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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 四川双流县 2017 高考英语完形填空一轮优练 完形填空。 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A B C D)中,选出最佳选项。 Bringing a giraffe into the world is a tall order.A baby giraffe falls 10 feet from its mother’s womb (子宫) and usually lands on its 1 .Within seconds it rolls over and tucks(缩拢) its legs under its body.Gary Richmond describes how a newborn giraffe learns it first 2 in his book, A View from the Zoo. The mother giraffe 3 her head long enough to take a quick look.Then she 4 herself directly over her calf.She waits for about a minute, and then she does the most 5 thing.She swings her long leg outward and kicks her baby. If the baby giraffe doesn’t 6 , the violent process is repeated over and over again.The 7 to rise is very important.As the baby calf grows 8 , the mother kicks it again to stimulate (激励) its efforts.Finally, the calf stands for the first time on its 9 legs. Then mother giraffe does the most remarkable thing.She kicks it off its feet again. 10 ? She wants it to remember how it got up.In the wild, baby giraffes must be able to get up as 11 as possible to stay with the herd(鹿群), where there is 12 .Wild animals and hunting dogs all 13 young giraffes, and calves would be punished if the mother didn’t 14 her calf to be watchful and get up quickly. Irving Stone 15 this.He spent a lifetime studying 16 , writing novelized biographies of such men as Michelangelo, Vincent van Gogh, and Charles Darwin. Stone was once asked if he had found a 17 that runs through the lives of all these exceptional people.He said, “They are 18 over the head, knocked down, and for years they still get 19 .But every time they are knocked down, they stand up.You cannot 20 these people.And at the end of their lives they’ve accomplished some modest part of what they set out to do. 1.A.back B.side C.front D.head 2.A.look B.move C.lesson D.class 3.A.raises B.lowers C.pulls D.draws 4.A.throws B.finds C.points D.positions 5.A.difficult B.greedy C.unreasonable D.uncreative 6.A.get up B.work on C.lie down D.come up 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 7.A.demand B.struggle C.request D.failure 8.A.excited B.worried C.surprised D.tired 9.A.strong B.dusty C.weak D.short 10.A.Why B.When C.Where D.Which 11.A.slowly B.quickly C.carefully D.frequently 12.A.danger B.love C.silence D.safety 13.A.hate B.punish C.enjoy D.watch 14.A.teach B.urge C.remind D.allow 15.A.accepted B.remembered C.declared D.understood 16.A.kindness B.greatness C.nature D.expectation 17.A.history B.record C.thread D.means 18.A.injured B.beaten C.killed D.hurt 19.A.nowhere B.anywhere C.everywhere D.somewhere 20.A.change B.support C.blame D.destroy 【参考答案】ACBDC ABDCA BDCAD BCBAD 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项。 Introduction to Letters to Sam Dear Reader, Please allow me to tell you something before you read this book. When my 1__, Sam, was born, my heart was filled with joy. I had been sitting in a wheelchair for 20 years before then, and I have been __2__ ill many times. So I wondered if I would have the __3__ to tell Sam what I had __4__. For years I have been hosting a program on the _5__ and writing articles for a magazine. Being __6__ to move freely, I have learned to sit still and keep my heart __7__, exchanging thoughts with thousands of listeners and __8__. So when Sam was born, I _9_ to tell him about school and friendship, romance and work, love and everything else. That's how I started to write these _10_. I hope that Sam would __11__ them sooner or later. However, that expectation __12__ when Sam showed signs of autism (自闭症) at the age of two. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 He had actually stopped talking before the discovery of the signs. He _13__ to communicate with others, even the family members. That was _14_ for me but didn't stop me writing on. I realized that I had even __15_ now to tell him. I wanted him to __16_ what it means to be "different" from others, and learn how to fight against the misfortune he'll _17__ as I myself, his grandfather, did. I just _18__ if I could write all that I wanted to say in the rest of my life. Now, __19__ the book has been published, I have been given the chance. Every chapter in the book is a letter to Sam: some about my life, and all about what it means to be a _20_. Daniel Gottlieb ( ) 1. A. son B. nephew C. brother D. grandson ( ) 2. A. seriously B. mentally C. slightly D. quietly ( ) 3. A. ability B. time C. courage D. responsibility ( ) 4. A. written B. suffered C. observed D. lost ( ) 5. A. radio B. television C. stage D. bed ( ) 6. A. ready B. unable C. anxious D. eager ( ) 7. A. warm B. broken C. closed D. open ( ) 8. A. hosts B. visitors C. readers D. reporters ( ) 9. A. began B. stopped C. forgot D. decided ( ) 10. A. letters B. emails C. books D. diaries ( ) 11. A. find B. read C. collect D. keep ( ) 12. A. developed B. disappeared C. changed D. arrived ( ) 13. A. tried B. refused C. regretted D. hoped ( ) 14. A. exciting B. acceptable C. strange D. heartbreaking ( ) 15. A. less B. everything C. more D. nothing ( ) 16. A. understand B. explain C. believe D. question ( ) 17. A. fear B. face C. know D. cause ( ) 18. A. felt B. guessed C. saw D. doubted ( ) 19. A. as B. once C. though D. if ( ) 20. A. teacher B. child C. man D. writer 36. D 根据 as I myself, his grandfather 可判断,Sam 是"我"的孙子. 37. A 由 I had been sitting in a wheelchair for 20 years before then 和 I wondered if I would have the time…可知作者在这期间重病了几次.所以用 seriously. 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 38. B 由这一段可知,作者是想告诉他的孙子,但担心自己的身体,所以不知道是不是有 时间.此处用 time 符合上下文. 39. C observe 看到,注意到.根据全文内容的理解,作者想告诉他孙子的是他的经历, 只有 observe 合 题意. 40. A 由下文的 with thousands of listeners 可知,作者是主持广播节目,所以选 radio. 41. B 由第一段可知,作者在轮椅上待了 20 年,所以不能自由活动. 42. D 由下文中与听众和读者交流思想可知,作者敞开心扉,所以选 open. 43. C 由第二段开头可知,作者主持广播节目和为杂志写文章,所以此处是和听众和读者 交流. 44. D 由下句这就是我怎样开始写这些信的可知, 这儿应用 decided.是因为我决定告诉 Sam 学校与友 谊,浪漫与工作,爱情与其它一切,才开始写这些信. 45. A 由本文的题目可知是介绍的 Letters to Sam 这本书,下文中也告诉我们这本书的每 一章都是一封 信,所以这儿选 A. 46. B 因为信是写给 Sam 的,所以作者希望 Sam 迟早会读到这些信. 47. C 由于 Sam 患了自闭症,所以作者的这种期望改变了. 48. B 因为 Sam 患了自闭症,这儿是说他拒绝与别人交流. 49. D 由上文可知,作者对 Sam 希望很大,而 Sam 却患了自闭症,这对作者来说是令人 心碎的. 50. C 由上面一 句语,但是并没有阻止我继续写下去和下文中的我想让他理解与别人不 同意味着什么,学 会和我一样与面对的不幸作斗争可知,作者是有了更多的东西要写. 51. A 见第 50 题. 52. 答案 B 见第 50 题. 53. D 由上文可知,作者的身体不好,所以他怀疑他是不是能写下所有他想说的话. 54. A as 引导原因状语从句.句意:因为这本书出版了,所以我有机会让 Sam 看到我所 有想说的话. 55. C 这本书的每一章都是一封信,一些是关于我的,所有都是关于作为一个人意味着什么的. 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项。 【2013 湖南卷】 When I was 8 years old, I once decided to run away from home. With my suitcase 36 and some sandwiches in a bag, I started for the front door and said to Mom, “I’m leaving.” “If you want to 37 , that’s all right,” she said, “But you came into this home without 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 anything and you can leave the same way.” I 38 my suitcase and sandwiches on the floor heavily and started for the door again. “Wait a minute,” Mom said. “I want your 39 back. You didn’t wear anything when you arrived.” This really angered me. I tore my clothes off—shoes, socks, underwear and all—and 40 , “Can I go now?” “Yes,” Mom answered, “but once you close that door, don’t expect to come back.” I was so 41 that I slammed(砰地关上)the door and stepped out on the front porch. 42 I realized that I was outside, with nothing on. Then I noticed that down the street, two neighbor girls were walking toward our house. I ran to 43 behind a big tree in our yard at once. After a while, I was 44 the girls had passed by. I dashed to the front door and banged on it loudly. “Who’s there?” I heard. “It’s Billy! Let me in!” The voice behind the 45 answered, “Billy doesn’t live here anymore. He ran away from home.” Glancing behind me to see if anyone else was coming, I begged, “Aw, c’mon, Mom! I’m 46 your son. Let me in!” The door inched open and Mom’s smiling face appeared. “Did you change your 47 about running away?” she asked. “What’s for supper?” I answered. 36. A. packed B. returned C. cleaned D. repaired 37. A. drop out B. go by C. move around D. run away 38. A. pressed B. shook C. threw D. pulled 39. A. bag B. clothes C. sandwiches D. suitcase 40. A. explained B. suggested C. continued D. shouted 41. A. angry B. sorry C. frightened D. ashamed 42. A. Certainly B. Naturally C. Suddenly D. Possibly 43. A. play B. hide C. rest D. wave 44. A. sure B. proud C. eager D. curious 45. A. house B. tree C. door D. yard 46. A. also B. still C. even D. already 47. A. conclusion B. promise C. concern D. decision 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 参考答案:------完形填空 36-47 ADCBD ACBAC BD 2016 高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项。 The moment I stepped off the plane after a writer’s conference, my youngest son Jeremy greeted me and cried out, “Poster paper, Mama! I need poster paper. We’re having a 41 at school.” Being a housewife and writer, I felt like no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep up with the needs of my 42 . Back at home, Jeremy kept reminding me of the poster paper, but I just couldn’t 43 a minute for it. Gradually though, he began to speak more 44 , almost 45 he were talking to himself. Maybe he’ll just forget it, I thought hopefully. So I put Jeremy’s request at the 46 of my long list of things to do. My third day home I managed to take fifteen minutes to type an article when a small 47 fell across my paper. I knew who it would be before I 48 . Jeremy stood quietly watching me. Oh, Lord, please don’t let him say it again. I knew what he wanted but I needed to 49 . I smiled 50 at Jeremy and kept typing. He 51 for a few more minutes, then turned and walked away. I almost didn’t hear his 52 . “Competition is over tomorrow, anyway.” The small figure walking out of my room, a silent voice spoke urgently to my heart, “Get him that paper—now!” “Let’s go to get the paper, Jeremy.” He stopped, 53 and looked at me in 54 “You’re going to the store just for me?” I 55 . Suddenly, a look of 56 shot across his face, erasing the disbelief. I don’t think I’ll ever 57 that moment. Later that day, he worked silently on the 58 all afternoon. And a few weeks later, a large yellow envelope came. Inside it was the Certificate of Award. So 59 was I that I didn’t turned away from his 60 to get him some poster paper. 41. A. race B. class C. ceremony D. competition 42. A. colleagues B. family C. neighbors D. relatives 43. A. spare B. wait C. spend D. lose 44. A. slowly B. softly C. confidently D. loudly 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 45. A. as soon as B. as long as C. as though D. even if 46. A. bottom B. top C. beginning D. corner 47. A. letter B. foot C. image D. shadow 48. A. woke up B. stood up C. got up D. looked up 49. A. rest B. type C. learn D. exercise 50. A. widely B. happily C. weakly D. politely 51. A. watched B. searched C. hesitated D. complained 52. A. comment B. footsteps C. warning D. advice 53. A. fell over B. sat down C. turned around D. walked away 54. A. peace B. astonishment C. relief D. silence 55. A. doubted B. argued C. apologized D. nodded 56. A. surprise B. sadness C. disappointment D. excitement 57. A. enjoy B. remember C. forget D. value 58. A. story B. question C. poster D. composition 59. A. grateful B. generous C. forgetful D. selfless 60. A. opinion B. request C. promise D. gift 参考答案 41---45 DBABC 46---50 ADDBC 51---55 AACBD 56----60 DCCAB

