may support the event by sharing knowledge, offering support, or entertaining others.Speakers may give a special speech at the beginning, praising the efforts of community workers, or interesting children or college students in an educational or informative way.In each case, they are defined (给……下定义) by the fact that they will speak or otherwise communicate, and they have been invited to do so.‎ Even in the smallest events, the guest speaker can be well worth hearing.Coming from outside of the shared opinion of those organizing or attending an event, they often bring something ‎ new to it and provide great fodder (草料) for future conversations.Typically, their success depends upon how well they can give a speech.‎ Clearly the successful guest speaker must be able to make a speech that will be enjoyed and well received by the audience (听众).Some preparation is necessary, and some speakers fully write speeches or memorize them.It helps very much if the guest speaker is given information on how long he or she should speak, and perhaps what topics would be of most interest to the audience.‎ Almost equal in importance is an introduction to the guest speaker, which should also be well prepared.Especially in large event settings, the person making the introduction should give a little information about the background of the speaker, name some of his or her achievements, and then perhaps suggest why the speaker is present.One of the reasons that these introductions can fail sometimes is that the person doing the introduction doesn't really know who the speaker is, which is why introductions take some preparation.It may be necessary to do a little reading on the history or background of the speaker to make certain that the introduction is flattering (讨人欢喜的) and provides exact information.‎ ‎[写作思路与分析]‎ 此题要求根据所给短文进行概要写作。 概要写作需按一定的步骤进行,合理的步骤能确保顺利完成写作任务。本文可按如下步骤展开:‎ 步骤一:浏览全文,了解短文大意 首先,应通读短文,理解短文大意,掌握短文的基本结构。本文是说明文,分为4个段落,主要向读者说明了应邀发言者的概念及相关的一些情况。‎ 步骤二:细读文章,找出关键信息 找准文章关键信息是概要写作最重要的前提和依据。罗列关键信息可避免遗漏重要内容。‎ guest speaker 步骤三:陈列概写要点,整合要点成句 这个环节要求把每个段落的关键信息形成合理的句子。关键信息形成合理的句子后才能整合成篇章。合理的语言结构和句型能够帮助浓缩语言内容。具体如下:‎ ‎(一)要点陈列:‎ ‎1.The guest speaker is a person asked to speak at an event. ‎ ‎2.The guest speaker usually has little to do with the event. ‎ ‎3.The guest speaker may contribute to the event in many ways.‎ ‎4.The guest speaker can be well worth hearing even in the least important events.‎ ‎5.They add new views to the event.‎ ‎6.Their success depends upon how well they can give a speech.‎ ‎7.The successful guest speaker must be able to make a speech that pleases the audience.‎ ‎8.Some preparation work is necessary.‎ ‎9.An introduction to the guest speaker is of equal importance.‎ ‎10.Those who introduce the guest speaker should make some preparations.‎ ‎(二)整合成句:‎ 要点1为主题句,保留。‎ 使用让步状语从句,将要点2-3整合为:‎ Though usually having little to do with the event, the guest speaker may contribute to the event in many ways.‎ 使用“so”连接句子,将要点4-5整合为:‎ Guest speakers usually add new views to the event, so they can be well worth hearing even in the least important events.‎ 使用非谓语动词和连词“because”连接句子,将要点6-8整合为:‎ To make a speech that pleases the audience, guest speakers should do some preparation work, because their success depends upon how well they can give a speech.‎ 使用动词的非谓语形式,将要点9-10整合为:‎ Considering the equal importance of an introduction to the guest speaker, those who introduce the guest speaker should make some preparations.‎ 步骤四:连句成篇,初步成文 把句子整合成篇章,应按行文逻辑进行写作,可以打破段落主旨的前后关系,尽量把多个句子的信息合理整合在一个句子当中。整合过程中应使用多种语言结构和句型,避免照抄原文。形成概要初稿如下:‎ The guest speaker is a person asked to speak at an event.Though usually having little to do with the event, the guest speaker may contribute to the event in many ways.Guest speakers usually add new views to the event, so they can be well worth hearing even in the least important events.To make a speech that pleases the audience, guest speakers should do some preparation work, because their success depends upon how well they can give a speech.Considering the equal importance of an introduction to the guest speaker, those who introduce the guest speaker should make some preparations.‎ 步骤五:适当修饰,完善写作 可以从词汇应用和语法结构的丰富性和准确性以及上下文的连贯性等几个角度考虑,同时注意词数要求,形成概要终稿如下:‎ The guest speaker is a person asked to speak at an event.(要点1)Though usually having little to do with it, they may contribute to the event.(要点2)Guest speakers usually add new perspectives, so they can be well worth hearing however small the events may be.(要点3)To make a speech that caters to the audience, they should do some preparation work for the purpose of being successful.(要点4)Considering the equal importance of an introduction to the guest ‎ speaker, those who introduce them should make some preparations.(要点5)‎ ‎(三)‎ 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ Your hunger doesn't necessarily mean you are really hungry.It is an important sign of what is happening in your body — physically, emotionally and mentally.Sounds strange? It is true and here in this article we shall discuss certain things that your hunger is trying to tell you.‎ When you feel hungry, try to figure out if you are really hungry.Sometimes when you think that you are hungry, you might be thirsty.It is possible that you have been dehydrated (脱水) for a long time and your body is sending a signal through your hunger.So instead of eating, go for water and quench your thirst at the earliest.‎ If you feel hungry all the time, it could mean that you are depriving (剥夺) yourself of certain foods and hence the body is craving for these.If you are on a strict diet, then go for foods and legumes rich in protein along with complex carbohydrates (碳水化合物) like quinoa and brown rice that will take you a long time to digest and will keep you full for a long period of time.‎ You might get hungry for a certain kind of food only at times.This is because you become emotional about certain foods.For example, if you are happy and celebrating your anniversary, you might end up having a desire for the cake that you brought to celebrate the special occasion. This is called emotional eating.‎ Sometimes your hunger might mean that you need to take a break.When you end up working at a stretch, and you do not realize that your body needs rest, you can end up feeling hungry as it is a way your body is telling you to break free from work.‎ Sometimes when you are bored or stressed out, you might feel hungry.It is the body's way of telling you that you need a change of scene.Go out, take a walk, talk to your dearest friend or simply take some deep breaths.Even after this, if you feel hungry, do eat.‎ ‎[写作思路与分析]‎ 此题要求根据所给短文进行概要写作。概要写作需按一定的步骤进行,合理的步骤能确保顺利完成写作任务。本文可按如下步骤展开:‎ 步骤一:浏览全文,了解短文大意 首先,应通读短文,理解短文大意,理清短文的基本结构。本文是一篇说明文,共分为6个段落。文章主要介绍了饥饿的五个信号。这些信号产生的时候我们不一定是真的饿了,可能是你的身体有别的需求。‎ 在阅读的过程中,注意把握短文的逻辑关系,注意一些重要的提示词。比如第一段最后一句,暗示下文将给出饥饿可能给你哪些信号。第二至六段向我们具体介绍了饥饿感给出的5种不同的信号,即:口渴;缺乏某种食物;情感需求;休息的需求;无聊或压力。‎ 注意一些关键的词语或类似的句型结构,有助于快速理清文章结构,又可以避免遗漏关键信息。例如文中第2~6段分别用了If you feel hungry ..., You might ..., Sometimes ...,‎ ‎ Sometimes when ..., you might ...这些类似的句型表明这五段内容呈并列关系。‎ 步骤二:细读文章,找出关键信息 理清文章结构后再次细读,找到每段的关键词或主要信息是概要写作的重要步骤。清晰的结构有助于保证概要写作的完整性,避免遗漏重要内容。‎ ‎(一)文章结构:‎ ‎(二)整合信息:‎ 细读段落,找出每个段落的主旨句和关键词,区别段落中哪些是main ideas,哪些是supporting ideas, examples 和additional information。正确的关键词和关键句是概要写作最重要内容和依据。‎ 如第一段:‎ ‎...here in this article we shall discuss certain things that your hunger is trying to tell you.(main idea)‎ 如第二段:‎ Sometimes when you think that you are hungry, you might be thirsty.(supporting idea)‎ 如第三段:‎ If you are on a strict diet, then go for foods and legumes rich in protein along with complex carbohydrates like quinoa and brown rice ...(example)‎ 如第四段:‎ You might get hungry for a certain kind of food only at times.This is because you become emotional about certain foods.(supporting idea)‎ For example if you are happy and celebrating your anniversary, you might end up having a desire for the cake that you brought to celebrate the special occasion.(example)‎ 如第五、六段:‎ Sometimes your hunger might mean that you need to take a break.‎ Sometimes when you are bored or stressed out, you might feel hungry.(supporting ideas )‎ 步骤三:陈列概写要点,整合要点成句 这个环节要求把每个段落的关键词组成合理的句子。关键词形成合理的句子后才能整合成篇章。合理的语言结构和句型能够帮助浓缩语言内容。具体如下:‎ ‎(一)要点陈列:‎ ‎1.Your hunger doesn't necessarily mean you are really hungry.‎ ‎2.We shall discuss certain things that your hunger is trying to tell you.‎ ‎3.Sometimes when you think that you are hungry, you might be thirsty.‎ ‎4.If you feel hungry all the time, it could mean that you are depriving yourself of certain ‎ foods and hence the body is craving for these.‎ ‎5.You might get hungry for a certain kind of food only at times.‎ ‎6.This is called emotional eating.‎ ‎7.Your hunger might mean that you need to take a break.‎ ‎8.Sometimes when you are bored or stressed out, you might feel hungry.It is the body's way of telling you that you need a change of scene.‎ ‎(二)整合成句:‎ 要点1和2整合成一句:用连接副词和代词 Your hunger doesn't necessarily mean you are really hungry.However, it is trying to tell you other things.‎ 要点3和4整合成一句:使用v.ing作主语和名词性从句 Being thirsty for a long time or having a desire for certain foods may make you feel hungry.‎ 要点5和6整合成一句:使用定语从句 Sometimes, you might get hungry for a certain kind of food, which is called emotional eating.‎ 要点7和8整合成一句:使用such as及and Other factors, such as lack of rest or being bored and stressed out make you feel hungry.‎ 步骤四:连句成篇,初步成文 把句子整合成篇章,应按行文逻辑进行写作,可以打破段落主旨的前后关系,尽量把多个句子的信息合理整合在一个句子当中。整合过程中应使用多种语言结构和句型,避免照抄原文。形成概要初稿如下:‎ Your hunger doesn't necessarily mean you are really hungry.However, it is trying to tell you other things.For example, being thirsty for a long time or having a desire for certain foods may make you feel hungry.Sometimes, you might get hungry for a certain kind of food, which is called emotional eating.Besides, other factors, such as lack of rest or being bored and stressed out, might make you feel hungry.‎ 步骤五:适当修饰,完善写作 可以从词汇应用和语法结构的丰富性和准确性以及上下文的连贯性等几个角度考虑,同时注意词数要求,形成概要终稿如下:‎ Many factors can explain why your hunger doesn't necessarily mean you are really hungry.(要点1)First, when you are thirsty and having a desire for a certain food, you will feel hungry.(要点2)Besides, you might be hungry when you become emotional about certain foods on some special occasions.(要点3)Moreover, lack of rest or feeling stressed out can also lead to your hunger.(要点4)‎ ‎[综合演练提能]‎ ‎(2019·浙江五校联考)阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。‎ Many seniors feel pressured to go straight from high school to college — but Camden Olson, who graduated from Latin School of Chicago in the US last year, didn't give in. She decided to spend a gap year raising a guide dog for Guiding Eyes for the Blind in Maine.‎ The nonprofit provides trained guide dogs to blind and visually impaired people.‎ ‎“I can say I'm living the dream,” Olson said.“This is something I've always wanted to do.”‎ Taking a year off before college, commonly known as a gap year, is becoming more and more popular among American teenagers. According to a survey by the American Gap Association, enrollment in these programs grew 27 percent between 2012 and 2013. Some students use the year off to figure out what they want to do, travel around the world, or save money for college.‎ Olson is using her time to pursue a passion she's had since 7th grade. For years, she kept an eye on guide dog services until she came across the opportunity at Guiding Eyes. With support from her friends, family and teachers, Olson went for it.‎ Olson's volunteer work centers around Derby, a 1yearold black dog.“My job is to raise him to be wellmannered and socialized,” she said.“Guide dogs have to ignore any distractions. They go everywhere with their visually impaired handler. They give a blind person a lot of independence and emotional support, too.”‎ Of course, there's an end in sight for Derby and Olson's close bond. When Derby celebrates his own graduation, Olson will have to say goodbye to him.‎ While some look at gap years in a negative light, Olson said she's seen major success. In fact, she'll be attending Princeton University this fall and is thinking about majoring in ecology and biology.‎ ‎“I think I'm already much more mature than I was and aware of what really matters,” she said.“So many kids do come back from gap years a lot more focused and prepared.”‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考范文:‎ Unlike many other high school graduates, Olson was determined to take advantage of her gap year to train a guide dog, which was what she longed to do for a long time.(要点1)Not only did Olson accomplish the task of training Derby to be capable of its work — to help people with visual disabilities, (要点2) but also she herself benefited much from this experience.(要点3)‎

