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Unit 5 Knowing About China Topic 1 How much do you know about China? Section A The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是 1a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases: a great number of, fetch, introduce, lie in 2. Learn the attributive clauses led by“that”or“which”. (1)China is a great country that/which has about 5 000 years of history. (2)It’s a book that/which introduces China in detail. (3)It’s Mount Tai that/which lies in Shandong Province. 3. Learn about the geography of China. 4. Cultivate the students’ patriotism through learning about the geography of China. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 五岳的图片/幻灯片/中国地图/录音机 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:3 分钟) 让学生尽可能地用英语和同伴谈论他们最喜爱的名胜,培养他们的爱国之情。导入新课。 (呈现一些五岳等名胜的图片,引导学生快速谈论 My favorite place is ...,激活他们的英语思 维。) T: Look at these pictures. Are they beautiful? Ss: Yes. T: Yeah. They are very beautiful. S1, what places have you been to? S1: I’ve been to Mount Huang. T: Do you like it? Why? S1: Yes. I like it very much. It’s a wonderful place. T: What’s your favorite place, S2? S2: … T: Can you describe it for us? S2: … (双人活动。谈论 My favorite place is …,并对其加以描述。让 1-2 组学生表演。) S3: … S4: … … T: Well done. You’ve just talked about many places of interest. As we know, China is a great country. It has about 5 000 years of history. Do you want to know more about it? OK, let’s come to the new unit. (导入新课。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13 分钟) 继续谈论中国的名胜古迹,呈现 1a 内容,引出并学习文中生词及定语从句。 1. (教师出示泰山图片。) T: Have you been to Mount Tai? (教师介绍。) T: I went there two years ago. I like it best. Mount Tai lies in Shandong Province. Every year many tourists visit it. It attracts a great number of tourists from all over the world. (板书并要求学生掌握 lie in 和 a great number of,理解 attract 和 province。然后让学生用所 学新词说出他们最喜爱的名胜,操练新知识。) lie in=be in province attract a great number of=many T: Now talk about your favorite places with the new words and phrases. You can say them like this: My favorite place is … It lies in … It attracts many/a great number of tourists … S1: My favorite place is Mount Wuyi. It lies in Fujian Province. It attracts a great number of tourists from home and abroad. S2: My favorite place is … S3: … T: In our country, many places of interest attract many tourists. And China also has a great number of beautiful mountains and rivers. Can you say some? S4: The Huanghe River. S5: The Changjiang River. S6: Mount Tai. S7: Mount Emei. S8: … T: I think a number of students want to know more about our country. Now I can fetch you a book. I can also say: I can fetch a book for you. Here“fetch”means“go and bring sth. back”. (板书并要求学生掌握 fetch。) fetch (示范 fetch 动作展示 Guide to China 这本书。) T: The book is Guide to China. It introduces China in detail. I can also say: Guide to China is a book that/which introduces China in detail. (板书并要求学生掌握 introduce,理解 guide。) introduce guide (板书句子,教师适当讲解,要求学生初步掌握“that”和“which”引导的定语从句。) Guide to China is a book. The book introduces China in detail.= Guide to China is a book that/which introduces China in detail. T: Boys and girls, do you think the book is helpful to the people who wants to know more about China? Ss:Yes. T: OK, let’s introduce the book to Susanna. Because she has just come to China. She wants to know more about the country. Now, she is talking with her mother. What are they talking about? Let’s listen to 1a and get it. 2. (利用幻灯片出示下列问题,让学生听 1a 的录音,回答问题。) T: Now, let’s listen to the tape. Prepare to answer the questions: (1) What are they talking about? (2) How long have Mr. and Mrs. Green been in China? (3) Can you say some beautiful mountains or rivers in China? What are they? (核对答案。) 3. (朗读 1a,让学生找出定语从句,引导学生讨论、归纳其用法。) T: Please read 1a and then try to find out attributive clauses. (核对答案。教师利用幻灯片出示定语从句,并引导学生找规律。) 1.China is a great country that has about 5 000 years of history. 2.There are many places of interest which attract millions of tourists from all over the world every year. 3.It’s a book which introduces China in detail. T: What rules can you find? Please tell us. S1: … S2: … (教师总结学生所找的规律,讲解定语从句的用法并要求学生掌握。然后用幻灯片给出两 组简单句,引导学生将其合并成含有定语从句的复合句。) 1.My favorite place is Kunming. It is known as the Spring City. 2.She was not on the train. The train arrived just now. (答案:) 1.My favorite place is Kunming which/that is known as the Spring City. 2.She was not on the train which/that arrived just now. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:10 分钟) 通过角色扮演等形式巩固 1a。 1. (再朗读 1a,同时画出文中的关键词并完成 1b。) T: Please read 1a again and underline the key words. Then complete the table of 1b. I will ask some of you to give your answers. (师生共同核对 1b 答案。) 2. (两人一组,分角色练习 1a。) T: Work in pairs. I will ask some students to act out the dialog in roles. 3. (随机抽几组学生分角色表演,同时引导学生参与评价。) T: Please act out the dialog. Let’s see which group is the best. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习(时间:10 分钟) 利用 2 中的图片和例子,继续学习并操练定语从句,然后完成 3 的听力训练。 1. (教师展示一幅中国地图,练习定语从句。) T: What place is this?(教师手指“合肥市”问。) Ss: It’s Hefei. T: Where is it? Ss: It’s in Anhui Province. T: We can also say “This is Hefei which/that lies in Anhui Province.” (然后学生两人一组操练对话。练习使用定语从句。) 2. (让学生看 2 中的图片,仿照例子编对话。) T: OK. Look at the example in 2, please. Then you can make dialogs after the example while looking at the pictures. S1: What a beautiful place! S2: Yeah! It’s Mount Hua that/which lies in Shaanxi Province. S1: Have you ever been there before? S2: Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. (教师挑选几组进行表演,检查定语从句的运用效果,特别注意关系代词的用法。) 3. (听录音,完成 3。) T: First read 3. Then fill in the blanks while listening to the tape. (如有必要,可重复播放。师生核对答案。让学生熟读句子,并掌握其表达方式;另外注 意听力原文中定语从句的用法。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:4 分钟) 收集相关地理知识,用 which/that 引导的定语从句交谈。 1. (小组活动, 复习所学的中国地理。) (1)教师将事先准备好的中国地形图分给各组。 (2)要求各组拿出笔、纸进行查找和记录中国的名山、大河。 (3)教师选几组进行展示。 T: Let’s find out the beautiful mountains and famous rivers on the map of China. Write them down on a piece of paper. (3 分钟后) T: Please tell us your results. Group A: … Group B: … Group C: … Group D: … 2. Homework: (1) Collect some information about famous mountains and rivers you know and fill in the blanks below. Mountain River China World (2) Make a dialog about traveling in pairs. Requirement: ①Talk about places of interest, the famous mountains, rivers, cultural relics, ... ②Use the attributive clauses as many as possible. (3) There are four attributive clauses in Section B. Let’s see who can find all of them.(引导学 生预习 Section B) (4) (准备好各自的旅行照片,以备下节课使用。) 板书设计: How much do you know about China? Section A a great number of Guide to China is a book. The book introduces China in detail. = lie in Guide to China is a book that/which introduces China in detail. fetch sb. sth.= fetch sth. for sb. introduce Section B The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases: fantastic, hear of, tale, so … that … 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1) They are well worth visiting. (2) It seemed that we experienced four seasons in a day. (3) If not, you must find a chance to go there! 3. Go on learning the attributive clauses led by“that”or“which”. (1)Could you tell me something about the places that(which) you visited there? (2)That’s the most fantastic place (that) I have ever heard of. 4. Learn more about the geography of China—the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and West Lake. 5. Cultivate the students’ patriotism. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 照片/小黑板/幻灯片/录音机 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:5 分钟) 检查作业,然后用师生课前准备的旅行照片谈论他们去过的景点,复习旅行的话题,展示祖 国美好河山,导入新课。 1. (检查作业。) (1) (小组内汇报、核对 Section B 中的定语从句,老师巡视了解预习效果。) (2) T: Last class I asked you to make a dialog about traveling in pairs. Who can act it out with your partner? S1: ... S2: … 2. (教师出示自己的旅行照片与学生交流。) T: It’s a beautiful picture. Can you find me in it? Ss: Yes. T: You can ask me some questions according to the picture. S3: Where did you go? T: I went to Mount Tai that/which lies in Shandong Province. S4: When did you go there? T: Last summer holiday. S5: Did you have a good time and what did you see? T: Yes. I saw sunrise. It made me surprised and excited. The scenery there is fantastic. Mount Tai is well worth visiting. That’s the most beautiful mountain that I have ever been to. I had a lot of fun there. I hope you will go there some day. Ss: OK. I will. (板书并要求学生掌握 fantastic;了解 scenery。) scenery, fantastic 3. (学生两人一组,利用旅行照片互相交流他们去过或喜欢的景点,教师给出一些提示性的 单词和词组。) T: You and your partner can talk about the places that you like or have been to. You can use these useful words and phrases. (用小黑板或幻灯片展示。) lie in, wonderful, famous, fantastic, scenery, surprised, excited, be well worth visiting, have a lot of fun, some day... (教师选几名学生介绍,以检查学生讨论的结果。) 4. (1)(用幻灯片呈现青藏高原图片,导入新课并教授生词。) T: Boys and girls, here is another fantastic place. Look at the picture. Can you guess what place it is? Have you ever heard of it? Ss: 青藏高原。 T: Yes. In English it’s the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. (板书并要求学生掌握。) hear of (2)(教师可以针对青藏高原进行简单的问答,为下一步呈现扫清障碍。) T: Where is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau? S6: It’s in the west of China. S7: It’s in the north of China. T: It’s in the southwest of China. It’s a fantastic place. It’s more than 4 000 meters above sea level. The weather there changes a lot. You can experience four seasons in a day. Do you want to know more about it? Ss:Yes. T: OK. Let’s learn 1a. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10 分钟) 以听力的形式呈现 1a,师生共同学习文中的目标语言。 1. (用幻灯片、小黑板或打印材料出示听力问题,让学生边听边判断正误。) T: Listen to the tape and mark True (T) or False (F). (1)The Greens went to Tibet last summer.( ) (2)They visited the Jokhang Temple and the Potala Palace. ( ) (3)The weather there never changes. ( ) (再听 1a,核对答案。) T: Listen again and check the answers. 2. (结对活动。朗读对话,注意两个含有定语从句的句子,教师加以解释。) T: Read the dialog with your partner and pay attention to the attributive clauses. (教师提问并板书。注意引导学生观察、比较、发现规律、掌握规律。) (1)Could you tell me something about the places (that/which) you visited there? (2)That’s the most fantastic place (that) I have ever heard of. T: Compare the two sentences. Can we also say: That’s the most fantastic place which I have ever heard of? Why? (教师解释第(2)句为什么只能用关系代词 that 引导定语从句。这两句中关系代词为什么可 以省略。) 3. (学生提出 1a 中的难点,教师讲解重难点。) 4. (教师用幻灯片/图表的形式出示 1a 的对话图解。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:10 分钟) 以角色扮演的形式巩固 1a,并完成 1b。 1. (利用 1a 的对话图解,角色扮演对话。) T: Let’s act out 1a according to the diagram on the screen. (教师抽查几组学生展示效果。引导学生参与评价。) T: Act out the dialog with your partner. Who can? S1: … S2: … 2. (根据 1a,完成 1b。) T: Let’s fill in the blanks according to 1a. Finish 1b. (师生核对答案。) 3. (根据 1a 内容,用幻灯片呈现几组简单句,让学生变为含有定语从句的复合句。) I want to know more about the place. You visited the place. I will never forget the place. The place made me surprised and excited. That’s the Qinghai-Tibet plateau. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is more than 4 000 meters above sea level. (师生共同核对答案。) T: S1, complete the sentence, please. (1) (2) (3) S1: I want to know more about the place that you visited. … Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习(时间:11 分钟) 呈现西湖风景图,引出 2a。然后引导学生自己解决 2a 中的疑难点并完成 2b,训练学生阅读 能力和独立解决问题的能力。 1. (用幻灯片呈现西湖风景图,师生对话,引出 2a。) T: Do you know the West Lake? Ss:Yes, I do. T: What do you know about it? S1: I know the stories about the West Lake. S2: I know the poems about the West Lake. (可以让学生用汉语来表述关于西湖的故事及诗句。) S3: I know it’s beautiful. T: Do you know where the West Lake is? S4: Yes. It lies in Hangzhou. T: You’re clever. It’s in Zhejiang Province. It’s surrounded on three sides by mountains. Many tourist attractions there are well worth visiting. They are so fantastic that they attract lots of tourists from home and abroad every year. (板书并要求学生理解 surround, tourist attraction,掌握 so … that …。) surround tourist attraction so … that … T: Do you know what they are? S5: Leifeng Pagoda.(帮助学生回答。) S6: Sudi Causeway.(帮助学生回答。) S7: Broken Bridge.(帮助学生回答。) S8: ... T: Good! Have you ever heard of the romantic tale about Xu Xian and the White Snake, S9? S9: Yes. I think it’s a moving story. (板书并要求学生了解 romantic,掌握 tale。) romantic, tale T: Do you know anything else about the West Lake? Let’s go on our new lesson. 2. (小组活动。学生读短文,找出难以理解的短语或句子。通过小组讨论,尝试解决这些问 题。) T: Work in groups of four. Read the passage and find out the phrases and sentences that you don’t understand. Discuss and try to understand them. (板书 2a 中的难句和重点句。) West Lake is surrounded on three sides by mountains. The scenery is so attractive that visitors often lose themselves in it. Besides, the area that surrounds West Lake is the home of … If not, you must find a chance to go there! (教师根据需要可对上述知识点举例进行补充并讲解。) 3. (让学生带着 2b 中的问题再读 2a。完成 2b。) T: Read 2a again and answer the questions in 2b within 2 minutes. (2 分钟后,核对答案。) 4. (小组活动。教师把图解做在小纸片上,由各组快速完成。) (1) West Lake Position: Tourist attraction: Famous for: Others: T: Finish these cards in groups of four. Later, I’ll ask some groups to report to the whole class. (2) (抽两个小组作汇报。) T: Please report your information about the West Lake to the class. Group A: … Group B: … Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:4 分钟) 根据活动 3 的要求,以小组形式介绍自己的家乡。尽可能多地运用定语从句来表达。 1. (学生 6 人一组讨论家乡的景点,然后每组推选出一名“导游”向全班同学汇报讨论结果。) T: You can discuss the places of interest in your hometown in groups of six. Then each group choose one“guide”to introduce it. The following information may help you. Location: north, south, east, west … Scenery: (mountains, rivers …) beautiful, long, clear, high, green … Food: … People: … Custom: … T: OK? Let’s begin. 2. Homework: (1) (引导学生通过网络或其它渠道了解、收集有关香港、澳门和台湾的一些信息。为新课 作准备。) T: Try to get some information about Hongkong, Macco and Taiwan over the Internet … (2) T:Please make a postcard using the pictures of the famous mountains or rivers in China. Then write some information about them in English on the other side of the postcard. Example: It’s West Lake which lies in Hangzhou. It is famous not only for the beautiful scenery but also for some poems. 板书设计: How much do you know about China? be well worth visiting Section B hear of That’s the most fantastic place (that) I have ever heard of. tale West Lake is surrounded on three sides by mountains. tourist attraction The scenery is so attractive that visitors often lose themselves in it. so…that… Section C The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases: connect … with …, be known as, island, enemy, flat 2. Go on learning the attributive clauses led by“that”or“which”. (1)It serves as a bridge that/which connects the mainland with the rest of the world. (2)It’s a beautiful building which/that forms a huge ring or square. 3. Learn more about the geography of China—Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. 4. Cultivate the students’ patriotism through learning about Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 明信片/多媒体/课件/录音机/幻灯片/图片/学生准备的照片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:5 分钟) 学生汇报关于自己家乡的小短文,再利用制作的明信片扩展思维,训练说的能力。 1. (由多名学生扮演小记者,在班级随机采访学生,了解他们的家乡。教师先作示范。) T: Hello! I’m a journalist from CCTV. Could you tell me something about your hometown? S1: … (被采访的学生介绍自己的家乡。) 2. (利用上节课做的明信片,让学生描述其中的图片,复习祖国的名山大川的介绍方法和定 语从句的运用。) T: Who can come here and introduce your postcard to us? (学生拿着自己制作的明信片。) S2: This is a picture about Guilin. Guilin lies in Guangxi Province. It is a beautiful place which is famous for its mountains and water. We all know Guilin’s mountains and water are the most beautiful in the world. I hope to go on a trip to Guilin some day. S3: I have never been to other places. This is a picture of my hometown. Look at the green mountains and clear water. The green mountains which are called Mount Hong are the birthplace of Mount Hong culture. The long river isn’t wide, but it’s clear. We are proud of being children of Mount Hong. The people here are very friendly. Welcome to my hometown. 3. (教师总结,引入 1a。) T: Very good. Now let’s look at the screen. I’ll introduce another three beautiful places to you. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13 分钟) 通过在大屏幕上呈现有关香港、澳门和台湾的各种图片,引入并学习本课新知识。 1. (用多媒体播放香港回归仪式的视频。) T: What happened in the video? Ss: 香港回归。 T: Yes. Hong Kong returned to the motherland. (板书并让学生理解。) motherland T: When did it happen? S1: On July 1st, 1997. T: What places do you want to visit in Hong Kong? S2: Disneyland. S3: … T: It is known as the Pearl of the Orient and Shopping Heaven. It serves as a bridge which connects the mainland with the rest of the world. If you have a chance to go there, you should visit Disneyland, Ocean Park and Victoria Peak. (板书并要求学生掌握。) be known as=be famous as He was known as a singer.=He was famous as a singer. connect … with … (画面切换到澳门回归仪式上。) T: What happened in the picture? Ss: 澳门回归。 T: Yes. Macao returned to the motherland. When did it happen? S4: On Dec. 20th, 1999. T: What do you know about Macao? S5: I know Macao is a“赌城”. T: Very good. When you hear the name, Macao, you may think of its gambling houses. (板书并要求学生理解。) gambling T: What places do you want to visit in Macao? S6: Mazu Temple. S7: … T: In Macao, you can visit Mazu Temple and Ruins of St. Paul. (画面转换到台湾阿里山的图片上,同时播放歌曲《阿里山的姑娘》。) T: Are you familiar with this song? Ss: Yes! T: Do you know who sings this song? Ss: Deng Lijun. T: What’s the name of the mountain in the picture? S8: 阿里山。 T: Yes. It’s Mount Ali. Where is it? S9: It’s in Taiwan. T: What else do you know about Taiwan? S10:日月潭. T: Yes. Sun Moon Lake. Taiwan is considered the Treasure Island of China. (板书并要求学生掌握。) island T: Do you want to know more about Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan? Ss: Yes. (通过回答问题,学生对 1a 有初步的了解。) 2. (快速阅读 1a,获取所需信息,填小草图,培养学生的爱国情感。) T: Now, skim 1a, get the information you need and fill out the form below. (核对答案。) the Treasure Island 3. (再读 1a,并把下列内容配对。) T: Read 1a again and then match them. Hong Kong the Treasure Island of China Disneyland Macao the Pearl of the Orient Mazu Temple Taiwan Gambling city Mount Ali 4. (让学生细读 1a 找出疑难点,教师带领学生共同理解。) T: Read 1a carefully, and find out something that you don’t understand. (板书并要求学生理解。) various: different kinds of Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:7 分钟) 以复述、游戏等形式巩固 1a,完成 1b。 1. (让学生再读 1a,完成 1b。教师把表格以幻灯片的形式呈现出来,学生核对答案,为后面 的巩固作铺垫。) T: Read 1a again. Complete 1b. Then check your answers. 2. (小组活动。根据 1b,分组复述 1a,然后交流展示,以达到巩固的目的。) T: Work in groups of four. Let’s retell 1a according to 1b. First, retell it to your group members. Others listen carefully. Then each group should choose one to retell 1a to the class. 3. (以游戏的形式巩固 1a。具体做法:教师把香港、澳门、台湾的相关信息做成若干小纸条, 每张纸条上只写一个词或短语。学生抽取纸条后造句。) T: Let’s play a game. I have some pieces of paper. There are some key words about Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan on the paper. Please make sentences about them with the key words. (纸条上可以出现的关键词如下:) Example: Hong Kong the Pearl of the Orient Macao the Shopping Heaven Taiwan Gambling City be known as the Treasure Island of China Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习(时间:10 分钟) 通过师生对话引出 2 中的内容及部分生词,引导学生继续练习定语从句。 1. (利用图片简单介绍 2 中建筑,引出并学习文中生词,为下一步训练扫清障碍。) T: We have learnt three beautiful and interesting places in 1a. In fact, there are some more interesting buildings in China. Look at these buildings. (拿出土楼图片) They mainly spread over Fujian Province. Look at their roofs. What shapes are they? (板书并要求学生理解生词 roof。) roof Ss: Some are rings, and some are squares. T: Yes, what are they made of? Ss: Maybe they are made of earth. T: Right. The houses are made very well. They can protect against enemies, earthquakes and so on. They are unique in the world. (板书并要求学生掌握 enemy,了解 unique。) enemy unique (板书并要求学生掌握 flat,理解 cave。) flat cave 2. (让学生根据教师的描述来猜测民居。教师尽量运用含定语从句的句子来描述,以供学生 独立描述时模仿,降低难度。) T: We’ve just learnt about some interesting buildings. Now let’s play a game. I describe the buildings. You guess which picture they are in. Are you ready? Let’s begin. T: It’s a beautiful building that can protect against strong winds. Ss: Picture 2. … 3. (让学生仿照 2 中的例句,任选一幅图片,根据图片下面的提示,写出四句或更多的含有 定语从句的句子。注意关系代词在从句中担任的句子成分。) T: Now, look at the other three pictures. You can choose one picture, then write down four or more sentences using attributive clauses. Hand in your exercises after class. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5 分钟) 完成活动 3。 1. (小组讨论,结合 3 介绍各自的旅行经历,然后由小组长总结。) T: I know many of you love traveling very much and some of you have been to many different places. Where have you been? What scenery did you enjoy? What places would you like to visit? Why would you like to go there? Actually, all of you have brought the photos of your trips and you also did some preparation for it. OK, today let’s share the experiences and happiness with each other. Please have group work and let your friends know about your trips. You can ask questions about others’ trips. Then, each group should choose one to report them to the whole class. 2. Homework: (1)Make a dialog about a trip with your partner. Suppose one student wants to go on a trip. He/She needs to know something about the place he/she’s going to visit. The other introduces it to him/her using the attributive clauses. (2)Write a passage according to the results of the survey in 3. (3)Suppose you trave around China. Choose the place you like best, and then collect some pictures and information to make a booklet about it.(为新课 Project 作准备) 板书设计: How much do you know about China? Section C be known as = be famous as It serves as a bridge which connects the mainland connect … with … with the rest of the world. island It’s a beautiful building that forms a huge ring enemy or square. flat Section D The main activities are 1a and 4. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 4。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and a phrase: below, freeze, thick, wheat, plain, PC, license, giraffe, break down 2. Review the attributive clauses led by“that”or“which”. (1)Northern people are used to eating food that is made with wheat flour, while rice is the main food of southern people. (2)A giraffe is a kind of animal which … (3)May I use the PC that ... 3. Go on learning about the geography of China. 4. Talk about the life in the south and north of China. 5. Strengthen the students’ patriotism. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 多媒体课件/幻灯片/录音机/教学挂图 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:5 分钟) 检查作业。 1. (检查学生的对话,从学生对话中所谈的地点引出南北方。) T: Last class I asked you to make a dialog. Which group would like to share your dialog with us? (学生展示对话。) S1: May I speak to ××? S2: This is ×× speaking. What’s up? S1: The summer vacation is coming. Where are you going for your vacation? S2: I have no idea now. What about you? S1: I am going to Hangzhou. I have been eager to visit West Lake for a long time. S2: That’s a good place, especially West Lake. It is surrounded on three sides by mountains with a lot of places of interest. S1: You know much about West Lake. S2: Certainly. That’s my hometown. S1: Oh, would you like to visit it with me? S2: You bet. Let’s make it. S1: OK. Good-bye. S2: Bye. 2. (教师总结,过渡到南方和北方。) T: Well done. They want to visit West Lake. We all know West Lake is in Hangzhou. But where is Hangzhou? Is it in the south or north of China? S3: It is in the south of China. T: Good. But where is Beijing? S4: It is in the north of China. T: OK. Let’s have a discussion. (板书) What are the differences between the south and the north of China? S5: It’s warm in the south in winter. But It’s cold in the north. S6: Southern people eat rice mainly but northern people don’t. (教师总结,并为下一步作铺垫。) T: That’s right. But there are some other differences between the south and the north. Let’s come to 1a and learn about them. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13 分钟) 用多媒体展示有关南北方的一系列图片,通过对比得出南北方在气候、地形、农作物等方面 的差异,引出并学习 1a 中的部分生词,然后听 1a 录音,提高学生的听力理解能力。 1. (出示第一组图片,对比南北方气候的差异。) T: OK. Let’s look at some pictures and compare them. (让学生用自己的语言来简单地描述两幅图。) T: Can you describe the scenery of the pictures? Ss: It’s very cold in Picture 1. Snow is here and there. But it’s hot in Picture 2.The trees are green. T: Yes. It’s rather cold in the north of China in winter. The temperature often stays below zero and the water freezes in the rivers. So, people usually wear thick clothes. At the same time, the weather in the south is usually mild and wet. People can even enjoy the bright sunshine on the beach. (板书并要求学生掌握 below, freeze, thick;理解 mild, sunshine。) below, freeze, thick, mild, sunshine 2. (出示第二组图片,通过两幅图的地貌特征的对比,总结出南北方地貌的差别。) T: Look at the two pictures. Can you tell me the features of them? S7: In the first picture, the ground is flat. S8: In the second picture the ground is not flat. (教师总结,呈现 plain,并要求学生掌握。) T: Yes, you are right. In Picture 1, it’s a plain. In Picture 2, they’re hills. (板书) plain T: In fact, there are wide plains in the north. And there are many hills in the south. 3. (出示第三组图片,对比南北方的农作物。) T: Can you tell me what’s in the pictures? S9: Wheat is in Picture 1. S10: Rice is in Picture 2. T: Is the wheat mainly grown in the north or in the south? Ss: In the north. T: Quite well, many kinds of food can be made with wheat flour. While the rice is mainly grown in the south of China, right? Ss: Yes. (板书并要求学生掌握。) wheat, flour T: OK. Listen to 1a and answer the following question. 4. (让学生听 1a 录音,从听力中获取信息,结合内容和自己生活实际,回答问题。) T: Do you like living in the north or the south? Why? Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:9 分钟) 通过复述巩固 1a,并完成 1b。 1. (小组活动。把全班分为 A、B 两组分别来阅读 1a 中的第二段和第三段,并找出关键词。) T: Let’s learn the north and the south of China. All the boys are Group A. All the girls are Group B. Group A reads the second part. Group B finishes the third one. Then find out the key words and write them down on a piece of paper. Let’s begin. (核对答案。) T: Boys and girls, check the answers. Group A Group B 2. (根据关键词,两组互换内容,再读 1a,进一步熟悉课文,为复述课文奠定基础。) T: Let’s read 1a again. Pay more attention to the key words. Group B finishes the second part. Group A finishes the third part. 3. (巩固文章内容。) (1)(把上一步中的关键词分类。) T: Let’s put these key words into the following boxes. (2)(再读 1a,完成 1b,并核对答案。) T: Read 1a again, and please finish 1b. (3)(根据 1b 和上面的关键词复述 1a。) T: Retell 1a according to 1b and the key words above. the north: the south: mild and wet, go swimming, bright sunshine cold, below zero, freeze, snow, wear thick coats and gloves, make snowmen, throw snowballs, go skating the north: wheat flour, by land land the south: rice, by land or by water people’s way of life in winter Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习(时间:8 分钟) 练习定语从句,完成 2,3a 和 3b。 1. (用活动的形式复习定语从句并完成 2。) 活动步骤: (1)教师把先行词 car, the PC, driving license, a kind of animal 写在黑板上。 (2)在每个先行词后写上 that, which。 (3)幻灯片出示不完整的句子。 (4)组成完整的定语从句。 that/which (幻灯片的内容) ①The a. I rented broke down. ②May I use b. has a very long neck. ③The c. you bought last month? ④A giraffe is d. was taken away by the police is mine. (板书) break down PC=personal computer neck license giraffe 2. (通过比赛,复习本话题出现的定语从句。将学生分为男生一组,女生一组,每次每组只 能由一名学生发言,每次说一句,发言的学生不能重复。每次答对赢得 1 分,比赛结束, 得分高的小组获胜。) T: It is exciting time for Boys vs Girls! We are going to say some attributive clauses which appear in this topic. Every time, there should be a boy and a girl ready to say. If the answer is correct, he/she gets a point for his/her group. The student in one group can say only once. Let’s see which group is the winner. (听读 3a,进一步强调定语从句的用法。) T: Listen to 3a and read after it, paying attention to attributive clauses. 3. (头脑风暴。让学生快速回想本话题的常用语。看谁说得又对又多。) T: Let’s think about the useful expressions in this topic. Please say them as much as possible. (表扬说得最快最多的一名同学。再听读 3b,加深学生对这些表达方式的记忆。) T: Listen to 3b and read after it. Then I say them in Chinese. You say them in English. OK? Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5 分钟) 巩固定语从句,并完成 4。 1. (教师展示 4 中的中国地图,让学生把旅游地点标到地图上并核对答案。) T: Look at the map of China. Mark the following places on the map. 2. (利用多媒体呈现例句和常用语。把图片与常用语相结合,写句子。) T: Look at the map and useful expressions. Let’s make some sentences. You should use “which” or “that” in the sentences. car the PC driving license a kind of animal Example: Kunming which lies in the south of China is known/famous as the Spring City. Useful expressions: (1)Shopping Heaven (2)the Mountain City (3)Gambling City (4)the Treasure Island of China T: Please tell me your sentences. S1: … S2: … S3: … S4: … 3. (制作你最喜爱的地方的宣传手册。) (1)全班分成若干个四人小组,每组选择一个最喜爱的地方,搜集有关信息和图片。 (2)把搜集到的信息和图片制作成图文并茂的宣传手册。 T: Look at the map of China. In groups of four, choose the place you like best, and collect some information and pictures to make a booklet. 4. (各组展示自己的作品,看看哪一组的宣传手册最漂亮,最吸引人。) T: Let’s see which group is the best. 5. Homework: Join the sentences with that/which to form attributive clauses. (1)This is the house. We lived in the house last year. (2)This is the best movie. I have seen the best movie this year. (3)The train has left. The train is from Shanghai to Beijing. 板书设计: How much do you know about China? Section D PC=personal computer 1.The car which I rented broke down. license(AmE)=licence(BrE) 2.May I use the PC that you bought last month? below zero 3.The driving license which was taken away by the thick coats police is mine. wheat flour 4.A giraffe is a kind of animal which has a very long break down neck. 5.Northern people are used to eating food that is made with wheat flour, while rice is the main food of southern people. Topic 2 I’m becoming more and more interested in China’s history. Section A The main activity is 1a and 1c. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 1c。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn a new word and some phrases: pioneer, pass away, come to an end 2. Learn the attributive clauses led by“who”or“whose”. (1)He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas about human nature and behavior. (2)He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries. 3. Talk about a historical person: Confucius, a pioneer in the field of education. 4. Let the students learn about Chinese culture, and improve their sense of national pride. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 图片/小黑板/教学挂图/录音机 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:3 分钟) 教师检查作业,然后展示图片,复习 that/which 引导的定语从句。 1. (检查作业。) T: Last class I asked you to join the sentences with that/which to form attributive clauses. Who can show us your answers? S1: This is the house which we lived in last year. S2: This is the best movie that I have seen this year. S3: The train that/which is from Shanghai to Beijing has left. T: Very good. You are very clever. 2. (展示一些带有人物照片和关键词的卡片。让学生用定语从句把他们连接起来。) T: I’ll show some cards with a photo of my cousin’s and key words, please connect them with attributive clauses. (展示人物照片和关键词:my cousin like play chess clever 的卡片。) T: Who can make a sentence with these words? S4: My cousin that likes playing chess is very clever. T: Good job. We can also say: My cousin who likes playing chess is very clever … (教师作小结,为导入新课作准备。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:15 分钟) 创设语境,呈现新词汇。完成 1b,学习先行词为人的定语从句。然后学习 1a。 1. (教师收集一些名言和谚语,让学生分组进行翻译,以竞赛的形式完成。其中要包含关于 孔子的名言和谚语。然后完成 1b,便于呈现孔子。) 步骤:(1)教师把学生分成两人一组。 (2)把事先准备好的名言和谚语发给每组,每组两条名言和谚语,一条英译汉,一条 汉译英。 (3)做完后交给教师,教师检查并对好的进行表扬。 (4)把所有名言和谚语用小黑板展示,让学生选择两条自己最喜欢的速记。 (5)把自己喜欢的名言和谚语说给同伴听。 (6)教师用孔子的名言和谚语呈现孔子,并进行简单的介绍,呈现 who 引导的定语从 句。 T: Let’s have a competition. Work in pairs. I have some sentences on these paper. Please translate them with your partner. Let’s begin. (教师收集的名言和谚语可参考下面小黑板呈现的内容,进行英汉转化。) T: OK, let’s look at your translations together. Group 1… (教师把收集的名言和谚语以小黑板的形式展示出来。) T: Look at the small blackboard. Here are some sayings. Let’s check them out together. (1)Two heads are better than one. (2)The early bird catches the worms. (3)Love me, love my dog. (4)Where there is a will, there is a way. (5)When I walk along with two others, I may be able to learn from them. (6)What you know, you know; what you don’t know, you don’t know. (7)He who learns but does not think is lost; he who thinks but does not learn is in danger. (8)Isn’t it a pleasure that friends come to see you from far away? (9)Learn the new while reviewing the old. (10)Do not do to others what you would not like yourself. T: They are Confucius’ sayings from No.5 to No.10. Which is your favorite? Can you tell me? S1: … S2: … S3: … (教师总结并引出 Confucius。) T: Do you know about Confucius? Confucius was a pioneer in the field of education. He was also a famous philosopher. (板书并领读,掌握 pioneer,了解 philosopher。) pioneer philosopher 2. (教师展示 1a 中的孔子图和 1c 中的孔子讲学图,并进一步对孔子进行介绍。呈现新词汇。) T: Let’s learn something about Confucius. He was born in the year 551 B.C. and passed away in the year 479 B.C. He was a pioneer in the field of education. He was also a famous philosopher. Do you want to know more about him? Ok. Let’s listen to 1a together. (板书,要求掌握。) pass away 3. (以听力的形式呈现 1a。) T: Listen to 1a carefully. And answer the questions on the blackboard. (1)Whom are they talking about? (2) When was he born? (3) Have his wise sayings influenced many people? (听录音后,核对答案。) 4. (读 1a,让学生找出描述孔子的句子。) T: Read 1a, please. Find out the sentences that describe Confucius within 2 minutes. (2 分钟后) S1: Confucius, a pioneer in the field of education, was born in the year 551 B.C. ... 5. (针对对孔子的描述,教师从中找出一句作为例子,对 who 引导的定语从句进行必要的讲 解,并且要提到 that 和 who 引导的定语从句的共同点,并举例说明。) T: Let’s look at the sentence. (已学过,采用汉译英的形式) (板书并讲解。) He was a great thinker who/that had many wise ideas about human nature and behavior. (举例说明并板书。) (1)He is the man that/who I want to meet. (2)I like the teacher who/that can play with us. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:8 分钟) 以小组活动形式,复述 1a。巩固先行词是人的定语从句,帮助学生总结 who/whose 引导的 定语从句的用法。 1. (以四人小组形式把有关孔子的知识以定语从句的形式展现。复习并巩固先行词是人的定 语从句。) T: Work in groups of four. Use attributive clauses to introduce Confucius. You can discuss with your partner. S1: He was a great thinker who had many ... ... 2. (让学生根据对孔子的描述,以短文的形式复述 1a。) T: Now, let’s retell 1a in the form of a short passage based on the description of Confucius in the dialog. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习(时间:10 分钟) 阅读 1c 中孔子的生平,并正确排序,鼓励学生复述,完成 1c。然后听录音,完成 2。让学 生了解中国的历史文化,培养学生的听、说能力。 1. (1)(小组活动, 让学生快速阅读 1c 中的每个句子,在小组内讨论并排序,完成 1c。) T: Read the sentences in 1c and talk about them in your group, then give the right order. (讨论时教师要参与到小组中,及时地提供帮助,讨论结束,师生一起核对答案。) T: Let’s check the answers together. (2)(小组活动, 小组内部讨论并找出疑难。) T: Read 1c again. Discuss in groups and find out the sentences that you can’t understand. (教师要尽量让学生自己解决,培养他们独立解决问题的能力。) (3)(教师根据排出的正确顺序,用小黑板呈现一些表示时间概念的词,让学生来复述孔子 的生平。) T: Please look at the time on the small blackboard. Try to retell Confucius’ life in order. (1)in the year 551 B.C. … (2)three years after he was born … (3)When he was 17 … (4)When he was young… (5)In his thirties … (6)At the age of 55 … (7)When he was 68 … (8)five years after returning to his home in the state of Lu … (三分钟后) T: Who can retell the life of Confucius? S1: … S2: … 2. (听力训练,完成 2。) (1)(教师展示秦始皇图,并进一步对秦始皇进行介绍。) T: Just now, we knew something about Confucius who was a great Chinese ancient thinker. Now let’s learn something about Qin Shihuang. He was the first emperor. In 221 B.C., he defeated the other six states and united China. Then he set up his own empire. He wished that his empire could go on forever. But 15 years later, the Qin dynasty came to an end. (板书并要求掌握 come to an end;理解:unite, empire, forever, defeat。) defeat unite empire forever come to an end (2)(听录音,完成 2。) T: Now let’s learn something about Ying Zheng who was the first emperor of China. Listen to the tape twice. Then finish 2. (3)(与同伴核对答案,然后教师给出正确答案。) T: Check your answers with your partner, then we’ll share the right answers. (4)(再听一遍录音,加深对听力材料的理解。) T: Now, listen to the tape again and try to get a deep understanding. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:4 分钟) 通过小组活动,进一步了解孔子,巩固理解孔子名言。然后以作业形式进一步巩固先行词为 人的定语从句的用法。 1. (方案一) (组织对话表演,主题是关于孔子师生之间就学习与思考的重要性的对话,分小 组进行表演。) 要求: (1)情景剧表演。 (2)人物的语言要符合人物的身份,特别是孔子的语言。 (3)对话中要尽量加入孔子的名言。 T: Let’s make a conversation. Suppose one of you was Confucius, the other was Confucius’ student. Please act it out in 5 minutes. (教师在学生组织对话或短剧时提供必要的帮助。) T: Which group can act out your conversation? Group 1: … Group 2: … Group 3: … (方案二) (做一个调查。调查孔子及其思想在中学生中的影响力,教师把调查的问题做成 表格,分到各小组。) T: Let’s make a survey about the influences of Confucius and his thoughts. Please fill in the chart. Do Confucius and Confucius’ thoughts influence you a lot, just so-so, or none? Name A lot Just so-so None Favorite sayings of Confucius (调查后,每组派一名代表向全班汇报。) T: Can you tell me your results? Group 1: … Group 2: … Group 3: … … 2. Homework: (1)Join the sentences with“that/who”to form attributive clauses. ①She is a girl. I want to meet her. ②The boy is my brother. The boy stands in front of the house. ③The astronaut is coming here. The astronaut is Yang Liwei. ④He is a student. He comes from the suburb. (2)Make personal files about Chinese ancient famous people. ①Collect the pictures of Chinese ancient famous people. ②Write down the information about them on the pictures. (For example: Name, Birthplace, Experience...) 板书设计: I’m becoming more and more interested in China’s history. Section A pioneer He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas about human pass away nature and behavior. come to an end He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries. Section B The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and a phrase: captain, sail, coast, pride, die of, trade, prize 2. Learn the attributive clauses led by“whom”: He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom the Chinese people are proud of. 3. Talk about the life of Zheng He. 4. Learn about the great persons and their events in order to improve the students’ sense of national pride. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 多媒体课件/录音机/幻灯片/图片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:7 分钟) 检查作业,复习先行词为人的定语从句。然后展示图片,创设语境,呈现新词汇,导入新课。 1. (检查作业,由学生展示自己制作的名人档案过渡到历史人物——郑和。) T: Last class I asked you to make some cards about historical people. Who can show us your cards? S1: … S2: … S3: … 2. (教师用多媒体或板书展示自己制作的名人档案,呈现历史人物郑和。) T: I have made a card, too. Please look at the screen/blackboard. Name: Zheng He (1371-1433) Birthplace: Yunnan Province Experience: From 1405 to 1433, he led seven ocean journeys for the Ming emperor. (教师口头介绍郑和的个人档案,深入引导,过渡并呈现新词汇。) T: Who’s he? Ss: Zheng He. T: Where was he from? S4: He was from Yunnan. T: How old was he when he died? S5: Sixty-two years old. T: What do you think of him? S6: He was a great explorer. T: Yes. He traveled to the east coast of Africa. T: Zhen He was born in 1371 and unfortunately he died of illness in 1433. As a captain and palace official, he led seven ocean journeys from 1405 to 1433. He even sailed to the east coast of Africa with the help of compasses. He made the ocean journeys in order to develop trade and friendship between China and other countries. He is really the pride of China. (板书,并要求掌握 captain, sail, coast, pride, die of, trade;理解 unfortunately;了解 compass。) coast sail unfortunately compass die of trade captain pride T: Do you want to know more about Zheng He? Let’s begin our new lesson, Section B. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10 分钟) 学习 1a 的语言项目和 whom/who 引导的定语从句。 1. (听 1a 录音,并进行判断,问题以幻灯片的形式呈现。) T: Let’s listen to the tape twice and mark True(T) or False (F). (1)Zheng He even traveled to the east coast of Africa. ( ) (2)Zheng He led six ocean journeys from 1405 to 1433. ( ) (3)His last ocean journey was later than Columbus’ journey to America. ( ) (核对答案。) 2. (读 1a,让学生找出疑难点,先自己解决,自己不能解决的,教师帮其解决。) T: Read 1a and find out some words, phrases and sentences you don’t understand. Let’s work them out. (板书并解释 whom 的用法。) He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom the Chinese people are proud of. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:10 分钟) 通过 1b,巩固 1a 的语言项目,然后完成 1c。让学生了解郑和的生平,提高学生的英语表达 能力。 1. (根据 1a 完成 1b,然后小组之间互相检查、讨论。) T: According to 1a, write down information about Zheng He as much as possible, using attributive clauses. Check the answers, and then share with the whole class. 2. (让学生两人一组表演 1a 对话。) T: Act 1a out in pairs. 3. (通过多媒体呈现 1c 的表格。) (1)(表格呈现在大屏幕上,让学生读一遍表格,找出新词。) T: Please look at the chart on the screen and find out the new words or phrases. Ss: Compass, trade. (2)(读表格,根据表格内容,每一行说出一个句子。) T: Please make a sentence for every line. Answers: ①He led seven ocean journeys from 1405 to 1433. ②He led seven ocean journeys in total. ③There were compasses, ocean maps and other things in his ships. ④The number of ships was over 200 each time when he went on his ocean journeys. ⑤The number of people was about 27 000 each time. ⑥The size of the biggest ship was about 151.8 meters long, 61.6 meters wide. ⑦He reached more than 30 countries and areas. ⑧He traveled in order to develop trade and friendship between China and other countries. (教师总结并引导学生完成 1c。) T: OK, we all have answers. Now let’s fill in the blanks of 1c. (核对答案。) 4. (小组活动。巩固 1a,1c。) T: Let’s read 1a and 1c again. Pay more attention to some key words and phrases. Then talk about them in your group. Group 1: … Group 2: … Group 3: … (教师可以根据这些所给信息来引导学生巩固 1c。) born in 1371 a Ming dynasty explorer captain and palace official more than half a century earlier died of … in 1433 5. (结对活动。根据 1c 复述郑和的生平。) T: Look at the key words and phrases on the blackboard. Please retell the life of Zheng He to your partner in turn. (几分钟后,找学生复述。) T: Now, who can retell the life of Zheng He? S1: … S2: … S3: … (教师进行概括总结,过渡到练习。) T: We all know Zheng He was a great ancient explorer. He made great contributions to our country. We are all proud of him. But there are other famous historical people in the history of the world. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习(时间:8 分钟) 师生准备一些名人图片,进一步练习由 who, whom, whose 引导的定语从句。完成 2。了解中 国的名人、伟人及其事迹,增强民族自豪感。 1. (教师出示一张名人图片,比如鲁迅,进行师生问答。) T: Look at the picture. Do you know who he is? Ss: He is Lu Xun. T: Do you know anything about him? S1: Yes, he is a writer. S2: He is very famous. S3: He wrote many articles. S4: … T: We can also say: Lu Xun is a great writer who wrote many articles. 2. (教师也可以用身边的学生作为教学资源。) T: Do you know something about Li Hua in our class? S5: He likes English. S6: Li Hua is a beautiful girl. S7: (总结)Li Hua is a beautiful girl who likes English. 3. (教师出示自己朋友的照片。) T: I have a friend. His name is Liang Bing. I can also say: I have a friend whose name is Liang Bing. 4. (学生根据例子利用书上 2 中的提示,完成 2。) T: Please make sentences in pairs using the attributive clauses with“who”,“whom”or“whose”. First, let me introduce two new words“prize”and“hybrid rice”. Prize means an award that is given to a person who wins a competition, race, etc. or who does very good work. Hybrid rice means the rice that has parents of different species or varieties. (板书,并要求学生掌握 prize;理解 hybrid rice。) prize hybrid rice (师生共同练习。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5 分钟) 收集一些有关名人的资料,来汇报他们的事迹。进一步巩固 who/whom/whose 引导的定语从 句。 1. (以游戏的方式,练习并巩固 who, whom 和 whose 引导的定语从句。游戏规则:把学生分 成若干个 4 人小组,小组内第 1 个学生说一个古代名人的名字,第 2 名学生说 who, whom 或者 whose 中的一个引导词,第 3 名学生说出定语从句的主句,第 4 名学生说出定语从 句的从句。在说的过程中,由第一名学生把本句话整理完整。组内学生的顺序可以互换, 最后看哪一组学生在规定的时间内整理的句子又对又多,即为获胜组。) T: Let’s play a game. Example: whose S1: Zheng He. S2: Who. S3: Zheng He was a great explorer. S4: Who led seven ocean journeys. (S1 把整句话整理在练习本上。) S1: Zheng He was a great explorer who led seven ocean journeys. T: Are you clear? Let’s begin. … 2. Homework: (1)Collect pictures of some historical people and historic events to make a newspaper. Put up the newspaper that you have made on the wall. (2)Please write a passage about a famous person. Use the attributive clauses with “ who” , “whom”or“whose”as many as possible. 板书设计: I’m becoming more and more interested in China’s history. Section B captain prize He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom the sail hybrid rice Chinese people are proud of. coast unfortunately My pleasure. pride compass trade Section C The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases: president, bring down, (be) full of, regret, leader 2. Learn a useful sentence: Unfortunately, Sun Yat-sen broke down from hard work and passed away full of regret on March 12th, 1925. 3. Go on learning attributive clauses. 4. Help the students search for information with the simple reference books, and get the information from the library and Internet. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 图片/教学挂图/幻灯机/录音机 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:5 分钟) 教师检查作业,然后展示名人图片,让学生复习定语从句,引出有关孙中山的介绍。 1. (检查作业,让学生汇报结果。) 2. (教师给学生展示一张郑和的图片。复习含有 who,whom 引导的定语从句。) T: Please look at the picture. Do you know the man? Ss: Yes, he is Zheng He. T: Last class we talked about Zheng He. Now who can say something about him? You must use attributive clauses as many as possible. S1: He was a great explorer who led seven ocean journeys. S2: He is a man who/whom all the Chinese people are proud of. S3: He was a man who lived in the Ming dynasty. S4: ... 3. (教师展示孔子、成吉思汗、冰心的照片,让学生四人一组,选择他们最喜欢的名人,用 含有定语从句的复合句介绍给同伴。) T: Good! There are another three pictures. Now work in groups of four. Choose any of them that you like best, and introduce him or her to your partner with attributive clauses. 4. (展示 1a 中孙中山的图片,导入新课。) T: Could you tell me who he is? Ss:He is Sun Zhongshan. T: Yes. He’s Sun Zhongshan. We often call him Sun Yat-sen. I think you know a little about him. Now I’ll give you some introductions about him. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12 分钟) 展示图片,通过介绍孙中山生平,呈现部分新词汇。然后学习 1a,完成 1b。掌握 1a 中出现 的语言项目,培养学生的阅读理解能力。 1. (用幻灯片展示孙中山的简介。) Sun Yat-sen was the first president of the Republic of China. He and Huang Xing set up Tongmenghui in Tokyo. He was the leader who led the Xinhai Revolution in 1911. He brought down the Qing dynasty and achieved the victory of Xinhai Revolution. He created the Three Principles of the People. Unfortunately, he broke down from his hard work and passed away full of regret. He was popular with overseas Chinese and Chinese students abroad. (板书,并要求学生掌握:president, regret, leader, bring down, be full of;理解 revolution; 了解 overseas。) president leader revolution bring down regret be full of overseas 2. (教师用幻灯片出示问题,学生听 1a 录音回答问题。) T: Now, let’s listen to 1a and answer the questions. (1) Who brought down the Qing dynasty in China? (2) When and where did he set up Tongmenghui? (3) What theory(理论) did he have? (播放完第一遍录音后。) T: Are you clear? Let’s listen again. (播放第二遍录音后,全班核对答案。) T: Understand? Ss: Yes. T: Good. Let’s check the answers to the questions. Volunteers? Hands up, please. S1, please. S1: Sun Yat-sen and his men. T: Well done. Sit down, please. Next! S2: He set up Tongmenghui in 1905 in Tokyo. S3: The Three Principles of the People. T: Very good. 3. (读 1a,完成 1b,并核对答案。) T: Read 1a, please. Then finish 1b. 4. (再读 1a,找疑难,学生先自己解决,不能解决的,教师帮助解决。) T: Please read 1a again. Find out something you don’t understand. Let’s work them out together. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10 分钟) 阅读 1a,根据表格复述 1a,巩固 1a 的语言项目。让学生加深对伟人—孙中山先生的认识, 培养学生的口语表达能力。 1. (让学生阅读 1a,填写下面的表格。) T: Now, let’s read 1a. Then fill in the form below. Year Something about Sun Yat-sen 1866 1896 1905 1911 1925 2. (根据上面的表格复述孙中山的生平。) T: Let’s retell the life of Sun Yat-sen according to the above form. 3. (让学生完成大屏幕上的短文。) T: Well, let’s fill in the blanks. Sun Yat-sen was born in 1866. When he was in his , he took an active part in the battle the Qing government. In 1905, he and his friend, Huang Xing, Tongmenghui. And they the Qing dynasty. He was selected the first of the Republic of China. But his Three Principles of the People didn’t China and the Chinese people. Sun Yat-sen died in 1925. He lived in the of the Chinese people forever. (与学生一起核对答案并板书。) Answers: thirties, against, set up, brought down, president, save, memory Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8 分钟) 展示名人、伟人的图片,呈现部分新词汇,并用定语从句进行口语操练,完成 2。让学生继 续学习 who/whom/whose 引导的定语从句。 1. (教师向学生展示刘翔夺冠图片,然后示范用定语从句进行口语操练。) Example: T: Now, look at the picture. Do you know the young man? S1: Which one? T: The man who is in the middle. S1: He is Liu Xiang. He is a famous runner. T: That’s right. (接着出示姚明打篮球图片,让学生编对话并表演。) T: Please look at this picture, S2, S3. Can you make a similar dialog? S2,3: Yes. T: Good. Please try to act it out in front of the class. S2,3: OK. … 2. (两人模仿练习后,全班学生互动练习,完成 2。) T: OK, everyone, please look at 2. First, look at the picture. (出示图片 1) Do you know that old man? S4: Which one? T: The one who is giving a lecture. S4: He is Confucius. He is a great philosopher. T: Yes, he was one of the greatest philosophers in China’s history. Who’s the man? (出示图片 3。) S5: Which one? T: The older woman who/that is with a friend. S5: She is Bing Xin. (帮助学生回答。) T: Yes, she was a greater writer and an excellent woman. Now please talk about these pictures in pairs like this. … (板书并要求学生理解 lecture。) lecture (全班学生两人一组进行操练,然后抽几组出来表演,给予掌声鼓励。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5 分钟) 学生分组活动,讨论 3 中的问题并汇报,完成 3。然后布置作业。加深学生对中国历史伟人 的了解,增强民族自信心和自豪感,巩固定语从句的用法。 1. (用采访的形式来进行 3。将学生分成若干 4 人小组,运用 3 中的问题,轮流采访,做好 记录,最后每组由一位学生为全班学生作汇报。注意要用到定语从句。) T: Today we have learned more about some great men. Then, let’s make a survey. Discuss the person who influences you in your life with your partner. After the discussion, please complete the table below. Then, one student of the group reports the result to the whole class. Name The important things he/she did (学生讨论后,教师找几位学生向全班作汇报。) T: Now, please report your results. S1: … S2: … 2. Homework: Think about some people in the Long March who have influenced you a lot. Write down their information on your notebooks, using the attributive clauses with“who”, “ whom ” and “whose”as many as possible. 板书设计: I’m becoming more and more interested in China’s history. Section C leader president Unfortunately, Sun Yat-sen broke down from hard work and bring down passed away full of regret on March 12th, 1925. (be) full of regret Section D The main activities are 1a and 4. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 4。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and a phrase: wipe out, safety, fear, pupil, instruction, owner, private 2. Learn a useful sentence: In the autumn of 1933, the Red Army faced the danger of being wiped out by the KMT. 3. Summarize the usage of the attributive clauses. 4. Let the students understand the history of China deeply. Raise the awareness of patriotism. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/图片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:3 分钟) 学生汇报课前准备的在长征中对自己影响最大的伟人。为导入新课作准备。 (教师检查作业,让学生到讲台前汇报。) T: Now check your homework. I’ll ask several students to report the great men in the Long March who have influenced them most to the class. S1: … S2: … (通过谈论《西行漫记》,导入新课。) T: Have you heard of Red Star over China? Ss: No. T: That’s an educational book. Today we’ll learn something about it. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10 分钟) 通过介绍《西行漫记》,呈现部分新词汇,引出长征,完成 1a。让学生了解长征并学习 1a 的语言项目。 1. (教师通过介绍《西行漫记》,过渡到 1a。) T: It’s a book that tells us something about an important event in China’s history—the Long March. The KMT wanted to wipe out the Red Army in the autumn of 1933. So the CPC decided to move the Red Army to safety. Along the way, the Red Army faced the enemy’s attacks and hard living conditions without any fear. At last, after a long journey, they succeeded in arriving in Gansu Province in 1936. (板书,掌握 wipe out, safety, fear;理解 attack。) wipe out safety attack fear T: Do you want to know more about the Long March? Ss:Yes. T: Let’s come to 1a. 2. (先让学生阅读 1a 中的句子并排序,完成 1a,再与同伴交流。) T: Let’s read some sentences about the Long March and give the correct order. Then you can talk it with your partner. 3. (核对答案。全班同学按正确顺序齐读 1a。) T: Let’s check the answers. Then read it together in the correct order. 4. (教师提取 1a 中的数词并把数字列在黑板上,让学生根据这些数字找出相关的信息,以加 深对长征的理解。) 1933, 1934, 25 000, 1936 T: Look at the numbers about the Long March on the blackboard. Please find out the information related to the numbers from 1a. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8 分钟) 巩固 1a,以小组活动形式简要阐述一次新长征计划,完成 1b。使学生加深对长征的了解, 增强爱国意识。 1. (让学生再次朗读 1a,教师给出关键词:Red Star over China—wipe out—safety—begin the Long March—fear—succeed。要求学生根据这些关键词复述长征的内容。) T: Now, retell the stories about the Long March according to the keywords on the blackboard, please. Who wants to try? S1: … S2: … 2. (小组活动。以小组形式简要阐述一次新的长征计划。完成 1b。) T: The Red Army faced not only the enemy’s attacks but also hard living conditions. However, they didn’t have any fear and they moved to safety. What do you know about the long match? Who can tell us some moving stories during the long match? Suppose you want to experience a new Long March, discuss in groups. Compare the differences between the Red Army’s difficulties and yours. Finish 1b. (学生通过此活动了解到红军长征的艰辛。并让他们大胆设想、创新,计划经历一次新的 长征。) 3. (学生设计完后,教师找一、两个写得好的做示范,其他课后张贴在墙上展示。) T: Who wants to tell us something about your plan? S3, please. S3: … T: Good job, S3. Thank you. Sit down, please. What about yours, S4? S4: … Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:15 分钟) 听 3a 和 3b 的录音,以练习的方式完成 2,3a 和 3b。然后总结由关系代词引导的定语从句 的用法。 1. (用头脑风暴的方式来复习定语从句和有用的表达,听 3a 和 3b 录音,复习本话题重要句 型。) (1)(完成 3b。) T: Please find out some useful expressions in Topic 2 within 2 minutes. (2 分钟后,教师让学生汇报并播放 3b 录音。) S1: … S2: … (2)(完成 3a。) T: Please find out some attributive clauses in Topic 1 and Topic 2 within 3 minutes. (3 分钟后,教师让学生汇报并播放 3a 录音。) S3: … S4: … 2. (教师与学生一起总结定语从句中关系代词的用法。) T: Look at the words on the blackboard. (教师板书并讲解。) that, which, whose, who, whom (教师呈现部分新词汇,仿照例句,完成 2。) T: Now let me tell a story to you, then we learn some new words. And then according to the example, finish 2. T: Kangkang is a good pupil in a private school. Last Tuesday his schoolbag was lost. Miss Wang, his English teacher asked some students to help him look for it. But none of them found it. At last, another student found it and returned it to the schoolbag’s owner, Kangkang. When Miss Wang asked this student how he/she knew it belonged to Kangkang, this student said that he/she had found the instructions that were written by Kangkang. (板书并要求学生掌握。) pupil private owner instruction T: Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T: Very good. T: Complete 2 with “that”, “which”, “whose”, “who” or “whom”. (核对答案。) T: Let’s check your answers. S5: … S6: … 3. (用连句子的方法来巩固定语从句。) T: Now everyone, please join the sentences with “that”, “which”, “whose”, “who” or “whom”. First look at the examples. (板书) (1)I know the girl in green who/whom John is talking to. (2)Confucius is the great man whose sayings are still very famous. T: OK. Can you join the following sentences? Ss: Yes, we can. T: Good. Let’s begin. (1) The foreigner visited our school yesterday. The foreigner is from Canada. (2) They planted the trees. The trees don’t need too much water. Answers: (1)The foreigner who visited our school yesterday is from Canada. (2)They planted the trees which don’t need too much water. 4. (教师将学生分为四组,每组到黑板上写由关系代词引导的定语从句,所写句子不能相同, 且一定要用到每个代词。) T: Now, let’s have a competition. Each group writes some sentences using attributive clauses as much as possible. OK? Ss: OK. T: Ready? One, two, three, go! GA GB GC GD (1) ... ... ... ... (2) ... ... ... ... (3) ... ... ... ... ... (写的又多又正确的组为胜者,给予奖励。) T: OK. Well done, everyone. GD is the winner, congratulations! Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:4 分钟) 通过谈论图片与写作,完成 4,综合运用由关系代词引导的定语从句。 1. (把学生分成 4 人一组,教师出示一些中国的优美风景及著名人物的图片。然后把图片分 到各组,让组内成员每人抽一张图片,然后轮流描述自己的图片,让组内其他成员听并说 出它是哪儿或者他/她是谁。) T: I have some pictures of beautiful places and famous people in China. Now I will give them to you. Each member in a group takes a picture, then describes it and asks the others to guess where it is or who he/she is. 2. (根据刚才的描述,写一篇作文。) T: Write a composition according to the descriptions just now. 3. (让几个学生口述自己的作文,其他学生改错。) T: Now, who wants to retell your own composition? S1, please. S1: … … 4. Homework: Connect the sentences with “that”, “which”, “whose”, “who” or “whom” to form attributive clauses. (1)The girl is Mrs. Smith’s daughter. She lost her way last night. (2)I have a TV set. It was made in Japan. (3)I received a postcard yesterday. The postcard was from Kangkang. (4)I met a beautiful girl at the party yesterday. Michael knows the girl. (5)I know Jackie Chan. His movies are very popular with the young. 板书设计: I’m becoming more and more interested in China’s history. Section D wipe out In the autumn of 1933, the Red Army faced the danger of safety being wiped out by the KMT. fear that, which, whose, who, whom pupil Confucius is a great man whose sayings are still very famous. instruction owner private Topic 3 The dragon has become a symbol of the Chinese nation. Section A The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words: tail, correct, promise 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1) That’s correct. (2) It also plays an important part in Chinese festivals. 3. Learn the usage of connectives: We can go to either Beihai Park or Shichahai. 4. Understand dragons and Huabiao which play an important part in Chinese culture. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 图片/教学挂图/小黑板/录音机/动画/录像 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5 分钟) 检查作业,复习定语从句。出示图片,导入生词。 1. (检查作业,学生作答后齐读。) T: Now check the homework. You should join the given sentences last class with “that”, “which”, “whose”, “who” or “whom” to form attributive clauses. The first sentence, S1, please. S1: The girl who lost her way last night is Mrs. Smith’s daughter. T: Nice work! Next, S2, please. S2: I have a TV set that was made in Japan. T: Good. … … T: You did a good job. Please read the five sentences again together. 2. (出示毛主席站在天安门城楼上的图片,问毛主席站在哪儿?他在干什么?毛主席在天安 门城楼宣告中华人民共和国成立。让学生欣赏雄伟的天安门城楼。) T: Please look at the picture. The man is giving a speech. Who is he? Ss: He’s Chairman Mao. T: How to ask the same question using the attributive clause? Ss: Who is the man that is giving a speech? T: Good. He was announcing the foundation of the PRC. From then on, he became the first chairman of new China. Look at the Tian’anmen. How grand it is! Ss: Yes, it is. (板书,并要求学生理解 grand。) grand T: And look at its roof, what color is it? S1. S3: It is yellow. T: That’s correct! Because yellow was a symbol of imperial power in ancient China. (板书,并要求学生掌握 correct;了解 imperial。) correct imperial 3. (出示雕刻着龙纹的石栏杆图片。) T: What’s this? S4: It’s a dragon. T: Good. It’s carved on the stone. T: What’s the symbol of the Chinese nation? Who knows? S5: It’s the dragon. It’s said that they’re powerful animals which have long tails.(教师帮助学生 回答。) (板书,并要求学生理解 carve;掌握 tail。) carve tail T: Now, my class. Have you ever been to Beijing to see Tian’anmen? S6, please. S6: No, I haven’t. T: What a pity! Tian’anmen is in front of the Forbidden City. Today, let’s learn something about the Forbidden City. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10 分钟) 学习 1a,让学生了解中国古代建筑——故宫。 1. (听 1a 的录音,同时把教学挂图——故宫图挂在黑板上。) T: Now, look at this picture. And listen to the tape carefully. Then answer the questions on the small blackboard. (出示小黑板。) (1)Why do most of the buildings have yellow roofs? (2)What are those animals that are carved on the stones? (3)Is the dragon a symbol of the Chinese nation? (教师对问题进行解释,以降低听力难度,让学生带着问题去听。根据需要,可再放一遍 录音。) T: Listen to the tape again and then check your answers with your partner. (核对答案。) T: Well, can you tell us the answers to the questions? Ss: Yes. T: OK, volunteers? … 2. (读 1a,让学生找出疑难点,开展小组活动,探究释疑。必要时,教师给以指导帮助。) T: Read 1a and find out something that you don’t understand. Then discuss the difficulties in groups. If necessary, I will give you some help. (板书) play a/an ... part = play a/an ... role It also plays an important part in Chinese festivals. = It also plays an important role in Chinese festivals. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:12 分钟) 巩固 1a,完成 1b。让学生分角色朗读、表演、讨论有关龙的话题,激发学生的学习兴趣。 1. (将全班学生分成三组,操练 1a。) T: Now, let’s act out the dialog. I’ll divide our class into three groups. Group 1 acts as Susanna. Group 2 acts as Jane. Group 3 acts as Kangkang. OK? Ss: OK. T: Let’s begin! T: Jane and Kangkang are showing Susanna around the Forbidden City. Group 1: … Group 2: … … 2. (让学生先准备一分钟,然后三人一组分角色朗读,再请两组同学上台表演。) T: Please practice the dialog in groups of three. And then I’ll ask two groups to act it out in front of the class. Group A: … Group B: … T: Well done, everyone. 3. (龙是中华民族的象征,因此在中国历史中,有许许多多关于龙的戏剧、音乐、绘画和谚 语等,教师播放《叶公好龙》的动画,激发学生的兴趣,拓展学生的思维空间。) T: As we know, the dragon is a symbol of the Chinese nation and there are a lot of operas, music, paintings and sayings about it in China’s history. Now, do you want to know more about it? Please watch a cartoon about the dragon carefully and then guess what the name of the story is. (动画结束后,师生问答。) T: Guess! What is the name of the story? Ss: 《叶公好龙》。 T: Yes. It’s Lord Ye’s Love of Dragons. In our country, there are many people, places and things related to dragons. Now, let’s look at 1b. 4. (完成 1b。五人一组讨论有关龙的话题,然后每组选一人向全班汇报。) T: Finish 1b. Then work in groups of five and discuss something related to dragons. Then choose one student of each group to report it to the class. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10 分钟) 学习 2a,完成 2b。通过听录音、回答问题、分角色表演对话及复述故事等形式,培养学生 的听、说技能,增强民族自豪感。 1. (播放一段故宫的录像,让学生欣赏雄伟、宏大的故宫,为呈现 2a 内容作铺垫。) T: Now, let’s watch a video about the Forbidden City. Pay attention to the buildings in it. After that, I’ll ask you some questions. (录像结束后,师生问答。) T: Well. Are the buildings grand? Ss: Yes, they are. T: Have you ever been there before, S1? S1: No, I hope to visit there some day. T: Sure. You can go to either Tian’anmen Rostrum or Forbidden City. (板书讲解并举例,提醒学生注意主谓一致。要求学生掌握。) either … or … Either you or I am wrong. Either the manager or his assistants are going to attend the meeting. He is either at home or at school. We can go to either Beihai Park or Shichahai. (将录像定格在“华表”上。) T: OK, my class. Do you know what the tall buildings are in front of Tian’anmen? Ss: They are two stone columns.(教师帮助学生回答。) T: Yes, but they are called Huabiao in Chinese. Huabiao has a long history and there are many interesting stories about it. Today I’ll tell you one of them. It’s said that in ancient China a king named Yao set up a wooden column outside his palace. People could carve their suggestions on it, and Yao promised to follow the good ones. And later, it was made of stone, and many dragons were carved on it. It’s said that it also means “See the king out and in(教 师解释“望君出,望君归。”).” (板书,并要求学生了解 column;掌握 promise。) column promise promise to do sth. He promised to help me. 2. (播放 2a 录音两遍,要求学生回答 2b 的 1、2、3 问题。) T: Read the first 3 questions in 2b. Listen to the tape twice and try to find the answers to them. (核对答案。) 3. (播放 2a 录音,学生跟读,并找出疑难点,相互讨论,必要时教师给予讲解。) T: Listen to the tape again and read after it. Try to find out something that you don’t understand. Then discuss them with your partner. 4. (分角色表演 2a 对话并复述“华表”的故事,完成 2b 的 4。) T: Well done. Next, let’s practice the conversation like this: I’m Susanna. S2 is Kangkang. S3 is Jane. Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Let’s begin. (教师与 S2, S3 操练一遍,作示范。) … (让学生三人一组自行操练。) T: OK. Please act it out in roles. (鼓励学生复述“华表”的故事。) T: You did very well. Next, I’d like to ask some of you to retell the story about Huabiao. Who would like to have a try? S4: I’d like to! … Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:3 分钟) 让学生结合日常生活的经历,谈谈当地的古建筑物,完成 2c。 1. (总结归纳本课内容,启发学生思考。) T: Today we have learned something about the Forbidden City and we also know something about Huabiao and the dragons on it. Well, have you ever noticed anything special in your hometown? What’s the story about it? Collect as much information as possible and then share it with your partner. Ss:OK. (接着学生着手准备。) … 2. (三分钟后,选几位学生向全班汇报一下。) T: Now, I’ll ask some students to share their stories with us. S1: … … 3. Homework: (1)Collect some sayings, songs and stories related to dragons. (2)Write a passage about something special in your hometown. 板书设计: The dragon has become a symbol of the Chinese nation. Section A grand tail That’s correct. correct It also plays an important part in Chinese festivals. promise promise to do sth. He promised to help me. either … or … Section B The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and a phrase: chess, thirsty, hungry, memory, in memory of … 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1) People invented Chinese chess in memory of the famous battle. (2) Learn the new while reviewing the old. (3) It marks the beginning of modern Chinese history. 3. Go on learning the usage of connectives and agreement of subject and predicate. (1)Both my father and I like it a lot. (2)Neither my mother nor my father likes it, but I like it very much. 4. Learn about Chinese chess and its background. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 象棋/多媒体课件/录音机/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7 分钟) 检查作业。调查学生对中国象棋的爱好情况,导入新课。 1. (检查上节课家庭作业的完成情况,让学生在班上作汇报。) T: Very good. Just now, S1 told us something special in his hometown. He noticed stone lions in front of the great buildings. OK. What else did you notice? Have you searched for the information about it? Ss: Yes, we have. T: Good, let’s share it together. S1: … S2: … ... 2. (展示一副中国象棋,告诉学生,在古代中国,龙是权位的象征, 马也同样重要,由此导入新课。) T: As we know, we can see many animals in front of the great buildings, such as dragons, lions and so on. And they mean differently. There are a lot of stories, songs and sayings about them. But today I want to say, in ancient Chinese culture, horses were also important. They were used for riding and carrying things. Have you ever seen the real horses? Ss: Yes. / No. T: Today we can see horses in a game, but not real horses. Look! This is chess. It’s Chinese chess. (板书,并要求学生掌握。) chess 3. (展示一副中国象棋。教师以提问的方式做调查,然后进行总结。) T: How many students like playing Chinese chess? Hands up, please. T: OK. Next, how many students don’t like it? T: Good. Most of you like it. You see, S3 and S4 like playing Chinese chess. But S5 doesn’t like playing it at all. S6 doesn’t like it, either. We can also say: (板书) Both S3 and S4 like playing Chinese chess.=Not only S3 but also S4 likes playing Chinese chess. Neither S5 nor S6 likes playing Chinese chess. both … and … not only … but also … neither … nor … (让学生运用上述连词造句,进一步加深记忆。) ▲ ▲ 4. (方案一)(导入新课 1a。) T: OK. I think most of the students like playing Chinese chess, especially the boys. Today we are lucky to learn something about Chinese chess. (方案二) (为了激发全体学生的兴趣,让学生有成就感,也为呈现 1a, 2 内容作铺垫,要求 两位学生讲解怎样下中国象棋,最后在屏幕上展示一盘残局让两人对弈。) T: OK. Who knows how to play Chinese chess? Volunteers? S7:I know. S8:I like it very much. T: Very good. Can you tell us how to play it? S7,8: Sure. (两人依次向全班进行讲解。) … (教师在屏幕上展示一盘残局,要求两位学生作示范表演。) T: How clever you are! Can you show us how to play it? S7,8: No problem. (两人示范,其他学生加油、喝彩。) … T: Well done. Thank you so much for this. I think most of the students like playing Chinese chess, especially the boys. Today we are lucky to learn something about Chinese chess. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:9 分钟) 学习 1a。培养学生的听说、阅读技能以及遣词造句的能力。 1. (让学生听 1a 录音,快速回答关于 1a 的问题,以加深对 both...and...,neither...nor...的理解。) T: Now, Susanna, Kangkang and their classmates are in Beihai Park. They see some people crowding around a stone table. Please listen to the tape and answer some questions on the small blackboard quickly. You’d better use“both … and …”or “neither … nor …”. (出示小黑板。) (1) Do Wang Junfeng and his father like playing Chinese chess? (2) Does Li Ming’s father like playing Chinese chess? What about his mother? (核对答案。) 2. (让学生读 1a 并从中找出含有 both … and …和 neither … nor…的句子,教师进行讲解并让 学生造句。同时教授并要求学生掌握 thirsty 和 hungry;理解 snack bar。) (板书) thirsty hungry snack bar T: Please find out the sentences that contain “both … and …”, “neither … nor…”in 1a. Then make sentences with these phrases. (both … and … 与 neither … nor …意思相反。both … and …连接并列主语时,谓语动词 用复数。) (板书) Both you and I are from Jiangxi. (而 neither … nor …, either … or … 连接并列主语时,谓语动词则与最靠近的主语保持 人称和数的一致。) (板书) Neither you nor he is from Beijing. Either he or I am mad. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8 分钟) 巩固 1a,完成 1b。进一步培养学生的遣词造句能力和分角色朗读能力。 1. (要求学生用both … and …和neither … nor …造句,分两组进行比赛,一组用both … and …, 另一组用 neither … nor …,要求不能重复,选出优胜组。) T: Now, my class, let’s have a competition. Please use“both … and …” or “neither … nor …” to make sentences as many as possible. No repetition. And you mustn’t make mistakes. Example: Group A: I like both English and math. Group B: I have neither pens nor pencils. T: OK. Do you understand? Ss: Yes. T: Good. Let’s begin our competition. First Group A and then Group B. Ready? Go! (比赛开始。) Group A: … Group B: … … T: Very good. 2. (1)(比赛结束后,让学生分四组进行分角色朗读,表演,巩固 1a 的内容。) T: Now let’s act 1a out. G1 is Kangkang. G2 is Susanna. G3 is Wang Junfeng and G4 is Li Ming. (2)(让学生四人一组进行操练。) T: Work in groups of four. Then please act it out with your partners. Ss: … 3. (让学生独立完成 1b,核对答案。) T: Fill in the brackets according to 1a. Later, let’s check the answers. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:11 分钟) 学习 2 并完成 3。让学生们进一步了解象棋的渊源,及有关的历史文化名人和事件,激发学 习兴趣。 1. (让学生听教师讲一个故事,引入 2。) T: Do you want to listen to a story? Ss: Yes. T: Now, let me tell you a story about Chinese chess. (教师讲故事。) T: There is a great true story about Chinese chess. The story is about a battle between Xiang Yu and Liu Bang, who both led peasants to fight against Qin dynasty. The battlefield was along the Chu River. Finally, Liu defeated Xiang. People invented Chinese chess in memory of the famous battle. (板书,并要求学生掌握 in memory of …;理解 peasant;了解 battlefield。) peasant battlefield in memory of … 2. (让学生阅读 2,填上所缺单词。) T: OK. So much for this. Is that interesting? Ss: Yes, it is. T: Yeah, Susanna shows great interest in Chinese chess. She is reading a story about it on the Internet, but some words are missing. Please read the story by yourself and help her complete the story. The first letters are given. (学生开始阅读,并独立完成 2。) T: Now, finished? Ss: Yes. T: Very good. Then let’s check the answers together. (核对答案。) 3. (教师领读一遍,再让学生齐读一遍,然后把书合上,判断句子正误。) T: Let’s read the story. Read after me. (学生跟读。) T: Now, can you read it together? Ss: Yes. (齐读。) (最后教师说出与 2 内容有关的英语句子,请学生判断正误。) T: Good. I will say some sentences, then ask some of you to tell us whether they are true or false. Do you understand? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Let’s begin! (1)The story happened about 500 years ago. (2)After the death of Emperor Qin Shihuang, the peasants fought against the government of the Qin dynasty. (3)The battlefield was along the Han River. (4)Finally, Liu and his army won the battle. (5)In memory of Xiang Yu, people invented Chinese chess. (核对答案。) 4. (让学生进行听力训练,独立完成练习 3。) T: Let’s look at 3. Listen to the tape and complete the sentences, then number the pictures. (学生完成后,教师再放录音,让学生跟读并核对答案。) T: Listen to the tape again and follow it. Then check the answers. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5 分钟) 做采访调查。进一步增强学生对中国象棋及其相关知识的了解,熟练掌握几个主要并列连词 词组的用法。 1. (做一次采访,调查你周围的朋友对中国象棋的喜欢程度及原因。) T: Now, let’s make a survey. Try to find out whether the students around you like playing Chinese chess. Record their reasons at the same time. When you give the report to the class, I want you to use the connectives we have learnt. Name Like Like … a little Dislike Reason 2. (让学生汇报调查结果,一定要用到所学的并列连词。) 3. Homework: (1)Make two sentences with each connective below: both … and … neither … nor … either … or … (2)Search for more information about Chinese chess on the Internet. 板书设计: The dragon has become a symbol of the Chinese nation. Section B both…and… Both my father and I like it a lot. neither…nor… Neither my mother nor my father likes it, but I like it very much. in memory of People invented Chinese chess in memory of the famous battle. Learn the new while reviewing the old. It marks the beginning of modern Chinese history. Section C The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn a new word: dismiss 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1) A friendship between gentlemen is like a cup of tea. (2) Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are necessary to begin a day. 3. Go on learning the usage of connectives and agreement of subject and predicate: Not only Tom but also I have a car. 4. Learn about Chinese tea culture. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 多媒体/录音机/小黑板/图片 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5 分钟) 检查作业。谈论中国茶文化。 1. (让学生汇报自己在网上查到的有关中国象棋的信息。) T: Well, How much do you know about Chinese chess? Volunteers? (请 2~3 名学生上台汇报,教师点评并表扬。) 2. (引导学生由象棋过渡到另一中国文化——茶文化。教师亦可用多媒体展示茶文化。) T: OK, I’m happy that you have known much about Chinese chess. Well, do you want to know something about the history and culture of tea? Ss:Yes. T: What do you know about the history and culture of tea? Please talk about it in groups. Then I will ask several students to give the reports to the class. Group 1: We know there are two kinds of tea: black tea and green tea. Tea can give us a lift so that we can work better. And it’s good for our health. Group 2: From TV, I know tea has a long history. It’s said that China is the home of tea. Group 3: And we also know tea is popular in foreign countries. T: You did a very good job. If you want to know more about tea, let’s learn 1a. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12 分钟) 学习 1a,培养学生的阅读、分析能力。 1. (速读 1a,画出生词,猜测词意,培养学生的猜词能力。) T: Read 1a quickly. Underline the new words and try to guess the meanings of them. (板书并要求学生理解 major 和 cocoa;了解 porcelain 和 export。) major cocoa porcelain export 2. (再读 1a,判断句子正误。) T: Read 1a again, please. Mark True (T) or False (F) for these sentences. (出示小黑板。) (1) China is the homeland of tea, which has 3 000 years of history. ( ) (2) Tea began to be known by the world over a thousand years ago. ( ) (3) The word for tea leaves in many countries came from the Chinese character “cha”. ( ) (4) Tea leaves are mainly produced in the northern area to the Yangtze River. ( ) (5) Over the past centuries, Chinese people have developed their unique tea culture. ( ) (核对答案。) 3. (再次速读 1a,找出每段的主题句和关键词,理清文章的脉络,为复述作准备。) T: Please read 1a quickly. Find out the topic sentence and key words of each paragraph. (核对答案,并提醒学生注意每段的第一句即本段的主题句。) (多媒体呈现文章的结构与层次。) history Tea culture (通过对文章的分析,让学生了解英语文章的格式,启发学生写英语文章要围绕主题,层 层推进。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10 分钟) 巩固 1a,完成 1b。培养学生的朗读能力和口头表达能力,进一步增强学生对中国茶文化的 了解。 1. (播放 1a 录音,学生跟读,并注意语音语调。) T: Read after the tape, please. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. (1)history: home of tea, 4 000 years, exported over 1 000 years ago (2)its pronunciation or writing the Chinese:“cha” the English:“tea” the Russian:“cha’i” the Japanese: written the same as it is in Chinese, though pronounced a little differently (3)its growing conditions and kinds in China: mild climate and rich soil; Longjing, Pu’er, Wulong and Tieguanyin (4)its culture: tea planting, tea-leaf picking, tea making, tea drinking, and a popular topic mentioned in dances, songs, poems and novels mild climate and rich ground. 2. (学生根据板书,复述 1a。) T: Please retell the passage according to the structure of the passage. 3. (完成 1b 中的 1。) T: Please finish 1 of 1b. (教师提示文章的标题要具有概括性。) 4. (让学生讨论一些有关茶的谚语,然后完成 1b 中的 2,并教学生词 sauce 和 vinegar。) T: Talk about some sayings about tea. Then, finish 2 of 1b. (板书,并要求学生理解 sauce 和 vinegar。) sauce vinegar Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8 分钟) 学习并用练习强化连词和主谓一致的用法。完成 2a 和 2b。 1. (完成 2a,练习并列连词的用法。) T: Some of you like not only playing chess but also drinking tea. Now, let’s learn the usage of “not only … but also …” (教师出示 2a 中的第一幅图片。) T: There are two cars in the picture. One is mine. The other is Tom’s. Who can describe the picture with “not only… but also…”? S1:Not only Tom but also I have a car. T: Very good. (板书并讲解 not only … but also …的用法,要求学生掌握。) Not only Tom but also I have a car. (让学生完成其余 3 幅图片,然后核对答案。) T: Now, let’s look at 2a, and write sentences after the example. Then check the answers. (板书,并要求学生掌握。) dismiss 2. (让学生用开火车的方式来练习并列连词的用法。把全班同学按列分成若干小组。每个小 组的每位成员都要按 not only … but also …, neither … nor …, either … or …和 both … and …的顺序造句,并记录在白纸上。每人造一个句子,不能重复,哪一组的学生 5 分钟 内造的正确句子最多,即为获胜组。) T: Let’s play a game. A line of students is a group. In turn, each member of the group should make a sentence using “not only … but also …”, “neither … nor …”, “either … or …” and “both … and …” and write them down on a piece of paper. You have 5 minutes to do that. No repetition. The group that makes the most correct sentences wins. Now, let’s begin. (教师检查,对获胜组进行表扬。) 3. (完成 2b,核对答案。教师强调主谓一致。) T: Look at 2b. Please complete the story, using the right forms of the given words within 2 minutes. (2 分钟后,核对答案。) T: Now, class, let’s sum up the usage of the agreement of subject and predicate together. (教师帮助学生总结主谓一致的用法。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5 分钟) 完成 3。培养学生的写作能力。 1. (用头脑风暴的方式,让全班同学讨论中国茶文化或者中国象棋的各个方面,为之后的写 作积累素材。) T: Talk about China’s tea culture or Chinese chess in groups. Then write an outline. Finally, help Susanna write an e-mail to her friend to introduce China’s tea culture or Chinese chess. (请两个学生朗读自己的作文,其他学生纠错。教师予以点评鼓励。) T: Boys and girls, Are you ready? OK! I’ll ask two students to read their compositions. If they make any mistakes, please help to correct them. 2. Homework: (1)Please fill in the blanks with the coordinate conjunctions below. (both… and…, either… or…, neither… nor…, not only… but also…) ①The weather here is too hot too cold. It’s comfortable. ②You can come to my house this evening tomorrow morning. I’ll be free. ③ my father my mother are doctors. ④ English Chinese is my favorite subject. (2)Collect different kinds of tea, and then tell your partners the names of the tea. 板书设计: The dragon has become a symbol of the Chinese nation. Section C dismiss Not only Tom but also I have a car. not only… but also… A friendship between gentlemen is like a cup of tea. neither… nor… Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are necessary to either… or… begin a day. both… and… Tea from China, along with silk and porcelain, began to be along with known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export since then. Section D The main activities are 2a and 4. 本课重点活动是 2a 和 4。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn a new word: discovery 2. Review the usage of connectives and agreement of subject and predicate: (1)We can go to either Beihai Park or Shichahai Park. (2)Both my father and I like it a lot. (3)Neither my mother nor my father likes it, but I like it very much. (4)Not only Tom but also I have a car. 3. Learn about the Four Great Inventions of Ancient China: compass, gunpowder, printing, paper-making. 4. Learn more information about the civilizations of ancient times and modern times. 5. Cultivate the students’ patriotism. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 教学挂图/图片/小黑板/录音机 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7 分钟) 通过互动练习,使学生加深对中国茶文化和中国象棋的了解,导入中国古代四大发明。 1. (要求学生尽可能多地说出有关中国茶文化及中国象棋的信息。培养学生口语表达能力。) T: We’ve learned more about Chinese chess and China’s tea culture. Let’s talk about them. You can say them one by one. (教师板书学生所说句子中的关键词。) … 2. (逐步过渡到中国古代四大发明,然后用猜谜的形式来调动学生的学习积极性。) T: We know Chinese chess was an invention of Ancient China. Do you know any other inventions in Ancient China? Ss: Yes, I do. T: What are they? Ss: They are the Four Great Inventions. T: Yes. The Chinese are proud of the Four Great Inventions. Today we’ll learn something about them. But first, let me make the statement of every invention. Please guess what they are. (教师逐个描述四大发明,同时通过展示相对应的图片引出新单词和句型,让学生抢答, 可以用汉语回答。) (1)It was invented in the Song dynasty. Sailors used it for sailing. After it was invented, the oceans were open to sail. And many discoveries were made with its help. (compass) (2)It was one of the greatest inventions. It may be used in fireworks and wars. Later, the method of making it was brought to the Arab world and Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries. (gunpowder) (3)The people of ancient China made paper with bark, ropes, rags and so on. Before it was invented, the ancient Chinese carved characters on animal bones and stones. They also wrote on bamboo or wooden sticks. (paper-making) (4)In the 1040s, a man who was named Bi Sheng carved characters on pieces of clay or wood. After the characters were printed on paper, the pieces of clay or wood could be used again. This technology then spread to Korea, Japan and Europe. (printing) T: Good. The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China are well-known in the world. (板书并领读新单词。要求学生掌握 discovery;理解 sailor, firework, bark, rag;了解 gunpowder 和 clay。) sailor bark discovery rag firework clay gunpowder Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10 分钟) 学习 1 和 2a。介绍中国古代四大发明。 1. (展示四大发明图片,让学生用英语依次说出它们的名字。) T: These are the pictures of the Four Great Inventions of Ancient China. Please say them one by one in English. 2. (仔细观察,完成图文匹配,然后听录音,按顺序标出每一幅图。完成 1。) T: Now turn to page 23. Look at the pictures and match the Four Great Inventions with their pictures. Then listen and number the four pictures. OK? Ss: OK. (核对答案。) 3. (让学生快速阅读 2a,用最短的时间完成 2a。) T: There are four paragraphs in 2a. Please read them as quickly as possible and then fill in the blanks with the names of the Four Great Inventions of Ancient China. (2 分钟后,核对答案。) T: OK. Let’s check the answers. The answers are: Compass, Gunpowder, Paper-making, Printing. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10 分钟) 通过朗读巩固 2a,完成 2b。进一步加深对中国古代四大发明的了解。 1. (让学生读 2a,进一步熟悉课文。完成 2b。) T: Now please read 2a, and then fill out the table in 2b. (师生共同核对答案。) 2. (让学生分四组朗读短文,然后每组选一个代表,有感情地朗读短文的一个段落。) T: Now, I’ll divide all the students into four groups. Next, read 2a in groups. And then I’ll ask one student of each group to read one paragraph aloud, understand? Ss: Yes. T: OK, S1 stands for Group One. S2 stands for Group Two. S3 stands for Group Three. S4 stands for Group Four. (学生代表朗读,其他学生给予鼓掌、喝彩,活跃课堂气氛,最后教师作总评。) 3. (让这四组学生分别代表火药、造纸术、印刷术和指南针,并把自己组所代表的发明介绍 给别人。) T: Group One stands for gunpowder. Group Two stands for paper-making. Group Three stands for printing. Group Four stands for compass. Then introduce yourself to the others, please. (鼓励学生用自己的语言进行介绍,教师对表达完整的小组给予表扬。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8 分钟) 练习 3a,3b,归纳、复习连词的用法及其主谓一致的原则和本话题有用的表达方式。 1. (练习 3a。) T: Let’s come to the Grammar focus. In this topic we have learned the usage of connectives. (板书,复习连词的用法,提醒学生注意连接并列主语时,主谓要一致。) either … or … both … and … neither … nor … not only … but also … 2. (出示小黑板,要求学生完成小黑板上的连词练习。) T: Do the exercises. Join two sentences with connectives. (1)I can’t swim. He can’t swim, either. (2)You may stay at home. Or you may go to see the movie. (3)Shenzhou Ⅴ has been sent up into space. Shenzhou Ⅵ has also been sent up. (让学生到黑板上演示,然后师生一起核对答案。) 3. (教师先放 3b 的录音,让学生跟读。然后让学生合上课本,教师说汉语,学生依次把英语 说出。完成 3b。) T: First, listen to the tape and read after it. Then close your books, please. I say them one by one in Chinese. You express them in English. 4. (师生一起就本话题所了解的中国古文化知识进行归纳、总结。) T: OK. Well done. Let’s sum up the knowledge that we have learned in this topic together. Example: T: First, we have learned something about the Forbidden City , the stories of dragons and Huabiao, etc. (让学生以同样的方式归纳 Section B,C,D 的内容。) The Forbidden City: The stories of dragons and Huabiao: S1: Dragons are carved on the stones. S2: There are many interesting stories about Huabiao. S3: … Chinese chess: S4: … Chinese tea: S5: … The Four Great Inventions: S6: … Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5 分钟) 让学生分组收集整理关于中国古代文明和现代文明的资料,完成 4。 1. (将学生分成两组。一组收集关于中国古代文明的相关资料,另一组收集关于中国现代文 明的相关资料。) T: Group A stands for the ancient times. Group B stands for the modern times. Then collect information about the civilizations of the two periods, including culture, famous people, technologies and inventions, etc. 2. (让各组学生向全班同学展示收集的资料,看哪一组收集的资料多,教师板书关键词。) T: Please list the information you collect and see which group collects more. (板书) Group 1: S1: S2: … Group 2: S3: S4: … 3. Homework: Write a passage about the civilizations of China’s ancient times and modern times, including culture, famous people, technologies, inventions, etc. 板书设计: The dragon has become a symbol of the Chinese nation. Section D gunpowder either … or … printing both … and … paper-making neither … nor … compass not only … but also … the Four Great Inventions of Ancient China discovery Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. Section A The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是 1a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new phrases: would rather ...than ..., fall in love (with sb.) 2. Learn a useful sentence: I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. 3. Learn how to talk about TV programs and movies. 4. Broaden the students’ horizons. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/电视节目主持人的图片/一副象棋/《泰坦尼克号》主题曲磁带/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:5 分钟) 复习上一单元的功能话题,引入本课相关内容。 1. (简要复习,激活学生的思维,让学生进入英语学习状态。) T: Nice to see you again. Ss: Nice to see you, too. T: Could you tell me what you usually do in your spare time? S1: I like watching TV. S2: I like reading books. T: What kind of books would you like to read? S2: Humorous story books and history books. T: Reading is a good habit. I like reading very much because I can get a lot from it. Do you like playing Chinese chess. Ss: Yes. (鼓励学生开展健康、合理的课外活动,建立和谐的师生关系。) T: There are so many students who enjoy playing Chinese chess. Who is the best player in our class? Ss:S3. T: S3, could you teach us how to play Chinese chess after class/in your spare time? S3: Of course. T: Thank you. This is a set of Chinese chess. Now it belongs to you. S3: … T: I know some students like playing Chinese chess and some students like watching TV. Now, let’s begin our new lesson to learn some TV programs. Step2 Presentation 第二步 呈 现(时间:13 分钟) 利用图片学习生词、重点句型及动名词的运用,导入 1a。 1. (教师张贴一些著名电视节目主持人图片于黑板上。) T: Look, there are some pictures on the blackboard. Could you tell me who they are? Ss: They are Li Xiuping, Wang Xiaoya and Liu Chunyan. T: Do you know what programs they host? Ss: Li Xiuping hosts CCTV news. Liu Chunyan hosts children’s programs. T: This is Wang Xiaoya. She is usually in charge of quiz shows. (板书,要求学生理解。) quiz show T: How many TV programs do you know? (让学生开展头脑风暴活动,尽量多说出一些电视节目名称。) S1: TV plays, CCTV news, sports shows ... T: S1, do you know anything else? S1: Cartoon ... T: Good! You are very clever. Look at blackboard. Let’s learn some TV programs. (利用图片导入电视节目名称,引出生词。) (板书,要求学生理解 entertainment,了解 educational。) entertainment educational T: How wonderful! There are so many programs. But which one do you like better, TV plays or quiz shows? S2: I like watching TV plays better than quiz shows. T: I see. S2 says he/she would rather watch TV plays than quiz shows. What about you, S3? S3: I like CCTV news better. But I don’t like sports shows. T: S3 says he/she prefers watching CCTV news. But he/she would rather not watch sports shows. How about you, S4? S4: I would rather not watch TV. I like surfing the Internet. T: S4 says he/she would rather surf the Internet than watch TV. (板书本课中出现的重难点句式,让学生弄清其句式结构,为下一步教学活动扫除障碍。) He/she would rather watch TV plays than quiz shows. →would rather do sth. than sth. He/she would rather not watch sports shows. →would rather not do sth. He/she would rather surf the Internet than watch TV. →would rather do sth. than do sth. 2. (让学生两人一组讨论各自喜欢的电视节目,并说明原因。) T: We’ve discussed some TV programs. Now, let’s discuss what programs you would like to watch. You’d better give your reasons. Work in pairs. Let’s begin! Example: A: Which program do you prefer, news reports or TV plays? B: I would rather watch TV plays(than news reports) because … How about you? … (几分钟后,要求学生表演对话。) T: Now, stop here. S5 and S6, please show us your dialog. S5: Which program do you prefer, TV plays or sports shows? S6: I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows because TV plays are more interesting. How about you? S5: I would rather watch news reports because I can learn a lot of things happened at home and abroad from it. T: Great! Next group please. … T: What do you think of their dialogs? Ss: Good! (对表演优秀的小组,给予掌声鼓励。) 3. (呈现 1a,通过回答问题加深对 1a 内容的理解。) (1)T: We’ve talked much about TV programs and our preference. Now, let’s learn what Kangkang and his friends like watching. Listen to the tape and answer the following question: What do Kangkang and his friends like watching? (听后,教师核对答案。) (2)(出示小黑板,让学生结合问题读对话,然后回答问题。) ① What does Michael want Kangkang to do? ② Why does Maria like watching quiz shows? ③ What do Michael and Kangkang think of watching quiz shows? T: Now read the dialog again, and then answer the following questions on the small blackboard. (播放录音磁带后,提问学生。) T: Could you answer the questions on the blackboard? Any volunteers? OK, S7, please! Question ①. S7: Michael wants Kangkang to teach him to play Chinese chess. T: Great. S8, please answer Question ②. S8: Because she thinks quiz shows are wonderful and she can learn a lot from them. T: A good answer!S9, could you give the answer to Question ③? S9: OK. They think quiz shows are very boring./They don’t like quiz shows. T: I think so. (3)(让学生再读 1a,根据所提问题进一步理解对话内容。) T: Now, let’s read the dialog again. (两分钟后。) T: Finished? Ss: Yes. T: S10, could you tell me what Jane’s wish is? S10:She hopes she can take part in a quiz show and win a prize some day. (教师用 some day 引出生词 someday,板书并要求学生了解。) someday = some day Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:8 分钟) 以表演形式巩固 1a。学习 1b 并巩固句型 would rather do sth. than sth.。 1. (分角色朗读 1a 并表演。教师可给予适当的帮助。) T: Now let’s act it out in roles. S1 is Michael, S2 is Kangkang, S3 is Maria and S4 is Jane. (表演对话。) T: Good. The next group can make some changes according to your own ideas. (根据情况,安排 2~3 组学生表演对话。) 2. (展示 1b 中的图片。也可利用前面板书的电视节目名称,让学生用 would rather ... than ... 句 式造句,巩固并加深新句式的用法。) T: Please express your preference one by one as soon as possible according to 1b. S5:I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows. S6:I would rather watch news reports than children’s programs. S7:… … T: Well done. (对回答流利的学生给予表扬。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习(时间:10 分钟) 充分调动学生独立思考的积极性,结合口语表达和听力训练完成 1c 和 2。 1. (利用图片或歌曲导入 1c 并让学生独立完成 1c,培养学生独立思考问题的能力。) T: Maybe you watch TV every day. If I show you a picture or a song, can you give some descriptions of it ? Let’s have a try. Listen to the song and tell us something about it. (播放歌曲 My Heart Will Go On 的一小段。) T: What do you think of the song when you hear it? Ss: Very beautiful. This is a song of a film called Titanic. T: Yes, you are right. Look, here are some pictures from CCTV-6 and some descriptions. Please match the pictures with their descriptions. Finish this part in one minute. (一分钟后) T: Finished? S1, could you give the order of the descriptions? S1: Yes. It is 2, 5, 1, 6, 4, 3. T: Please read the descriptions for us. You can use“The picture shows ...” Example: Picture 3 shows a story about good people fighting against bad people. Understand? S1: I see. Picture 1 shows us the future. Picture 2 tells us a sad story. T: Yes, Picture 2 is a tragedy. How about Picture 4 and 5, S2? S2: Picture 4 is about facts and information about something. Picture 5 makes us laugh. T: I think Picture 4 is a documentary, Picture 5 is a comedy. Do you think so, S3? S3: Yes. T: Could you tell me the descriptions of Picture 6? S3: Of course. Picture 6 shows photos, drawings or models that seem to move. (板书,要求理解 comedy,了解 tragedy 和 documentary。) tragedy documentary comedy T: OK, you know many kinds of movies. Do you like watching movies? Ss: Yes. T: Kate also likes it. Do you know what movies she like? Please follow me. 2. (先要求学生预览 2 中的问题,提高预测答案及猜测生词的能力。) (教师解释 2 中生词和短语,板书并要求掌握 fall in love,理解 heroine,了解 impatient。) fall in love (with sb.) heroine impatient 3. (播放听力材料,听完两遍后核对答案。) T: Listen to the tape and then choose the correct answers. (几分钟后。) T: Finished? OK. S4, please give your answers. S4: All right ... T: You’ve done a good job. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:4 分钟) 小组活动,让学生分组投票选出最受欢迎的三个节目进行交流探讨,汇报结果,完成家庭作 业。 1. (把学生按 6 人一组分成几个小组,共同交流他们喜欢的电视节目,并向大家推荐自己认 为值得看的一些栏目。然后集合起来投票选出最受欢迎的三个节目,最后各组选派一个 代表汇报评选结果,并阐述其理由。) T: Maybe everyone has his/her own favorite TV shows, but which program is the most popular one? Why do you think it is worth watching? Please speak out your favorite program and give your reasons. At last each group votes for the three most popular programs and report to the class. 2. Homework: Write a passage to describe one film which create deep impression on you. Including: (1)The name of it and its director. (2)The main characters. (3)The main plot. (4)The most beautiful scene. (5)Make a total conclusion. 100-120 words are required. 板书设计: I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. Section A prefer doing … fall in love I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows. Section B The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases: voice, in surprise, upon, once upon a time, sudden, shoulder 2. Learn how to describe one’s own star sign and characteristics: (1) I was born on July 12th. So my star sign is Cancer. (2) … Cancers are kind and always ready to help others. 3. Learn about the 12 star signs and some legends about them. 4. Learn to develop good characteristics and assess yourself and others correctly. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/天蝎座和巨蟹座的动物标志图片/星座与性格调查表/写有 12 星座名称和日期的 小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:5 分钟) 检查作业,展开有关生日和生肖的师生对话,为新课导入做铺垫。 1. (检查上节课布置的作业,组织学生互评,表扬获胜组。) T: Hello! Boys and girls! Let’s begin our class. First of all, let me check your homework, OK? Did you have any problems with your homework? S1: No. S2: A little. T: Please exchange your homework with your partner, check for each other’s, and then show me some good passages, please. (学生开始互评,教师了解情况。) T: Here are some passages. They are S3’s, S4’s and S5’s. S3, please read your passage aloud. OK? S3: OK … T: Good job! Of course, there are some common problems in your passages. For example,... 2. (师生对话,导入新课。) T: Could you tell me when you were born? S6: I was born on July 10th, 1994. S7: I was born on Nov.19th, 1995. T: I see. S6 was born in the year of dog, and S7 was born in the year of pig. Do you agree? Ss: Yes. T: OK, in this lesson, let’s talk about star signs and the characteristics under them. (板书,要求理解 star sign;了解 characteristic。) star sign characteristic Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈 现(时间:13 分钟) 利用图片,导入生词教学,呈现 1a,完成 1b。 1. (展示巨蟹座和天蝎座的图片,导入新课教学。) T: In western countries, there are 12 star signs according to birthday. For example: S6 was born on July 10th. The date is between Jun. 22nd and Jul. 22nd. So his star sign is Cancer. S7 was born on Nov. 9th. The date is between Oct. 23rd and Nov. 21st. So his star sign is Scorpio. (板书,要求学生了解 Cancer, Scorpio。) Cancer Scorpio T: People in western countries always think they have the same characteristic if they have the same star sign. For example: if your star sign is Cancer, maybe you are kind and always ready to help others. A person whose star sign is Scorpio is powerful, but doesn’t forgive others sometimes. (板书并要求学生理解 forgive。) forgive 2. (开展活动,进一步了解课文主题和相关词汇。) T: Here are the 12 star signs. Please match them with the related dates, and find out which star sign you belong to. (教师把写有下列内容的小黑板呈现给学生。) Match the dates with the star signs: Dates Star signs (1)Dec. 21-Jan.20 双鱼座( ) (2)Jan. 21-Feb.19 摩羯座( ) (3)Feb. 20-Mar.20 巨蟹座( ) (4)Mar. 21-Apr.20 水瓶座( ) (5)Apr. 21-May 21 狮子座( ) (6)May 22-Jun. 21 白羊座( ) (7)Jun. 22-Jul. 22 天秤座( ) (8)Jul. 23-Aug. 22 金牛座( ) (9)Aug. 23-Sept.22 射手座( ) (10)Sept. 23-Oct.22 双子座( ) (11)Oct. 23-Nov.21 天蝎座( ) (12)Nov. 22-Dec.20 处女座( ) (让学生先讨论,然后让一个学生把相应的序号填在后面的括号内。) T: S1, could you match them? S1: Let me have a try. (学生开始做题。) T: Are all the answers right? Is the order 3, 1, 7, 2, 8, 4, 10, 5, 12, 6, 11 and 9? Ss: Yes. T: Now, please ask your partner’s birthday and his/her star sign. If you can’t express the star sign in English, you may get help from your textbooks, page 57. (学生配对练习。) Example: S2: When is your birthday? S3: My birthday is on… S2: What’s your star sign? S3: My star sign is… (教师走近一名学生,让该生说出他/她的星座。) T: S4, please tell me your star sign in a loud voice. (板书并让学生掌握。) voice S4: My star sign is Virgo. T: Oh, I think your characteristic may be modest, right? (板书让学生理解。) modest S4: Yes. T: OK, when was Maria born? What are her characteristics? Let’s listen to 1a and answer the questions? 3. (用小黑板呈现听力问题,听后核对答案。) (1)When was she born? (2)What are her characteristics? 4. (再听 1a 录音并跟读,同时让学生画出文中生词和重要的句式,在语境中帮助学生掌握短 语 in surprise。) T: Read after the tape. Underline the new phrase. in surprise I was born on July 12th. So my star sign is Cancer. … Cancers are kind and always ready to help others. 5. (要求学生找出 1b 中用来描述性格的形容词,并举出更多例子。) T: We’ve known some words that can be used for describing the characteristics of 12 star signs. Would you like to know some more about it? Ss: Yes. (教师板书出 1b 的形容词,强调其中生词。要求理解 gentle,了解 creative, outgoing 和 generous。) gentle, creative, hard-working, outgoing, generous, modest, fair, confident (让学生讨论或以相互采访的形式谈每个人的星座、性格,完成 1b。) T: Please talk about the star sign of your own in pairs. At the same time, describe your partner’s characteristics according to 1b. Example: S5: When were you born? S6: I was born on March 21st, 1995. S5: What is your star sign? S6: My star sign is Aries. S5: You must be active and impatient. … Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:7 分钟) 设置小组活动,讨论人物性格,并以此创设情景,展开对话,完成 1c。 1. (小组讨论同一星座同学的性格共同点与不同点,完成 1c。) T: Please talk about your characteristics in a group under the same star sign. Find out the common ones and the different ones, then report to the class. 2. (采访活动。此活动的目的在于创设语言环境,达到学以致用的目的。) T: Suppose you are a successful businessman or a famous star. You will be interviewed by a reporter. You may be asked the following questions: (1) When is your birthday? (2) What is your star sign? (3) What are your characteristics? (4) Do you believe your star sign decides your characteristics? (5) Why are you so successful? Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习(时间:10 分钟) 探讨天蝎座的性格导入 2a,以找关键词并复述课文的方式提高学生阅读技巧和口语表达能 力,巩固 2a。 1. (师生对话,导入 2a。) T: Do you know the characteristics that people have under Scorpio? S1: They are powerful and have lots of energy. T: In our books, there is a story about Scorpio. Could you tell me which expressions a story usually begins with? S2: Long, long ago... S3: Many years ago... S4: A century ago... T: All right. These expressions are to tell us the time, just as once upon a time. For example: Once upon a time, there was a hunter. (教师边说边板书画线部分内容。领读并讲解,要求学生掌握词组,同时理解 hunter。) upon once upon a time = long long ago hunter T: Who can make a sentence with“once upon a time”? S5: Once upon a time, there lived an old man in the village. T: Good! S6, could you? S6: Once upon a time, there was a tall tree. 2. (让学生阅读课文,回答问题,找出文中的关键词。) T: Well done! Now, look at Section B, 2a. Read the passage within two minutes. Find out the key words in the text and answer the question: Why did the scorpion attack Orion?. (引导学生回答问题,学习并掌握生词 shoulder, sudden,了解 scorpion。) scorpion, sudden, shoulder T: Read 2a again, and then find out the key words of 2a.(让学生再读课文,找出文中的关键 词。) T: Do you agree with them? Ss: Yes. T: You’ve done good jobs. 3. (复述故事情节。培养学生的表达能力和记忆能力。) T: I believe you have known the story about Scorpio. I’ll ask some of you to retell it according to the key words. (学生准备好后,要求他们合上课本进行复述。教师可以提示关键词以降低难度。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5 分钟) 通过收集和学习描述性格的词汇,让学生学会描述人物性格,提高语言表达能力。 1. (展开竞赛,要求学生收集描述性格的词汇,按感情色彩分成两类,收集词汇最多者获胜。) T: There is going to be a match. We’ll collect words to describe characteristics, and divide them into two groups: A for good and B for bad. The one that has the most words is the winner. Understand? Ss:Yes. T: Let’s begin. 2. Homework: (1)T: Here is a form. Please collect some information to show if people who are under the same star sign share similar characteristics. Then report it. Name Birthday Star sign Characteristics (2)T: Finish 3 by yourself. 板书设计: I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. Section B shoulder 1. I was born on July 12th. So my star sign sudden is Cancer. star sign in surprise 2. ... Cancers are kind and always ready to in a loud voice help others. once upon a time Section C The main activities are 1a and 2b. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2b。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn about some new words: honest, compare 2. Learn about the differences between Chinese culture and western culture. 3. Go on learning TV programs and talking about preference and hobbies. —Which TV program do you like better, The Same Song or Human and Nature? —I prefer Human and Nature to The Same Song. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 小黑板/录音机/一张人与自然的图片/一张小狗的图片/一张小狗叼着玫瑰花的图片/多媒 体课件 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:5 分钟) 检查家庭作业,复习有关星座与性格的话题,鼓励学生用英语表达自己喜欢的电视节目,导 入新课。 1. (引导学生复述课下做的调查报告。) T: Hello, everybody! Are you ready to share your homework with us? Ss: Yes. T: Who would like to read your report in class? S1: Let me have a try … (教师选取几篇优秀的调查报告,张贴以示鼓励。) 2. (运用头脑风暴的形式,激励学生用英语表达电视节目名称。) T: What TV programs did you watch this week? Ss: TV plays, news reports, sports shows, entertainment shows, … T: We’ve learnt many expressions of TV programs. Here is a table, please complete the table according to the example. TV program Children’s program ... Example Cartoon City ... (用小黑板呈现表格。内容可充分扩展。) (把学生分为五组,汇总电视节目名称。汇总最多的一组为优胜组。) T: Now, you are divided into 5 groups. Please give us more information as soon as possible. The group that has the most is the winner. Let’s begin. (学生开始讨论。) T: Stop here! Group 1, how many TV program names do you have? S2: 4. T: What are they? S2: They are Lucky 52, The Same Song, CCTV News and Cartoon City. (教师呈现人与自然的相关图片。) T: What TV program do you think it is? Ss: Human and Nature. T: Do you like this TV program, S3? S3: Yes, I like it very much. T: Why? S3: Because I like animals. T: I think many of you like animals. In this lesson, let’s talk about different meanings to animals in China and western countries. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈 现(时间:15 分钟) 师生谈论同一动物在中西文化中的不同喻义,引出并学习 1a 内容及部分生词。 1. (教师出示一幅小狗的图片。) T: Look at the dog! There are a lot of phrases about “dog” in this section. For example, a homeless dog, a running dog, a mad dog, a dog catching a mouse. Can you guess their meanings in Chinese? Ss:Yes, their meanings are “丧家犬”, “走狗”, “疯狗”, “狗拿耗子”.(教师可给适当的提示。) T: Right. These phrases have negative meanings in Chinese. (板书并让学生理解 phrase;了解 negative。) phrase, negative T: But what do you think of a dog? Ss: Friendly and lovely. T: Yes, and it’s very honest. Honest means not telling lies. (板书并要求学生掌握生词 honest。) honest T: Who is the most honest student in our class? Ss: Me. T: I do hope everyone of you are honest. Who is not honest in our class? Ss: Nobody./He is not honest. (营造出一种幽默、轻松的学习氛围。) 2. (教师展示一幅小狗叼着玫瑰花的图片,通过谈论动物的不同喻义 引出中西文化的差异。) T: Let’s look at the picture. Could you describe it? S1, please. S1: There is a dog in the picture with a rose in its mouth. The dog looks very lovely. T: Great! What do you think the rose means? S1: Usually, rose means love. Maybe the dog loves its owner very much. T: Thank you. S2, what do you think of the dog? S2: I think the dog is cute. It is very friendly and honest to its owner. T: What you said is very reasonable. In western countries, dogs are considered honest and good friends of humans. People use “dog” to describe positive behavior. (板书并让学生了解。) positive T: What phrases do you know about dogs, S3? S3: I know two phrases. They are“a mad dog”and“a dog catching a mouse”. T: Anything else? S4: A running dog. T: Yes. There are different feelings towards dogs between China and western countries. So words and phrases about dogs are used in positive or negative ways in different cultures. We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how certain words are used. Now, let’s listen to 1a and learn more about the differences. (板书并要求学生掌握。) compare 3. (教师用小黑板呈现听力任务。) (1)Do China and western countries have different cultures? (2)What does “a lucky dog” mean? (3)Is the rose the symbol of love in China as that in western countries? (听后,师生以对话的形式核对答案。) T: S5, please give your answer to No.1. S5: Yes, they do. T: Do you think so? Ss: Yes. T: S6, have you got the answer to No.2? S6: Yes. It means a person who has good luck. T: Wonderful! S7, what does“every dog has its day”mean? S7: It means each person has good luck at times. T: You are great. No.3, S8, could you? S8: Yes, it is. T: You’ve done a good job! Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间: 10 分钟) 完成 1b,利用复述课文的方式巩固 1a。然后设置巩固任务,让学生给出文章的标题及每段 的主题句,培养学生归纳、总结的能力。 1. (学生朗读 1a,完成 1b。) T: Now, let’s come to 1b. Complete the table according to 1a. You can also add your own opinions. OK, start! (师生核对答案,鼓励学生用自己的语言来阐述观点。) T: Finished? Let’s check your answers. 2. (根据 1b 所填的表格,复述 1a。) T: Please retell 1a according to the table in 1b. 3. (教师用小黑板呈现下列巩固任务,让学生带着任务再读 1a。) (1)The title of the text: (2)The main idea of Paragraph 2: (3)The main idea of Paragraph 3: (4)Conclusion(结论): T: Maybe most of you have understood the text. Let’s finish the task on the blackboard. S1, please come to the front and write down your answers on the blackboard. S1: OK. Let me try. T: Others may write down your answers on a piece of paper. (完成后核对答案。) T: Now, check your answers. The answers are: (1)Title: Different Countries Have Different Cultures (2)The main idea of paragraph 2: Some words about animals have different meanings in Chinese culture and western culture. (3)The main idea of paragraph 3: Take“rose”as an example to discuss similar meanings used in China and western countries. (4)Conclusion: Words about animals and plants are used in positive or negative ways in different cultures. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习(时间: 5 分钟) 通过谈论对电视节目的喜好,引出 2a 听力,然后对听力部分进行拓展,提高学生的听说能力。 1. (用多媒体播放几个电视节目的片断,引导学生谈论对电视节目的喜好。) T: There are so many wonderful TV programs. S1, which TV program do you like better, Soccer Night or Human and Nature? S1: I would rather watch Human and Nature than Soccer Night. T: Why? S1: Because I can learn a lot about animals in Human and Nature. T: Good. Which program do you prefer, CCTV News or The Same Song, S2? S2: I would rather watch The Same Song than CCTV News. T: Could you express your idea in another way? S2: I prefer The Same Song to CCTV News. T: A good answer. Why do you prefer The Same Song to CCTV News? S2: Because I enjoy the music. T: Wonderful, well done! Here is a passage about Mike. What does he think of the songs in The Same Song? Let’s listen to the tape and finish 2a. 2. (让学生听 2a 录音,并核对答案。) 3. (实践活动,组织学生对表达偏爱和爱好的句式进行归纳总结,进行拓展练习。) T: Boys and girls, if you want to express your preference and hobbies, how many ways can you use? Let’s play a game. Say a sentence one by one as soon as possible, but you can’t repeat others’. S3, be the first please. (教师可要求学生按座次的先后顺序进行。) S3: I prefer CCTV News to Cartoon City. S4: I would rather stay at home than hang out at the mall. S5: He likes playing basketball better than playing football. S6: They prefer Lucky 52 to Quiz Show. S7: Which sport would you rather have, running or fishing? S8: Which dish do you like better, fish or steak? S9: Which fruit do you prefer, the apple or the orange? ... T: How wonderful you all are! There are many different ways to express your opinions. 4. (小组对话,完成 2b。) T: Look at the example of 2b. Then make dialogs in pairs according to the pictures of 2a. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 5 分钟) 设置小组活动,以不同国家的不同文化习俗为主题,拓展 1a,完成家庭作业。 1. (小组活动,讨论不同国家之间不同的风土人情,向全班作报告。) T: Now I’ll divide you into eight groups to discuss the different local tradition and customs, then report to the class. 2. Homework: Collect some famous proverbs or sayings about animals and plants after class, and then try to grasp their meanings. 板书设计: I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. Section C compare You are a lucky dog. honest Every dog has its day. I prefer Human and Nature to The Same Song. Section D The main activities are 1a and 4. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 4。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn a new word and a phrase: soap, point out 2. Talk about how TV influences our lives. 3. Learn how to make a debate. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 电视节目主持人图片/《家有儿女》剧照/小黑板/录音机 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 6 分钟) 学生说出中西方文化中有关狗的描述。运用头脑风暴的形式复习所学的电视节目,为 1a 的 学习作准备。 1. (说出中西方文化中有关狗的描述。) T: Hello, boys and girls! Before this Class, let’s review some sayings about dogs in Chinese and western culture, and you may add your own opinions. Now, let’s begin! S1: In China,“a homeless dog”,“a mad dog”,“a running dog” and “a dog catching a mouse” have negative meanings. S2: In western countries, dogs are considered honest and good friends of humans. S3: In western countries, “You are a lucky dog.”means you are a lucky person.“Every dog has its day.”means each person has good luck at times. S4: … … T: Great! You learned a lot. 2. (运用头脑风暴的形式,复习所学的电视节目。) T: Now, let’s review all the programs that we’ve learned. (教师出示一些著名电视节目主持人的图片。) T: Look, there are some pictures on the blackboard. Could you tell me who they are? S5: Li Yong, Zhao Zhongxiang and Li Xiuping. T: Do you know what programs they host? S6: Li Yong hosts Lucky 52. Li Xiuping hosts CCTV News. S7: Zhao Zhongxiang hosts Animal World. T: You are right. How many kinds of TV programs do you know? S8: TV plays, sports shows, talk shows … S9: Quiz shows, news reports … T: S10, do you know anything else? S10: Yes. Cartoon, entertainment shows, educational shows … T: Well done. (教师帮助学生总结所学电视节目并板书。) TV programs: TV plays, sports shows, talk shows, quiz shows, news reports, entertainment shows, children’s programs, educational programs … 3. (教师呈现一幅电视剧《家有儿女》的图片,并以此为例解释一下肥皂剧。) T: Now, let’s discuss another kind of TV program. It’s called soap opera. It’s a kind of TV or radio play about family lives. A Family with Kids(《家有 儿女》) is a popular soap opera. (板书,要求学生掌握生词 soap,理解 soap opera。) soap soap opera 4. (教师呈现写有复习任务的小黑板,为下一活动作铺垫。) T: Fill in the blanks with the phrases that I give you. 选用下列短语的适当形式填空。 have an influence, a lucky dog, spend some time on sth./(in) doing sth., keep away from, agree with (1) Anna is really . She has been invited to act as the leader of the company. (2) Television on our life. (3) Though I don’t believe you, I your idea on this point. (4) He three hours the work. (5) Staying at home all the time him healthy activities. T: Complete the task alone. S11 and S12, come to the blackboard and write down your answers. Other students may write your answers on a piece of paper. (学生板书答案。) T: Finished? Ss: Yes, we have. T: Let’s check S11’s and S12’s answers. The answers are: (1)a lucky dog (2)has an influence (3)agree with (4)spent ... on/ (in) finishing (5)keeps ... away from (此环节也可以让其他学生到黑板前帮助修正错误答案,培养学生探究、合作意识。) T: When you do the exercises, you should make out the meaning of each sentence at first. Then choose the right phrases, and fill in the blanks with proper forms at last. (教师可用彩色粉笔标出学生易错部分。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 12 分钟) 由 1a 的课文图片谈起电视。先完成 1b,再学习 1a。 1. (1)(以课文图片作为突破口,呈现课文内容,进入 1a。) T: Here is a picture of a family. They are watching TV together. The viewers are the father, the mother and the child. I think the program must be very funny because all of them are smiling. (板书并要求学生理解生词 viewer。) viewer T: Perhaps, there is another person in the family, but we can’t see her in the picture. She is a babysitter. The word“babysitter”in Chinese means“保姆”. (板书并要求学生了解 babysitter。) babysitter T: What are they doing? (老师指着图片问。) Ss: They are watching TV. T: Yes. Watching TV is an important part of our life. Think carefully! What influences does television have on us? There are some statements in 1b, Section D. Think about which ones you agree to, and which ones you don’t agree to. Write“A”for agreement and“D”for disagreement. Finish it in 2 minutes. (学生独立完成 1b 作业。培养学生的辨别能力和独立思考问题的能力。) T: Have you finished? Ss: Yes. T: S1, which ones do you agree to? S1: 1, 5 and 7. T: Do you agree with him? Ss: Yes, we do./No, we don’t. T: Indeed, television has many good influences on us. But it does have some bad influences. S2, could you tell us the opinions you disagree to? S2: 2, 3, 4 and 6. T: OK, very good. 2. (让学生阅读 1a,并完成表格。) T: Now, please read the passage. Then fill in the blanks on the blackboard. (教师在黑板上呈现阅读任务,学生开始阅读课文。) Good influence Bad influence T: Stop here, please. S3, what good influences have you found in the passage? S3: (1)It is one of the most important ways of getting information. (2)Increase our knowledge and change the way we learn about the world today. (3)Television sometimes is like a babysitter. (4)There are many good programs for us. T: Good job! S4, what bad influences television gives us have you found? S4: (1)It keeps us away from healthy outdoor activities. (2)There are also some shows that are not suitable for children. T: Right or wrong? Ss: That’s right. (教师把学生陈述的关键词填写在上述表格内。) 3. (学生找出重点词组及难点句子。) T: Some phrases are very important to you and some sentences are too difficult for you to understand. Please find them out. (教师板书,讲解。) have a huge influence on … keep … away from be suitable for … Not everything on TV has positive effects on viewers. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 7 分钟) 巩固 1a,呈现阅读任务,锻炼学生把握文章主题的能力,并了解文章结构。 1. (听 1a 录音,并跟读,进一步加深对课文的理解。) T: Please listen to the tape, repeat and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 2. (读 1a,回答问题,巩固 1a。) T: Now, let’s have a further discussion of those questions about the passage one another. Then I’ll ask some students to report your answers. (教师呈现写有下列任务的小黑板,让学生讨论。) Fill in the blanks after reading the passage: (1)The topic sentence of the passage is . (2)The main idea of Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 is . (3)The main idea of Paragraph 3 is . (4)The last paragraph tells us . (此活动的目的是使学生进一步加深对文章内容的理解,培养学生从整体把握文章主题或 大意的能力,了解文章的结构,把握文章的内在联系。) T: Now, well! Stop here! S1, would you like to have a try? S1: OK. Let me have a try. The topic sentence of the passage is that television has a huge influence on our lives. The main idea of Paragraphs 1 and 2 is advantages of watching TV. The main idea of Paragraph 3 is disadvantages of watching TV. The last paragraph tells us to choose proper television programs. (教师把画线部分填入上述表格内。学生回答若有困难,教师可提示一些关键词,如: advantage 和 disadvantage。) T: It’s wonderful of you to finish the job. Thank you. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 8 分钟) 用英汉互译法巩固 3。展开师生对话,激发学生的积极性与创造性,完成活动 2。 1. (先学后练,完成 3。) T: Look at the useful expressions, read and learn them, and then we’ll do some translation exercises. I’ll give you two minutes. Hurry up! T: I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. What does it mean in Chinese? S1. S1: … T: I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows. What does it mean? S2. S2: … T: How do you say“你是个幸运儿。”in English? S3. S3: … T: What does it mean by“Every dog has its day.”? S4. S4: … T: Do you know the last sentence? S5. S5: … T: Here“would rather do sth. than sth.” means “prefer sth. to sth.”or“prefer doing sth. to doing sth.”OK, so much for it. You all have done good jobs. 2. (完成活动 2。) T: We’ve learnt many TV programs and some different cultures in China and western countries. In this section, suppose we’ll design a new TV program. What would it be about? S6: I would rather design a program about country life. T: Good! How about you, S7? S7: We’d better design a program about culture of China and western countries. T: That sounds good. Let’s make it. What name do you think is good? S8: How about Sky for Culture? T: It sounds good. Anything else? S9: Talks on Different Cultures. T: What do you think of Talks on Different Cultures? Ss: We would rather choose Talks on Different Cultures than Sky for Culture. (让学生尽可能地发挥其创造性,选择其中创意较好的几个名称进行评论。) T: What will we discuss in the program Talks on Different Cultures? There are some suggestions: (1) Different ways of greeting. (2) Different emotions towards animals, plants and other things. Do you have any other suggestions to add? S10: We can also add some proverbs to it. S11: So we must collect a lot of information to design a good program. S12: It must be interesting. … Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7 分钟) 开展辩论活动,提高学生口语表达及快速反应能力,完成 4。 1. (进入教材 4。) T: The passage tells us some good and bad influences television has on us. Maybe there are much more influences besides the above. Now, let’s do a debate on the statement: Television has a bad influence on children. (板书画线部分内容。) Television has a bad influence on children. (教师告诉学生辩论程序和要领,也可写在小黑板上,学生分组讨论。) T: Work in groups of two. Group 1 agrees with the idea and you are the Affirmative Team. Group 2 disagrees with the idea and you are the Negative Team. There are some rules for you: (1)Each team has three speakers. But both teams do research on the topic and try to find reasons for their point of view. (2)The first speaker from each team presents their ideas. (3)The second speaker further argues and disagrees with the previous speaker from the other team. (4)The third speaker from each team point out the weaknesses of the other team’s ideas further. (5)Speakers debate the statement freely. (6)The third speaker makes a summary of what their team has argued. (板书并要求学生掌握。) point out T: Now, each group discusses and writes down your ideas and reasons, and then gives it to your speakers. Debate begins with the Affirmative Team, and then the Negative Team. Example: Affirmative team Negative team First speaker We agree with the idea: Television has a bad influence on children. On the contrary, we disagree with the idea: Television has a bad influence on children. Second speaker We all know that there are many TV programs. But some are unhealthy. Children will act as what they see. Television also keeps us away from healthy outdoor activities. We disagree with the idea because most of us can learn much from television. For example, it can increase our knowledge, help us collect information and make our life interesting and colorful. Third speaker While television makes our life interesting and colorful, we will also learn some rude words and bad behaviors, even accept some unhealthy ideas. For example, when a child sees a character who likes smoking, he will learn to smoke. Good habits are formed gradually while bad behaviors are learned at once. In a word, television can’t have no bad I disagree with you. There are many healthy programs, and we can reject the unhealthy ones. At the same time, our parents sometimes give us some advice when we watch TV together. Obviously, television has more good influences on our life. There are many healthy programs and we can learn a lot. So we can’t say television has bad influence on children. influence on children. (学生在准备中遇到生词时可通过查词典或问老师解决。) 2. Homework: Write a 100-word passage named“What can I learn from TV?” 以 What can I learn from TV?为题目写一篇约 100 个单词的短文。 板书设计: I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. Section D have a huge influence on Not everything on TV has positive effects on viewers. keep … away from … be suitable for Good influence Bad influence Topic 2 Who is your favorite character in literature? Section A The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是 1a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new phrases: in the distance, make up one’s mind 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1) I have made up my mind to be a painter. (2) It’s possible for you to succeed if you work hard at painting. 3. Review different kinds of clauses: (1) attributive clauses (2) adverbial clauses 4. Learn about some famous painters and their paintings. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 图片/小黑板/录音机/教学挂图 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5 分钟) 师生问答,复习有关电视节目的话题,引入新课。 T: Hello, everybody! Let’s discuss the topic about TV. Do you like watching TV? Ss: Yes. T: What kind of TV program do you like better? S1: I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows. S2: I prefer children’s programs to news reports. S3: I like watching educational programs best. … T: My favorite TV program is Jian Bao. Because I can know about many painters and their paintings in this TV program. Do you like paintings, S4? S4: Yes, I like them very much. T: Do you want to be a painter when you leave school, S5? S5: Yes. T: OK, in this lesson, let’s talk about some painters and their paintings. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 15 分钟) 呈现一些人物画、肖像画、山水画等图片,正面是代表作,背面写上作者和作品名。通过谈 论图片呈现 1a 主要内容,为听力扫除障碍。 1. (出示顾恺之的《洛神赋图》。) T: Look at this picture. What kind of painting is it? Ss:人物画。 T: Yes. It’s a figure painting. (板书,领读并要求学生理解。) figure T: (呈现画的背面。) Look at this side of the picture. Who painted it and what’s its name? Ss:It’s Luoshenfu that was painted by Gu Kaizhi. T: Right. Gu Kaizhi was a Chinese painter in the Dongjin dynasty. He was quite good at painting figures. 2. (出示张大千的山水画。) T: Look at this picture. What kind of painting is it? Ss:山水画/风景画。 T: Yes. It’s a landscape that was painted by Zhang Daqian. (同时出示画的背面。) (板书并领读,让学生了解 landscape。) landscape 3. (出示凡·高的《向日葵》。) T: Look at this picture. What flowers are they? Ss:Sunflowers. (帮助学生回答。) (板书并领读,让学生了解 sunflower。) sunflower T: Look at this side of the painting. Who painted it? Ss:Vincent van Gogh. (帮助学生回答。) T: Yes, Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch painter. His paintings are very lovely with bright colors. (板书并领读,让学生了解 Dutch。) Dutch T: Do you want to know more about Gu Kaizhi, Vincent van Gogh and their paintings? OK, let’s listen to 1a. 4. (用小黑板出示听力问题,在问题中呈现短语 in the distance, make up one’s mind,先让学生 掌握,然后听 1a 录音并核对答案。) (1)Is the way Vincent van Gogh showed things in the distance the same as the way Gu Kaizhi did? (2)What is the major symbol of expression in Vincent van Gogh’s paintings? (3)What did Steve make up his mind to be ? (Keys: (1) No, it isn’t. (2) Color. (3) A painter.) 5. (让学生找出本段对话的复合句,并说出从句的类型。) T: Please read 1a and find out the complex sentences, at the same time point out their types. Discuss in pairs and further understand them. (本段对话中含有状语从句和定语从句,在此过程中应得到复习。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:9 分钟) 通过朗读、表演等形式巩固 1a,完成 1b。然后引导学生练习定语从句和条件状语从句的用 法。 1. (放 1a 录音,让学生跟读。) T: Follow the tape, and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Then practice in pairs. 2. (两人一组表演 1a。) T: Work in pairs. Act out the dialog. 3. (完成 1b。) T: Read 1a again and complete the table in 1b. Check (√) the painter you like better. Then I’ll ask some of you to tell the reasons why you like them better. 4. (通过谈论与本话题相关的内容来引导学生练习定语从句和条件状语从句的用法。) T: Boys and girls, let’s talk about the painters and their paintings in this lesson using attributive clauses. S1: Gu Kaizhi was a Chinese painter who was quite good at painting figures. S2: Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch artist who was famous for his painting, Sunflowers. S3: Sunflowers is a great painting that was painted by Vincent van Gogh. … T: Good. S4, do you want to be an artist? S4: Yes. T: Boys and girls, please give him/her some advice. S5: If you want to be an artist, you must work hard. S6: If you want to be an artist, you’d better go to art class. S7: If you work hard at painting, your dream will come true. (学生在说的过程中很可能遇到困难,教师要善于引导,尽量让学生互相帮助完成此环节。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 7 分钟) 完成 1c 和 2。 1. (小组讨论,相互提问完成 1c。) T: Everyone has his own favorite artist. Please discuss the questions in 1c in groups. Then tell us a story about your favorite artist. Example: T: My favorite artist is Qi Baishi. He shows great love to life in his paintings. His paintings belong to modern arts. Work like this, please! In three minutes, I’ll ask some students to report. 2. (用“蒙娜丽莎”的画像引入 2 听力,完成 2。) T: Let’s look at another foreign painting. Who is this woman? Ss:“蒙娜丽莎”。 T: Yes. This portrait of Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. Would you like to know more about the great artist? If so, listen to the passage carefully. Then complete the tasks in 2 on page 34. OK, now let’s begin! (板书并让学生了解。) portrait (放录音,听后核对答案。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 4 分钟) 把全班学生分成若干小组,每组发一份调查表,用 3 中的教学挂图和学生自备的图片做调查, 并把调查结果以组为单位向全班作汇报。完成 3。 1. (引导学生总结书画的类型,并调查组内同学最喜欢的书画类型,艺术家和他们的作品、 风格及喜欢他们的原因。) Student’s name Animal Landscape Portrait Figure Artist Work Styl e Reason T: Please make a survey about the favorite kinds of paintings of the classmates in your group and complete the table. You can do it like this: Example: T: What type of painting do you like best? S1:My favorite kind of painting is … T: Why? S1:Because … 2. (学生完成调查表后,小组推选代表把调查结果汇报给全班同学。) T: You can report it to your class like this: Kangkang likes Xu Beihong’s paintings best. Because the horses in his pictures are very powerful. 3. Homework: Go to the library and skim at least five kinds of books. Write down the main characters, their characteristics and the writers’ styles of each book. 板书设计: Who is your favorite character in literature? Section A in the distance (1) I have made up my mind to be a painter. (2) It’s possible for you to succeed if you work hard at painting. make up one’s mind (3) The way he showed things in the distance is different from the way Gu Kaizhi did. (4) It was painted by Vincent van Gogh, who was a Dutch painter. Section B The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2a。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and a phrase: in one’s view, fly, kiss 2. Learn a proverb: One tree can’t make a forest. 3. Learn how to describe literary works. 4. Learn about Chinese classical literature and western literature. 5. Cultivate the students’ cooperative spirit. Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具 《西游记》、《哈利·波特》两本小说的相关图片/小黑板/录音机/幻灯片 Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:4 分钟) 首先让学生复述上节课 1a 的内容,然后检查上节课布置的作业,引导学生谈论文学作品的 作者,主要人物及其性格特征,引入新课。 1. (找几名学生介绍顾恺之和凡·高。) T: Who can tell me something about the painters of last lesson? S1: Gu Kaizhi was a Chinese painter in the Dongjin dynasty. He was quite good at painting figures. And the landscapes in his works also look attractive … S2: Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch painter. He was famous for his painting, Sunflowers. His paintings are very lively with bright colors … 2. (检查作业。让学生把自己阅读的文学作品的作者、主人公及其性格特征及作者的写作风 格向大家汇报。) T: Let’s check your homework. Who is the volunteer? Please report it to the class. (教师可先提供示范。) T: This book is called Yongzheng Dynasty. It’s mainly about Emperor Yongzheng. Yongzheng was very powerful. He made a great contribution to the dynasty. Eryuehe always writes stories about Chinese emperors, especially the emperors of the Qing dynasty. S3: This book is called … It’s mainly about ... S4: ... T: Well done! In this lesson, let’s talk about another two books and their characters. (出示《西游记》和《哈利·波特》两本书的相关图片,引出新课。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 13 分钟) 用上述两本小说的相关图片,引导学生谈论小说主人公的性格特点,学习 1a 中的重点语言 项目及部分生词,并适时地对学生进行情感教育。 1. (呈现小说《西游记》主人公的图片,让学生们描述其内容,为后面对各个角色的描述作 铺垫。) T: What can you see in the picture? Ss: We can see four people. T: Who are they? Ss: They are the characters in Journey to the West. (对于这个回答,教师可以给出适当的提示,也可以用这四个人名来 回答。) T: Great! Journey to the West is one of the four classic novels of Chinese literature. (板书并让学生理解 literature;了解 classic。) classic, literature (教师继续提问。) T: Which character do you like best? (学生们可以给出不同的回答。) S1: I like the Monkey King best. S2: I like Sandy best. S3: I like Pigsy best. S4: I like Xuanzang best. (当学生们给出不同的回答后,教师提问他们喜欢这一角色的原因,引导学生们对其性格 特点做出描述。) T: Why do you like the Monkey King? S1: Because he is funny and clever. T: Why do you like Sandy? S2: Because he is kind and helpful. T: Why do you like Pigsy? S3: Because he is fat and lazy. He likes eating very much. He is very funny. T: Why do you like Xuanzang? S4: Because he can say magic words to control the Monkey King. (教师总结学生们的回答,并对其进行情感态度方面的教育。) T: Xuanzang was nearly eaten by his enemies. With the help of the other three, he was saved at last. 2. (呈现《哈利·波特》的图片,让学生们描述其内容,为后面对各个角色的描述作铺垫。) T: What can you see in the picture? Ss: We can see some children. T: Who are they? Ss: They are Harry Potter and his friends. T: Which character do you like best? S5: ... S6: ... (允许学生们给出不同的回答,然后问喜欢的原因。) T: Why do you like …? S7: Because ... … (教师总结学生们的回答。) T: Harry is clever and brave. But in my view, without the help of his friends he wouldn’t become a hero. (板书并让学生掌握。) in one’s view (总结学生们对两幅图的描述,加上一些适当的提示,对学生进行情感方面的教育,培养 其乐于与他人合作的精神,使其形成注重和谐及积极向上的品质。) T: The Monkey King is clever and powerful, but he can’t succeed by himself. His two friends give him a lot of help. Harry Potter is very brave and clever, but he can’t beat his enemies by himself. He would not become a hero without the help of his friends. From that we know one tree can’t make a forest. We must know how to work together with others. Then we can make a great success. Now let’s listen to 1a and know more about the characters in the novels. (板书画线部分并让学生猜句意。) One tree can’t make a forest. 3. (用小黑板板书问题,让学生带着任务听 1a,锻炼其从材料中获取信息的能力。) T: Now please listen to 1a. Then answer the following questions: (1)In order to help Harry, what did Harry’s friends do? (2)What’s Kangkang’s view? (听录音后,师生共同核对答案。) Key: (1)They read many books and discovered the best way to defeat their enemies. (2)Neither the Monkey King nor Harry Potter would become a hero without the help of their friends. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 8 分钟) 巩固 1a,完成 1b。 1. (三人一组表演 1a,加深对对话的理解。) T: Let’s act out the dialog. Work in groups of three. 2. (小组活动,让大家一起讨论并填写表格。) T: Let’s work in groups of four, and discuss the characters in 1a with your group members. Then fill in the chart and check (√) your favorite character. 3. (选两位学生作汇报,其他学生一起核对并对其进行补充,然后师生一起补全表格中人物 的性格特征,完成 1b。) S1: … is my favorite character. Because … S2: … is my favorite character. Because … Character the Monkey King Sandy Pigsy Harry Potter Harry’s friends Characteristics funny, clever, brave … honest, wise, helpful … kind, funny, a little lazy … brave, handsome, kind … helpful, wise … Your favorite character (可用小黑板或幻灯片展示上面的表格。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 10 分钟) 学生谈论文学作品中他们最喜爱的人物,导入 2a。完成 2b。 1. (让学生拿出自己收集的文学作品,并描述自己最喜欢的人物。) T: Please take out your literature works and describe your favorite characters. Why do you like him or her? What other characters do you remember clearly? Do you like them? Why or why not? S1: ... S2: ... 2. (完成 2a。通过活动培养学生的阅读能力。) (1)(读 2a,找出文中所提及的重点人物,培养学生获取信息的能力。) T: Let’s read 2a and find the answer to the question: Who are mentioned in this passage? (读完后,教师核对答案。) (2)(对哈利·波特和孙悟空进行比较,以加深学生对文章的理解并培养他们对人物分析的 能力。) T: Compare the similarities and differences between Harry Potter and the Monkey King. You can do it with your partner. (教师帮助总结,并板书,让学生掌握 fly。) The similarities: can fly, both brave and clever The differences: Harry Potter the Monkey King 1)super power 1)funny behavior 2)handsome and kind 2)is good at hiding 3)protect his friends from danger 3)hides by turning himself into a small living thing such as a bee or a fly 3. (引导学生根据 2a 内容进行讨论,并适时地进行情感教育,在讨论中完成 2b。) (1)(学生自读短文,根据文中所提供信息,描述哈利·波特和美猴王。) T: Read by yourselves and describe Harry Potter and the Monkey King. S3: Harry Potter has many powers. He can fly and protect his friends from danger. He is not only brave, but also handsome and kind. S4: The Monkey King is a brave hero. He is very clever and funny. He often behaves like a child and makes us laugh. The Monkey King can fly and he is good at hiding. He hides by turning himself into a small living thing, such as a bee or a fly. (2)(让学生描述其他文学作品中的人物形象。) T: Who is your favorite hero in literature? Describe the hero with a few sentences to your partner. (3)(教师总结,对学生进行情感教育。) T: The heroes you mentioned are all very successful. But who succeeds all by himself? Ss: ... T: No one can succeed all by himself. They always need the help from his relatives or friends. One tree can’t make a forest. We must work together with others. (4)(两人一组讨论 2b 中的问题。) T: Please discuss the questions of 2b in pairs, and then I’ll ask some of you to report. S5: … S6: … S7: … (再读 2a,对其进一步理解。) T: Read 2a again and have a further understanding of it. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 5 分钟) 通过情景剧表演,加深对中国文学中人物的理解。欣赏诗歌,完成 3。 1. (组织学生从熟悉的 Journey to the West 中选材或自编一个小情景剧,分四人小组进行表演。) 要求: (1)情景剧表演。 (2)人物的语言与其身份要符合,特别是 the Monkey King。 T: Let’s make up a short play. Work in groups of four. Four students act as the Monkey King, Sandy, Pigsy and Xuanzang respectively. Then choose two groups to act it out. (教师在学生组织表演时应及时提供必要的帮助。) T: Which group can act out your play? G1: … G2: … 2. (欣赏 3 中的诗歌。) (1)(看图画,分析内容,帮助学生理解诗歌。) T: Now let’s come to class activities. First of all, let me tell you the word “kiss”. Here “kiss” means to touch somebody with your lips as a greeting or as a sign of love. (板书,并要求学生掌握。) kiss (2)(听录音并跟读,欣赏诗歌。) T: Listen to the tape and repeat. Appreciate the poem. 3. Homework: Write a short article in the topic“My friend”using the descriptive words you have learnt in this lesson. 板书设计: Who is your favorite character in literature? Section B (1)In my view, neither the Monkey King nor Harry Potter would become a hero without the help of their friends. (2)One tree can’t make a forest (3)Sometimes we can’t help laughing because of his funny behavior. Section C The main activities are 1a and 2a. 主要活动 1a 和 2a。 Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and a phrase: golden, set free 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1)But the short boy got stuck in the mud and started to sink. (2)However, when someone does something good for you, you should carve it on a stone from which the wind can never erase it. 3. Understand further how to cherish friendship. 4. Go on talking about art and literature. Ⅱ.Teaching aids 教具 小黑板/文学作家作品图片 Ⅲ.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5 分钟) 检查作业,让学生描述文学作品中他们最喜爱的人物,复习上节课的语言知识点。为导入新 课作准备。 1. (检查作业,让学生叙述作文—My friend。) T: Now let’s check up your compositions. Who can report your result? Volunteers? S1: … S2: … 2. (小组讨论,孙悟空与哈利·波特更喜欢哪一个?复习上节课的语言知识点。) T: Discuss in groups. Which hero do you prefer, the Monkey King or Harry Potter? Why? 3. (让学生描述自己最喜欢的文学作品中的人物。) T: Please take out your literature works and describe your favorite characters. Why do you like him or her? What other characters do you remember clearly? Do you like them? Why? S3: … S4: … Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 12 分钟) 运用不同的教学方式呈现新词汇,然后学习 1a。锻炼学生的英语阅读能力,让学生懂得珍 惜友谊。 1. (教师用不同的方式呈现新词汇,导入 1a。) T: From Journey to the West, we know the Monkey King was set free by a Tang dynasty monk, Xuanzang. The Monkey King won every battle for Xuanzang with the help of Pigsy and Sandy. They helped each other and succeeded in finishing their tasks. Now we certainly know friendship is very important to us. However, arguments are common between friends. How can we deal with them? First, let’s learn some new words. Next, maybe we can get some help from the story Sand and Stone. (板书并要求学生掌握 set free;理解 argument。) set free argument (1) (利用构词法学习生词。) eraser (n.) —— erase (v.) —— erase … from … gold (n.) —— golden (adj.) (2) (利用英文解释学习生词。) mud = very wet earth sink = go down slap = a quick hit with the flat part of the hand (板书并要求学生掌握 golden;理解 mud 和 sink;了解 slap 和 erase。) erase mud erase … from … golden sink slap 2. (教师出示小黑板上的问题,让学生阅读 1a 后回答问题。) T: I believe you can help each other, and everyone should have the grateful heart. Here is a story with the idea of it. Let’s come to 1a and read the story Sand and Stone. Then answer the following questions. (出示小黑板。) (1)How many people are there in the story? (2)Where did the story happen? (3)What did the tall boy do when he had an argument with his friend? (4)Where did the short boy write the words when his friend hurt him? (5)What happened in the pond? (6)Where did the short boy write the words when his friend saved him? (7)What did he mean by his last words? (核对答案。) (以下是几个问题的答案,板书以备学生复述。) (1) There are two people in the story. (2) The story happened in a desert. (3) He slapped his friend in the face. (4) He wrote in the sand. (5) The short boy got stuck in the mud and started to sink. (6) He wrote on a stone. (7) If someone hurts me, I’ll be angry but try to forget it and forgive the person. If someone gives me help, I’ll be thankful to him and try to remember him forever. 3. (让学生用自己的话复述课文,要求用记叙文。) T: Please retell the story with the sentences above. (读课文,进一步理解故事。找出在课文中遇到的疑难点。) T: Now well, stop here. Let’s read the text again and have a further understanding of 1a. And find out the difficult points. (教师帮助学生解决疑难点,并板书疑难点。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 10 分钟) 根据 1a,让学生讨论 1b 的问题,完成 1b。教育学生应该学会宽容,并乐于与他人合作。 1. (根据短文,让学生回答问题,完成 1b 中第一个问题,为下面的辩论作准备。) T: Do you agree that it is good to forgive your friends when they hurt you? Why? S1:Yes. I agree, because... S2: Yes, I agree, because… (教师作出总结,教育学生正确认识自己的优点与不足,学会宽容并乐于与他人合作。) T: OK. You did a good job. You can solve the problem according to your own ideas. But remember the proverbs: Two heads are better than one. One tree can’t make a forest. One more friend, one more way. We should always be thankful and grateful to others. We should cherish friendship. Then we can get more happiness from our life. 2. (两人合作完成 1b 中的 2。) T: Please work in pairs to finish 2 of 1b. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 8 分钟) 要求用尽量多的定语从句,介绍 2a 图片上的中外著名文学家及其作品,然后讨论 2b 中的问 题,完成 2a 和 2b。让学生了解中外文学家及文学作品。 1. (展示图片,介绍中外著名文学家及其作品。) T: Please look at the pictures in 2a. Let’s understand the literati at home and abroad and their works. 2. (把学生分成两组,一组代表中国,另一组代表其他国家,帮助他们用定语从句对 2a 图 片上的人物进行描述。) T: I’ll divide the class into two groups. One stands for China and the other stands for foreign countries. Describe the persons on the pictures using attributive clauses. Example: Bing Xin is a famous writer who is known for writing children’s works. 3. (两人一组讨论 2b 中问题,完成 2b。) T: Work in pairs. Discuss the questions in 2b. Finish 2b. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究(时间: 5 分钟) 把 3 中短语和图片连接起来,讲述美猴王的故事。完成 3。综合训练学生读、写、说能力, 培养学生的合作精神。 1. (让学生先看 3 中的图片,分析其所描述的内容,并将其与描述性短句对应上。) T: Look at the pictures in 3 and match them with the expressions above. (对 6 幅图逐一描述,核对答案。) T: Let’s look at these pictures. Who can describe them? S1: The Monkey King is born from a magic stone. S2: The Monkey King has a fantastic golden iron bar. S3: The Monkey King is fighting against the gods. S4: The Monkey King is held under a mountain. S5: The Monkey King is set free by a Tang dynasty monk, Xuanzang. S6: The Monkey King helps Xuanzang travel to the West with Pigsy and Sandy. 2. Homework: According to your descriptions, write a story about the Monkey King as homework. 板书设计: Who is your favorite character in literature? Section C argument 1. But the short boy got stuck in the mud and started mud to sink. golden 2. However, when someone does something good sink for you, you should carve it on a sone from which set free the wind can never erase it. erase … from … Section D The main activities are 1a and 3. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 3。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some phrases: sooner or later, catch up with 2. Sum up the sentence patterns and useful expressions in Topic 2. 3. Improve listening, speaking and writing skills of the students. 4. Learn about the structure of the short English play. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 图片/多媒体课件/录音机 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5 分钟) 教师检查作业,然后以头脑风暴的方式复习本话题前三个部分的知识点,导入新课。 1. (检查作业,让学生讲述美猴王的故事。) T: Now check up the homework. Who would like to tell a story about the Monkey King? S1, please. S1:… 2. (头脑风暴:复习本话题前三个部分的知识点。) T: In this topic, we have learned something about Chinese and western culture, such as some artists and their works, some famous novels and the characters in the literary works. Can you say something about them? For example: Gu Kaizhi is a famous artist who is known for Luoshenfu. Now who can have a try? S2:Cao Xueqin is a wonderful author who is known for Dream of the Red Chamber. S3:… 3. (通过谈论伊索寓言,导入新课。) T: Have you heard of Aesop’s Fables? Ss: Yes. There are many interesting stories in it. T: That’s right. They’re very popular with children. Today we’ll learn one of them — The Tortoise and the Hare. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 12 分钟) 展示龟兔赛跑图,呈现新词汇,导入新课,学习 1a。让学生了解另一种文学艺术形式—— 短剧,培养学生的阅读能力。 1. (出示龟兔赛跑图,简单介绍故事,呈现新词汇。) T: Once upon a time, there was a match between a tortoise and a hare. Before the match, the hare thought he was sure to win the match, so he said to the tortoise,“I could beat you easily in the race unless you put wheels on your feet.”But the tortoise believed he could get where he was going sooner or later. The match began, the hare hopped to the finish line and the tortoise plodded to it. On the way, the hare rolled in the flowers and slept under the tree, but the tortoise stuck to going ahead and caught up with the hare. In the end, the tortoise won the match. Do you want to know the story in details? (板书并要求学生掌握:sooner or later, catch up with;理解 tortoise 和 roll;了解 hare, hop 和 plod。) tortoise hare sooner or later hop plod roll catch up with 2. (导入另一种文学艺术形式——短剧,学习 1a。) T: We’ve learnt a few types of literature and learnt a lot from them, but do you know another type of literature — English play? Please read the short play The Tortoise and the Hare quickly with the following questions. (多媒体呈现以下问题。) (1)How many characters are there in the short play? (2)Where did Scene 1 happen? (3)Where did Scene 2 happen? (4)Where did Scene 3 happen? T: OK, stop here! Who’d like to answer the questions? S1: ... S2: ... S3: ... S4: ... T: Very good! We’ve known the characters and places of the play. Now, let’s go on reading it. Please read Scene 1 carefully and then finish the following tasks. (多媒体呈现任务。) Task 1: Read and write down the key words. Task 2: Tell us the general idea of Scene 1. T: Finished? Ss: Yes. T: S5, please read the key words which you’ve written down. S5: … T: S6, tell us the general idea of Scene 1 using your own words. S6: … T: Great! Now let’s come to Scene 2 just like what we did in Scene 1 and pay attention to the description of Scene 2. Go ahead, please. (教师问学生答,完成该环节。) T: OK, we’ve done well in Scene 1 and Scene 2. Next let’s read Scene 3 carefully with the following questions. (多媒体呈现问题。) 1. When the hare can see the finish line, what is he going to do? 2. What does the hare think? 3. When the hare sleeps, what does the tortoise do? 4. When the hare wakes up, where is the tortoise? (核对答案。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 7 分钟) 根据 1a,小组表演短剧,巩固 1a 的语言知识点,然后完成 1b 中的 1。让学生读懂哲理故事 并总结出人生道理。 1. (让学生听 1a 录音,分角色朗读 1a,并请几组学生表演,完成 1a。) T: We all have done a good job. Now listen to the tape of 1a, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, and get ready to act it out. T: Are you ready? Ss: Yes! (请 2~3 组学生表演并给予点评鼓励。) 2. (小组讨论,完成 1b 中的 1。) T: Perfect. Each pair has done well. Now discuss in pairs. In ActⅠthe tortoise wins the race. Why? What can you learn from the story? Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 11 分钟) 让学生发挥想象力完成 1b 中的 2。然后听 2 录音,完成 2。以练习的形式巩固本话题的知识 点。综合训练学生的听、说、读、写能力。 1. (学生编写龟兔赛跑的第二幕或第三幕,然后表演,完成 1b 中的 2。) T: If you are the hare, will you feel sorry? Do you want another match with the tortoise? Now, use your imagination to write Act Ⅱ in groups of three. Then I’ll ask two groups to put on their short plays. (请两组学生表演并给予点评鼓励) 2. (学生读 2,并掌握其中的句型结构。) T: Excellent! Now please read 2 and try to master the sentence patterns in it. 3. (做练习,巩固本话题的知识点。) T: Let’s do some exercises, OK? Complete the sentences with the right phrases, and pay attention to the forms of verbs. (多媒体呈现练习题。) make up one’s mind, sooner or later, stick to, give up, can’t help crying, catch up with 1. You will realize you are wrong _____. 2. Reporters should _____ investigating(调查,查明) facts. 3. He’s _____ to leave and that’s the final. 4. He _____ at the bad news. 5. I have _____ my classmates with the help of Mr. Li. 6. Smoking is bad for your health. You must _____ it _____. (师生核对答案。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 5 分钟) 谈论 3 中的图片,选择其中一幅编写成童话故事。然后从中截取片断改写成短剧,进行小组 表演。让学生乐于在现实中运用所学语言知识进行情感交流,能读懂哲理短文并总结人生道 理。 1. (根据图片,编写童话故事。) T: Look at the pictures on page 40 and choose one to make up a fairy tale. 2. (编排短剧,并表演,完成 3。) T: Adapt a short play from your fairy tale and then put it on in groups. 3. Homework: Find and appreciate some foreign arts and poems. 板书设计: Who is your favorite character in literature? Section D sooner or later catch up with Well then, I bet I can beat you in a race unless you put wheels on your feet. I must stick to going ahead. Topic 3 I will remember our friendship forever. Section A The main activities are 1a and 3a. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 3a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases: first of all, a piece of, handwriting, chalk, dozen, dozens of, pound, penny 2. Learn some useful sentences: (1) It’s a piece of cake. (2) Where there is a will, there is a way. (3) It’s the thought that counts. 3. Learn to talk about what we should do before leaving school and how to give a speech at the graduation ceremony. 4. Review the topic about shopping: (1) Do you have any other colors/sizes/materials/kinds? (2) What size …? (3) —How much is/are …? —It is/They are … yuan/pounds/dollars/pennies. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/歌曲 Auld Lang Syne 的磁带/画有英镑、美元和便士的卡片/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:7 分钟) 让学生写出毕业典礼的祝愿用语,学习新单词。 方案一: 1. (播放歌曲 Auld Lang Syne,营造一种离别的气氛,创造真实的语言学习环境,唤起学生的 思维。) T: Boys and girls, do you know the song? What’s its name? Ss: Auld Lang Syne. T: That’s right. Could you tell me what it is about? Who will try? OK, S1. S1: It is about the feeling when people say good-bye. Is it right? T: Perfect! We often hear the song at the end of some activities. How time flies! You’ll finish your school soon, that is to say, you’ll graduate from our school soon. Maybe you’ll hear the song like that when you take part in a graduation ceremony. (“graduation ceremony” means “a meeting or a party for graduation”. In Chinese, it means “毕业典礼”.) (板书,并要求理解 graduate;了解 graduation ceremony。) graduate graduation ceremony 2. (要求学生写出毕业时的祝福语。) T: If we hold a graduation ceremony and write best wishes in English, what will you write? First of all, write it on a piece of paper, please. (板书并要求掌握。) first of all (此活动可激活学生已有的知识,也可引出下面的一些新单词。教师选出有新意的几条祝 福语,予以奖励。) T: Now, I collect some of yours. S2, could you read the slogans for us? S2: No problem. S3 says,“Let our friendship last forever.” S4 says, “We are the owners of future.” S5 says, “It’s lucky for me to have the days with you.” S6 says, “I would rather lose the world than have no news of you.” 3. (导入新单词。教师在讲述时用相应的实物或图片,通过直观法呈现新单词,并依次板书。 要求学生掌握生词 handwriting, chalk, dozen, pound, penny 及短语 a piece of, dozens of。) T: Thank you, boys and girls. How wonderful you all are! This job seems to be a piece of cake for you. (教师抽出其中书写最漂亮的一条祝福语。) T: Look at S5’s slogan. How beautiful his/her handwriting is! S5, could you design your slogan with some pictures on the blackboard with some colored chalks before the graduation ceremony? S5: Of course, I am glad to. T: Thank you, S5. I’ll give you a gift ahead, but you must guess what it is. Now, listen up! It is like a book, but we can write something such as passages, diaries and words in it. What is it? S5: A …? T: It’s a notebook. It’s cheap, but as the saying goes, “It’s the thought that counts. ” It means“礼 轻情义重”. T: Here you are, S5. I hope your handwriting will become more and more beautiful. S5: Thank you very much. (展示画有英镑、美元和便士的图片,依次呈现给学生。以轻松幽默的语气继续导入生词。) T: Look! I’ve got much foreign money here. How rich I am! I’ll get dozens of gifts for you with the money if you study English well. This is English money, a pound and a penny, and this is American or Australian money, a dollar. (板书并要求掌握。) a piece of cake: a thing that is very easy to do a piece of, handwriting, chalk, pound, penny dozens of a dozen = twelve T: Can you remember all the new words and phrases? Is it a piece of cake? Ss: Of course. 方案二: 1.(播放歌曲 Anld Lang Syne,营造一种离别的气氛,创造真实的语言学习环境,唤起学生的 思维。) T: Boys and girls, do you know the song? What’s its name? Ss: Anld Lang Syne. T: That’s right. Could you tell me what it is about? Who will try? OK, S1. S1: It is about the feeling when people say good-bye. Is it right? T: Perfeet! We often hear the song at the end of some activities. How time flies! 2.(导入新单词,并依次板书。) You’ve learnt here for three years. You’ll graduate from our school soon. But now, first of all, you must pass your final examination. You don’t think it is a piece of cake. (a thing that is very easy to do, it means“小菜一碟”) You can’t get good grade unless you work hard. Then, we’ll hold a graduation ceremony. (It means a meeting or a party for graduation. In Chinese, it means “ 毕 业 典 礼 ” ) And we’ll make a student whose handwriting is beautiful decorate our blackboard with colored chalks, we will prepare dozens of gifts for each other. The gift is cheap, but as the saying goes “It’s the thought that counts”(It means“礼轻情义重”) (板书,上面划线的单词和短语) graduate first of all a piece of cake graduation ceremony I bought two/a few dozen eggs. dozens of roses. handwriting chalks dozens of a dozen= twelve It’s the thought that counts. (展示画有英镑、美元和便士的图片,依次呈现给学生。以轻松幽默的语气继续导入生词。) T: Look! I’ve got much foreign money here. How rich I am! This is English money, a pound and a penny and this is American money, a dollar. (板书单词要求掌握。) pound penny T: Can you remember all the new words and phrases? Is it a piece of cake? Ss: Yes. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13 分钟) 学习 1a 和 3a。完成 2。培养学生的听说能力和阅读能力。 1. (呈现毕业前的一般的活动,进入 1a。) T: Class, can you tell me when you will graduate? Ss: In five months. T: OK. Let’s come to 2 on Page 41. Discuss with your partner. Check what you will do before leaving school. (让学生分组讨论,然后抽查部分学生的讨论结果,导入 1a 听力。) T: S1, what will you do? S1: I’ll take photos with one another and have a class get-together. T: S2, how about you? S2: I’ll prepare gifts for teachers and classmates. … T: Well done! Now, look at the picture on Page 41. Kangkang and some other students are talking with one another. Let’s listen to the tape of 1a to see what they are talking about. Then answer the questions on the small blackboard. (出示小黑板上的问题。) (1)When will they graduate? (2)What does Michael think of the final examination? (3)What will Kangkang say at the ceremony? (核对答案。) 2. (承上启下,导入 3a。) T: We have learned so many activities we can do before leaving school. If we hold a graduation ceremony, what will you do? S1: Write a slogan on the blackboard and draw some pictures on it. S2: We’ll talk about our friendship and our plans. S3: We’ll give presents to each other. ... T: Your ideas sound very good! Let’s listen to the tape of 3a and try to find out what they are talking about? (让学生听 3a 录音,试着回答问题。) Answer the following questions according to 3a: (板书) (1) Who will design and write on the blackboard? (2) Who has prepared dozens of cards for classmates? (3) What is Kangkang’s package full of? (由于本课生词较多,可让学生听完磁带后再阅读,然后再回答上述问题。) T: Now, read the dialog, and then I’ll ask some of you to answer the questions on the blackboard. (学生自由朗读,核对答案。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:9 分钟) 巩固 1a 和 3a,完成 1b。培养学生的阅读能力和语言表达能力。 1. (进一步巩固课文内容,分角色进行对话练习。朗读 1a 和 3a。) T: This time, we’ll act as different roles. Group 1 acts as Kangkang, Group 2 acts as Michael, Group 3 acts as Maria, Group 4 acts as Jane, and I act as Miss Wang. One, two, go! 2. (完成 1b。让学生参照黑板上关于 1a 和 3a 的问题,复述 1a 和 3a 的内容。培养学生的语 言表达能力。) T: Boys and girls, fill in the blanks of 1b, and then retell 1a and 3a according to the questions about them that have been showed. Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:6 分钟) 完成 3b 和 4。练习如何购物。 1. (对话表演。为毕业典礼进行购物活动,完成 3b。) T: Many of you say you will buy some gifts for your classmates. When you buy something, you should make sure what you’ll buy, why you buy it, how much it is and so on. The sentences of 3b on Page 42 may help you. Turn to Page 42. Let’s look through the sentences. (引导学生学习 3b 中的句子,为下面的对话表演作准备。) T: OK. Please find a partner. One acts as a customer and the other acts as a shop assistant. Make a dialog. Then, I’ll ask one pair to act it out. (两分钟后,找学生表演。) T: Can you act it out, S1, S2? S1,2: All right. S1: Good morning. What can I do for you? S2: Good morning. I need a red package for the graduation ceremony. S1: Sorry. I have no red package. S2: Do you have any other colors? S1: I have some blue ones. It’s very cheap but beautiful. S2: How much is it? S1: It is five dollars. S2: OK, I’ll take one. Here is the money. S1: Thank you. 2. (听力训练。完成 4。播放听力前,让学生先浏览一下 4 中的句子,培养学生的预测能力。) T: Before we listen to the tape, please turn to Page 42. Let’s look at the sentences in 4, and guess what you are going to listen. (一分钟后。) T: Let’s listen to 4 and understand what Michael does at the shop. (听完后。) T: Can you follow the dialog? Ss: Yes, we can. T: Please mark the sentences True (T) or False (F) alone. (核对答案。) T: S3, could you give your answers? S3: Yes. They are T, F, T, F, F from 1 to 5. T: Do you agree with him? Ss: Yes, we do. T: Good. Listen to the dialog once more. Check your answers. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5 分钟) 实践活动。进一步探究如何做好毕业典礼前的准备工作。 1. T: If you are asked to design a wall newspaper for the graduation ceremony. How will you do it? Please design it on a piece of paper alone. Each group chooses the best one from your group and hand it in. 2. Homework: Write a passage about how to prepare for a graduation ceremony. (要求 100 单词左右) 板书设计: I will remember our friendship forever. Section A graduate graduation ceremony first of all a piece of cake: a thing that is very easy to do It’s a piece of cake. a dozen = twelve Where there is a will, there is a way. It’s the thought that counts. Do you have any other colors/sizes/ materials/kinds? Section B The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 2a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn a new word and some phrases: bottom, look ahead, get off, get on 2. Review the present perfect tense and learn how to use it with other tenses. (1) Maybe I have done some things that hurt your feelings in the past three years. (2) We have studied and lived together like a happy family. 3. Learn how to exchange the past experiences with others. 4. Learn how to make a speech at the graduation ceremony. 5. Learn how to express farewells. 6. Learn how to make apologies and give responses. (1) If so, I beg your pardon. dozens of roses. two/a few dozen eggs.I bought (2) It’s nothing. (3) You don’t need to say sorry. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 小黑板/幻灯片/录音机/磁带 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8 分钟) 讨论如何准备毕业典礼,学习新单词和短语。 1. (复习上节课的功能话题以及现在完成时态和其他一些时态的综合运用。) T: Boys and girls, glad to see you again. Ss: Glad to see you, too. T: Your graduation is coming. What should you do to prepare for it? S1: I must study hard for the final examination. S2: I will buy some gifts for my good friends. S3: I will make some cards for my classmates and design some beautiful flowers and words on the blackboard for the ceremony. T: Great! Now, please work in pairs and discuss what you have done for graduation. (学生讨论,复习现在完成时态的用法。) T: S4, could you tell us what you have done? S4: I have taken some photos to send to my good friends. S5 and I have prepared a program for the graduation ceremony. T: S5, have you practised the program yet? S5: Yes, we have practised the program for a long time. T: That’s great. Most of you have prepared for the examination, haven’t you? Ss: Yes, we have. T: It’s so smart of you to do so. 2. (导入新单词及本课关键短语。) T: Boys and girls, we have stayed here for nearly three years. How time flies! We’ll say goodbye to each other. I believe during the past three years, you have got along well with each other. But, maybe you have done some things that hurt others. If so, you should beg their pardon. To my great joy, most of you are studying so hard. Thanks to your hard work, all of you have made great progress. As a teacher, from the bottom of my heart, I wish you all success in the future and remember the friendship forever. Remember the unforgettable time, will you? Ss: Certainly. (教师在陈述的同时,板书并领读画线部分的单词及短语,要求掌握 bottom。) say goodbye to… bottom get along well with… beg one’s pardon to one’s joy (呈现写有下列内容的小黑板或幻灯片,以此复习已学单词和短语,激活旧知识,为理解 课文作铺垫。) Fill in the blanks using the proper forms of the following word or phrases: to one’s joy, realize, enjoy oneself, get along well, go on, thanks to (1) my classmates’ advice (建议), I have made such great progress. (2) , I met an old friend in Beijing last Sunday. (3) Work hard, and you will your dreams. (4) Over the past three years, we with each other. (5) At the class get-together, they had a good time and very much. (6) Having a rest, we writing our compositions. (让学生单独完成练习,随后核对答案。教师就学生在练习中出现的典型问题进行讲解。) T: Boys and girls, work alone to complete the sentences. Then, let’s check the answers together. (板书) Answers: 1. Thanks to 2. To my joy 3. realize 4. have got along well 5. enjoyed themselves 6. went on Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:11 分钟) 学习 1a,完成 1b。学习 2a,培养学生的听说技能和阅读理解能力。 1. (让学生听 1a 录音,回答有关问题,呈现 1a。) T: Turn to Page 43. Look at the picture in 1a. Kangkang and Michael are talking about something. Listen to the tape and find out what they are talking about. There are some questions for you to answer after listening. (出示小黑板或幻灯片上的听力任务。) (1) Who will go back to America, Kangkang or Michael? (2) Has Kangkang done anything that hurt Michael’s feelings? What does Kangkang say? (3) What are they going to remember? (核对答案。) 2. (巩固 1a,完成 1b。) (把学生分成两组,分角色朗读 1a。) T: All right. Read the dialog in roles. Group 1 acts as Kangkang. Group 2 acts as Michael. One, two, three, go! (让学生根据对话内容填空,完成 1b。) T: Now, you have to complete a task alone according to the dialog. Turn to 1b on Page 43. Fill in the blanks and finish it as soon as possible. (核对答案。) 3. (让学生听 2a 录音,回答有关问题。呈现 2a。) T: Boys and girls, maybe some of you will make speeches at the graduation ceremony. Today, we’ll learn how to make it. There are two speeches at the graduation ceremony in 2a. Let’s see what they say in the speech. Listen to the passage carefully and complete the table: (教师呈现写有听力任务的小黑板或幻灯片。然后让学生听 2a 录音。) Name Item Maria Kangkang How they feel What they have got What they will do (在听录音之前,教师可对听力任务进行讲解,以降低听力难度,做到有的放矢。如有困 难,可再放一遍录音,以加强听力效果。) (核对答案。) T: Now, boys and girls. Let’s check your answers together. 4. (让学生再听 2a 录音,跟读,注意语音、语调。) Let’s listen to the passage again, and read after the recording. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 5. (让学生再读课文,加深对句子的理解,并找出关键词。) T: Read 2a again, and have a further understanding of the sentences in the text. At the same time you should underline the key words. (板书,并要求理解 award;掌握 look ahead。) award look ahead Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8 分钟) 巩固 2a,完成 2b。培养学生的语言运用能力。 1. (让学生根据所找出的关键词,复述课文。) T: Boys and girls, according to the key words that you have underlined, try to retell 2a with your own words. (让学生重新阅读 2a,完成 2b。) T: Well done! I’ll check how you grasp the text. Turn to 2b on Page 44, and choose the similar meanings for the underlined parts. First, finish the part alone. Then discuss and check your answers. (板书,并要求理解 enjoyable;掌握 get off 和 get on。) enjoyable get off get on 2. (整合文章内容,进一步加深对文章的理解。) T: Here are some questions. Could you answer them according to the text? (教师板书阅读任务,同时给学生一些思考的时间。) 1. Why is Maria feeling so excited and happy? 2. What has Maria got during the three-year time? 3. What will Kangkang do after graduation? (师生核对答案。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:8 分钟) 开展小组活动,讨论如何准备毕业典礼上的发言。完成 2c。 T: We have learnt two speeches. Now, we’ll discuss what you are going to say at the graduation ceremony. You can prepare your speech according to the five aspects below. (教师给出讨论的要点。) (1) My feeling. (2) The reasons for my feeling. (3) What I’ve learnt and done during the three years. (4) The most moving event. (5) My plan for the future. (教师根据情况让 1~2 名学生陈述。) Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5 分钟) 写作练习。指导学生写毕业典礼演讲稿。 1. (练习写毕业典礼演讲稿。) T: I think most of you have prepared for writing a speech. Now, write it on your exercise book. There are some requirements for you. (1)(先列出提纲,再写正文。) (2)(文章中要尽量运用已学过的或自己收集的谚语或俗语。)如: ①Where there is a will, there is a way. ②It’s the thought that counts. ③No pains, no gains. (3)词数:80~100。 2. Homework: Think of the things that have happened between you and your classmates over the past three years. Which ones do you think are unforgettable memories for you? Show your reasons. 板书设计 I will remember our friendship forever. Section B bottom Maybe I have done some things that hurt your feelings in the past three years. look ahead If so, I beg your pardon. get off It’s nothing. get on You don’t need to say sorry. We have studied and lived together like a happy family. Section C The main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是 1a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn a new word: period 2. Learn to talk about the feelings about farewells. 3. Learn some information about graduation. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 图片/各种毕业证书及学历证书/录音机 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:4 分钟) 由图片引出毕业典礼话题。 1. (向学生出示康康做演讲的图片,引出毕业典礼话题。复习 Section A 和 Section B 中的内 容。) T: Hello, boys and girls, what’s Kangkang doing? Ss: He is making a speech. T: Where is he making the speech? Ss: He is making the speech at the graduation ceremony. T: When will they graduate from Ren’ai International School? Ss: At this weekend. T: What must they do before graduation? Ss: They must pass the final examination. T: What will Michael do to get ready for their graduation ceremony? Ss: He will write some words on the blackboard with colored chalks. T: What has Jane done for it? Ss: She’s got many cards. T: What has Kangkang done for it? Ss: He’s prepared a large package of presents. T: You will graduate very soon. What will you do for it? S1: I will … S2: I … S3: … T: You have been together at school for nearly three years. The days you have spent together will be a beautiful memory in your life. So we say they are the golden old days. How are you feeling now? 2. (让学生们说出毕业前的心情,为后面的写作做铺垫。) S4: I feel excited because I will go to another school to learn more. S5: I feel worried because I have to pass the final examination. S6: I feel proud because I won the prize of “Excellent Student” in my class. S7: I feel sorry because we will leave our school. Maybe we can’t meet each other for a long time. S8: … T: What will you say to your old friends? S9: I’m going to remember all the good time we’ve had together. S10: If I hurt you sometime, I want to say sorry. S11: I’ll miss you all, my dear friends. S12: We can get together again sometime in the future. S13: … T: Well. I hope your friendship will last forever and wish you success in the future. You will have a graduation ceremony very soon. But what is a graduation ceremony? Please follow me. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:13 分钟) 设置相关话题,导入新课,以找段落主题的方式提高阅读水平。 1. (设置几个与本短文有关的话题,提前解释文中的某些句子。) T: I know a graduation ceremony is a custom which takes place when students graduate from a school. When you graduate from a school, you will receive a document. We call the document a diploma.(教师出示画有毕业证的图片或实 物,帮助学习理解 diploma。) T: On the paper, your name, your school’s name and your principal’s name will be signed. Diploma shows that you have successfully completed a course or has passed an examination, and also it means that you will meet a new possibility. (板书。要求理解 document 和 possibility;了解 principal 和 diploma。) document, possibility, principal, diploma T: What does a graduation ceremony mean? Ss: It marks the end of a period in one’s school life. (帮助学生回答。) (板书,并要求学生掌握。) period 2. (听 1a 录音,找出段落主题,帮助学生理解文章。) (1) (设置一个问题,让学生听第一段录音,找出段落主题。) T: Listen to the recording of the first paragraph in 1a and answer the question: What is the paragraph about? (听录音,回答问题。) Ss: It’s about a graduation ceremony. (以同样的方式完成第二段和第三段。) (2) (读 1a 全文,让学生们画出文中难以理解的内容,教师讲解并板书,要求学生掌握。) T: Let’s read the text again and underline the words, expressions and sentences that are difficult to understand. When you finish it, I will explain. …, so do the principal and some other officials. It shows that the student has successfully completed a course or has passed an examination. … because it marks the end of a period in a student’s school life. Graduation means change, and leaving unforgettable faces and places behind. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8 分钟) 设置小组活动,找出关键词并复述课文,巩固 1a,完成 1b 和 1c。 1. (再读 1a,完成 1b。) T: Read 1a by yourselves and answer the questions in 1b. (请同学们说出问题答案,并核对。) 2. (四人小组活动,写出每段的关键词,然后每组派一个代表复述课文。) T: Please work in groups of four and find out the key words in each paragraph. Then I’ll ask one student of each group to retell the passage. (如果学生们感到有难度,可让他们逐段复述。) 3. (细读最后一段,完成 1c。) T: Read the last paragraph of 1a and complete the table in 1c. You can also add your own opinions. (完成表格之后,找几个学生把填好的内容以师生对话的形式向全班汇报。) T: How do you feel when the graduation ceremony comes? S1: … T: Why? S1: ... (以相同的方法问其他的学生。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:11 分钟) 完成 2,拓展 2 内容完成设置的表格,巩固 Section A, B, C。 1. (教师总结学生们的回答,把内容引向 2。) T: Different students have different feelings. But most people are not willing to leave. What about Kangkang? A journalist is interviewing him after the graduation ceremony. Complete the dialog and then practice it with your partner. (1)(自读对话,填入答案。教师巡回指导,纠正错误。) (2)(设置问题,引导学生深入理解对话。) ① What’s Kangkang’s feeling? ② Is he willing to leave his school? ③ Will he keep in touch with his teachers and friends? ④ Will he come back to see his school? When? (对 2 中生词 anniversary 板书并稍作解释,要求学生了解。) anniversary (3)(两人一组表演对话。表演优秀的给予掌声鼓励。) T: Work in pairs to practice the dialog. 2. (总结离别前夕大家所想的、所做的,复习前几节课内容。) T: Work in groups of four. Then ask one student to report to the class. (1)What have they done or what did they do? (2)What should they do for the graduation? (3)What do they want to do? Summarize the contents and complete the table. Name Thing they have done Thing they should do Thing they want to do Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:4 分钟) 让学生畅谈毕业前夕的感想,提高其口语表达能力。完成 3。 1. (讨论。把毕业前夕自己的感受及想对老师和朋友说的话,以口头形式作汇报。) T: Please tell your partner what your feelings are and what you will say to your teachers and old friends. S1: … S2: … 2. Homework: Write a passage about what your feelings are and what you will say to your teachers and old friends when you are leaving school. 板书设计: I will remember our friendship forever. Section C …, so do the principal and some other officials. It shows that the student has successfully completed a course or has passed an examination. … because it marks the end of a period in a student’s school life. Graduation means change, and leaving unforgettable faces and places behind. Section D The main activities are 1a and 4. 本课重点活动是 1a 和 4。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 1. Learn some new words and phrases: in time, in a hurry, set off, get back, go for a walk, awake, for ever, alive 2. Learn useful sentences: (1)She’s just in time. (2)Have a safe flight! 3. Learn to express the feeling of being reluctant to part and cherish the friendship. (1)It was hard to set off because so many people wanted to say goodbye to my family. (2)I’m sad to be here watching you all heading back home. (3)I’m sorry I have to go now. (4)I hope you will have a great future. I’m looking forward to reading about it in your e-mails. (5)I’ll miss you! (6)Keep in touch! Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:5 分钟) 复习谚语。畅谈毕业典礼及感受。呈现新词,为 1a 的学习作铺垫。 1. (复习本单元谚语,教师以英汉交替的形式提问进行复习。) T: Some sayings are very important to us and we are familiar with them. Let’s review some of them together. T: 礼轻情义重。 S1: It’s the thought that counts. T: 有志者事竟成。 S2: Where there is a will, there is a way. T: 凡人皆有得意日。 S3: Every dog has its day. (教师说出英语,让同学们试着说出汉语,扩展同学们的知识。) T: No pains, no gains. Ss: 不劳无获。 T: A friend in need is a friend indeed. Ss: 患难见真情。 T: An early bird catches worms. Ss: 勤能补拙。 T: Waste not, want not. Ss: 俭以防匮。 T: All roads lead to Rome. Ss: 条条大路通罗马。 T: When in Rome, do as Romans do. Ss: 入乡随俗。 ... 2. (复习与毕业典礼有关的内容,为引出新课作铺垫。) T: What does a graduation ceremony mark? (帮助学生回忆教材中有关的句子。) Ss: It marks the end of a period in a student’s school life. T: It means something else. What does it mean? (让学生自主发表意见。) S4: It means we must leave this school. S5: It means we can’t be together any longer. S6: It means we have grown up. S7: It means we can see each other only in our dreams. S8: It means we may not see each other again. … Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:11 分钟) 教师引导学生从畅谈毕业典礼过渡到谈论教材中的四个主人公,导入生词;呈现 1a。 T: Quite good. All these sayings you said means you will remember and cherish your friendship. Do you still remember our good friends in Ren’ai International School? Ss: Yes. T: Do you remember where Maria is from? Ss: She is from Cuba. T: What about Michael? Ss: He is from the U.S.A. T: How about Jane? Ss: She is from Canada. (教师总结,引出机场送行。) T: Now they have graduated from Ren’ai International School. They have to go back home. How can they go back? Ss: They can go by air/by plane. T: They are leaving for their homes, or they are getting back to their homes. That means “they are starting to go back home.” (板书画线部分并要求掌握。) get back = start to leave for = head back at once T: Where should Kangkang see them off? Ss: At the airport. T: Yes, Maria, Jane and Michael will set off by air. Can they get to the airport in time? Does anyone will come in a hurry? Let’s go on to 1a and find it out. (板书画线部分并要求掌握。) set off in time in a hurry 2. (听 1a 录音,回答问题。) (1) (设置问题,让学生带着问题去听,锻炼其从听力材料中获取信息的能力。) (用小黑板呈现问题。) T: Now, let’s listen to the tape and find out the answers to the questions that I give you. (1)Who is the last one to get to the airport? (2)Why is she so late? (3)Which flight will Jane take? (4)Why will Maria worry about Michael? (5)From the dialog, we can know someone doesn’t like to write a lot.Who is he/she? (2) (再次放录音,让学生自己核对答案。) (3) (师生共同核对答案。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10 分钟) 回答关于 1a 的问题并找出送别用语,然后分角色表演对话。完成 1b。 1. (看对话听录音,找出生词并回答问题。) T: Look at 1a. Listen to the recording again. Underline the new words. Then answer the questions. (教师解释并板书,要求学生理解 head;了解 hug。) head hug (出示带有问题的小黑板。) (1)Why is it a sad farewell? (2)How do they plan to keep in touch? (3)What does Michael like doing? 2. (几分钟后,师生共同核对答案。) The answers are: (1)Because they may not see each other again. (2)They plan to keep in touch by sending e-mails. (3)He likes playing skateboard crazily. 3. 教师引导学生找出文中的送别用语,师生共同体会友谊的珍贵。 T: Well, you are doing a good job. Now, please find out the sentences about farewells. (教师解释并板书,要求了解 farewell.) farewell (几分钟后,教师提问学生找出的送别用语。) T: OK, are you ready? I’ll ask some of you to show us the farewell sentences. S1: ... S2: ... ... (板书送别用语。) (1)Sorry. It was hard to set off because so many people wanted to say goodbye to my family. (2)I’m sad to be here watching you all heading back home. (3)Jane, which flight will you take? (4)I’m sorry I have to go now. (5)I hope you will have a great future. I’m looking forward to reading about it in your e-mails. (6)I’ll miss you! (7)Keep in touch! (8)Have a safe flight! 3. (分角色表演对话。完成 1b。) T: Let’s practice the dialog in roles. (对表演优秀的小组给予鼓励。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10 分钟) 学生根据 1a 改编对话,并表演。完成 3,拓展 2,完成设置的问题与表格。 1. (编相似的对话。巩固 1a,培养学生灵活运用语言的能力。) T: Your graduation is coming soon. Let’s suppose you are seeing your friends off at the airport or at the station. Make a similar dialog in pairs or in groups. You can use the sentences about farewells that you’ve found to help you, then act it out. For example: A: Hey, B! I’m here. B: Oh, sorry. I’m late. It was hard to set off because so many people wanted to say goodbye to my family. A: I’m sad to be here watching you heading back home. B: Come on, A! We will meet again some day. A: I hope so, take care of yourself. B: OK. Keep in touch. A: I will. Have a safe flight! … 2.(激发学生了解 Maria 与三个小伙伴分别后生活状况的兴趣,复述 Maria 给 Kangkang 的 e-mail,导入生词,阅读 2 并完成 2) (1)T: Maria, Kangkang, Michael and Jane have said goodbye to each other at the airport. How are they going now? Do you want to know? Ss: Yes. T: Maria sent Kangkang an e-mail. In the e-mail, she says she likes her hometown very much, and she often goes for a walk at the seaside. She hopes to be good friends with Kangkang for ever. (板书画线单词和词组,要求掌握 go for a walk, for ever;理解 seaside。) go for a walk seaside for ever (继续呈现生词 awake) (教师看到 S1 在打瞌睡,走到其前,叫醒。) T: S1, wake up! Wake up, please! S1: ... (由 wake 引出 awake,并板书,要求掌握。) awake (2)T: Now, that’s all for it. Let’s look at 2. Complete the e-mail with the correct forms of the given words. First of all, let me explain the word“alive”. It means“continue to exist” or“keep existing”(in Chinese it means“继续存在”). We can say“keep a dream alive” and “keep a hope alive”. OK, do it please, and then I’ll check the answers. (板书并要求学生掌握。) alive (3)(师生共同核对答案。) (4)(设置问题,帮助学生深入理解短文。) ① Where did Maria arrive? ② Where does she often go for a walk? ③ Why did she feel sad? (提问学生并核对答案。) 3. (让学生读 3,并掌握其中的句型。) T: Please read 3, and try to master the sentences in it. 4. (小组活动,谈论毕业打算及去向。) T: You are going to leave school, and what are you going to do after graduation? What do you want to be in the future? How can you realize your dream? Please work in groups of four. Then I’ll ask some students to report it to the class. Name Want to be How to do Steve artist go to an art school Example: Steve likes painting a lot. He wants to be an artist very much, so he will go to an art school to realize his dream. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:4 分钟) 毕业活动设计,完成 4。 1. (学生收集名言,选一条作为自己的座右铭。) T: Collect famous sayings as many as possible, and then choose one as your motto. 2. (给同学写临别留言。) T: Collect parting wishes from your classmates. (制作通讯录。) T: When you leave each other and want to keep in touch with your friends, you can make an address book. Fill in the chart and report it to others. (表格学生可扩展。) Name Address Telephone number E-mail Motto Star sign Hobby 3. Homework: Ask your schoolmates to fill in your address book. 板书设计: I will remember our friendship forever. Section D in time She’s just in time. set off It was hard to set off because so many people wanted to say goodbye to get back my family. in a hurry Keep in touch! go for a walk Have a safe flight! for ever awake alive

