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⒛15山东省日照市中考英语试卷 一、听力 略 二、单项选择。(共 10小题,计 10分 ) 1. prcmicr Li sald wc should spccd up tllc II1tcn1ct and lowcr tllc .( ) A. moncy B。 pricc C. valuc D. scⅣ icc 2.-Hcy, ttlltl it of, plcasc!We don℃ music in thc rcadlng room, -Oh, rm s。叮y, sir.I won℃ do it again。 ( ) A.dlowB.hcar C。 ellloyD。 hkc 3. -What do you tl血 止 of曲e TV show Running Mcn? -Wcll, I can℃ s切nd it,but my son tllid6it__ .( ) A, boring B. J(irˉ 1J1“ ratjng C. intcrc虻ingD. mcallinglcss 4. somc studcntscan do vcγ wcllin Enghsh cxams,butcan~___ˉ undcrstand、 Vhata nauvc spCakcr says。 ( ) A. cxacdy B. always C. easilyD, hardly 5.Ⅵ%cn L血 Xiang announccd tllathc would mnllIng forcvcr,hc burstinto tcals.( ) A. givc a、vay B. givc up C。 givc Out D. g1vc1n 6. F【 is opinions are sirni1ar___ˉ ˉy°urs but difcrent JuⅡ a’s. ( ) A。 to: 岔omB.iom: toC.as; witll D.with; as 7.~Air poⅡ utIOn is bccon1ing rlaorc and Inorc scrious,~____aCtions must bc takcn to stop it.( ) A.so B,but C.or D.untⅡ 8.You___go由 rough tllc sccuh″ chCck(安检 )bc允 rc gc⒒ ing on tllc train。 。( ) A.can B。 血 ght C。 may D,mu哎 9, -Havc you watchcd thc movic tllc LcR Ear? -Ycs, I____~⒒ last night、vith!ny sistcr. ( ) A.havc watchcd B.watchcd C.wm w扯 chD.was watching 10. -I don℃ kIlow______this type ofsmalt phone. -、V11y nott9/the、vcbsitc-, n1cituan。 com? ( ) A. whcrc can I nnd B. whatI can丘 nd C.whcrc I can丘nd D。 how can I nnd 二、完形填空 ry。u hvc sccn thC sho丘 play"I、 c got much moncy (不 差钱 )",you must llavc bccn i1nprcsscd by thc、vay Xiao shenyang drcsscd (31) . Thc drcss hc、 vorc is ca1lcd the kilt (苏格兰方格妮短裙).Thclc o a兔 mous (32)____ln⒌odalld,It says,"Amanin a kilt is a rnan and a half. "This saying shows how (33) ~ˉ ˉ̄ˉ̄— tllC kⅡt is for Sco"sh pcople。 The kiltis a spccia1drcss, Most scottish Fnen (34) ~ˉ ˉ̄ ˉ̄ ̄it· Why do Scottish rncn wcar (35) and whars thc history of this spcciaI drcss? It’s said thatin the16th ccnm乃 /, the Scottish highlands、vcrc (36) ___ˉˉ̄ ,̄ so the roads wc1c always丘 Ⅱ1of mud (泥 )。 Thc mud madc n vcγ diⅢ cu⒒ for soldlσs to (37) around. S1o、 vly pcoplc found thatthc soldicrs in kⅡ ts could Iuovc rnorc (38) than d1osc lll trou⒃ s bccau∞ ⒗肽 wclc much morc nc妊 blc(灵活 的 ).ll/llars m。 t, soldIcrs could uⅡ thc kilt on cold nights (39) ~ a blankCt· In thc modclll thncs, the kⅡ t (40) _ scottish pride. Peoplc、 Ⅳear kⅡ ts1or (41) cvcnts, weddings and traditional spolting cvcnts, 允r cxalll1● IC· But that’ s notaⅡ , Thc colors of a kⅡt also sho、 v a pcrson’ s (42)~______ histo。Ⅱ EaCh scottish1on△ 1y hasa di旺crcnt pattc∏ 1. So a Scotsn1an is、 Vearing not only the national d1·css of his Country, (43) ___ˉ ˉ̄ ̄the pride of his hmi~· Today, 血shion dcsigncrs ale tγ ing to makc thc k"t (44) n10rc n1odcm and 血shionablc to catch morc cycs. Bcsidcs c1o曲 , thc dcsigncrs arc tγing somc (45) match耐 s such灬 papcr and⒗ athcr(皮 革 ). 31.A.himself B.him C,his D.hc 32.A。 word B,say△ 11g C.scntcncc D.convclmtion 33. A, schous B.impoItant C. con1hrtablc D. intcrcs伍 ng 34. A. sell B。 drcss C. wear D. lllakc 35.A.jackcts B.shilts C.汀 0users D.ki1ts 36.A.dγ B.wct c.widc D.naⅡ ow 37. A. lic B.rcst c. movc D. slccp 38. A, s1ow B.s1owly C. quick D. qt】 lckly 39.A,of B。 as C。 with D.for 40, A. stands for B。 shows of C。 切kcs away D. pu“ up 41.A. sma11 B, unimportant C. spccial D. dⅡ Ⅱcu⒒ 42.A,countγ B.work C· Cducau。 n D.血 miˇ 43. A, but B.and C。 or D. yct 44.A.允 cl B.smcll C.look D.sound 45. A. othcr B. anotllcr C. otllcrs D, clse 四、阅读理解。 A smoking can causc canccr, hcat problcms and o山er dkcascs。 Altllough almo哎 cvα `Ⅺ dy knowss1noking is bad1or heald1, peoplc still smoke。 Forl△ lnately, actions are no、冫Ⅱ being taken to stop smoklng。 Youth tum thc1r back on smoking ,̈(Dnly99汔 oftccns in thc IJs smokc cigarcttcs, aCCording to a rcccnt su刀 cy, Thars far down f⒈on1239汔 in2000. The Tmth is、 vorking to cnd tccnagc smoking。 Thcy usc socia11ucdia to rcn1ind tccnagcrs of 曲c dangcrs ofsmo⒗ ng。 "Ifwc dljoin hands, smokcIs and nonˉ smokcrs, wc can cnd smoklng once and允 r aⅡ", thc Tmtll campalgn(讵弘劝) wcbsitc哎 atcs.since od27, 21, 615clllldⅡ n and tccns in伍 c Us havcjoincd thc camp加 gn and promiscd notto smokC, Thc group bopcs thatthcy can givc tccns and young pcop1c thc knowlcdgc to llbc thc gcncratlon BC刂 Jllg says no to smoke A ncw allti-smokng rc。ouhon(条 例 ) wi11soon takc eⅡ ect on Junc⒒ n Bc刂 ing.It is mgardcd Ⅱ "Chinrs t。 ughcst(最 严格 的 ) cvcr"tobacco con“ ollcgulauon。 According to d1c rcgulation, smoking is not allo、 vcd in allindoor pubhc p1accs, including pubhc transpoliation. Thosc、vho brcak thc rulcs、 vⅡl bc flncd up to200,△ lan. Tcachcrs cannot smokc in佥 ont of sttldcnts in prillaary and n1idd1c schools。 schools arc also rcquircd to he1p stLIdcnts quit smoking and educatc thcn1about thc11an11ofs1noking. BC刂 ing has sct up an antlˉ smoking hodlllc (12320)and a氓 巴Chat accou11t (s1mokcˉ Icc BC刂 ing), to which pcop1c can scnd photos to rcpolt smokcrs. Tllc public跽 also invitcd to∞ tc(投票 ) on stopˉ smoking爹 smres on WcChat,So far, an imagc ofa gir1covcring hcr nosc has bcco1nc thc lnost popular pick. XinllLla NcWs 46. A. 47. A. B。 C。 D。 48. To suppo丘 his ldea, d1e wrltcr uscs t、 vo~ˉˉ̄ ˉ̄ ·̄ advcliiscmcn“ B. ncws rcpo⒒ s C. postcrs D.noticcs Accordng to tllc Bc勾 ing allti-smokng lcgtlIatlon, _____. passcngcrs on buscs or tra1ns can smoke. school teachcrs can smokc in class. stL】dcnts should bc cducatcd about thc halIn of smoking thosc smoking in indoor pubhc placcs、 vⅡl bc flncd up toY100 According to thc ffst passage, people can to report smokers. A. cal1tlac pohcc B. post a lcttcr 49. "The Tmth"n1ight bc thc nan1c ofa (n) A. organization B. pcrson C. 50. The、 vriter is仃 ying to_______, school A. show山 at pcopIc arc妞⒗ng acuons t。 stop smoking C. ca11at12320 D. start a vote D.typc ofogarcttcs Β c D cxpIain to us some lc1owlcdgc ofcigarcttcˉ Π澉 吨 relymd us ofthc grcat harm ofsmo血 g ca11on peop1e to support smolζing. Sing thc Languagc You吁 c Lc引ΠⅡng Ho、v can you rcmcmbcr a song from your ChⅡ dhood to this day? Why do you tcachcrs usc songs to tcach you Enghsh? It scems there is a scienti丘 c Mason允r this. Rcscarchcs arc now studying tllc rclationslllp bcbl,ccn music and rcmcmbcring a hrcign languagc. Tbcy flnd tllat rcmc1△ bcong、 vords in a song is thc bcst、vay to rcmcmbcr cvcn thc1nost diflcult languagc。 "singing could bc a nc、 v way of lcaming a foreign languagc. Thc brain likcs to rcmcmbcr tllings w11cn t11cy aⅡ uscd h a catchv and mcaningΙ 辶l way", s西 d Dr.Karcn Ludkc.Thc findlngs may hc1p thosc、vho havc di士 IicuIties lean1ing forcign languages. On his blog, Dr, Ludkc、 vrite, "A hstcnˉ and- r̄cpcat singing mctllod can support hreign1anguagc lcan1ing, and opens thc door for funlre rcscarch in this area. " Mally languagc tcachcls h1ow tllc valuc of ublng and sin红 ng,Hua zhu”ng, a tcachσ at a Chjncse languagc schoolin斌 `shington, D. C, dcpcnds hcavily on songsin tcach血 g()hincsc. shc says. "I use lnusic aⅡ thc ti1nc to teach chⅡdren Chincsc, For little kids usual1y we use EngⅡ sh songs but tcach山 cn1thc Chincsc btics· so it!s casy for thcn1to staIt bccausc thcy kno、 vd1c music. Not only docs it work, but it is f辶 n壬or d1c kids。 " "Somctimcs,I tllink if I wcrc tatl吵 tE飓′h曲at wγ,m钔油C I would叩 cak much bcttcr Enghsh山 an now。 "Hua Zhuying adds. Our brain likes rnusic, espccially Ιor ren1en1bering. so, ifyou’ re stⅡ l s订uggⅡng in lca∏ 1ing a languagc, 、vhy nottry singing it out? 51. According to thc passagc, d1e best way to rcmcmbcr a foreign languagc is tq A. rcad and writc more B, listcn to thc tcacher carcmlly C。 copy thc words rnany ti1ncs D. rcmcmbcr、 vords in a song 52.Thc undcrlincd word"c蔽 chv"plobab1y mcans"____ˉ". A.B.悦 耳易记 的 C.枯 燥乏味的 D.震 耳欲聋 的 53. Dr. Ludkc bchcvc that forcign languagc lcaming can bc suppoltcd by~ˉ _̄__ˉ ' A. using the listenˉ and-rcpeat singing1netllod B. hstcning to a11kinds offarnous rnusic C. whtlng songs witll t11c languagc I)。 read血 g thc lyrics again and again 54. Fron1d1c passagc, wc kno、 v that Hua Zhuying~ˉ ˉ̄ _——· A. is intcrcstcd in、 vriting Enghsh songs B. teaches chⅡdrcn English by using1nusic C。 tcachcs Chincsc in an Amcocan school D。 is a rcscarchcrin a languagc school 55. Thc passagc111ainIy tclls us ulat . A. many rcscarchers rcaⅡ zc tllc impoltancc ofIanguagc stLldying B。 your brain ren〕 en1bcrs a languagc betterifyou sing it C。 many languagc tcachcrs kno、v thc valuc of famous rnusic D. you、 vⅡl ncvcrlcam a languagc、vcll unlcss you can sing. C so士hr, d1crc havc bccn so n1any succcss【 `111ncn and、 vomcnin d1e、vorld。 And it’ s no suIprisc hrn1any ofus to drcan1ofdoing big busincss、 vhcn wc£万ow up· Ho、vcver, Moziah Bridgcs tclls us a quict diffcrcnt stoq`. Mo五 ah Brk螅es。 now u1c CEo。f11o MdsBow、 Company.He hⅡ alta句 Camed$200, 000by sc11111g bow tics and otlacr mcn、 免shon acccssorlCs(饣 佰品 ), Thc boy dc蚯 gns aⅡ thc bow 0cs togcd1cr vvrith scvcn othcr、vorkcrs in his co1npany, inc1uding his rnothcr and grandmotllcr. "Mo is山c CEo ofthc colllpany, butIam thc CEo ofMo. "Bridgcs’ grandma said. About four ycars ago, 、vhcn Bl△ dgcs xl,cntshopping for bow tics, hc found thcy、 vcrc in"ug1y" black and rcd。 Hc wantcd a changc. so hc askcd his grandlma to tcach hhm to scw(缝 ), and士inally hc dcvclopcd the talcnt of crcating bo、 v tics. Though his vcγ flrst bow tic didn’ t look nicc, thc young scⅥ /er kept on practlcing. Hc uscd co1orR】 l clou1、vith diR龟rcnt picttlrcs. And his parcnts and fliends staltcd to hkc his wolks. At flrst hc汀icd to sc11thc1n on1inc to scvcra1storcs in d1c south. soon NⅠ o’s bow tics bccamc popular. 、Vit11d1c hclp ofDaymond Jollll, CEo ofthc famous Us clothcs bralld FUBU. Bhdgcs built his Ow11colllpany。 Not only did lDay1nond John providc money士 or hirn, but also introduccd Bridgcs to thc Circlc of fashion and busincss industl△ cs. Now thc13-ycalˉ o1d’s busincss has dcvc1opcd rapidly.Soyou canju哎 stalt now!You don℃ havc to、 vait tⅡ l youie oldcr. Ifyou havc a drcam, go hrid 56. How many pcoplc arc tllcrc in hIo、 Bow`Company?~ˉ ˉ̄ ˉ̄ A.sevell B。 E龟llt C.Nhe D.Ten 57. Wllat do wc kno、v aboutI)odgcs’ grandma岔 oln thc third paragaph? ~ A. Shc takes pridc in hcr grandson. B. She is not pleased u· lu1BridgCsl work C. shc docsn’ t carc about Bridgcs’ company. D. shc docsn℃ wa⒒ to work for Bridgcs. 58. VVhich ofthe壬 oⅡowing is TRUE according to thc passagc? __ˉ ˉ̄ ˉ̄ A.Bridgcs切ught himsclfhow to scw, B。 Bridgcsl flrst bow tic1ookcd nicc. C。 Mo、 Bow、 Company dcvclops slowly. D. Daymond John rcally hclpcd Bridgcs a Iot. 59, VVhat kind ofpcrson is Moziah Bridgcs? ~ A. Clevcr but boring. B. TalcI1tcd butlazy C. Creative and hard、 vorking D.Carclcss and stupid 60. ⅣVhich can bc u1c bcst titIc ofthis passagc? ~ A。 A Tccnagc CEO and His Busincss. B, Succcssful Mcn and斌、mcn C, Daymond John and Moziah Bridgcs D. Fashion and Busincss IndustHcs。 五、单词拼写 (共 1fl小题,计 10分 )根据首字母或汉语提示,在答题卡上写出下列句子中 单词的完全形式。 41.TlallJin phns to哎 aIt a smalt ciγ proglam to deal with t Jams。 42. Can you i whatit would bc hkc to hvc undcrtllc sca? 43. Tccn singcrs TF boys arc popular~ young pCoplc. 44. Our traditional c~ˉ ˉ̄ _̄_ˉ likC Pcking(Dpcra should bc passcd doⅥ ″1。 45.卩 s rcported曲at Clllna is bccoming tllc s_____most ovcnVCigllt country,ju哎 a丘cr山cUs. 46.Now,you can ellloy~___(免费的)Wi-Fiin many places. 47.Peoplc likc___ˉ (分享)山ingstllrough WcChat now. 48.Wc shou1d always kccp all cyc oll school____(安 全 ). 49.Hclping others is山e most (有价值的)tlling in tlle world. ˉ 50.I~____(很 少 )watch mON,l∝ on my smalt phonc bccausc Fs not good№ r myey∞ . 六、阅读填空。(共 ⒑小题,计 10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内 单词的正确形式 (每空不多于三个单词 ) Have you ever picked siawberlles yourself? The s、 veet士mit looks nice, but ligl1t pressure can makc tllcm out of shape, so you havc to bc vcry (71) ~ (carc) whcn picking tllcm.Nowadays, tllcrc (72)~____— (bC) mally young people who arc ju呲 hkc strawbeⅡ忆s.Thcy(73)~ˉ ___ˉ (Casy) break down when山 ey facc dimcukics. Thele ls a l 96 namc forthcn△ s̄tra、 vbcl△y kids, Why arc many chⅡ drcn so casy to break do、 vn? Many stLldcnts arc thc Only chⅡ d in thcir hmily.Thcir parents do ahlao吼 ev∝uhing for (74)~____(tlley) in山ord缸ly h允 ,Thcy llardˇ cvcr gCt clⅡ 山 cd(被批评) at homc alld always允 cl pod about thcmsclves.If thcsc stLldcnts arc criticizcd stricdy by tcachcrs, thcy (75) ~ (灸 Cl) upsct and bcgin to doubt their Owη abⅡ itics.'`nd schools? Many schoo1s carc rnorc about (76)~ˉ _____-(stLldcnt) gradcs lllstcad of dcvcloping thcir pcl∞ naliγ .As ar邻ult, studcllts gd satis灯 ing gmd∝ (77) they are not mcntally (*菁神~L土岜) stlong cnough. Young pcoplc should 1cam ho、v to 1nakc d1cmsclvcs mcnta11y strong. An cxpcrt said, "Whcncvcr you arcin troublc,don℃ ask for hcIp too quick1y,You shou1dtγ (78)~(dcal) with problems丘 rst by yourself. Takc an active palt (79)___~ˉ ˉ̄ spolts and social acuves. That can hc1p you bccome1ncntally strong. " Growing up is notju哎 a happy procc$。 Palns dso go along.(80)_____m° st importaIlt d1ing is to111cc thc pains bravcly and lcan1佥 om thc1n. 七、阅读表达.(共 1小题,计 10分 ) Irs gctting hottcr and hottcr outsidc. sumncris alt· cady hcrc!summcr mcans high tcmpcraturc, morc Outdoor ac伍 vitics and all kinds of】⒈uit and vcgc切blcs. HoⅥ/can、 vc stay nt in this cxciting season? Hcrc are somc good ideas: ●Eat and dHnk propcr1y Whatis hea1thy to cat in sulllyllcr? Frcsh and light food. Fish can bc a good choicc。 It can kcep your body cnergctic and hclp flght against thc buming sun。 Colorm1fl.lit and vcgctablcs is allothcr good choice.Thcv not oll~plcasc vour cvcs,bt1t arc血 1l茳 hcdtllv山 cmicd(化学物 质 ). Tomatocs call help protcct your skin again虻 sunbum。 Blucberoes are good hr your brain and cycs。 Thc morc color, d1c bcttcr! `丙 Ⅰth aⅡ thosc sullnlcrtilnc activitics you wⅡ l bc d1irsty. What to dllnk? Watcr. Watcr has zcro calories(卡 路里 ) alld o tllc pcr炙 ct drillk to stop your thirst.Try not to dli酞 too many cncrgy drinks, spolts drinks and soda dlinks、 vhich have1ots of sugar and caffcinc (叻 口叫0E目 ) in tllcm。 ●stay activc and cool summcr is a grcat season to c句 oy outdoor acthitics and p1ay,I“ also a good timc to lo∞ wcight.If you arc lucky en° ugh to be near a body of water, ” watCr spolts hkc swill△ lling, surflng, watcr skiing and so on. Thcsc sports kccp you cool and activc atthc samc ti1ne. Youi11 havc no problcΠ1beating d1c hcat and kccping fIt as wcⅡ . ●Be carcml ofthc sullllllcr a11ows us1norc chanccs to gct outsidc, but it a1so1ncans lnorc possibⅡ itics to gct bumt by thc sunshinc. Ifyou arc going outsidc, kccp a、 vay fr。 m thc sun whcn iUsthc strongcst- usual1y bc№ccn11am and3pm.ry。 u have to stay in tllc sun允 r a long time, sunⅡ rccn(防 E洒 霜 ),a blg hat and a longˉ s1ccvcjackct will be nec“ saγ。 81. How many picccs ofadvicc docs thc writcr givc us? 82.hsttwo kh“ offood伍 at can help丘 ght agahstthc⒍ u血呜 sm. 83.Fi11ul thc bladc雨 th propcr words。 (no more曲an3words) 84.11y to put tllc underIined scntcncc into Chinese. 85.Ghc a propcr title(题 目) to tlle pⅡ sagc. 八、书面表达 (计 15分 ) 随着手机功能日益增多,越来越多的年轻人沉迷于手机娱乐活动 ,成为"手机控"一族.假 定你是某校学生,请根据以下提示写一篇短文,向某英文报社投稿,谈谈你对该现象的看法 和建议 . 参考词汇 :手机控 a pllonc k酞 焦虑 allxious(a咄 。)沉迷于 bc addicted to.¨ 注意:1,内容须包括所提示信息,可适当发挥 ; 2.文中不得出现 自己的真实姓名和学校名称 ; 3,⒛ 个单词左右。开头己经给出,不计入总次数 . Today, many pcop1c, cspccially young pcoplc, arc phonc岔caks, Thcy¨ 。 "手机控"的表现 沉迷于手机娱乐活动 (聊天、看电影等),与朋友和家人 的交流减少,离开手机会有焦虑症等异常情绪表现⋯ "手机控"的危害 对健康不利,影响学习 .. 你的建议查看更多