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必修一 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab (主题语境:人与社会——科学与技术) 1.conclusion n .结论;结束 ◆单句填空 ①When he brings his speech to a nice conclusion     (conclude), Whaley invites the rest of the class to praise him.(2019课标全国Ⅰ) ②It can be concluded     (conclude) that restaurant keepers need not “be overly concerned about ‘bad’ tables”, given that they ' re profitable. ③When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to conclude it with     an important point. 重点单词 ④After a careful investigation, we drew a conclusion that     their decision was wrong. ⑤  In     conclusion, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today. ◆句型转换 ⑥To conclude, I would like to thank everybody who helped me. →  In conclusion      , I would like to thank everybody who helped me. ⑦What can you conclude from the evidence you ' ve heard? →What  conclusion     can you  draw     from the evidence you ' ve heard? 点拨 (1)draw/come to/arrive at/reach a conclusion得出结论 make a conclusion下结论 bring...to a conclusion使 …… 结束 in conclusion最后;总之 (2)conclude v .得出结论;断定;推断出;结束 conclude sth. with...就某事与 …… 达成协议;以 …… 结束 conclude   (从 …… 中)推断出 …… to conclude总而言之,最后 2.aim n .目的;目标;瞄准 v .瞄准;对准;目标在于 ◆单句填空 ①Jane moved aimlessly     (aim) down the tree-lined street, not knowing where she was heading. ②They ' re aiming to reduce     (reduce) unemployment by 50%. ③The special course is  aimed     (aim) at developing children ' s appreciation of music. ④In another experiment  aimed     (aim) at testing long-term memory, students took notes as before but were tested a week after the lecture. ⑤Earth Day, marked on 22 April, is an annual event  aiming     (aim) to raise public awareness about environmental protection. ◆句型升级 An activity was held last week.It was aimed at improving the students ' abilities of listening and speaking. ⑥An activity was held last week , which was aimed at improving the students ' abilities of listening and speaking     .(使用定语从句升级) ⑦An activity was held last week , aimed at improving the students ' abilities of listening and speaking     .(使用非谓语动词升级) 点拨 (1)achieve one ' s aim实现某人的目标 take aim at sb./sth.把目标对准某人/物 with the aim of意在 …… aim to do sth./aim at doing sth. 力求做某事 be aimed at目的是;旨在 (2)aimless adj .无目的的 aimlessly adv .无目标地 易错 在take aim at中,aim前不能加冠词,即使aim前有形容词,也不可加冠词。 3.react v . (化学)反应 ◆单句填空 ①When we use metals,it is important to know how they react  with     different substances,for example,water and oxygen.(教材原句) ②They were not sure how the Americans would react  to     the new type of music. ③What was Jeff ' s reaction  to     the news that he was chosen to be chairman of the students ' union? ④In our daily life, everyone fails every now and then. It is  how     you react that makes a difference. ◆完成句子 ⑤他不相信 , 甚至强烈反对我。 He didn't believe it and even   reacted strongly against     me. ⑥ 一个人对批评做出怎样的反应通常意味着他是成功还是失败。 How a person reacts to    criticism often means the difference between success and failure. 点拨 (1)react to 对 …… 做出反应 react with 和 …… 反应 react against 反对 (2)reaction n .反应;起作用 reaction to对 …… 做出的反应 4.balance n .天平;平衡;剩余;余额     v .(使)平衡;权衡 ◆赏句猜义    写出下面句中balance的含义。 ①The current balance in your account is £1,182.  余额     ◆完成句子 ②尽管我很害怕,我还是尽量保持平衡,以免摔倒。 Frightened as I was, I tried to  keep my balance      to prevent me from falling off. ③这个男孩在追他哥哥的时候失去了平衡 , 狠狠地摔了一跤。 When he was running after his brother, the boy   lost his balance     and had a bad fall. ④ 你工作太辛苦了 , 你最好在工作和放松之间保持平衡。 You are working too hard. You ' d better   keep a balance     between work and relaxation. ⑤很多人已经开始意识到他们应该保持饮食均衡。 Many people have come to realize that they should  keep a balanced diet     . 点拨 (1)balance n .平衡;天平;剩余;余额 keep one ' s balance 保持平衡 break one ' s balance 打破平衡 lose one ' s balance 失去平衡 on balance=on the whole/generally speaking总的说来 (2)balance v .(使)平衡;权衡 balance A with/and B同等重视(相对的两个事物或方面) (3)balanced adj .平衡的 a balanced diet 均衡饮食 助记      5.form v .形成     n .形式;表格 ◆单句填空 ①When heated in oxygen, it burns to form     (form) an oxide.(教材原句) ②When we read books, pictures form     (form) in our brains instead of before our eyes. ◆完成句子 ③建筑物的曲线和山的高低起伏完美结合 , 形成了一种独特的景色。 The curves( 曲线 ) of the buildings perfectly match the rise and fall of hills,     forming a unique view     .(2018 课标全国 Ⅲ) ④如果你以问题的方式提出请求的话 , 会听起来有礼貌得多。 You ' d sound a little more polite if you make a request   in the form of     a question. ⑤培训课程采取一系列研讨会的形式。 The training programme takes the form of     a series of workshops. 点拨 (1)form v .形成 form the habit of形成/养成 …… 的习惯 form one ' s character塑造某人的性格 (2)form n .形式 in the form of以 …… 的形式 take the form of采取 …… 的形式 (3)form n .表格 fill in a form填表 1.add...to...往 …… 加入 …… ;把 …… 加到 …… ◆单句填空 ①Add some oil  to     the water.(教材原句) ②  Adding     (add) the money to her fund made Georgia agree to sell some of her objects.(2018课标全国Ⅲ) ③The dictionary is out of date: many words have been added  to     the lan- guage since it was published. 重点短语 ④You ' d better add  up     your scores and see if you have passed the exam. ⑤She jogged for several miles every day in addition to eating     (eat) less to lose weight. ◆语段填空(用add及相关短语填空) ⑥The boss said it was not easy to manage a company.He added that    the financial crisis added to     the difficulty.However, the dormitory for workers needed improving and they would add     a toilet to     each room.He added up     the expenses and the total added up to     more than 1,000,000 yuan . 点拨 (1)add to 增加;增添(多用于抽象意义) add up 把 …… 加起来;合计 add up to 总计为;加起来达到 add that...补充说 …… (2)addition n .加;增加;(数)加法 in addition 另外;此外(还有) in addition to 除 …… 之外还有 (3)additional adj .额外的;附加的 additional cost 额外的费用 助记      2.used to过去(常常) …… ◆单句填空 ①I never used to enjoy     (enjoy) science, but last year I changed schools, and the science teachers at my new school are excellent.(教材原句) ② He used to be     (be) shy but now he can talk freely to anyone he meets. ③I ' m not used to eating     (eat) so much at lunchtime. ◆完成句子 ④这些大量的从那片森林里砍伐的木料是用来修建这座桥的。 The large amount of wood which is cut from that forest  is used to     build the bridge. ⑤事故就发生在我们过去居住过的那个村子里。 It was in the village where we used to live     that the accident happened. 点拨 (1)used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 used to be 过去曾经是 there used to be 过去常常有 (2)be/get used to (doing) sth.习惯(做)某事 be used to do sth. 被用来做某事 3.be supposed to应当;理应 ◆单句填空 ①I ' m going to try to go to either Montreal or Ottawa University,as both are supposed   to have     (have) good Physics Departments.(教材原句) ②The place at which the bridge is supposed to be built     (build) should be where the traffic is the heaviest. ③If you go to Xi ' an, you will find the places there more magnificent than commonly   supposed     (suppose). ④ Supposing that    (suppose)you have no idea how to use the washing machine, you can refer to the instructions. ◆ 完成句子 ⑤我很早就来到了拜伦湾 , 我们应该在这儿见面。 I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to meet     . ⑥这部电影我没看过,不过人们普遍认为很不错。 I haven ' t seen it myself, but it ' s supposed to be     a great movie. ⑦现在我的生活到了我应该自己做决定的时候了。 I have reached a point in my life where I  am supposed to make     decisions of my own. 点拨 (1)be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事 be supposed to have done sth.本应该做某事(实际未做) (2)be supposed to be 被认为是;人们普遍觉得会 I suppose so. 我认为是这样。 I suppose not.=I don ' t suppose so. 我认为不是这样。 (3)suppose/supposing (that) 假设;假定 1.It is+ adj .+to do sth. 教材原句 It is hard to think of a world without metals.很难想象一个没有金属的世界(是 什么样子)。 ◆句型转换 ①You are very kind to reserve a room for me. →  It ' s very kind of you      to reserve a room for me. 重点句型 ②He didn ' t pass the exam and that ' s a shame. → It ' s a shame that    he didn ' t pass the exam. ◆完成句子 ③当别的孩子在玩耍的时候,很难想象一个学生能集中精力在课本上。  It is hard to imagine     a student focusing his energy on textbooks while other children are playing. ④在采取措施解决问题之前,我们有必要知道问题本身是什么。 Before taking measures to solve the problem, it is necessary for us to know     what the problem itself is. ⑤Samuel就是爱打听事。对别人的事情好奇是他的典型特点。 Samuel can ' t help having a big nose— it is typical of him      to be curious about others ' affairs. ⑥和一个只会说“是”和“不是”的人很难保持交谈。 It is difficult to    keep up a conversation with someone who only says “Yes” and “No”. 点拨 (1)在“It is + adj .+for sb.+to do sth.”句型中,形容词只能说明不定式所表示 的行为的性质和特点,不能说明不定式动作的执行者。能用于该结构的形容 词有difficult、easy、hard、important、impossible、possible、necessary等。 (2)在“It is + adj .+of sb.+to do sth.” 句型中,形容词说明不定式逻辑主语的品 行、性格等。能用于该结构的形容词有nice、good、silly、stupid、careful等。 (3)It is+ adj ./ n .+that...意为“ …… 是 …… ”。 2.the+比较级...,the+比较级... 教材原句 The closer you are, the more you ' ll see.你离得越近,你看到的就越多。 ◆句型转换 ①If you are more careful, you will make fewer mistakes. → The more careful   you are, the fewer mistakes you will make. ②If you practise more,you will become more skillful. → The more  you practise, the more skillful   you will become. ◆完成句子 ③通常情况下,想法越奇怪,就越容易被注意到。 Usually, the stranger    the idea is, the more   it gets noticed. ④睡觉前你摄入的脂肪越多,夜里你身体的负担就越大。 The more     fat you take in before bedtime, the greater     burden you will put on your body at night. ⑤你英语听得越多 , 你就会感觉说英语越容易。 The more     you listen to English, the easier   you ' ll feel in speaking Eng- lish. ⑥ 越来越多的富人许诺在他们死后把财产捐献出来帮助穷人和残疾人。 More and more rich people   have promised to give away their wealth after death to help the poor and the disabled. 点拨 (1)“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越 …… 越 …… ”,第一个“the+比较 级”是表示条件的状语从句,在表示将来意义的情况下,从句用一般现在时表 示将来;第二个“the+比较级”是主句,用一般将来时。 (2)“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越 …… ”。

