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‎2020届二轮复习书面表达中如何做到心有高频词块,覆手落笔好文章 校园活动相关表达 ‎1.fall behind 落后 ‎2.the top three 前三名 ‎3.relieve pressure 缓解压力 ‎4.show your talent 展示天赋 ‎5.community activities 社团活动 ‎6.be of great benefit 很有好处 ‎7.build up strength 增强力量 ‎8.promote our friendship 增进我们的友谊 ‎9.make joint efforts 齐心协力 ‎10.get fully developed 得到充分发展 ‎11.win first prize/place 获得一等奖 ‎12.enrich our school life 丰富我们的校园生活 ‎13.ease the heavy burden 减轻沉重的负担 ‎14.develop/explore your potential 开发/挖掘你的潜力 ‎15.broaden your horizons/views 拓宽你的眼界 ‎16.highlight your strengths 突出你的优势 ‎17.nationwide fitness campaign 全民健身运动 ‎18.be refreshed in body and mind 身心恢复活力 ‎19.participate in outdoor activities 参加户外活动 ‎20.join the school basketball team 加入校篮球队 ‎21.the theme of the photography show 摄影展的主题 ‎22.What impresses me most is ... 给我印象最深刻的是……‎ ‎23.make us relaxed/refreshed 使我们放松/恢复精力 ‎24.get involved in all sorts of activities 参与各种各样的活动 ‎25.take part in the English speech contest 参加英语演讲比赛 学习生活 ‎26.narrow/bridge the gap 缩小/消除差距 ‎27.be well organized and clear 条理清晰 ‎28.promote understanding 促进理解 ‎29.make steady progress 取得稳步提高 ‎30.pay attention to handson learning 注重动手实践的学习 ‎31.classical Chinese literature 中国古典文学 ‎32.be rewarded with books free of charge 得到免费赠书的奖励 ‎33.a perfect mix of fun and learning 玩与学的完美结合 ‎34.carry forward traditional Chinese culture 弘扬中国传统文化 ‎35.make the class interesting and informative 让课堂有趣并充满有用的信息 ‎36.act as a bridge to the understanding of Chinese culture 充当了解中国文化的桥梁 人际交往 ‎37.show respect for sb. 尊敬某人 ‎38.sharpen social skills 提高社交技能 ‎39.exchange ideas with ... 与……交流想法 ‎40.remove negative emotions 消除不良情绪 ‎41.keep an optimistic attitude towards ... 保持对……积极态度 ‎42.set aside at least half an hour 抽出至少半小时 ‎43.wear a broad and sincere smile 面带灿烂、真诚的微笑 ‎44.have a good interpersonal relationship 有很好的人际关系 ‎45.keep our families company/accompany our families 陪伴家人 ‎46.your generous help and timely support ‎ 你慷慨的帮助和及时的支持 ‎47.turn to your teachers for help or consult with your friends 向老师求助或咨询你的朋友 地点 ‎48.the city stadium 市体育馆 ‎49.the school lecture hall 学校报告厅 ‎50.tourist attractions/scenic spots 旅游景点 ‎51.within easy reach of the city center/downtown 在市中心附近 其他高频表达 ‎52.It occurs to me that ... 我突然想到 ‎53.It's high time that ... 是时候做……了 ‎54.at one's convenience 在某人方便的时候 ‎55.lay a solid foundation for ... 奠定坚实基础 ‎56.There is no doubt that .../There is no denying that .../It goes without saying that ... 毫无疑问 介词的冗余、残缺与误用 及物动词后直接加宾语,不需要加介词,受母语干扰误加介词的有:‎ ‎1.“进入某地” enter into——— someplace ‎2.“为某人服务” serve for—— sb.‎ ‎3.“答应某人,向某人承诺” promise to—— sb.‎ ‎4.“借给某人某物” lend to—— sb. sth.‎ ‎5.“和某人结婚” marry with/to—————— sb.,但可以说 get married to sb.‎ ‎6.“与某人联系” contact with——— sb.‎ ‎7.“缺乏自信” lack of—— confidence,注意 a lack of中lack为名词 ‎8.“讨论问题” discuss about———— the problem ‎9.“到达某地” reach to—— someplace ‎10.“接近某物,靠近某物” approach to—— sth.‎ ‎11.基础短语中常见的介词误用:help with——— sth., share with——— sth., spend on—— some time 受母语干扰,不及物动词后漏加介词的有:‎ ‎1.“敲门”是 knock at the door ‎2.“回答问题”是 reply to the question ‎3.“同意你的观点”是 agree with you ‎4.“听音乐”是 listen to music ‎5.“到达某地”是arrive at/in/on someplace,但arrive home, arrive here中不加介词 ‎6.“担心某人/某事”是worry about sb./sth.,而worry sb.表示“使某人担心”‎ ‎7.“抱怨某事”是complain of/about sth.‎ ‎8.“梦想做某事”是dream of/about doing sth.‎ 其他情况:‎ ‎1.当表示时间的名词morning, week, Sunday等被this, that, last, next, some, every等词限定时,其前不加介词。‎ ‎2.aware“意识到”为形容词,其用法是be aware of, be aware that ...等。‎ ‎3.fond “喜爱”为形容词,其用法是be fond of。‎ ‎4.be+afraid/disappointed+介词————+that 从句(应删掉介词)‎ ‎5.return不与back连用 常考介词的词义:‎ ‎1.across 横过,从一边到另一边 ‎2.beyond(时间)在……之后;(位置上)在……的另一边:beyond the village在村子的另一边;be beyond sb.超出某人的理解能力 ‎3.off离,距:an island off the coast 海岸附近的岛 ‎4.against ①逆;反对;违反 ②倚;紧靠:against the wall ‎ 紧靠着墙 ③衬托;以……为背景 ④防:protect against 防止 ‎5.for 就……而言;为了;表示一段时间;表示距离:for+时间段(for five decades 五十年);for+距离(for miles 几英里)‎ ‎6.over 渡过;穿越;多于;在……期间 名词的数 ‎1.常考的不可数名词:advice, progress, fun, luck, information, news, weather, work (工作), homework, housework, furniture, equipment, health, music, luggage, baggage, harm。‎ ‎2.名词只用复数形式的情况:good manners; take/by turns; in high spirits; in tears; greetings (问候的话)‎ ‎3.many/quite a few/every few/several/most/a couple of/one of+限定词+可数名词复数。‎ ‎4.在下列固定词组中名词无复数形式:in one's opinion; to one's surprise; show/express appreciation to sb.; have/take/show (an) interest in sth.; have difficulty/trouble doing/with sth.。‎ 连词 熟记下列连词的意思:‎ ‎1.so long as=as long as 只要 ‎2.so far as=as far as 据……,就……‎ ‎3.if only ... 要是……就好了 ‎4.only if ... 只要……‎ ‎5.now (that), since, as, for, in that, because 因为 ‎6.given that 鉴于,考虑到 ‎7.supposing/assuming (that) 假定,假设 区分连词和介词:‎ ‎1.随着:with(介),as(连)‎ ‎2.在……期间:during(介),while(连)‎ ‎3.虽然,尽管:despite/in spite of(介),although/though/while/as(连)‎ ‎4.因为:for(介、连),because/as/since(连)‎ 比较等级 ‎1.原级无比较意义,同级比较:as+原级+as ...,not as/so+原级+as ...;有too, very, quite, enough 修饰。‎ ‎2.can't be too+adj. 再……也不为过,越……越好。‎ ‎3.比较级:标志词than;注意句意暗含比较;否定句中的比较级表示肯定意义;much, even, far, a little, a bit等修饰比较级。‎ ‎4.favorite, perfect, superior, right, wrong等无比较级、最高级。‎ ‎5.最高级:三者以上比较;of/in短语表比较范围;one of+the+形容词最高级+名词复数。‎ ‎6.形容词最高级前必须用the修饰,副词最高级前可用可不用。‎ 其他 ‎1.形似词、义近词区别:besides/beside, late/later/latest/lately, near/nearly, hard/hardly, ever/never, ago/before, there/here,many/much, so/such, too/either, wide/widely, deep/deeply, close/closely, high/highly。‎ ‎2.心理情绪类形容词ed型表示“感到……的”;ing型表示“令人……的”。‎ ‎3.感官动词see, watch, notice等和使役动词make, have后的宾补用to do/did/does都不正确。‎ ‎4.介词后指人的关系代词用whom,指物用which。‎ ‎5.无论not位置在哪儿,与both, all, every等词同时出现都表示部分否定。‎ ‎6.情态动词后加动词原形,构成“情态动词+do”结构;其被动式为“情态动词+be done”。‎ ‎7.现在完成时、过去完成时、一般将来时的主动和被动语态:have/has done (主动)→have/has been done (被动); had done (主动)→had been done (被动);will do (主动)→will be done (被动)‎

