人教精通版六年级英语下册Lesson 7 & Lesson 8优质课件

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人教精通版六年级英语下册Lesson 7 & Lesson 8优质课件

Unit 2 There is a park near my home. Lesson 7 & Lesson 8 精通版·六年级下册 河流 New words 在……附近 在……旁边 在……中间 健康的(食品) 蔬菜 in front of bookshop behind clothes shop supermarket across the road 在……前面 书店 在……后面 服装店 超市 在马路对面 New words Just read and talk My name is Susan. Look at this picture of my community. There are many tall buildings in it. I live in one of the buildings. There is a park near my home and there is a river behind the park. There are a lot of trees and flowers in the park. It’s beautiful. On the main street is a bank. Beside the bank is a hospital. Across the road, there is a big supermarket between a hotel and a bookshop. My mum and I often buy fruit, vegetables and other healthy food there. Look! What’s in the centre of the community? There is a school! It is my school. I can see everything on my way to school. I like my community. It’s a busy, clean and nice place! Read the passage and answer the questions. 1. Are there any buildings in the community? 2. What is on the main street? Yes, there are. On the main street is a bank. 3.What’s in the centre of the community? 4.What does Susan think of her community? There is a school. It’s a busy, clean and nice place! Language points ① Look at this picture of my community. 看看这幅我的社区的图片。 此句是由of表示的所有格,“of + 名词”表示所属 关系,意为“……的”。通常情况下,当表示无生命的 事物的所属关系时,用“of + 名词”结构构成所有格。 例句:This is a map of the world. 这是一张世界地图。 拓展:名词所有格构成的另一种结构:名词+’s。 有生命的名词一般使用此结构表示该名词的所有格。 【例句】These are Tom’s friends. 这些是汤姆的朋友。 This is Amy’s new T-shirt. 这是埃米的新T恤衫。 ② There is a park near my home and there is a river behind the park. 在我家附近有一个公园,公园后面有一条河。 此句用于表示某地有某物,基本句型为:There is + a/an + 可数名词单数 + 方位介词 + 其他. 当句中名词为不可 数名词时,基本句型为: There is + 不可数名词 + 方位介词 + 其他. 例句:There is a bike beside the tree. 在树旁边有一辆自行车。 There is some bread on the table. 桌上有一些面包。 拓展:表示某地有某些物时,基本句型为:There are + 可数名词复数 + 方位介词 + 其他. 例句:There are some trees in front of our house. 我们家门前有一些树。 注意:there be句型的就近原则: there be句型中,be动词的选择要与后面的主语保持 一致,当后面的主语有两个或两个以上时,则与离be动 词最近的那个主语保持一致,即就近原则。 例句:There is an apple and two books on the desk. 桌上有一个苹果和两本书。(an apple是单数) There are two books and an apple on the desk. 桌上有两本书和一个苹果。(two books是复数) 辨析:there be与have 都有“有”的意思,但是它们的含义却不完全相同。 ①there be表示“某处有某人/某物”,强调客观存在。 【例句】There are five pencils on the desk. 书桌上有五支铅笔。 ②have表示“某人拥有某物”,强调所属关系。 【例句】I have a book.我有一本书。 ③My mum and I often buy fruit, vegetables and other healthy food there.我和妈妈经常在那里买水果、蔬菜和其 他健康的食品。 buy 意为“ 买;购买”,作动词,可直接接某物。表 示“给某人买某物”有以下两种结构: buy +某物+ for +某人 buy+某人+某物 【例句】I want to buy a schoolbag for my sister. =I want to buy my sister a schoolbag. 我想给我妹妹买一个书包。 ④ I can see everything on my way to school. 在去学校的路上,我能看见所有事物。 此句中on my way to school表示“在去学校的路上”, “on one’s way to + 地点”是一个固定搭配,表示“在某人……的路 上”。 例句:On her way to bookshop, she saw her old friend. 在去书店的路上,她看见了她的老朋友。 注意:当地点为副词home时,该结构中不能用to。 例句:I bought a book on my way home. 我在回家的路上买了一本书。 Just practise bank/in front of bookshop/behind 银行/在……前面 书店/在……后面 hotel/beside clothes shop/between 旅馆/在……旁边 服装店/在……中间 supermarket/across the road hospital/near 超市/在马路对面 医院/在……附近 There is a park near my home. There is a bank in front of my home. Make sentences with the new words. There is a hotel beside the bookshop. There is a clothes shop between the hotel and the bookshop. Language points ⑤There is a bank in front of my home. 在我家前面有一个银行。 in front of是一个介词短语,意为“在……前面”, 后面可以跟名词或人称代词。 【例句】Uncle Wang stands in front of the desk. 王叔叔站在桌子前面。 Just write river near beside between healthy(food) vegetable There is a park near my home. Let’s talk beside between in front of near across behind There is a bookshop between the hotel and the flower shop. Yes, and there is a supermarket in front of the flower shop. Play roles with your partner There is a toy shop between the clothes shop and the school. Yes, and there is a cake shop beside the school. Let’s chant Mimi walked and walked. Micky jumped and jumped. Mimi talked and talked. Micky kicked and bumped. 咪咪走啊走。 米基跳啊跳。 咪咪说啊说。 米基踢啊撞啊。 字母组合ed在清辅音后面的发音 字母组合ed在清辅音后面发/t/,发此音时,声带不 振动,双唇未开,舌尖抵住上齿龈,形成气流阻碍,然 后将气流快速从口腔弹出来。

