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全国大联考2020届高三6月联考英语 全国1卷试题答案
英语参考答案 第 1 页(共 10 页) 20·LK6·QG 秘密★考试结束前 【考试时间:2020 年 6 月 19 日 15:00~17:00】 全国大联考 2020 届高三 6 月联考 英语参考答案 第一部分 听力(每题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 1-5 CABCB 6-10 ABCBC 11-15 BACCA 16-20 BAABC *听力原文见答案后。 第二部分 阅读理解(满分 40 分) A 【语篇解读】本文是 A 大学信息工程学院报 考指南,内含缴费、录取事项、专业分数三 个部分,属于应用文类型,专业单词较多, 文章难度中等。 【答案】CDA 21. 细节理解题。本题考查考生对文章 细节内容的理解能力。题目问软件工程专业 (独立办学)第一年需要缴纳多少费用?从 文中第一个表格可知,普通的软件工程专业 需“Pay twice a year for 3,500 yuan each time”, 即一年共 7000 元学费,此外,表格后还有 “Each student also needs to pay 800 yuan for teaching materials, 100 yuan for military training clothing, and 50 yuan for insurance.”, 故总共需要 3500×2+800+100+50=7950 元, 故 C 选项正确。 22. 细节理解题。本题考察考生对文章 内容的理解能力。一个人去年高考的分数为 601 分( 含 10 分照顾分),表后有“This table does not include care points”,故判断时,应 用 591 分进行。根据对比表格内容可知,这 个人不可能就读于电气工程及自动化专业 (Electrical Engineering and Automation.),故 此题选 D。 23. 推理判断题。本题考查考生对文章 内容的推理判断能力。由文章第二、第三个 表格和上文的“Based on Average”,经过对 比可得出答案,答案选 A。 参考译文 A 大学信息工程学院报考指南 1. 招生专业及费用。 专业 学费 电子信息工程 5000 元/学年 计算机科学与技术 5500 元/学年 (21)软件工程 一学年分两次付,每次 3500 元 软件工程(中外合作办学) 10000 元/学年 电气工程及自动化 4300 元/学年(分两次付) 机器人工程 7000 元/学年(可分期付款) *(21)每位学生还需缴纳 800 元的教材费、100 元的军训服装费和 50 元的保险费(仅需 缴纳一次)。 2. 注意事项 i)我们遵循公平、公正、公开的原则,根据考生的分数高低录取学生。 ii)录取结果公布后,考生可登录我校官方网站查询录取信息。 iii)如对录取结果有异议,请与我校招生办公室联系。 3. 去年相关专业录取分数表。 英语参考答案 第 2 页(共 10 页) 20·LK6·QG 专业 平均分 最低分 最高分 电子信息工程 594 579 608 计算机科学与技术 599 587 622 软件工程 584 567 601 软件工程(中外合作办学) 572 563 592 电气工程与自动化 603 595 620 机器人工程 607 589 623 *(22)此表不含照顾分。 *(23)填报专业时,建议按照“高分专业”到“低分专业”的顺序进行填报。(参考平均 分) 第一志愿专业 高于平均分 15 分左右 第二志愿专业 高于平均分 10 分左右 第三志愿专业 和平均分相差 5 分左右 第四志愿专业 低于平均分 10 分左右 第五志愿专业 低于平均分 15 分左右 B 【语篇解读】本文讲述了作者初步了解 “Couch surfing”(沙发冲浪)这种旅游 模式,即在旅游时由当地的一个陌生人 提供免费吃住并担当导游,基于信任和 兴趣共同建立起来的一种旅游模式。作 者从开始到结束的心情变换也是一大亮 点。 【答案】ABCD 【解析】 24. 词义猜测题。题干中的关键词 “intrigued”出现在第二段首句,且该句中 有一个 However,可知这句话起到了承上 启下的作用。作者不久前了解到 couch surfing,对这种免费在陌生人家提供住宿 的现象很怀疑,感到不可思议。第二段表 达了作者想要深入了解,并计划在芬兰开 始类似的探索之旅,由此可以推测出,作 者由开始的怀疑和不可思议变得对此感 兴趣,才会有后面的探索。所以 A 答案最 符合题意。 25. 推理判断题。根据题干关键词 “Ari”可定位至第三段。A 项,根据文中 “Finns were also supposed to be famously reserved. Ari was anything but.”可 知 ,A 选 项错误;C 项意为“Ari 话很少但很友好”, 与文中“…gaged me in warm conversations.” 不符,故 C 错误;D 项并未提及,D 项错 误;C 项根据文中第三段的“He was a live wire, giving me an enthusiastic welcome and hiking with me to his apartment, where he showed me the sleeper sofa, served me tea, and engaged me in warm conversations. He also handed me a key to come and go as I pleased.”可 得 出“ Ari 向朋友般对待作者”, 故本题选择 C 答案。 26. 细节理解题。根据题干,答案可 定位至第四段。题干与该段第三句的问话 “ What urged these people to open their homes to strangers?”一致,通过后文中的 “I concluded that there was a desire to lend a hand to like-minded folks who might enrich their own lives.”可知答案为 C。 27. 主旨大意题。根据文章大意可知, 完全符合本文主旨的是 D 项。 参考译文 不久前,我在网上看到了一份有关“沙发冲浪”以及使其成为可能的新闻报道。他们 提供免费接待旅客的服务,并帮助他们出行。起初,这听起来令人难以置信。我的意思是, 邀请陌生人来家里住一两个晚上?真是难以置信! 英语参考答案 第 3 页(共 10 页) 20·LK6·QG 不过,我对此很感兴趣,于是我决定去调查一下。真正了解这一现象的唯一方法就是 深入其中。所以我计划去芬兰,一个我一直想去探索的国家,我会在那里的每一站尝试“沙 发冲浪”。 当我踏入未知世界是,如果有什么顾虑存在的话,当我的第一个“沙发冲浪”伙伴出 现时,这份顾虑就消失了。阿里看起来像我心目中的典型芬兰人:又高又蓝的眼睛。芬兰 人也被认为是著名的保守主义者。阿里什么都不是。他是个活生生的人,热情地欢迎我, 并邀请我去他的公寓参观,他给我看了卧铺沙发并端上了一碗茶,与我进行了热情的交 谈。之后,他给了我一把钥匙,让我可以随意出入。 如果这就是“沙发冲浪”的意义——信任与友谊——那么我就有了一个好的开始!当 我登上下一班列车继续我的旅行时,我开始思考“沙发冲浪”的意义。是什么让这些人为 陌生人敞开大门?我的结论是,人们渴望帮助志同道合的人,他们可以丰富自己的生活。 14 天内我前往了 7 个城市,7 个东道主,7 个新朋友。如果问我“沙发冲浪”教给了 我什么?那就是:大多数人都是善良大方的。接下来“沙发冲浪”会促使我去哪里呢?谁 知道呢? 但我很想知道。 C 【语篇解读】本文讲述了疫情期间,印度 对学生推出的网课相关的一些情况。为新 闻报道类文章,总体难度较易。 【答案】CDCC 【解析】 28. 细节理解题。根据文中第一段全 段内容可知,在线学习的需求量激增的原 因是全球学校都受新冠疫情听课了,许多 学生都宅在家,故本题选 C。A,C,D 项均 为干扰项。 29. 细节理解题。A 项无中生有,文中没 有提到该公司成立于 3 月,只提到了该公 司在 3 月宣布了一则消息,故 A 项错误; B 项 C 项扭曲事实,根据文章第三段“it says had more than 40 million users at the end of last year. Around 3 million of those paid between $150 and $200 for an annual subscription”可知“一年 150~200 美元学 费”的统计截至去年年底,故 B 项错误, 到去年年底,该公司已有 4000 万用户,C 项错误;D 项可定位至文章第四段“Since the announcement, the company says it has experienced a 60% surge in students using its products, which range from interactive video lessons and live classes, to quizzes and exam preparation”, 故 D 项正确。 30. 词义猜测题。根据后文中的“means that India's school-age population of around 300 million is suddenly having to home educate”可知印度学生要在家上课了,根 据推理可知,国家封锁了,才会导致这个 结果。故本题选 C。 31. 推理判断题。根据全文大意可知,该 文章为新闻报告类文章,故本题选 C。 参考译文 (28)全球学校受新冠疫情影响都停课了,有超过 15 亿学生宅在家。虽然对很多人 来说现在生活很不方便,但在线学习的需求量却激增。 教育机构正在推出网上课程,一些教育技术初创公司暂时提供免费课程,帮助降低学 校停课的影响。 (29)Byju's 是一家印度的教育初创公司,以创始人 Byju Raveendran 的名字命名。 该公司在三月初宣布,学生可以免费在其应用程序上学习。该公司说截止去年年底用户数 量超过 4 千万,其中约 300 万用户一年的学费为 150 美元到 200 美元不等。 宣布这一消息以后,该公司说使用其学习产品的学生数量激增了 60%。(29)该公司 的学习产品包括互动视频课程、直播课程、小测验和考试准备。 英语参考答案 第 4 页(共 10 页) 20·LK6·QG 三月末总理纳伦德拉·莫迪命令全国封锁,(30)这意味着印度约 3 亿学生突然要在 家上课了。 Raveendran 对《CNN Business》说:“疫情显然增加了对网课的需求,这可能是这一 产业的转折点,提高了这种模式的利用率,改变了孩子学习和教师上课的习惯。” Unacademy、Vedantu 和 Toppr 等其他印度平台也向学生提供免费课程和学习内容。 D 【语篇导读】本文是一篇科普类文章, 从电动飞机的起飞说起,再与传统飞机进 行一些对比。文章阅读难度较高,但题目 完成难度低,总体难度中等。 【答案】BABD 【解析】 32. 细节理解题。A 项偷换概念,原 文中说的是“The world's first fully electric plane has flown successfully for almost 15 minutes.” 世界上第一架全电动飞机成功 飞行了近 15 分钟。而选项中为“military plane”军用飞机,故 A 项错误;C 项,文 中说的是从温哥华起飞,C 项错误;D 项 无中生有,文中并没提到与此相关的内容; B 项可从第二段的“offering hope that airlines may one day end their polluting emissions.”得出结论,故本题选择 B 项。 33. 推理判断题。Roei Ganzarski 说的 内容主要有以下几个: “This proves that commercial aviation in all-electric form can work”, “ the technology would mean significant cost savings for airlines -- not to mention zero emissions.”, “This signifies the start of the electric aviation age," he told reporters” 根据句意推断,Roei Ganzarski 对电动 飞机领域的发展很有信心,根据四个选项 来看,A 项是最符合的。B、C 项过于绝 对,且与Roei Ganzarski所说的含义相悖, D 项无中生有,故本题选择 A 项。 34. 细节理解题。根据文章第八段“At 300 grammes of CO2 emitted per kilometer travelled by each passenger”可知,每位乘 客每飞行 1 km 就要释放 300 克二氧化碳, 经计算,B 选项正确。 35. 主旨大意题。根据文章大意,这 篇文章主要与电动飞机的飞行相关,根据 四个选项来看,D 选项最符合。 参考译文 世界上第一架全电动飞机成功飞行了近 15 分钟。 周二,世界上第一架全自动商业飞机进行首次飞行测试,从加拿大温哥华起飞,这表 明有一天飞机也许有希望结束污染排放。 位于西雅图的工程公司 magniX 的 CEO 罗伊·甘扎斯基(Roei Ganzarski)说,“这 证明了全电动形式的商业航空是可行的。” 该公司设计了飞机的马达,并与海港航空公司(Harbour Air)合作,后者每年要运 送 50 万名乘客往返于温哥华、惠斯勒滑雪场及附近的岛屿和沿海的社群。 甘扎斯基说,这项技术将给航空公司省下巨额费用--更不用说零排放了。 他告诉记者说,“这表示着电动航空年代的开始。” 民用航空是碳排放量增长最快的来源之一,因为人们越来越多地乘坐飞机出行,然而 新技术进展缓慢。 根据欧洲环境署,每位乘客每航行一公里就要排放大约 300 克二氧化碳,航空业的排 放远超其他的交通形式。 电动飞机由一架有 62 年历史的六座 DHC-2 德哈维兰海狸水上飞机改造而成,由海港 航空的创始人和总裁格雷格·麦克杜兰(Greg McDougall)驾驶。 他说,“对我来说,这次飞行就像驾着海狸飞机一样,但那比海狸快得多。事实上, 英语参考答案 第 5 页(共 10 页) 20·LK6·QG 我不得不关闭电源。” 麦克杜兰日出后驾驶飞机在温哥华国际机场旁的弗雷泽河绕了个小圈,大约有 100 个 旁观者。 七选五 【答案】CGADE 参考译文 成功远远不止是金钱和名利。能够活得快乐、能够追求忠于自我的人生,才是真 正的成功。 如果你想要活得成功、如果你想要创造挥洒激情的人生,有这么三个要素你必须 关注。 1、相信自己 如果连你自己都不相信自己,要怎么让别人相信你呢? 如果你不相信你能得到你所追求的生活、如果你不相信你能得到你想要的东西, 要想活得成功就非常困难了。 当你有了自信,它会点亮你的创意、野心和做事的动力。它同样能让你在追求心 之所向时放手一搏。 2、了解你的追求 如果你的追求只是金钱和名利,你很可能永远都不会感到成功。 金钱和名利带来的成功仅仅是暂时的,不足以给你长期的满足和快乐。 想要真正的成功人生,必须把追求放在目标上、放在热情所在之处、放在最适合 自己的地方。 当你的追求在于达成目标、改变世界和发挥天赋上,你会感受到真正的成功和满 足,无论结果如何。 3、明白你已经很成功了 成功就在你周围,就流淌在你的身体里。你越是对它敞开心胸,就越是能感受到 它。 对人生中微小的成功心存感激,这也能帮你获得更大的成功。这是巨大的心态转 变,同样能助你与抱负和梦想为伴。 事实上,你已经足够成功了,明白了这点,你将无可匹敌。 完形填空 【语篇解读】本文是一篇寓言故事,讲述了 狗向猫学习根据气味追寻猎物而引出的故 事。文章总体偏易。 【答案】41-45 ACBAB 46-50 ACBDA 51-55 BBADD 56-70 ADCDC 【解析】 41. 此题考查考生对固定短语的辨析。 Long ago 很久以前;long after 很久以后; long for 渴望; long away 远去,据此处选 项,A 项最为恰当。 42. 因为前方提及到猫根据气味追寻猎 物,而别的动物只能靠眼睛去发现猎物,故 此题选择 C 项。 43. 由后文中的多个线索可知,此空应 填写的是狗。 44. 此空大意为“根据气味来追寻猎物 这种方法既灵验又方便”,应为褒义词,根据 四个选项来看,A 项最为合适。 45. 由后文中的“让狗在学习时间住在 自己的家里”可知,猫答应了狗的请求,故 此题选择 B 项。 46. 本题考查考生对固定短语的搭配。 Stay in 呆在(家里),stay away 远离,stay out 待在户外,晚归,stay up 熬夜。根据文 章来看,本题大意为“猫让狗在学习时间呆 英语参考答案 第 6 页(共 10 页) 20·LK6·QG 在自己的家里”,故 A 选项正确。 47. 狗向猫学习的是“根据气味追寻猎 物”,指一种技能,故本题选 C。 48. 本题考查考生对单词词义的理解。 Abandon 放弃,insist 检测 uninterested 不 感兴趣,puzzle 困惑,根据上文可知,狗此 句为反驳,故选择 B 选项,“狗坚持说”。 49. 由下文中的“the cat’s wife answered. ”可知此空应为猫的妻子,故本题 选择 D 项。 50. 本句大意为“猫要考验一下狗是否 已学会了根据气味来寻找猎物的本领”, intended to do 打算做,pretend to do 假装, refuse to do 拒绝做,allow to do 允许做,故 本题选择 A 项。 51. 由后文“The dog followed the seemingly vanishing footprints of the cat and he came to the two rocks.”可知,狗是跟着猫 的脚印寻找猫的,故本题选择 B 项 52. 根据文章前后,此处应表转折,故 选择 B 项。 53. 本题考查考生对固定短语的搭配的 意思理解。Come out from 从……出来, Come out with 说出,后两者无此搭配。 54. 根据文章大意,此处的狗发现了猫 的脚印消失了(disappearing),故此题选 D。 55. 本题考查考生对固定短语的记忆。 Might to do 可能做,hard to do 做……很困 难,horrible to 害怕,manage to do 设法做。 根据文章大意,狗“设法”从洞穴里出来, 故选 D。 56. 本题考查考生对近似短语的辨析。 根据语境,此空应填写“最后”的含义,at last 最后,没有 at the last 的表达,at least 和 at the least 都是至少的意思,但 at the least 要用于句首,一般后面要接逗号。 57. 根据语境,狗在树下转来转去,但 却没有“发现”任何脚印,故本题选 D。 58. 根据后文的“Look up!”可知,猫 站在树上,故本题选 C。 59. 本题考查考生对短语的使用和理解。 Be ready for 和 Be ready to 都是为……做好 准备的意思,前者后跟名词或动名词,后者 后面接动词原形,故此题选 D。 60. 本题考查考生对短语的理解。Long since 早就,no long since 不久之后,Since then 从那时起。根据语境,本题选 C。 参考译文 很久以前,只有猫能够凭气味追踪猎物,其他动物只会靠视觉寻找猎物。 狗觉得借 助嗅觉才是捕猎的最好方法,于是他去拜访猫。 “猫先生,您能教我凭气味追踪猎物的方法吗?那方法想必高效便捷。” 猫答应了, 让狗在学习期间就住在自己家里。 几天以后,狗觉得自己已经掌握了本领,就想要回家了。 “你还没学会呢,”猫说, “再待一阵儿吧。” “我现在就要回家。”狗很坚持。 “行吧,”猫说,“要走也是明 天,今天不行。” 第二天早上,猫对妻子说:“狗要是来道别,你就说我出门去了。他要是问我去哪儿 了,你就说你不知道。” 一会儿,狗来了。“师傅呢?”他问。“他一大早就出门了,我也不知道他去哪了。” 猫的妻子回答道。 其实,猫是想试试狗,看他到底有没有学会凭借气味追踪猎物的本领。 只见狗开始沿着猫的脚印寻找。走了没多远,猫从一块石头跳到另一块石头上,然后 钻进了山洞里。 之后,猫又从山洞的另一个出口跑出来,跳上了一棵树。 狗沿着猫的脚印来到了两 块石头跟前,从这开始脚印好像消失了。他钻进山洞,从另一个洞口跑出来。 最后来到了树下,根本看不到一个脚印。狗只能围着树打转转,根本找不到猫的藏身 英语参考答案 第 7 页(共 10 页) 20·LK6·QG 之处。 猫趴在树冠上,观察着狗的一举一动。 最后,猫说:“抬头往上看,你还没有完全掌握本领就急着要走。看见了吧,你还是 一无所知。”直到今天,狗只会在地上找猎物。 语法填空 【参考答案】 61. an 62. broadening 63. connection 64. adopted 65. which 66. interesting 67. concerned 68. to develop 69. of 70. brilliant 【解析】 61. 本题考查考生对冠词及名词的搭 配的理解。由后方的“important part”可 知 此处应填写冠词 an; 62. 本题考查考生对介词 in 的用法的 理解。要填的词 broaden 为动词,前方有 in 作为介词,此处应填写动词的 ing 形式; 63. 本题考查考生对形容词性物主代 词的理解。由前方的“his”可知,此空应 填写 connect 的名词形式,即 connection; 64. 本题考查考生对被动语态的基本 理解。由句意及前方的“be”可知,此处 应填写动词的过去分词形式,即 adopted; 65. 本题考查考生对定语从句的理解。 此处应填写 which 引导非限制性定语从句; 66. 本题考查形容词的搭配辨析。由 于后方的单词“fields”为物,此处应填写 interesting; 67. 本题考查考生对固定搭配的记忆。 As far as I am concerned 就我看来; 68. 本题考查考生对句意的理解及动 词的形式的理解。由句意可知,本空应填 写 to do 不定式表目的; 69. 本题考查介词的使用。 70. 本题考查考生对单词的词性变换 的理解。此空的单词应修饰后方的 future, 故须填写形容词 brilliant。 短文改错 I imagined a lot about lives in the future. I think there are two words that can describe my ① imagine imagination. The first word is fast. In the future, we will have a more quickly transportation ② means. No matter what far we go, it takes only a short time. With the development of science ③how or technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or somewhere outer space. People may can live and④ ⑤ in other planets. The second word is convenient. Because of the fast development at our society, ⑥ of many works can be done by computers or even robots. Lots of thing are fully automated. ⑦ work ⑧ things Humans just need to giving some simple instructions to complete hardly tasks. I believe that ⑨ give ⑩ hard such a future will be realized in the near future. ①imagined – imagine 【解析】本题考查考生对动词时态的辨析 能力,全篇时态为一般现在时,故将 imagined 改为 imagine。 ②have a more quickly transportation means 去掉 a 英语参考答案 第 8 页(共 10 页) 20·LK6·QG 【解析】本题考查考生对名词及冠词的使 用。由于后文中的“more quickly transportation means”为复数形式,此处符 合规则的改法只有将“a”去掉。 ③what-how 【解析】本题考查 No matter how(无论如 何 )和 No matter what(无论什么)的区别, 根据句意,可知应选择 No matter how. ④or- and 【解析】本题考查考生对连词的使用。由 句意可知,此处应选择填写 science and technology(科技)。 ⑤People may can live other planets in 【解析】本题考查考生对固定搭配短语的 记忆。句意为“人们可以在其它的星球居 住”,意为居住的 live in 中 的“ in”在 此 处 不可省略。 ⑥at-of 【解析】本题考查考生对固定搭配短语的 记忆。(With) the development of,随着…… 的发展。 ⑦works-work 【解析】本题考查考生对词义的辨析。此 处 的“ work”翻译为工作,为不可数名词, 故后面的 s 要去掉。 ⑧thing-things 【解析】本题考查考生对名词单复数的辨 析。 ⑨giving-give 【解析】本题考查考生对常用词组意义的 辨析。Need to do 需要做某事; Need doing 某事需要被做。此处由上下文的含义,应 该选择 need to do。 ⑩hardly-hard 【解析】本题考查常见词的词性辨析。 Hard adj.困难的;hardly adv.几乎不。此处 应为“困难的”意义。 写作 ONE POSSIBLE VERSION Dear Tiger Mom, What puzzles you is actually a puzzle for many parents in China. My idea is that it is quite right for you to do so. Although high grades are an important factor in evaluating students and for their future university admission, development in wisdom emotion, health and life attitude should never be ignored. There are many examples around us. Some all—A students in school have turned out not to be as successful in society as they were expected. The reason is often that the pressure from their parents allows them almost no time for other activities. Furthermore, punishment is by no means a wise choice to help them grow up mentally and physically. So I suggest that you take your friends’ advice. More importantly, let her live like a lovely girl; let her have more friends and social activities; and let her make mistakes of her own as we teenagers often do. 听力原文 Text 1 M: What’s that smell? Are you making a chocolate cake? I smell something different…pears? W: No, I’m making chocolate banana cookies. (1) At first, I was going to use the oranges, but I think these will taste better. Text 2 M: I saw you washed the car today. (2) I guess I’ll bring my umbrella to work. W: Why would you do that? M: It always rains right after you wash the car. 英语参考答案 第 9 页(共 10 页) 20·LK6·QG Text 3 M: I usually work out at 6:00 in the morning. (3) But sometimes, I go after dinner around 7:00. When do you go to the gym? W: My mornings are too busy. I have to wait until I get off work at 3:00 p.m. Text 4 W: This piece is too difficult for me. Can I practice an easier one at home? M: Your piano playing will improve a lot if you try to master this song. W: OK. I hope my parents won’t get tired of hearing the same thing all week! (4) Text 5 W: Can we eat food during the test? M: Only drinks are allowed, unless you have a medical excuse. W: I need to eat every hour, or my blood pressure will drop. (5) Text 6 M: What is the biggest holiday that your family celebrates? For my family, it’s the New Year. W: That is a big one for us, too. But even more important are birthdays. (6) M: Oh, why is that? W: I think my grandparents started the tradition. (6) They met and got married when they were older. They thought they would not be able to have children. When their first baby was born, they were so happy! They decided that every birthday for their children would be a big event. M: So that tradition passed on to your parents? W: Right. Even now, my parents take the day off work to celebrate my birthday with me. My mother cooks a special dinner, (7) and my father gives me beautiful clothes or jewelry. Text 7 W: How was your summer trip? M: It was great! My friend and I traveled throughout India. W: Sounds hot. How did you get along without studying the local language? (8) M: Most people there speak English. (8) But there were some remote places in the mountains where we had to learn a few words to communicate. Usually, it was easy. One time, though, it got a little awkward. I was asking a baker for some bread, and I said “I want money” instead of “I want bread”. The words for money and bread were so similar that I got them mixed up. W: How did the baker react? M: He looked a little scared but my friend quickly cleared up the confusion. (9) We ended up becoming friends with the guy, and he introduced us to more young people. Whenever we told the story of our meeting, it would make everyone laugh. Text 8 M: Have you been to the new Chinese market? W: No, I only shop at small, local stores. That place looks huge. M: You should really go. It has everything you could need to make your Vietnamese food, too. (10) They have imported items from several countries. The vegetables are pretty fresh, and the meat is of good quality. W: But how are the prices? M: There are great deals, especially for dried foods. (11) I bought a 10-pound bag of rice for five dollars. And I found two pounds of special noodles for a dollar. There are hundreds of 英语参考答案 第 10 页(共 10 页) 20·LK6·QG sauces in jars. I even found a Thai sauce there that I couldn’t find anywhere else. I think you’ll be very happy with what you find at this market. W: Well, I will check it out on Monday. I wonder if they have the pho noodles that I like a lot. M: Probably. You should go on Saturday instead. That’s when they have the best deals. (12) W: I hate crowds. Everyone will be going at that time. M: Then try Sunday morning. But I don’t think the sales last all weekend. ★ pho:越南河粉;越南米粉 Text 9 W: What’s that on your face, Dad? You scared me! I thought you were someone who broke into the house! (13) M: It’s mud. It’s good for your skin. W: You mean, you just went out in the backyard and picked up some mud from the ground, and then put it on your face? (13) M: No. I bought some mud online. (14) It comes from the Dead Sea in the Middle East. Do you see the color? It’s a beautiful grey color because of its many minerals. The mud in the backyard is mainly brown. (15) And the soil is black. The Dead Sea is famous for its health benefits. People go there from all over the world to swim in its water. Many companies ship the mud to people like me, who can’t take a trip there. W: Does your face really feel different after you take the mud off? M: Yes, it feels my skin is many years younger. Some of my wrinkles are even going away. Do you want to try it? W: Well, I’m only sixteen years old. I don’t think I need to feel younger. M: But I’ve noticed your face is very oily sometimes, and that other times it’s very dry. This mud is sure to help you with that. It clears up your skin and leaves your face looking bright and fresh. W: I’ll try it. I’ve been feeling bad about my looks lately. Maybe this will help! (16) Text 10 One destination that is becoming popular with Chinese tourists is Bali. It is a beautiful island of Indonesia. There is a rainy season that is perfect for swimming. One of the main attractions is Bali’s diverse sea life. There are some creatures that don’t exist anywhere else in the world. Visitors who don’t know how to dive can take classes while they’re on vacation here. (17) The island is also home to several active volcanoes. Many scientific groups come to study them. (18) Even though tourism is on the rise, most of the population still works in agriculture and the fishing industry. (19) Bali also has many traditional artworks. Some popular products for sale include clothing with special designs, wood sculptures, and organic coffee. A great time to visit the island is during one of its many festivals. Since ancient times, the culture of Bali has had a lot of influence from not only Indian but also Chinese culture. Chinese New Year is widely celebrated by Indonesians who are of Chinese origin. The island of Bali has many ancient Chinese Buddhist temples that are especially good to visit during the holiday. (20)查看更多