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2014 年福建省德化一中、安溪一中高中毕业班联考英语 第 I 卷(选择题 共 115 分) 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅 读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。[来源:Z&xx&k.Com] 1. What can we learn from the conversation? A. Sam went to the wrong place to meet the woman. B. The woman changed the meeting place without telling Sam. C. The woman planned to meet Sam at the main entrance. 2. What do we know about the man? A. He arrived before 3:00 p.m. B. He didn’t make a reservation. C. His reservation was cancelled. 3. What are the speakers talking about? A. Wallpaper. B. Colours. C. Mushrooms. 4. Where are the speakers? A. In a taxi. B. On a bus. C. In a subway. 5. Why doesn’t the woman help the man? A. She is busy now. B. She is poor at math. C. She has a headache. 第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项 中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。 6. What is the woman interested in? A. Watches. B. Tie-clips(领带夹) C. Wallets. 7. What does the woman think is more important? A. Quality. B. Style. C. Fashion. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。 8. When did the man play basketball best? A. In the elementary school. B. In high school. C. In college. 9. How does the man follow the NBA game now? A. On the Internet. B. On the radio. C. On TV. 10. What do we know about the man’s playing basketball? A. He used to play forward. B. He seldom plays now. C. He started playing at the age of 11. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。 11. What is Kim always complaining about? A. Her work. B. Her boyfriend. C. Her roommate. 12. What does the man think of Kim? A. Mean. B. Talkative. C. Popular. 13. Why does the woman say it’s worth listening to Kim’s problems? A. She can benefit from Kim B. Kim often takes her out. C. Kim often buys her things. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 16 题。 14. What does the man suggest doing? A. Leaving work early. B. Watching a late show. C. Having dinner before the movie. 15. What will the speakers watch? A. A thriller. B. A comedy. C. A science fiction. 16. When does the movie the speakers want to watch start? A. At 6:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:00. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17. Which road trip does the speaker mainly talk about? A. The one to Mexico. B. The one to California. C. T he one to Ciudad Warez. 18. Where is the speaker from? A. Colorado. B. Wyoming. C. New Mexico. 19. How long did the round trip take? A. 13 hours. B. 15 hours. C. 30 hours. 20. What was the rule on the speaker’s road trips? A. Having good meals. B. Staying in cozy hotels. C. Stopping to swim in waters. 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. The “Chinese Dream” is ___________ dream to improve people's well-being and ___________ dream of harmony, peace and development. A. the; a B. a; a C. a; the D. the; the 解析:句意:“中国梦”是一个增进人民幸福的梦,一个和谐,和平,发展的梦。第一空填 a,泛指“一个增进人民幸福的梦”,第二空还是填 a,指“一个和谐,和平,发展的梦”, 前后并列都用不定冠词,故选 B。 答案:B 22. It will be a big help if you go to the store and get what we need for dinner. ___________, I will set the table. A. As a result B. On the whole C. In the meanwhile D. As a matter of fact. 解析:句意:如果你能去商店买我们晚餐所需要的东西,这将是很大的帮助。同时,我要摆 好餐具。A. As a result 结果;B. On the whole 总的来说,基本上;C. In the meanwhile 同时, 在此期间;D. As a matter of fact.事实上。根据句意故选 C。 答案:C 23. ----Dad, I have been appointed as manager of our company, but I am worried about it. ----Why worry? Increased responsibility can ___________ your best qualities. A. bring in B. bring about C. bring up D. bring out 解析:句意:---爸爸,我被任命为我们公司的经理,但我为此很担心。---为何担忧呢?增加 了的责任能使你的最佳品质表现出来。A. bring in 引进,生产,增加;B. bring about 带来, 导致,引起;C. bring up 提出,教育,养育;D. bring out 出版,生产,使显出。根据句意故 选 D。 答案:D 24. Whitney Houston’s sudden death suggests that drug abuse is such a serious problem ___________ we should deal with properly. A. as B. that C. which D. where 解析:句意:惠特尼·休斯顿的突然死亡,表明滥用药物是我们应当恰当处理的严重问题。 此处是“such …as…“表示”和……一样“的用法。当前面的先行词是有 such 修饰的时候, 定语从句中的关系词应该用 as,它在从句中宾语,其他的关系词不能用,故选 A。 答案:A 25. ----The task is challenging and demanding. Who do you think can make it? ---- ___________my partner have a try? I think she is the right person to do it. A. Will B. Might C. Should D. Shall 解析:句意:---这项任务是具有挑战性并且要求较高的。你认为谁能胜任?---让我的搭档试 一下好吗?我认为她是做这项工作的恰当人选。Will 将要;Might 可能,也许;Should 应该; Shall 用于第一三人称的疑问句,表示征询意见。根据句意故选 D。 答案:D 26. Large quantities of information as well as some timely help ___________ since the organization was built. A. has offered B. had been offered C. have been offered D. is offered 解析:句意:自从这个组织成立以后,大量的信息和及时的帮助被提供。as well as 连接两 个名词词组作主语时,动词要与前一个名词词组在数上保持一致。而“Large quantities of+ 名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;再结合语境可知,此处应该用现在完成时。故选 C。 答案:C 27. ---- How do you find Justin Lin's Fast & Furious 6? ---- Fantastic! It can't be ___________ and has brought us a wonderful experience. A. as impressive B. more impressive C. most impressive D. so impressive 解析:句意:---你认为 Justin Lin 的速度与激情 6 怎么样?---太棒了!再也没有比这个更令 人记忆深刻的了,它带给我们非凡的体验。“A can't be more +adj:”这个句式表示“没有比 A 更……的了”。是用于加深肯定的。这里的 more 是强调语气的用法,so 在这里用的话味 道就不太对了。It can't be so impressive。这个事情不应该这么令人印象深刻。成了一个否定 句。 答案:B 28. ---- Li Yuchun is said to have been invited to 2014 CCTV Spring Festival Show. ---- Really? It’s been a long time ___________ she won the champion in Super Girl in 2005. A. since B. that C. when D. before 解析:句意:---据说李宇春被邀请参加 2014 年中央电视台春节晚会。---真的吗?自从她在 2005 年赢得了超级女生的冠军已经好长时间了。A. since 自从;B. that 引导宾语从句没有词 义;C. when 当……时候;D. before 在……之前。根据句意故选 A。 答案:A 29. ___________ on both sides of the street ___________excited fans who wanted to see the famous football player named David Beckham. A. Standing; was B. Waiting; were C. Arriving; was D. Living; were 解析:句意:那些想见著名球星大卫·贝克汉姆的兴奋的球迷,正等在街道的两侧。who 引 导定语从句,为了让 fans 这个先行词更加明确,把 waiting on both sides of the street 这个修 饰 fans 的定语提前了,所以倒装了。主语“excited fans”是复数,所以要用 were 而不用 was。 再根据句意故选 B。 答案:B 30. One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but will help cover my living ___________. A. bills B. expenses C. prices D. charges 解析:句意:每月 1000 美元虽不是富裕,但将帮我们支付生活费用。A. bills 账单;B. expenses 费用,开支;C. prices 价格;D. charges 费用,手续费,运费。根据句意故选 B。 答案:B 31. ___________ in the leg made it impossible for me to walk as fast as usual. A. Being injured B. To be injured C. Having injured D. Injured 解析:句意:腿受伤使我不可能走得像平常一样快。容易得知腿是被受到伤害了,故需要用 injure 的被动式。又因为整个动词短语要做句子的主语,由于只有动名词才可做主语,应当 用被动语态的动名词形式 being injured 做主语。故选 A。 答案:A 32. I wonder if this red dress is ___________ in a larger size. This one is too tight. A. possible B. acceptable C. available D. fashionable 解析:句意:我想知道这件红裙子有大号的吗。这件太紧了。A. possible 可能的; B. acceptable 可接受的;C. available 可得的,有效的;D. fashionable 流行的。根据句意可知选 C。 答案:C 33. Jane is determined to go to France for further education ___________ all the possible consequences. A. instead of B. regardless of C. in addition to D. in response to 解析:句意:Jane 决定去法国进修,不顾任何后果。A. instead of 代替,而不是; B. regardless of 不管,不顾;C. in addition to 除之外,另外; D. in response to 响应,对有反应。根据句 意可知选 B。 答案:B 34. While our city tries impatiently to change its appearance by tearing down old buildings, more and more citizens are suggesting ways to ___________ the historically important architecture. A. decorate B. develop C. preserve D. reserve 解析:句意:当我们的城市通过拆除就建筑焦急地改变它的面貌时,越来越多的市民建议保 护重要的历史建筑。A. decorate 装饰;B. develop 发展;C. preserve 保护,维持;D. reserve 储备,预约。根据句意可知选 C。 答案:C 35. ----Wow, isn’t this handsome device the most popular iphone5? Can I have a look at it? ----___________. A. No, you can’t B. Sorry, it’s expensive C. Sure, it looks good D. Yes, go ahead 解析:句意:---哇!这个帅气的装置不是最流行的苹果 5 吗?我能看一下吗?---行,看吧。 A. No, you can’t 不,你不能;B. Sorry, it’s expensive 对不起,它太贵了;C. Sure, it looks good 当然,它看上去很好;D. Yes, go ahead 是的,开始吧,开始(做某事)。根据句意可知选 D。 答案:D 第二节 完型填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 Who is setting your standards for you ? A true story has it that one elder man 36 to jog around the local high school football field. As he huffed and puffed(气喘吁吁) along, the team was 37 . The players soon started running sprints (断距离疾跑)up and down the field. The man told himself “I will 38 keep running until they quit.” So he ran. And they ran. And he ran some more. And they kept running. And he kept running until he 39 finally run no more. He stopped in 40 . One of the players, equally out of breath, approached him and said in a crying voice, “Boy, I am so glad that you finally stopped. 41 told us we had to keep running 42 the old guy who was jogging !” He was watching them. They were watching him. He was letting them set his 43 , on the contrary, they allow him to set 44 . My question is this: Are you keeping 45 with somebody else in your daily life? Are you 46 people to set your standards for you? What about your standards, or 47 , for moral behavior or even your way of building up your own characteristics ? Or guidelines for what kind of life 48 you want? Negative or positive? Do you keep pace with those 49 you, or do you decided yourself just 50 you will live your life? The true is that only you are 51 to determine what your standards will be. Set your standards to low, and you will know only 52 . But set high standards and you can live an immeasurably full and 53 life. For only when you 54 the best that is within yourself, will you experience great living. Just as an old saying goes: “Think big 55 , and win big success.” Who is setting your standards? 36. A. planned B. decided C. hoped D. begged 37. A. in practice B. in order C. in place D. in danger 38. A. just B. simple C. hardly D. nearly 39. A. would B. should C. could D. must 40. A. delight B. despair C. astonishment D. exhaustion 41. A. Headmaster B. Teacher C. Coach D. Monitor 42. A. as long as B. as far as C. as soon as D. as good as 43. A. example B. timetable C. standards D. tricks 44. A. his B. him C. them D. theirs 45. A. touch B. pace C. contact D. promise 46. A. making B. encouraging C. having D. allowing 47. A. principals B. theories C. principles D. rules 48. A. way B. method C. technique D. attitude 49. A. around B. along C. against D. across 50. A why B. how C. where D. whether 51. A. admitted B. educated C. qualified D. demanded 52. A. dishonest B. discontent C. uncomfortable D. unforgettable 53. A selfless B. valueless C. worthwhile D. worthless 54. A. work for B. long for C. reach for D. run for 55. A. target B. score C. deal D. goal 解析: 36.考查动词及上下文的呼应。A planned 计划;B. decided 决定;C. hoped 希望;D. begged 乞求。由“As he huffed and puffed(气喘吁吁) along,”可知他是决定去慢跑。故选 B。 37.考查名词词组及上下文的呼应。由“The players soon started running sprints (断距离疾跑)up and down the field.”可知队员们正在训练。A. in practice 在训练中;B. in order 整齐,按顺序; C. in place 适当;D. in danger 在危险中。故选 A。 38.考查副词及上下文的呼应。A. just 仅仅,刚刚,只;B. simple 简单的,单纯的; C. hardly 几乎不;D. nearly 几乎,将近。通过下一段可知,此处年长者对自己说,“只有他们停了我 才停”。故选 A。 39.考查情态动词及上下文的呼应。A. would 将要;B. should 应该;C. could 能够; D. must 必须。根据上下文,此处要表达的意思是“他一直到彻底跑不动了才停下来。”故选 C。 40.考查名词及上下文的呼应。A. delight 高兴;B. despair 绝望;C. astonishment 惊讶;D. exhaustion 精疲力竭。由上一句他跑不动了,可知他精疲力竭了。故选 D。 41.考查名词及上下文的呼应。A. Headmaster校长;B. Teacher 老师;C. Coach教练;D. Monitor 班长,监控器。让队员跑步的应该是教练。故选 C。 42.考查动词及上下文的呼应。A. as long as 只要;B. as far as 至于,远到;C. as soon as 一…… 就……;D. as good as 和几乎一样。根据直到年长者停下来队员才停,可知教练说的是,只 要那个老家伙还在慢跑,他们就得继续跑下去。故选 A。 43.考查名词及上下文的呼应。A. example 例子,榜样;B. timetable 时间表;C. standards 标 准;D. tricks 技巧,诀窍。由“他看着他们”可知他是在让他们设定他的标准。故选 C。 44.考查名词性物主代词及上下文的呼应。A. his 他的;B. him 他(宾格);C. them 他们(宾 格);D. theirs 他们的。“on the contrary”意为“正相反”。由前面“他任由他们设定了自己的 标准,”可知“他们也让他设定他们的标准”。故选 D。 45.考查名词及上下文的呼应。 A. touch 接触,触觉; B. pace 步伐;C. contact 接触,联系; D. promise 承诺。由上文可知这里引出的问题是“你是在跟着别人的步伐吗?”故选 B。 46.考查动词及上下文的呼应。 A. making 制造,使;B. encouraging 鼓励;C. having 有,让; D. allowing 允许。由上文“He was letting them set his standards , on the contrary, they allow him to set 44 theirs.”可知此处选 D。 47.考查名词及上下文的呼应。A. principals 校长,负责人;B. theories 理论;C. principles 原 则,法则;D. rules 规则,条例。此处与标准相并列的应该是法则,故选 C。 48.考查名词及上下文的呼应。A. way 方法,方式;B. method 办法;C. technique 技术,手 法;D. attitude 态度。由“Negative or positive?”可知这里说的是生活态度。故选 D。 49.考查介词及上下文的呼应。A. around 四处,在周围 ;B. along 沿着;C. against 反对,靠; D. across 穿过。由上面举年长者和队员对比跑步的例子,可知这里说的是“你是否跟着周围 的人的节奏”故选 A。 50.考查疑问副词及上下文的呼应。 A why 为什么;B. how 怎样;C. where 哪儿; D. whether 是否。由“or”可看出这里是两个对比,说你是跟着周围人的节奏,还是决定自己怎样生活。 故选 B。 51.考查过去分词及上下文的呼应。A. admitted 承认;B. educated 教育;C. qualified 有资格 的;D. demanded 要求,需要。事实上只有你自己才有资格决定你的标准是什么。故选 C。 52.考查形容词及上下文的呼应。A. dishonest 不诚实的;B. discontent 不满的;C. uncomfortable 不舒服的 D. unforgettable 难忘的。通过常识我们知道,如果将你的标准定得太低,你只会感 到不满。故选 B。 53.考查形容词及上下文的呼应。A. selfless 无私的;B. valueless 无价值的;C. worthwhile 值 得的;D. worthless 无价值的。由“an immeasurably full”可知这里选 C。 54.考查动词词组及上下文的呼应。A. work for 效劳,为工作;B. long for 渴望;C. reach for 达到;D. run for 竞选,赶紧去清。由“will you experience great living.”可知只有当你达到 自己内心的最高境界时,你才能过得很好。故选 C。 55.考查名词及上下文的呼应。A. target 目标;B. score 分数;C. deal 交易,待遇;D. goal 目标,球门。“Think big 55 , and win big success..”表示“目标远大则成就伟大。” 答案:36. B 37. A 38. A 39. C 40. D 41. C 42. A 43. C 44. D 45. B 46. D 47. C 48. D 49. A 50. B 51. C 52. B 53. C 54. C 55. D 第三部分 阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Traditional fairytales are being abandoned by parents because they are too scary for their young children, a study found. Research revealed one in five parents has ditched old classics such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and Rapunzel in favour of more modern books. One third of parents said their children have been left in tears after hearing the horrible details of Little Red Riding Hood. And nearly half of mothers and fathers refuse to read Rumplestiltskin to their kids as the themes of the story are kidnapping and execution. Similarly, Goldilocks and the Three Bears was also a tale likely to be left on the book shelf as parents felt it forgives stealing. The survey of 2,000 adults was conducted to mark the launch of the hit US drama GRIMM, which starts tonight at 9 p.m. on Watch, and sees six episodes(片段) based on traditional fairytales. The poll found a quarter of parents polled wouldn’t consider reading a fairytale to their child until they had reached the age of five, as they prompt too many awkward questions from their offspring(后代子孙). Steve Hornsey, General Manager of Watch, said: “Bedtime stories are supposed to soothe children and send them off to sleep soundly. But as we see in GRIMM, fairytales can be dark and dramatic tales so it’s understandable that parents worry about reading them to young children.” “As adults we can see the innocence in fairytales, but a five year old with an over active imagination could take things too seriously. Despite the dark nature of classic fairytales, as we see in GRIMM, good will triumph over evil and there is always a moral to the story.” The study also found two thirds of mums and dads try to avoid stories which might give their children nightmares. However, half of parents said traditional tales are more likely to have a strong moral message than a lot of modern kids’ books, such as The Gruffalo, The Hungary Caterpillar and the Mr. Men books. 56. Why don’t some parents want to read Rumplestiltskin to their kids? A. Rumplestiltskin is too long. B. Rumplestiltskin is too difficult. C. Rumplestiltskin forgives stealing. D. Rumplestiltskin may influence Children badly. 57. We can learn from paragraph 3 that Grimm is ___________. A. a fairytales book B. a movie for children C. a play loved by children D. a drama based on traditional fairytales 58. The underlined word “soothe “in paragraph4 can be replaced by___________. A. put down B. calm down C. take down D. come down 59. What’s the author’s attitude towards traditional fairytales? A. Optimistic B. Not mentioned C. Casual D. Disapproving 解析: 56.细节理解题。根据“And nearly half of mothers and fathers refuse to read Rumplestiltskin to their kids as the themes of the story are kidnapping and execution.”父母们不愿给孩子念童话故 事《纺线姑娘》,因为故事的主题是绑架和处决。这些都会极坏地影响孩子。故选 D。 57.细节理解题。根据“The survey of 2,000 adults was conducted to mark the launch of the hit US drama GRIMM, which starts tonight at 9 p.m. on Watch, and sees six episodes(片段) based on traditional fairytales.”可知 Grimm 是以传统童话故事为基础的戏剧,故选 D。 58.词义猜测题。因为是睡前故事,所以应该让孩子平静下来。A. put down 镇压,记下; B. calm down 平静下来;C. take down 记下,拿下,拆卸;D. come down 下来,落下。故选 B。 59.推理判断题。本文只是客观阐述了这项调查的结果,介绍了父母对于童话的看法,并没 有提及自己对传统童话的态度。故选 B。 答案:56. D 57. D 58. B 59. B B Below is a web page from http://www.parents.com/. Kid of the Year Photo Competition Enter your kid’s photo today and win! We’re giving away 52 weekly $250 prizes from Readers’ Choice votes. PLUS our editors will select one entry to win our grand prize of $7,000. Official Competition Rules No purchase necessary to enter or win. The Kid of the Year Photo Competition entry period begins at 12:00 a.m. January 23, 2011, and ends January 21, 2012 (“Entry Period”). Entries must arrive by 9:00 p.m. on January 21, 2012 (“Entry Deadline”). Entries will not be acknowledged or returned. SPONSOR(赞助商): Meredith Corporation, 1716 Locust Street, Des Moines, Iowa. ENTRY: There will be two methods of entry. Share My Entry: Visit http://www.parents.com/photos/photo-contests-1/kid-of-the-year/ and click the button to enter. Facebook Entry: Visit http://Facebook.com/ParentsMagazine and click the Kid of 2011 tab(选项卡). Then complete the registration form and follow the instructions to upload one album of up to six photos of your child aged three months to eight years. You may provide one description and one album title that will be applied to all photos. Photos, without any brand names or trademarks, must be taken by participants, non-professional, unpublished and may not have won any prize or award. Photos must be .jpeg or .bmp image formats(格式) and cannot be over 3 MB. This promotion is in no way sponsored, supported or run by, or associated with Facebook. You are providing your information to Parents Magazine and not to Facebook. The information you provide will only be used to run the promotion and register for Parents.com. LIMIT: One entry per family, per child, per week. One weekly prize per child. For entries of more than one child in a family, the entry process must be completed separately for each child. No group entries. 60. We can learn from the passage that ___________. A. you should buy something first before you enter the contest B. your entry will not be returned even if you don’t win the contest C. you should send your entry before 9:00 p.m. on January 21, 2011 D. the editors of the contest will decide who will win the 20,000 dollars in prizes 61. Linda, a mother with seven-year-old twins, wants to enter the competition. She must ___________. A. provide a description and an album title for the kid’s photos B. go to Meredith Corporation to fill out the registration forms C. complete the entry process separately for each of her kids D. provide the information to Facebook if she chooses Facebook Entry 62. To enter the competition, photos must ___________. A. be taken by non-professional participants B. have won some prize or award C. contain brand names or trademarks D. contain parents’ personal information 63. The purpose of the passage i___________. A. to advertise the website Facebook. com B. to attract photographers’ interest in a photo contest C. to introduce two methods of entering a photo contest D. to encourage parents with children to enter a photo contest 解析: 60.细节理解题。根据“Entries will not be acknowledged or returned.”可知选 B。 61.细节理解题。根据“For entries of more than one child in a family, the entry process must be completed separately for each child. No group entries. ”可知这位双胞胎的妈妈必须完整地走 两次登录程序。故选 C。 62.细节理解题。根据“Photos, without any brand names or trademarks, must be taken by participants, non-professional,…”可知选 A。 63.推理判断题。通过第一段的宣传以及后面对于这次比赛的详细介绍,可知本文的目的是 鼓励父母参加这次比赛。故选 D。 答案:60. B 61. C 62. A 63. D C Today is National Bike-to-Work Day. And on New York City’s jammed streets, people are cycling on hundreds of miles of new bike lanes. But New York’s widespread efforts to make streets safer for bikes have also left some locals complaining about the loss of parking spots and lanes for cars. When the weather is good, Aaron Naparstek likes to pedal(用踏板踩) his two young kids to school on a special Dutch-made bicycle. Naparstek supports the new lane. Aaron: The bike lane on Prospect Park West is really introducing a lot of new people to the idea that it’s possible to use a bike in New York City for transportation or to travel around. This is what 21st century New York City looks like. Prospect Park West is still a one-way road, but where it used to have three lanes of car traffic, now it has two, plus a protected bike lane. Supporters say that makes the road safer for everyone, including pedestrians, by slowing down cars and taking bikes off the sidewalk. But some longtime residents disagree. Lois Carswell is president of a group called Seniors for Safety. She says the two-way bike lane is dangerous to older residents who are used to one-way traffic. Lois: We wanted a lane — the right kind of lane that would keep everybody safe, that would keep the bikers safe. But we want it to be done the right way. And it has not been done the right way. Craig Palmer builds bars and restaurants in Manhattan. I was interviewing him for a different story when he brought up the bike lanes all on his own. Craig: I think the biggest problem is that Bloomberg put all these bike lanes in. You took what used to be a full street and you’re shrinking it. Then there are the Hasidic Jews in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, who forced the city to remove a bike lane through their neighborhood. But polls show that the majority of New Yorkers support bike lanes by a margin of 56% to 39%. Bicycle advocate Caroline Samponaro of Transportation Alternatives calls that a mandate. Caroline: If this was an election, we would have already had our victory. The public has spoken and they keep speaking. And I think, more importantly, the public is starting to vote with their pedals. 64. What does Aaron mean by saying “This is what 21st century New York City looks like.”? A. There are hundreds of miles of new bike lanes in 21 st century New York City. B. Drivers slow down their cars and bikes are taken off the sidewalk in New York. C. Bikes are used as a means of transport in 21 st century New York City. D. It’s possible to make the streets safe for pedestrians in New York. 65. According to the passage, which of the following CANNOT support the opponents of these new bike lanes? A. Drivers lose parking spots and lanes for cars. B. The two-way bike lane is dangerous to older residents. C. We too k what used to be a full street so the road is broader than before. D. The removal of one bike lane through a neighbourhood in Brooklyn was not supported. 66. “A mandate” in Paragraph 8 was referred to a demand or command from ___________. A. the authority B. the public C. the supporters D. the government 67. What of the following might be the best title of the passage? A. Ride on National Bike-to-Work Day B. A New Bike Lane Appears in New York C. A Bike Lane Divides New Yorkers D. Who Wins an Election 解析: 64.细节理解题。根据前一句中“it’s possible to use a bike in New York City for transportation or to travel around.”可知选 C。 65.推理判断题。根据“You took what used to be a full street and you’re shrinking it.”可知C项 的说法“我们以前走的是整条街所以现在的路比以前宽了”是不支持反对者的观点的。故选 C。 66.词义猜测题。根据“But polls show that the majority of New Yorkers support bike lanes by a margin of 56% to 39%.”可知这是公众的要求。故选 B。 67.标题归纳题。因为本文讲了不同的纽约人对于自行车道的不同观点,所以最好的题目是C。 答案:64. C 65. C 66. B 67. C D “Image is everything.” An entire industry has been built upon the assumption that image is everything, but when it comes down to it, an appealing image is not enough. If there is no substance(事实) behind the image, the product, service or person will fail eventually. First of all, one should consider how important image is in the selling of products and services. Advertising agencies have raised the art of creating an image to a state of near perfection. Public concept of that product or service is certainly managed by the images created by the advertising agencies.But if the product or service does not live up to the image that was created, the customer will be very dissatisfied and possibly ask for their money back. For example, the Arthur Andersen accounting firm had spent decades building up an image of trustworthiness. But the recent scandal(丑闻) showed that behind that image, it cheated in business practices. Despite the previous positive image, the firm is being accused of criminal actions and it will probably not survive as a business unit. Although the image had been nearly perfect, the reality behind the image has led to the downfall of the world famous accounting firm. Similarly, personal advisers can build up a public image for politicians and movie stars. Putting out positive news releases, making sure that only the best photographs are published, and ensuring that the person is seen in all the right places can build up a very positive image in the view of the general commons. But once again, history is filled with examples of both politicians and movie stars that fell from grace like the story of the Hollywood actor giving in to the pressures of fame and fortune. With people, just as with products and services, image is certainly important, but without positive substance behind the image, failure is close. To summarize, it is clear that an appealing image is extremely important to success, whether that image is related to selling a product or service or to the “selling” of a person. But image is only half of the equation. What lies behind that image is every bit as important as the image itself ——the person or product must deliver on that image or there is little chance for long-term success. 68. The downfall of the Arthour Andersen accounting firm is due to ___________. A. its dishonesty in business B. its previous images C. its bad management D. its poor service 69. Why did some famous people fall from grace? A. Their images were not well built up. B. They failed to live up to their images. C. They felt much pressure from the public. D. They paid little attention to fame and fortune. 70. The structure of the passage is ___________. A: Argument P: Point C: Conclusion A. B. C. D. 71. The author tries to argue that ___________. A. image creates everything B. image is the key to success. C. truth is unlikely ever to be equaled D. truth and image are equally important 解析: 68.细节理解题。根据“But the recent scandal(丑闻) showed that behind that image, it cheated in business practices. Despite the previous positive image, the firm is being accused of criminal actions and it will probably not survive as a business unit.”可知这家会计事务所的垮台是由于 商业诈骗。故选 A。 69.细节理解题。根据“But once again, history is filled with examples of both politicians and movie stars that fell from grace like the story of the Hollywood actor giving in to the pressures of fame and fortune.”可知名人堕落是因为他们辜负了自己的形象。故选 B。 70.细节理解题。纵观全文可以看出本文先提出论点,再举例论证,最后得出结论。故选 A。 71.推理判断题。根据“But image is only half of the equation. What lies behind that image is every bit as important as the image itself —— the person or product must deliver on that image or there is little chance for long-term success.”可知作者试图证明真相和形象同样重要。故选 D。 答案:68. A 69. B 70. A 71. D E Global Positioning Systems are now a part of everyday driving in many countries. These satellite-based systems provide turn-by-turn directions to help people get to where they want to go. But they can also cause a lot of problems, sending you to the wrong place or leave you completely lost. Many times, the driver is to blame. Sometimes a GPS error is responsible. Most often, says Barry Brown, it is a combination of the two. Barry Brown is with the Mobile Life Centre in Stockholm, Sweden. The center studies human-computer interaction, or HCI, especially communications involving wireless devices. We spoke to Mr. Brown by Skype. He told us about an incident involving a friend who had flown to an airport in the eastern United States. There he borrowed a GPS-equipped car to use during his stay. Barry Brown: “And they just plugged in an address and then set off to their destination. And, then it wasn’t until they were driving for thirty minutes that they realized they had put in a destination back on the West Coast where they lived. They actually put their home address in. So again, the GPS is kind of “garbage in garbage out”. Mr. Brown says this is a common human error. But, he says, what makes the problem worse has to do with some of the shortcomings, or failures, of GPS equipment. Barry Brown: “One problem with many GPS units is they have a very small screen and they just tell you the next turn. Because they just give you the next turn, sometimes that means that it is not really giving you the overview that you would need to know that it’s going to the wrong place.” Barry Brown formerly served as a professor with the University of California, San Diego. While there, he worked on a project with Eric Laurier from the University of Edinburgh. The two men studied the effects of GPS devices on driving by placing cameras in people’s cars. They wrote a paper based on their research. It is called “The Normal, Natural Troubles of Driving with GPS.” Barry Brown: “One of the things that struck us, perhaps the most important thing was that you have to know what you’re doing when you use a GPS. There are these new skills that people have developed. There are these new competencies that you need to have to be able to use a GPS because they sometimes go wrong.” Barry Brown says this goes against a common belief that GPS systems are for passive drivers who lack navigational (导航) skills. “The Normal, Natural Troubles of Driving with GPS” lists several areas where GPS systems can cause confusion for drivers. These include maps that are outdated, incorrect or difficult to understand. They also include timing issues related to when GPS commands are given. Barry Brown says to make GPS systems better we need a better understa nding of how drivers, passengers and GPS systems work together. 72. What is the best title for this passage? A. Is GPS system reliable to use? B. What is the use of GPS? C. How to make the most of GPS? D. Blame! GPS or Passengers? 73. What is the implication of the underlined part? A. GPS is just a garbage device. B. GPS will not correct human errors. C. GPS adjusts your wrong destination. D. GPS is just as smart as human beings. 74. Which is NOT mentioned as a GPS shortcoming in the passage? A. Small screen. B. Timing of commands. C. Outdated maps. D. Dear cameras GPS uses. 75. According to the passage, people commonly believe that ___________. A. you have to know where to go when using GPS B. you need to have new competencies to use GPS well C. GPS is proper for drivers with little sense of direction D. GPS is fit for people having good understanding of maps 解析: 72.标题归纳题。根据“But they can also cause a lot of problems, sending you to the wrong place or leave you completely lost. ”及后面对于全球定位系统经常出现的问题的讲述,总结出选 A。 73.词义猜测题。根据“And, then it wasn’t until they were driving for thirty minutes that they realized they had put in a destination back on the West Coast where they lived. They actually put their home address in.”可知驾驶人输错了地址,而 GPS 没有纠正这个错误,所以又把他们 带回了原地。故选 B。 74.细节理解题。根据“One problem with many GPS units is they have a very small screen……” 和“These include maps that are outdated, incorrect or difficult to understand. They also include timing issues related to when GPS commands are given.”可知 GPS 的缺点包括屏幕小,过时的 地图和指令发出时间的不准确。不此题选 D。 75.细节理解题。根据第六段“Barry Brown says this goes against a common belief that GPS systems are for passive drivers who lack navigational(导航) skills.”可知人们普遍认为 GPS 适合 没有方向感的驾驶者。故选 C。 答案:72. A 73. B 74. D 75. C 第 II 卷(非选择题 共 35 分) 第一节 短文填词(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,在每个空格 内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在右边相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义 准确,拼写正确。 Volunteering not only has a meaningful and positive effect on your neighborhood but also can have many (益处) to you. First, whether 76. you help c the rooms for the old, do something for the disabled, 77. teach the children to sing, you’ll gain some valuable skills and 78. experience. Then by (使用) them you can make your study or 79. your future job better. Volunteering b together a variety of people 80. from different backgrounds. You’ll be e to a new environment. 81. And maybe you’ll learn you can’t learn at school. It can also help 82. you reward society, break down barriers of (误解), and even 83. have fun. B , it is a good way for us students to learn and 84. communicate with others, and it is great importance to our society. 85. 解析: 76.考查名词。因为空格前有 many 修饰,它后面应接可数名词的复数,故用复数 benefits。 77.考查动词。因为这里是帮助某人做某事,要用 help sb do sth.,故用原形 clean。 78.考查连词。该句话意为“无论你是帮老人打扫房间,为残疾人做事还是教孩子唱歌……” 所以填 or。 79.考查动名词。因为前面有 by,表示通过某种方式用“by + doing”所以这里用 using。 80.考查动词。因为动名词作主语谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,而前面是 Volunteering 所以 用 brings。 81.考查过去分词。因为此处是被动语态,所以用 exposed。 82.考查宾语从句。因为这里是宾语从句,表示你在学校里学不到的东西,故用 what。 83.考查动名词。因为空格前面是介词 of,所以这里用 misunderstanding。 84.考查介词。由于前面已经介绍了志愿工作的益处,而接下来还是它的好处,所以这里要 表达的意思是“除此之外”。故用 Besides。 85.考查介词。“Be of great importance to”为固定搭配,表示“对……非常重要”,故用 of。 答案: 76. benefits 77. clean 78. or 79. using 80. brings 81. exposed 82. what 83. misunderstanding 84. Besides 85. of 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 请根据下列表格的内容提示,写一篇题为SAVE EARTH, SAVE US的公益广告解说词。 注意:1. 词数:120左右。 2.内容要涵盖上面所列的几条。 ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 解析: 根据表格内容用英语表述公益广告解说词,具体信息是以表格的形式给出,考点只需要 适当串联即可,在写作的时候一定要使用合适的连接词来连接全文,让文章成为一个整体, 同时要注意使用英语句型,也要使用倒装句,定语从句等特殊的句式来提高文章的多样性。 如:Only by working together can we help the environment!还要用适当的关联词把句与句连起 来,如:Firstly, Secondly 等。关键是要点要全面覆盖,不能有遗漏和省略。写作的时候运用 多种表达方式,让句子有变化。 文中使用了非常好的短语和句子为文章增色不少,比如 With the development of modern society, Enough attention should be paid to this problem, More and more people,还运用了 Only by working together can we help the environment!倒装句等等。并注意了句子的衔接如:As a result; Firstly,…Secondly,…等等。 范文: SAVE EARTH, SAVE US With the development of modern society, pollution caused by human activities is becoming a more and more serious problem. Smoke from factories and gases from vehicles are the main reasons for air pollution. Rivers are polluted when people throw waste into them, or when factories pour waste water into them. Modern lifestyle and modern ways of production also cause noise pollution. As a result, many species are dying out. More and more people are suffering from health problems. Enough attention should be paid to this problem and measures should be taken. Firstly, we should make laws to prevent factories from pouring waste water into rivers and sending smoke into the air without being dealt with. Secondly, we should raise people’s awareness of the serious problem and call on more people to protect the environment. Only by working together can we help the environment!

