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‎【2019最新】精选高二英语上学期期末考试试题理 高二英语试卷(理科)‎ 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节 ‎(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A Undersea restaurant Ithaa Ithaa is the very first undersea restaurant in the world located 5 meters below sea level in the Republic of Maldives. The 5-by-9-metre restaurant can hold 14 people at a time and has a transparent roof offering a 270 panoramic (全景的) underwater view. The restaurant was designed and constructed by M. J. Murphy Ltd., a design consultancy(咨询公司) based in New Zealand. It was opened on April 15, 2005. Food served in the restaurant can be described as contemporary European with Asian influence.‎ Tip: Work on technical designs and drawings for Ithaa started in March 2004. Once constructed, Ithaa would be put into the water. Because of technical challenges, limited resources, and quality control problems in building something underwater, the - 22 - / 22‎ ‎ restaurant can only exist for about 20 years.‎ Skyline Queenstown Restaurant The famous New Zealand restaurant offers delightful fresh seafood, salads, roast meats and delicious desserts, while the panoramic view from the windows will attract you day or night. It' s the ideal place for that special night out and the best place in Queenstown to watch the sun go down! With live music creating a relaxing atmosphere and never ending scenery to admire, you will be entertained as you eat in the restaurant.‎ Tip: Unlike other restaurants, the Skyline Queenstown Restaurant has tiered (分层的) seating to guarantee(确保)beautiful lake and mountain views from every table.‎ Revolving(旋转的) Restaurant Allalin Located in the Allalinhom mountain, Saas-Fee,Switzerland, Revolving Allalin is the highest revolving restaurant in the world at about 3,500 m. The restaurant offers a rich selection. Valaisian platter, pasta and pizza ... all this and much more is on the menu of the world-famous restaurant. Enjoy the eating delights offered in the world's highest revolving restaurant, while some mountain tops slowly pass by.‎ Tip: Known as the ‘Pearl of the Alps', Saas-Fee offers many sports and activities: The popular holiday village features the - 22 - / 22‎ ‎ Metro Alpine, the highest underground railway in the world up to the skiing area and the highest revolving restaurant at 3,500 m.‎ ‎21. What do we know about Ithaa?‎ A. It was constructed in New Zealand. B. It can seat 14 diners at most.‎ C. It was finished in March 2004. D. It will exist for another 20 years.‎ ‎22. The Skyline Queenstown Restaurant is special in its _______.‎ A. location B. food C. seating D. atmosphere ‎23. What do the three restaurants have in common?‎ A. They all met technical challenges while being built.‎ B. Yon can have fresh seafood in all of them.‎ C. They all offer a lot of sports and activities.‎ D. You can enjoy beautiful scenery at all of them.‎ ‎ B Five eggs the size of Ping-Pong balls crack open as the tiny desert tortoises inside break through the shells. The two-inch-long babies immediately crawl off in search of flowers and grasses to eat. These animals may be newly hatched, but they already have survival skills that will allow them to thrive in - 22 - / 22‎ ‎ their severe and hot habitats.‎ Desert tortoise live in the deserts of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. During the summer, ground temperatures in parts of their range can hit 140oF. To beat the heat, desert tortoises use their strong forearms and tough nails to dig underground holes where they can hide from the sun. Some of these tortoise tunnels are up to 32 feet in length. And the holes can get pretty crowded. As many as 25 desert tortoises might stay together in one shelter.‎ The animals also dig grooves(沟)into the ground’s surface to catch rainwater. After a storm, they’ll return to these holes to drink the water that’s collected inside. Once it has had a good drink, a desert tortoise can go up to a year without requiring fresh water again. The tortoise stores the water it has consumed in its bladder and can later absorb the liquid when it needs to hydrate(水合物).‎ Despite sometimes hanging out in holes together, desert tortoises are pretty solitary. And sometimes when males come across each other, they’ll fight to establish governance. The fighting tortoises may use horns(角)on their chests to try and knock each other over. The contest ends when one animal turns over the other on its back. The losing tortoise can turn right - 22 - / 22‎ ‎ side up by wiggling(摆动)its body back and forth until it flips(翻转)over. But after that, the tortoise knows who’s the boss.‎ ‎24. What do the desert tortoises’ babies mainly eat?‎ A. Flowers and grasses B. Small animals ‎ C. Their mother’s milk D. Insects ‎25. The underlined word “thrive” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to “________”.‎ ‎ A. play B. fight C. grow up D. hang out ‎26. How do the desert tortoises fight the summer heat?‎ ‎ A. By drinking much water B. By living in the underground holes ‎ C. By digging enough grooves D. By staying under the tree ‎27. What do we know about the desert tortoises?‎ ‎ A. They use their holes to save water ‎ B. They fight mainly for the opposite sex C. They can survive without drinking water for a year ‎ D. They usually live in the northwestern United States ‎ C - 22 - / 22‎ Jimmy is an automotive mechanic, but he lost his job a few months ago. He has a good heart, but always feared applying for a new job. One day, he gathered up all his strength and decided to attend a job interview. His appointment was at 10 am and it was already 8:30. While waiting for a bus to the office where he was supposed to be interviewed, he saw an elderly man wildly kicking the tyre of his car. Obviously there was something wrong with the car. Jimmy immediately went up to lend him a hand. When Jimmy finished working on the car, the old man asked him how much he should pay for the service. Jimmy said there was no need to pay him; he just helped someone in need, and he had to rush for an interview. Then the old man said, “Well, I could take you to the office for your interview. It’s the least I could do. Please. I insist.” Jimmy agreed. ‎ Upon arrival, Jimmy found a long line of applicants waiting to be interviewed. Jimmy still had some grease (油脂) on him after the car repair, but he did not have much time to wash it off or have a change of shirt. One by one, the applicants left the interviewer’s office with disappointed look on their faces. Finally his name was called. The interviewer was sitting on a large chair facing the office window. Rocking the chair back and forth, he asked, “Do you really need to be interviewed?” ‎ - 22 - / 22‎ Jimmy’s heart sank. “With the way I look now, how could I possibly pass this interview?” he thought to himself. ‎ Then the interviewer turned the chair and to Jimmy’s surprise, it was the old man he helped earlier in the morning. It turned out that he was General Manager of the company. ‎ ‎“Sorry I had to keep you waiting, but I was pretty sure I made the right decision to have you as part of our workforce before you even stepped into the office. I just know you’d be a trustworthy worker. Congratulations!” Jimmy sat down and they shared a cup of well-deserved coffee as he landed himself a new job. ‎ 28. Why did Jimmy apply for a new job? A. He was bored with his job. B. He hoped to find a better boss. C. He wanted a higher position. D. He was out of work. ‎ 29. What did Jimmy see on the way to the interview? A. an old man’s car broke down. B. a wild man was pushing a car. C. a terrible accident happened. D. A friend’s car - 22 - / 22‎ ‎ had a flat tyre. ‎ 28. Why did the old man offer Jimmy a ride? A. He needed a traveling companion. B. He was also to be interviewed. C. He always helped people in need. D. He was thankful to Jimmy. ‎ 29. What can we learn from Jimmy’s experience? A. Where there is a will, there’s a way. B. A friend in need is a friend indeed. C. Good is rewarded with good. D. Two heads are better than one. ‎ D Camille Mahlknecht, 9, has some big fun planned for this weekend. She and other residents of Agoura Hills, California, plan to pick up trash during their city’s annual cleanup. At the same time, Wissam Raed,12, will be busy volunteering too. Thousands of miles away in Lebanon, Wissam plans to put on a play - 22 - / 22‎ ‎ at an orphanage and bring potted plants to elderly people at a senior citizen center.‎ Some other children like Nathan White, 10, have personal reasons for volunteering. Nathan’s grandmother died of a heart attack. To help raise money for medical research, Nathan participated in Jump Rope for Heart. He and five other boys took turns jumping rope for two and half hours and collected more than US$1200 in donations for the American Heart Association.‎ Millions of children around the globe lend a hand to their communities every year. Schools and parents also contribute to the rise in youth service. For example, many schools offer community service activities for students to join. Teachers either combine volunteer work with classroom lessons or make service work a requirement. Parents, on the other hand, encourage their kids to volunteer and do it with them.‎ Community service is particularly important in this depression time. As the need for monetary support and other aid has increased, many charitable organizations have experienced a significant drop in donations. Camille and other children who volunteer thousands of hours annually can fill in some of the gaps.‎ According to research, kids who start volunteering are twice - 22 - / 22‎ ‎ as likely to continue doing good deeds when they are adults. So, grab a paintbrush, a trash bag, or whatever you need to help your community. You’ll love how you feel after helping others. Even dirty work can be lots of fun, if it’s for a good cause.‎ ‎32. What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this passage?‎ A. To urge children to take part in volunteering activities.‎ B. To ask charity organizations to serve the community.‎ C. To recommend youth service programs to schools.‎ D. To propose alternatives for doing community services.‎ ‎33. What is the main idea of the 3rd paragraph?‎ A. Community service is gaining popularity among children.‎ B. Children now depend more on their teachers than on their parents. ‎ C. Families and schools help to make community service popular.‎ D. Nathan White had a special reason to raise money for medical research.‎ ‎34. Why is community service important in a time of depression?‎ A. It raises money for school activities.‎ B. It gives charity organizations some needed help. ‎ C. It teaches children to take care of the sick.‎ D. It encourages parents and teachers to work together.‎ - 22 - / 22‎ ‎35. What can be inferred from the passage?‎ A. Community service can help prevent juvenile delinquency(青少年犯罪).‎ B. Children will probably leave school and work as volunteers.‎ C. Organizing sports events for the school is a kind of community service.‎ D. Children who do volunteer work are more likely to grow up to be caring adults.‎ 第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Do you have a hobby? Something you look forward to spending your time on? Something you love to do? It could be collecting something. 36 . It could be a musical instrument that you love playing. It could be singing or dancing.‎ There are many things that a hobby can give you, in addition to an enjoyable time. Tom was a shy boy but through his interest in model airplanes he learned the value of sticking to a task until it was finished. He learned to make friends for the first time. 37 .‎ ‎ 38 . It gives you a break. It gives you focus, self-dependence, confidence and builds your personality and this - 22 - / 22‎ ‎ is an opportunity to lose yourself in an interesting activity, away from the pressure of school, so at the end of it, you feel relaxed and mentally charged.‎ Your hobby defines you. 39 . And it also shows you what you are good at, and how far you can go, when you devote yourself to it.‎ So go ahead and develop a hobby. A hobby is:‎ Happiness: something that you look forward to doing.‎ Opportunity: to develop your special and unique skills and celebrate them.‎ ‎ 40 : Something that makes you understand your strong advantages and improves your confidence.‎ Best in you: to bring out your best---for in each one of us there is a best that is only ours.‎ A. Belief in yourself B. Kindness to friends C. It shows your special skills D. Hobbies show your character E. Making useful things out of waste materials is another style F. His model airplane club brought him to get in touch with similar persons - 22 - / 22‎ G. Having a hobby helps you relax and get away from the routines of school 第二部分 完形填空(共20小题,每题1.5分,共30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ The Person Who Influenced Me Most I opened the box and took out the shining gold bracelet(手链). “For me?” I could barely talk. “Yes, of course,” said my Aunt Estelle. I really shouldn’t have been 41 because she was like that, unexpected and golden.‎ When I was younger, I knew that I could always go to my Aunt Estelle for comfort, advice and 42 . She was my best friend and my guardian angel. I could always be 43 with her and tell her anything that was in my mind. She also knew when I was trying to 44 something. Aunt Estelle gave me advice when it was sought and guided me 45 many difficulties.‎ Last December, I was faced with one of the most difficult 46 I ever had to make in my life. She was dying of cancer and I was 47 to go to Israel for two weeks for a research project. 48 , I sought Aunt Estelle’s advice but for the 49 time I didn’t like her response. When I went to the hospital to visit her for what turned out to be the last time, she was waiting for me with - 22 - / 22‎ ‎ a book about Israel on her bed and made it very clear that she 50 me to go—that it was her greatest wish for me to go—how could I 51 her. Aunt Estelle was the most unselfish person I ever knew and would not even consider my 52 about going. She called me 53 I left for Israel to tell me that she loved me and that she would always be with me.‎ I went to Israel and had the time of my life. When I returned, my parents 54 me up, I told them I couldn’t wait to tell Aunt Estelle about my journey. They became 55 and I knew before they said the words that she had died. Aunt Estelle’s unselfishness was her greatest 56 .‎ The gold bracelet she gave me for my sixteenth birthday was the one that I had always admired on her. Each time I look at it I am 57 of an even greater gift from my aunt, the gift of her 58 .‎ Whenever I find myself becoming too self-centered and 59 the needs of those around me, I recall her selflessness and 60 to follow her example to make the needs of others a priority(优先).‎ ‎41. A. worried B. annoyed C. surprised D. puzzled ‎42. A. fund B. support C. pleasure D.‎ - 22 - / 22‎ ‎ knowledge ‎43. A. honest B. content C. familiar D. content ‎44. A. gain B. hide C. avoid D. control ‎45. A. over B. with C. off D. through ‎46. A. choices B. plans C. suggestions D. changes ‎ ‎47. A. persuaded B. guided C. determined D. scheduled ‎48. A. Suddenly B. Naturally C. Obviously D. Luckily ‎49. A. next B. only C. first D. last ‎50. A. ordered B. allowed C. inspired D. expected ‎51. A. stop B. refuse C. surprise D. blame ‎52. A. hesitation B. confusion C. project D. thought ‎53. A. until B. after C. since D.‎ - 22 - / 22‎ ‎ before ‎54. A. brought B. lifted C. picked D. cheered ‎55. A. shocked B. silent C. relaxed D. nervous ‎56. A. gift B. reward C. dream D. honor ‎ ‎57. A. convinced B. informed C. reminded D. told ‎ ‎58. A. interest B. patience C. effort D. love ‎ ‎59. A. feeling B. discovering C. overlooking D. satisfying ‎ ‎60. A. attempt B. prefer C. demand D. agree 第三部分 写作 (共三节 共50分)‎ 第一节 语法填空 (共10小题共15分 每题1.5分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ How often do we judge people by the way they look?‎ ‎ This week I was talking to some guys at Planet Fitness. They told me that their boss, poorly 61 (dress), went in to buy a car. Little 62 the sales people know, but this man was worth - 22 - / 22‎ ‎ respecting.‎ The day he decided to buy a new car he walked in looking like a 63 (beg) in a grand place. The first dealership he stepped in 64 (total) ignored him and treated him as if he wasn’t worth their time. He left with a smile on his face. ‎ ‎ Later that day he walked into another dealership, looking 65 same way. The sales people greeted him with kindness and respect. It wasn’t long 66 this man wrote out a check for almost $200,000 on a brand new car!‎ ‎ I remembered that I seemed 67 (read) the following in some book, telling us 68 to treat strangers. “Don’t forget to show kindness to strangers, for people 69 have done this have entertained angles without realizing it!”‎ ‎ Don’t judge a book by its cover! This man was not an angel but you never know how 70 (succeed) he might be.‎ 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 ‎ 增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下写出该加的词。 ‎ 删除: 把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 ‎ 修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 ‎ - 22 - / 22‎ 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ When I intended to tell my four-year-old niece Lisa the story Snow White write by the Grimm Brothers, my elder sister stopped me immediate and gave me another storybook. When I asked if she has told Lisa the story, she shook her head and said, “I don’t think girl today should listen to this story.” I was confusing. Later, my sister explained how. In this story, Snow White does nothing to rescue herself. Instead of, she depends on others’ help. My sister doesn’t want her daughter to learn just to turn to others help. She wants her to learn to be brave and independence. That’s why my sister doesn’t want to tell herself such stories as Snow White.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假如你是李华,17岁,你在某网站看到一家餐馆的经理Mr. Smith在招聘一名假期兼职服务生。请根据以下要点提示,给Mr.. Smith写一封邮件。‎ ‎1.你对此工作感兴趣;‎ ‎2.你的年龄、工作经验和其他能力;‎ ‎3.你想了解更多信息。‎ ‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.词数100左右;‎ - 22 - / 22‎ ‎ 2.开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Mr. Smith,‎ ‎ I recently read your advertisement on a website. _______________________________‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‎ ‎ Thank you for considering my application. ‎ ‎ Yours ‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ - 22 - / 22‎ ‎ 高二英语期末试题答案(理科)‎ 阅读理解:‎ ‎21-23 BCD 24 -27 ACBC 28-31 DADC 32-35 ACBD 36-40 EFGCA 完形填空:‎ ‎41-45 CBABD 46-50 ADBCD 51-55 BADCB 56-60 ACDCA 语法填空:‎ ‎61. dressed 62. did 63. beggar 64. totally 65. the ‎66. before 67. to have read 68. how 69. who/that 70. successful 短文改错:‎ When I intended to tell my four-year-old niece Lisa the story Snow White write by the Grimm ‎ written ‎ Brothers, my elder sister stopped me immediate and gave me another storybook. When I asked if ‎ ‎ immediately she has told Lisa the story, she shook her head and said, “I don’t think girl today should listen to ‎ ‎ had girls - 22 - / 22‎ this story.” I was confusing. Later, my sister explained how. In this story, Snow White does ‎ ‎ confused why nothing to rescue herself. Instead of, she depends on others’ help. My sister doesn’t want her ‎ ‎ 去掉of daughter to learn just to turn to others∧ help. She wants her to learn to be brave and ‎ ‎ for independence. That’s why my sister doesn’t want to tell herself such stories as Snow White.‎ independent her 作文范文:‎ Dear Mr. Smith,‎ I recently read your advertisement on a website. I would like to express my interest in your recently advertised post for a part-time waiter.‎ I’m Li Hua,aged17. I once worked as a waiter in my city for 2 months last year. Not only do I have the qualifications and work experience for this job, but I also have the right personality for a waiter. I am a friendly person who can easily communicate with people of all ages. I hope to learn more about - 22 - / 22‎ ‎ the job, such as the working time, salary and so on.‎ Thank you for considering my application.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua - 22 - / 22‎

