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‎2015高考冲刺-----------高中英语人教版必修1----选修8各单元词汇检测练习句子版 必修1 Unit 1-2‎ Unit 1   Friendship 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。‎ 第一组:crazy, loose, calm, entirely, reason, thunder, share, German, habit, teenager, upset, communicate, outdoors, situation, advice ‎ ‎1 A‎ group of Frenchmen and _________ are visiting Window to the World. 2 Please wait in line. Everyone will get his ________. 3 The doorknob (门把手) has come _________. Who will fix it? 4 Don’t always stay indoors. You’d better go __________ for fun time. 5 I once studied some Japanese at college, but I’m afraid that I’ve __________ forgotten it now. 6 Don’t scold him. After all, he is only a __________. 7 __________ often follows lightning. 8 People say that __________ is second nature. 9 China is going through good economic __________ these years. 10 Since you have question, why not turn to him for some __________? 11 My child spends most of the time playing online games. It really _________ me. 12 ___________ well with others is considered a kind of ability. 13 Seeing mother smiling at me among the audience, I felt _________ on the stage. 14 No one knew the __________ why he was absent from class a second time. 15 Seeing the famous film star appearing, all the fans became _________.‎ 第二组:list, power, point, suffer, ignore, edotor, cheat, questionnaire, trust, dare ‎ ‎16 Do you know when President George Bush came into _________ ? 17 I __________ from a bad cold the other day. It took me days to get rid of it. 18 Only a few years after graduation my sister became the chief _________ with China Daily. 19 Can you design a ____________ to find out what kinds of friends your classmates like to make? 20 He is your father. How __________ you say to him like that? 21 Little Peter always lies to others. His classmates won’t _________ him anymore. 22 Mrs Wang wrote on the blackboard: No _________ in exams! 23 Mary got very unhappy, for other friends __________ her at the party. 24 I got 90 __________ in the final English exam. 25 Before going shopping you’d better make a _______of what you are going to buy.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):‎ add up (to)    be concerned about    go through    set down    a series of  on purpose    in order to  according to    get along with    fall in love (with)   join in    have got to   hide away    face to face ‎ ‎1 We’ve chatted online for some time but we have never met ___________. 2 It is nearly 11 o’clock yet he is not back. His mother ____________ him. 3 The Lius ___________ hard times before liberation. 4 ____________ get a good mark I worked very hard before the exam. 5 I think the window was broken ___________ by someone. 6 You should ___________ the language points on the blackboard. They are useful. 7 They met at Tom’s party and later on ____________ with each other. 8 You can find ____________ English reading materials in the school ‎ library. 9 I am easy to be with and _____________my classmates pretty well. 10 They __________ in a small village so that they might not be found. 11 Which of the following statements is not right ____________ the above passage? 12 It’s getting dark. I ___________ be off now. 13 More than 1,000 workers ___________ the general strike last week. 14 All her earnings _____________ about 3,000 yuan per month.‎ Unit 2   English around the world 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:direction, command, lightning, block, request, accent, retell, recognize, standard, northwestern 1 ___________ is a kind of natural phenomenon. 2 Please read the __________ on the bottle before taking the medicine. 3 May and I are classmates, but we live in different _________. 4 Mao Zedong spoke with a strong Hunan __________. 5 When we met many years later I could hardly __________ Lily at the airport. 6 Gansu is a __________ province of China. 7 If you want to learn Chinese, you may learn from her. She speaks very ________ Chinese. 8 Will you please __________ the story to the whole class? 9 Visitors are ___________ not to touch the exhibits. 10 He lived in America for five years and has a good __________ of English.‎ 第二组:rule, rapidly, apartment, government, subway, identity, international, vocabulary, include, present, native, actually 11 The population of that country is increasing ___________. 12 Our __________ must do something to stop the rising house prices. 13 The police are trying to discover the __________ of the killer. 14 Usually you will read faster if you have a bigger English _________. 15 All those _________ at the meeting are high officials. 16 _________, English is not so hard to learn if you put your heart into it. 17 _________ speakers of English are in good demand in our school. 18 Only ten boys passed the exam, _________ Peter and you. 19 My father likes me to major in __________ trade when I go to university. 20 Underground and _________ mean the same in English. 21 Englishmen say flat, while Americans say ____________. 22 India was once __________by Britain and won its independence in 1947.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):‎ play a …role (in)   because of   come up  such as   even if   play a …part (in) ‎ ‎1 Dujiangyan(都江堰) is still ___________in irrigation(灌溉) today. 2 That question ___________ at yesterday’s meeting. 3 Karl Marx could speak a few foreign languages, _________Russian and English. 4 You must ask for leave first __________ you have something very important. 5 The media _________ major ________ in influencing people’s opinions. 6 _________ years of hard work she looked like a woman in her fifties.‎ 必修一 Unit 1 一 第一组: 1 Germans  2 share  3 loose  4 outdoors  5 entirely  6 teenager  7 Thunder 8 habit  9 situation  10 advice  11 upsets  12 To communicate  13 calm  14 reason  15 crazy  第二组:16 power  17 suffered  18 editor  19 questionnaire 20 dare  21 trust  22 cheating  23 ignored  24 points  25 list 二 1 face to face  2 is concerned about  3 went through  ‎4 In order to  5 on purpose  6 set down  7 fell in love  ‎8 a series of  9 am getting along with  10 hid away  11 according to  12 have got to  13 joined in  14 adds up to Unit 2 一 第一组:1 Lightning  2 directions  3 blocks  4 accent  5 recognize  6 northwestern  7 standard  8 retell  9 requested  10 command  第二组:11 rapidly  12 government  13 identity  14 vocabulary  15 present  16 Actually  17 Native  18 including 19 international  20 subway  21 apartment  22 ruled 二 1 playing a part  2 came up  3 such as  4 even if  5 play a…role 6 Because of ‎ 高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-必修1 Unit 3-5‎ Unit 3   Travel journal 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:properly, cycle, transport, insist, record, stubborn, brave, fare, familiar, camp 1 I live near our school. Sometimes I _________ to school. 2 I ________ that the rude shop assistant should apologize to me. 3 My daughter is so ________ that she cannot easily change her mind. 4 You only have to pay 20 yuan; children travel at half _________. 5 I signed up for the 2007 English Summer _________. 6 The notice is written in German. Is anyone _________ with the German language? 7 The boy was ________ enough to keep chasing after the thief with a knife. 8 Liu Xiang broke the world _________ for the men’s 110-meter hurdle. 9 If you get to Beijing, there are two kinds of ________ for you to choose—by air or train. 10 When you write it is important to use words _________.‎ 第二组:determine, topic, plain, persuade, attitude, journal, shorts, altitude 11 Fighting against terrorism(恐怖主义) has become an important ______ throughout the world these years. 12 Can you think of ways to _________ him to give up the plan? 13 When people are travelling they often write about their travels, which is called travel _______. 14 The Everest has an ________ of 8844.34 meters, according to the latest survey. 15 After putting on a T-shirt and ________, he went out to play tennis. 16 If you want to pass the exams, you’d better change your ________ towards them. 17 The soil of the Northeast _______ is fertile(肥沃的) and fine corn, sorghum, and rice grow there. 18 Upbringing(培养) plays an important part in _________ a person’s character.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ change one’s mind   give in   dream about for one thing…for another   be familiar to  be determined to do   ‎ ‎ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Since I was a child I _________ taking a space trip. 2 He failed again. _________, he didn’t have enough time.; _________, he couldn’t find people to help him. 3 I __________ go to a famous university in the future. 4 Finally the enemy had to ____________ to us. 5 This old song __________ those Chinese people who lived in the 60s. 6 She ___________ at last and promised to go together with us the next day.‎ ‎ Unit 4   Earthquakes 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:pond, fresh, brick, electricity, organize, injure, judge, shake, rise, speech, disaster, destroy 1 Let me write it down while it is still _________ in my mind. 2 Without __________ our life would be quite different today. 3 He got _________ in the right leg while playing football last week. 4 When an earthquake comes people can feel the house _________. 5 At Jerry’s party, Mr Smith delivered an amusing _________. 6 If a nuclear war should break out, it would bring a great _________ to man. 7 Most of the buildings _________ in the earthquake. 8 From yesterday on the temperature began to _________. 9 Never _________ a person only by his clothes. 10 Our class went on an _________ trip last Monday. 11 Stones and _________ are used to build a house. 12 The water in the small _________ froze and kids skated on it.‎ 第二组:ruin, smelly, steam, honour, rescue, bury, shelter, dam, canal, burst, shock, prepare, mine 13 The clothes of those who smoke a lot are often __________. 14 Li Siguang is __________ as the father of geology in China. 15 After getting hanged Saddam Hussin _________ in his home town. 16 Three Gorges (峡)_______on the Changjiang River is a great project in the world. 17 Reading the letter, she _________ out crying. 18 The students are busy __________ for the New Year’s Day Evening. 19 Hundreds of workers were killed in the coal _________ accidents last year. 20 He was greatly _________ at the news of his uncle’s death. 21 The Grand ________ was built during the Sui Dynasty(隋朝). 22 It looks like rain. We’d better seek _________ from the rain. 23 Five soldiers were sent to _________ those skiers trapped in the snow. 24 _________ can be seen rising from the boiling kettle(水壶). 25 The bad weather _________ our trip.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ------------------------------------------------  right away    at an end    dig out  a number of   thousands of   give out    ------------------------------------------------- 1 After a long walk we all __________. 2 __________ workers went on the strike(罢工), but I didn’t know the exact ‎ number. 3 Just wait for me on the spot; I will come ___________. 4 More than a dozen people ___________ of the avalanche(雪崩) alive. 5 When we arrived at the cinema, the film was nearly __________. 6 __________ people gathered on the square watching the fireworks. ‎ Unit 5   Nelson Mandela- a modern hero 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:quality, cruelty, prison, blanket, vote, stage, degree, fight, reward, hero 1 The Society for the Prevention of _________ to Animals (SPCA 动物保护协会) is a well known organization in the world. 2 The girl wrapped herself with a _________ to keep herself warm. 3 The famous actress first appeared on the _________ only in her teens. 4 The two boys who were _________ in the playground were ordered to stop. 5 People regarded him as a ________, for he saved a drowning 8-year-old boy out of a freezing lake. 6 You really deserve a _________ for being so helpful. 7 My uncle received a doctor’s _________of medicine in America in 1998 and returned to China the following year. 8 He obtained 89% of the __________ and was elected president of the Party. 9 Nelson Mandela was put in ________ a few times. 10 People often value the _________ of a product rather than its packaging.‎ 第二组:active, criminal, advise, guard, accept, position, educated, period, president, willing 11 The _________ was charged with robbing a bank and sentenced to death. 12 Two soldiers _________ the government office building all the time. 13 My father was promoted to a higher _________ for his achievements. 14 I stayed in Japan for only a short _________ of time. 15 Those boys are so helpful that they are always ________ to help others. 16 George Bush was elected _________ of the USA a second time in 2004. 17 All my family are well _________, of whom my brother studied in Harvard University. 18 I am a Party member and never ________any bribe(贿赂) from others. 19 The doctor _________ me to take more exercise so that I can keep fit. 20 Some students are very ________ in answering teachers’ questions while others just keep silent when asked any question.‎ 第三组:principle, sincerely, league, terror, youth, violence, peaceful, continue, fear, republic 21 I _________ hope that you won’t let me down. 22 To his ________, he found a figure coming towards him in the darkness. 23 What really worries those parents is that there is too much sex and _______ on TV. 24 The rain ________ falling all afternoon. But it came to a stop by dark. 25 PRC is short for the People’s _________ of China. 26 His son has been missing for five days and now police are beginning to _______ the worst. 27 After retirement she moved to the country and lived a ________ life. 28 The _________ play an important role in building our country. 29 I have been a ________ member for 3 years. 30 Stick to your ________ and tell him that you won’t do it.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):  --------------------------------------------------------------- lose heart   in trouble   worry about   out of work  as a matter of fact    blow up    put…in prison  come to power    set up   be sentenced to  ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 That building __________ yesterday and the police began to look into it. 2 Never _________; believe in yourself and keep up courage. ‎3 In America those who are __________ can live on relief(救济金). 4 He is very helpful; he always helps those _________ out of difficulty. 5 He pretends to be making comment on the drawings, but ____________, he knows nothing about art. 6 Due to lots of thefts he was __________. 7 What I am _________ is whether I can find another job. 8 That chemical works, which _________ only two years ago, has been closed down recently, because it has brought lots of pollution. 9 Saddam Hussin _________ death in 2006. 10 This party __________ at the last election.‎ Unit 3 一 第一组:1 cycle  2 insisted  3 stubborn  4 fare  5 Camp  6 familiar  7 brave  8 record  9 transport  10 properly  第二组:11 topic  12 persuade  13 journal  14 altitude 15 shorts  16 attitude  17 Plain  18 determining 二 1 have dreamed about  2 For one thing; for another  3 am determined to 4 give in  5 is familiar to  6 changed her mind/gave up Unit 4 一 第一组:1 fresh  2 electricity  3 injured  4 shaking  5 speech  6 disaster  7 were destroyed  8 rise  9 judge  10 organized  11 bricks  12 pond  第二组: 13 smelly  14 honoured  15 was buried  16 Dam  17 burst  18 preparing  19 mine  20 shocked  21 Canal  22 shelter  23 rescue  24 Steam  25 ruined 二 1 gave out  ‎2 A number of/ Thousands of  3 right away  4 were dug out 5 at an end  ‎6 A number of/ Thousands of Unit 5 一 第一组:1 Cruelty  2 blanket  3 stage  4 fighting  5 hero  6 reward  7 degree  8 vote  9 prison  10 quality  第二组:11 criminal  12 guard  13 position  14 period  15 willing  16 president  17 educated  18 accept  19 advises  20 active  第三组:21 sincerely  22 terror  23 violence  24 continued  25 Republic  26 fear  27 peaceful  28 youth  29 league  30 principles  二 1 was blown up  2 lose heart  3 out of work  ‎4 in trouble  5 as a matter of fact  6 put in prison  7 worying about  8 was set up  9 was sentenced to 10 came to power ‎ 高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-必修2 Unit 1-2‎ Unit 1  Cultural relics 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:wonder, state, remove, remain, furniture, survive, fancy, cultural, style, design, jewel, vase, reception, vase, rare, dynasty 1 Matter has three ________: solid, gas and liquid. 2 All the passengers should ________ seated until the plane touches ‎ down. 3 It was a miracle that three persons ________ that big fire. 4 There are some _________ differences between the east and the west. 5 It was my father who _________the bridge. 6 Those few foreigners show great interest in this Chinese ________, dating back to 800 years ago. 7 Li Bai, a great ancient Chinese poet, lived in the Tang _________. 8 Our government has passed laws to protect the ________ wildlife that are dying out. 9 If you want to buy a house, you may come into the _________ room for further information. 10 Our company deals in kinds of ________. 11 The hotel has been redecorated but it’s lost a lot of its _________. 12 She didn’t ________the idea of going home in the dark. 13 After moving into the new apartment we will buy a new set of _________. 14 Will you please _________ the chair? It’s in the way. 15 It is no ________ that he failed again, for he had never studied hard.‎ 第二组:treasure, mirror, sailor, consider, opinion, trial, evidence, doubt, prove, secretly, castle, pretend 16 Peter, what is that spot on your face? Just look at yourself in the _________. 17 I don’t like my present job, so I am _________ changing a new one. 18 The murderer was finally sentenced to death after a few _________. 19 Do you ________ that our class will beat theirs at the basketball match? 20 I told her _________ what had happened to him. 21 When he passed by, he _________ not to see me. 22 Your dream is nothing but “_________ in the air”. 23 What he said ________ that he was very honest and sincere. 24 There is convincing _________ of a link between exposure to the sun and skin cancer. 25 If you want my _________, I think you are crazy not to accept it. 26 Smith used to be a _________ in his twenties. 27 The police found buried ________ in the backyard of the white house.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): -------------------------------------------------------------- look into  belong to  in search of  in return  take apart  think highly of  make..into  at war  --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 That black suitcase on the floor _________ me. 2 That murder case is __________ by the police. 3 China was __________ with Japan at that time. 4 I gave him a nice gift _________ for his help. 5 All of us __________ Mary’s spoken English. 6 Groups of people went out ___________ the missing child. 7 Wood can be _________ fine paper. 8 We had to _________ the engine piece by piece for transport.‎ ‎ Unit 2  The Olympic Games 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:advertise, physical, compete, athlete, slave, honest, poster, relate, ancient,‎ ‎ admit 1 Do you know anyone with a mental or ________ disability? 2 More ________ than ever before will take part in the 29th Beijing Olympic Games. 3 To be ________ with you, I don’t like the way he talks. 4 Much of the crime in this area is _________ to drug abuse. 5 Little Tom _________ having broken the window last night. ‎6 In _______ times, people used abacuses to calculate, which was slow. 7 What is written on that _________? Let’s go and have a look. 8 _________ were often forced to do heavy physical labor without any pay. 9 They are __________ against each other for the new contract. 10 We’ll __________ for new pupils. Our class starts at the beginning of the summer holiday.‎ 第二组:host, stadium, silver, medal, interview, promise, replace, gymnasium, golden, magical 11 There is to be a football match at the City _________ this coming weekend. 12 To some players their goals is not only for a gold _________. 13 They arrived at 7.30 as they had _________. 14 After work I usually go to the _________ for exercise. 15 Her words had a ________ effect on us all. 16 My ________watch is not really made of gold. 17 Can you find an appropriate word to _________ this one? 18 More than 30 people were _________ for this job but only four were accepted. 19 They didn’t win a gold medal though they did their best. But luckily they got a _______ medal and a bronze one. 20 Five cities bid to _________ the 2011 World Universiade.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ----------------------------------------------------- take part in  a set of  as well as  one after another  run against  ----------------------------------------------------- 1 The students present at the lecture asked the professor questions _________. 2 I bought _________ china, which cost me a great deal. 3 He is a famous scientist ________ a well known writer. 4 I will _________ the other 10 boys in the 10,000-meter race. 5 Only five students were chosen to __________ the national math competition.‎ 必修二 Unit 1 一 第一组:1 states  2 remain  3 survived  4cultural  5 designed  6 vase  7 Dynasty 8 rare  9 reception  10 jewels  11 style  12 fancy  13 furniture  14 remove  15 wonder  第二组:16 mirror  17 considering  18 trials  19 doubt  20 secretly  21 pretended  22 castles  23 proved  24 evidence  25 opinion  26 sailor  27 treasure 二 1 belongs to  2 looked into  3 at war  ‎4 in return  5 think highly of ‎6 in search of  7 made into  8 take apart Unit 2 一 第一组:1 physical  2 athletes  3 honest  4 related  5 admitted  6 ancient  7 poster  8 Slaves  9 competing  10 advertise  第二组:11 Stadium  12 medal  13 promised  14 gymnasium  15 magical  16 golden  17 replace  18 interviewed  19 silver  20 host ‎ ‎ 二 1 one after another  ‎2 a set of  3 as well as  4 run against  5 take part in 高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-必修2 Unit 3-5‎ Unit 3  Computers 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:wander, notebook, brain, technology, move, universally, create, artificial, material, totally, disagree, birth ‎1 A __________ computer, or a laptop computer usually costs more than a desktop computer. 2 We often talk of IT, which is short for information __________. 3 It is _________ accepted that English is an international language in the world. 4 Those ___________ flowers look like real ones. 5 You are __________ wrong on that point. 6 He was blind from _________ and couldn’t be cured. 7 What he said sounded unreasonable, so I _________ with him. 8 Why not try to find more reading ___________ to improve your comprehension ability? 9 The Bible said God ________ men. 10 It’s getting late; we have to make a ________. 11 Teachers spotted that he had a good _________ at an early age. 12 Lots of girls like _________ through the streets without buying anything.‎ 第二组:mop, calculate, arise, common, coach, revolution, personally, mathematical, choice, intelligence, advantage, network 13 An abacus is the oldest type of __________ tool in China. 14 Mary is a very _________ English name for girls. 15 It was between 1966 and 1976 that the Cultural __________ took place in China. 16 This maths test, including 30 problems, can assess children’s __________ ability. 17 This child is clever and quick-minded, and he is of high _________. 18 The office _________ allows users to share files and software and to use a central printer. 19 Living in the country has also some __________, compared to living in the city. 20 It seemed that we had no __________ but to wait for the rain to stop. 21 _________, I think this article is well written except for its sharp remarks. 22 You’d better find a _________ for one-to-one training to better your skills. 23 We keep them informed of any changes as they _________. 24 Peter, please _________ the floor. It is very dirty.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ---------------------------------------------------------------- in common    go by    deal with   in a way  make up   with the help of   after all   watch over    ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Will you please _________ my child while I am out? 2 Those two brothers not only look alike, but also they have a lot _________. 3 When I am back to school from sick leave, I will _________ for the missed lessons. 4 __________, he has been very successful. 5 I cannot think of ways to __________ the salesman at the door. 6 I made great progress in English ___________ Mr. Lin. 7 Look! Little Tom is in tears. Don’t scold him. __________, he is only a boy of ‎ six. 8 Three months _________ before I knew about it.‎ Unit 4  Wildlife protection 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:bite, wildlife, whale, protection, affect, enemy, powerful, reserve, contain, area, insect, zone, suggest, stomach, apply 1 Everyone should realize the importance of __________ protection, because some animals are endangered. 2 Sunglasses can be a _________ to your eyes against the strong sunlight on hot summer days. 3 We should be kind to friends, but never show mercy to _________. 4 Wolong Nature ________ , Sichuan Province is one home to pandas. 5 China has an ________ of 9.6 million square kilometers. 6 Shenzhen Special Economic _________ was founded in 1980. 7 Oxen have four ________ while we human beings have only one. 8 Many college students _________ to work in the western China after graduation. 9 Her pale face ________ that she was sick, so I advised her to go to a doctor. 10 _________ are small creatures with six legs and a body divided into three parts. 11 Fresh fruit and vegetables ________ plentiful Vitamin C. 12 China is getting more and more ________ in the world. 13 Sex and violence in TV plays __________ the development of a child. ‎14 A _________ is the largest animal in the sea. 15 People say that barking dogs don’t ________ .‎ 第二组:rub, butterfly, effect, recently, lazy, fierce, peace, loss, mosquito, drug 16 The idiom “ to have _________ in one’s stomach” means “ to have a nervous feeling before doing something”. 17 I have seen little of Mary _________. ‎18 A tiger is a very _________ kind of animal. However, it won’t attack you if you don’t. 19 Living near an airport may cause the ________ of hearing some day. 20 You can buy kinds of medicine at a ________ store. 21 Why not hang a ________ net over a bed to keep them away from you? 22 Although we had several quarrels, yet we made ________ later. 23 She is so _________; she seldom tidies up and cleans her house. 24 Proper ways of educating kids will have a good ________ on their character building. 25 Pupils are asked to ________ out the mistake if they find it wrong.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ------------------------------------------------------------------- die out   as a result (of)  in peace   in danger  protect…from   pay attention to   come into being  -------------------------------------------------------------------  1 The new country _________ only two years ago. 2 He fell far behind other students ________ laziness. 3 The government is doing its best to _______ those rare animals _______ being hunted. 4 I had warned him of the possible danger, but he didn’t  _______ it. 5 Elephants would _________ if men are allowed to shoot as many as they wished. 6 Children’s lives are _________ every time they cross the road. 7 The two communities live together _________.‎ Unit 5  Music 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:saying, perform, form, advertisement, fan, folk, ability, stick, clap, attractive 1 The doctors are ________ an operation trying to save the dying man. 2 Jones would move to another city so she put an _________ in the newspaper to sell her house. 3 At college I majored in(主修) _________ literature. 4 What bad luck! My car got _________ in the mud on my way to the meeting. 5 She is an __________ woman and lots of men chase after her. 6 When he was singing the sweet song everyone _________ in time to the music. 7 I will try to do the job to the best of my ________. 8 Jay Chou has lots of ________ among young high school students. 9 Ten years of work in the country ________ the basis of his writing. 10 As the __________ goes, “Practice makes perfect.” ‎ 第二组:musician, instrument, loosely, passer-by, extra, reputation, afterwards, frog, unknown, earn  11 My sister takes an interest in music and she can play some musical ________. 12 Sorry, I don’t know where the post office is. I am a _________. 13 As soon as his first novel was published, he earned a ________. 14 ________ have very long back legs for jumping. 15 The old couple ________ their living by collecting and selling used plastic bottles. 16 X is often used to represent an _________ number. 17 After the lunch we parted, so I didn’t know what happened to him _________. 18 I get a low salary so sometimes I work ________ to earn more. 19 He fastened the belt ________ around his waist. 20 Beethoven, a great German _________, lived between 1770 and 1827. ‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ dream of  be honest with  play jokes on  or so  break up  by chance  sort out  stick to  above all    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 The watch costs 200 yuan ________. 2 It was ________ that I found the jewel. 3 ________, make sure you keep in touch. 4 It is the kind of trip that most of us can only ________. 5 If you _________ others, they will help you a lot. 6 If you _________ the truth, you have nothing to fear. 7 The boys _________ Tom. They hid his shoes and he couldn’t find them. 8 Sentences can be ________ into phrases and phrases into words. 9 Please ________ the things you want to keep and throw everything else away.‎ Unit 3 一 第一组:1 notebook  2 technology  3 universally  4 artificial  5 totally  6 birth  7 disagreed  8 materials  9 created  10 move  11 brain  12 wandering  第二组:13 calculating  14 common  15 Revolution  16 mathematical  17 intelligence  18 network  19 advantages  20 choice  21 Personally  22 coach  23 arise  24 mop  二 1 watch over  ‎2 in common  3 make up  ‎4 In a way  5 deal with  6 with the help of  7 After all  8 went by Unit 4 一 第一组:1 wildlife  2 protection  3 enemies  4 Reserve  5 area  6 Zone  7 stomachs  8 apply  9 suggested  10 Insects  11 contain  12 powerful  13 affect  14 whale  15 bite  第二组:16 butterflies  17 recently  18 fierce  19 loss  20 drug  21 mosquito 22 peace  23 lazy  24 effect  25 rub 二 1 came into being  2 as result of  3 protect…from  4 pay attention to  5 die out  ‎6 in danger  ‎7 in peace ‎ Unit 5 一 第一组:1 performing  2 advertisement  3 folk  4 stuck  5 attractive  6 clapped  7 ability  8 fans  9 formed  10 saying  第二组:11 instruments  12 passer-by  13 reputation  14 Frogs  15 earn  16 unknown  17 afterwards  18 extra  19 loosely  20 musician 二 1 or so  2 by chance  3 Above all  4 dream of  5 are honest with  6 stick to  7 played jokes on  8 broken up  9 sort out 高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-必修3 Unit 1-2‎ Unit 1   Festivals around the world 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:handsome, clothing, social, award, satisfy, national, gain, starve, watermelon, religious 1 Never believe in him; He is nothing but a wolf in sheep’s ________. 2 He was ________ the Hero of the City for having saved a boy from the big fire. 3 The March of the Volunteer(义勇军进行曲) is the Chinese ________ anthem. 4 Mum, I am _______. Is dinner ready? 5 –What’s your _________ belief? – Islam. 6 I like fruit, such as pineapples, mangoes, grapes and _______. 7 China didn’t ________ its independence until 1949. 8 Your answer is quite _________. I am satisfied with it. 9 She is very _________ and has a large circle of friends. 10 After selling the old car, I bought a new _______ one made in Germany.‎ 第二组:feast, independence, agricultural, ancestor, admire, daily, Christian, rooster, lamp, gather  11 America declared its _________ on July 4, 1776. ‎12 In China Tomb-sweeping Day(清明节) is a day to be in memory of their _______. 13 These machines are inspected twice ________. 14 _________ has the same meaning as cock. 15 I am now _________ convincing information for my paper. 16 It was Edison who invented the electric _________. 17 Those who believe in Christianity are called _________. 18 I _________ him for his bravery and determination. He made it in the end. 19 The central government has made a series of _________ policies to encourage farmers to work the land. 20 They held a grand wedding ________ at a five-star hotel. More than 500 guests were invited.‎ 第三组:weep, permission, couple, energetic, possibility, European, forgive, origin, obvious, drown, announcer, apologise, fool, sadness, arrival  21 Without my ________ anyone is not allowed to ‎ enter. 22 To get the job done, one should be ________ and dynamic(动力的). 23 Britain, France and Germany are all developed _________ countries. 24 Do you know the _________ of the earth? 25 When the girl was saved up the shore, she was almost _________. 26 If you do something wrong you should ________ to others. 27 You were ________ enough to believe him. 28 On my _________ home I found the front door open. 29 At the news, he was lost in deep ________. 30 There came the ________ voice, “Flight for Beijing delayed due to thick fog”. 31 It was very _________ that he showed no interest in our plan. 32 Please ________ me for coming late. 33 Is there any _________ that our team will defeat theirs? 34 We haven’t seen each other for a ________ of days. 35 I ________ to see him looking so sick.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- take place  in memory of  dress up  look forward to  day and night  as though  have fun with  keep one’s word  hold one’s breath    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Children often __________ the arrival of a holiday. 2 Mom, don’t worry about me. I am ___________ other boys. 3 The Olympic Games _________ every four years. 4 There is to be a get-together tonight. Please __________ for it. 5 That school was founded ___________ the famous scientist. 6 The couple worked ___________ to pay back their debt. 7 It looks ___________ it’s going to rain soon. 8 I ___________ to visit him the next day. 9 ___________ and count 1 to 10.‎ Unit 2   Healthy eating 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:limit, strength, fibre, mutton, slim, diet, gently, glare, energy, roast 1 He pushed against that big stone with all his _________. 2 We call the meat from a fully grown sheep _________. 3 Mary has been on a _________ for weeks but still hasn’t lost any weight. 4 The two men in the fight _________ at each other. 5 I prefer _________ chicken to stir-fried chicken(油爆鸡). 6 Those players are resting on the grass to save up ________ for the next match. 7 The old man patted me on the head _________ and said, “Just keep up good work.” 8 You can make yourself thin by eating _________ foods 9 Vegetables are rich in _________. 10 There is a time _________; you must finish it in 30 minutes.‎ 第二组:item, curiosity, packet, digestion, weakness, benefit, combine, research, balance, cucumber, customer, mushroom,‎ ‎ sigh 11 The letter was not addressed to me but I opened it out of _________. 12 The child had a good _________, for he is hungry again 20 minutes after lunch. 13 You will _________ a lot from morning exercises. 14 The scientists are __________ into ways of improving people’s diet. 15 __________ and __________ are vegetables but not fruit. 16 “Oh, the match is lost this time. Hope we’ll have better luck next time,” she _____. 17 The waiters in the restaurant all know me—I am a regular _________. 18 Don’t be particular about food. A __________ diet is very important for health. 19 Hydrogen __________ with oxygen to form water. 20 It is very important to know your own strengths and _________. 21 The man is really a chain smoker; he smokes three _________ of cigarettes a day. 22 Please listen to that _________ of news; it has a lot to do with our job.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ought to  throw away  get away with  tell lies  get rid of    earn one’s living    in debt    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Jack is addicted to gambling(赌博) and he is __________ to many of his friends. 2 Sometimes it takes days to __________ a cold. 3 As students we _________ devote our time to studies. 4 Never believe in those who like _________. 5 Granny Li used to _________ by selling newspapers. 6 If you do something wrong you cannot _________ it. 7 You can _________that old chair, for it is beyond repair. ‎ 必修三 Unit 1 一  第一组:1 clothing  2 awarded  3 national  4 starving  5 religious  6 watermelons  7 gain  8 satisfying  9 social  10 handsome  第二组:11 independence  12 ancestors 13 daily  14 Rooster  15 gathering  16 lamp  17 Christians  18 admire  19 agricultural  20 feast  第三组:21 permission  22 energetic  23 European  24 origin  25 drowning  26 apologise  27 fool  28 arrival  29 sadness  30 announcer’s  31 obvious  32 forgive  33 possibility  34 couple  35 wept 二 1 look forward to  2 having fun with  3 take place  4 dress up  ‎5 in memory of 6 day and night  7 as though  8 kept my word  9 Hold your breath ‎ Unit 2 一 第一组:1 strength  2 mutton  3 diet  4 glared  5 roast  6 energy  7 gently  8 slimming  9 fibre  10 limit  第二组:11 curiosity  12 digestion  13 benefit  14 researching  15 Cucumbers; mushrooms  16 sighed  17 customer  18 balanced  19 combines  20 weaknesses  21 packets  22 item 二 ‎1 in debt  2 get rid of  3 ought to  4 to tell lies  5 earn her living  6 get away with  7 throw away 高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-必修3 Unit 3-5‎ Unit 3   The Million Pound Bank-Note 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:character, pilot, permit, jealous, tiny, scene, novel, humour, servant, steak 1 The plane crash was caused by the ________‎ ‎ error. 2 She is very _________ of my success. 3 The movie opens with a _________ in a New York apartment. 4 This film is only funny if you appreciate American _________. 5 –How would you like your ________ done? –Medium(5分熟). 6 Ms Wang is so busy with her career that she is considering hiring a domestic(家里的) _________. 7 Jane always comes up with some _________ ideas at a meeting. 8 Only a ________ minority hold such extreme views. 9 You mustn’t park here without a parking _________. 10 The little boy can read and write more than 800 Chinese _________.‎ 第二组:tale, dessert, appearance, stare, patience, director, indeed, manner, decade, spot, shoulder, barber, bow, scream, passage 11 _________ is sweet food served at the end of a meal. 12 The girl is _________ at the stranger with her eyes wide open. 13 Zhang Yimou is a well-known film _________in the world. 14 It is bad _________ to litter about. 15 I have just ________ a mistake on the front cover of the magazine. 16 I have my hair cut once a month at the _________. 17 People ran for the exits, _________ out in terror. ‎18 A dark narrow __________ led to the main hall. 19 All the people __________ down before the Emperor. 20 Life is so hard for Mrs.Jones. She has to _________ the double burden(担子) of childcare and full-time work. ‎21 A _________ is a period of ten years. ‎22 A friend in need is a friend _________. 23 To do that work calls for great _________. 24 Never judge a person only by his clothes and __________. 25 The Match Girl by Andersen is a fairy _________.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ------------------------------------------------------------------- make a bet      go ahead (with)      account for to be honest  in rags  by accident  get into trouble  ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Philip couldn’t __________ his absence from school, which made me angry. 2 He is fond of __________, but he loses every time he does so. 3 –Could I use your phone for a while? --Sure, __________. 4 __________, he will never lie to any of us. 5 I got the news from Tom __________. 6 If you don’t want to _________, please stop doing it! 7 Look at that poor man dressed __________.‎ Unit 4   Astronomy: the science of the stars 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:force, disappoint, system, surface, harmful, astronomy, gravity, publish, atmosphere, planet 1 His words _________ me and I lost hope for him. 2 He seems very honest on the _________ but actually he is not ‎ reliable. 3 There is still a lot that scientists don’t know or explain in the field of _________. 4 He posted his newly-written novel to a _________ house but received no reply. 5 There are eight _________ in the solar system. 6 When I entered the meeting room I sensed the _________ was unusual and everyone kept silent. 7 Do you know about Newton’s law of ________? 8 Drinking alcohol is ________ to people’s health. ‎9 In the Chinese education _________ exams are laid in the most important place. 10 Never _________ anyone to do anything he doesn’t want to.‎ 第二组:telescope, development, oxygen, violent, presence, gradually, mass, spread, explode, solid, exist, float 11 With the _________ of science and technology people can enjoy the modern civilization fully. 12 Children should not be allowed to watch any ________ movie. 13 _________, he began to understand how silly he was to have done such a thing. 14 With the Internet news from every part of the world _________ rapidly. 15 Many of the students think that _________ geometry is too hard to learn. ‎16 A plastic bag was seen ________ in the water. 17 The scientists say that dinosaurs _________ millions of years ago but then died out suddenly. ‎18 A bomb _________ near the doorway of the restaurant from across the street. 19 When you are on the moon your ________ will be less than on the earth. 20 He sat in the front row and hardly noticed my ________. 21 Man cannot live without ________. 22 With the help of a ________ you can observe lots of stars in the sky.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in time   prevent…from   depend on  cheer up   now that   break out    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   1 SARS _________ in the mainland of China in the year 2003. 2 ________ everyone is here, let’s start work. 3 I arrived there just _________ for the film. 4 Nothing can ________ him ________ carrying out the survey. 5 Anyhow, you can ________ him to give you a hand. 6 Give Mary a call; she needs ________.‎ Unit 5   Canada –“The True North”‎ 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:broad, booth, Atlantic, border, terrify, minister, dawn, downtown, queen, slightly 1 There is a phone ________ from across the shop, where you will be charged only 0.2 yuan per minute for a long distance call. 2 Six provinces ________ Hunan Province. They are Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Chongqing, Hubei, and Jiangxi. 3 Wen Jiabao is the present prime ________ of China. 4 I work ________, which is about a 20-minute ride away from here. 5 This city has a small population, only _________ over three hundred thousand. ‎6 In this country, it is not the king but the _______ who rules the ‎ people. 7 At ________, a scream for help woke up the people living next door. 8 The sight of a big snake almost ________ me to death. 9 There are four oceans in the world—the Pacific Ocean, the _______ Ocean, the Indian Ocean , and the Arctic Ocean. 10 The tall boy with blue eyes, curly hair and _______ shoulders is from France.‎ 第二组:harbour, official, extremely, continent, distance, cowboy, wealthy, maple, frost, surround, flow 11 French and English are both ________ languages in Canada. 12 Of the seven _________, Asia is the largest, while Oceania is the smallest. 13 This film gives a description of the life of the western ________ in the 1970s. 14 The _________ leaf is the Canada’s national emblem(象征). 15 The police __________ the house and caught the kidnapper eventually. 16 She tried to stop the _________ of the blood from the wound. 17 What a freezing day! The car windows were covered with ________. 18 Bill Gates is the ________ man in the world. ‎19 In some western countries ________ is measured in miles. 20 Many college graduates find it _________ difficult to find a good job now. 21 Several boats lay at anchor(抛锚) in the ________.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- settle down  have a gift for  figure out   as far as  in the distance    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‎1 A small boat can be seen _________. 2 Five years later, the Smith family _________ in England. 3 _________ I am concerned, I like travelling. 4 I cannot ________ why he insisted on going together with me. 5 The child ________ music.‎ Unit 3 一 第一组:1 pilot  2 jealous  3 scene  4 humour  5 steak  6 servant  7 novel  8 tiny  9 permit  10 characters  第二组:11 Dessert  12 staring  13 director  14 manners  15 spotted  16 barber’s  17 screaming  18 passage  19 bowed  20 shoulder  21 decade  22 indeed  23 patience  24 appearance  25 tale 二 1 account for  2 making a bet  3 go ahead  4 To be honest  5 by accident 6 get into trouble ‎7 in rags   Unit 4 一 第一组:1 disappointed  2 surface  3 astronomy  4 publishing  5 planets  6 atmosphere  7 gravity  8 harmful  9 system  10 force  第二组:11 development  12 violent  13 Gradually  14 spreads  15 solid  16 floating  17 existed  18 exploded  19 mass  20 presence  21 oxygen  22 telescope 二 1 broke out  2 Now that  ‎3 in time  4 prevent…from  5 depend on  6 cheering up Unit 5 答案: 一 第一组:1 booth  2 border  3 minister  4 downtown  5 slightly  6 queen  7 dawn  8 terrified  9 Atlantic  10 broad  第二组:11 official  12 continents  13 cowboys  14 maple  15 surrounded  16 flow  17 frost  18 wealthiest  19 distance  20 extremely  21 ‎ harbour 二 ‎1 in the distance  2 settled down  3 As far as  4 figure out  5 has a gift for 高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-必修4 Unit 1-2‎ Unit 1   Women of achievement ‎ 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:medical, communication, welfare, behave, nest, achieve, rate, explain, condition, worthwhile 1 The heavy snow prevented  _________ with the outside world for three days. 2 I hope my kids will _________ themselves while I am away. 3 Only by working hard can you _________ you goal in time. 4 The reason Peter _______ to us for his lateness was unreasonable. 5 It cost me a lot to travel around the world, but it was really ________, for it broadened my views. 6 That secondhand car in perfect ________ went well. 7 Most people walk at an average ________ of 5 kilometers an hour. 8 Birds often make their _________ in trees. 9 They would rather work than live on _________. 10 She attended a _________ school before becoming a physician.‎ 第二组:specialist, observe, strike, institute, inspire, kindness, modest, respect, organization, connection, entertainment, consideration, deliver, campaign, argue 11 The police _________a man in black entering the bank. 12 My brother graduated from a university and was assigned to work at a research _________. 13 I can never repay (报答) your many ________ to me. 14 We should care for the young and ________ the elderly. ‎15 A man was arrested in ________ with the murder of the teenager. 16 We will surely take this matter into __________ at tomorrow’s meeting. 17 The young couple are always _________ with each other about money. 18 Yesterday the police began a _________ to stop taking drugs. 19 She was __________ of a healthy boy weighing 3 kilogrammes. 20 After work I relax myself by watching TV, listening to radio or taking part in other forms of _________. 21 The World Trade _________ was established in January, 1995. 22 She was very _________ about her success. 23 His paintings were clearly _________ by Monet’s works. 24 Those workers went on _________ for higher wages. 25 He is a _______ in Japanese history, so just turn to him if any question.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ---------------------------------------------------------------- devote…to   look down upon    care for  be intended for  concern oneself with  argue for  --------------------------------------------------------------- 1 This chair ________ you but she took it away. 2 Nowadays children ________ too much time _______ playing computer games. 3 The lawyer decided to ________ that poor man. 4 Although poor they should not _________. 5 She moved back home to ________ her elderly parents. 6 He ________ how the speaker set out his ideas in his report.‎ Unit 2   Working the land 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:nutrition, level, struggle, grain, suitable, hunger, exchange, summary, sunburn, export 1 According to the latest survey the Qomolangma is 8844.43 meters above sea ______. 2 We should try to save rice, never waste even a _______ of rice. 3 He died of ______ because he had not eaten for days. 4 We were asked to write a ________ after reading the long passage. 5 The toys produced in our factory are mainly ________ to European countries. 6 If you stay out in the scorching sun for some time then you will get ________. 7 Can I ________ my seat with you? I cannot see the blackboard clearly. 8 Shenzhen is really a modern city ________ for people to live in. 9 When seeing a boy ________ in the river I jumped into the water to save him. 10 The doctor gave us a lecture on the connection between food and _______.‎ 第二组:pest, chemical, motorcycle, output, bacteria, certain, freedom, confuse, supply, expand, equip, whatever, reduce, mineral, circulate 11 The physical change is quite different from the ________ change. 12 The hybrid rice has a high ________ and over 60% of the rice produced in China each year is from this strain(品种). ‎13 A _______ Miss Wang called you this morning. 14 I am ________. Will you please explain it to me in an easy way? ‎15 In the past decade the population of Shenzhen is _________ very fast. 16 ________ happens, please call me in no time. 17 I am very thirsty. Please buy me a bottle of iced _______ water. 18 Rumours(谣言) began to ________ about his financial problems. 19 Our government is doing its best to ________ air pollution. 20 Our school library is well ________ with modern facilities(设施). 21 The residents were very annoyed because for no reason the water _______ was out of service. 22 Those slaves never stopped fighting for their ________. 23 ________ exist in large numbers in air, water, living and dead creatures and plants. They are often a cause of disease. 24 I like to ride my ________ to work, for it is much faster than a bike. 25 Farmers often use pesticides to kill ________.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rid..of    be satisfied with   lead a …life   would rather    refer to   thanks to   be rich in   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 _________ the doctor’s timely help, the boy was saved. 2 Since you don’t know the word, why not ________ a dictionary? 3 You have given the correct answer. I __________ it. 4 Before liberation people ________ miserable_______. 5 We must find ways to ________ the house _______ blackbeetles(蟑螂). 6 Vegetables ________ vitamins. 7 I _______ that he were here. I need his help.‎ 必修四 Unit 1 一 第一组:1 communication  2 behave  3 achieve  4 explained  5 worthwhile  6 condition  7 rate  8 nests  9 welfare  10 medical  第二组:11 observed  12 institute  13 kindnesses  14 respect  15 connection  16 consideration  17 arguing  18 campaign  19 delivered  20 entertainment  21 Organization  22 modest  23 inspired  24 strike  25 specialist 二 1 was intended for  2 devote…to  3 argue for  4 be looked down upon  5 care for  6 concerned himself with  ‎ Unit 2 一 第一组:1 level  2 grain  3 hunger  4 summary  5 exported  6 sunburnt  7 exchange  8 suitable  9 struggling  10 nutrition  第二组:11 chemical  12 output  13 certain  14 confused  15 expanding  16 Whatever  17 mineral  18 circulate  19 reduce  20 equipped  21 supply  22 freedom  23 Bacteria  24 motorcycle  25 pests. 二 1 Thanks to  2 refer to  3 am satisfied with  4 led a …life  5 rid…of  6 are rich in  7 would rather 高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-必修4 Unit 3-5‎ Unit 3  A taste of English humour 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:vast, swing, astonish, overcome, snowstorm, slide, whisper, pancake, content, boil, fortunate, cruel, mountainous 1 Look! Some children are riding on the roller-coaster; others are playing on the ______ . 2 She ________ injury to win the Olympic gold medal. ‎3 In English classes, we often show ________. 4 I had a ________ and a few steamed buns for breakfast. 5 As we know, water _________ at ‎100℃‎. 6 It was _________ of the mother to kill her own kid. 7 French has many ________ regions for skiing in winter. 8 I was so ________ to get the first prize that I felt very excited. 9 I am not ________ to stay in my present job so I am considering changing a new one. 10 She ________ to me that she was afraid to tell her mother the result. 11 On their way back to the campsite they were caught in a ________ . 12 It made me really _______ that he had known all about our secret plan. 13 Canada is a country with ________ land but less populous. ‎ 第二组:failure, bottom, fortune, particular, worn-out, sense, outstanding, chew, homeless, entertain, throughout, difficulty, direct 14 I thank you for your kindness from the ________ of my heart. 15 Some kids are very ________ about food, that’s, they don’t have a balanced diet. 16 Old Li is very popular with us, for he has a good ________ of humour. 17 After the operation you may find it hard to _________ and swallow(吞咽). 18 He _________ us all with a few interesting jokes. 19 I am a beginner of the English language and have some _________ with its pronunciation. 20 I am not sure whether there is a _________ train to Beijing, or you will have to transfer. 21 Basketball is played _________ the world. Lots of people go in for it. 22 After the severe flood, many people became ________ and they didn’t have food. 23 Lincoln is one of the _________ presidents of the American ‎ history. 24 Throw away your _________ shoes and buy a new pair. 25 He made a big ________ during the stay in South Africa. 26 The whole plan was completely a ________.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- be content with    badly off    pick out  cut off    star in    knock into  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 After the power was _______, she had to deliver the baby in the darkness. 2 Who do you think will _______ this film? 3 We ________ the excellent achievement you have made. 4 You shouldn’t complain so much. Other people are much ________ than you. 5 There are so many models on sale that I don't know which to ________. 6 Having a walk along the street, I ________ one of my friends who were working in the same city.‎ Unit 4  Body language 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:adult, yawn, curious, express, general, major, gesture, action, represent,chest 1 When people become tired or bored, they often ________. 2 My English is so poor that I can hardly ________ myself. 3 My car needs some _______ repairs, so it will be days before I get it back. 4 The bullet(子弹) hit him in the ________ and he died soon. 5 As a saying goes, ________ speak louder than words. 6 He ________ his country in the men’s 100-meter finals and won a bronze medal. 7 I don’t know their language but we can communicate with each other by using different ________. 8 The cooking oil is running out. Please go and get some at the ________ store nearby. 9 Young children are often ________ about everything new to them. 10 This film is for ________ only, so children under 18 are not allowed to see it.‎ 第二组:stranger, avoid, facial, introduce, cheek, punish, similar, comedy, spoken, approach, touch, agreement, misunderstand ‎11 In order to ________ being robbed of your things, you’d better not go out at such a late hour. 12 He _________ me to a Greek girl at the party and soon we became good friends. 13 Whoever breaks the law should be _________. 14 This is a romantic ________ and gives us lots of laughter. 15 We heard the sound of a car ________. ‎16 In most countries people show __________ by nodding their heads up and down. 17 People from different cultures may sometimes _________ each other. 18 After seeing the film, I was _________ to tears. 19 As long as you keep practising speaking, your _________ English will become better and better. 20 I bought this hat yesterday. It is ________ to yours. 21 I kissed her on the _________ and said goodbye to her. 22 Just smile! You know a smile is the universal ________ expression. 23 We’ve told our daughter not to speak to ________.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): --------------------------------------------------------------------- be likely to  at ease  shake hands (with sb)  in general    --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 __________, Japanese cars are reliable and breakdowns are rare. 2 It _________ rain, for dark clouds are gathering. 3 People usually _________ when meeting for the first time. 4 I never feel completely ________ with him.‎ Unit 5  Theme parks 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:translator, jungle, various, brand, sneakers, theme, volunteer, creature, amuse, equipment 1 The plane crashed in the tropical _______and a few passengers miraculously survived. 2 What ________ of cellphone do you use? Moto. 3 The ________ of his lecture is to encourage young people to set goals in their life and try to achieve them with all efforts. 4 As humans, we should show respect for all living ________. 5 This library is fitted with modern _______; it offers us a pleasant place to read and study. 6 We were ________ by his funny stories at the party. 7 Are there any ________ to help clean the classroom? 8 Father bought me a pair of world famous _______ at a sports shop. 9 You can see ________ kinds of animals in the zoo. 10 As a ________, you should know both Chinese and English quite well.‎ 第二组:athletic, minority, advanced, shuttle, souvenir, cloth, profit, fantasy, technique, charge, experiment, admission 11 China is a country with a total of 55 ________. 12 We take the ________ to and from work every day. It is very convenient 13 She likes to make a dress herself with the ________ she chooses. 14 Stop daydreaming and don’t live in a world of ________. 15 How much do you _______ me for a single room per night? 16 For kids under 6, no ________ is needed to the park. 17 The scientist is _________ with mice to test how well the new medicine works. 18 The new athlete’s ________ has improved a lot in the past season(赛季). 19 The company doubled its _______ in the year of 2006. 20 While visiting a scenic spot people often buy some ________. 21 _________ ways of management must brought in to improve the efficiency(效率). 22 I work out at the gym to build up an ________ build(体格).‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): --------------------------------------------------------------------- come to life  get close to  a variety of  be involved in   --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 When I ________ the tiger, I became scared. 2 He resigned (辞职) for ________ reasons. 3 It is said that our manager ________ the bribe case. 4 After hours of treatment the patient ________.‎ Unit ‎ 3 一 第一组:1 swing(s)  2 overcame  3 slides  4 pancake  5 boils  6 cruel  7 mountainous  8 fortunate  9 content  10 whispered  11 snowstorm  12 astonished  13 vast  第二组:14 bottom  15 particular  16 sense  17 chew  18 entertained  19 difficulty  20 direct  21 throughout  22 homeless  23 outstanding  24 worn-out  25 fortune  26 failure 二 1 cut off  2 star in  3 are content with  4 worse off  5 pick out  6 knocked into Unit 4 一 第一组:1 yawn 2 express  3 major  4 chest  5 actions  6 represented  7 gestures 8 general  9 curious  10 adults  11 avoid  12 introduced  第二组:13 punished  14 comedy  15 approaching  16 agreement  17 misunderstand  18 touched  19 spoken  20 similar  21 cheek  22 facial  23 strangers 二 ‎1 In general  2 is likely to  3 shake hands  4 at ease Unit 5 一 第一组:1 jungle  2 brand  3 theme  4 creatures  5 equipment  6 amused  7 volunteer(s)  8 sneakers  9 various  10 translator  第二组:11 minorities  12 shuttle  13 cloth  14 fantasy  15 charge  16 admission  17 experimenting  18 technique  19 profit  20 souvenirs  21 Advanced  22 athletic 二 1 got close to  ‎2 a variety of  3 is involved in  4 came to life 高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-必修5 Unit 1-2‎ Unit 1   Great scientists 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:movement, construction, theory, cure, absorb, engine, positive, contribute, characteristic, control 1 The new tunnel hasn’t been finished; it is still under _________. 2 It is said that this kind of new medicine can _________ people of heart disease. 3 _________ are to machines what hearts are to animals. 4 As we know, exercise _________ to better health. 5 The hotel fire was completely under _________ the moment the firemen arrived. 6 The need to communicate is a key _________ of human society. 7 I am a witness. I am _________ about what time it happened. 8 He seemed totally _________ in that book. When I came in he didn’t notice me at all. 9 According to the _________ of relativity, nothing travels faster than light. 10 Wearing loose clothing gives you greater freedom of _________.‎ 第二组:handle, serve, enthusiastic, scientific, analyse, complete, blame, valuable, spin, conclude 11 She is a ________ woman who never smiles. 12 They didn’t draw a conclusion until carrying out lots of ________ experiments. 13 It came as a _________ surprise to me. I never thought of that. 14 This kind of gold watch is really _________. It costs a lot of money to buy one. 15 He _________ his speech by wishing everyone a safe trip home. 16 Suddenly the plane was _________ out of control. 17 Who is to _________ for this road accident? 18 It took us a long time to _________ what went wrong. And eventually we knew the problem. 19 She was even less _________ about going to Japan. 20 She turned the _________ and opened the door.‎ 第三组:cautious, repeat, reject, pump, virus, announce, expose, defeat, instruct, ‎ radium 21 I _________ three times but he still couldn’t remember it. 22 This engine is used for _________ water out of the mine. 23 The government _________ yesterday to the media plans to create a million new jobs. 24 This is the first time that our team has been _________ at basketball match. 25 Madame Curie is always remembered by people as the discoverer of _________. 26 You will be _________ where to go as soon as the car is ready. 27 Don’t _________ yourself to strong sunlight; it will harm your skin. 28 He was seriously ill because of a _________ infection. 29 This proposal was firmly _________ at the meeting. 30 He is very _________ about committing(承诺) himself to anything. ‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- put forward   draw a conclusion   in addition   link…to… apart from   be strict with   lead to   make sense   point of view  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 You must organize your composition well. _________, you should pay attention to your handwriting. 2 What he thought and said didn’t ________. 3 It was because of his carelessness that _________ his failure. 4 My boss _________ me in my new work. 5 He was brave enough to _________ objections at the meeting. 6 Peter, what’s your __________ on that matter? 7 __________ Changjiang and Huanghe there are many other rivers in China. 8 After reading the article once again he __________. 9 You may _________ your mobile phone __________ a computer.‎ Unit 2   The United Kingdom 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:consistent, communism, clarify, fold, influence, collection, delight, unite, smart, unfair, puzzle, available, construct 1 It was Karl Marx who developed ________. 2 Please ________ down the blanket and put it into the closet.  3 I have a larger ________ of coins than he has. 4 Two parties _________ to oppose the government’s plans. 5 It was ________ for the mother to treat her five kids unequally. 6 The newly-developed software is ________ to all PC users. It is cheap and easy to install. 7 The old bridge _________ in the 1950s was washed away during the floods last week. 8 The math problem _________ both the teacher and his students. 9 Mr. & Mrs. Jones were wearing their _________ clothes for the grand party. 10 He won the game easily, to the __________ of all his fans. 11 Proper ways of education have positive _________ on children’s growth and development. 12 I have _________ my intention of leaving the company. 13 The results are entirely _________ with earlier research.‎ 第二组:debate, loyal, attraction, project, statue, legal, wedding, error, splendid, uniform, thrill, arrange, ‎ convenience 14 That plane belongs to British ________ Forces. 15 I am occupied in writing a new research _________. 16 According to Chinese _________ systems, the suspect must be sentenced to death. 17 I think you have made an _________ in calculating the total. 18 Students are asked to wear school _________ at school. 19 Our _________ marriage came to an end in the year of 2006. 20 This flat is equipped with modern __________. 21 It gave me a big ________ to meet my favorite author in person. 22 They bought a ________ apartment by the sea, which cost them lots of money. 23 The old couple got married thirty years ago. Yesterday was their 30th _________ anniversary. 24 The _________ of Liberty was presented to the United States of America by France. 25 The Window to the World is a famous _________ to visitors from both home and abroad. 26 The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly __________by scientists.  ‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- consist of    divide..into…    break away (from)    leave out    take the place of   break down    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 China _________ 23 provinces, 4 municipalities, 5 autonomous regions and 2 special administrative regions.  2 Miss Wang _________ Mrs. Liu to give us a lesson. 3 __________ sentences which are unnecessary in the essay. 4 Mum _________ the apple _________ four parts, so everyone got his share. 5 Negotiations between these countries finally __________. 6 I persuaded him to _________ the gang and be a good man.‎ 必修五 Unit 1 一 第一组:1 construction  2 cure  3 Engines  4 contributes  5 control  6 characteristic  7 positive  8 absorbed  9 theory  10 movement  第二组:11 severe  12 scientific  13 complete  14 valuable  15 concluded  16 spinning  17 blame  18 analyse  19 enthusiastic  20 handle  第三组:21 repeated  22 pumping  23 announced  24 defeated  25 radium  26 instructed  27 expose  28 virus  29 rejected  30 cautious 二 ‎1 In addition  2 make sense  3 led to  4 is strict with  5 put forward  6 point of view  7 Apart from  8 drew a conclusion  9 link…to Unit 2 一 第一组:1 communism  2 fold  3 collection  4 united  5 unfair  6 available  7 constructed  8 puzzles  9 splendid/smart  10 delight  11 influence  12 clarified  13 consistent  第二组:14 Loyal  15 project  16 legal  17 error  18 uniforms  19 arranged  20 conveniences  21 thrill  22 splendid  23 wedding  24 Statue  25 attraction  26 debated  二 1 consists of  2 took/takes the place of  3 Leave out  4 divided…into  5 broke down  6 break away from ‎ 高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-必修5 Unit 3-5‎ Unit 3   Life in the future 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:swift, extraordinary, agency, bend, carriage, constantly, previous, vehicle, press,‎ ‎ helmet 1 Sun Yat-sen was a truly ________ man in the Chinese history. 2 Please mark the pipe where you will ________ it. 3 As you know, fashion is ________ changing. ‎4 In front of the hotel are rows of parked ________. 5 People are often asked to wear _________ when riding motorbikes. 6 The ________ conference is to be held between 9:00 am and 10:‎00 a.m. next Monday. 7 Anyone can do this job. No ________ experience is needed for it. 8 This is an express train with 18 ________. 9 You may turn to a travel _________ for information about traveling abroad. 10 Don’t hesitate; you need to make a _________ decision.‎ 第二组:private, tablet, surroundings, mud, flash, skip, require, master, temple, capsule 11 The doctor told me to take two ________ with water before meals. 12 My car got stuck in the ________ and couldn’t get out. 13 Since you have learned this chapter, let us _________ it and begin the next chapter. 14 I received my _________ degree for economics in Beijing University. 15 Those miners were brought up from the mine in a special _________. 16 That old _______ with a history of more than 300 years is visited by lots of people every day. 17 The height of the desk ________ adjusting a little lower. ‎18 A neon(霓虹灯) ________ on and off above the door. 19 My hometown lies in a small village with nice _________. I enjoy living there. 20 The number of Shenzheners who have ________ cars has reached 1 million.‎ 第三组:length, herb, switch, impression, mask, lack, optimistic, settlement, lemonade, jet 21 I like to drink tea mixed with _______. It smells fragrant. 22 If you don’t like this channel, just ________ to another one. 23 She succeeded because she had the determination that her brother ________. 24 The management and the unions have reached a ________ over new working conditions. 25 –What kind of drink would you like? –A glass of ________, please. 26 The two sides are not too ________ about the result of the negotiation. 27 The robbers were wearing stocking ________ when they robbed the bank. 28 His words left me the ________ that he didn’t like the plan at all. ‎29 In our school each class is 40 minutes in ________. 30 The accident happened as the ________ was about to take off.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- remind…of  lose sight of  sweep up  speed up     assist in     catch sight of     take up   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Wang Ping ran very fast and soon I ________ him. 2 Since retirement Old Wang ________ gardening. 3 After the train pulled out of the station it soon ________. 4 They greatly _________ searching for the missing boy. 5 This old photo _________ me ________ my college days. 6 We’ll make our bathroom more comfortable if we _______ the mess every day. 7 I _________my brother immediately among the crowd, for he was very tall!‎ Unit 4   Making the news 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:edition, process, chief, reporter, guilty, acquire, course, section, occupation, department, approve 1 Before he became the ________ editor of the newspaper he was a journalist. 2 I often read the electronic _________ of Shenzhen Daily on the internet. 3 The judge announced the man not _________ and then he was set free. 4 Tomato-egg soup is the last _________ of our dinner. 5 The Japanese _________of Taiwan lasted fifty-one years. 6 The new edition textbook is _________ by the Department for Education. 7 Months later I was appointed manager of the sales _________ of our company. 8 I glanced over the sports _________ of China Daily. 9 From whom did you _________ the latest information? 10 Our chief editor is having a friendly talk with those _________ from New York Times. 11 I sent three rolls of film away to be ________.‎ 第二组:technical, employ, task, appointment, meanwhile, photograph, profession, trade, intention, thorough, accurate 12 Learning is the main ________ for us high school students. 13 We will offer free _________ support for those buying our software. 14 There are 20 minutes to go before the meeting. _________, I want to have a drink of coffee. 15 He was an electrician by _________. 16 I have no ________ of leaving the city. On the contrary, I do like this city. 17 My watch is not ________. I am afraid it needs fixing. 18 Miss Wang did a ________ investigation of who broke the classroom windows. ‎19 A few years ago China became a member of the World _________ Organization. 20 Shenzhen is a beautiful city. I spent a whole day taking _________ of it. ‎21 In some countries you must make an _________ before going to a doctor. 22 Since how long ago have you been _________ in this factory?‎ 第三组:deliberately, gifted, normal, recorder, note, colleague, seldom, senior, eager, polish, case, crime 23 Lisa is a very _________ girl for music. She can play the piano very well though very young. 24 Now when we enjoy music we use DVD but don’t often use the tape ________to play cassettes.. 25 We are friends and ________ for many years. We are getting on quite well. 26 After graduating from a junior middle school I went to a key _________ middle school in our city. 27 My article was carefully _________ and checked before release(发表). 28 Anyone who commits a ________ shall be punished. 29 You probably won’t need to call, but take my number, just in _________. 30 After the exam all the students were ________ to know their results. 31 I don’t like films, so I ________ go to the cinema. 32 Please ________ that the new law will come into effect on July 1st. 33 It is ________ to feel tired after such a long trip. 34 I have been _________ ignoring her all day, so she is very upset.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- concentrate on   accuse …of      so as to (do sth)    defend against   have a nose for   be supposed to  ‎ ‎ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 He moved to live with the disabled man _________ take care of him. 2 Mike is a reporter who _________ those film and TV stars’ love affairs(诽闻).. 3 Johnson was _________ murder by the police and condemned to 10 years in prison. 4 He _________ be a college graduate but he knew nothing of history. 5 The law allows people to _________ themselves _________ a charge. ‎6 In this chapter I shall _________ the early years of Charlie’s reign(王朝).‎ Unit 5   First aid 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:mild, throat, bandage, jewellry, ceremony, liquid, injury, aid, radiation, present, wounded 1 I cannot raise my voice, for I have got a sore ________. 2_________is a personal ornament, such as a ring, necklace, bracelet, made from jewels, precious metals or other substances 3 Matter has three states—solid, gas and ________. 4 With the _________ of my English teacher I have made rapid progress in English. 5 The family _________ an ancient sword to the museum. 6 Those _________ soldiers were sent to the nearest hospital for treatment. 7 It is said that you will be affected by the ________ if you talk on the mobile phone for long. 8 Be careful with the knife. Or you will do yourself an ________ . 9 Some high officials were invited to the opening _________ of Shenzhen Hi-tech Fair. 10 His legs were seriously hurt and were _________ up. He could only stay in bed. 11She is a _________ woman who never shouts to others. We all like being with her.‎ 第二组:pressure, bleeding, tissue, bravery, choke, symptom, electric, iron, kettle, ankle, towel 12 I cut my finger while cutting the apple and it was ________. 13 He saved the girl from the burning house. We all admired him for his _________. 14 Headache, cough and a running nose are all cold _________. 15 I need to _________ the dress before I can wear it. 16 While playing football yesterday afternoon I sprained my ________ and it hurt a lot. 17 After the bath you’d better dry yourself with a __________. 18 She carelessly knocked over a _________ full of boiling water on his legs. 19 It was Edison who invented the _________ light. 20 The man almost _________ to death in the thick smoke. 21 Will you please bring me a box of _________? My nose is running. 22 You shouldn’t work under great _________all the time. Try to relax yourself.‎ 第三组:treatment, wrist, authentic, essay, swell, sleeve, organ, poison, ambulance, damage, damp 23 My _________ aches. I can hardly move my hand. 24 Her face ________ up where the bee had stung her. 25 Eyes, nose, and ears are the sense _________ of the human body. 26 He fell ill and had trouble breathing. So his family called 120 for help and then an __________ arrived immediately. 27 The house is very cold and _________. If you live here for long you will probably suffer from rheum ‎ arthritis(风湿性关节炎). 28 The desk was _________. Who can fix it? 29 Some mushrooms contain a deadly _________. Never eat them. ‎30 In summer people usually wear shirts with short ________. 31 He wrote an _________ on the causes of the First World War. 32 There is a sewage(污水) _________ plant in the west of the city. 33 I am interested in collecting valuable paintings, but I don’t know if this one is _________.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fall ill      over and over again        in place    squeeze out    a number of     put one’s hands on   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 He __________, so his wife called for first aid. 2 When you finish reading my books please put them _________. 3 Don’t ask me such silly questions __________. 4 __________ middle school students signed up for the English Summer Camp. 5 Peter, I cannot ___________ any blank paper for you. 6 I took off my wet clothes and _________ water.‎ Unit 3 一 第一组:raordinary  2 bend  3 constantly  4 vehicles  5 helmets  6 press  7 previous  8 carriages  9 agency  10 swift  第二组:blets  12 mud  13 skip  14 master’s  15 capsule  16 temple  17 requires  18 flashed  19 surroundings  20 private  第三组:rbs  22 switch  23 lacked  24 settlement  25 lemonade  26 optimistic  27 masks  28 impressions  29 length  30 jet 二 1 lost sight of  2 has taken up  3 speeded up  4 assisted in  5 reminds …of 6 sweep up  7 caught sight of Unit 4 一 第一组:1 chief  2 edition  3 guilty  4 course  5 occupation  6 approved  7 department  8 section  9 acquire  10 reporters  11 processed  第二组:12 task  13 technical  14 Meanwhile  15 profession/trade  16 intention  17 accurate  18 thorough  19 Trade  20 photographs  21 appointment  22 employed  第三组:23 gifted  24 recorder  25 colleagues  26 senior  27 polished  28 crime  29 case  30 eager  31 seldom  32 note  33 normal  34 deliberately 二 1 so as to  2 has a nose for  3 accused of  4 was supposed to  5 defend…against  6 concentrate on Unit 5 一 第一组:1 throat  2 Jewellry  3 liquid  4 aid  5 presented  6 wounded  7 radiation  8 injury  9 ceremony  10 bandaged  11 mild  第二组:12 bleeding  13 bravery  14 symptoms  15 iron  16 ankle  17 towel  18 kettle  19 electric  20 choked  21 tissues  22 pressure  第三组:23 wrist  24 swelled  25 organs  26 ambulance  27 damp  28 damaged  29 poison  30 sleeves  31 essay  32 treatment  33 authentic 二 1 fell ill  ‎2 in place  3 over and over again  ‎4 A number of  5 put my hands on   6 squeezed out ‎ 高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-选修6 Unit 1-2‎ Unit 1  Art 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:predict, abstract, ridiculous, symbol, avenue, consequently, attempt, sculpture, value,‎ ‎ religious 1 Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (相对论)was so __________ that few people could understand it at that time. 2 White has always been a __________ of purity in Western cultures. 3 We arrived at Shenzhen terribly late, and ___________, we had to find a hotel for that night before going to see Mr. Wang the next day. 4 The Goddess of Liberty (自由女神) is a famous __________ in America representing freedom. 5 Christianity is one of the most important __________ in the west. 6 That oil painting is of great __________, and it is expected to go for at least $5,000. 7 The thief ____________ to enter the house through the open window but he failed. 8 There is a five-star hotel on Fifth ___________. 9 His explanation is so _____________ that no one accepted it. 10 The weathermen don’t always ___________ how the weather will be next day.‎ 第二组:controversial, contemporary, geometry, possession, scholar, convince, aggressive, permanent, exhibition, civilization 11 Before the war people all transferred their ___________ to safer places. 12 We had more than three discussions about the highly ____________ topic. 13 Sally is very ___________ and she has become such a successful business woman. 14 The environmental damage threatens the whole of ____________. 15 Fortunately, the accident didn’t bring any _____________ damage. 16 What he said ___________ me that he was sincere. 17 The new _____________ will tour a dozen US cities next year. 18 I am no ___________ enough to know what that saying means. 19 I take an interest in ____________ fiction(小说) and drama. 20 Solid ____________, which is not so easy to learn, is a branch of mathematics.‎ 一、 把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- focus on   a great deal   scores of   in the flesh   a bunch of  take the place of  lead to  break away from  in the future  feel like    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 It is said that the film Curse of the Golden Flower is really a blockbuster. I ___________ seeing it. 2 We Chinese teachers of English usually________ much ________ grammar. 3 There is no telling what will happen ___________. 4 I am feeling _________ better today. I want to go back to work. 5 Hard work ___________ success. 6 She gave me ____________ roses on my birthday. 7 You should try to ____________ those bad habits. 8 I have been to Beijing ____________ times; but I have never been to Shanghai. 9 I imagine meeting the famous film star ____________. 10 Computers ____________ typewriters in most offices.‎ Unit 2  Poems ‎ 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:transform, warmth, cottage, underline, poem, diamond, anger, aspect, appropriate, sparrow 1 Please explain the ____________word in the ‎ sentence. 2 That thing would ___________ my life forever. 3 My necklace is made of __________. It is worth a lot of money. 4 I couldn’t find an ___________ word to express myself. 5 As a young boy I used to catch ___________ with a sieve (筛子) on snowy days. 6 I am happy to see that you can look at a problem from every ___________. 7 My father tried not to show his __________. 8 This is an 18th century _________, which has a special style. 9 Li Bai, an ancient poet, wrote lots of famous Tang ________. 10 It was such a cold day that animals huddled(依偎) together for ___________.‎ 第二组:branch, pattern, convey, salty, rhyme, tease, sorrow, recite, balloon, compass 11 The Bank of China has some overseas __________. 12 I can’t think of a ___________ for the word “flood”. 13 To my __________, he died in an unexpected accident. 14 Kids often like to play with ___________, painted with different colors. 15 It was amazing that that boy could ___________ over 200 Chinese poems. ‎16 A ___________ is an instrument for finding direction, with a needle always pointing north. 17 Don’t be unhappy; I was only __________. 18 Please __________ my greetings to your family. 19 Why is the dish so ___________? 20 Don’t follow the same __________ but try to be creative.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): --------------------------------------------------------------------- take it easy  run out (of)  make up of   translate …into be delighted with  day by day  bow to sb.  make sense    --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 I think this poem is about things that don’t ____________. 2 Just ____________. You will be all right after taking those medicine. 3 He never ____________ the cruel enemies. 4 The cooking oil _____________. Will you go to the corner store to get some? 5 My parents _____________ the progress I had made in maths. 6 The novel _____________quite a few foreign languages last year. 7 His condition improved ____________. 8 Great Britain ___________ four countries—Scotland, England, Wales and the Northern Ireland.‎ Unit 1 一 第一组:1 abstract  2 symbol  3 consequently  4 sculpture  5 religions  6 value 7 attempted  8 Avenue  9 ridiculous  10 predict  第二组:11 possessions  12 controversial  13 aggressive  14 civilization  15 permanent  16 convinced  17 exhibition  18 scholar  19 contemporary  20 geometry 二 1 feel like  2 focus…on  ‎3 in the future  ‎4 a great deal  5 leads to  ‎6 a bunch of  7 break away from  8 scores of  ‎9 in the flesh  10 have taken the place of Unit 2 一 第一组:1 underlined  2 transform  3 diamond  4 appropriate  5 sparrows  6 aspect 7 anger  8 cottage  9 poems  10 warmth  第二组:11 branches  12 rhyme  13 sorrow  14 balloons  15 recite  16 compass  17 teasing  18 convey  19 salty  20‎ ‎ pattern 二 1 make sense  2 take it easy  3 bowed to  4 has run out  5 were delighted with 6 has been translated into  7 day by day  8 is made up of 高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-选修6 Unit 3-5‎ Unit 3  A healthy life 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:basic, pregnant, comprehension, cigarette, alcohol, chemist, female, stress, quit, perfect 1 __________ contain a kind of nicotine, which gets people addicted.  2 On some buses there are special seats for those __________ women. 3 Textile factories often employ more __________ than males. 4 Practice makes _________ is an English saying. 5 Peter __________ this job for a better one. 6 I never drink except for some low-- ___________ beer. 7 Things can easily go wrong when people work under __________. 8 I will get some medicine at the __________. 9 My knowledge of French is pretty ___________. 10 His behavior was completely beyond ___________.‎ 第二组:production, eventually, needle, ashamed, manage, adolescent, mental, illegal, automatic, judgement 11 You should be __________ of yourself for telling such lies. 12 This book includes 20 stories of __________ boys and girls. 13 We can draw money from __________ teller machines (ATM) at any time instead of visiting a bank. 14 After six days of hard work the project was ___________ finished. 15 She showed a lack of __________ when she gave Tom the job. 16 This hospital treats those patients with __________ illness. 17 This new model mobile phone will be in ___________ by the end of the year. 18 It is ___________ to drive without a driver’s license. 19 Thanks all the same. I can ___________ by myself. 20 Never share your___________ with anyone else when you inject drugs.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- due to  be addicted to  be accustomed to  decide on  in spite of  take risks  get into  stand for  remind …of  reach for  do damage to   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 The flight was delayed _____________ the foggy weather. 2 We finally ____________ the matter after careful discussion. 3 Many kids easily ____________ the bad habit of playing computer games all day. 4 Workers are still busy with their work ____________ hot weather. 5 The old photo _________  me _________ my college days. 6 I __________ the English—Chinese dictionary on the bookshelf but it was too high. 7 Since entry into high school I ___________ getting up early. 8 Never try drugs, otherwise you will ____________ them. 9 What does “it” ___________ in the last sentence? 10 To tell you the truth, I don’t want to ____________. 11 Smoking ___________ people’s health.‎ Unit 4  Global warming 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:state, catastrophe, decrease, Fahrenheit, widespread, fuel, phenomenon, glance, consequence, climate 1 32 degrees _____________ is equal to 0 degrees Celsius(Centigrade). 2 Terrorism(恐怖主义) is a ______________ of the 20th century. 3 Oil, coal, natural gas, charcoal are all common _____________. 4 The 1976 Tangshan earthquake was a ____________ to China. 5 I like the _____________ of Shenzhen. It has an average temperature of ‎20℃‎. 6 The _____________ of people cutting down lots of trees is that land is easy to wash away when it rains and more land will turn into desert. 7 It was ___________ that London would host the 30th Summer Olympics. 8 At first ___________, the math problem seemed easy. 9 This reform has received ____________ support throughout the country. 10 The species of bird is ____________ in numbers every year.‎ 第二组:nuclear, steady, average, title, existence, pollution, graph, disagreement, microwave, electrical 11 China is developing fast, and it has had five years of _________ economic growth. 12 Pakistan came into ____________ as an independent country after the war. 13 My brother worked as an ____________ engineer after graduating from college. 14 Noise ___________ will damage people’s hearing. 15 The soup is cold; please reheat it in the ____________. 16 The White House is strongly against Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Iran developing ____________ weapons. 17 There is a ___________ among the archaeologists(考古学家) as to the age of the sculpture. 18 The official ___________ of this job is “ Administrative Assistant(行政助理).” 19 The ____________ shows how the house prices have risen since the 1980s. 20 Forty hours is a fairly ____________ working week for most people.‎ 一、 把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ compare..to  come about  quantities of  result in  a range of keep on  build up  on the whole  put up with  so long as    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 ____________ trying. You’ll succeed in time. 2 I cannot imagine how you ______________ naughty children at all. 3 I think, _____________, the article is well written except for a few unfit sentences. 4 How did the traffic accident _______________? 5 _______________ food were left on the table. 6 You can call me any time ______________ you are free. 7 Young kids are often _______________ the future of our motherland.‎ ‎8 Sports and games can ______________ one’s character. 9 His laziness _____________ failure in maths exam again. ‎10 In that kindergarten there is ______________ activities for children.‎ Unit 5  The power of nature 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:absolutely, precious, excite, volcano, fountain, adventure, hurricane, fantastic, unfortunately, potential  1 The eruption of a ____________ often brings lava and ash clouds. 2 Typhoon forms in the Pacific while ___________ forms in the Atlantic. 3 Compared with the Chinese the western people like ___________ better. 4 His speech ___________ everyone present at the meeting. 5 The ship began to sink, and _____________, nobody was able to swim. 6 Tourism is a ____________ of wealth of the country. 7 I ____________ agree with what he said. 8 His car was then running with a __________ speed. 9 She has the ____________ to become a world-class pianist. 10 The little white lamb was the most ____________ gift Mary’s husband gave her.‎ 第二组:novelist, guarantee, diverse, impressive, tremble, courage, cancel, unique, panic, anxiety 11 She was accepted into the multinational company, for she was very __________ in the interview. 12 Dickens was one of the greatest English ___________ of the 18th century. 13 The flight had to be ___________ due to the foggy weather. 14 I felt so cold that my hands began to ____________. 15 If you are worried about your health, then share your ____________ with your doctor. 16 The electricity was suddenly cut off and people got into a state of ___________. 17 Taking her ___________ in both hands, she opened the door and walked in. 18 My interests are very ____________, such as swimming, listening to music, dancing and so on. 19 The koala(树袋熊) is ____________ to Australia. 20 Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now ____________.‎ 一、 把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): -------------------------------------------------------------------------- burn… to the ground   make one’s way   glance through vary from…to   make an effort   compare ..with  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 I had to start work, so I _____________ the morning paper. 2 The 1666 London fire ________ many important buildings ________________. 3 My leg got hurt, but I _______________ home. 4 Young people _______________ to beautify our city. 5 ______________ the past libraries, today’s libraries are equipped much better. 6 The ages of the kids in the kindergarten ______________ 2 years old _______ 6.‎ Unit 3 一 第一组:1 Cigarettes  2 pregnant  3 females  4 perfect  5 quit/quitted  6 alcohol  7 stress  8 chemist’s  9 basic  10 comprehension  第二组:11 ashamed  12 adolescent  13 automatic 14 eventually  15 judgement  16 mental  17 production  18 illegal  19 manage  20 needle 二 1 due to  2 decided on  3 get into  ‎4 in spite of  5 reminds of  6 reached for  7 have been accustomed to  8 be addicted to  9 stand for  10 take risks  11 does damage to Unit 4 一 第一组:1 Fahrenheit  2 phenomenon  3 fuels  4 catastrophe  5 climate  6 consequence 7 stated  8 glance  9 widespread  10 decreasing ‎ ‎ 第二组:11 steady  12 existence  13 electrical  14 pollution  15 microwave  16 nuclear  17 disagreement  18 title  19 graph  20 average 二 1 Keep on  2 come up with  3 on the whole  4 come about  5 Quantities of 6 so long as  7 compared to  8 build up  9 resulted in  ‎10 a range of Unit 5 一 第一组;1 volcano  2 hurricane  3 adventures  4 excited  5 unfortunately  6 fountain  7 absolutely  8 fantastic  9 potential  10 precious  第二组:11 impressive  12 novelists  13 cancelled  14 tremble  15 anxieties  16 panic  17 courage  18 diverse  19 unique  20 guaranteed  二 1 glanced through  2 burned…to the ground  3 made my way  4 make an effort 5 Compared with  6 vary from..to Unit 3  A healthy life 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:basic, pregnant, comprehension, cigarette, alcohol, chemist, female, stress, quit, perfect 1 __________ contain a kind of nicotine, which gets people addicted.  2 On some buses there are special seats for those __________ women. 3 Textile factories often employ more __________ than males. 4 Practice makes _________ is an English saying. 5 Peter __________ this job for a better one. 6 I never drink except for some low-- ___________ beer. 7 Things can easily go wrong when people work under __________. 8 I will get some medicine at the __________. 9 My knowledge of French is pretty ___________. 10 His behavior was completely beyond ___________.‎ 第二组:production, eventually, needle, ashamed, manage, adolescent, mental, illegal, automatic, judgement 11 You should be __________ of yourself for telling such lies. 12 This book includes 20 stories of __________ boys and girls. 13 We can draw money from __________ teller machines (ATM) at any time instead of visiting a bank. 14 After six days of hard work the project was ___________ finished. 15 She showed a lack of __________ when she gave Tom the job. 16 This hospital treats those patients with __________ illness. 17 This new model mobile phone will be in ___________ by the end of the year. 18 It is ___________ to drive without a driver’s license. 19 Thanks all the same. I can ___________ by myself. 20 Never share your___________ with anyone else when you inject drugs.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- due to  be addicted to  be accustomed to  decide on  in spite of  take risks  get into  stand for  remind …of  reach for  do damage to   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 The flight was delayed _____________ the foggy weather. 2 We finally ____________ the matter after careful discussion. 3 Many kids easily ____________ the bad habit of playing computer games all ‎ day. 4 Workers are still busy with their work ____________ hot weather. 5 The old photo _________  me _________ my college days. 6 I __________ the English—Chinese dictionary on the bookshelf but it was too high. 7 Since entry into high school I ___________ getting up early. 8 Never try drugs, otherwise you will ____________ them. 9 What does “it” ___________ in the last sentence? 10 To tell you the truth, I don’t want to ____________. 11 Smoking ___________ people’s health.‎ Unit 4  Global warming 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:state, catastrophe, decrease, Fahrenheit, widespread, fuel, phenomenon, glance, consequence, climate 1 32 degrees _____________ is equal to 0 degrees Celsius(Centigrade). 2 Terrorism(恐怖主义) is a ______________ of the 20th century. 3 Oil, coal, natural gas, charcoal are all common _____________. 4 The 1976 Tangshan earthquake was a ____________ to China. 5 I like the _____________ of Shenzhen. It has an average temperature of ‎20℃‎. 6 The _____________ of people cutting down lots of trees is that land is easy to wash away when it rains and more land will turn into desert. 7 It was ___________ that London would host the 30th Summer Olympics. 8 At first ___________, the math problem seemed easy. 9 This reform has received ____________ support throughout the country. 10 The species of bird is ____________ in numbers every year.‎ 第二组:nuclear, steady, average, title, existence, pollution, graph, disagreement, microwave, electrical 11 China is developing fast, and it has had five years of _________ economic growth. 12 Pakistan came into ____________ as an independent country after the war. 13 My brother worked as an ____________ engineer after graduating from college. 14 Noise ___________ will damage people’s hearing. 15 The soup is cold; please reheat it in the ____________. 16 The White House is strongly against Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Iran developing ____________ weapons. 17 There is a ___________ among the archaeologists(考古学家) as to the age of the sculpture. 18 The official ___________ of this job is “ Administrative Assistant(行政助理).” 19 The ____________ shows how the house prices have risen since the 1980s. 20 Forty hours is a fairly ____________ working week for most people.‎ 一、 把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ compare..to  come about  quantities of  result in  a range of keep on  build up  on the whole  put up with  so long as    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 ____________ trying. You’ll succeed in time. 2 I cannot imagine how you ______________ naughty children at all. 3 I think, _____________, the article is well written except for a few unfit sentences. 4 How did the traffic accident ‎ _______________? 5 _______________ food were left on the table. 6 You can call me any time ______________ you are free. 7 Young kids are often _______________ the future of our motherland.‎ ‎8 Sports and games can ______________ one’s character. 9 His laziness _____________ failure in maths exam again. ‎10 In that kindergarten there is ______________ activities for children.‎ Unit 5  The power of nature 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:absolutely, precious, excite, volcano, fountain, adventure, hurricane, fantastic, unfortunately, potential  1 The eruption of a ____________ often brings lava and ash clouds. 2 Typhoon forms in the Pacific while ___________ forms in the Atlantic. 3 Compared with the Chinese the western people like ___________ better. 4 His speech ___________ everyone present at the meeting. 5 The ship began to sink, and _____________, nobody was able to swim. 6 Tourism is a ____________ of wealth of the country. 7 I ____________ agree with what he said. 8 His car was then running with a __________ speed. 9 She has the ____________ to become a world-class pianist. 10 The little white lamb was the most ____________ gift Mary’s husband gave her.‎ 第二组:novelist, guarantee, diverse, impressive, tremble, courage, cancel, unique, panic, anxiety 11 She was accepted into the multinational company, for she was very __________ in the interview. 12 Dickens was one of the greatest English ___________ of the 18th century. 13 The flight had to be ___________ due to the foggy weather. 14 I felt so cold that my hands began to ____________. 15 If you are worried about your health, then share your ____________ with your doctor. 16 The electricity was suddenly cut off and people got into a state of ___________. 17 Taking her ___________ in both hands, she opened the door and walked in. 18 My interests are very ____________, such as swimming, listening to music, dancing and so on. 19 The koala(树袋熊) is ____________ to Australia. 20 Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now ____________.‎ 一、 把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): -------------------------------------------------------------------------- burn… to the ground   make one’s way   glance through vary from…to   make an effort   compare ..with  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 I had to start work, so I _____________ the morning paper. 2 The 1666 London fire ________ many important buildings ________________. 3 My leg got hurt, but I _______________ home. 4 Young people _______________ to beautify our city. 5 ______________ the past libraries, today’s libraries are equipped much better. 6 The ages of the kids in the kindergarten ______________ 2 years old _______ 6.‎ Unit 3 一 第一组:1 Cigarettes  2 pregnant  3 females  4 perfect  5 quit/quitted  6 alcohol  7 stress  8 chemist’s  9 ‎ basic  10 comprehension  第二组:11 ashamed  12 adolescent  13 automatic 14 eventually  15 judgement  16 mental  17 production  18 illegal  19 manage  20 needle 二 1 due to  2 decided on  3 get into  ‎4 in spite of  5 reminds of  6 reached for  7 have been accustomed to  8 be addicted to  9 stand for  10 take risks  11 does damage to Unit 4 一 第一组:1 Fahrenheit  2 phenomenon  3 fuels  4 catastrophe  5 climate  6 consequence 7 stated  8 glance  9 widespread  10 decreasing  第二组:11 steady  12 existence  13 electrical  14 pollution  15 microwave  16 nuclear  17 disagreement  18 title  19 graph  20 average 二 1 Keep on  2 come up with  3 on the whole  4 come about  5 Quantities of 6 so long as  7 compared to  8 build up  9 resulted in  ‎10 a range of Unit 5 一 第一组;1 volcano  2 hurricane  3 adventures  4 excited  5 unfortunately  6 fountain  7 absolutely  8 fantastic  9 potential  10 precious  第二组:11 impressive  12 novelists  13 cancelled  14 tremble  15 anxieties  16 panic  17 courage  18 diverse  19 unique  20 guaranteed  二 1 glanced through  2 burned…to the ground  3 made my way  4 make an effort 5 Compared with  6 vary from..to Unit 1   Living well ‎ 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:companion, accessible, elderly, eyesight, disability, latter, breath, microscope, dignity, encouragement, conduct 1 We young people should show respect for the _________. 2 I would like to find a traveling _________, for I don’t want to go on a trip alone. 3 My father’s words were a great __________ to me, and then I made great progress in my subjects. 4 The bacteria were so small that they could only be examined under a __________. 5 We should never look down upon those people with a _________. On the contrary, we should care for them. 6 It is difficult for you to keep your _________ when you have no job and no home. 7 There are two examples on the blackboard; the _________ is better than the former. 8 The concert was __________ by Colin and was a great success. 9 How long can you hold your __________ under the water? 10 Sitting in front of the computer for long will affect your __________. 11 This kind of new medicine is useful for cancer; however, it is not __________ for most people.‎ 第二组:absence, resign, graduation, congratulate, certificate, drum, politics, bare, foolish, ambition, literature 12 I __________ my nephew on having been admitted into Beijing University. 13 I am not interested in _________. I don’t care about what is going on in China and throughout the world. 14 Why didn’t you attend yesterday’s meeting? What’s your excuse for your _______? 15 The children are beating the _________ to welcome the arrival of the grand festival. 16 There is nothing inside the refrigerator. It is completely ________. 17 After _________ from a university he chose to work in the western part of China. 18 I show great interest in __________. I have widely read the world classics(名著).‎ ‎ 19 I can’t imagine how _________ she was. She really believed what he said.  20 To be an artist had been his lifelong _________ and he achieved it finally. 21 Kate and Peter got their marriage __________ last week and they are planning their wedding banquet. 22 Tom applied to __________ as general manager of the company and the board approved.‎ 第三组:benificial, handkerchief, clumsy, annoy, fellow, architect, industry, basement, assistance, adapt, motto, independent 23 When Mr. Wang was hurt at the construction site and sent to hospital, all his __________ workers visited him in hospital. 24 As you know, a good diet is _________ to your health. 25 The well known French _________ designed lots of famous buildings and bridges. 26 When you cough you’d better use a paper _________. 27 China’s tourist _________ is developing very fast. Millions of travelers from the world come to China for sightseeing. 28 His __________ fingers couldn’t untie the knot(结). 29 He hid those bottles of wine in the _________. Of course you couldn’t find them. 30 I couldn’t have completed the task without your timely _________. 31 I am already 18. I should lead an __________ life. 32 I have moved to another city. I think I will ________ myself to the new surroundings very soon. 33 Our school’s _________ is: Duty, Honor, and Country. 34 I was very ________ that they hadn’t turned up yet as expected.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in other words      out of breath     all in all   make fun of       all the best      in particular    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 It is cruel to _________ those people who stammer(口吃). 2 The boss asked Mike to leave--__________ he was fired. 3 He loves reading—science fiction _________. 4 __________ the performance was a success. 5 I kept running and was __________ when I arrived at school. 6 At the end of the letter he wished me ___________.‎ Unit 2   Robots 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:awful, fiction, firm, navy, talent, scan, chapter, pile, desire, affair 1 My brother is a PLA man. He joined the _________ two years ago. 2 We had an _________ summer last year. It was raining almost a whole month. ‎3 In order to kill the boring holidays I borrowed a _________ of books from the library. 4 I prefer ________ to poetry. How about you? 5 She is really a girl of many _________. She can play the piano, paint, sing and dance quite well. 6 It is said that our boss had a love __________ with his secretary. 7 I _________ through the newspaper over my breakfast. 8 I ________ all my wishes should come true some day. 9 This book includes 13 __________ covering 13 topics. 10 No building can stand without __________ foundations, and nor can a marriage.‎ 第二组:obey, absurd, fingernail, divorce, smooth, alarmed, declare, satisfaction, victory, accompany 11 Some people say that you can know if you are healthy by observing the colors of your _________. 12 To my ___________, she got all the answers right in the final math test. 13 We got married 17 years ago but we ________ last year due to differences in character and personality. 14 Japan attacked America and America __________ war upon Japan the next day. 15 He drew only an _________ conclusion. No one believed that. 16 All the passengers on board felt __________ when they knew something was wrong with one engine of the plane. 17 As students we must _________ the school regulations. 18 Mr. Jenkins was confident of his _________ in the general election. He had more supporters than his opponent. 19 I am bored now. Will you ___________ me to the shopping mall? 20 We __________ away all the difficulties and finally achieved our goal.‎ 第三组:cushion, explanation, carpet, marriage, embarrassed, paint, elegant, junior, curtain, envy, biography, sympathy 21 The couple quarreled all day and their __________ ended in divorce. 22 I _________ her so much. She seems to have everything she can possibly want. 23 It is 10 o’clock now but the __________ are still drawn. I think they must still be asleep. 24 I was ___________ to see Ann also at Ann’s party, for I and Ann hadn’t spoken for months. 25 The ___________ of Newton will get you to know completely about his life and scientific achievements. 26 The sign says “Wet _________!” Please don’t touch the door. 27 I have no __________ for John. It was all his fault. 28 I can’t think of any possible __________ for his absence. 29 We have fitted __________ in our house and it looks much nicer now. 30 After graduation from a _________ middle school, he went to a local senior middle school. 31 The chair is so hard, but you will feel much more comfortable if you put a _________ on it. 32 The lady looks prettier with an ________ dress on.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ------------------------------------------------------------------------- test out   ring up   turn around   leave…alone   set aside    -------------------------------------------------------------------------    1 Squirrels are considered to be good animals, for they can _________ nuts and foods in the trees for winter use. 2 You may ___________ Mr. Chow either on Saturday or Sunday. He is available at the weekend. 3 I _________ and suddenly found my Chinese teacher standing behind me. 4 I hope you just ________ him _______. He needs time to have a rest. 5 The robot is going to be __________ to see if it can really do the housework.‎ 选修七 Unit 1 一 第一组:1 elderly  2 companion  3 encouragement  4 microscope  5 disability  6 dignity  7 latter  8 conducted  9 breath  10 eyesight  11 accessible  第二组:12 congratulated  13 politics  14 absence  15 drums  16 bare  17 graduation  18 literature  19 foolish  20 ambition  21 certificate  22 resign  第三组:23 fellow  24 beneficial  25 architect  26 handkerchief  27 industry  28 clumsy  29 basement  30 assistance  31 independent  32 adapt  33 motto  34 annoyed 二 1 make fun of  ‎2 in other words  ‎3 in particular  4 All in all  5 out of breath  6 all the best Unit 2 一 第一组:1 navy  2 awful  3 pile  4 fiction  5 talents  6 affair  7 scanned  8 desire  9 chapters  10 firm  第二组:11 fingernail  12 satisfaction  13 divorced  14 declared  15 absurd  16 alarmed  17 obey  18 victory  19 accompany  20 smoothed  第三组:21 marriage  22 envy  23 curtains  24 embarrassed  25 biography  26 Paint  27 sympathy  28 explanation  29 carpets  30 junior  31 cushion  32 elegant 二 1 set aside  2 ring up  3 turned around  4 leave …alone  5 tested out 高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-选修7 Unit 3-5‎ Unit 3   Under the sea 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:vivid, Antarctic, abandon, lip, tongue, seal, anecdote, cell, annual, awesome, beauty 1 The __________ is the coldest continent in the world. 2 Those English tourists so struck by the _________ of nature that they decided to stay here for two days more. 3 When you pronounce this vowel, you should round your _________. ‎4 In this book you will read lots of _________ about some famous scientists. 5 What an _________ sight it is! You cannot afford to miss it. 6 He was locked in a ________ of the prison, for he was declared guilty. 7 The Chinese language is our mother ________. 8 We meet once a year to hold an _________ meeting. 9 The letter of recommendation bore(盖) the headmaster’s ________ and was effective. 10 He is giving a __________ description of his life as a fighter pilot. We are all ears. 11 When the war broke out, all the villagers had to _________ their lands and property and left their hometown.‎ 第二组:net, yell, narrow, shore, witness, rent, relationship, cave, pension, accommodation, poisonous 12 The past 20 years has __________ great changes in Shenzhen. 13 Old Wang lives on a ________, which comes to about 1,500 yuan per month. 14 Those mushrooms are __________. You will die if you eat them. 15 Since our first meeting, Xiao Lin and I have established a beautiful __________. 16 I have got a well-paid job with that company. Besides, ___________ and meals are included. 17 The fisherman cast his _________ a third time but this time he drew in a boot instead of a fish. 18 Don’t enter that dark __________. There may be some fierce animals hidden inside it. 19 With the housing prices rising the __________ of a house also goes up. 20 Seeing the boy climbing up to the top of the tall tree, he _________, “be careful!” 21 Because the boat was turned upside down by big waves, he had no choice but to swim to the _________quickly. 22 This road is too _________ for two cars to go side by side. It needs widening.‎ 第三组: shallow, entry, magic, pack, dimension, flee, pure, depth, drag, sharp, reflect, tasty 23 We measured the __________ of the swimming pool It is 10 meters long, 8 meters wide and 2 meters deep. 24 I was almost scared to death at the sight of a _________ of wolves approaching me. 25 The meeting is due to begin at 9:00 p.m. _________. 26 Before I decide, I need time to _________. 27 The smugglers (走私者)was caught trying to _________ the country. 28 Mother served a few _________ dishes and they were eaten up ‎ quickly. 29 This watch is made of ________ gold. It is really invaluable. 30 He took great trouble to _________ a heavy chest(箱子) from under the bed. 31 There are not many fish in this river, for it is very _________. 32 It was a __________ moment when the two sisters were reunited after 30 years. 33 We don’t think much of his idea, for it lacks _________. ‎34 In Shenzhen _________ to any park is free of charge.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ----------------------------------------------------------------- ahead of    help (sb.) out    be/become aware of  (be) scared to death   in the meantime   upside down  -----------------------------------------------------------------           1 Hearing the terrifying news, nothing could have stopped me from feeling __________. 2 Being a qualified architect, he always finishes his project _________ time. 3 After the family party, the children fell happily into bed, __________, parents were still working with the disorder in the house. 4 On arriving at the theme park, the first thing that I __________ was its vivid colors and wise-looking buildings. 5 The artist remarked that painting was of a unique style. But in truth, it was hanging _________ on the wall. 6 He didn’t listen to you and now is in trouble. Anyway, only you can ________ him ________ of the difficulty.‎ Unit 4   Sharing 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:toast, finance, income, anniversary, distribution, adjust, comb, platform, purchase, donate, clinic, catalogue, operate, security, relevant 1 The unfair _________ of wealth led to the outbreak of war in that region. 2 Doctor Li opened up a private __________ to serve the neighboring residents. 3 Now I’d like to propose a _________ to our successful cooperation! 4 This paragraph is not __________ to the theme of your article; you may cross it out. 5 The teaching building will be __________ by the local government and the education department. 6 The old man is warm-hearted. He has ___________ millions of pounds to a charity. 7 Your hair looks wild; you’d better ________ it. 8 You may __________ the table to any height you want. 9 I was moving the furniture out of the building when two __________ guards stopped me. 10 You can consult the library ___________ to see if the book is available. 11 We promise that if you are not satisfied with your _________, we will give you a full refund. 12 When I saw my sister standing on the _________ of the train station waving to me, tears suddenly came to my eyes. 13 The patient must be __________ on in no time; otherwise he will die. 14 How can he support a family of six kids on his little __________? 15 My parents got married 20 years and tomorrow is their 20th wedding __________.‎ 第二组:sew, arrangement, trunk, remote, political, grill, soft, privilege, astronaut, tailor, participate, seedling 16 We are enjoying a candlelit dinner, with some _________ romantic music on. 17 There is still a _________ chance that they will find her alive. 18 All those who __________ in the yesterday’s discussion please write out our reflections(感想).. 19 Today is Tree-planting Day. We are asked to plant 10 __________‎ ‎ each. 20 __________ the sausages for 10 minutes and they will taste much more delicious. 21 It costs the country a lot to train an _________, like Yang Liwei. 22 She became very _________ at university and later was a politician. 23 This pair of shoes is very precious for me. They are_________ by hand by mother. 24 Education is closely related to the development of a country. So education should be a universal right but not a __________. 25 The ________of an elephant is so long and strong that it can hold a person with it! 26 I will make ___________ for you to be met at the airport. 27 I had a new T—shirt made at a _________ shop.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hear from     be dying to do     come across    stick out     dry out    dry up     in need   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------           1 Don’t _______ your head ________ of the car window. 2 I _________ this old vase and bought it for $ 200. 3 During the drought (干旱), the river _________. 4 Water the plant regularly, never letting the soil _________. 5 I haven’t _________ Jane for long. I don’t know what has happened to her. 6 Help those who are _________and that will be rewarding. 7 Those students ___________ know the results of the College Entrance Examination.‎ Unit 5   Travelling abroad 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:acknowledge, abundant, board, academic, passport, visa, parallel, comfort, enterprise, occupy, substitute, cafeteria 1 When you go abroad you need a __________ and a __________. 2 She never __________ having made the mistake, but actually she did. 3 I must work hard to make money enough to live in _________ in my old age. 4 Flight CZ2593 for Wuhan is now _________ at Gate 11. 5 If you want information about traveling abroad, please turn to a travel _________ for advice. 6 I am _________ with my office work and have hardly any time for housework. 7 This course teaches you the theory but there’s no _________ for practical experience. ‎8 A __________ is a restaurant where you choose and pay for your meal. It is often found in factories, colleges, hospitals, etc. 9 Can you find a _________ case where this word is used as a verb? 10 We have __________ evidence to prove his guilt. 11 Personally, I support him in his intention of opening up a company. He is indeed a man of __________. 12 The students return in September for the start of the new _________ year.‎ 第二组:numb, tutor, requirement, lecture, qualification, destination, govern, comment, succeed, recommend, preparation 13 Mr. Smith’s _________ are so lively and interesting that they are not easily forgotten. 14 Prices are very much _________ by market demand. 15 --Do you know who _________ Bill Clinton as President of the USA? –George Bush. ‎16 A __________ is a private teacher who teaches an individual student or a very small ‎ group. 17 China is making __________ for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. 18 China has lots of places of interest. It is now a __________ country to millions of tourists from abroad. 19 Thank you for making such helpful __________ on my written work. 20 I stayed only a while outside but I was __________ with the cold. 21 Can you __________ me a good hotel nearby? I would like a five-star one. 22 The victory in this game will earn them __________ for the World Cup. 23 He didn’t meet the __________ for this job, so he was turned down.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- adjust to     keep it up     fit in     be/get used to  as far as sb. is concerned     feel at home   settle in              -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1____________the tutor_________, what others think is not the most important thing. 2 The life style that you ____________ is hard to change. 3 Mr. Wang said to me, “Just __________! You will succeed.” 4 I have stayed in America for some time and __________. 5 Jane is a newcomer here. So I will do what I can to help her __________. 6 I can ___________ well. I have got used to the life here. 7 It took several seconds for my eyes to ___________ the dark.‎ Unit 3 一 第一组:1 Antarctic  2 beauty  3 lips  4 anecdotes  5 awesome  6 cell  7 tongue  8 annual  9 seal  10 vivid  11 abandon  第二组:12 witnessed  13 pension  14 poisonous  15 relationship  16 accommodations  17 net  18 cave  19 rent  20 yelled  21 shore  22 narrow  第三组: 23 dimensions  24 pack  25 sharp  26 reflect  27 flee  28 tasty  29 pure  30 drag  31 shallow  32 magic  33 depth  34 entry 二 1 scared to death  2 ahead of  ‎3 in the meantime  4 was aware of  5 upside down  6 help…out Unit 4 一 第一组:1 distribution  2 clinic  3 toast  4 relevant  5 financed  6 donated  7 comb  8 adjust  9 security  10 catalogue  11 purchase  12 platform  13 operated  14 income  15 anniversary  第二组:16 soft  17 remote  18 participated  19 seedlings  20 Grill  21 astronaut  22 political  23 sewn/sewed  24 privilege  25 trunk  26 arrangements  27 tailor’s 二 1 stick…out   2 came across  3 dried up  4 dry out  5 heard from  ‎6 in need 7 are dying to Unit 5 一 第一组:1 passport; visa  2 acknowledged  3 comfort  4 boarding  5 agent  6 occupied  7 substitute  8 cafeteria  9 parallel  10 abundant  11 enterprise  12 academic  第二组:13 lectures  14 governed  15 succeeded  16 tutor  17 preparations  18 destination  19 comments  20 numb  21 recommend  22 qualification  23 requirements  二 1 As far as the tutor was concerned  2 are used to  3 keep it up  4 feel at home  5 settle in  6 fit in  7 adjust to     ‎ 高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-选修8 Unit 1-2‎ Unit 1   A land of diversity 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:strait, hire, apparent, seagull, racial, nationality, bakery, slavery, slip, majority, applicant, ferry 1 It is _________ from her accent that she is from the north of ‎ China. 2 China is a big country with 56 __________. 3 The Taiwan _________ separates Taiwan from the mainland. 4 Did I call you Richard? Sorry, Robert, just a __________ of the tongue. 5 They have appealed for an end to the __________ discrimination in aspects such as employment. 6 It was time to end the _________ and set slaves free. 7 You can buy newly-made cakes from across the __________. 8 There were more than 50 ___________ for the job, but only 10 were employed. 9 The __________ of representatives are in favor of the plan, only a few are against it. 10 There is no bridge over the river between the primary school and the village. So those children need to be __________ to and from school. 11 He was ________ three years ago and he is content with the job in the company. ‎12 A _________ is a seabird with long wings and usually with white or black feathers.‎ 第二组:swap, cattle, socialist, mixture, means, immigration, insert, indicate, percentage, luggage, aircraft, react 13 China is a __________ country with the Chinese Communist Party ruling. 14 Over the past years, there has been a big rise in __________ to the USA. 15 __________ coins into the slot and press for a ticket. 16 We own a big farm, where sheep and _________ are kept. 17 What _________ of the population in China are farmers? 18 Some people can _________ badly to seafood, such as shrimps. 19 Research __________ that eating habits are related to health. 20 An __________ carrier is a large ship that carries planes which use it as a base to land on and take off from. 21 His telephone is out of service. Is there any other __________ of contacting him? 22 I’ve finished this magazine. Can I _________ with you? 23 Water is a _________ of hydrogen and oxygen. 24 After getting off the train, I asked Peter to stay with our __________ while I found a taxi.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- by means of  make a life  occur to  team up with   mark out  take in  a great/good many  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     1 Our trip __________ a visit to the old temple built in the Ming Dynasty. 2 It never __________ me to ask him for help. 3 I got to know Jack years ago and now we __________ each other quite well. 4 Thoughts are expressed ___________ words. 5 ___________ workers joined in the general strike last week. They wanted higher wages. 6 The old man used to ___________ by selling newspapers. 7 We _________ a tennis court on the lawn.‎ Unit 2   Cloning 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:clone, arbitrary, moral, merely, resist, decoration, assumption, commercial, differ, straightforward, regulation, disturbing, media 1 It is impossible to make _________ about how people feel about the new law. 2 It is very _________ to think that a fierce tiger that escaped from a zoo wandered ‎ about. 3 Dolly, the _________ sheep, lived for only six years. 4 All the new employees are asked to learn about the rules and _________ of the company and they must obey them. 5 Never draw an __________ conclusion before you think carefully. 6 American English __________slightly from British English in vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation. 7 The bank strongly __________ cutting down interest rates. 8 The __________ covered Hu Jintao’s visit to Hong Kong in honor of the 10th anniversary celebrations since its return to China. 9 Huaqiangbei and Dongmen are both the ___________ heart of Shenzhen City. 10 He is _________ a boy of five, but he can speak very good English. 11 That some evil leaders hoped to clone themselves raised some _________ questions among the world. 12 I like to make friends with those _________ people. I hate those who are dishonest. 13 Christmas is drawing near. Let’s go and buy some __________ to make our house and Christmas tree more beautiful.‎ 第二组:breakthrough, obtain, argument, forbid, reasonable, ceiling, accumulate, undertake, zebra, bother, retire, procedure 14 Xiao Lin likes to spend all his time playing online computer games at a net bar. Now his mother _________ him to go to visit any net bar. 15 Your application must go through a few __________ before it is finally approved. 16 We had an __________ with the waiter about the bill because we thought he overcharged us. 17 He was fortunate to have _________ a big fortune by investing wisely in the stock market. 18 Professor Wang works very hard, for he both teaches and __________ research. 19 His explanation was not _________, so all of us didn’t accept it. 20 The electric fan is hanging from the _________ of the room. 21 After years of hard work the five doctors achieved a ________ in cancer treatment. 22 My father is currently 59 years old and will __________ from work next year. 23 By reading this book I am sure that you will __________ a lot of information about Britain. 24 Sorry to _________ you, but there is a call for you on line two. ‎25 A _______ is an African wild animal like a horse with black and white lines on its body.   ‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- be cast down  object to  in favour of  be bound to (do)  from time to time    bring back to life    pay off    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   1 During my stay in Japan my sister visited me ___________. 2 I __________ to know that she failed in the final exam. 3 All your efforts will ___________. Just keep it up! 4 All those present at the meeting __________ the plan. 5 He has made full preparations for the exam. He __________ succeed. 6 Are there anyone __________ human cloning? 7 I think some day dinosaurs may be ___________ through cloning.‎ 选修八 Unit 1 一 第一组:1 apparent  2 nationalities  3 Strait  4 slip  5 racial  6 slavery  7 bakery  8 applicants  9 majority  10 ferried  11 hired  12 seagull  第二组:13 socialist  14 immigration  15 Insert  16 cattle  17 percentage  18 react  19 indicates  20 aircraft  21 ‎ means  22 swap  23 mixture  24 luggage 二 1 takes in  2 occurs to  3 team up with  4 by means of  ‎5 A good many  6 make a life  7 marked out   ‎ Unit 2 一 第一组:1 assumptions  2 disturbing  3 cloned  4 regulations  5 arbitrary  6 differs  7 resists  8 media  9 commercial  10 merely  11 moral  12 straightforward  13 decorations  第二组:14 forbids  15 procedures  16 argument  17 accumulated  18 undertakes  19 reasonable  20 ceiling  21 breakthrough  22 retire  23 obtain  24 bother  25 zebra 二 1 from time to time  2 was cast down  3 pay off  4 objected to  5 is bound to  ‎6 in favour of  7 brought back to life 高考英语第一轮复习词汇检测练习-选修8 Unit 3-5‎ Unit 3   Inventors and inventions 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:discovery, criteria, dot, passive, patent, current, monitor, straw, tap, distinguish 1 The countryside is _________ with small villages. 2 I have bought a new PC with a 17 inch colour _________. 3 The __________ of a child’s body in the river shocked the community. 4 Remember to turn off the _________ after you wash. 5 Insert a drinking __________ here and you will suck the milk out. 6 The new regulation played a __________ but not active role in the reform of the factory. 7 He made a new invention and applied for a _________. 8 I am interested in ________ affairs so I surf the internet to read the latest news every day. 9 What __________ do you think can assess a student’s ability? 10 Liu Xiang has __________ himself as an athlete. ‎ 第二组:perfume, valid, stable, helicopter, practical, power, application, product, file, triangle 11 The __________ landed on the roof of the building to save those trapped in the big fire. 12 My passport is __________ for only one month. I must renew it. 13 The new _________ gained great success after it was introduced to the market.  14 Please draw a right-angled __________ with a set square(三角尺). 15 If you want to be a member of our club, please fill in an _________ form first. 16 __________ is one of the great four inventions in ancient China. 17 After three days of treatment the patient’s condition is very __________. 18 Every __________ on the same disk must have a different name. ‎19 In that cosmetics section you can buy expensive well-known French _________. 20 From a _________ point of view, this is not a good place to live in.‎ 第三组:refrigerator, committee, bear, forehead, version, court, abrupt, convenient, jam, mess, expectation ‎21 A special _________ was set up to look into that matter. 22 The weather here is changeable. Sometimes it has an _________ change in temperature. 23 Would you like to play tennis with me? I have already booked a tennis _________. 24 The temperature here is always below zero degrees. I cannot really __________ living in such cold weather! 25 It is very _________ from here to downtown. There are many buses running along this street. 26 The Chinese _________ of Harry Porter is due for publication this September. 27 I was late because I was held up in a traffic ‎ __________. 28 __________ of life for both men and women has improved greatly in China in the past 20 years. 29 Put the ice creams in the __________. Or they will melt very soon. 30 Your room is in a _________. Why not put things in place? 31 I felt my son’s _________ and thought he must be running a fever.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ call up   now and then   in case   dive into   set out to (do)   get through in truth   hang on   out of order   ring back    ring off    set about    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 It turned out that the newcomer was __________ a spy. 2 I won’t __________ my brother unless something unexpected happens. 3 Please __________. I will go and get her. 4 Our freezer is __________ again. We’d better buy a new one instead of repairing it. 5 Last winter that writer __________ writing a new long novel. 6 The police __________ investigate the cause of the fire. 7 Please take your credit card with you _________your money is not enough. 8 He is not here right now; will you please __________ later? 9 She _________ her bag and took out a few coins. 10 The line is engaged; I cannot _________ to his office. 11 I must _________ now because I will go to a meeting. 12 ___________, I visit my grandpa and grandma in the country.‎ Unit 4   Pygmalion 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:mistaken, sob, brilliant, compromise, plot, disgusting, status, bathtub, adaptation, superior 1 At first neither of the two sides would give in but after lengthy talks they reached a __________. 2 Over the years women want to be given equal _________ and pay with men. 3 I thought I saw someone I knew, but actually I was _________. 4 This film is an __________ of a famous writer’s works and it is well received. ‎5 A __________ is a container that you put water in and then you get into to wash your whole body. 6 Although I disagree with him, yet I cannot speak out, for he is my immediate __________. 7 She has one of the most __________ minds in her country. 8 They were put into prison because they were accused of __________ against the state. 9 Listen! I hear a baby _________ in the next room. 10 I think it is very __________ that some people show off themselves in public.‎ 第二组:pence, classify, pronunciation, hesitate, alphabet, betray, overlook, antique, dismiss, uncomfortable 11 Mary’s ___________ is the best in our class. She speaks very standard English. 12 The books are often ___________ according to subject. 13 Since it was a well-paid job I didn’t _________ for a moment about taking it. 14 She was terrified of saying something that would make her _________ herself. 15 –How much altogether? – Fifty ________, please. 16 Looking into the matter, the police _________ an important fact. 17 From across the street there is an _________ shop, where you can see very old but often valuable objects. 18 School is _________. The students will enjoy a two-month summer ‎ holiday. 19 The chair is so hard that it feels _________ to sit on. 20 The English vocabulary is arranged in the order of __________.‎ 第三组:classic, pronounce, condemn, musical, outcome, nail, troublesome, fortune, effective, ambassador 21 My daughter is very __________. She can play quiet a few instruments. ‎22 A high school diploma (文凭) __________ him to work in a factory with a low pay. 23 The film Casablanca is really a __________ among the many foreign films. 24 President _________ the country to be in a state of war. 25 He graduated from a foreign affairs university and worked as the British __________ to the United Nations. 26 His son is addicted to computer games and cannot get rid of them. It is really a __________ problem for him. 27 This kind of new drug is very __________ against cancer but a little expensive. 28 Please bring me a hammer and I will _________ the painting up. 29 She is hoping her US performance will be the first step on the road to fame and _________. 30 The negotiation is still on. We are waiting for the final __________.    ‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pass…off as   make one’s acquaintance(make the acquaintance of sb.)   in amazement  generally speaking  in terms of  show…in  the other day  take away  fade out   in need of   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 It was a bad year for films, __________ both quantity and quality. 2 He escaped by __________ himself _________ a guard. 3 Peter, please _________ the man at the door ________. 4 It was in London that I ____________ Jones, who was an electrical engineer. 5 I don’t know who has ____________ my dictionary. 6 I happened to have read this story in a magazine ___________. 7 ___________, girls are more careful than boys. 8 Our school is badly ___________ two teachers of English. 9 ___________ the music at the end of the scene. 10 I looked at him ___________.‎ Unit 5  Meeting your ancestors ‎ 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。 第一组:patient, systematic, applaud, accuracy, alternative, punctuation, tentative, division, yogurt, affection, preserve, analysis, skilful, radioactive, botany ‎1 A river forms the ________ between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. 2 Our troops made a ________ plan to attack the enemy, which was well prepared and organized. Finally it worked out quite well. 3 This is a 14th century house, which is perfectly ________ and visited by lots of people. 4 We had no ________ but to wait for the rain to stop. 5 I have lived in New York for years and have a great _________ for it. 6 Some kids prefer ________ to pure milk. 7 _________ is the scientific study of plants and their structure. 8 I made a _________ arrangement to see him on Friday and I would let him know if any change. 9 She works as a teacher at a kindergarten. She is very _________ with those children. 10 Only those __________ teachers are qualified to teach Senior 3‎ ‎ students. 11 Radium(镭) discovered by Madame Curie is a kind of _________ element. 12 Your blood samples(样本) are sent to the lab for _________ to see if you have got infected with AIDS. 13 He kicked the ball with great ________ and scored a goal. 14 _________ marks in English are not completely the same as those in Chinese.   15 My speech was so exciting that all the audience began to _________.‎ 第二组:somehow, interrupt, primitive, relief, dizzy, ample, specific, arrest, assume, significance, category, sharpen, accelerate 16 Those money was collected for a _________ purpose, that is, to sponsor those poor children living in the remote mountain villages. 17 Please don’t _________while we are talking. 18 The central government decided to raise interest rate, for inflations continued to __________. 19 The results of the survey can be divided into three main _________. 20 Let us _________ that the plan succeeds. Then what would you do next? 21 Don’t look at him. He did so in order to __________ others’ attention. 22 The meeting is of such great _________ that I have to attend it. 23 My knife is blunt. It needs _________. 24 Climbing to such a height makes me feel _________. 25 Don’t be worried. We have _________ glasses for all the guests. 26 News of their safety came as a great _________ to us all. 27 __________, I don’t feel that I can trust him. 28 There still existed a few __________ tribes in that African country.‎ 二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化): -----------------------------------------------------  regardless of  cut up  look ahead    ----------------------------------------------------- 1 He went ahead and did it, __________ its consequences. 2 I ________ the meat on the plate. 3 _________ and you will enjoy a bright future.‎ Unit 3 一 第一组:1 dotted  2 monitor  3 discovery  4 tap  5 straw  6 passive  7 patent  8 current  9 criteria  10 distinguished    第二组:11 helicopter  12 valid  13 product  14 triangle  15 application  16 Power  17 stable  18 file  19 perfume  20 practical  第三组:21 committee  22 abrupt  23 court  24 bear  25 convenient  26 version  27 jam  28 Expectation  29 refrigerator  30 mess  31 forehead 二 ‎1 in truth  2 call up  3 hang on  4 out of order  5 set about  6 set out to  ‎7 in case  8 call back  9 dived into  10 get through  11 ring off  12 Now and then Unit 4 一 第一组:1 compromise  2 status  3 mistaken  4 adaptation  5 bathtub  6 superior  7 brilliant  8 plotting  9 sobbing  10 disgusting  第二组:11 pronunciation  12 classified  13 hesitate  14 betray  15 pence  16 overlooked  17 antique  18 dismissed  19 uncomfortable  20 alphabet  第三组:21 musical  22 condemned  23 classic  24 pronounced  25 ambassador  26 troublesome  27 effective  28 nail  29 fortune  30 outcome   二 ‎1 in terms of  2 passing…off  as  3 show..in  4 made the acquaintance of  5 taken away  6 the other day  7 ‎ Generally speaking  ‎8 in need of  9 Fade out  ‎10 in amazement ‎ Unit 5 一 第一组:1 division  2 systematic  3 preserved  4 alternative  5 affection  6 yogurt  7 Botany  8 tentative  9 patient  10 skilful  11 radioactive  12 analysis  13 accuracy  14 Punctuation  15 applaud  第二组:16 specific  17 interrupt  18 accelerate  19 categories  20 assume  21 arrest  22 significance  23 sharpening  24 dizzy  25 ample  26 relief  27 Somehow  28 primitive 二 1 regardless of  2 cut up  3 Look ahead  ‎

