【教学设计】Unit 4 Lesson 19(冀教版)

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【教学设计】Unit 4 Lesson 19(冀教版)

Unit 4 Family Lesson 19 Family 【教学目标】 【知识目标】 通过本课的学习,使学生掌握关于家庭的词汇:family, brother, sister, mother, father 等。 【能力目标】 掌 握 关 于 家 庭 成 员 的 基 本 表 达 , 熟 练 单 词 与 句 型 : This is my brother/father/mother/sister. 【情感目标】 通过对家庭成员的了解,增强学生的家庭责任感,并热爱自己的家庭。 【教学重难点】 重点: 学会向同学介绍自己的家庭成员,牢记 brother, mother, father, sister, family 几个 单词,熟练应用于对话中。 难点: 通过对本课的学习增进对家庭的热爱和理解,强化家庭责任感。 【课前准备】 Tape recorder, Pictures. 【教学过程】 Step 1:Learn new words first Teacher show pictures of different family members: father, mother, sister, and brother. Let student remember these words. Step 2: Let’s sing a song Teacher turn on the tape recorder. Sing《The Family in Our House》. “ The family in our house. The family in our house. Hi-ho the der-ry-o-. The family in our house. The family has a father. The family has a father, Hi-ho the der-ry-o-. The family in our house.” Step 3: New lesson Learn important sentences about how to introduce your family members to your friends: This is my family/father/mother. Explain the interesting meaning of family. Let’s chant to remember today’s learning better. Step 4: Make a conversation Danny: Hi, Mary. Look! This is my family. Mary: Wow, that's good. Who is he? Danny: This is my father and that is my bother. How about your family? Mary: Look, this is mother? Danny: Oh, and who is she? Mary: This is my sister. She has long hair. Step 5: In a word Review today’s new words and sentences. This is my family/father/mother/sister/brother. Who is this/he /she? Step 7: Homework Write a letter to your friends to introduce your family member. 并在下节课堂上读 给大家听。 

