五年级上册英语课件-Unit 3 Our animal friendsA-译林版(三起)(共25张PPT)

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五年级上册英语课件-Unit 3 Our animal friendsA-译林版(三起)(共25张PPT)

Unit 3 Our animal friends (Story time) 1. I can understand the story. 我能够理解故事。 2. I can read the story. 我能够朗读故事。 3. I can try to retell the story. 我能尝试复述故事。 Learning aims Let's talk! 你能根据关键词描述一下新老师么? Mr Zhang is ... He has ... He can ... long arms(手臂) long legs(腿) short hair big eyes ... tall, thin ... run jump draw pictures play table tennis ... Mr Zhang is tall and thin. He has very long arms and legs. He has two animal friends. He can run and he can jump. Let's sing! Let's guess! It's white. It has red eyes. It has four legs (腿). It has a short tail (尾巴). It can run and jump. It ' s yellow. It has two legs . It has a long tail . It has two wings (翅膀). It can talk and fly. rabbit parrot 1. 四人一组,读一读谜面。 2. 猜一猜Mr Zhang的动物朋友是什么。 1. What colour are Nancy's animal friends? 2. What do the y have? 3. What can they do? Let's answer! 四人一组阅读文章第一段,回答下列问题。 Let's answer! I have two animal friends. One is red and the other is black. They have big eyes and big bodies. They have no legs or arms, but they have big tails. They can swim. other m One… the other… 一个……另一个…… 1. What colour are Nancy's animal friends? Let's answer! I have two animal friends. One is red and the other is black. They have big eyes and big bodies . They have no legs or arms, but they have big tails . They can swim. 2. What do they have ? body tail Let's answer! I have two animal friends. One is red and the other is black. They have big eyes and big bodies. They have no legs or arms, but they have big tails. They can swim. 3. What can they do ? ( ) Let's find! 两人 一组,阅读 课文 第二、三段, 用 画出描述动物 颜色 的句子; 用_ _ _ _画出描述动物 身体部位 的句子; 用( )将动物 会做的事情 括起来。 Let's discuss! A: What colour is it? B: It's .... A: What does it have?(它有什么?) B: It has ... A: What can it do? B: It can ... Let's check! Let's check! Let's say! 我们可用哪些句子介绍动物朋友? 四人一组,帮助苏海介绍她的动物朋友,每人轮流说一句,看谁说得最多,不许重复哦! animal friend(s) It is/They're + colour It has/They have ... It can/They can ... two wings 四人一组选择喜欢的方式读课文。 Let's read! 和同伴分段读 小组内齐读 根据板书复述,一人一段 (Who) has ________ . It is/ They are __________. It has/ T hey have __________. It/They can __________. 你能用英文描述你的动物朋友,让大家猜一猜它是什么吗?四人一组试试吧! Let's say! I have an animal friend. It is ... It has … It can … What is it? Love animals, make friends. 尝试用小苹果曲调唱一唱课文。 2. 自编两个动物谜语,写下来。下节课让同学们猜一猜。(选做) Homework My animal friend is yellow and green. It has two legs and two wings. It has a big mouth and a long tail. It can talk and it can fly. Tip 1:可适当增加词语,使歌曲更上口哦! Tip 2:也可改变句子顺序或重复某个句子哦! 结合和图片板书, 任选一幅尝试复述 。 (Who) has ________ . It is/ They are __________. It has/ T hey have __________. It/They can __________. Let's retell!

