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第五课时 Section B(2a3b) and Self Check ‎1.重点单词:art,festival,dear,student,thing,term,busy,time,there ‎2.重点短语:this term,an English party,an art festival,book sale,Children's Day,National Day,Women's Day,New Year's Day ‎2.重点句式:‎ We have some interesting and fun things for you this term.‎ Next month,we will have an art festival.‎ We have a book sale in the school library.‎ This is a really busy term.‎ Have a good time!‎ ‎1.重点短语和句型 ‎2.会描述事件发生的时间 ‎1.重点短语和句型 ‎2.会描述事件发生的时间 一、预习课本P47新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。‎ ‎1.艺术____________   2.节日____________‎ ‎3.学生____________ 4.学期____________‎ ‎5.亲爱的____________ 6.东西____________‎ ‎7.繁忙____________ 8.时间____________‎ ‎9.那里____________‎ 二、认真预习2a,2b,2c,3a和Self Check内容,找出下列短语和句型。‎ ‎1.这个学期________ 2.英语联欢会______‎ ‎3.艺术节________ 4.售书活动________‎ ‎5.儿童节________ 6.国庆节________‎ ‎7.妇女节________ 8.元旦________‎ ‎9.这个学期我们为你们准备了一些有趣好玩的事情。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎10.下个月我们将举办艺术节。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎11.我们将在图书馆举行售书活动。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎12.玩得高兴些。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________‎ Step 1 情景导入 Teacher:Listen to me carefully,please.I will tell you something about our school things this term.We have a shool trip on September 21st.On October 12th and 15th,we have a soccer game and a volleyball game.We have a School Day on October 33‎ ‎ 22nd.Now please answer my questions.‎ Question 1:Do we have a School Day?‎ Yes,we_do.‎ Question 2:When is the soccer and volleyball game?‎ On_October_12th_and_15th.‎ Question 3:Is the school trip on September 21st?‎ No,it_isn't.‎ Do you know the answers?If you don't know the answers,don't be upset.We'll find the answers this class.‎ 环节说明:通过这个环节,既可以锻炼提高学生的听力,又可以提高学生的记忆能力和提取信息的能力。同时,还能让学生带着问题去学习当堂的内容。‎ Step 2 完成教材2a—2c的任务 ‎1.大声朗读2a方框中的短语并识记,然后在我们学校经常组织的活动后面打勾。(3分钟)‎ ‎2.认真阅读2b中的学校通知,在表格中写出活动及其活动举办的时间,小组核对答案。(5分钟)‎ ‎3.大声朗读课文并背诵重点短语及句型。(3分钟)‎ ‎4.根据表格中的活动及其时间来安排简单的复述短文。(3分钟)‎ ‎5.与同伴讨论2c中的问题,请一些学生来对话发表自己的观点。(3分钟)‎ 参考案例 A:What activities from 2b do you like?‎ B:I like school trip and School Day.‎ A:What other activities do you like?‎ B:I like basketball games and English parties.‎ ‎6.小结训练。(2分钟)‎ 从方框中选择正确的选项,将序号填在横线上,其中有两项多余。‎ Tom:Mary,1.__G__‎ Sally:Sure,Tom.‎ Tom:2.__E__‎ Sally:My birthday party is on October 1st.‎ Tom:OK.3.__C__‎ Sally:The basketball game?Oh,it's on October 2nd.‎ Tom:Good.And,um...4.__A__‎ Sally:The school trip is on September 27th.‎ Tom:5.__D__‎ Sally:Oh,that's Monday,September 29th.‎ A.how about the school trip?‎ B.How about his birthday?‎ C.When is the basketball game?‎ D.When do you have the speech contest?‎ E.When is your birthday party?‎ F.When is his birthday party?‎ G.can you help me fill in my calendar(日历)?‎ 环节说明:通过这个环节的学习提高了学生的阅读能力和口语交际能力。通过小结训练,‎ 33‎ 强化了知识点的巩固。‎ Step 3 完成教材3a—3b的任务 ‎1.阅读3a中的便条,用方框中的单词补全内容,完成后小组内核对答案,然后大声朗读便条。(3分钟)‎ ‎2.两人一组互相提问3b中的问题,根据问题答案写一个便条,邀请朋友参加学校的活动,完成后小组内互相交流,教师抽查点评。(5分钟)‎ 参考案例 Dear Mary,‎ Do you like art?Do you have some pictures?Please come to our school next week.We have an art festival.It's on December 13th.See you there.‎ Kate 环节说明:这一环节通过读写的训练,有助于学生的写作水平的提高,巩固所学的知识。‎ Step 4 完成教材Self Check的任务 ‎1.根据表格内容提示,写出基数词或序数词,写完后小组内订正答案。(4分钟)‎ ‎2.小组内说出所知道的节日名称及日期,比比哪个小组知道得多,然后写出2中节日的日期。(3分钟)‎ 环节说明:通过这个环节,让学生复习巩固了数词及日期表达方法。‎ Step 5 问题探究 ‎1.busy的用法 ‎1)繁忙的一天a_busy_day ‎2)我很忙。I_am_busy.‎ ‎3)他们忙于工作。They_are_busy_with_work.‎ ‎4)我妈妈正忙着打扫房间。My_mother_is_busy_cleaning_the_room.‎ busy意为“忙碌的”,是形容词,既可以作定语又可以作表语。常用句型:be_busy_with_sth.(忙于某事)和be_busy_doing_sth.(忙于做某事)。‎ ‎2.祝你们玩得开心。Have_a_good_time.‎ Have a good time相当于Have_fun。句中的good可以换成great、wonderful或nice。‎ 请学生们做前面课时训练部分。‎ 33‎

