人教初中英语课标 七年级下册Section A a—c导学案无答案

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人教初中英语课标 七年级下册Section A a—c导学案无答案

‎ 课题:Unit 8 Is there a post office near here ? Section A ‎ ‎【课题】‎ Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Section A ‎ ‎【学习 目标】‎ 知识与能力:‎ ‎1.知识目标:‎ ‎ 掌握本节课的地点单词,介词短语和重点句型。 ‎ ‎2.技能目标:‎ ‎ 能听懂有关谈论问路指路的对话并进行自由交际。‎ ‎3.过程与方法:直观教学法、情景教学法、任务型教学法。‎ ‎4.情感态度与价值观:帮助别人是一种美德。‎ ‎【学习重点难点】‎ 重点:‎ 词汇:post office, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street,‎ ‎ pay phone 介词:near, next to, across from, in front of, behind, between...and... ‎ 句型:Is there a/ an ...? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.‎ ‎ Where is the ...? It is on/ in/ behind/....‎ 难点:掌握并运用指路问路句型进行自由交际。‎ ‎【导学 过程】‎ 教师复备栏或学生笔记栏 ‎【课前预习反馈】‎ ‎【导入 新学】‎ 自主学习指导:‎ 地点名词预习:‎ ‎1.邮政 ______________ 2.办公室 _____________‎ ‎3.邮局 ______________ 4.警察 _____________‎ ‎5.警察局 ______________ 6.餐馆 _____________‎ ‎7.银行 ______________ 8.医院 _____________‎ ‎9.大街 ______________ 10.付费 _____________‎ ‎11.付费电话______________ 12 镇,市镇 _____________‎ 导入新学: 写出图片代表的方位介词:‎ ‎______ _____________ ___________‎ ‎【指导 自学】‎ ‎【引导 互学】‎ ‎_________ _________________ ______________ ‎ Where is the...? ‎ It’s on/ in/ under/ next to/ behind/ in front of/ near/ across from/ between... and ....‎ Is there a/ an ...around here/ near here?‎ Yes, there is. It’s ....‎ No, there isn’t.‎ There be 句型讲解:‎ ‎1.在桌子上有一个苹果。‎ ‎____ ____ ____ ____ on the table.‎ ‎2.将1句变为复数。‎ ‎____ ____ ____ ____ on the table.‎ ‎3.将1.2句变为否定句。‎ ‎____ ____ ____ ____ on the table.‎ ‎____ ____ ____ ____ on the table.‎ ‎4.将1.2句变为一般疑问句句。‎ ‎____ ____ ____ ____ on the table?‎ ‎____ ____ ____ ____ on the table?‎ ‎5. There _____an apple and two pears on the table.‎ ‎6. There _____ two pears and an apple on the table.‎ There be 句型口诀:‎ there 开头be是有,真正主语在be后。‎ 主语单数用is,主语复数就用are。‎ 变否定很简单,be后要把not添。‎ 变问句也不难,将be提到there之前。‎ ‎【辅导 固学】‎ 地点状语在最后,就近原则记心头。‎ 小试身手:‎ ‎1.在桌子下有一个篮球。‎ ‎______ ____a basketball under the table.‎ ‎2.电脑旁边没有一些书。‎ There_____ _____ books next to the computer.‎ ‎3. There ____ a pen and two books on the table.‎ ‎4.这附近有一些餐馆吗?不,没有。‎ ‎____ _____ ____restaurants near here? ___,_____ ____.‎ ‎5.There is a girl in the classroom.( 改为一般疑问句)‎ ‎___________________________________________‎ ‎6.这附近有医院吗?是的,有。( 翻译句子)‎ ‎___________________________________________‎ ‎1.I’m new in town. 我新来此地。town表示:镇;市镇 ‎2. 对话表演。‎ ‎3.作文:现代人很追求生活的质量,设计你梦想的家园及其周边设施。(运用所学的介词短语和there be句型)‎ ‎4.总结今天所学到的东西。‎ ‎5.习题。‎ 一.根据汉语提示完成单词或短语。‎ ‎1. Can you go to the _______(邮局)to send a letter with me?‎ ‎2.There are three ______(医院)in our city.‎ ‎3. We can see a lot of new things in the _______(公园).‎ ‎【课后 作业】 ‎ ‎4. Her father works in a _______(银行).‎ ‎5. Let’s go to the _______(餐馆)to eat something.‎ 二.单项选择。‎ ‎1. My desk is ____ Tom’s.‎ A. next to B. in C. on D. to ‎2. June is ____ May ____ July.‎ A. from; to B. next; to C. between; and D. across; from ‎3. There isn’t a hospital ____ here.‎ A. to B. near C. from D. on ‎4. -Is there a library near here?‎ ‎ -No, ____.‎ A. there is      B. there isn’t   ‎ C. there hasn’t    D. there haven’t ‎ ‎5. There____ a pen and two books on the desk.‎ A. are     B. is    C. have     D. has 三.翻译句子。‎ ‎1. 我们学校在警察局的对面。‎ ‎ Our school is _____ _____ the police station.‎ ‎2. 你们学校附近有银行吗?‎ ‎ ________ ________a bank near your school?‎ ‎3. 公用电话在哪儿?‎ ‎ ________ ________the pay phone?‎ ‎4. 学校在银行前面。‎ ‎ The school is ________ ________ ________the bank.‎ ‎5. 公用电话在邮局旁边。‎ ‎ The pay phone is________ ________the post office.‎ 将你梦想的家园及其周边设施的作文写在作业本上。 ‎ ‎【教学 反思】‎

