2017-2018学年甘肃省会宁县第一中学高二上学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版

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2017-2018学年甘肃省会宁县第一中学高二上学期第一次月考英语试题 Word版

甘肃省会宁县第一中学2017-2018学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Emily and Zach are confused! Their parents told them they could choose between Massachusetts and Arizona for their vacation this summer.‎ Emily has always wanted to visit Boston, the capital of Massachusetts. Zach and she both agree that walking along the Freedom Trail would enable them to see Boston's most famous places of historic interest, like the site of the school Ben Franklin attended and the Old State House. If Emily and Zach went toMassachusetts, they could spend a few days at the beaches on Cape Cod. Emily loves body boarding, and Zach is great at body surfing. They both enjoy building sand castles with their mom and dad.‎ ‎       Zach finds learning about Native Americans wonderful and has always wanted to travel along the Apache Trail in Arizona. This mountain highway passes Native American ruins in Tonto National Forest. Emily is not as interested in traveling along this trail as Zach, but they both would like to visit Phoenix, the capital, and then travel to Grand Canyon National Park and Meteor Crater (陨石坑). Zach learned in science class that Meteor Crater is a hole over 4,000 feet wide and 520 feet deep that was created when a huge object from space fell to Earth. The object went so deep that it has never been found. Zach would really like to try to discover it. But Emily thinks if experienced scientists and researchers cannot find it, Zach might as well not even bother (费工夫) to try.‎ ‎       The only drawback for Zach and Emily if they choose Arizona would be the heat. It is very hot and dry in this southwestern state. Massachusetts, on the other hand, is in the northeastern United States. Here Zach and Emily and their parents could enjoy ‎ mild (温和的) temperatures. Their parents love hot weather, but Zach and Emily do not really like to sweat.‎ ‎       How will they ever decide to which state they should travel? If only they could take two trips!‎ ‎21. Emily and Zach will spend their summer vacation _____.‎ A. visiting their parents B. learning how to swim C. doing some sightseeing D. living with Native Americans ‎22. Compared to Emily, Zach is more interested in _____.‎ A. design                       B. sports C. beaches                    D. history ‎23. The underlined word “drawback” in Paragraph 4 means _____.‎ A. value                         B. reason C. interest                     D. disadvantage ‎24. What would be the best title for the text?‎ A. A difficult choice B. An interesting plan C. An unforgettable trip D. A personal experience B ‎       In the U.S., speaking more than one language fluently is not very common — except in Los Angeles, California. The city has one of the largest populations in the U.S. of young people between the ages of 18 and 34. More than half of them in Los Angeles are bilingual (会说两种语言的).‎ ‎       Maria Elena Burgos, a mother of two American-born daughters, is cooking a Mexican breakfast. She says making Mexican food is just one of the many traditions in her home. Another is speaking Spanish to her children. “We want to keep Spanish somewhere in their learning too, not only at home.” Ms. Burgos thinks being bilingual will give them more opportunities in the future. Knowing Spanish also means the children can talk with their relatives in Mexico.‎ ‎       Ms. Burgos' daughters both want to know their family's culture. “We are doing this in order to go back to our roots because that's part of who we are,” they say.‎ ‎       The U.S. Census Bureau (人口普查局) says more than half the adults in the Los Angeles area between 18 and 34 years old speak a language other than English at home. For the whole country, the number of bilingual adults is only 25 percent. The number of bilingual speakers has gone up since the 1990s.‎ ‎       University of California Los Angeles professor Raul Hinojosa says that in the past, the children and grandchildren of immigrants (移民) did not continue to speak the parents' native language. But now the opposite is true.‎ ‎       In the last ten years, more immigrant parents say they want their children to keep speaking their native language. Mr. Hinojosa calls their choice the “path of pride”. The decision to keep a native language is clear in Los Angeles now. And, as the number of minorities in the U.S. continues to grow, he thinks bilingualism will spread to the rest of the country.‎ ‎25. Ms. Burgos hopes her two daughters can _____.‎ A. have a healthy diet B. become true Americans C. develop many good habits D. have a competitive advantage ‎26. What's the attitude of Ms. Burgos' daughters towards speaking Spanish?‎ A. Bored.                      B. Worried.‎ C. Interested.               D. Surprised.‎ ‎27. From the last three paragraphs, we can learn that more people in the U.S. _____.‎ A. are proud of their new country B. speak English very fluently C. are learning a second language D. are forgetting their parents' native language ‎28. Mr. Hinojosa is sure that _____.‎ A. more people will immigrate to the U.S.‎ B. the U.S. is on the path to bilingualism C. the population of Los Angeles will drop D. more minorities will be accepted by the U.S.‎ C Most people will recognise the man in this photograph. He is, of course, Bill Clinton, ex-president of the United States. Bill Clinton is a very popular speech giver and regularly gives talks all over the world, to many different audiences. He is so effective at giving talks because he has a special quality which we call “charisma (魅力)”.‎ Nowadays,  psychologists  (心理学家)  are becoming very interested in charisma and want to describe its meaning in a better way. People often misunderstand what charisma is and think of it as a kind of fame, but it is not the same as fame. Charisma is a kind of magic and is relatively rare. A well-known American psychologist thinks that charismatic people are basically excellent communicators. However, they have other qualities such as self-confidence, eloquence (口才) and vision.‎ Charismatic personalities are able to draw people to them, and people feel happy in their company. There is a sense of “togetherness” when a charismatic person is with other people. A good example of this ability, some say, is the famous American, Oprah Winfrey. She is a highly-successful businesswoman and is probably ‎ best known as the presenter of a very popular talk show. Oprah is able to relate to audiences at her shows and they respond well to her. Her charismatic personality has made her one of the richest women in the world. She owns several houses and publishes her own magazines. Presently, she is presenting a new series of the Oprah Winfrey Show. She also runs a book club, which influences the nation’s reading habits and may be one of the reasons why people are reading more these days in the USA.‎ A woman who had extraordinary charisma was the film star, Marilyn Monroe. A beautiful woman and a talented (有天赋的) actress, she was always the centre of attention wherever she went.‎ Unlike fame, charisma doesn’t disappear over time. Even now, more than fifty years after her death, when young people see Monroe in her films, her charisma seems as fresh and powerful as ever.‎ ‎29. Bill Clinton is good at giving talks because _____.‎ A. he has a quality called charisma B. he was once president of the USA C. he has many fans that support him D. he is well-known all over the world ‎30. According to the text, charismatic people _____.‎ A. are all effective speech makers B. are all confident and successful C. can easily attract and interest people D. often try to create a calm atmosphere ‎31. What do we know about Oprah Winfrey?‎ A. She is most famous as a magazine publisher.‎ B. She has a happy relationship with her audiences.‎ C. She often gives talks to American young people.‎ D. She writes books to influence Americans’ reading habits.‎ ‎32. The author mentions the popularity of Marilyn Monroe to show that _____.‎ A. fame is as important as charisma B. famous people always have charisma C. charisma doesn’t become weaker over time D. Monroe is an extraordinarily talented actress D ‎       In February 1807, President Jefferson organized an expedition (远征) for the American Philosophical Society (APS). The members of the Society were especially interested in the bones and long teeth that had been found along the Ohio River valley for more than 100 years.‎ ‎       The French and British explorers who had first discovered these bones had sent most of them back to their countries. Many believed they were from a mammoth (猛犸象), similar to the frozen animal bones found in Siberia. But the teeth of the mammoth found in the Ohio River valley were different from those of the mammoth found overseas. The scientists of the Society knew they had to find more of these mysterious bones.‎ ‎       As president of the Society, Thomas Jefferson hired  (雇用) William Clark to carry out this new search. Four years earlier, Jefferson had chosen Clark and Meriwether Lewis to survey the vast, unknown lands west of the Mississippi River to look for the mysterious animals living there. But the Lewis and Clark Expedition just found few fossils (化石).‎ ‎       So in the fall of 1807, William Clark tried again. He made his way to Big Bone Lick in the Ohio River valley, where mammoth bones had been collected before. After digging for only two weeks, Clark sent Jefferson a letter describing the bones they had found.‎ ‎       Jefferson hoped that Clark would be able to find more different bones. He wanted to expand the APS' fossil collection. Clark and his men finally dug out about 300 bones, including mammoth, elephant, goat, buffalo, and horse.‎ ‎       Six months later, Jefferson received the bones Clark found in the Ohio River valley. He was so surprised at the large number that he invited his fellow society member Dr. Caspar Wistar to come to look at the bones. As they sorted through them, Jefferson came up with a new idea. He would keep the bones that the ‎ APS needed for its collection and share the rest with the Museum of Natural History in Paris. Jefferson also kept a few choice (精选的) fossils for himself, fixing the head and the long teeth of the mammoth on the wall in the entrance hall of his Virginia home, Monticello.‎ ‎33. What can we learn about the American Philosophical Society?‎ A. Its aim was to protect animals.‎ B. It was set up by President Jefferson.‎ C. Its members were interested in science.‎ D. It was close to the Ohio River valley.‎ ‎34. Why did Jefferson choose Clark to carry out the new search?‎ A. Because Clark had such work experience before.‎ B. Because Clark found the first mammoth bone.‎ C. Because Clark was a member of the APS.‎ D. Because Clark volunteered to do this work.‎ ‎35. Clark's dig in the Ohio River valley in 1807 was _____.‎ A. a big success            B. full of danger C. nearly worthless        D. quite interesting 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ How teens can stay fit Any type of regular, physical activity can improve your fitness and your health.  36 ‎ Exercise should be a regular part of your day, like brushing your teeth, eating and sleeping. It can be in gym class, joining a sports team, or working out on your own. Keep the following tips in mind:‎ ‎        37  A good attitude is important. Find an activity that you think is fun. You are more likely to stick with it if you choose something you like. A lot of people find it's more fun to exercise with someone else, so see if you can find a friend or family member to be active with you.‎ ‎       Take it one step at a time.  38  For example, walk or ride your bike to school. Get on or off the bus several blocks away and walk the rest of the way. Use the stairs instead of taking the elevator.‎ ‎       Get your heart pumping (跳动). Whatever you choose, make sure it includes aerobic (有氧的) activity that makes you breathe harder and increases your heart rate. This is the best type of exercise because it increases your fitness level and makes your heart work better.  39  Examples of aerobic activities are basketball, running, or swimming.‎ ‎       Don’t forget to warm up with some easy exercises or stretching (拉伸) before you do any physical activity.  40  It is also important to stretch out after you exercise to cool down your muscles.‎ A. It also burns off body fat.‎ B. Stay positive and have fun.‎ C. Make physical activity a habit.‎ D. Small changes can add up to better fitness.‎ E. The most important thing is that you keep moving!‎ F. This warms your muscles up and may help protect against injury.‎ G. Do the activity as often as possible, but don't exercise to the point of pain.‎ 第二部分:语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ University was a new experience for me. I had grown up in a small seaside town in the south of England, and suddenly I was  41  together with people of my age from all over the country. People were speaking in  42  that I had only ever heard on TV, and sometimes using words that I had  43  heard before.‎ I had only been at university for about a week when I  44  David Pitman, from Blackburn in the north of England. We  45  that we both played tennis, and arranged to meet up one afternoon for a  46 .‎ I went to the sports hall at the time we'd  47 , and went into the changing rooms. David was already there, and I could see that he wasn't very  48 . He was searching anxiously for something inside his bag. He looked up at me as I  49 .‎ ‎       “I've  50  my keks,” he said. “You haven't got any, have you?”  51  I had no idea what he was talking about. Tennis balls? Shorts? Trainers? What? I said: “Sorry?” David repeated: “Have you got any  52  keks with you?”‎ ‎       Of course, I could have asked him what the word meant,  53  I was too embarrassed (尴尬的) and didn't want to offend (冒犯) him. David saw the  54  on my face, and said: “You know — keks. Shorts. Tennis shorts.”‎ Now I  55 , and luckily, I did have some  56  in my bag. I lent them to him, we  57 , and he won. Then we went to get a  58 . The woman at the canteen asked me what I wanted. “I'd like a Black Beauty, please,” I said. (Where I  59 , that's cola and ice cream.) “What on earth is that?” said the woman. I  60  knew how she felt.‎ ‎41. A. respected         B. accepted C. thrown            D. remembered ‎42. A. smiles             B. accents      C. silence           D. public ‎43. A. always            B. never  C. ever              D. sometimes ‎44. A. visited            B. helped       C. met               D. phoned ‎45. A. guessed           B. hoped         C. discovered             D. admitted ‎46. A. game                  B. report  C. meeting                   D. discussion ‎47. A. given              B. wished for C. recorded       D. agreed on ‎48. A. nervous              B. happy                C. friendly           D. angry ‎49. A. stood up             B. set out C. turned back         D. walked in ‎50. A. washed               B. collected C. forgotten                 D. sold ‎51. A. Gradually            B. Finally C. Suddenly                 D. Fortunately ‎52. A. new                    B. spare         C. free                  D. common ‎53. A. and                     B. so       C. but                 D. or ‎54. A. joy                B. pain    C. look               D. concern ‎55. A. understood          B. promised           C. decided            D. believed ‎56. A. balls            B. shoes  C. shorts               D. T-shirts ‎57. A. showed               B. played C. studied                     D. shared ‎58. A. drink         B. picture                    C. review             D. message ‎59. A. go to            B. dream of C. come from          D. travel around ‎60. A. especially            B. recently             C. hardly               D. immediately 第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Glasgow is situated in southwest Scotland along both banks of the River Clyde and has 61. ________ population of over 590,000 people. It is the largest city in Scotland, 62. ________ has successful business, finance, tourism, call centre, and an excellent harbour as well.‎ ‎       Glasgow is one of 63. ________ (lively) cities in Europe. It has world-famous art 64. ________ (collect), the best shopping in the United Kingdom outside London, and the most 65. ________ (enjoy) nightlife in Scotland. A must-see is the works of Scotland's best-known architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh, the unique style of whom 66. ________ (decorate) attractions such as the Lighthouse, Glasgow School of Art and House for an Art Lover.‎ ‎       Art and culture are so important in Glasgow life 67. ________ galleries and museums are great in number. There's a choice of over 20 68. ________ (include) the world's first Museum of Religion and the outstanding McLellan Galleries. 69. ________ their credit, the Scots value traditional art and culture in Glasgow and have them well 70. ________ (preserve) through long time.‎ 第三部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Yesterday I was watching television at home while I suddenly remembered that it was my father's birthday the next day. I put my coat on me, and ran outside in the hurry to catch a bus. I went into a music shop, and I couldn't remember which CD his dad wanted, so I didn't buy something. After that I decided go to the bookshop. I wasn't sure what to get and I stayed there for ages try to choose a book. By the end I bought him a book about racing cars. Finally, I went home and tell my mum about the present. She looked at me strange for some time, and then said, “But your father's birthday is next month!”‎ 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假设你叫李华,现在英国某所中学作交换生。下周你想组织同学们开展一次秋游活动,但需得到校长的批准。根据以下要点给校长写一封信:‎ ‎1. 写信的目的;2. 陈述理由;3. 恳请校长批准。‎ 注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 信的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。‎ Dear Sir, ‎ ‎              I am Li Hua, an exchange student from China.                             ‎ ‎                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ‎ ‎                                                                             Yours sincerely,  ‎ ‎                                                                                                        Li Hua       ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考答案 部分解析 阅读理解:‎ 第一节:‎ A篇(节假日活动)‎ 本文是记叙文。文章描述了艾米丽和查克一次艰难的选择。‎ ‎21. C。细节理解题。根据第一段艾米丽和查克的父母让他们挑选暑假要去的地方和最后一段的to which state they should travel可知,艾米丽和查克暑假应该是去旅游。‎ ‎22. D。推理判断题。根据第三段的Zach finds learning about Native Americans wonderful ... This mountain highway passes Native American ruins ... Emily is not as interested in traveling along this trail as Zach可知,相对于艾米丽,查克对美国土著人的历史更感兴趣。‎ ‎23. D。词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段的Zach and Emily do not really like to sweat可知,炙热的天气是艾米丽和查克选择亚利桑那州的唯一不利因素。‎ ‎24. A。标题归纳题。艾米丽和查克分析了父母提供的两个可选旅行地的优劣势,再从开头的confused一词和最后一段的to which state they should travel可知,这是一次艰难的选择,故A项作标题最合适。‎ B 篇(语言学习)‎ 本文是说明文。文章介绍了越来越多的美国人会说两种语言。‎ ‎25. D。推理判断题。根据第二段的Ms. Burgos thinks being bilingual will give them more opportunities in the future可知,Ms. Burgos希望两个女儿能掌握两种语言是想让她们在未来具有竞争优势。‎ ‎26. C。推理判断题。根据第三段Ms. Burgos的两个女儿都希望了解她们的家庭文化可知,她俩对说西班牙语非常感兴趣。‎ ‎27. C。细节理解题。自二十世纪九十年代以来,通晓两种语言的人数不断增加。过去,移民的儿孙们不说他们的母语,但现在情况正好相反。由此判断,除了说英语外,越来越多的在美国出生的移民后代开始学说他们父辈的母语,即学第二语言。‎ ‎28. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,Mr. Hinojosa认为随着美国少数民族数量的不断增加,双语制未来会在美国的其他地区普及。‎ C篇(个人情况)‎ 本文是议论文。 “魅力”是一种独特的品质,它不会随着时间的推移而消失。‎ ‎29. A。细节理解题。由第一段中的He is so effective at giving talks because he has a special quality which we call “charisma”可知,比尔·克林顿很擅长演讲,是因为他有我们称之为“魅力”的一种特殊品质。‎ ‎30. C。推理判断题。由第三段中的Charismatic personalities are able to draw people to them, and people feel happy in their company可知,有魅力的人能够吸引别人,而且能让周围的人感到快乐。‎ ‎31. B。推理判断题。由第三段中的Oprah is able to relate to audiences at her shows and they respond well to her可知,奥普拉·维弗瑞在她的脱口秀节目中与观众保持着一种愉快的关系。‎ ‎32. C。推理判断题。由最后一段的描述可知,作者举玛丽莲·梦露的例子是想说明:魅力不会随着时间的推移而减弱或消失。‎ D篇(历史)‎ 本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了美国总统杰弗逊在科学方面的贡献。‎ ‎33. C。推理判断题。根据第一段的The members of the Society were especially interested in the bones and long teeth that had been found along the Ohio River valley for more than 100 years可知,美国哲学学会的成员对科学感兴趣。‎ ‎34. A。细节理解题。根据第三段的Four years earlier, Jefferson had chosen Clark and Meriwether Lewis ... to look for the mysterious animals living there可知,正是由于克拉克有过寻找猛犸象的经验,所以他又一次被选中去完成新的搜寻任务。‎ ‎35. A。推理判断题。根据第五段的Clark and his men finally dug out about 300 bones, including mammoth, elephant, goat, buffalo, and horse和第六段的Jefferson ... was so surprised at the large number可知,克拉克的这次挖掘工作十分成功。‎ 第二节:‎ 话题:健康 本文是说明文。文章向青少年介绍了几条如何保持身体健康的建议。‎ ‎36. E。由下文关于运动方面的几条建议可知,作者认为保持身体健康最好的办法是运动。E项中的keep moving指代下文的Exercise。‎ ‎37. B。B项中的Stay positive和have fun分别与下文的A good attitude和activity that you think is fun相呼应。‎ ‎38. D。根据本段小标题Take it one step at a time可知,循序渐进,小小的改变也能使身体更健康,故选D项。‎ ‎39. A。有氧运动可提高健康水平、使心脏更好地工作,也可起到减肥的作用,故选A项。‎ ‎40. F。根据下文的stretch out after you exercise to cool down your muscles可知,运动前先进行热身是为了保护身体避免受伤,故选F项。‎ 语言知识运用:‎ 第一节:‎ 话题:学校生活 本文是记叙文。作者描述了他上大学时由于语言问题与他人产生误解的经历。‎ ‎41. C。根据上文University was a new experience for me可知,大学让作者跟很多来自不同地方的同龄人呆在了一起。throw此处表示一种状态,指作者与来自不同地方的同龄人相聚在大学校园。‎ ‎42. B。43. B。根据下文作者与大卫因语言产生误会的例子可知,对一直生活在英国南方的作者来说,来自全国各地的大学同学说话的“口音(accents)”他只在电视上听到过,有时候他们用的词他“从未(never)”听说过。‎ ‎44. C。此处指作者在大学里呆了一周后“遇到(met)”了大卫。‎ ‎45. C。作者和大卫本不认识,在大学遇见后,他们才“发现(discovered)”彼此都喜欢打网球。‎ ‎46. A。根据下文的the sports hall, Tennis balls, he won等可知,作者和大卫计划某个下午打一场“球(game)”。‎ ‎47. D。根据上文的arranged to ...可知,作者和大卫“约定好(agreed on)”打球的时间。‎ ‎48. B。根据下文的He was searching anxiously for something可知,正在找东西的大卫不“高兴(happy)”。‎ ‎49. D。大卫早到了更衣室,因此他抬头看着作者时,作者是“走进来(walked in)”。‎ ‎50. C。根据下文大卫询问作者是否带有keks可知,大卫“忘记(forgotten)”拿他自己的了。‎ ‎51. C。根据下文作者的疑问Tennis balls? Shorts? Trainers? What? I said: “Sorry?”可知,当大卫问作者是否带keks时,他“突然(Suddenly)”不知道大卫在说什么。‎ ‎52. B。根据下文的I did have some ...可知,大卫又一次问作者是否带了“多余的(spare)”keks。‎ ‎53. C。“我本可以问大卫他说的是什么意思”和“我很尴尬、不愿冒犯大卫”之间是转折关系,故用but。‎ ‎54. C。根据上文作者的尴尬以及下文大卫的解释可知,大卫看到了作者脸上的“表情(look)”。‎ ‎55. A。根据大卫解释keks是指网球短裤以及下文作者把网球短裤借给大卫可知,作者终于“明白(understood)”keks是什么。‎ ‎56. C。根据上文的 ... keks. Shorts. Tennis shorts可知。‎ ‎57. B。在大卫借上作者的网球短裤后,他们“打(played)”了一场网球,并且大卫赢了。‎ ‎58. A。根据下文的a Black Beauty ... that's cola and ice cream可知,打完球赛后,作者和大卫去买“饮料(drink)”。‎ ‎59. C。在作者居住的英国南部海边小镇,Black Beauty指cola and ice cream。come from来自。‎ ‎60. D。经过作者与同伴因为keks一词产生的误会之后,当女售货员不知道他说的Black Beauty是什么东西时,他“立刻(immediately)”明白她心里是怎么想的。‎ 第二节:‎ ‎61. a。考查不定冠词。have a population of ...意为“有……人口”。‎ ‎62. which。考查关系词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰city,即Glasgow,且在从句中作主语,故填which。‎ ‎63. the liveliest。考查比较等级。由one of及in Europe可知,在此填the liveliest。‎ ‎64. collections。考查名词。设空处作宾语,应用名词collection,且collection作“收藏品”讲时为可数名词,故填collections。‎ ‎65. enjoyable。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处作定语修饰nightlife,故填形容词enjoyable。‎ ‎66. decorates。考查一般现在时。设空处作定语从句的谓语,主语是style,且由主句时态可知,在此用一般现在时,故填decorates。‎ ‎67. that。考查连词。so ... that ...意为“如此……以致于……”。‎ ‎68. including。考查介词。设空处作后置定语修饰choice,意为“包括”,故填including。‎ ‎69. To。考查介词。to one's credit意为“值得赞扬”。‎ ‎70. preserved。考查过去分词作宾语补足语的用法。设空处作宾语补足语,preserve与them(指代art and culture)之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且preserve所表示的动作已发生,故填preserved。‎ 短文改错:‎ ‎71. ... while I suddenly ... while → when    ‎ ‎72. ... put my coat on me ... 去掉me        ‎ ‎73. ... in the hurry ... the → a             ‎ ‎74. ... his dad wanted ... his → my     ‎ ‎75. ... didn't buy something.      something → anything ‎76. ... I decided go ... go前加to ‎77. ... try to choose ... try → trying ‎78. By the end ... By → In ‎79. ... tell my mum ... tell → told ‎ ‎80. ... looked at me strange ... strange → strangely One possible version:‎ Dear Sir, ‎ I am Li Hua, an exchange student from China. I've planned an autumn outing for my class next week, and I am writing to ask for your permission.‎ First, the place we've decided to visit — the Forest Park is not far away from the city. We can either take a bus or ride a bike to get there. Second, the trip will provide ‎ us with a great opportunity to get close to nature and strengthen our team spirit. Third, we need to take some physical exercise to relax. Some teachers will join us to make sure of our safety.‎ Please take my request into consideration. We are all looking forward to receiving your permission.‎ ‎                                                        Yours sincerely,  ‎ ‎                                                        Li Hua        ‎

