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Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship Topic 3 I will remember our friendship forever Section C needs 1 period. Section C 需用 1 课时。 The main activities are 1a, 2 and 3. 本课重点活动是 1a, 2 和 3。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands 目标要求 1. Learn to talk about the feelings about farewells. 2. Learn some information about graduation. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/图片/各种毕业证 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10 分钟) 由图片展开毕业典礼话题。 1. (向学生出示康康做演讲的图片,为毕业典礼展开话题。复习 Section A、Section B 中的内 容。) T: What’s Kangkang doing? Ss: He is making a speech. T: Where is he making the speech? Ss: He is making the speech at the graduation ceremony. T: When will they graduate from Ren’ai International School? Ss: At this weekend. T: What must they do before graduation? Ss: They must pass the final examination. T: What will Michael do to get ready for their graduation ceremony? Ss: He will write some words on the blackboard with colored chalks. T: What has Jane done for it? Ss: She’s got many cards. T: What has Kangkang done for it? Ss: He’s prepared a large package full of presents. T: You will graduate very soon. What will you do for it? S1: I wil l … S2: I … S3: … T: You have been together at school for about three yea rs. The days you have been together will be a beautiful memory in your life. So we say the golden old days. How are you feeling now? (让学生们说出毕业前的心情,为后面的写作打下基础。) S4: I feel excited because I will go to another school to learn more. S5: I feel worried because I must pass the final examination. S6: I feel proud because I won the prize of “Excellent Student” in my classm] S7: I feel s orry because we will leave our school. Maybe we can’t meet each other for a long time. S8: … … T: What will you say to your old friends? S9: I’m going to remember all the good time we’ve had together. S10: If I hurt you sometime, I want to say I’m sorry. S11: I’ll miss you. S12: We can get together again some time in the future. S13: … … 2. (听前准备。设置几个与本短文有关的话题,提前解释文中的某些句子。) T: You will have a graduation ceremony very soon. But what is a graduation ceremony? (帮助同学们用课文中的句子做出回答。) Ss: A graduation ceremony is a custom which takes place when students graduate from a school. T: When you graduate from a school, you will receive a document. On the paper, you can find your name, your school’s name and your principle will sign the paper. We can call it diploma. It shows that you have successfully completed a course or has passed an examination. (板书画线单词。) document, diploma (呈现各种毕业证书及学历证书,让学生更明确地理解其含义。) T: What does a graduation ceremony mean? Ss: It marks the end of a period in one’s school life. (帮助学生回答。) Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10 分钟) 呈现 1a。 1. (设置一个问题,听第一段,找出文章主题。) T: Let’s listen to the tape, and answer the question: What is the passage about? (听录音,回答问题。) Ss: It’s about a graduation ceremony. (以同样的方式听第二段和第三段) 2. (听全文,让同学们画出文中难以理解的内容,教师做出讲解。) T: Let’s go on listening. While you are listening, underline the words, expressions and sentences that are difficult to understand. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:3 分钟) 巩固 1a,完成 1b 和 1c。 1. (自读 1a,完成 1b。) T: Read 1a by yourselves and answer the questions in 1b. (请同学们说出问题答案,并核对。) 2. (四人小组活动,写出每段的关键词,并派一个代表复述课文。) T: Please work in groups of four and find the key words in each group. Then I’ll ask one student of each group to retell the passage. (如果学生们感到有难度,可让他们逐段复述。) 3. (重点读最后一段,完成 1c。) T: Read the last paragraph of 1a and fill in the chart below. You can also add your own opinions. (完成表格之后,找几个同学把添加的内容向大家汇报。) T: How do you feel when the graduation ceremony comes? S1: …[ T: Why? (以相同的方法问其他的学生。然后引导学生进行师生对话。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:15 分钟) 完成活动 2。 1. (教师总结学生们的回答,把内容引向 2。) T: Different students have different feelings. But most people are not willing to leave. What about Kangkang? A journalist is interviewing him after the graduation ceremony. Complete the dialog and then practice it with your partner. (1)(自读对话,填入正确答案。) (2)(设置问题,引导学生深入理解对话。) ① What’s Kangkang’s feeling? ② Is he willing to leave his school? ③ Will he keep in touch with his teachers and friends?[ ④ Will he come back to see his school? When? (3)(两人一组表演对话。) T: Work in pairs to practice the dialog. 2. (总结离别前夕大家所想的、所做的,复习前几节课内容。) T: Work in groups of four. Then ask one student to report to others. (1)What have they done or what did they do? (2)What must they do for the graduation? (3)What do they want to do? Summarize the contents and fill in the chart. Name Things they have done Things they must do Things they want to do Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 5 分钟) 学生畅谈毕业前夕的感想。 1. (讨论。写出在毕业前夕自己的感受及想对老师、朋友说的话,以口头形式作汇报。) T: Please tell your partner what you will feel and what you will say to your old friends. S1: … S2: … 2. Homework Write a passage about what you will feel and what you will say to your old friends when you are leaving school.

