人教版(新起点)英语四上《On the Weekend》(Lesson 2)课时训练

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人教版(新起点)英语四上《On the Weekend》(Lesson 2)课时训练

Unit2 Lesson2 课时训练 一、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。 ( ) 1. A. pick B. visit C. what ( ) 2. A. weekend B. fun C. club ( ) 3. A. I B. you C. me ( ) 4. A. on B. a C. an ( ) 5. A. is B. are C. do ( ) 6. A. start B. fruit C. grandparents ( ) 7. A. go B. often C. look 二、英汉互译。 1. pick fruit __________ 2. 在周末 __________ 3. 去绘画俱乐部 __________ 4. visit my grandparents __________ 三、情景交际。 ( ) 1. 你指着一个大苹果时会说: A. That is a big apple! B. That is a small apple! C. That is an big apple! ( ) 2. 你想知道同学周末的时候都做什么时,你会问: A. Do you often go to a drawing club on the weekend? B. I often visit my grandparents on the weekend? C. What do you do on the weekend? ( ) 3. 当你给朋友一个苹果时,你会说: A. Here are you! B. Here you are! C. It’s fun. 四、抄写句子。 What do you do on the weekend? _____________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 一、 1-7 CBCACAB 二、 1. 摘水果 2. on the weekend 3. go to a drawing club 4. 看望(外)祖父母 三、 1-3 ACB 四、 略

