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M8U1 基础知识归纳 ‎1:for entertainment 为了娱乐 ‎2:recommend a book to sb 给某人推荐…‎ ‎3:replace sth with sth 用…来替代… =take the place of ‎ ‎4: appreciate literature 鉴赏文学 ‎5:Classic literature经典文学 ‎ ‎6: Classics are the antiques (古董) of the literary world. ‎ ‎7:They are examples of great writing and wisdom. 智慧(n.‎ ‎8:They are left to gather dust on shelves. 被遗忘在书架上落满灰尘 ‎9:Classics have not disappeared and still have a place 有一席之地in the world. ‎ ‎10:have nothing to do with life today 与今天的生活毫无联系 ‎11:be adapted from 由…改编问题 ‎ ‎12: In 1995, an award-winning film (获奖影片)based on (基于)Jane Austen’s novel Emma came out. (出版)‎ ‎13:Nobody would bother to (费力,麻烦去做) make these classic novels into films if they had nothing to do contemporary life. ‎ ‎14:He first published one chapter at a time. 一次发表一个章节 ‎15:soap operas 肥皂剧 ‎16:His tomb reads, “By his death, one of England’s greatest writers is lost to the world. ‎ ‎17: Joe would rather die than see any harm come to Pip. ‎ ‎ Would rather do than do sth 宁愿做…而不愿做 ‎18:in a foggy cemetery 在一个雾茫茫的墓地 a desperate criminal 一个绝望的罪犯 ‎19:Mist is a symbol of danger in Great Expectation. ‎ ‎20: Classic novels often have symbols which add interest, tension(紧张的氛围) or deeper meaning to the text. ‎ ‎ add sth to sth 把…增加到….‎ ‎21:There is twist in the plot. 故事的情节发生转折。‎ ‎22:give sb a big/large fortune 给某人大笔财富 ‎23:As a condition for sth 。。。。做为..的条件 on condition that 以…为条件 ‎24:Pip is eager to begin his new life.‎ ‎25:Before long (不久以后) he becomes vain (变得虚荣) and ashamed of his background. ‎ ‎26:Pip dislike it when Joe comes to visit him in London. It指代后面when引导的从句 ‎27:He has rigid ideas (观点僵化) of what it means to be civil 文明的and to be a gentleman. ‎ ‎28:Pip is bent on becoming a gentleman. Be bent on doing sth 一心想做某事 ‎29:a violent criminal on the run from the police. On the run 1)躲避;2)忙碌 ‎30:live up to one’s expectation 达到,实现某人的伟大前程 ‎31:Literature can be divided into two main category. 种类 ‎32: playwright 剧作家 detective 侦探小说 autobiography 自传 ‎33:Sherlock Holmes has great appeal to many young people. ‎ have great appeal to sb= appeal to sb 吸引某人 appealing (adj.) 有吸引力的 ‎34:have a better understanding of English Literature. 对…有个更好的了解 ‎35:a servant to a cruel master who abuse him ‎36: sb be forced to become a criminal 某人被迫成为..‎ ‎37:get arrested 被逮捕了 under arrest ‎ ‎38:His group of criminals find him and drag him back into (拽回)the life of crime, pressuring him with the threat of violence if he resists. ‎ ‎39: be reunited with 与..再次团聚 ‎40:head for sp 前往去往 ‎41:Mike had made a ball out of old socks bound together with plastic tape ‎ Make sth out of sth 由…制成 bound together with sth 过去分词最后后置定语 ‎ bind –bound-bound 捆,绑,系 ‎42:reform sb 是改过自新,,改造,改革 43:Soon the home-made ball was spinning across the grass. ‎ Spin –spun-spun 快速旋转,急转身 ‎44:The ball stopped and a new sneaker pinned it to the ground. Sneaker 凉鞋 ‎ Pin-pinned-pinned 把…固定,钉住,别上 ‎ ‎45:Her heart sank. 她的心情很沉重 Sink –sank-sunk ‎ ‎46:wear sb/sth out = sb be worn out 使筋疲力尽,破旧不堪 worn-out (adj.) ‎ 考察这个短语时一定要看清中间有无sb/sth ‎ ‎47:give him an envelope. 信封,注意书写!‎ ‎48:brand –new 崭新的 ‎ ‎49:In the corner was a new soccer ball. 地点介词短语放句首,全部倒桩 ‎50:have little talent for soccer 对于足球没天赋 ‎51:Steven turned and spat at him. Spit –spat-spat spitting 吐唾沫 区分split 分开 ‎ ‎52: let out a sad sign 发出一声伤心的叹息 ‎53:Cindy is abused by her ugly stepmother and two greedy stepsisters. She is forced to wear rags. ‎ ‎54: get/take possession of her fortune 占有 ‎55:come to one’s rescue 援救某人 add comedy to this otherwise dark tale. ‎ ‎56: genre of the story 故事的体裁 ‎57:Give a brief outline of the plot without giving away the ending ‎ ‎58: Robert Burns, Scotland’s supreme hero,文学巨匠 was born in Alloway. ‎ ‎59:Burns has a reputation for being funny and pleasant to be around. ‎ ‎60: a poor family with many debts 负债累累的家庭 ‎61:encourage sb to write poetry 鼓励他写诗歌 poem 诗 poet 诗人 62:He become famous worldwide . (adv. =globally)‎ ‎63: earn one’s income by farming 靠做农活维持生计 ‎64:All of Scotland mourned 哀悼Burn’s death. ‎ ‎65: donate money to support his widow ‎ ‎66:There is statue of Burns. 。。。的塑像 ‎67:When this monument( =memorial) in honor of him was first shown to the public…‎ ‎68: The Scottish people adored Burns. Adore sth/adore doing 喜欢 ‎69:Burns belonged to a group of poets诗人 called ‎ ‎70:The poetry of this period focuses on concepts like freedom and beauty, and tends to use imagination and touch on strong feelings. ‎ ‎ Tend to do sth= have a tendency to do sth 有做某事的倾向 ‎ ‎ Touch on 谈及,涉及 ‎71:The poem was intended to be a song. Burns divided this poem into four short sections consisting of (后置定语只有ing 形式,包含..)four lines each. ‎ ‎72: Poetry is full of symbols (充满了象征)and “A Red, Red Rose’ is no different. 不例外 ‎73; He compares the girl to a red rose. 把…比作 ‎74:O my love’s like the melodies旋律/ That’s sweetly play’d in tune. 合拍 ‎75:He is swearing that his love will never fade (凋谢,衰败)as long as he lives. ‎ ‎76:farewell to arms! 永别了武器

